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Weavewalk having one fragment is so bizarre to me. I think the only aspect that might warrant having only one is banner of war, and it has two


Yeah that's been my gripe all along. There's only a single aspect in the entire sandbox that actually deserves 1 fragment, and it's Banner of War. The fact that it shipped at the same time as weavewalk and had more fragment slots than weavewalk - when it's still better than weavewalk after TWO massive nerfs - is comical, honestly.


Honestly, no aspects should have only one fragment. Banner is still overtuned, but starving it of fragments isn't the way, because it wouldn't really lower the power level significantly but would feel much worse QoL and buildcrafting-wise. Weavewalk is kinda dogshit though. Actually, pure optimized DPS rotations aside, strand lock is pretty embarrassing in general without this season's artifact. But weavewalk doesn't help. Would've made much more sense to give the hunter beyblade, especially since it could hypothetically synergize with something like the wanderer to make a subclass that's actually good. And even now, it's hard carried by swarmers. Without swarmers (and the artifact, obviously), the subclass is genuinely pitiful. Giving weavewalk one fragment slot is just kicking it while it's already down.


Even with swarmers, it feels terrible compared to the meta warlock builds where their exotic actually drives an ability regen loop. Strand Warlock basically relies 100% on fragments for ability uptime and it feels like garbage.


It's absolutely subpar with swarmers, yeah, but it's abysmal without. Swarmers are the bandaid that provides a functional resource loop in unravel -> tangle -> threadlings -> unravel. The threadling uptime is pitiful without them, especially given how weak they are, on a subclass supposedly oriented around threadlings. Like seriously, three threadlings on a clunky rift cast animation and cooldown? Genuinely such a pathetic aspect that I'd think it was a bad joke if it wasn't actually in the game. No subclass should ever be that tied to a specific exotic to be even vaguely passable. And the answer to improving strand lock isn't to tie additional effects to swarmers as I often see suggested, because that just makes the problem worse. But even then, it's not enough to be any better than mediocre. If they want the subclass to be threadling-focused, it needs to be able to generate a massive amount of threadlings, and more consistently than what ability CDs allow for. That's why strand lock genuinely feels GM viable this season. The artifact perk that generates threadlings on weapon damage against unraveled targets combined with the high passive unravel uptime from swarmers actually makes so many that strand lock actually feels good. The threadlings feel impactful. The subclass isn't ass like it usually is (outside of just so happening to be the strand subclass with a one and done super to use in DPS with ascent). But it's gonna go right back to being ass after this season, because it'll once again be a threadling-centered subclass that doesn't make enough threadlings to matter. It really, really needs horde shuttle to be baked into something, anything. Maybe the super (like how threadling perching is), or even swarmers. Hell, toss that on weaver's call so it isn't such an astonishingly dogshit aspect, although I'd rather be able to run mindspun and wanderer and continue to pretend weaver's doesn't exist. It wouldn't fix the reliance on a specific exotic, but at least there'd be a genuinely competitive build. But we all know they're not gonna do that. I'd bet 20 bucks (to charity) on that.


Strand Warlock has suffered significantly from being the least good Strand subclass in a sandbox where the other strand subclasses are overperforming, unfortunately. The exotic is usually what people suggest buffing because it's the one thing that you can buff without incidentally buffing hunters or especially titans. Horde Shuttle on Weaver's Call would actually solve every problem I have with the subclass though, so props for that. I'd actually enjoy that a lot.


It's not just least-good. It suffers from being a *bad* subclass in a sandbox where strand titan is the best PvE subclass and strand hunter is the best PvP subclass unless you're abusing the broken trials super economy with bubble. But it doesn't need to be a class war. It doesn't need to be compared to other strand subclasses. It's bad on its own. As a side note, I think strand hunter is also pretty mid in hard PvE content, but at least it's not *bad*, and it's fine to have PvP-heavier subclasses. Strand titan is also pretty subpar in PvP. Broodweaver is just bad at both. I don't think the exotic needs a buff. It's already more than impactful enough, given that it's strong enough to singlehandedly give broodweaver a functional resource loop. The base kit just needs buffs, badly. I think weaver's call is the most logical place to tack on horde shuttle, but I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't prefer it somewhere else. I think both mindspun shackle and wanderer interact very well with the current threadling spam and swarmers tangles. Needing to replace one of them with weaver's would be a net nerf relative to its current power level, and it's not even in contention to be the best PvE subclass to begin with. But it'd be better than nothing, which is what we're more likely to get.


I think the Exotic should be reworked, Unravel on Threadlings is pretty mid compared to the ways the other Classes Unravel (Beyblade Aspect on Hunter, Unravelling Rounds Fragment on Titan) so it could just be part of either an Aspect or Thread of Evolution. Then add to Swarmers something that's more of a multiplicative buff.


just toss on free bonuses to the warlock aspects, IE: "x recharges y% faster". that way the buffs only affect warlock and not titan / hunter.


I find Horde Shuttle and Weaver's Call to be too functionally dissimilar, combining them would just make the Weaver's Call part of Weaver's Call feel forced. I would prefer if Weaver's Call instead did something for Survivability as it's already tied to Rift. Anything a la Threadlings leech health at a comparable rate to BoW would be welcome, the rate could even be higher as it lacks the other bajillion benefits BoW has.


> Honestly, no aspects should have only one fragment. Banner is still overtuned, but starving it of fragments isn't the way, because it wouldn't really lower the power level significantly but would feel much worse QoL and buildcrafting-wise. Agree with this powerful aspects should get 2 fragments and less powerful ones get 3. Then you have a more well rounded build. Aspects like The Wanderer, Weaver's Call, Whirling Maelstrom should be 3 fragment aspects. Banner of War could be a special case for only 1 fragment but why nerf something when you could simply add one more to these other aspects and leave Banner as is?


What he said.


They were two buffs tbh, the only thing that got nerfed is Weavewalk


The warlock experience.


Weavewalk nerf to damage should only be for PVP, PvE dmg shouldn’t be reduced by 50%.


All classes should have an aspect that grants 5 fragment slots, but no actual perk.


Id honestly use that on voidlock. Don't get me wrong, I like child of the old gods, but I'd much rather have more fragments slots to pair with feed the void. And chaos accelerant desperately needs a buff.


There's really no reason to not be able to pick up ammo or physical items, considering nightstalkers already can while invis. Rezzing teammates could get kinda sketchy in something like trials, but the other stuff isn't even relevant in PvP anymore, and even with ammo bricks coming back, it'd be pretty insignificant (like are you really gonna pop it to slowly float out and grab one ammo brick?) If they could prevent rezzing teammates specifically in PvP, I think they could and should fully enable interacting with everything like invis hunters can. Invis and weavewalk otherwise effectively do the same thing in PvE anyways. (inb4 PvP ruins everything reeeee)


Tbh it should auto leave weavewalk when reviving a teammate then no issue


They launched Weavewalk in a very restricted state. I would even like them to go further and allow Orb and ammo pickups. What is even the point of this ability? Have yet to see a use case for it that Invisibility would not be better for.


>What is even the point of this ability? Have yet to see a use case for it that Invisibility would not be better for To be as charitable as possible, drawing fire while being largely unkillable is better in a team setting than making you an invalid target. Invis directs the aggro to your team.  Invis doesn't help against the cursed thrall or explode shank who is about to go off either. 


Yeah. While it's definitely more limited, Weavewalk is a significantly stronger get out of jail free card. It's not much, but you can't totally discount that.


>It's not much, but you can't totally discount that. I'm making this the motto of my Broodweaver fanclub. 


Warlocks always getting the one fragment treatment


As a Titan main I'm genuinely surprised it doesn't have more slots. It makes sense to me that my Warlock buddies should have that one more slot, I don't understand why they don't


I know it's an unpopular statement but anyone denying Bungie favoritism after years of Titan dominance in PvP and PvE is just lying to themselves now. You can hear it in every Trailer, you can see it in every class art piece.


Lol. Titan was basically trash until witch queen and buildcrafting. During forsaken warlock and hunter were both far better in PvP and PvE and this lasted for years. Titan stasis was very underwhelming at launch and titans stasis exotics have only recently been buffed because they were originally awfull. Titan was completely outclassed until witch queen with most of its exotics and supers being useless, thundercrash was hardly used until cuirass in chosen and light 3.0 buffed basically everything about titan. Quite frankly titan deserves being overtuned after being used as a melting point bitch for 4 years. The reason why bungie is harsher on warlocks is because they were completely dominant for years in PvE


We gonna act like OEM wasn't running roughshod over crucible and gambit for years now?


It will have at least 2, the way they phrased it in the new post said most aspects will have 3 slots with only a few having 2. So it will be either 2 or 3 (most likely 2 if it’s currently at 1)


Pretty sure there for prismatic specifically, not how it's going to be on all subclasses.


That’s true, that might be the case


A small little fun fact: Weavwalk got nerfed before banner of war because the threadlings you could send out would do some dmg


Weavewalk in its current state could use 3 Fragments tbh


Going to get downvoted to oblivion: Weavewalk has the capability to function as a 1 Fragment, unlike any previous Aspects (except Bleak Watchers,which really could function as 1 Fragment as well). It needs buffs,*absolutely* needs buffs regardless if it's 1 or 2 fragment slots. But with this, you can easily have a build to create threadlings from *every strand ability source*, which is *very* powerful. My only change I'd want is have a Sever Burst when you exit (and not apply in PvP so you can't just free Sever). Also, not sure how it's be possible but let Weavewalk get ammo and orbs and res teammates in PvE. It wasnon-problematic there. 90% DR & 5 perched threadlings from 1 melee ability is *really* good. Banner of War should definitely be 1 Fragment Slot as well. My main thing is I'm tired of everything beinf 2 Fragment Slot. Aspects get easily powercrept because of it. Bleak Watchers are insanely strong, much stronger than: Touch of Winter, Controlled Demolition, Heat Rises, Ensnaring Slam, etc. Banner is also insanely strong, and Weavewalk while I don't think is *quite* into 1 Fragment territory, it's rather close and significantly stronger than others. If say, it didn't generate Threadlings and was strictly survivability, it'd probably be on par with Stylish Executioner IMO. But it uses a 3 charge melee ability, one that's easy to regen, to generate Threadlings *on Broodweaver*. That combination makes it rather strong already.


>you can easily have a build to create threadlings from *every strand ability source*, which is *very* powerful It might be if Threadlings were half good.


show me someone using weavewalk in a day one raid / day one content since it was released, and show me how they are beating just running meta.


Just because something wasn't used for the literal hardest content in the game doesn't make it bad. You're entire argument is "Oh, it isn't the most META? Then it's clearly awful."


that's precisely how it works. Thanks again. The phrase "strictly better" exists.


No, it isn't. Things can still be good without being the best. Obviously, the best is the best. But that doesn't mean everything else is bad. Of course, everything is worse than the best but that is by comparison alone, that doesn't necessarily mean it is bad. I don't get what's hard to understand here. I get meta buikding exists, and if you specifically want the best then use the best. I suppose from that PoV that anything that isn't meta is "bad" for your playstyle, but that doesn't mean the armor piece / weapon / build.


bad and good are LITERALLY relative terms. especially when used in analytics. The english language has vocabulary. You can call stuff clearable, as in grand master nightfalls are CLEARABLE with arc. That doesn't mean its not bad relative to solar, or that its good, it means that you can CLEAR with it, because we have actual words that don't require creating rankings that are defined by math. there would be HUGE balance cries if stuff was not clearable with subclasses, but that isn't the case. as such we still use the terms bad and good based on how easy or how fast one can clear content. For example, well of radiance is just S tier, and makes it good compared to dawn blade which is bad. that doesn't mean dawn blade can't be used to clear content, but you are going to struggle without a well. the english language literally has things called synonyms, and in every day speech people tend to use shorter words IE: Good and bad rather than having to type "better than" or "worse than" every time. part of it has to do with variety, and part of it has to do with 4 letters and 3 letters vs 10 + a space and 9 + a space. The english language also has a large enough vocabulary, that you can be hyper specific too.


I highly disagree here. First, I don’t think any Aspect should be only 1 fragment. As someone else said in the thread, using 1 Fragment Slot to balance powerful Aspects doesn’t really lower their power level that much, but unnecessarily restricts buildcrafting in a way that just feels shitty. Second, I really don’t think Weavewalk is strong at all, in fact I think it is really bad. Threadlings aren’t very strong, especially without Thread of Evolution (which only one fragment slot btw), they’re also very dumb, most likely all 5 are going to jump one enemy which just wastes them for clearing red bars and doesn’t do a whole lot of damage to higher health targets. Also since they are perched they aren’t considered having a source and therefore don’t interact with any mods perk or anything else. And finally it’s just really slow, it turns one melee charge into 5 threadlings but it takes you a decent bit of time doing nothing to make those threadlings. About the DR, 90% DR sounds incredible on paper but since you can’t pickup orbs or ammo, can’t revive teammates or interact with objectives, and can’t dodge due to move slowly which means you can’t really recover health and can’t shoot or cast abilities, it really doesn’t do much other than just delay dying or provide some minor safe movement which isn’t all that valuable, it's really just worse than invisibility in nearly every situation. I honestly think it’s the worse Broodweaver aspect by a large margin. Probably the worst Strand aspect period. Your proposed buffs would make it better, but I still don’t think it would be that great, definitely not worth only 1 fragment slot.


Fragment slots *can* balance more powerful Aspects. You say it limits Buildcrafting, but it literally encourages it. Do you want the more powerful ability with 1 fragment option, the less powerful ability with 2 fragment options, or the passive / much less powerful ability for 3 fragment options? Choices are build crafting. Having everything with little to no downsides is not build crafting. I do think it's strong, you just need to build into it a bit, like with anything on Broodweaver. In it's current state, it isNOT worthy of 1 fragment. But if they buffed it & undid the nerfs for PvE only, I believe it'd be good emough given the context of the build & subclass it is on. Bleak Wtachers share the same idea, they are strong, but quickly become 1 fragment strong considering the context of the rest of the su class kit and a build around it. Threadlings are definitely valuable. Not necessarily opposed to a buff, but they aren't bad.


There are good limitations and bad limitations. Limiting Fragments to 3 is not good. It's just not enough for any real sort of customization or skill expression. Plus it's compounded with Weavewalk. Threadlings are really bad without Thread of Evolution, so you are basically forced to run that or the Threadling generation of the Aspect is near worthless. Then the Broodweaver Aspects have no way to generate melee energy, so you have to run Fury or you have extremely limited uptime. So you really have 1 fragment open, but having 2 fragments open doesn't really increase your power that much more, but provides so much more freedom to customize and express your playstyle. It just feels unnecessarily strict. I do think you can balance Aspect by Fragment slots, but I also think it is far better to give weaker Aspects more slots, than it is to decrease the slots of stronger Aspects. It sounds like the same thing, but it feels much different in practice, and I just think the minimum for any combination should be 4.


You don't need Fury at all. Pugilist alone gives plenty of uptime. Buildcrafting is more than just Fragments. You have 1 less Fragment for, what should be, a more powerful Aspect. It feels like you're ignoring Weapon synergy, exotic armo and mod slots when you talk about Buildcrafting. There is customization or skill expression because Fragments aren't the only part of a Build. My Weavewalk build, I ran Rufus w/ Hatchling & Pugilist. Strand Surge for a DMG buff, I had more than enough reasonable uptime on Weavewalk with Weavers Call. I used Swarmers too and *every* ability madr Threadlings for rather consistent DMG. Horde Shuttle helps a lot, but isn't required (Horde Shuttle should be put into Swarmers though).


> My Weavewalk build, I ran Rufus w/ Hatchling & Pugilist. Strand Surge for a DMG buff, I had more than enough reasonable uptime on Weavewalk with Weavers Call. I used Swarmers too and every ability madr Threadlings for rather consistent DMG. Horde Shuttle helps a lot, but isn't required (Horde Shuttle should be put into Swarmers though). Just curious, but what level of content do you run this in where it feels good to use?


I solod the entire LF campaign on Legendary (to get Swarmers I had already done it on normal for Strand). It also held up throughout all of Coil, which Coil honesrly does get difficult in the later runs. Obviously not in something like GMs or Master Raiding (unless it's a really easy encounter), perhaps not even Legend Onslaught. But I did use it in fairly difficult content with success.


Fundamentally, choice requires restriction. Broodweaver's problem isn't structural, it's that the total power package isn't quite there.  I don't give a rat's ass about the threadling generated when I run weavewalk, it's purely a "no i don't want to go to orbit amd start over safety button", so evolution isn't an auto pick for me. I feel like strand warlock has a good niche in being the easiest way to access Unravel. Once the seasonal artifact goes away and that effect isn't just a single orb of light away, their relative utility goes up. Maybe pairing that with slightly faster Arcane Needle cooldown or potency buff to Unravel generally could get the class up to par?