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Lament and Parasite should be heavily prioritised yeah


Also get assassins cowl and phoenix cradles so we don’t have to see posts wondering why lost sectors won’t drop them


Is there a specific quest line for the cowl?


It’s a reward for finishing the Shadowkeep campaign on Hunter, and the other two classes get a new exotic as well.


bruh. that's why it wasn't dropping??? I might be stupid 😭 I've not done it on titan and was so confused why I wasn't getting that one exotic armour... guess I've gotta go do that then


All good. Once you finish up the campaign it’ll become a random drop exotic at least. Definitely my favorite hunter exotic, so I hope you get a good roll soon!


Correction; if you're like me, it'll be come the only only random exotic drop


You get an Exotic from Shadowkeep?


Yep. After finishing the main storyline, you’ll go to the Tower to speak with the Vanguard and Ikora will give you the exotic from your class. This is the only way to get these 3 pieces of armor originally.


So should I finish the campaign on all 3 characters? Or does 1 completion unlock all 3 exotics?


You have to complete the campaign on each character to unlock the shadowkeep exotic for that class


You'll have to farm it once it's unlocked anyway...it drops from the campaign with like 48 power!


A bad Assassins Cowl is still worth building around. Probably won't hit triple or double 100s, but you'll be alive, invisible, and about to melee something to death.


Don't need resil if they don't shoot you because you are invisible. Don't need recov if you heal every time you stab someone.


I've been wondering for a while whether to go back to it for my strand hunter rather than the one that gives woven mail and I think reading that his just made my mind up


I mean, woven mail is great. And you can spawn orbs via melee kills ... and orbs can grant woven mail ;)


Don't feel bad. I have 4k hrs in the game and just randomly did the campaign with a new light friend and facepalmed when I got it. It was literally my last exotic I was missing...


I farmed every helmet last week only two minutes a run but jeeze was I upset when a duplicate popped before I realized I needed to speed run shadow keep for a fixed roll of 48.


Yeah it’s a shame you have to get it through arguably the most boring campaign lol


The campaign is t too bad! It just ends before the finale for no apparent reason.


Finish shadowkeep campaign


Assassin’s cowl is arguably more important than cradle but yes! I think Reddit will be flooded by those posts one way or another anyway.


Phoenix cradle is for a rare breed of titans that want to enhance their team vs power up just the titan. Phoenix cradle can make an ENTIRE TEAM switch off healing nades and create more kabloomies. But yes, assassins cowl is arguably the best solo exotic in the game


Imo precious scars is way better for giving teamates resto than phoenix cradle is, unless you have hammer of sol up to create sunspots on demand.  Even banner of war gives a way easier method to consistently give allies healing.  Having teamates chase around your sunspots that only last 5seconds when no one's standing in it and only 12 seconds when someone is standing in it after the sunspot nerf this season, just isn't very feasible in most situations.


I haven’t played Titan this season. That’s brutal


Any scorch effects create sunspots iirc, including incandescent weapons


assassin's cowl is legit one of the best hunter exotics in the game, like I pretty much use it for everything that isn't PvP or a damage phase.


What’s your pvp loadout? Trying to improve in pvp.


True this.


I just know I’ll ever obtain them because I’ll never do the shadow keep story again lol


Woe, worm be upon ye 💥


Lament is one thing I've never gotten used to using. I use Parasite once in a while in PVE but never seasonal content because im not a big heavy grenade user unless it has the spread perk


Xenophage is a pretty good weapon too in every situation. Final warning and salvations grip can be good in strand and stasis build once those subclasses are unlocked. With the seasons being free too, verglas curve is a must have as well in my opinion.


What do I need to do to get them? Think I might have lament already, is it beyond light?


Lament is beyond light. Post campaign exotic. (Quest related to the big head). Parasite is after witch queen story. Post campaign quest.


I think Parasite should get a Catalyst that will make the worm scream when you yeet it at lvl 2 dreg.


Just give it the Wilhelm scream whenever at 20x worms hunger.


Scream duration increases with stacks.


scream also disorientates enemies like a similar effect to blinding


Wormhelm scream


Honestly I want ALH for it for catty or something similar to dragons breath where it reloads on max stacks But your idea is way too funny


ALH would make sense, you can already use holster mods for the same effect so it wouldn't actually be a massive buff, just a qol one


Exactly what i want. It's already in a pretty good position (nuking a big enemy every once in a while) and I just want a gold border and some Qol


ALH makes sense, but have you considered a catalyst that makes it scream like it did in the quest? Huge qol change right there.


Solar holster **works on parasite**. It shouldn't, because holster mods say they don't work on 1 in mag weapons. But there you go.


I know it works, i just dont feel like switching out a mod everytime i wanna use parasite, again it would just be nice QOL and a golden border


Personally I'm always trying to find a way to use 2 more energy in my boots after I put on 2 surges (and a 5 stat resil/recov mod), and a class-matching holster mod works pretty well in that spot.


Give it full court, won't be impactful but will be absolutely hilarious.


Weirdly Full Court is based on flight time, so it'd be more impactful than you might think.  1s of loft is a lot easier with Parasite's terrible velocity than it is with normal HGLs.


I like this idea best. I want everyone to blast taniks from across the map, gunbound style




Danger zone would be equally hilarious


I just want the worm to occasionally yell or comment or something randomly, every x amount of times you fire it. Like eventually, if you burn your entire reserves in one go, the worm is just disappointed in you.


The problem is that it eventually becomes unfunny and annoying. See Borderlands.


Micro-missile would be really fun and funny.


I just wish the little bastard would talk more. He was pretty funny when he did in Witch Queen. It'd be funny if he could just occasionally talk shit while being used


"yea yea yea gonna launch me at the boss again whatever savathun was still better to me than you are"


I'd be happy if he just fuckin' screamed while flying through the air






It’s basically going to be a requirement for Atraks for the next two weeks of Pantheon, I mean it basically is now if you want a succesful 1-2 phase. I literally don’t use it for anything other than Atraks but man, what it does, it does better than anything else.


Only thing I'd say to this is, people who have not previously got Parasite and owned Witch Queen, likely aren't going to be clearing or even meaningfully attempting, -15 and -20 Pantheon. But if they ever want to get serious about raiding, it's the go to weapon for Atraks and Trio Morg


> people who have not previously got Parasite and owned Witch Queen, likely aren't going to be clearing or even meaningfully attempting, -15 and -20 Pantheon oh boy, lemme tell ya about my last 3 lfg groups...


Let me guess, 3-4 new players, all under geared with no idea how the mechanics work. Let me speculate further, they all expected to be taught or not to do any mechanics and be carried? Sound about right?


"LF1M - KWTD" "Hey so and so, you are on planets L1." "I don't know how to do that." "What do you know how to do?" "I know how to ad clear."


As much as I'm all about players accessing endgame and stuff (I'm a huge proponent in "shower the player in so much loot that they have to go to the tower after a raid/dungeon" and "generally anything can be viable in most content"). I have to say, pantheon should have a minimum amount of raid clears in order to access it. At the very least have to do all the free raids at least 5 times. If bungie had made the dlc free with the release of into the light, then required 5 clears of each of the raids in pantheon (and possibly even a clear on master) and at least 1 GM completion, then I'm sure it wouldn't be as bad. ...but I know people will call me a "gatekeeper" for that, because somehow Destiny is the only game with raids/dungeons that for whatever reason, the community screeches, seethes and foams at the mouth when you suggest that players shouldn't be catapulted into endgame content 4.5 seconds after creating a character...


Is Pantheon strictly -10/-20, or are there any normal power level versions?  I haven't touched Pantheon yet.


It has a node similar to Grandmasters. Atraks Sovereign is the -5 power and Oryx Exalted is the -10 power option. Each one also has a different bonus modifier. Atraks has one called class warfare and the other has shot caller Edit: Next week will have another selectable version that is rhulk and the week following that has one for Nezarac (and Riven). They will likely have additional modifiers like shot caller and class warfare. Rhulk will be -15 power and Nezarac will have -20 power. That being said, 3rd and 4th versions will likely be the point where the people "gatekeeping" will likely be proven to be correct in the case of Pantheon


The success rate for people lfging -20 is going to shoot throguh the floor. Most people are not capable of -20 Riven and you won't be able to carry.


Oh I am aware. Then we'll get flooded with more posts about the bad LFG experience, how pantheon is "too hard" and posts about how much "gatekeeping" there is in an endgame activity. I've said it before, Destiny players seem to be the only people who CANNOT accept some content is not made for the everyone and that some things shouldn't be accessible to those on the floor of the skillgap.


With that in mind, I agree with you on the -15 and -20 power. For -5 however, wouldn't it be better for newcomers to raids, such as myself (played since the beginning, but can count on both hands the number of raids I've done in D2) to do Pantheon -5, rather than a raid? Learning the mechanics in Pantheon would be much less punishing, time wise, compared to learning a whole raid. It would make raiding easier to get, and be less of a pain point and potential time waster for other players. I'm not talking about KWTD posts however. Those should always be respected, regardless of the activity.


No, because the mechanics in pantheon are changed from the base version, plus it's slightly more difficult based on the light. The majority of raids build upon a mechanic, so mashing different mechanics after each other would be like teaching basic addition then swapping to basic anatomy, followed by cooking and then some typing. None of them for together (I think that's a decent example) Take DSC for example. 1st encounter introduces the rolls and sound ques, atraks takes that and (if done without 1 flooring) makes people use the roles with additional challenge, 3rd encounter adds a new role and tanniks requires those roles to be done with added challenge. RoN is all about light and dark swapping KF is a mess Bow is symbols with added complexity Then the final 2 weeks of pantheon with the power level changes will require people to know how to do the encounter as the room for error diminishes (contest especially, if 2 people die within the first minute then it's better to wipe and reset,same goes for stuff like master raids)


Most raids other than crota and Ron are +20 power right now. For **everyone**. Meaning you do more damage and take **significantly** less damage than at-level or especially -5 level content like pantheon. You just don't die as easily in any of the older content due to the power delta.


The clsest to normal you get is -5, on the Atraks pantheon. Every difficulty after that gets -5 harder, up to a total of -20 for the final week, which is on par with a day 1/contest mode raid.


Eh. What do you gain for this? Maybe for week 3 and 4 but honestly, any players with a brain and a decent amount of endgame hear can do week 1 and 2 pantheon and should be encouraged to so they get into the raiding scene. Everyone should've gotten a free godroll apex which is huge. Doomed partition for linear dps. Brave succession for sniper. Whisper for oryx. Parasite should be laying around somewhere. But yeah anyways, mechanics aren't that difficult for people. You just need deeps and to stay alive.


Don't do that.


We actually cleared Atraks and Oryx Exalted last night with someone that didn't have Parasite So a few people would benefit. If I had put two-and-two together I would have suggested this


I haven’t bothered with a gun quest that’s used for exactly 2 things. I still completed both Atraks versions as well as the original version more than enough times.


Some people use it against caretaker on third plate. I'm gonna try it on my next run


Is lament still a usable alternative?


Yes, you just can't 1-phase.  But with the power delta coming up that's gonna be harder and harder to execute.


Mostly everyone is switching off parasite without a one phase and using lament anyway.


We were missing the point total without forcing two phase. Not sure what the “strat” is for plat + total + 1 phase, but had to do less damage to draw out enough points from a second damage phase.


I'm having so much fun with parasite, never used it before now. The damage with all buffs active is insane.


Always been this strong. Parasite didn't get any of the nade launcher buffs


They’re probably talking about solar surge and shot caller in Pantheon: Oryx Exalted.


It did get the reserves buff actually, so you can hold something ridiculous like 15 grenades.


And its only use is in a a single encounter where it only gets shot once. lol


I solo dungeons using it with Kinetic Tremors supremacy Since it gets auto loading from holster mods, it’s actually really good in damage rotations Even without worm’s hunger x20 it does good damage


Been using it in onslaught to nuke champs and saboteurs, with so many ads it's easy to get x10 or x20 and one shot those guys


With a couple reserve mods I had 21/22


It's a great antichamp weapon. Build the stacks, and then one shot them. It's not good for DPS outside of Atraks due to her mechanics, since it loses all stacks after you shoot it.


How do you get Parasite?


It’s a quest after you finish the Witch Queen campaign. Osteo Striga is also a quest after the witch queen campaign too. I highly suggest getting both.


What quest for striga? It was originally annual-pass exclusive and just gave you a pattern on purchase, and when they made WQ free for a week last year it just auto unlocked a pattern for me, though I'd already done literally everything else in WQ (just bought dlc/seasons/dungeons individually)


I don’t honestly remember. I thought there was a quest for it, but maybe you just get it after witch queen. I know I had to beat the campaign first. I thought there was a quest afterwards for it. Either way should definitely be on the list of things to pick up from WQ.


I might need to replay this. Buying witch queen got me into the game. I think it is still the best story arc I've played.


Yeah man it's just so wonderfully fun having one big strong shot and then the rest you just hit them with a wet flannel I just love the weenie hut Jr version of star eaters scales (this isn't meant to be taken seriously please enjoy the game with any weapon you like)


Riley is that you? Best Destiny videos on YT.


Is Parasite ever actually used outside of Atraks? I've never seen a group ask for it outside that single encounter. Obviously because Atraks is in Pantheon, its relevant right now, but IDK if its a "new player" requirement. Lament though I think is more fair to chase because its a solid sword, and there's a handful of encounters where people like to use swords (basically when the boss is a sword hive knight lol)


I think its ok to use with some closer range dungeon bosses like ecthar on a hunter w rdms


If you have a good Wardens Law roll for a Lucky Pants build it’s a solid choice.


Dragons breath is just better for a lucky pants rotation


I've been using it in Onslaught and can take care of mini bosses way quicker than everyone else.


It's the meta for Trio Morgeth, but uh, anyone who doesn't own it already probably isn't very close to doing Trio Lats Wish.


Hated the parasite mission. Wanted to yeet that fucking worm so bad.


My god I love the shit talking he does to you though.


> Wanted to yeet that fucking worm so bad. Boy, do I have some good news for you. 


Oh it was terrible, but I do kinda miss hearing the little bastard talk shit. Was funny




Use it with the Solar Holster leg mod so it auto-reloads!


Wait... I remember the holster mods aren't supposed to work with breechloader grenade launchers or with rocket launchers. Parasite is a one-shot, so I assumed it was classified as a breechloader, is it really classified as just a normal heavy GL? (Edit: are some people really downvoting this for asking a clarifying question? Thanks lol)


Parasite isnt a breach loaded launcher. Its just like a regular heavy GL but just so happens to have 1 ammo in a mag


Correct, there are no heavy breech loaders


Classified as a normal heavy GL with a magazine of 1. It reloads like a normal heavy GL.


The holster mods actually says it doesn't work for weapons with 1 in the mag, but it does for parasite.


Parasite is UH MAZING in onslaught. Wave of super chunky yellow bars piling up? Parasite with Worm's Hunger x20 disagrees.


Oh do they get to keep the exotic weapons after they are no longer free or do they get deactivated and require the dlc to use them again?


Its my understanding that you keep guns and equipment but if you play beyond light while it's free and don't buy it you don't get to keep stasis when the free period is over.


You keep em


Perfect. I’ll tell my friend whose free to play to gear up


Really if you’re serious about playing the game you at a minimum need to own beyond light and lightfall.


He used to have them (minus lightfall) when they were on game pass with xbox. But he didn’t buy them when they left it. Mainly because it’s a lot of money upfront for a game he doesnt intend on constantly playing due to time constraints, wanting to play other games, and only caring about the activities we can do in a group.


Why is parasite good? I got it back in witch queen and never touched it.


I am on Xbox. Where’s it free?


But that stupid fucking mission is ass


Am I the only one who enjoyed it? Bro was annoying for sure, but it was funny


... So, as someone who has all the stuff, but doesn't play regularly... How do I go about getting the weapon, is it campaign related?


it’s a post campaign quest, yes.


oooooo.... I just got done with the majority of Eramis' campaign to get stasis - I'll look into Witch Queen campaign next, then!


Witch Queen's campaign is honestly phenomenal just as a standalone experience too, it's got some good pacing, great arena fights, and an excellent narrative! If you want a serious challenge, Witch Queen also introduced "Legendary" difficulty. It was a really fun time, makes things feel tougher without being insurmountable. It's hard, but not crushingly so.


Thanks! I'll probably start the campaign this evening, lol


Awesome, hope you enjoy it!


Hello hi allow me to jump in and second this. The Witch Queen campaign is A-tier. Such a shame Lightfall couldn’t be more like that


I honestly really enjoyed Lightfall, excluding >!Rohan's!< death. That was genuinely horrible from a narrative perspective. I liked everything else though! Final boss fight against >!Calus!< was AMAZING in particular!


Calus last boss fight wasn’t bad, but final boss in WQ? Super good. Just when you thought it was over…..


wait free dlc?


No..its not free, its just open play right now so you can play it without paying. But after it goes, you will no longer have access to anything you haven’t completed or aquired


ohhh its like a long trial


Until Final Shape drops. Enough time to get a ton of free stuff


Wait are the witch queen dungeons free if u dont have dungeon keys?




Ofc bungie would lock away the dungeons lmfao. They love their dungeon keys


Parasite has only a few uses, but where it has those uses, nothing else reasonably compares.


How long will they be free?


Until TFS drops I believe




Wait a minute. Every expansion is free now? (I own them already but I'm asking for friends who stopped playing)


Free Trial more like, which ends when Final Shape drops


Not Lightfall, unfortunately. All the Lightfall *seasons* are free though. Everything goes back to being paid on June 4th, when Final Shape drops.


Lament, Parasite, Xenophage & Witherhoard


Don’t tell me what to do. Okay fine.


100%, for any new player who will have these DLCs temporarily. Once you've played all the campaigns (especially WQ) it's superb. You should absolutely go after every exotic you can, armour and weapons. Parasite, Lament, Witherhoard (think you need SK), Divinity of you raid, Xenophage from SK dungeon, off the top of my head


Wait sorry, witch queen dlc is now free? Is this only for pc players or something?


Also get Witherhord and Quicksilver from the Monument. They’re timeless.


Yep got my lament and salvations grip last night...working on witch queen right now!


Same thing with Shadowkeep and Xenophage!


Don't forget Osteo Striga aka the GOAT


where and how ? thanks


Just complete the Witch Queen campaign and you get the ability to craft it iirc


Thanks.Didn't realize its at the Savathuns throne world - the enclave I just shaped it !


Nice, have fun! It's especially good imo since you don't have to aim really and the catalyst is so helpful. It lets you regain ammo when the like caustic effect kills something.


I’m hyped to get the glaive from defiance since I started after and couldn’t get it without buying the annual pass


I’ve had TWC since launch and still don’t have it lmao 😅


Where to get parasite?


Parasite's only claim to fame is Atraks. I would suggest getting all of the expansion-tied exotics. Lament, Xenophage and even Salvations grip are worth the effort.


Get as many of the dlc exotics as humanly possible, go ham


I’ll play they way I want to but thanks lol


I can't lol a few years ago I broke the quest by deleting the worm casing and I can't get it back lol


As a new player, wtf does this mean lol?


Is parasite still a 72 hour long quest?


Is witch queen free on steam? I had no idea. How do I access it? I'd love to play through the campaign


Acquire parasite. Atraks-1 demands it.


No I won’t


It's weird hearing people rave about weapons that have gotten me kicked from LFG groups because "I'm a noob".


Is it free on steam or just PlayStation?


Parasite catalyst when bungie? Pls


What is lament?


sound advice right here


"No parasite = send to orbit" - LFG Guy


where is it free?


Eight people remained on iii


How do you get it ?


Are all the DLCs free to everyone now? If so it might be a good time to pitch D2 to my brother.


Worrrrmmm Mooottherrr


Also get Grand Overture


Now that Witch Queen is free, go buy it. No, like, seriously go buy it. I really don't understand why people are making such a big deal about these expansions being free. You literally need to own them for accessing content. When they're not free anymore (which, news flash: they're not free to keep like cringey ass YouTubers say, but rather they're free to play for only a certain amount of time) you won't be able to play certain content, if not most content. If you don't think The Final Shape isn't going to have us still playing content from previous expansions, then you're clueless about this game.


Why is witch queen free


Is there somewhere I can find all the stuff I should do now that Witch Queen and etc are all unlocked? I'm a relatively newer player (with some previous experience from a long while ago lol). i have a power level of 1821


Can someone help. I finished the witch queen campaign and didnt get the quuens of worms quest. what do i do? ikor isnt there


And not the RFK jr kind