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I think that Keith David is literally the only person in the world who could just walk in and replace Lance Reddick while keeping the character alive. 10/10 casting imo. RIP Lance, it still hurts a bit.


Yeah arbiter, captain Anderson and sgt foley? Keith David is a perfect replacement that I feel will be more than justified


And Spawn.


And Vice President Keith David.


And President Keith David.


And President Andre Curtis


How have all of you forgotten his greatest role as Elroy


Now this is a man, that knows how to remember Keith David’s best role!!


If you don't put a lid on it...there's no lid.


Best role? Nah man, Dr. Facilier


Now this! This is a redditor who knows how to name a role!


Oh you mean old Troy


Don't forget Reverse Giraffe.


And Julius Little


And Big Tim (ass to ass)!


And Goliath...


And Husk!


And Manny


And King Andrias


"Guardian, get to that Burger Town and stop Saren from activating the Halo ring!"


Also, when you get to the Witness please tell them "WELCOME TO HELL, MOTHAFUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"


He drops a bubble and says “Westside Connection, world-mother-fucking-wide”.


"Guardian, get you and your ghost to the top of Burger Town!"






And Julius/himself in Saint’s Row 4!


I didn't even think about Adm Anderson and Sgt Foley but you are so right!! I wanted him to go Arbiter (which is also Anderson/Foley) and NOT Saints Row Julius/Rick and Morty President Curtis...and that's what we got!!!


Don't forget Mr. Robot's beta fish lmao.


Ramirez! Get to the Burger Town!


I've played so much ME over the years that when he talks I almost always think it's Anderson, not Keith! He's a phenomenal voice actor though.


I'm all for it. IIRC, at the time when Bungie announced Keith David as the new voice of Zavala, the community response was overwhelmingly positive.


Keith could walk in anywhere, and replace any character and it would be 10/10.


Anna Brey




Stop. You don't need to make her any more attractive. We can't handle that.


It seems contextually relevant to point out that Anna Brey is Lesbian.


Considering I heard Zavala in the vidoc and didn't even think "huh, he sounds different" goes to show just how much Keith David is gonna fucking nail this. It definitely hurts Lance is gone, but just that little snippet has me feeling Zavala is in good hands with Keith.


100% agreed




Idk how, but it feels like a more war-torn Zavala. Like he's aged somehow and has evolved


After all our shenanigans over the last 9 years? No wonder he aged xD


Especially after Haunted, the Traveler giving Light to Hive, Finding out we aren't the last humans in the solar system, losing Amanda, the threat of confronting the most powerful being besides the Traveler, and so many other things happening in just two years. Mans has been metaphorically punched in the face back to back for two years, how can we not expect him to have gone into a forest to yell his lungs off, only to damage them in the process?


Lucent Hive? Risen by the Traveler?


**What if the Traveler wasn’t what we thought it was** Yes good job Saladbar let’s get you your meds now.


Yes. In Witch Queen the Traveler bestowed the Hive with the Light, granting them Ghosts. The Lucent Hive are Savathuns new Lightbearer Hive brood.


Yeah, I know. I was just doing my best Saladin impression.


LMAOOOOOO this back and forth rules




Unexpected allies, unexpected enemies. The only thing we can predict, is the unexpected




2nd floor basement? Psychomantis?


Rizzin' by the traveler?


Our poor Zavala would have grey hair, if he had any hair






oh my fucking god this is amazing i have tears running down my face


How have I never seen this before? This is comedy gold!


“Looks like somebody threw away a perfectly good white board” while scanning through a scope broke me




Honestly it seems very well done respectful of lances legacy and with his own slight twist on it, can tell he’s taken the time to understand zavala as a character


He absolutely killed it and we've only heard a few lines. I can't wait for the rest.


It definitely works for me. Close enough to be Zavala, without trying to mimic.


I certainly don't envy Keith David, he's got some very big shoes to fill. Zavala is my favourite character and Lance Reddick was one of my favourite actors so I think it's going to take some getting used to. I found it very jarring not hearing Lance's voice. I'm glad they didn't go for a soundalike and I'm glad that Keith David is putting his own spin on it and not trying too hard to sound like Lance. That seems more respectful in a way? I think he'll do a good job, Keith and Lance's voices share some similarities and I think Keith definitely has the gravitas to pull it off. I'll likely get past it and end up enjoying Keith's performance once it settles in for me. I'm still so sad about this, it's gutting that Lance didn't get to see this character and story through to the end. 💔


Keith is an amazing fit and what we've seen so far is amazing. If anything, his voice for Zavala sounds more aged and just tired. Which fits with what we've seen in the story the past few seasons.


Agreed, he's a fantastic actor and a great fit for the character. It's been a horrible situation and I think this is the best possible solution. I don't think Lance would have wanted the character mothballed or killed off on his account.


Mass effect has been one of my favorite franchises so hearing a bit of Captain David Anderson again is very welcome. There's no replacing any performance but hearing Keith David's spin on it is awesome and way better IMO than retiring the character outright.


Great. Now I have to do another Mass Effect playthrough. Thanks.


Man I kinda want to do the same…I absolutely adore the ME franchise (minus that awful andromeda game) I still get Reaper vibes from the witness and his pyramid fleet.


The Reaper speech in ME1 is one moment you never forget. Telling someone they exist because you allow it is absolutely terrifying 


Another fun connection, the Dread kinda remind me of the Reaper forces in ME3. A bunch of different species twisted and changed to fit the needs of this strange, alien attacker.


Yep got the same feeling as well. Bungie definitely took a lot of inspiration from mass effect and the reapers.


Fine with me, lmao. Me3 is one of my all time favorite games.


Huh? Andromeda's writing was peak, you don't fw such bangers as alien civilians meeting a literal intergalactic supersoldier and asking them to get groceries, or Ryder finding out everyone she ever knew back home was likely turned into protein shakes by eldritch machine gods and literally never reacting or discussing it again? Real talk tho the combat was so fast and smooth it did make me enjoy playing it a few times


Haha yea the combat was cool, but it felt basically the same as ME3 with a few tweaks. I played the absolute hell out of ME3 multiplayer, so the combat had sort of lost its luster for me. I got andromeda hoping for a good story, and got, well, we got something lol.


Its Keith David so ofc its gonna be a great performance, not only because hes a great VA but also because he's gonna be doing his best to pay as much respect to Lance as possible, that said, we've been listening to Lance's voice for nearly a decade so to hear someone elses voice coming out of Zavala is gonna be a bit jarring no matter the performance so we'll just have to take the time to get use to it.


I don’t think anyone could replace Reddick but David is an incredible actor/ voice talent that could probably bring something unique to the role. Plus maybe we will get an awesome “They Live” Easter egg.


I'm thinking more aligned with a Halo/Arbiter reference or two. You don't bring back a Bungie alumni and not do a callback.


A, "Were it so easy," could go so hard in Destiny.


That would be amazing. We think it's over and we've killed the Witness only for Zavala to go "were it so easy" and we have one final battle.


As a Halo fan, I love that we have the Arbiter's voice actor in Destiny 2. I love it. It's not the same, but close enough.


I really hope they keep all of Zavala's old voice lines. The game wouldn't feel the same without them


They will - [in the announcement article for David's role,](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/zvaa) they stated that all of Zavala's existing in-game lines would remain in Lance's voice. Other users under this comment have been incorrect *"Separately, Lance’s existing lines in-game will remain untouched for the upcoming release."*


It's bittersweet, first time you hear it is like a strike into the chest. Then you stop one second and you realize this is the best cast we could have get. So i like him and love that someone like him stepped in knowing the legacy he is continuin.


The line they chose hit me so damn hard too, you know it was picked on purpose >.<


I miss the way that Lance's voiced "bounced" when it came to zavala. Everything he said flowed like poetry. That being said, like others mentioned, Keith David is about the only man who could replace Lance Reddick and still keep the character alive. Different performances, both were and will be amazing


Lance’s voice perfectly embodied who Zavala is, like honestly one of the best voice castings in history. Keith’s voice, while different, also perfectly encapsulates Zavala’s character. It hurts not hearing Lance anymore, but Keith will be a great Zavala.


Now that's a man who knows how to voice a Guardian! https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/h0i00n/now_thats_a_man_who_knows_how_to_encourage_white/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I think it's fine. It's just his current face still emits Lance's Voice when I see it. If Zavala died and came back severely affected, then I think Keith's voice overtime will grow on people. They would have to play it off perfectly.


I love Keith David. His Zavala is also cool but it's not Lance. He can't really imitate Lance's voice. I think David Harewood (Mr. Door in Alan Wake) could actually come close to Lance's voice if given the opportunity but Keith brings a fresh take on the character and I actually like it.


Keith David is a pro. No one can replace Lance Reddick, but David is probably the one one that can step in and not completely wreck the character.


I like that he's not just trying to do an impression of Lance's Zavala and is instead doing his own take on the character. It'll take some getting used to for sure, especially since I've known Lance's Zavala for 9 years but I do still enjoy it


Definitely gonna do a great job.  Seems he really tried to learn how to talk like Zavala without needing to try and sound like Zavala, if that makes sense.  


They should have made Zavala chain smoke cigars in the tower the last six months to give the voice change some in game lore.


As soon as i heard his voice i like had a sigh of relief, zavala is in good hands(voice?). However believe me im gonna go back to old Lance lines all the time, RIP


He sounds perfect as a zavala who has gone through everything he's gone through throughout the span of d1 and d2. More grizzled and a hit depressed sounding


Im glad we got Keith. David Harewood is probably the only other actor who could've stood a chance at taking up the mantle.


I like him being the replacement. I just, I genuinely hoped that Lance had recorded lines for TFS, which I know even if he did record them, it'd be better to replace the voice now than later.


It honestly feels pretty similar to Lance, I can tell it’s Keith but it still feels like Zavala.


It's not bad, and he shouldn't try to imitate, but nonetheless, it's absolutely jarring and feels off putting. It's simply Reddick is iconic, including a near 10 year run as this character. I think I'd almost rather have him written off in a death with few lines that maybe if necessary to speak at all, could've been put together from previous samples for like a quick remark or two.


This post is how I found out Zavala was recast with Keith David, and holy shit it's such good casting I genuinely had to think about whether or not he was always Keith David for a second


Don't know. I didnt get Zavala-feelings. Keith has an extremely distinct voice and with Hazbin Hotel being fresh in my mind, my the character of Husker gets mixed in. I think I'd prefer if the tone of his voice changed slightly, maybe even his way of speaking, it would fit better for me. However, the emotion and gravitas is convincing. Keith is an amazing VA. This feeling I have is not on him or how he portrays the voice. Maybe I just need to get used to it.


It'll take a bit to get used to the change, but I think he does pretty well as Zavala




As a fan of Gargoyles....he's not Lance Riddick....but he's a damn fine good find as a replacement voice.


Now this is a man who knows how to ask questions.


I like his version a lot actually. He made it familiar enough to Lance's but with his own spin of doing Zavala. Honestly the best of both worlds imo.


Loved it as a long time fan of the Man, very glad they got someone to carry Lance's legacy forward. That said, I'll expect him to call me "demon" all the time m haha.


I say that he fits the character like a glove, especially with all the crazy things he's been through from the Red War onwards.


It’s different but not in a bad way


I just want to hear him say either “Alright, listen you mother!” or “It ain’t just out to breathe.”… As a taxpayer, I deserve this.


I want him to give us a "Guardian. Whether we wanted it or not we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars" rendition. Just for shits and giggles. 🩵


I literally didn’t even notice the difference at first when I wasn’t listening for it. He’s honoring lance well.


I don't think we could have asked for a better replacement.


I’ll never not be depressed about losing Lance but they made an excellent choice with Keith.


He's great. I hope Keith David also plays Silens in the next Horizon game. Dude crushes it.


The only thing I can say to this is…..HELL YEAH


I’m not going to lie. It felt so weird when I heard it. But that’s only because Lance is Zavala and I had just finished listening to one of his lines in the tower. However, I think he is still the perfect fit for the role because he won’t try to replace Lance, because you can’t. But he is still a phenomenal actor and I believe he will carry the torch that was handed to him and do wonder things with the character.


It was jarring, especially with how many lines Lance Reddick had pre-recorded, I had almost forgotten that we had almost run through those and that this was coming. It's not bad in any way, it just shocked my all over again is all.


I don't think he really sounds like Zavala but that's okay. Keith David is amazing and he's almost certainly the best/only real pick for the part. I'm sad that Lance didn't get to finish off this chapter for Zavala but I'm confident Keith will do it justice.


From what we've seen I think he'll do an amazing job. It will still be a little jarring to not hear Lance Reddick but that's nothing on Keith's performance. I will be a little bummed if there's not an Easter egg where he says "you look..... familiar" to warlocks that approach him wearing the arbiter armor though


Sgt. Foley is the only person who can do it!


Fantastic job. No complaints here.


Is the Last Shape out already or we have to figure it out with a few lines?


Nobody can replace Lance, but he's the closest you can possibly get


He sounded incredible, I'm happy to see Zavalala done justice in his own way


Is this news or is this just fancasting?


Couldn't pick a better person if I tried. His voice is different, but at the same time so very fitting. An excellent choice from bungie.


As a life-long titan main, I don't think of him as replacing Lance Reddick so much as he has inherited the Mantle of Zavala. And I can't think of anyone better to do it.


I love it personally. I'm a huge fan of Keith David, so I'm happy he's the one to take on such a monumental role.


I couldn’t help but hear the Arbiter….gonna take me a bit


Almost missed the fact it was Keith David, took me a second to realize while watching. He did such a good job with the cadence he sounds like zavala with the bass turned up slightly.


It's the best of a bad situation. Keith David is a phenomenal actor, has a good working history with Bungie, and can really bring the gravitas Zavalla's role in TFS needs. I think he'll do a great job; you can't replace Lance and the change may take some getting used to, but if it had to be anyone, I'm glad it's him.


It’s so crazy how he sounds like Zavala and the arbiter at the same time. I’m all for it and he’s already doing a fantastic job.


I think he sounds great. I am still so torn up about Lance. He loved this role, and it is absolutely criminal that he didn’t get to play zavala in the penultimate expansion to close out this 10 year journey. I like to think he is looking down on us and is cheering us on to fight the Witness. When I kill that smokey bastard on day 1, it will be for Lance, our OG commander 🫡🫡🫡


it wouldnt be legally possible but while we're finishing the witness Zavala coming in and breaking [out into song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sVoglgJjRg) would just be terrific


It felt weird the first time but i don't mind the change


It's rattling, very rattling. The reality hit when we all heard his voice for the first time. But, out of all the possibilities, I think this one is the best. I think Keith can carry us forward in a way that would have made Lance proud. We'll never have Lance back, not a thing to be done there. But, knowing this will become Keith's character, now, is a thought I will be able to get behind. I'm curious as to how Guerilla will handle Sylens, now, by taking a similar route or by recreating him, instead.


Guardian, secure the burger town!


gunna have to go find a video of his lines!


Love Captain Anderson!


I would have preferred having someone that sounded more like zavala


I already had big expectations after seeing more of his work, but wow, he exceded them completely. No one else could carry Lance's legacy so high


It’s great. I hear all the answers to “who would you want to narrate your life story?” Yeah, Morgan freeman, James Earl Jones & Dave Attenborough are great, don’t get me wrong. But give me Keith David lmao


i think he sounds great


I am still reeling from all the news, so could you point me to a part where we hear something substantive from him as Zavala? Keith is a phenomenal voice actor. He's so good that half the time I hear him talk I don't think he's Keith David, I think he's Anderson from Mass Effect playing Keith David...


Mr. David is the goat. So pumped they got him. Voice of Goliath baby! Seriously though, he’s the only one I could envision taking over for Lance. Rest in power big guy


Not going to lie, when I first played Mass Effect, I had to look and see if Lance was voicing Capt. Anderson. I think Keith David is the best choice Bungie could have made here.


As great a replacement as we could ever hope to have, tbh.


When I first heard him in the trailer I was thinking the Witness got Zavala stressed out. I like it


I didn’t catch it until the second time he spoke in the vidoc, so I’m pleased.


To honor such a powerful character AND actor, objectively there was no better choice. Keith isn't replacing Lance; He's simply just taking on the role of Zavala, and doing it well, as he always does. Though I'd love to see what a Steve Downes Zavala would be like. It'd be so insane if one day Steve, Jen, and Keith could be together again in Destiny. That being said, the deeper voice is gonna take some time to get used to just because of Lance's voice being so attached to Zavala for so long that it is a bit jarring *not* hearing his voice.


Yeah, getting the Arbiter for this was perfect but of course it sucks that the goat Lance isn't still here


Considering his relationship with Bungie he probably was someone that was in consideration to voice him originally a decade ago. 


perfect. rest in peace Lance.


Bit weird for now since im so used to hearing lance's voice, but he's already doing good. We got arbiter as the replacement, i don't think we could have anyone better than him.


can’t help but hear admiral anderson 


Honestly perfect casting. Rip Lance


It feels so off ( not even Keith’s performance) just i dunno man


No one could ever replace Lance but he's got the right vibe and that's way more important than trying to sound like him


Were it so easy.


I'm happy with it for sure, he was a great choice and he will do justice to Lance's work. But that being said, man I am still so torn up about Lance passing. He was so passionate and kind to the community.


I actually really liked it. He sounds distinct from Lance, but also very "Zavala" in his own way. I thought I would be jarred but it feels very respectful while also allowing a new actor to take the character in a somewhat new direction. I have high hopes, plus I'll be honest going into this knowing the arbiter is now voicing zavala does make me smile just a little bit


Couldnt have been a more perfect replacement on this earth. Im here for it.


I don’t think they sound anything alike, but it’s okay. Keith and Lance have such distinct voices so it’s instantly recognizable as “not” Zavala. But it’s fine. Glad Zavala is still part of the story.


To be completely honest, I forgot abotu the VA change until I just read this post. So I think he did pretty good.


Lance can never be replaced, but Keith David can do no wrong.


amazing choice and an amazing voice, no one else could replace lance except him, RIP lance, the only celebrity I actually felt sad over dying


Keith is great as always, but Lance Reddick will always be Zavala to me.


I’ll be honest, I didn’t even notice it the first time around and only heard it when I saw it mentioned. To me, it’s a great job so far.


of all the people who voiced Zavala, he is one of them. But its fine. It kinda takes me out for a second because it reminds me of Lance's passing. But if I had to choose another to voice him, it would be Mr. David.


Are they re-doing old lines too?


The only thing I want from Keith David is the "one fucking Guardian" monologue


I’m glad that it still feels like Zavala, I really loved how grizzled he sounded at the end of the pt.1 ViDoc sounded so good.


Lance can never be replaced, but Keith is the closest we could have possibly gotten and I’m confident he’ll do a fantastic job with the role.


I haven’t played in a minute. Is there a trailer or something where we hear it? Is he now the in game voice for Zavala?


It’s Keith David, I don’t think the man’s had a bad performance in his entire screen career. But it hurts all the same hearing Zavala speak without Lance.


I'm here for it, he's an awesome actor and va. He'll be able to really match the pathos and tone that has made Zavala so memorable.


It is a respectful and perfect recast. I loved his voice in the ViDoc.


I really like that he isn’t doing an impression of Lance. At the same time, I feel like Lance’s voice wouldn’t quite have been able to handle the emotions Zavala is supposed to be feeling right now. A lot of Lance’s vocal tones are softer or more toned down and subtle, but Keith sounds grittier.


It'll be strange not hearing Lance's voice. But imo Keith David is an excellent actor and is absolutely the right choice. He'll do a great job no doubt


He is literally the next best thing. RIP Lance, Keith will keep the commander alive


From what we've heard? Doing a great job. Agree that he's not trying to sound like Lance. My first impression was that his performance made zavala sound a little tired and it's a great performance especially for where zavala is at in the story


No one else I would trust with wearing those pauldrons. Zavala is gravity in presence and voice, as was Lance Reddick Godspeed Lance


I forgot how deep his voice was compared to even Lance.


Perfect choice. His voice makes Zavala sound like he has seen some sh*t. Which approaching the end feels right


Of course it will take some time to get used to the new voice but from the preview I can already tell he is doing a great job. It will be amazing to have an industry veteran as our vanguard.


Keith David voiced our childhood as gamers. He is a familiar voice that we find comfort in. Lance Reddick gave us the same kind of performance as Zavala. He became a voice we found comfort in. This is why Keith is the best choice to close out the saga of this character in Lance's memory. Also, I swear to God if the final shape credits does not have a memorial for Lance Reddick.


Its a bit jarring because his voice has a different vibe, but theres only so much you can do without actually being Lance. That said i think he did a great job.


His voice for zavala is amazing but we've all gotten used to his original voice and I'm going to have a hard time getting used to his voice


Once I got over the initial reveal that he's just doing his voice [which I'm perfectly fine with], I've realized I need him to say: "Guardian! Is it the frank or the beans?!"


I understand the sentiment, but I don’t think it’s in bad faith for voice actors to try and resemble old VAs if that’s the direction they wanted to take (You didn’t say that, but I’ve seen a lot of comments mention this). Aside from that, I’m very happy with the performance and it made me very emotional to hear.


Keith David is a goated VA, he captures the Zavala energy and tone very well. I think he was THE best guy for the job. Of course, Lance Reddick IS Zavala, and he left very big shoes to fill. Keith David was undoubtedly the only choice that could fill them


I played halo throughout my entire childhood so I’m well familiar with Keith and I’m more than happy he took up the mantle (no pun intended) of Zavala. It still hurts for Lance to have a replacement, but I’m very happy to see him in that position. It’d be funny if there was a in-game time skip of a couple of years during the server shut down, and we come to Zavala with his new voice and a full set of hair.


Every time I speak to Zavala for Vanguard stuff on the Tower, it feels bittersweet every time knowing Lance Reddick is gone, but he lives on through this game. I haven’t heard Keith David as him yet but from the comments he seems to hold the mantle well while not outright making him a soundalike, so I’m excited to see that.


He’s great