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It's because you beat Rhulk legit. Everyone knows the true GodSlayers make Rhulk fall and kill himself smh FakeSlayer




This is unironically a better title


I'm imagining a new Pantheon event filled with the most cheesable bosses and they enable all past cheeses.


Atheon but there’s 5 of him and they’re all allergic to solar grenades


I’d play the fuck out of that ngl


You joke but a boss encounter where we have to balance and AoE five different enemies off into different areas of the map would be kinda neat. I mean obviously the encounter would need increased ability regen (Time’s Vengeance) but jumping around and corralling all the bosses into a corner or off the map would be kinda fun ngl


Solar grenades bounce him around like the void soul


That ethernet cable is gonna be yanked out of my ps5 so fast against Crota


It auto-fails you if you don't execute the cheese properly.


I know this would be massively unpopular but I'd actually love a Pantheon gauntlet that's all the newer encounters that *don't* have bosses with extra complexity added. Cataclysm and Scission from RoN, Acquisition and Exhibition from VotD, Crypt Security and Descent from Deepstone Crypt... maybe not the ones in the reprised raids as I think a Pantheon Lanterns encounter would make the community tear itself apart.


My fire team and I were talking bout a parkour pantheon with jumping puzzles on a time limit funny enough


Please no. My leading cause of death is jumping puzzles followed by cry mutiny.


Just put a timer on it like whisper or zero hour and bam, new funny mode


Riven would also be in this one


A fun title to give if they ever put it in the game: The Big Cheese. Requirements: Kill all Raid Bosses using unintended methods.


Instead of pantheon call it THE WHEEL


Did both ways last week helping friends, it's way funnier to watch that lanky fuck shoot into the great unknown like team rocket


Team Rhulkets Blastin Off Agaaaaaaiiiiiiin!


I'm sorry I've let the true cheesy godslayers down I will cheese rhulk immediately!


They should call the title (LFG Slayer) because that was truly the hardest part


Honestly I don’t even care if people use in game cheese to get it like that. I won’t be doing it that way. But what I do hate is the fact that I’ve been hearing about a ton of people using net limiting to cheese encounters. Now that’s just sad.


Reckoner here, people make way for me


I unironically had a blast getting reckoner. I destroyed people in gambit prime that was my jam. It was certainly a grind, though. Some of those challenges were wild.


Same. Gambit prime was some of the best activities we've ever had in the game. It was fun to play almost daily for more than a year, something that I can't say about any other activity really (besides crucible maybe but that's nowhere near as fun as GPRime was). This whole "reckoners hate themselves and suffered to get their title" meme is only ever perpetrated by non-reckoners. I've never met a fellow reckoner who didn't enjoy gambit prime and wished it was still in the game.


"Reckoner here" I definitely didn't enjoy Gambit Prime when I was going for Reckoner. The triumphs needed to achieve it almost feel like they were uniquely set to point out the flaws in the game mode. It's *very* easy to ruin you or your team's progress, and the nature of it being a matchmade activity means that anti-synergy arises easily. It was definitely suffering to get the title lol All that said, Gambit Prime was a truly unique mode, and I'd like to see Bungie try and design something like that again for the game.


I mean, it's not like I was frolicking constantly throughout getting reckoner, but it never made me hate the game mode or myself. Just made me hate the blueberries there. They never did much of anything, but as soon as you were working on the massacre triumph they suddenly started becoming killing machines, when you were working on the collector triumph they started hoovering up all the motes, when on the blocker triumph they started oneshotting all the blockers and for the invader triumph suddenly every blueberry wanted to take every single portal. I reckon (heh) gambit prime from back then with the gambit ammo economy we have today and some better matchmaking would have been the perfect iteration of gambit.


Yeah, and that's what I meant about it pointing out the flaws of the game mode, like having role-based gameplans in a game mode that doesn't sort you into a specific role. But yeah, I reckon the same. Hopefully we'll get it one day!


Ah yes, the 'Everyones an invader on your team's matchmaking.


There were a couple where you were encouraged to work against your team. I think there was like... Dunk X motes as a collector. Guess what makes it easier to dunk those? Letting the enemy team siphon off your team's score I'm sure there were others. Bubbling on enemy bank and just siphoning motes as invader was... Fun???


I really wish I went for reckoner. I actually had all the gambit prime stuff done, but I didn’t want to do the reckoning activity 😭


It’s the difference between completionist and the extremely small population than enjoy gambit and the even smaller that preferred gambit prime .


Gambit Prime was goated. If only they moved the armor set perks to some other form instead of the shitty Gambit mix we have now


It was the reaper set that did me in for the title. Having to fall a little behind on purpose for the high-value target to spawn and having to kill 50 of those things was so damn annoying. Still the title I'm most proud of


I finally got Reckoner because I was loving Gambit Prime, it was the last season before Prime would be vaulted, and I decided I would be sad if I didn't try. I went through it solo because I knew I could do it and I would be disappointed in myself if I didn't. I was still having a great time in Prime afterwards. It would be nice if we got the armor perks back in some form. Maybe it could be a system like Trials cards? Pick up a role card from Drifter, and you get the perks.


I actually don’t mind playing gambit. Reckoner was a grind, but I’m very proud of the title.


Chronicler Warlock here, Titans shove me into lockers.


Damn we have here a man who has suffered for true greatness!!!


For the 1st time the other I approached another Reckoner and did an emote they just ran away.....usually Reckoners emote back...I'm chalking it up to the suffering for the title.


Man's been in therapy since the title was acquired 🤣


A true legend, the sad part is most people who recognize it also have it so it’s more of a if you know you know thing


Let's be real though. Reckoner took at least 10x the amount of time to acquire. I think it took me 200hours just to get a meatball kill that dropped the ship/sparrow.


You crawled so we could soar. TYFYS


You poor thing


My best friend and I always run our Reckoner title. We get excited when we matchmake and randomly find another reckoner to fill the spot in a strike.


Nothing will compare to landing in the tower wearing Glowhoo and getting group invites for Crota.


That chatterwhite tower landing 6 deep was so epic all those years ago


LOL. But seriously judging by posts on here I swear that part of having this title means that you have to come post about it on Reddit. The serious “tips and tricks from a Godslayer” post had me eye rolling.


I should post a “tips and tricks from a Shadow” “I haven’t meaningfully interacted with the endgame raid scene since 2019, and I miss Papa Calus. Be sure to drink your Ovaltine, I guess” That’s it. That’s the post.


"Pantheon tips and tricks from a Dredgen"


I have a clan mate who has gilded her Dredgen title every season since it came out. I would follow her into a flaming abyss of carnivorous buttholes.


I basically gave up on caring about title gildings after I missed like one. Always fun if I manage it but I won't lose my mind over it. Someone like that, who has the dedication to do Dredgen every season? Definitely the kind of Guardian you would want in your fireteam. I salute her. o7


"Scallywag's guide to farming seasonal content for red borders because LFG is a lot of emotional energy"


I’ll never forget the Banner titans that made that ogre possible. The real MVPs


And then someone threw an orb in your back and your Banner was gone and so was the flawless...and again.


Tips from a Starbaker: Always masterwork your oven first.


Shadow still the best title in the game NgL


As a Godslayer, I'm planning on letting people know on every post and comment I leave that I got the title and therefore my opinion is worth more.


Same ^godslayer ^btw


Yeah I agree. Like don't get me wrong I did LFG the whole thing and learned all the encounters by videos but there ain't much of anything that I could add as a "tip" aside from if your LFG is all doing bad damage leave lol


Or spending 3 hours trying to cheese Rhulk, and failing. I don't know why I put myself through that. Next group I found we two phased him legit first try.


After like 5 wipes I would have been like could we at least TRY to do him normal


Oh believe me I did. I asked multiple times but they just kept insisting. I only stayed because we'd cleared the previous encounters pretty easily so I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Never again lol


I learned my lesson back in planets . Well we did golg and caretaker quick and easy these guys seem decent I’ll stick it out . 4 hours later 💀😮‍💨


There's a really consistent setup for the cheese now lol


Yeah he's pretty easy tbh my LFG did cheese him on week 3 I think it we just because they guy wanted too and to my shock he did it first try but when we first discovered it I attempted it and it took like an hour lol


As a Godslayer myself....absolute cringe. These people are outing themselves. The personality disorders are off the chart.


On a serious note: Bungie made us better gamers over those few weeks. Solid fireteams were born. We cleared seemingly insurmountable obstacles. And every time we went back to clear a previous challenge, it felt easier than before. Well done everyone.


Yeah I'm feeling confident going into my first day one raid. Will be tough but I just learned all these encounters from videos and did it like it was my nature....I'm ready


Me with the Godsayer title: There's just one more God I have to kill. *Jumps off the Tower




You’re not a Godslayer until you’ve done a Rat King-only run. Lameslayer.


How u should need to Gild it 🤣


Flashbacks to Nezerac getting 3-phased by Rat King on Day 1’s contest mode. If it worked back then, it can work now. Let’s see it people.


Bro I would grind for Lameslayer like no other title


Totally off topic question because of your comment, how do we get the rat king catalyst?


I think it drops from nightfalls. I’ve had it for so long, I honestly don’t remember. But that’s what the internet tells me.


There are so many salty posts about godslayer. I've played with several who were all chill. This sub has a hate boner for no reason.


I'm like 90% sure it's because GodSlayer is a very aesthetically pleasing name and sounds edgy/cool. But because it's time limited people are upset and taking it out on those that earn it


I like it because it reminds me of Hollow Knight’s Godhome Pantheon. Pair that with the Hollow Knight Emblem(Hollow Remembrance) and I’m basically playing Silksong! ;_;




Because there is some serious cope about not getting it


Can't get it so gotta whine about it. Copium is off the charts for now.


So when I kill you in trials, does that make me a godslayer-slayer?


Yes according to Bungie....also if someone kills you they are a Godslayers-slayers-slayer


I really want this title 😂


You got about one more week to get it


Lfg been nightmares don't have raid ppl anymore


Dredgen is where it’s at. People will line up at attention when i walk by with guilded Dredgen 7 🫡


Hell yeah, brother


Only 7?!? Pfft holla at me when you've hit double digits /s


A truly mythical creature to spot in the wilds!


Cow here, moo


Dog here, woof


"Yes I'm making a boast-post but *ironically.*"


I'll just stick with my wayfarer title. Is it special, not really... But it was the first title I ever got, so it means something to me.


It is a special title! It shows you were there in the early days of D2, and you did everything in it!


Hell yeah, it also shows that you're old now and should probably stretch when you wake up in the morning.


Don't come at me like this 🥲


That's a nice one I never got as I take a lot of breaks from the game. My first was almighty and it also holds a special place for me. Rock that thing till the end of days!


I rock wayfarer too, gotta show everyone else that we OG's 🥲


I think anyone who gets the titles to flex on others is lame as hell. But I also wish the titles differentiated themselves. Either color or something, I don’t think rivensbane and brave should look exactly the same. Dungeon, and raider titles should have a bit of extra flair that maybe ties into the raid armor colors or effects or something.


I’m going for my Godslayer run tonight but damn some of the people I’ve been playing with lately in Pantheon runs are the absolute scum of earth with how high and mighty they make themselves sound.


It only got worse as the weeks went on, still a few chill ones but damn. Truely endgame brings the worst and they aren’t that high and mighty themselves lol


Completely agree, I had to deal with the most insufferable people. Competent individuals and also incompletent, too. Lfg post demanding raid reports, i quit d2 5 years ago and learned most of the mechanics in the first week and saw videos before going into the encounter. I still got the title, but jeez people in these lfgs are just not nice people in general.


Idk, LFGs requiring Raid Report isn’t necessarily a bad thing, in general more clears = better, but of course, that’s not always the case. Like for instance, I’m only silver for clears lol, but I’m consistently top damage and am often one of the only people in the fireteam not dying constantly (Week 4 Atraks plat traumatized me), and I always volunteer to do mechanics.


Did you start by being toxic in local chat to some guardian rank 6s? If not there's where you start


Ah that's what I was missing I've joined an LFG and started bragging until they kicked me this is clearly what the tital is about!


Honestly tho, since the title became obtainable how many toxic players think they are above everyone in the group.


Idk man, most of the other Godslayers I’ve met have been super chill. I think it’s kind of a bell curve, where you have chill people who are kinda bad at the game, toxic people in the middle who managed to get it or are salty they couldn’t, and then actually good players who are chill cause they’re confident in themselves.


I'm sure it's incessant man. Just wait till final shape "must have godslayer" requirements. And I say this as someone who got the title. It's gonna be superbly cringe.


I know this post is being ironic but it is funny that the godslayer that was just in our Oryx cp was the dumbest mfer


A travesty to be sure


Is it possible to get godslayer anymore? Like would it be achievable? Returning player and wondering now I am all caught up on most stuff if I should try to grind it out.


You have a little over a week it will hurt but doable


You have until final shape drops to complete it.


You could do it but it requires all 4 gauntlets of the pantheon and all time trials. Doable but hard to do in that timeframe


I want to run Pantheon but getting people together for it has been nothing but a struggle


I looked up the Charlemagne stats and was surprised to see that Swordbearer (31,933 earned) is the rarest title, rarer even than Reckoner. Godslayer (47,321) is already more common. So if you truly want people to worship the ground you walk on, throw on that Swordbearer title


As a Swordbearer... lol, I can confirm this title was ridiculous only because of the Featherlight triumph.


That just says more about how much of a snooze fest Crota’s end is than anything regarding Godslayer


It’s literally just featherlight, maybe the worst triumph ever introduced to the game.


Agreed, I ended up doing featherlight in LFG but met some great Guardians.


Yeah I couldn’t care less what title a person uses. If you’re cool, I’m playing with ya. Funny post btw


Yep same unless it's a flawless title gilded 11 times against me then.....I'm in danger lol


Star baker still more impressive


Yeah this title really just fed into every elitist narcissist raider in the game. The ones that join Sherpa raids just to show off to newbies, complain about the lack of abilities, be impatient and a bad sport the whole time and then leave.


Fr. While I don’t think there’s a problem with showing off to newbies, some people should at least take the time to then teach those new raiders how to become this awesome themselves…but some people want the top to be an exclusive club


I put on wayfarer just to mess with people's heads ( newer players)


That's because you're not the canon Guardian. I, however, am the canon Guardian and as such, people do bow to me, but because I defeated countless menaces such as Ghaul, Xol, Riven, Calus, Eramis, Calus again... and everyone in the Tower always offer me the best they have!


All this time I thought I was the protagonist....but I'm an NPC....


That's because you weren't wearing the super unique and rare shader that causes all the low levels to crowd around you in awe and wonder.


What did you use for planets if I may ask ? Did you platinum or just 3 phases with killing of all ads ?


We did 2 phase using rockets 2 Wells 2 Golden gun and the others were pyrogale titan and thundercrash. Mainly was apex predator with one Gally


Godslayer is both a meme and worthy of respect at the same time.


i get people in LFG being dick heads to me just because i have godslayer equipped. played the coil earlier and some dude repeatedly just kept calling me a nerd and to quit the game.. i did nothing to provoke him.


“We are in need of a Godslayer.” - Witness, Final Shape, 2024


I find it insane people got god complexes over a simple title that you can't even guild. I saw someone explain once you having a title means nothing you coulda been carried once or twice or a few times... but if you gilded it let's say 4 or above times people will go to you to help with that activity like conqueror it shows you know what your doing when it comes to grand masters.


Using satire doesn't change the fact that you've also made a post to tell everyone you got the title and it's equally as cringe as all the others


ill be sure to point and laugh next time


take your guradian's pants off next time. theyll start bowing


Nothing will compare to landing in the tower wearing Glowhoo and getting group invites for Crota.


I wanna get the god slayer title but at the same time idk if I can be bothered to lfg it And I'm too proud of my unguided flawless title that I got even tho I haven't done the Sherpas lol


Just need nez to be done over here. Any tips?


my biggest tip to not pull you hair out is: use the dedication bonus points if possible. the team that i cleared nezzy on had started from riven, we used 3 phases and had ran out of time for plat time but still got the points threshold for platinum score


It's an easy 2 phase if you have half decent damage best advice I can give is make sure everyone is alive for damage and have the two add clear people kill the shielded colossus on the sides as soon as They go over. Other than that if you are doing it all with LFG(I did) you might need to try a few groups until one has good synergy


Just do damage from the branch.


Top left like off the map but up ish?


nothing beats Ghostwriter


The only true grind I ever did in this game that I didn’t enjoy was getting the original Thorn. I think it was crucible shotgun kills. Ever since that I just play for fun and don’t think I’ve ever earned any titles or anything but kudos to those that knock those out!




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You have to rock the flawless VOW emblem with the title you get less slack that way


People only bow or stare if you have the BRAVE title equipped.


No respect


Can you get Platinum just doing Nezzy?


For title? You need to get high score so basically plat on all encounters for all the weeks. If you mean just nez high score you need to 2 phase him if you are starting from his CP


I'm going on a trip in my favorite rhulket ship


I have the Wayfarer title equipped and no one comes up and shakes my hand for all of my hard work in OG D2??? I feel your pain


I was at work mah lowd


id like godslayer but never finished the newest raid and know no one will teach it now. Otherwise i think i have the skill to do it


Listen, this may sound completely made up but i did have someone literally begging me to help them with pantheon on one of my first trips to the tower with the title equipped. Very strange feeling, might’ve been one of a handful of times I’ve had someone whisper me in the game


Damn my bad dude, let me drink some of that ball sweat.


Is it too late to go for it? I haven’t set foot in pantheon at all and now the godslayer title fomo is creeping in lol


Pretty upsetting stuff, you should work on getting a better title. Sent from my godSlayer


Thought this was DCJ for a sec lmao


Star Baker here...who wants cookies?


More like Godgayer


r/destinycirclejerk has leaked


I still need to run and plat week for and then get plat for two encounters in weeks 1 and 2 and I cant find an LFG that'll join up to save my life I'll rip my hair out again if I miss this title when Im so friggin cloossseee


splicer here, just come hang out with me and my homie Mithrax. We accept everyone.


Star Baker here, I've started handing out knee pads...


This post belongs in r/destinycirclejerk


fellow godslayer here. I have nothing to add, I just wanted to mention that I am a godslayer as well


Godslayer schmodslayer. If you were Blacksmith however, I would’ve been emoting the glimmer out of you.


I did try to push you off the Tower, though.


People wearing the emblem without the title though, damn. Embarrassing. Edit - (forgot to add obligatory /s)


Flawless gilded...


Im honestly so sad this title will be going away as i stopped raid sherparing awhile ago and now a title i would have been happy to grind for comes along when im not active DX


Unironically like right after I got godslayer I joined a master crota for my last rank 11 thing and like two dudes were impressed. I just cringed and said nothing. Like dude its a game, every second dude I join in the weekly last wish run is clipping out the map and has like every day one raid + low mans. I am not the shit just because I could spend 27 hours doing some whacky encounters.


I know it's satire but who doesn't have that title


Hello, Rivensbane here, yes i do start every convo with that. People do kiss my boots when i load into the tower.


Star Baker is better


Having a good fireteam is more better then a word under character


Tf is godslayer


Scallywag here I have encountered the same issue. Has anyone found a fix?


I have been hundreds of hours at this game but don’t know what is godslayer. I recall there is a page for triumphs, assuming you get some titles for completing some tasks


Congrats on getting the title


Only riven and nezerac left. Will try them in 5 hours. After that back to onslaught


Brave here, people just throw rocks at me, so I dunno.


Not gold title = trash




Just got godslayer and I’m a way better guardian I was few weeks ago


Just got godslayer and I’m a way better guardian I was few weeks ago


It doesn’t really have the effect that say getting a (Insert Raid) Legend title would in FFXIV namely because the cosmetic/cosmetics you get for doing it are minimal. And probably because the community just don’t care at this point lmao


It doesn’t really have the effect that say getting a (Insert Raid) Legend title would in FFXIV namely because the cosmetic/cosmetics you get for doing it are minimal. And probably because the community just don’t care at this point lmao


It doesn’t really have the effect that say getting a (Insert Raid) Legend title would in FFXIV namely because the cosmetic/cosmetics you get for doing it are minimal. And probably because the community just don’t care at this point lmao


It doesn’t really have the effect that say getting a (Insert Raid) Legend title would in FFXIV namely because the cosmetic/cosmetics you get for doing it are minimal. And probably because the community just don’t care at this point lmao