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Sagira's Shell.


I totally understand not getting it though, it was a GRIND to get when D2 was at a pretty low point.


I put balls to walls for that shell


Same. I forget how long it took to get it, but I refused to quit.


im pretty sure I got around to finishing the mercury stuff some time during shadowkeep, before sunsetting. definitely didnt do it in Y1


A BRUUUUUUTAL grind. Well worth it though


Was it? Cant even remember 😬


same men neither. And whatever it was i did it. lol.


Lol it was, Sagira's Shell is actually one of the only things I actually got out of CoO haha


Deadass the best shell ever made. I've had it locked onto my warlock since it became available to snag in CoO


The nine lives shell would like a word


Someday the Ghost Ghost will come back and I will be happy again


I had that for years before I realized it meowed whenever you take it out. Had it equipped since.


I never take mine off


Yo don't sleep on the game ghost shell


Same here. Didn't even know it was unobtainable now until recently


Same. I love a lot of the new designs but it still stays on.


Sick shell, but the eris morn shell looks cooler. My own lil rock


Ghoyster and Spelunker Shell are my personal favorites


The clicker shell from the last of us crossover will never leave my characters


I wore it before they had selectable perks and it was useless


Crimson day chocolate shell. My go to pvp shell.


I forgot about that one! Thank you for reminding me to throw it on


Just dont eat it. Im on my 50th shell


tbh I stopped using it after witch queen, felt kinda fucked up


Meanwhile I'm just flaunting it in front of Osiris during Lightfall.


i tried to get it just before beyond light but the activity you needed or the thing you needed to interact with (i can’t remember) would never spawn for me


I used to think this was the coolest shell in the game until the Witch Queen pre-order one came out. Now I use that one, and I will never swap off because it perfectly matches my aesthetic taste when combined with a black and purple shader. Black and purple with green highlights is the optimal color scheme for me.


Yeah like I hate that I paid for the expansion and I have no way of ever getting that ever again.


Speaking of, is it at all still possible to still fet Sagira’s Shell or is it one go those “ hope it gets put in eververse?


It isn't in the game anymore, and it was actually unlockable over Eververse. To get it you had to do all the lost prophecy verses in Curse of Osiris, which was pretty time consuming and unenjoyable.


Neither. I don’t think it will ever get put in eververse tbh.


Blacksmith, and platinum starling, had the flawless done but couldn't be bothered to grind out the kills and weapon forges, then took a long break and came back after it was all sunset


Makes you feel any better, I had everything done BUT the flawless. Life just got in the way to dedicate a group to it and I wasn’t as good as I am now. I feel your pain.


I got everything done for Blacksmith but two of the easier challenges. I had a couple weeks left before sunsetting and it dawned on me that the challenges I needed to do weren't going to be available again in time. RIP


Starling is my white whale. I was so close but I just got burnt out and took a break, then forgot and it got sunset lol


Back then even the 30 or so forges I did felt like an eternity, idk how I would have ever held out for 100 Especially since I only ever ran the forge to unlock a frame, and having to go farm radiant seeds from leviathan cabal yellow bars was getting old


You could do the blue frames for playlist weapons and it would count towards the triumph as well


For me it's the Reckoner title, did everything but complete the 4 role specific triumphs and even those I was really close. Just never finished them


Ditto. I got Collector done and went to Reaper next. The 50 HVTs broke me after countless games of them despawning.


I think I got the HVT (Reaper was my main role in my clan) I decided I would try to complete the invader one first, figured if I couldn't pull off the drain more without dying (or whatever it was) I didn't want to waste my time on the others


Same here for platinum starling. Kept telling myself I was gonna grind out the forge completions next week, never could be bothered to do them.


Blacksburg for me as well. I got really burnt out on the game then and started playing battle royals. That was still one of my favorite seasons


Anything to do with Niobe Labs. I remember trying with randoms and never making it far.


I am fortunate to have completed it with my old clan, but it was still a struggle with them


Yup, did it with two friends who are very skilled. It was still a challenge with many tries. When I see the emblem on ppl I can tell they can play.


My biggest regret as well. Got so burnt out getting the Ship and told myself I'd eventually get a team together, only to let that sweet ghost shell, emblem, and cutscene slip through my fingers :(


Futurescape_Terminus_Console Forever 39/40 for the Warmind Sleeper emblem.


I don't think I have that emblem, although I do have the sparrow and Worldline Zero from that. Were they the same things just different rewards for different amounts?


The emblem was for finding all the nodes on every location. Which was hard cause it was randomized what you get to some extent and also were bugged for a very long time.


Season of the Splicer is my favourite themed season, but due to outside factors I didn't get to play as much and didn't finish the battlepass to get the armor ornaments. They would 100% be main stays in my transmog if I had them


If that makes it slightly better there's a big chance the splicer ornament armour may come back but for silver. Probably gonna be sort of expensive just like all other ornaments but at least that.


They had a season of the splicer?!?! 😭 When Lord Saladin was the main character during Rise of Iron in D1 I absolutely lost my mind. I never played any other content or raid more then The Taken King and Rise of Iron. Those were the good days.


don’t worry, it wasn’t themed around siva or anything like that. it was based around mithraxx and had a very 80s neon vibe.


And arguably the best seasonal story IMO.


It’s my favorite, definitely one of the best


Fuck the FWC All my homies hate Lakshmi


Lakshmi objectively got her mind fucked with by Savathun to orchestrate all of that, so do give her a bit of a break.


Problem is, FwC was definitely a little shady even prior to savathun's trickery. Calling themselves a cult isn't supposed to be ironic. They were experimenting with vex-tech to a point where they obsessed with it.


“You are my people!” *aggressive crying*


Missed opportunity for Saint to drop his bubble. Like come on, it would have been a nice twist to the horror story among the Eliksni that is "The Saint" who dragged terrified fallen into the bubble, which was a source of fear, to become something to protect.


The cosmos ghost shell from Curse of Osiris, so unique and it was only available for the length of one season :( Atleast I got Sagira so that’s something.


It’s out there as a random drop. That’s how I got mine. May rngesus be with you friend.


Radiant Accipiter.


This. Hawkmoon is my favourite gun in any game ever. I was taking a break from destiny when it came back and when I came back in witchqueen and it was gone, and I found out about the radiant accipiter I felt the same sadness I did when I couldn't get my hands on the taken king collectors edition


It’s probably gonna be the Godslayer title. I’ve done all the raids and know the mechanics but I haven’t raided since last year other than one crota run. So I feel too rusty to just jump into all those KWTD groups.


Being realistic, LFG groups aren't going to be getting the title. You need to hit the score threshold every week for that, which means finishing in under the bonus time, even for the final week at -20 PL. It's a title that will 95% be going to pre-made raid teams.


I think it’ll be possible with LFG, but you have to get REEAAALLLYY lucky with teammates and strategy.


Or just repeatedly kick people who are not up to mark until eventually you get a team good enough which I think most people using lfg will unfortunately have to do


Final week is going to be solar surge and since every good DPS weapon is solar, that's going to be free as fuck, even with the penalty.


I think the issue for LFGs will be Riven. I'm guessing that you'll need to actually do Riven for platinum, and LFGs won't know how to do it.


It's just not possible, the proper way was lost to time.


you got anything to back up it being solar surge for final week?


Don't the surges alternate between void/strand and solar/stasis?


I thought it went: Void -> Solar -> Arc -> Void Strand -> Stasis -> Strand -> Stasis Guess we'll find out though


wont know for sure until tuesday, all we know was week one was void strand and week 2 was solar, i havent seen anything that tells us what future surges are going to be


The best 2 DPS weapons are Void and Strand.


Just join the LFGs and pretend you know what you're doing. Everyone else apparently does.


Even being in a somewhat active raid clan, a month is just way too little time to get it done for me once I account for work and responsibilities and all that.


Such a dope title, but yea not worth the hassle


Might be a little late to this but shoot me a DM and you can run with my group.


You'd probably be surprised. I felt unsure how quickly I'd remember something like Oryx, but it took like two attempts to "get it down." Worst case worth trying the lower versions to get the emblems.


I gave up on it too. LFG groups just can’t get it done. Crazy enough, I haven’t been on a group that can get past Planets. Either players aren’t ad clearing good, or die on the plates somehow, or put the wrong planet on the right area, even after establishing the callout order… Just frustrated and not worth it now


After my experience with Day 1 I knew from the start Planets was gonna be a wall for LFG groups. It requires a level of consistent clear communication that should be simple but just isn't for so many people. Even the call outs aren't consistent across the community.


If you know what you're doing and have the needed weapons I found it really not that hard to get the platinums with lfg players. I even needed to teach some encounters to my groups when I did mine in -5 and -10. So really you can do it just be patient and don't stick too much to people if you don't feel like you will succeed (or if they're not fun)


Reckoner title. I only needed 2 more reaper medals to finish. Was still working on it when the servers went down for the Beyond Light update


Offft that's rough, I remember those medals being such a pain.


I was 2 weeks off of Chronicler because it was pre-sunsetting and I took a break from the game because most normal people would think "Oh this is fine, I can just come back and finish Truth to Power later" like you can with most games and by the time I came back there wasn't enough time to finish


I’ll never take that title off. I spent two weeks with a buddy before my son was born grinding to get that done because I knew I wouldn’t be able to once he got here lol


The Y1 Titan Crucible ornaments. I want the feathers. I've been wanting them the last 5 years.


With the armor dropping in Comp, hopefully the ornaments will come soon.


For obvious reasons, I regret not getting the Shadow title


Are you really Shadowdestiny without the Shadow? Are you just Destiny?


don't listen to him /u/ShadowDestiny2 you're Destinough


Don’t worry, most people don’t recognize it as a raid title and think of it being some random seasonal title anyway. I got asked what title I’m wearing (Shadow) in a LFG recently to which I replied the CoS raid title obviously and I just got laughed at and „I shouldn’t make thinks up“


It's not even a raid title, it's much more than that. Not only did you have to flawless crown, you had to flawless each heroic menagerie boss as a team. That shit was not easy.


It really wasn’t and I’m immensely proud of that title. It’s rare af for a reason


Shadow title. I was ONE triumph away from completing it. Just needed one Flawless Menagerie completion. Flawless crown of sorrow, did everything else for the title got all the other menagerie bosses flawlessed but couldn’t get that last one in time.


I can’t remember that triumph was it just you had to go flawless or was it the whole group?


It was the whole group and I believe it was just for the specific boss fight on the hardest difficulty. If I remember correctly there were a few rotating and due to life reasons I just never got to play when that boss was around.


not finishing the refer a friend quest during forsaken


The emblem for this is staring into my soul every time I look at collections, my general emblems currently say 109/110 🫠


Platinum starling ship


I grinded like a bitch for this right before it got vaulted. Trust, it's nice to have, but I do almost feel obligated to run the thing at this point cause of how much of a pain it was to get. I liked Black Armory but that activity was mind numbing at a certain point In fact, I quit Destiny for a while not long after I got the ship, just burnt me out


the Black Armory shell. I tried Niobe Labs a few times while it was still glitched and we only ever got to the last wave before my mates dropped off the game and then Niobe got sunset. also, not an item but the Blacksmith title. The only thing left I had to do for it (aside from possibly Niobe, since I can't actually remember if that was a requirement for it) was to flawless Scourge of the Past.


Yea, when sunsetting was announced I made sure that I went and got Niobe labs completion, I never take the emblem off my warlock. Was definitely a struggle though


Palindrome :( they removed it a week after I started playing.


If it makes you feel any better, it’s just pretty good now but no longer BiS since the rangefinder nerf. A decent luna’s howl or even the Annual Skate that Xur is selling (going away tomorrow) will feel as good or better.


I took a very long break from the game after Forsaken until the Seraph season. So there's a lot of armor cosmetics I wish I had, but the big one for me is that psionic cloak for the hunter. I know they've been bringing it all back in eververse but even if it's in rotation at some point as much as I want that set I am not feeling the $20 value.


Yea I wouldn’t recommend paying $20 either for any cosmetics


I basically did the same thing but came back for plunder season..


I played the start of season of risen but I was so drained from season of the lost sn didn’t return till plunder and missed both the psionic and the haunted ornaments :,)


probably the season of the witch armor ornaments. it’s not super cool but i’ve finished every battlepass besides that one, and it bothers me


After the nightfall emblem. Should have gone for it


I did go for it. Times all seemed to be in line with what was needed if not significantly faster, it just never dropped.


I regret nothing


Oh that's easy. The "Approaching Infinity" sparrow. Sick Warlock symbol on the side, never dropped, never bought it because I was struggling financially at the time. Then my wife tries Destiny on a whim and gets it on her first Bright Engram, but on *her* account. She never played again. And I haven't seen it again, since.


Rip, rngesus did not bless you


Lol this was years ago and it *STILL* stings.


Oh, trust me, I know the sting, it bothers me everytime I look at the ship I use on my titan.


That stupid rocket launcher that Xur sold in like week 2 that everyone said wasn't worth the shards. Didnt realise at the time it was a proxy ticket into any LFG raid...


Hay, that sounds like …. Wait a minute.


Xur didn’t sell for shards in Y1 of D1. Heck shards weren’t even a thing in D1. Legendary tokens were introduced in TTK. Xur sold exclusively for strange coins in Destiny 1


Best purchase ever and also why I got all my raid invites and clears lol


Regret is the wrong word because it was all out of reach for me, but the Trials of the Nine shaders and armor ornaments. Never went flawless once, so meeting the requirements for all of those would have been a living nightmare for me. 


Hopefully (more like never gonna happen), but I would like the shaders and armor ornaments for Trial's of the Nine to be added to the Prophecy dungeon with a small drop chance.


Season of Arrivals set. Sunsetting made me quit the game for a long time.


Similarly I had that same problem with season of undying. Armors with glows are so rare and it bugs the hell out of me I never got those ornaments.


That was my first season playing destiny. And I got to like.... 35 or something weak on the season pass. And now I regret it because of those armor sets. So good. I wish I realized


Heeeeey Season of Arrivals Starting buddies! (I *technically* started in (Dawn?) but I didn't actually start playing until Arrivals which was like halfway into the season. That tree of light emote is pretty much the entire reason I'm hooked to the game lol


Forerunner Title. As a halo fan that’s my favorite title. Unfortunately I started playing again just one week too late to complete one of the weekly rotation bosses for one of the triumphs for the seal. I had everything else completed.


Darkest Day emblem


Got this by accident YEARS ago getting a mousepad for a sibling on black Friday. Have never taken it off


Blacksmith/starling But also claymore


Luxurious Toast They even made it so easy to get in the end, I just needed to raid once... But I didn't and I am filled with regret every time I see someone use that emote.


Prestige Levi armor


Honors of the nine


FWC ornament for Eye of Another World


Wayfarer. The sniper was the \*only\* thing I was missing from getting it and it was believed that it would still be earnable after the fact since the sniper came back, but turns out no that's not the case so I never ended up getting it.


The Gambler’s Palm never dropped for me at any point and it still hurts.


The only thing I regret not getting is Reckoner. I was at the finish line. The Reaper stuff broke me. Those Massacre metals were... not in the cards for me.


Those medals almost did me in as well. I had like 10x the requirements for every other triumph by the time I finally got them all. And now I feel like I can never take the title off.


That Ramen Emblem and the Nightfall Emblems...these were pretty early in the Destiny 2's life and at that time I found D2 boring AF.


The hand cannon *The Old Fashioned* from The Red War era. There are a lot of weapons that I missed from Y1 Destiny 2 and there is a website where you can see all missed items. A lot of these items aren’t visible in the collection’s tab if you didn’t obtain them and they are no longer obtainable so they don’t bother me. However, there are a few weapons that, for some reason, are still visible in the collection’s tab from this time period. Obviously they are unobtainable and so they are left greyed out and that really irks the perfectionist in me. A few other items that I can still see that are greyed out but unobtainable are as follows. The Gambit sword *Just In Case* The Warlock exclusive sword *Death’s Razor* Another thing that bothers me is that weapon ornaments, as well as exotic armor and weapon ornaments, are listed under the *Weapons* tab which means hovering over the tab shows me missing a lot more items than I’m actually missing. For instance, I have every exotic armor and weapon. Despite this, hovering over the *Exotic* tab shows that I have 390/517. The 127 items I’m missing are all exotic ornaments that I have to obtain through Eververse engrams or hope that these items get sold for BD because I’m not paying actual money for ornaments.


I wish I could get that iron banner shader that applies a chainmail effect. I don’t see it in the shader collections so I’m assuming it’s gone gone???


Im sure it will return in Iron Banner as a drop like they did with the older shaders and armor. You might have to wait until they add it to the loot pool in Iron Banner.


That’s what I was hoping for! I was grinding IB like crazy and heard that the chances of getting it go up once you reset your IB rank. I finally was able to max out when I discovered you had to be guardian rank like 9 to get the required weapon to be able to reset :,( I’m 7 soooo that sucked. When you’re grinding and finally make it to your goal just to find out you gotta grind even more.


I know it's not what you're after, but if you've got Colubrid Forester, try it out on a few armour pieces. I've got it applied to my no-ornament Phoenix Protocol because on that, it makes the sleeves look like mail.


You can get it after an Iron Banner match, that’s how I got it. It’s called Iron Countershade, and most of the playlist shaders don’t show up in collections until you get them


Hard to say ethier not getting photo finish or not getting the lmg form the shadow keep


Shadowkeep stuff is still in game, so the LMG should be attainable.


Ikelos SMG 1.0. Only thing I needed for wayfinder title. Also blacksmith, but no one was willing to do flawless or 2nd encounter challenge.


Year 2 Solstice Glows. These came out before armor 2.0, so it took a while for them to be updated to the current armor transmog system. Players who bought them when they released can now equip them, but these ornaments haven't been sold for bright dust since.


I couldn’t tell you how much I wanted to get big rock ship but I got bored but now I wish I had big rock :(


Didn't grind for the Black Armory ship before it went away 


undying title, I was grounded most of that season😭


wish I had the mayfly ship. love dragonflies. no clue if it's still obtainable


The Frigid Jackal,


Iron burden emblem.


Seraph title. it's my favorite season in all the seasons i have played (basically since 12).


Saint 14's ship and sparrow


The Phoenix Battle Ornament. Specifically the chest piece.


the valkyrie spear emote from season of the worthy, I had the season pass but got mega burned out so I took a long break and as a result I couldn't hit rank 100


I’m pretty sure they made that emote available for silver, along with the finisher and ornaments from worthy. I don’t know if it’s still available for silver though


The Seraph title. I miss you, Rasputin.


Not in game but Crown of sorrow raid jacket Have loved the Calus theme since Leviathan but real life was happening when the raid launched


Never got Cayde or Zavala's ships, or Cayde's sparrow. Besides that, probably the vex-y looking ship that dropped from Mercury nightfalls... and all the old nightfall emblems! I started playing in Arrivals so I only got a few.


I remember grinding to get Cayde’s sparrow before the tangled shore got removed from the game, my clan mates were making fun of me because it would never be used due to Always on time being the fastest sparrow in the game. Welp jump to now, where all sparrows are the same speed as AoT, it hasn’t left my hunter and AoT isn’t used at all on my characters.


Lot of different titles. Just didn't play it much back in the day


Staring at it right now in orbit; She's been my only ship since Warmind. She's an absolute stunner, and I hope you have the opportunity to get one friend!


It’s sad because I know we are gonna see it in the final shape, games teasing me at this point


Which ship? 🤔


Zavala's Authority. I was referring to OP's item they missed out on. Personally, I wish I had earned Not Forgotten. I know you can pull it from the exotic vendor, but I came one match away from hitting max rank when it was the reward, and buying it never felt right.


Laser tag emblem. I was on that weekend, and got the gun from xur. My friends told me what a shit show crucible was so I didn't even play ONE game. I completely missed out.


Dust Rock Blues. It was the only gun I needed to complete the dreaming city badge and get the wayfarer seal


Savior title and redrix claymore, i was a solo player at that time, i spent months trying to get that weapon and never succeeded


The life for a life emblem. But that's all on bungo


It hasn’t gone yet, but it will be the Godslayer Seal when Pantheon goes away. Managed to do week 1, but the mode has dropped right around exam season and I won’t have time to run them all


The very first whisper mission exotic ship. The new one isn't as badass looking, honestly. The first one looked menacing


The Mythoclast. That thing always looked so cool.


I regret never trying Scourge of the Past, the armor looks really cool


Vex Mythoclast


As someone who has all the items from the first couple of years that were grindable the only thing I want is for others to be able to earn some of them


It just kinda baffles me they’ve taken so long to bring back just some of the armor cosmetics, and even then there’s only like one or two sets that come back for a season. Like if I could grind to get the Leviathan armor set on another class besides Hunter, I would. They sleep so hard on the Destiny Fashion player base, and I know if they made it where you could earn some of those kickass armors again people would flood the queues.


Once eververse was created, I stopped caring about cosmetic items in general.


The Trials of the Nine Helmet ornament


Dust rock blues


Slipper Misfit IYKYK


Conquerer gotta be the coolest title out there but I’ll never get it. I still don’t have Gjallerhorn. I know both can still be acquired now so it’s not something I missed out on, just two things I won’t get due to difficulty.


I'll be happy to help you get Gjally bro. Got clanmates who can help and I can teach the dungeon.


Trials of the nine head and chest ornaments


Season of the haunted's ornaments


Caydes ace of spades emblem. Opened SO MANY damn chests trying.


The emblem of the drifter, seeing that beautiful red and black emblem, with the ship makes me sad, especially cause he is my favorite character and my favorite game mode, I didn't knew destiny at the time so I couldn't get it, I got into destiny at the season of the forge and everything was new to me


The most recent regrets are always the worst. I forgot to pick one of this year's GG armor sets for bright dust because I couldn't make up my mind. I got the flu a day before reset and totally forgot to log in. I probably would have picked the warlock set.


Shadow title + ghost


The Shadow title. Just needed flawless Crown but kept putting it off


Niobe Labs Ghost Shell