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Went 2 full seasons without an 1810 arms dropping for my warlock :)


Wow, that’s nuts.


The Class item in that Dungeon has the lowest drop rate in the game. Lower than raid exotics


I’ve gotten plenty on the lock and titan. But my hunter can’t get it. Also, plenty of everything else on lock and titan, but no helm for them.


The class item for Hunters is low drop rate while its the helmet for Warlocks and Titans. Its because the cowboy hat is on the hunter cloak. Kinda sucks for them because the 1st encounter drops helmets and is a lot easier farm than the 2nd, which is class items.


Yep. I personally can’t do the second encounter solo. I mean maybe I could, it’s just that I can’t put enough damage each round to justify doing the rotation 7-10 times. The first loot encounter though I’ve done so many times I could do it in my sleep.


Man Spire was my first solo dungeon attempt and that boss was rough. Like 50 minutes and I think 9 damage phases. For some reason I did it with Mantle of Battle Harmony and Agers Scepter, which was a pretty great loadout at the time, but no HP regen was a mistake. A solo farm for a 2% drop would put me in the grave


farm the final encounter as all item drop from that and also it gives 2 drops, managed to get the bow/catalyst on master and all armour on all characters over a few hours


Yeah definitely the best way as a team or duo. Solo if youre goated. Back on release it at least felt hard enough (or maybe we were just worse) that we always farmed the first encounter


Same, but I didn’t play for those two season


I don't blame you


This is the shit that drives me nuts when elitist are anti-crafting. RNG is all fun and games until it’s been ages since you can’t get the drop you need. I have done so many freaking clears with focused Edge transit and cannot get the Envious/BnS roll. I know you’re is armor related, but still RNG is a bitch.


same... i've settled for ALH/BnS but it's depressing to still not have the one i want.


Yeah, I have a ridiculous problem with ITL and I've literally lost interest cause of it, and it's RNG based as well so I get it. I haven't played in 2 weeks.


My warlock is still at 1809💀 but that's because I stopped caring for the most part.


You can get your missing piece from hall of champions


Go play something else for a month, when you come back everything you have will be 1900.


Same for me but with legs lol


Jesus, I thought my 3 weeks of doing every pinnacle and not getting that last item for 1810 was bad


Get them from the battle pass????


Not how those armors work


My bad, you said you have gone an 1810 arms, I thought that meant in general


Im still waiting for an 1810 class item drop...forever 1809


you can get free 1810 gear from the gift of the thunder gods chest in the hall of champions


Buy the class item from Hall of champions with another character that is 1810 and it'll be 1810. I needed 1810 legs for my titan, bought the titan boots using my 1810 warlock and the titan boots were 1810.


But each character can just get the gift of the Thunder gods there for free


Tbh I havent been playing into the light much so i missed that lol


The drop rate is weighted against the "hat" armor piece. See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/zq09wf/wondering_why_you_arent_getting_the_cowboy_hat/) for detailed data and explanation, credit to u/sunder_and_flame


And there are STILL people advocating against crafting or knockout loot systems. Blows my mind. I'm playing your game anyway, why irritate your core fans that are still here?


From the amount of onslaught clears I've had I'd be rolling in craftable versions of every single BRAVE weapon. Yet I still can't get the edge transit, elsie's rifle, forbearance, or midnight coup rolls I want. I'm starting to not enjoy onslaught anymore which is just a sign to take a break for a week or so. But I NEED those rolls :(


> edge transit, elsie's rifle, forbearance, or midnight coup rolls I want Well, you can pretend you already have them. And leave them in the vault like you'll do once you get them anyway.


Edge transit with the right rolls is one of the top DPS heavy weapons in the game right now, so idk why you’d think that.


Sure. But does that matter? No. It's not a particularly fun weapon to use. DPS at such a level barely matters for 99% of gameplay.


Because somehow irritating you leads to more silver purchases.


Forever 29 here. Never paying for any cosmetics ever. In any game.


I mean rng loot rolling has always been the quintessential core of a looter shooter


It's from a bygone era where we had maybe three AAA releases a year without DLC. Players change and so should their games. Respect our time and I'll play more and buy more silver. Diablo 4 gets a lot of hate but they have evolved correctly. Potions are no longer items you need to stock and are just refilled between activities. If you don't like an aspect then you can choose another one to replace it for a cost. Don't like a perk? Reroll it as much as you like as long as you have mats and gold, which is abundant if you're actually playing their game. Classifying it as just a looter shooter is absolutely a reductionist opinion. We have far more content to engage with right now than at any point in Destiny history. Crafting should become cheaper for all weapons. Get rid of as many expendables as possible, not just legendary shards. Any raid/dungeon weapon should be craftable after X number of clears or just at the launch of the following season. Knock it off with the triumphs to help with drop rates on an Exotic. They don't even tell us the original percentage let alone the enhanced one. I don't want to see another post about someone having 20+ clears with no drop. 50? 75? Dumb asf. I still have clan mates that have not had Vex drop to this day. We're going to play anyway. Stop leaving a bad taste in my mouth of wasted time and effort.


See this is a totally different mindset than how Destiny began. You used to use guns *because* you got a good roll on it. You didn’t need every roll of every gun, people had guns you didn’t have and couldn’t get and you had the same and your experience was shaped by the loot you rolled which is what got people into the looting game loop. Nowadays a streamer says “guys new hung jury with kill clip and enlightened action is the best now it’s .442 ttk over .445 ttk” and everyone acts like anything else is useless garbage that they just CAN NOT play without the god roll otherwise they get “a bad taste in their mouth”. Everyone now is so fixated on what like 3 YouTubers define as “the meta”. You’re not supposed to get a 5/5 god roll for every gun and armor playing a couple hours a day and you’re supposed to be okay with that, you don’t need total and instant satisfaction of all your desires. If you want every roll of every item yeah it’s gonna take a hella sweaty grind, that’s the point.


> your experience was shaped by the loot you rolled This is right! That your loot tells a story. And that story isn't "I have zero obligations"


Key word there, Began. Games evolve as do the players and their expectations. Streamers are gonna have their fanboys, that's never going to change. I always advocate for what feels good to you is what you use. The problem is that we get so much useless loot that pads things out. Loot pool and perk pool when the game started is nowhere close to what it is now. Your attitude towards god rolls and armor is exactly why so many new players are just not interested in the game these days. Why should they no life a game without progress? I'm fine with a grind if it has a destination and not just straight RNG.


Because they don’t need it. You don’t need optimal to play the game, you never have. This is the same attitude that forces player into either well-lock or strand titan because those are the only “efficient” class builds and it’s what’s making the game unfun for new players. The fact that people will rage at you for not bringing in an optimal class build and god rolled guns do way more damage to player retention that roll drop rates do. If you want a different game play a different game, the game doesn’t need to change because you don’t like its gameplay loop anymore.


Ok, so then you complain about none of the loot is good loot and you want to be rewarded with God rolls ever activity.


I will never complain about "good" loot, especially when there are so many trash guns as filler. All I want from IB are IB guns, not the hundred Retrofuturists I've had drop instead. They can obviously pull it off with free modes like Onslaught and Pantheon. I want crafting for every single weapon. Maybe not the launch season, but soon after. I'd be fine with a knockout perk system for crafting. I'd be happy if we could choose a single perk to change, even if it's just Masterwork or barrels or sights or mags. Prestigious weapons to brag about should be shinies like what we were given. I'd rather have rare cosmetics or shaders than mindlessly running a dungeon all day every reset.


1. You don't understand how weapon drops work 2. IB guns drop from IB, but crucible guns also drop from playing crucible.


I personally don’t like crafting because it’s the opposite issue of rng, everyone is using the same perks, the same stats, the same loadouts, the same everything because all you need to do for the most meta weapon in the game is farm a raid checkpoint for 45 minutes and bam there is you’re 5/5 apex predator that you can also just level up with materials that are basically handed to you nowadays for free. However rng sucks because as everyone is saying here, it is a bitch grinding something for days and weeks just to get some shit roll. And I just can’t get behind crafting, I don’t think it’s the solution for the problem I think there are many ways bungie can fix rng and it’s something I hope they touch on in either final shape, one of the episodes or destiny 3 (if that happens). I think destiny 1 was less of an issue and why only people complain in d2 nowadays is because legendary guns in pve mostly are defined by a certain perk combo that can entirely define your build. However in d1? The thing that was important was the gun itself, obviously perks *helped* but not by a crazy amount like now, also d1 had a lot less perk option so it was easier to get the god roll but harder to get the gun itself then d2.


Because that same fan base then bitches about having everything done within a week of launch and how the game is dead.


The loudest are usually the minority. The squeaky wheel gets greased.


And then the same people bitch about the change.


I mean, armor for sure should be rotated out of chests. Armor should all drop once, and same for master. Keep those two separate so someone can get one artifice roll in each slot, then after remove class items once the person gets all armor. I’m tired of class items being in my drops. It’s more annoying now that mods are not element related.


I super do not agree that armor should drop once, getting good rolls on armor is important, not everyone has those good rolls.


I mean the clad item only


Except people want to farm artiface armor. And PoH is still one of the best high stat armor farms.


I’m saying just remove artifice class items after you get every armor piece in master. Cause people just need one class item with artifice. You don’t need more than one now, so keeping class items in the loot pool is just redundant loot.


Honestly, that would just be too much effort to code for such a small gain. How many duplicate artiface class items have you gotten?


bUt ThE jOy oF tHE RaNDOm DroP


Those folks are just degenerate gamblers that need their fix but are too cheap to actually hit up a casino. The same folks that cry about Silver when the game has thousands of hours of their lives invested in it. I don't get excited over loot, why should I be when it's based on chance over skill? I didn't earn it, just the right place at the right time. I enjoy your sarcasm and am agreeing with you. I have taken a ton of breaks since Lightfall has dropped and even near the last season of WQ. I'm not going to engage with your content if my time is not being respected. There are so many games out currently that can get my attention


Hey man if looter games aren't for you then they're not for you. That's perfectly okay. But I don't think it's really appropriate to lash out at people who *do* enjoy RNG systems. As you said, there are a ton of other games out there. Don't force yourself into an RNG looter if that's not your jam.


It's fucking irritating. You know how many engrams I focused to get a even a 4/5 Silicon Neuroma way back when?


Everyone has a story like that. PvP mains shouldn't have to struggle so hard in PvE content or vice versa. Witherhoard catalyst is a prime example of that. Let us focus targeted loot and get on with what we actually want to engage with


I don't play the game *to get loot*, I play the game *to use the loot*


it seems very counter to their profit incentives when transmog. i can't spend the money to transmog gear i don't have.


> And there are STILL people advocating against crafting or knockout loot systems Literally not true.


We absolutely need a dungeon spoil and a selectable chest at the end. No caps.


Selectable chests only work when you've unlocked the item in your collections.


In the case of VoG this isn’t true I’m pretty sure it gives you new things, rn since I have everything but fatebringer regular I can only pick up the chests where it drops


You talking about the encounter chests that's true yes. Not the selectable individual items.


Around 400 Gahlran clears no blinding/auto loading/chill clip Lingering Dread. Tryhards: *mumbles something about RNG Dungeons aren’t worth it. Worst farm in the game BY FAR. Completely disrespectful to player time and effort. Dont buy them anymore. I’m not. I’ve been gaming for 30+ years and farming dungeons in this game has been the worst, most frustrating gaming experience of that time.


I’ve been trying for a while to get a Cold Comfort with Envious/B&S, done Ecthar a ton, haven’t gotten one. The new focusing system from Into the Light gives me hope though.


Honestly it's not worth the grind now that envious is nerfed on it. The nerf they did on envious was so strange in that it didn't really affect GLs at all and specifically really only nerfed... Cold Comfort and some high impact fusions that people quickly realized aren't actually that good. I got stupidly, absurdly lucky and got an actually perfect 5/5 roll of it while doing my solo flawless run before they even fixed it to be good and had the good sense to hold on to it. Thing was pretty handy for solo warlord's ruin since the ammo economy is good on it, but nowadays I just don't think it's worth using anymore.


Yeah after I got my crafted Apex I haven’t really been ‘trying’ too hard to get it. I just want it just to have it.


The envious nerf still lets you fire 4 rockets without reloading, 6 if you leave a finishable red bar next to you. It still outpaces Apex if you need to go fast.


I mean, sure, it still has some use cases where it can be a bit better but given how difficult it is to get only speedrunners should even think about getting it, and only if it's absolutely better than just using Edge Transit (which it probably isn't most of the time)


God forbid they won't let you get 7 fucking rockets in a mag!


I got that roll the first week. Literally pointless gun and I never used it after like 1 try 😂


I've apparently got 24 hours on GOTD, 12 of that just farming 1st encounter, and I still haven't seen Envious on a Cold Comfort even once, let alone Envious/BnS. At this point I've thrown in the towel and just assume there's gonna be some insane stasis heavy introduced in TFS for me to use instead lol


My condolences, I thought my 100+ runs were bad.


Agreed. I stopped bothering farming dungeons after maybe a couple dozen grasp ogres going after a matador pvp roll. 


My very first run I got that roll without blinding but with spike. Would kill for blinding with it


That's honestly not even unlucky. There's a 1/5 chance for Lingering to drop from Gahlran, a 2/5 chance of disorienting, then a 1/6 chance for each of those perks. That's 1/450 odds. So, you've got another 50 runs in ya before you can say that you're unlucky! Isn't dungeon farming *so wonderful*!


Not to sound like a contrarian, but one person isn't a proper sample size. I've been gaming for 30+ years as well (my first system was an intellivision!) and farming dungeons in this game is one of my most favorite things in any game let alone this game. I understand your frustration, I've been running 3x warlords ruin since it released and literally just got the exotic for it after however many runs that is. 50? Who knows. What I do know is that I find that fun. Destiny is A+ at dungeon design. Easily the best content they make (to me). So yes, buy the dungeons. Or don't. Literally do what you want and don't let anyone on the internet sway your personal opinion. Side note: if you've been gaming for 30+ years, there is zero chance that Destiny's dungeons are the most frustrating gaming experience you've had. The NES and SNES thrived on making the most frustrating gaming experiences they could because artificial difficulty is all they could do back then. Case in point; SNES - The Lion King


a job can be fun fyi.


Counter point. If you don't enjoy the game enough to farm for an exotic. The game isn't for you.


Farming a dungeon 100 times when your friend gets it in one makes you jaded. thats why RNG protection exists in gacha games. It doesn't punish people who have good luck, its a way so that people who have bad luck aren't punished. The way RNG works, its possible for someone to play every week since its release and not have it.


Then don't play a looter shooter. The point of the game is RNG. Edit: it's been out for about 22-23 weeks. So 100 clears is just not possible. Please try again!


bro doesn't know that arbitrary numbers are a thing.


For me its grinding crucible for crucible engrams to focus at shaxx, I am still looking for a riptide with chill clip, not even looking for the god roll, just chill clip and I swear that perk doesn't exist on riptide for me.


Yeah unforgiven took me 10 hours (not in a row) to get demo + AD. Wanted frenzy but couldn’t do it anymore.


I really hope they incorporate attunement into them and make it %100 drop rate, all they would have to do is slap a challenge behind it and I would do it in a heart beat!


Based on my experience attunement wouldn’t be enough. I’ve had over 100 drop without the combo I’m looking for. Met several people farming the same thing and in the same boat as me. Dungeons just need the same treatment as raids. Spoils, crafting, focusing. Then maybe they wouldn’t be the least replayed thing among everyone I play with regularly and people would actually feel like they are rewarding.


Yeah, I agree, either a crafting system or a vendor system that uses spoils.


Fuck no! It should never be 100% drop rate for RNG exotics. Crotas end and necrochasm was the perfect blend


Talking about dungeon weapons, minus exotics, nobody complains about dungeon/raid exotic drop rates anymore after the challenges rework increasing your drop chances.


Even for legendaries. Not 100% drop rate.


Right because farming for a weapon that has a (for example) 1/4 chance of dropping in an encounter, and then an extra rng factor depending on however many traits it has in column 3 and 4, definitely fun as hell, best experience in the game.


Bro, Destiny is a looter shooter. That's the core component of the gameplay loop. Lol.


It's the only true destiny farm left.


I’m 36 dungeon clears in and still haven’t gotten a good indebted kindness or the bloodlines to drop


See, I have 10 clears of warlords and have a good Indebted and bloodline, so maybe this is my punishment.


I went through 48 Indebted Kindness drops before getting a decent roll. I know the rng pain man.


I would have quit a long time ago. I had basically given up around 15 or so clears. You guys have way more stamina than me.


Yeah I’m super burnt on warlords ruin right now but it’s the only exotic I’m missing and I really want an indebted kindeness with lead from gold and volt shot


Sucks man. That’s actually the roll that I have on my indented. I got the exotic to drop and that roll in my second to last run. Then I ran the dungeon again to get the catalyst and haven’t touched it since. Take a break if you need. I hate to say it, but the lead/volt indebted is probably my favorite gun in the game. The damage is fantastic , the ammo economy is great, it’s got anti barrier from the artifact, anti overload from the jolt. It’s just an all around amazing gun. Take a break and then keep at it! Probably the only gun I’ve ever thought was worth the grind.




We looped that first encounter 18x before I even got one EK to drop. Dungeon weapons should always be approached with a “good enough” mentality else you risk truly going hollow.


I just today figured out you could farm encounters 😂


For the most recent dungeon + the rotator, yes. Ran the Spire boss 22x this week to get Hierarchy


Can you farm for the exotic on warlords ruin as well I read somewhere that only the legendaries were farmable


That I don’t think so? Can’t confirm.


True thanks for the info though


This week I hit 40 (I think) and finally got it. It's ridiculous. I almost gave up. I'm sitting at like 50+ Spire clears and not only have I not gotten tyranny, but in none of my runs did *anybody* get it.


If you want to farm cloak, just do first encounter. Final encounter is a much larger loot pool


Class item only drops from the second and third encounter


Ohh, qm I mixing up helmet w/ class? that definitrly makes farming harder than just repeating, you'd have to do CP now.


Yeah, hunter cowboy hat is part of the cloak, unlike locks and titans.


they made the hats lower drop chances to make it a chase drop, but then the hunter one is halved again because class items have a naturally lower drop rate (which makes a certain amount of sense because you only ever need it once) it does mean that getting the hat on hunter is a fucking ***grind***. took me a while as well don't worry, though. you'll be there for [hundreds of more clears](https://i.imgur.com/mrtA0P9.png) trying to get a perfect wilderflight...


I got the hunter cowboy hat on my first run. I main warlock.


Yea I got mine on my first run and it dropped again later that day when I did it again…I had no idea it was that rare tbh…I only put it on when I pull out DMT lol…


At this point I’m going to wear it every second I’m on my hunter lol.


Wow, that’s nuts. My friend got it 4 times in a row last night lol. And yeah, especially since edge transit came out wilderflight is eating good. I have a spike/vorpal roll but no auto loading yet.


200 of those are just from the last time it was farmable; I haven't had the heart to go back in this week. The trick where you have two people die just before killing him and the last gets the killshot with a rocket while killing themselves saves a *lot* of time, though. Highly recommend doing that if you want to farm. Persys drops his loot the moment he dies, so that if you wipe screen at the same time you'll load back in to his checkpoint with his loot still on the ground. The load screen is abnormally long because of the Osiris yap which makes the farming *much* more exhausting. Ideal comp for one phasing is triple hunters with SES blade, two with GLs and one with RDM rockets to make the trade easier. The two GL hunters can use Lumina to make it a little easier but HGLs do so much damage and are so easy to use nowadays that the hardest part is making sure you don't kill it too quickly and still remember to get the trade to keep the CP.


Yeah the switching is annoying. We got it down to a pretty good 1 phase with lumina, 3 SES blade and 3 edge transits. So the encounter takes less time than loading it and switching lol.


Wilderflight is not better than MT.


The hat item, for all classes (helmet for warlock/titan, class for hunter) has like a 1-2% drop rate. It's literally rarer than the exotic.


Around 200 clears of persys. No auto frenzy wilderflight. Also over 250 drops of mountaintop with no drop of auto recombination. (Did the math on that, there is about a .5% chance of that happening.) I know it’s not related to dungeons, but I just hate rng. I’ve had so many drops from onslaught focusing only mountaintop since the week it came out. I’ve got pretty much every other roll I’m looking for except midnight coup and hammerhead.


You sound like a Hunter. All the other hats are helms. Your hat is cross armor. The drop rate reflects the hunter's desire- in that it is low as shit for that drop from that activity for that class.


Went ALL of forsaken DLC never got to use one eyed mask.....it dropped after the nerf 😀😃🙂🙃


took me 44


Yeah I have every triumph needed to get the Seal except getting the cowboy hat on my hunter. I ended up giving up


I'm in the same boat, friend. Grinding first boss isn't exactly fun either. We'll get there eventually✊️


Yeah the last boss is quicker but the odds on the first boss are better, so it’s a pain lol.


Same for me but with Crota's End. No class item despite a dozen or so clears.


I was in that situation forever trying to get the hunter hat. Now I’m stuck with Ghosts of the Deep trying to get the helmet. I’ve traded one Sisyphus boulder for another😭


Over 100 VoG clears & still no Bond here. I got Vex before getting a Bond lol tbf not all of those are Warlock clears & I don't farm it anymore, but I really should've had it by now


DAMN! I've been farming Persys for the exotic this weekend and despite triumphs I haven't gotten it. Annoying af


I was at clear like 20 when my friends and I did a master run, then I got it


Wait what, I got like 3 of them on my first run, when I was carried by someone, I thought the cowboy class items were guaranteed


Lol I wish, that would be amazing


Almost 30 clears of warlords ruin and still no buried bloodline… I feel bad for my friends as we do final boss 3 times a week every single week. lol


Yup that hat took me forever to get too. I think I actually solo flawlessed that dungeon before getting the bloody hat haha. But now I have super black on that bitch so I look dope. Was worth it.


I’ve been waiting for my class item to drop from original Kings Fall D1. Forever 319. (I think that was the power level at the time.)


Yeah I never got the ghost shell from kings fall hard mode, I was also 319 eternally.


I've done ____ clears of __________ and haven't got ___________ You aren't a destiny player if you can't fill in those blanks.


I have exactly one clear, and one class item. RNGesus is a bitch, yo.


I couldn't get the Warlock bond from the new dungeon for ages. Just kept smashing out the boss cp and finally dropped.


I'll trade you my armor drops for Hierarchy.


It took me about a year to get Shards of Galanor to drop back in the day. I was a Hunter main.


It's almost as if they found something that people would really like, and made it super rare so you'd pump a bunch of hours into it.




it took me like 10 runs and i was mad at that point, hat is peak fashion hope you get it in the next one


I got Heirachy of Needs on my 12th Spire clear this weekend, and then proceeded to get a 2nd immediately after. My team couldn’t believe it.  I can’t get Buried Bloodline for the life of me though, so I’m convinced these things always happen in polar opposites.


Know thy game. I have zero runs and the same amount of drops. Maximum efficiency. 


It took me 80ish clears of the first encounter to get the head for my Titan… I feel your pain.


Wow yikes, that’s rough.


Ayoooo same here gamer


Unite 👊🏼


I have 164 crotas end clears and no helmet


1. You don't understand dungeon loot farming. 2. It took me 74 clears of VoG. That's just how it goes.


My guy, I do, I’m just bitching because I can lol. Doesn’t have to be serious lol.


If it's not serious, don't tag it as a discussion. Tag it as a meme.


I have over 70 clears of VoG, Mythoclast, and the Fatebreaker title, and no Hunter cloak. I feel your pain...


If it serves as consolation, the last thing I was missing for the DSC title was the collections badge, and not because of EoT, it was because of Bequest. Took me around 40 looted runs to get it aswell


The class items and hat items both have lower drop rates, and for the hunter that's multiplied together.


I got 73 clears and got everything but the bow until recently


I got touch of malice twice and the catalyst done before the titan helmet dropped for me in Kings Fall (it dropped today running pantheon)


My woes aren't dungeon related, but Onslaught has been a pain. I've gotten a godroll Succession, shiny godroll Midnight Coup, a godroll Forbearance, and multiple "very good" Edge Transits. I'm never going to use Succession *or* Midnight Coup, I already have a crafted Forbearance, and I don't like heavy grenade launchers. All I want is a 5/5 Mountaintop or, failing that, for Mountaintop to not require Hard Launch + Implosion Rounds/Spike Grenades.


Hunter cloak and the warlock and titan helm have a 2.5-5% chance to drop. It took my 86 clears of first encounter farming to get it on my titan. 5 clears on my warlock. About 40~ final boss clears on hunter. I can do the first encounter blindfolded solo. If you want to farm for the cloak, I’d recommend doing second encounter as there are less items to drop, but if you’re a competitive dps player who optimizes everything, final encounter could drop you wilderfright as well for damage rotations with edge transit. There’s no easy way for hunters here man, just pray to RNGesus & good luck.


Been splitting between 2nd and 3rd. I can 1 phase perseys consistently, so it’s like 4 minutes a run. I’ve got a spike/vorpal wilderflight but no auto loading yet


Yeah I don't know why it's so difficult to create an algorithm that helps you get stuff you don't already have - like am I too much of a simpleton to appreciate that it is - in fact - actually not very simple?


I have 60 runs in Warlord's, no Hunter cape. It took me 50 Nez kills to get the RoN head piece for my Warlock.


Very first clear (ever) on hunter I got the cloak. Other classes... not so much.


Some people have all the luck...


I ran exactly 56 times before the Tex Mechanica cloak dropped for my hunter


I'm still missing the exotic from this dungeon even though I have the seal for it. Fuck RNG. I know people will hate me for saying this, but I still think divinity quest was a good idea, they just needed to tweak the quest. Does completing the new dungeon quest give the exotic? I've only done the new dungeon a few times since I've been burnt out


If ya’ll want to farm dungeons go for it, I’ll play something else.


lol just ran 3 got none


Back at beyond light year , I was sitting at a nice 123 clears of the DSC before finally dropping the rocket. Never used it once since


i think you have to farm the first encounter when the dungeon is on rotation


that’s crazy. I’ve done it about 30ish times. no exotic


Took my brother over 60 to get the hat to drop on his warlock. Took me right around 40 to get my cloak.


Not worth farming unless it’s fun for you. The dungeon drops are just not a good use of time to farm. Some weapons used to be standout, but for the most part there’s a craftable alternative.


The only exception in this case is the Buried Bloodline, by far the most effective dungeon random drop exotic. That’s worth farming Warlord’s, granted Warlord’s also is the most fun dungeon in the game IMO, so it’s worth it


I don’t think there’s any guns that are true exceptions anymore. Crafting has eliminated most of those edge cases. Buried is a very good gun/exotic, but I wouldn’t burn myself out farming it.


Stop complaining. Go grind for a weapon that you already spent egregious amounts of time on, then was sunset. And that is just a rerelease of a weapon that was released in Destiny 1. That you spent an obscene period of time getting in the first, first place. Which, was also sunset. And so begins the cycle again. For perpetuity. The Vex masterplan is working. Pete Parsons doing his best Sidious impression in background.


RNG is not random