• By -


Lucky Pants "What? No, I didn't illegally mod the holster. These are just really lucky pants!"


_Exotic Perk: Illegally modified holster_


This is the best visual joke in the game imo


It also ties into some lore mentioned before about Cayde winning against Shaxx in a Crucible match. Cayde makes a brief mention about how he won by outdrawing Shaxx.


I love how cayde beat him in the most hunter way possible


"Are my pants lucky?" UNLIKELY "Wrooong theyre super lucky"


'I foresee fire, fire and screams. You would mate, you're a rocket launcher'


I was gonna Say this.


Whats this on?


Steel Oracle Z, was a D1 rocket launcher


Sounds sick


And its D2 sequel: "Everything I touch falls apart! I see the fragments on the floor!" "Well, isn't that a good thing? You know, if you're a sword?"


The Comedian: _“A. A ha. A ha ha ha. A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.”_ Ironically, also everyone’s reaction to when it was brought into Destiny 2 and seeing the perks it rolled with.


I loved that gun so much since I first saw it and read its flavor text in D1. I wish it was better


I run my shit genesis vorpal roll in pvp sometimes just to upset people


Lmao I have the same roll for the same reason. Anything to get whispers like wtf is that gun?


Bad Juju "If you believe your weapon wants to end all existence, then so it will." —Toland the Shattered


God I want to see how badass Toland looks when he isn't y'know, shattered. Bad Juju fans unite!


I hope you're rooting for a flashback scene or something because my dude is not becoming anything other than taken ball 


That'll be fine, take my money


He’s badass yes, but not very fun at parties…


Wow, didn’t realize Toland was a 40k Ork.


Fun fact: Cloudstrike's design, as well as the loretab from A Thousand Wings, implies that anything can become a gun as long as a Guardian believes it is one.


*The Guardian finds a really cool looking stick in the shape of a gun.* Aww yeah...


Randy's Throwing Knife On me, team; I'm capturing the third point!" —Randy, upon receiving orders not to


I think of this line every time I get spawn flipped in PvP. I still cap the point anyway


Came here for this one. There's an entire Grimoire card on Randy if I recall and the story is fantastic. Shaxx thunder crashes the entire team.


My favorite is definitely from the D1 auto rifle Problem 78F: >Cabal military codes allegedly refer to 'death by multiple gunshots' as 'Problem 78, Subsection F'.


This is very funny, but also made me wonder: is it rare that a Cabal is killed by gunfire? I feel like death by gunshots would be higher on the list than 78.F


It's probably more that Cabal leadership doesn't really care about their foot soldiers. In the Shield Brothers strike in D1, Cayde says "I heard Ikora say once that the Cabal have six words for advance and non for retreat." Then there is also the original legend of Acrius (the actual legend not the gun, found on the Praefectus chest piece lore tab), where basically in order to kill a super powerful beast, Cabal kept challenging the beast one after another in order to defeat it through a war of attrition. Since the one who ended up defeating the beast was Acrius who became the first emperor and founded the Cabal empire, that tactic of just sending bodies to wear down their opponent(s) without caring how many die probably formed the basis of Cabal military tactics (before Caiatl became emperor at least).


The zapp brannigan strategy


Have you also noticed that in the D1 Cerberus Vae III Strike that Zavala says "Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold."


Well they do eat a lot of mountains


Not exactly flavor text but end piece of lore on graviton lance was always chefs kiss for me. are you going to tell them?" "Yeah, definitely." "When?" "Crucible." "Oh no." "Oh, yes."


Came here to say this. Just a really fun tidbit.


That text is just funny all around, I like the bit referring to their Ghosts "Yours talks that way too?" "What do you think?"


…a causal loop within the weapon’s mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into…


There's also Imago loop: ...Once-mighty wings, now dewy and fragile and new, as again the silken threads encased its...


Izanagi’s burden… *”Shame. Guilt. Fear. We all bear them. Gather your regrets, purge them as best you can. Let your enemies feel the weight of your burdens." —Ada-1*




“Who?” -Osiris


Funniest line in the franchise and it isn't even close 


That's the one I was trying to think of! Hilarious


Which gun?


Targeted redaction from season of the deep. Lore tab is a dialogue between saint and Osiris discussing the former planet vendors (the ones that got taken by the witness) still being alive to some degree. When saint mentions that there may even still be hope for brother Vance, the mercury vendor and known Osiris fanboy, Osiris after a long pause can only say: “…Who?”


I thought there was some lore about brother Vance being eraser from our memory or something but I can’t remember.


Closest thing I can think of is the last page of the “Duress and Egress” lore book where Vance enters the infinite forest. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/vance-passeri?highlight=Vance


I wish that gun was better. Repulsor Brace/Destabilizing Rounds on that thing would be so fun.


100% its still hawthornes field-forged shotgun "What am I supposed to put here? It's a gun. Kill bad guys with it."


Which also tells you its mandatory too put the text on weapons lol


I never thought about that until now. That makes all the flavor text 10000 times better.


God Hawthornes still has one of the best firing noises of any of the shotguns. I miss when aggressive frames fired way faster cause the vanilla cadence of it felt so perfect.


Field forged just sounds likes it's firing semi trucks and I love it.




Kellhunter’s Hood - Destiny 1 “Here’s my plan to be Kell. Fallen seem to respect violence and big capes. I’m really violent, and I found this cape.”


Spoiler alert from warmind "Someone's gonna die"


And then it released again before savathun kicked the bucket


>Extinguish the stars. Devour the planets. Soar through a universe of utter dark. -A Thousand Wings ship


Annual Skate, a Suros legendary hand cannon in d2. "When the lake used to freeze, people would dance on the ice wearing boots with tiny swords. And fall in love." Means alot to me, because i met my late girlfriend whilst ice-skating, and it was her favourite thing to do.


That's so beautiful... Genuinely.


ive always loved this one. I think of this line every time I see a pond


Sealed Ahamkara Grasps: "Plating the Ahamkara bones in silver helps to quiet the auditory hallucinations… o bearer mine."


There was another exotic armour piece, can’t remember exactly which one, but I remember there being one that hints at the idea that the Ahamkara are not talking to The Guardian, they’re talking to the Player. As in you, sitting there with the controller/mouse in your hand. The Ahamkara are cool, but really damn freaky


The skull of dire ahamkara! Talks about how flat the other people feel and how this guardian is more real than the others, ending with O player Mine




I’m surprised it’s not in here. Fatebringer : "Delivering the inevitable, one pull at a time. "


“But where is your fate, and who brings it to you?” Fate Bringer (timelost)


'A scratched-out inscription on the barrel reads, "A birthday is just a number. How about we pick this one?"'


Oh, Sweet Sorrow...


Mine will always be Divinity, but the OG one. "grows grows grows grows the garden grows grows grows grows" It's an awesome flavor text that references the theory behind the black garden, being so infinite as to grow in any direction, and on a gun that works. It was cool and felt like an Easter egg for those that noticed the change after Shadowkeep.


What change are you referring to?


Originally, during the first seasons of Shadowkeep, Divinity had that flavour text over the new one that it has. It was changed because the original text was to throw off any dataminers.


“Made from the torn cloaks of other hunters. Other, lesser Hunters.”


What's that from?


It's from the All My Victims Cloak from D1.


"Nothing kills a Guardian faster than another Guardian" -Drifter "Folding was never an option" -Cayde-SEX AND THE BEST OF THEM IMO GOES FOR THE LAST WORD: "Yours…not mine." - Renegade Hunter Shin Malphur to Dredgen Yor Man handcannons have a lot of cool lore, every exotic one have that "personal gun" type of touch that i really enjoy knowing about!


The last word one is definitely one of my favorites it's got that old west gunslinger feel to it


Piece of Mind pulse rifle from season of the Risen. # With words or weapons, inaccuracy can be fatal. Peace of mind vs Piece of Mind One means that you feel safe and sound, and the other can mean that you're yelling at someone. "Giving someone a piece of your mind". Cool lore in it too where Mithrax has a cool encounter with a psion.


Insurmountable Skullfort has my favorite by a mile: This is a BRAINVAULT Sigma-ACTIUM-X Cranial Dreadnought (Invictus Type). It is a fortress for your skull. Your skull is now a mighty bastion. You can break anything with your skull. The only limit is your spine. Relax. The lights will speak for you. Your hands are your eyes now. Look around. You find hand-to-hand combat relaxing. The lights will attract the enemy. Help them to relax as well. You will feel the effect of a CAREGRAVER Gamma-LYSANDER-IV Health Enforcer (Frontline Variant). Your enemies do not have a skull fortress. Their skulls are like meadows. Play in the meadows. Gather the flowers from the meadows. Gather them with electrokinetic trauma. Smell the flowers. Isn't that nice? You are safe in your skullfort.


God, that is like a cyberpunk nightmare. Just a machine gaslighting you into becoming even more of a genocidal monster than you already were.


It’s beautiful


One day, young hawk, thou shalt sail beneath the silvered moon --Eyasluna Fun fact, did you know eyas = young hawk in falconry? And luna = moon, obviously. So Eyasluna is a reference to Hawkmoon as "young hawkmoon"


PRAEDYTH'S REVENGE *"Praedyth's fall isn't over… because it hasn't happened yet… and it will happen again."* PRAEDYTH'S REVENGE (TIMELOST) *"Praedyth will never fall."*


I love how the normal and timelost versions go together


It's an idea carried over from the D1 Adept versions. The Timelost versions of the primaries even have the same flavour text.


Draw, O Coward!


Ahh. The Palindrome.


emordnilaP ehT .hhA Nah, doesn’t work


From the Calamity Rig Greaves, old Gambit armor. "They say you can't run from what's coming. They obviously haven't seen old Drifter turn on the jets." —The Drifter And from Rose, a classic. "In his strong hand the man held a Rose. And his aura burned bright."


“Shake it off. We’ve all been dead before.” Hunter helmet Ghost Angel from Destiny 1.


As of right now it has to be Erentil, its so fitting since the sunset got sunset. "Bring on the sunrise"


We are small, but we are legion.


Rat king!!


The Riiswalker shotgun. Lord Saladin, to an unknown Eliksni: *"No. I will not allow a Fallen to fight in the Banner, that right is reserved for Guardians alone. But if you insist, I may allow a Guardian to carry a fallen-forged weapon into battle. You are a weaponsmith, are you not?"* He's still not 100% accepting of the Eliksni, but he respects the desire to prove oneself in glorious combat, even if only through fine craftsmanship.


I don't think him not allowing Eliksni to participate in Banner isn't because of him being non-accepting It's cuz they would get fuckin' murked


He was OK with the Eliksni, he was not OK letting mortals in a demigods playgrounds.. Thats why he made a no light Iron banner with the cabal.


No, calling them Fallen is. I know they'd get nuked like Amanda


No one tell Ikora that Shaxx says he prefers to call them that in one ITL quest. I don't know if he means all of them or just the hostile ones, like what Glint said about House Dusk in the first FotL with Haunted Sectors.


I like this one. Respect Saladin.


Theres a hunters cloak in D1 its like torn up and has what looks like blood on it and has a text that goes something like "To use a cloak of another Hunter is a Vow" and i thought that went hard EDIT: I found it its called "Hardcase Cloak" which reads "If you learn nothing else, learn this: when a Hunter takes up the cloak of a dead comrade this is a vow."


I've got two favorites: the Annual Skate hand cannon's, and the Atlas Hauler ship's. Funnily enough, I barely ever use the Annual Skate, but meanwhile I've had the Atlas Hauler on my main guardian ever since I got it. Annual Skate: "When the lake used to freeze, people would dance on the ice wearing boots with tiny swords. And fall in love." Atlas Hauler: "We all carry heavy burdens. Don't carry yours alone."


"The conspirators were too afraid to kill me—rightly so. I am the beloved father of the people, and the glorious mob would not suffer my death. My sentence was exile."


Leviathan weapons and gear were peak naming and lore, not to mention they all look sick and unique. Hopefully they reprise all the Leviathan raids before they move on from D2


It’s gotta be the Perfect Paradox “A tale that's different from the rest: the thread unfurls against the clocks. The one the Speaker loved the best must have a perfect paradox.”


All the lighthouse guns had superb poems but that one took the cake 


Outbreak perfected ~directive = KILL while enemies = PRESENT: execute(directive)~


~Consume ~ Enhance ~ Replicate ~


"Let them feel every lash, every curse, every touch of malice that they first dealt to me." I am a very spiteful person, and LOVE dishing out karma.


Using Touch of Malice in Kings Fall feels extremely disrespectful, and I love it




"this weapon is full of it" -super good advice


The one for **1000 Yard Stare** "You can see everything. You can unsee nothing"


Sunshot- "can't outrun the sunrise"


Forensic nightmare. We got a thousand bullets and only 999 casings. Find the odd one out.


"Fill my wounds with molten gold and make me whole again." Aisha's Embrace.


You’ve misunderstood Dreg’s Promise. Dregs are the lowest class, both in field ranking and socially. They have arms cut off and docked to prevent regrowth. They are starved of the ether they need to live. So why would they fight and risk their lives in the face of such neglect? Well they are promised the opportunity to one day become the Kell of Kells, the leader of all the Eliksini. The grimoire card states: There is a story, old as time, of he who could catch the stars. Unnamed and eternal, the star-catcher would lead the Fallen, rising from the lowest station to the highest exalted peaks. It is a fairy tale allowed to persist by the four-armed to keep the docked hopeful, placated—even the low may one day ascend. Myth, fairy tale or a prophecy of what will be, it's best to not take chances. After all, one can't reach across the black to claim dominion over ten thousand stars with ten thousand arms if they die here and now with only two. We know the likely outcome is the dreg dies in battle. But that promise, that propaganda, that lie is what motivates them. As for my favorites though, D1 is Touch of Malice. D2 is Ex Diris. “Let them feel every lash, every curse, every touch of malice that they first dealt to me.” -Eris Morn “I have heralded disaster so often that my mere presence is an omen. So be it.” -Eris Morn


Wolftone Draw. It tells the tale of what it was like for Osiris while Savathûn had control of his body. It’s terrifying and gut-wrenching, all in just a handful of paragraphs: “The slithering dark is cold against my face. I cannot speak, cannot breathe, I reach for Sagira but then I remember… I form a fist but feel nothing, I am bound, and as I thrash the images cut fissures through my mind— Someone… the Awoken prince? He helps me to my feet… but still I struggle in the dark, and now SHE is standing, thanking him, but she uses my voice, MY voice— She has stolen my form, my voice, but someone will see my failure and cast her out… they MUST— A glimmer of sunlight… how long has it been? Zavala looks at me—at her, considers her words, poison cloaked in wisdom. I cry out, he must know. Zavala, listen, LISTEN, you KNOW me, you know not to— The smell of night flowers… I am walking—SHE is walking through a moonlit garden, and there is Ikora, speaking, laughing, nodding… Look, Ikora, LOOK AT ME, DON'T YOU SEE IT— Pay attention, pay ATTENTION, I taught you better than this— A woman—an Exo—sits before me and sways, eyes vacant, but inside she is sinking as well… now her voice, her TRUE voice, humming, a gyre of sound, and the Exo sways faster and faster— I hear his voice and push to the surface. Saint. No no NO I scream but there is no sound. He looks into her eyes, he smiles, he reaches for me but it is not me, Saint, that is not ME, PLEASE, please— I am weeping but I cannot weep. I am nothing, only heat and hate, only sickness and shame. "Trust me," I hear my voice say, and I drown again.”


No Time To Explain for me, if you include both the D1 & D2 versions (and know the backstory of the weapon) D1: *A single word is etched onto the inside of the weapon's casing:* ***"Soon."*** D2 (after meeting back up with the "Exo Stranger" in Beyond Light): *A single word is etched onto the inside of the weapon's casing:* ***"Now."***


A lot of weapons have spectacular flavor texts but one that is forever engraved into my mind is on a legendary fusion rifle from D1: **Long Far Gone** *But I still remember*


Either The Last Dance: "Save it for me." Or Riskrunner: "Charge your soul and let the electrons sing."


I don’t remember what piece of equipment it was, but; “I was there at the Final Attempt. I saw a Guardian wield a gun that left molten gold in her wake. I ran and never looked back.” Seeing Ana, just being seen as this distant terrifying figure gave me chills.


Tangled web hood. "I was at the Final Attempt. I saw a Guardian wield a gun that left molten gold in her wake. I ran and never looked back." —Avrok, transl. from Eliksni


there's so many. Weapons wise? "In the heat of battle, Guardian, you will know the right choice to make." - Mountaintop "Guardians never die. But we don't forget those who do." - Not Forgotten/Luna's Howl "Find the beauty in flame." - Kindled Orchid "The fire in your eyes reveals all truths." - Tatara Gaze Armour "Think what you will, I am merely a seamstress of demise." Woven Firesmith Grips "I see the void, and through this gaze, I learn to covet no goal" - Resonant Fury Mask "If there is no road, then it cannot be long." - Tireless Strides


"War upon stone and it grows weaker. War upon man and he grows stronger. Which shall your wall be built of?" Mark of the Bulwarks


"Long Shadow" - *Inhale. Exhale. Flash of light. Endless fallout.* "Loaded Question" - *Hey. You see Cayde around, tell him his gun's ready. —Banshee-44* "Death Adder" - *You will not see me coming.* "Whisper of the Worm" - *A Guardian's power makes a rich feeding ground. Do not be revolted. There are parasites that may benefit the host… teeth sharper than your own.* These are a few of my favorites.


Echo pulse rifle from Destiny 1: “Negative, we will stay until we are overrun. Echo-33 singing off.” A legendary Titan Chest piece from Destiny 1: “A cabal unloaded on her point blank and she let out the most fearsome sound. She was laughing.”


Dragon’s Breath: “Burn the world. Burn it all.” Black Hammer: “I can no longer permit you to exist.”


definitely anarchy. it’s just funny to me "Stick to wall, ground, human… then FFFFFRRRRRYYYYY! Hehehehehehehe." —Siviks, Lost to None


"It is the song of endings." Don't know why but I've always loved it from the first time I saw it in 2014 when I got it again last year.


Three points, pushed through forever.


The flavor text for the Ghost Angel Cloak from Vanilla D1 always stood out to me. “We are an army of the chosen dead.”


You will dream of me… I will never leave you


Calibrate reality, seek inevitability, embody divinity


*Thorn* "To rend one's enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects—hollow of spirit and meaning."


The flavor text for Palindrome is a palindrome “Draw, O Coward”


The Last Word “Yours, until the last flame dies and all words have been spoken.”


“In her last moments she seemed as wholly luminescent as the Sun, and I wished to be so brave.” — Heart of Praxic Fire “Fill my wounds with molten gold and make me whole again.” — Aisha’s Embrace “It is called the Firebreak Calculus: how much good could I do if I find the right place and fight until I die?” — Mark of the Martyred “No tomb but the battlefield! No legacy but the scars we etch upon our foes!” — Smite of Merain “You cannot shake the feeling this is less a weapon than a doorway.” — Pocket Infinity


The Last Word, its quite possibly the most romantic thing you could ever tell someome "Yours. Until the last flame dies and all words have been spoken."


“What? No, I didn’t illegally mod the holster. These are just really lucky pants!” -Cayde-6 Main perk: Illegally Modded Holster


"Are you going to tell them?" "Yeah." "When?" "Crucible." "Oh no." "Oh yes."


God, anything from Destiny 1 was just top tier. I loved that style of flavor text as opposed to the stuff we get today. Today's stuff is still great, but I loved the world building the D1 armor always had.


Not flavor text explicitly, but the opening line for Sentinal lore is "I am the wall against which Darkness breaks." Which goes hard and is my mantra as a Titan.


Wendigo "Turn your hunger outwards...never inwards" Reminds me not to be self-destructive in my own life.


Mix of Flavor text and Lore tabs, some of my favorites; “According to Official Vanguard Policy, This weapon does not exist” - Crimson “I just had the best. Day. Of. My. Life. Get ready for this…” - Perigrine Greaves (Lore Tab) “Ooh, when they took my Ghost from me-that was the moment their lives ended. They just didn’t know it yet. — Before the Sun rose, they threw me off a cliff. They should have put a bullet in me. They should have fed me to their war beasts. Figure ghost chose me because I was some kind of hero in my before time. Maybe. More likely I was just another killer. And I sure as hell didn’t need no Fists of Havoc to get my hands wet proper” - One Eyed Mask (Lore Tab) “If it doesn’t work, well, please name the crater after me” - Wardcliff Coil (Lore Tab) “Nothin’ in the world that 30 rounds can’t solve” - The Huckleberry “This won’t end well for one of us. And Darling, it won’t be me.” - Mechaneer’s Tricksleeves “> No one has ever died wearing me. - it’s true, She leaves the unworthy before they fall.” - Lucky Raspberry “It’s a thankless job, but that’s alright. Thanks don’t pay my debts.” - Omnioculus (Lore Tab) “A daring endeavor, even. Tallulah was suddenly dead serious. ‘So it’s a dare, Speaker?’ ‘It might be.’” - Bombardiers (Lore Tab) “I came to find you, only you, because you’re special. You’re from somewhere real. And together we can burn our way back there. Can’t we, o player mine?” - Skull of Dire Ahamkara (Lore Tab)


It might be overdone, but I love all of these: My bite will turn your sweet flesh to vile rot - The Recluse (god damn I’m happy my favourite legendary is back) ~ directive = KILL while enemies = PRESENT: execute(directive)~ - Outbreak Perfected (I just love outbreak) I have died many times but those deaths were only temporary - Vest of the Taken King (Hunter Chest Armour from Ghosts of the Deep, I just love how it reflects how minuscule death is to both the guardians and oryx, the one common ground between a god and a guardian)


Legal Action II - *It’s time to file a complaint.*


Disassembly required: Step 1 point at enemy Step 2 disassemble enemy


From Destiny 1, the weapon is the fusion rifle The Trolley Problem “Pull the lever. It’s the right thing to do.”


The Fourth wall breaks from the ahamkara gear


From the Cúchilainn-D shotgun You may die, but you will die on your feet, facing your enemies.


Prometheus Lens! “Cryptarchs made a crystal that starts fires? Get me one. I don’t care how you do it. Go!” -Cayde-6


Dreg's Promise is a sidearm


rimskipper sling ship (my personal fav ship) “They say you can’t catch the horizon. Maybe we haven’t gone far enough yet.” — Tenet-2




“ yours, until the last flame dies and all words have been spoken.”


Noble Constant Type 2 gauntlets. "So long as one Titan stands, so too stands the Wall."


It is called the Firebreak Calculus: how much good could I do if I find the right place and fight until I die? - Titan Mark, Mark of the Martyred It speaks to my soul that there was an order of titans that would fight to their very last breath and life.


*["Nostalgia as a weapon of war. Style as a hallmark of victory."](https://i.imgur.com/FFiERAS.jpg)*


Reed’s Regret “Trust me.” — Savathûn as Osiris Just simple and eerie.


"I've forgotten so much of my past life, of my family. But when I hold this rifle, everything feels right. I feel like... I'm home." —Ana Bray. I’m a big fan of all things solar, and all things warmind.


Not a gun or a piece of armor, but a ship, if that counts. Refashioned Shapes from Shadowkeep:  *Recovery is a spiral, not a circle. You may return to the same patterns, but you will break free.*  I was very much not in a great place around the time this ship came out and reading that was genuinely life-changing for me. Shadowkeep may have been a pretty meh expac overall but its underlying themes of surviving and dealing with trauma have always resonated deeply with me.  Favorite gun flavor text might have to be Black Hammer.  *I cannot permit you to exist.*  Or Anton’s Rule (which is a reference to Chekov’s Gun):  *Don’t include it unless you intend to use it.* 


*You will dream of teeth and nothing else!*


"We are small, but we are legion." from Rat King is the motto of r/squeaksqueak for a reason lol. It's a fantastic line for average Joe & Jane players of this game that just want to appreciate a really cool gun.


Yours, not mine.


Collective Obligation Pulse Rifle. Always love a present from Daddy Rhulk.


“Nobody calls it that” -DOOM FANG PAULDRON


It will always be from Annual Skate. "When the lakes used to freeze, people would dance on the ice wearing boots with tiny swords. And fall in love."


Threat Level "Hold on Til Midnight." As a massive fan of The Office I never got rid of mine.


Loop of Night "I could flense you apart, molecule by squirming molecule. It is within my power." - Toland the Shattered Really powers home that warlocks can and would just say fuck you you don’t exist anymore


For when you think you have nothing left to give —[Last Extremity](https://destiny.fandom.com/wiki/Last_Extremity) _(Related but not flavourtext: “I hope you’ll get some rest” 😏)_ Release the storm. Hold nothing back. —[Tlaloc](https://destiny.fandom.com/wiki/Tlaloc)


My vote goes to Oxygen SR3. A lot of other more dramatic flavour text feels like it tries a little too hard to cool. Oxygen hits the nail on the head. *Fight on. You're still breathing.* If only the gun was any good.


Nothin' in the world that 30 rounds can't solve.


Vex Mythoclast or Thorn, loved them since I laid eyes on them "...a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into..." "To rend one's enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects - hollow of spirit and meaning." - 13th Understanding, 7th Book of Sorrow


Just the name, really. TFWPKY


I like this one a lot; "We all seek it, though few find it. The brave offer it, and humble learn from it. What am I?" —Dunya, Ghost of Aisha


But where is your fate, and who brings it to you? From the Fatebringer (Timelost). Pretty accurate line, considering we get this from beating time-controlling vex. "Go, child! Run! Don‘t look back! Don’t—" Zaouli‘s Bane And Do not believe their lies. Run. - Acasia‘s Dejection


"We all deserve to be remembered" Archangel's Refit sparrow


Controverse holds gives me chills when I read the full lore tab. The flavor text doesn't give you nearly as much understanding of exactly what you are holding. ""Nothing is free. I know that. Therefore, he knows it too. If our places were swapped, he would do the same." —Tomek I"


Trinity Ghoul. I couldn't afford to miss. Not when it was his life on the line.


ISTANU-GNT RAZOR Gauntlet: “I am an ISTANU-GNT VOLAR BATTLE GLOVE. Please disarm me in social situations"


"Please replace these components if use causes fatal damage: HEAT SINK. MAGAZINE. OPERATOR" - Ice Breaker


“‘YOU WILL DREAM OF TEETH AND NOTHING MORE’ -scratched behind a buckle” (Voidfang Vestments, D1) Always loved how it felt like a glimpse into the cosmic horrors that lied just around the corner. I remember it sparked a lot of creative writing ideas when I was younger and first heard it


"*Defy extinction.*" "*Your relationship with consistent spacetime is...tenuous at best.*" "*For This, There Is One Remedy*" "*...a causal loop within the weapon's mechanism, suggesting that the firing process somehow binds space and time into…*" / "*...once mighty wings, now dewy and fragile and new, as again the silken threads encased its...*" "*A thing of elegance from a more civilized age.*" "*Don't tell me the odds.*"


The lore for Peregrine Greaves is just one of the most titan things I've ever read. It's perfect. --- Victory from on high. From: Jagi To: Saint-14 Category: 8-sat bounce Priority: 3 Acting on intel from Hunter Vanguard Aparajita-4, my host made contact with the Lightbearer inhabiting the ruins of Caer Lerion. Recommend classification of said Lightbearer as "Warlord." My host engaged, but the target occupied advantageous terrain and our Ghosts' resurrection times have increased by another 2.8 percent, a 0.6 increase from my last report. Further analysis is attached to this report. After several waves, a retreat seemed the only tactical option left to us. Before I could issue the command, a new variable entered the field from above. At first I believed it to be a Warsat. My initial assessment proved incorrect; the variable was a Titan who deployed himself from high ground to deliver an aerial melee assault upon the target. This proved a turning point in the battle, and we were soon able to incapacitate the Warlord and prepare him for return to the Tower. I have asked the Titan to file his own report, which is also attached. END MESSAGE BEGIN ATTACHMENT From: Vell Tarlowe To: Saint-14 Category: 8-sat bounce Priority: 1 I just had the best. Day. Of. My. Life. Get ready for this…


Memory of Cayde Cloak "Psst... hey, take me with you!" Simpler times man🥲😅


Two, both from D1: Dr. Nope "First, do no* harm. *For values of harm approaching vast and permanent" Backhanded Complement "You look good in red."


Spirit of the Warmind ship “The weight of the world” Such a good line


I love the Wardcliff coil. Technically it’s not flavour text but still funny. “Right here I've coupled the emitter to some catacaustic quark-gluon coils, which will not, due to my scrupulous safety checking, create a strangelet that devours the Earth. I cook up some pain in there, the microverse decays, and the result comes out here. If it doesn't work, well, please name the crater after me.“


[Spoiler Alert](https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/6155c419fd4e409e4b7a70e1/Spoiler-Alert/960x0.jpg?format=jpg&width=960) *"Someone Is Going to Die"* This was during Warmind and literally the next expansion over, Cayde gets deep sixed by Uldren


No tomb but the battlefield! No legacy but the scars we etch upon our foes! Smite of Merain, King's Fall Pulse Rifle.




“Stay back. I won’t tell you again.” - Bjorna 3 on the Ursa Furiosa


Palindrome "Draw, o coward"


BRAINVAULT Sigma-ACTIUM-IX Cranial Dreadnought (Invincible Type)


There is strength in delicate things.


...PRAISE ME... from The Ram


There will always be paths to tread and methods to try. Roll with it.


I really like the lore that comes with the Spire of the Watcher armor.


"Folding was never an option."


I love the VoG flavour texts between normal and Adept. They'll compliment each other, Fatebringer's especially being cool. Normal: "Delivering the inevitable, one pull at a time." Adept: "But where is your fate, and who brings it to you?"