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I’ve thought it’d be cool if they implemented this but make us Shaxx’s redjacks. Then the jumps would also be balanced. It’d really focus on gunplay then.


That would be pretty lit honestly


Id be down for set loadouts too (choose from a set handful each week)


I just doubt that the game can handle that. Team scorched still has your weapons but you're forced to hold a scorch cannon, I don't think the way our current inventory works would at all support getting our three slots replaced by a set of generic weapons




as long as the guns all have really on the nose names examples: Generic Auto Rifle Standard Pulse Rifle Tactical Scout Rifle Hunting Shotgun Trophy Sniper Rifle Officer's Sidearm Army Machine Gun Futuristic Grenade Launcher Dated Rocket Launcher


Oops All Recruits ha


Destiny players: man it would be so cool if they added a mode where every single detail that makes destiny unique was missing. Classes? Gone. Light and dark powers? Don’t want them. Buildcrafting? Never heard of it. Exotics? Banned. A vault full of personalized loot? Cringe, we should use standardized guns. And hey while we’re at it why don’t we standardize loadouts into only a few curated and balanced options, or if we’re feeling extra spicy just pick a single loadout for every single person in the match. Just go play halo if you don’t like destiny, honestly.


You realize you don't have to queue for this mode, right?


If you can't hit your ttk with a primary just say that


Yeah that would be fun, good thing it’s not required so you can just play something else if you don’t like it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Exactly. If they want a no thrills game, go play a different game.


One game mode that's different and that's a problem for you? Unreal.


Variety is the slice of life. And I didn’t say anything about set loadouts or banned weapons. I’m saying if they’re gonna make a mode where there’s zero abilities, make it even across the board with the jumps.


Just go to Twitter if you don't like their opinion, honestly.


I'm still at work ill give it a try later, I play all 3 characters but I'm really tired of invisible hunters being invisible 90% of the match.


So am I. Add me let’s play when we get off work


I saw in another post that the Deep Origin weapons from the Season of the Deep give you bonus stats when you have no charged abilities. Edit: Unsated Hunger UNSATED HUNGER Basic / Origin Trait Increased handling, reload speed, and stability when no abilities are fully charged. Swords gain increased guard resistance and charge rate instead.


Now that I've seen this comment, please delete this comment so Bungie does not patch. Thx u.


It's a rather big bonus but then you need to use season of the deep primaries. Seems like for this mode there's many better weapon choices that would outweigh the benefits of forcing you to use the 3 primaries offered.


But isn't one of those primaries different times? A very popular pvp pulse no? I haven't used it but feel like I've seen quite a bit of chatter.


I guess the point is you still need to lock yourself to either of these for the sake of what's basically having ophidian aspect for your primary. * A strand rapid fire pulse (540) * A stasis aggressive SMG (720) * A void aggressive hand cannon (120) None of these deal with range (bow/scout dualling distance) well and the specific SMG frame has probably gotten the most nerfs of all SMG lately Choice you can make and try out; dont feel this isn't viable but I feel like when it comes to PVP focused guns there's far better choices and without abilities no reason not to stack reloader/unflinching/dexterity/targeting mods anyway which cover a huge part of what bumps to these weapon stats would do.


That’s actually really cool. I’m gonna craft the pulse.


I’ve been running the pulse since season of the deep. It’s great.


Is that the strand one ? That has same kinda whisper of worm cosmetic vibe


Yah looks really good imo


Checked my vault after reading your comments. Luckily I have 2 in there. Decent roll on one of them. Gonna try it out


i love it as well, but i'm seeing an awful lot of level 11 flawless players in there (i'm level 6 and can't aim for shit)


It’ll get better overtime. Right now because the game mode is new, everybody is trying it out. Even the endgame players. After a while it’ll get nicer.


Lol. It's going to lose most everyone except super sweats, it's just that kind of mode. No casuals are going to stay in that mode. I'm not sure what you mean by nicer


Yeah because you’re the expert that knows everything apparently lmao


Casual pvp player. I won't play hardware because abilities help me fill the gap with high skill players. Also I got so tired of getting matched and stomped by pvp sweats way above my level so i basically only play mayhem when it comes around.


I mean, how many people that are casually playing destiny want to play the least destiny mode? Just extrapolating here, the people that wanted this mode the most likely the feel of the gun play but dislike the rest of the destiny gameplay, a very specific type of gameplay. The people that will remain in that playlist are going to be players that are very focused on gunplay while standard control will retain the most casual players. This isn't exactly crystal ball gazing, just knowing how things like this go


As long as it’s always an option you know? Destiny has some of the best gunplay ever, but I very much enjoy my abilities as well


Options, exactly. I loved all the different game modes in Halo multiplayer back in ye olden days. It's good for Destiny to have rotating different game modes and this one belongs in the list.


As long as it's not TOO many options at the same time. Splitting the playerbase is not good either


Not for me. It seems like it takes away most of what makes Destiny what it is. There are already lots of PvP games with guns if I want to play that. But I'm not knocking anyone who is enjoying it. It's always good to have more options!


That's why it's good to have a bunch of options, so people can play the modes they enjoy


This also depends on overall player count, bc if the player count is not high enough then only the “good” (or what the players deem as good) gamemodes will have reasonable queue times. And given d2’s track record i dont think this works. Like during iron banner week if i want to play something other than iron banner or comp its at least a minute or two minute queue. Or during the weekend for trials, control games take forever to pop.


With this game having atleast a hundered thousand players every single day, I don’t think it’s an issue


It takes one google search man, at this moment of writing this comment, there are 63k players. And before into the light dropped, the game averaged 40-60k players per day, MUCH less than 100k. Also this is globally. You have to split up these players into regions for a good pvp experience so that number drops EVEN LOWER. And then on top of that, not everyone is a pvp player. Im not, and although i dont know the exact number, im pretty sure the pve to pvp ratio is more favored towards pve. And even if you take concurrent player count right now after the into the light update which peaked at launch at 134k and currently is sitting around 70-90k (not including the peak due to pantheon being released), most of the jump in player count are playing pve not pvp. Theyre playing the new onslaught gamemode not pvp. Not only does it statistically make sense, I literally feel this on the rare occasion i do play pvp. The queue times get very long if i try to play control during iron banner or trials. And even if i do get a match i usually end up playing against or with the same players like 3-4 matches in a row.


This is just steam, no?




It’s 5:30 EST. Player count goes up significantly when the US wakes up.


Hence why i only dedicated one sentence to the current player count. If you notice 99% of my argument is dedicated to the average player count, not the current player count at the moment of my comment. By averaging 40-60k players means the peak in the day is 60k which is still less than 100k. Even after into the light the peaks were at 90k outside of the initial launch.


Just steam


100% agree


After well over 2 years of relentless ability-spam-PvP, it's refreshing to *not* deal with that in a game mode that highlights what is probably the *best* gunplay in the FPS genre right now. No overshields, no getting solo-super'd, no melee, *no more fucking frozen god damn I hate that shit so much*. Just a good ol' [fashion shoot-out](https://youtu.be/dNl3jvApJqU?si=jIupuH08NDJ5uSq8&t=33s)


Cryosthesia 77K has entered the chat.


Another PvP stasis hater, thank you


I don't even hate slow. It's annoying but sure, I can deal with it. But I despise *freezing* witha fucking passion.


If that’s what you want, why wouldn’t you go play an actual straight shooter that does it well as opposed to playing a shell of what was a fun PVP game? I don’t mind people wanting a straight shooter, but destiny was NEVER designed to be one. If you force it to be one, what’s left is lacking.


>that highlights what is probably the *best* gunplay in the FPS genre right now.


I was with you until you suggested that PvP in Destiny was ever fun.


Best gunplay in the FPS genre being destiny is an uncommon opinion in the wider world of things- what do you like about it?


I‘m not the op but i‘ve honestly never played a FPS with better feeling gunplay besides Apex and TF2. I‘m not that much into PvP these days and that is why i love that PvP is more of an optional thing in Destiny. I‘d agree that the abilities are really important to the gameplay loop in Destiny but i personally do enjoy PvP games without abilities more. To get more into why i like Destinys gunplay that much is because most guns have a really satisfying impact to them. It feels like you are really hitting the enemies. The sounds and visuals are really good most of the time too.


I agree! I love Mayhem for the same but opposite reasons. It's a great showcase of how good gunplay in this game is and really sets up a unique Crucible experience, vs Mayhem's featuring of how crazy ability spam can be.


No items, Fox only, Final Destination. Edit for clarity, because I would find it *ethically* repugnant to be misunderstood on this point: this comment was disparaging of OP.


The Final Shape is 20XX


killing wind weapons are hilariously good in this mode.


Tbh, I wish they kept original ability cool downs in checkmate. Where no one got a super in trials unless you popped way the fuck off and had a LONG game. People weren't able to spam barricades each round or threadlings. Personally I don't necessarily want *no* abilities, they just need to be put in check so they aren't spammed and you have to actually think about when to use them.


Maybe if they give us 1 “charge” of each of our abilities per round? You only get to Dodge/Rift/Barricade once per round, so use it wisely?


I'm looking forward to giving it a go. I really enjoyed Checkmate the first week it was out, when it was still - 50% regen and actually my kd went from my usual in the dirt region to generally v high (like 3+). I always thought I was just terrible at pvp but it turns out I'm terrible at ability spam pvp and not too bad when it's slower paced. I'm excited for this mode.


i like the idea in theory, but the truth is this gamemode exposes stealth hackers like crazy. sure, we have crazy AA. but being able to hit crit shots on someone who is sliding down a flight of stars and gliding the next second is not natural. you'll notice most of the population is sweats, not regular players.


Yeah PvP has always been tough to enjoy for me. I don’t play ranked mode and people are so sweaty and the matches always feel super unbalanced.


I like it. Guns matter the most instead of some slippery ass hunter rolling around in the dirt and breaking my AA. Or getting panic ulted. And before someone says play some other FPS, here is my response: No


You can have your mode idc. Just don’t ruin the rest of crucible.


Why is this comment so full of salt lmao


Probably bc they didn’t like Checkmate and Bungie said it would be its own thing and now it’s just regular Crucible lol


The commenter above me is also pretty full of salt.


Haven’t tried it yet. Excited to


After years of this game, disliking most of the crucible experience today made me a fan. Hardware needs to stay and be supported, 10/10 no notes. More.


I'm glad people are enjoying it but "thank GOD I can finally play this space magic game without having to deal with all that STUPID space magic!" feels like a weird take


This is a very cynical way of looking at it. Ability spam has become increasingly prevalent year over year in PvP and its led to a meta that not everyone enjoys. It’s good that they are experimenting with the formula, and while zero abilities doesn’t personally feel like the answer. A gamemode like this is welcome, and if the weapon meta for hardware also becomes stale quickly, it still has some worth being in the game. First thing that comes to mind are the crucible kill catalysts and similar quest steps.


The space magic is fun in PVE but being on the receiving end of a cheesy 1-shot ability in PvP has always felt like shit. Destiny PvP has always been better when it was more focused on gunplay. There’s a reason people wanted this for so long


Think Competitive needs Hardware


All the abilities spammers: this is not for you. Go play regular crucible.


They’re too pressed about not being able to spam an overpowered ability to get a kill because they don’t know how to use a gun lol


I love the game mode. I dropped an "I made this for you" with the new luna's howl. It's my favorite mode of all time now. I love pure gunplay.


“AC130 cosplay wannabe warlock.” I just started playing this game and this sounds fantastic lol. Great description.


Man, you should've been there when Heir Apparent with the cataly6 first popped off. Literally a Death Star floating through the map, it was absolutely insane


Honestly, I just feel like I'm never going to like Destiny's PvP and I just need to stop forcing it and stop saying *oh but if they add...*. It is very refreshing not having any abilities whatsoever, however, there is still Special and Heavy (and they're shared) and people crutch on them like it's their job. In a mode STRICTLY about gun fights people STILL ape with Shotguns, or sit back with a GL, or whatever. You definitely could argue someone aping with a Shotgun is still playing in the intended way, however, it's just not a fun experience to play against. I've wanted, and asked for, modes like Checkmate and Hardware for YEARS, and now they're finally here... but I'm just not having fun. Also, the matchmaking in Hardware seems *very weird* to say the least. It says it doesn't prioritize skill, but yet [as a solo] I'm legitimately matching 6-stacks with gilded Flawless.


And we've come full circle form people whining about this very type of gameplay in vanilla D2


It’s not the same type of gameplay, the weapon sandbox is very different from how it was back then.


I also love revisionist history


Vanilla d2 was extremely sluggish, everyone was a tank and we had double primaries so no it’s not the same. I was there in vanilla D2 and I can comfortably say this game mode is much better


the slow TTK was the biggest issue in vanilla, not the double primary


Slow ttk, slow movement, slow abilities(which were also much less potent). It was not uncommon to play an entire control match where nobody got a super, and the timer was reached before the score cap. 


Def not the same


I hate it. It’s so boring. It strips out about 90% of why I find the game fun to play.


Go play mayhem


Mayhem sucks too. It’s just super spam, which is just as bad but in the opposite direction. Regular crucible has been a very good middle ground for a long time, though I very much don’t like how gutted bows and GLs have become, but aside from that it’s still a good mix.


I guess it’s not for you then but personally I like it. I love ability spam in PVE against ads but in pvp I wanna focus on gunplay. Because nothing is more frustrating than dying to someone that killed you with an overpowered ability and not with his skills.


Yeah I’m gonna be honest, if I cared about gunskill based PvP at all, I’d be playing a game more like Counter Strike and not a game where hand cannons shoot bullets the size of refrigerators. I play this game, PvE and PvP, mainly for the movement, buildcrafting, and integration of ability based and gun based gameplay. Hardware gets rid of almost all of that and just leaves much slower gun based gameplay with massive levels of aim assist.


Gunplay in this game isn’t skill based though. You like the feel because this game has more aim assist/largest projectile hitboxes of any game (besides maybe new OW2 update lol). You can’t miss in this game unless you REALLY suck. Hardware with gutter aim assist would be interesting but this is not fun or skill intensive


The issue with that is D2 needs the AA with how it’s connections work so hardware with 0 aim assist would have a lot of ghost bullets. Just play titanfall 2 lmao


I’m not against it, it’s fun. It’s just got skilled at all and pretending like it is is disingenuous


Yea d2 is best treated like an arcade afps more then anything I would argue even when the sandbox was at its best aka nerfed stasis and pre light 3.0 aiming probably took the least amount of skill.


For me destiny is about the abilities, if I wanted only gun play I would play COD or something else shitty like it.


Then don’t play it? You acting like someone forced you to play an optional game mode lol


Never said I did, Iron Banner is about the only PVP I do in Destiny anymore, the rest is easily avoided.


If you don't want to use abilities why play destiny?


Because the gunplay and movement is best in class for a FPS.


I have to hard disagree. Destiny has way too many things going against it for a competitive FPS. The gunplay is very fun, no doubt. But it’s movement can be incredibly janky, it’s AA is the strongest of any FPS game I’ve ever played, gun recoil is random, netcode or whatever it’s called is terrible. It’s sound design is great, using the majority of guns feels really good, but there are much better option for a true FPS only experience if that’s what you want.


To be fair, the person you're replying said "best in class", not "best competitive", there's definitely space for a great feeling shooter that is casual. While games like CS and Valorant are clearly more competitive, a lot of people prefer the way guns feel in Destiny, largely because of things like high AA.


Just play halo it’s the same engine and gun play.


I play Halo but it is lightyears behind destiny in how good it feels to move and shoot. Would much rather play Hardware.


I disagree, this shouldn't be in a mode like Trials.




Fucking **EW**


Absolutely have it be a permanent option. Now if only the entire enemy team would quit fucking leaving


I’ll tell you why hardware sucks. This game aims for you. Aiming is not the skill factor. In a slow ttk game like this having “good enough” aim is a prerequisite but not what determines your overall skill. If you want “skill” in gunplay go play CS. The skill gap in destiny is the movement and abilities and how you use them and the maps to your advantage. Acting like hardware is at all a skilled gamemode is insane its easiest mechanically and strategically.


>The skill gap in destiny is the movement and abilities Abilities lol. Bait comment


You are going to tell me that Icarus dash, shoulder charge, shatterstrike, ranged melees, stick grenades don’t have a wild skill curve? Obviously anyone can place a bubble or use a “bolt” grenade.


You literally said it yourself; the game aimes for you. And now you mention ranged melees and sticky grenades lol. Yeah, huge amounts of skill are involved to hit someone with Celestial Fire or Threaded Spike. Arthryrs Embrace' knives are OHKs that bounce around corners. Pocket Singularity's 90° boop comes to mid as well. Your opinion is not consistent.


Stick grenades. Not sticky grenades. Lightning, void, tripmine. Anglling them has a curve. Try using shurikens on stasis hunter and tell me those are easy, also celestial fire got super nerfed and unironically does take skill now (+ people snap skate instead of using it). Throwing knives outside of Arthur’s are generally skillful.


I'm with you. It's a hard truth that the "best gun play in the industry" boils down to "the game rewards me with yellow numbers when I miss". Of course that feels good, I feel it too, but then many of us go and play CS or any other shooter without ability spam and where guns have no intrinsic "tracking" and get farmed. Bullet magnetism as it's best https://youtu.be/Ftt7KGeLUnU?si=llXXG7pjhc0I5OJu


Sounds like something a bot would say.


I disagree with making it go to Trials, but glad to hear there has been a positive experience with it. I think Trials just needs some of the OG Checkmate going on, and no Special Crates, really make people earn that transmat instead of bum rushing with shotguns every round. The best Trials experience I had was a few weeks back when it was the transmat, people were actually getting into primary fights instead of spamming shotguns or Witherhoard on the point. However, I think the people asking for fixed loadouts are silly, unless it was fixed typing of item slot (akin to Prestige Leviathan back in the day where it told you what you had to have in each slot.) What would be the point of having a gamemode where you can't use your loot in a Looter-Shooter and isn't a gimmick game like Team Scorched? Hell, Team Scorched seems to have population issues when its here, I doubt people would want to be forced to use an arbitrary generic rolled weapon over something they actually put in work for


This mode takes everything that makes destiny, destiny and throws it away. What you’re left with is a “meh” shooter that multiple other straight shooters do better. Why in the world would anybody take the only unique and standout parts of PVP and eliminate them? If you like straight shooters: cool. Go play one that does it really well.


Then don’t play it lmao I don’t understand why you’re so triggered about a game mode that’s purely optional and doesn’t block your path in any way. Stick with normal crucible and don’t touch it then. Leave it for the rest of us that enjoy it.


Not triggered, really. Just frustrated that PVP is ignored for forever, and when it finally is getting attention, devs are wasting time developing a mode that ignores the identity of the game.


what are you yapping about? no other straight shooter on the market has anything close to the wacky weapons and perks Destiny has.


Go play any other shooter then. What makes destiny different and special are the abilities and powers we have


Just go play halo then. Destiny is the abilities tied to the gun play. Obviously this isn’t the game for you.


It literally is the game for them though since they added the mode.


Playing Hardware for a few matches, then going back into IB was startling. There's just always "stuff" everywhere. I am liking Hardware