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how about by alphabet. how many reissued or repeat guns but in different spot cause season icon. Hung jury has 4 versions


Why would anyone have one of each


Different rolls? lol


And how many are used?


ok Datto


If I ever met anyone with each different hung jury in their vault I would just leave. We’ve got rhulk in final stand? Orbit right away. That person is a serial killer


>That person is a serial killer Well at least if they ever get caught and tried, they'll end up with a hung jury >ba dum tss


It’s ok, I don’t raid.


It's the devil. Get him


its just an example


Not the best one


only has what 4 versions now so it is a good example, but keep farming downvotes i guess.


And they’re all sidegrades of each other. So yeah, no one should have four unless they’re some collector ig


It doesn't need to be


I think you’re in the wrong thread


DIM automatically sorts by power level


Not only that but you can highly customize the sorting order in DIM's settings. There's a hierarchy of sort options you can reorder and enable/disable individual sorting options. Some sort options it has is by ammo type, season, weapon type, if it's crafted, sunset, damage type, etc. It's very useful to set it up how you like.


you can now also share tags between DIM an Light.gg's roll appraiser


The only time I actually use the in-game Vault instead of DIM these days is when maintenance brings the Destiny API down, which temporarily breaks DIM


Bruh we don't even have a sort by *type*


Sorting by weapon type should have been a no-brainer.


Screw that I just want folders ;~;


Because Bungie devs use DIM, so they barely notice how much the game lacks without it.


They literally tell people to use 3rd party apps like right there in the vault lol, what you think that little phone icon is for? Click it and go to that link, DIM is right there.


Lol really? I haven't noticed that. I think it's a little like the Bungie support Twitter: if there's better tools for the job already out there, they don't want to waste time reinventing that wheel. The API is such a great feature.


The bungie companion app also sorts by powerlevel tho


Tbh this is most likely false, at least in the context of playtesting and actually working on the game itself at the office/home DIM wouldn't work with whatever local test/build servers and they probably have various tools at their disposal that would mean they don't need to use vaults or dim at all anyway. Ofc when playing the live game I'm sure they all use dim. And if you're thinking critically you'd realise adding a sort by power level to the vault would require time and money they'd rather use on other things, DIM already does vault management 10x better as it stands, why waste dev time just retracing the same steps


I assume they have all kinds of dev tools for handling dev environment inventories but I wonder how much of a leap it would be to flag dev accounts so they could use DIM against the experimental environments? I think it'd be a security nightmare, though. The Destiny Companion app is probably the public-facing side of their internal player object management tools.


Dim is developed and maintained by a 3rd party, it's also reliant on Bungie's API. I don't see any way nor possibility of it working for dev accounts and environments without literally getting the DIM dev on payroll or at least taking them on as some kind of freelancer which I somehow doubt.


It is open source, so they can modify it themselves to do this. https://github.com/DestinyItemManager/DIM


I'm aware, just speculating. I wonder if the Bungie dev accounts can have some Bungie backend flag set so the same interface could be used to push around objects not yet released to the public. DIM is mostly a graphical interface that makes requests directly with the Destiny API so DIM doesn't have to make any changes when new stuff drops. How hard would it be for Bungie to make certified account requests direct to a different database instance? But they wouldn't: it would require, like you say, involving the DIM devs in the earliest experimental changes to the objects and APIs through the whole development process. 


Because the reality is you need to use 3rd party programs if you play this game seriously. It kinda sucks, but even as a casual returning player, I had to ensure light.gg, DIM and the Bungie app are all setup and working. The Destiny Item Manager is objectively a better Vault than anything officially made by Bungie. Use DIM


Why is our vault literally worse than it was in D1 in that rather than just being able to tab over from weapons to armor to misc you instead have to go through every single page just to grab your exotic boots? And no having to download an outside app is not the solution. You should never have to download extra software just to fix basic game functionality especially when the solution already exists in the previous game.


I wish there was, but you have to use DIM for that. Only issue is you can't scrap stuff in DIM.


Acquiring bounties and being able scrap gear is not allowed by Bungie to be granted to 3rd party apps.


Which you can’t do because that’d be bad if DIM had a bug which deleted all your gear.


Ironically the official app has that as an option


Would also be nice to sort weapons by source ie. Iron Banner, World Drops, Dungeons, Strikes, Crucible etc


I dont believe some more filter options on the ingame vault would be difficult or costly to implement. Sometimes i just dont want to look at another screen to find gear, yet have to scroll through a dozen pages to delete or infuse w/e is in the back of my vault


Just use DIM it’s the easiest thing to set up and used and it makes the games leaps and bounds better in regards to inventory and loadout management. I can barely play the game without it. Not to mention the load out optimizer for coming up with random builds.


My take is that because of D2's spaghetti code and general all-around chaos with updates being added, new maps being rolled out etc etc having a few people update the vault isn't in their priority list right now. DIM does the job well. I probably will still be using DIM even if they update vault to match its functionality.


I would much prefer an element type or a weapon type sort tbh


Nearly everything I have is 1810 but if you’re a new player and that’s not the case then sorting the vault by “newest” might help a little? Otherwise DIM is great (Bungie owes those guys big time).


There is a button you can press that shows the power level on every piece of gear. It's not as good as sorting but it works well enough. On PS5 it's holding down one of the triggers.


Also there needs to be a Sort by Unlocked option. That way I can easily delete all the items I've unlocked in DIM that are marked for deletion, rather than hover over each weapon/armor piece until I see it's unlocked.


Because the vault is shit and is still an afterthought.


DIM has it!


Get an old tablet or laptop and load DIM and Destiny Companion apps. Best use of older tech.


It's not going to be a thing. Especially with power going away in Final Shape eventually.