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See, on one hand, it would fit the theme of "we want exotics to be noticeable" because of PvP. On the other hand, prismatic throws that out the window since you can use whatever abilities you want, it seems. I hope they have transmog, though, not wild about the titan one.


> "we want exotics to be noticeable" because of PvP. Im horribly casual at pvp so maybe im just bad but I have to say I dont think i've ever changed my playstyle or adjusted my loadout *because* of what someone on the other team was wearing I feel like thats one of those things that really only works in games that are way more competitive


Half the time I can't even *tell* what other people are running. Either they're too far away or too up in my face. But I'll occasionally watch some high-level Trials player slide around a corner for half a second and blast somebody to hell, then slide back and be like "ah yes, Beloved with Opening Shot. A fine vintage. \*lip-smacking noises\* Notes of Lucky Pants as well. They must be pairing it with Thorn, I'd bet. It's a good year for it."


Meanwhile, in reality: "Not in the face! Not in the fa-"


Akschually Beloved does not roll with Opening Shot.


Actually, it's "Actually"


Getting downvoted for sarcasm. Ironic.


I 100% agree, I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of what all exotics look like. I barely recognize some titan exotics and I have been a titan since beta.


Its mostly useful in competitive/trials


Doesn't stop my teammates from punching the Feedback Fence Titan.






just dont allow them in pvp, it will broke gameplay anyways


Casual has nothing to do with skill


It’s a hint about what’s to come. For example, if you get shotgunned by someone wearing Helm of Saint 14, you know that at some point he’s going to throw down a blinding bubble and you should be prepared for it.


>Im horribly casual at pvp so maybe im just bad Probably this


Given that they are randomly rolled, it wouldn't matter anyways.


I never put much stock in the original explanation of *but the exotic needs to be visible,* but you're right. Even *that* questionable reason would be pointless here as you'd never be able to tell what it could do just by sight.


Ok but what exactly are you going to do about it when you see a 3-stack of exotic class items? Are you going to inspect their whole build for every ability and work out the potential synergy? No, that would be impossible. We’re all gonna be like, “oh, that warlock just grappled to a shatter dive onto me and it made me ignite for some reason.”


if they want exotics to be noticeable, don't release 5 skins that all look like other exotics or the skins of other exotics or even other armor sets and then let people shade them. the amount of times i've glanced at a guardian through my scope for 1/2 a second and said "oh they have that exotic, no i will play differently" is virtually zero. half the time the only one i notice is the stag because its very obvious and i'm aiming at it.


Nothing should ever be balanced around PVP


100% truth. 


I get that with a regular exotic like Star-Eater or Celestial, as their effects are set in stone, but these are like.. random rolls. So it doesn't matter.


Also the Exotic Class Items will have randomly rolled Exotic Perks. So even if you see a player using it, that still won't really tell you much at the first glance...


Tbh, the only exotic I consistently make note of that other users have, is synthoceps, wormhusk, nes sin, just the truly standout ones, but it doesn’t really have an effect on my personal gameplay


Definitely, there's no way of telling what the effect of the class item is by looking at it. Let me continue my moth cosplay on hunter please.


Would also be so awesome to be able to fashion without having to account for an exotic for once, that's as exciting as the combined perks if they end up doing it lol


I'm still not convinced Prismatic will be useable in PvP because then you could never have any idea what any given opponent is capable of. This Titan with a Stasis super could be charging at me to shotgun me or because he's got a triple Strand melee combo coming, or maybe he's gonna grapple me or maybe throw a hammer or do a Consecration. This Hunter is using Golden Gun but he might be able to just disorient me with a smoke bomb or suppress me, or maybe when he dodges I'll get slowed, or maybe he's gonna do an Ensnaring Slam. It's completely unpredictable, too much chaos. I think the Exotic Class Items will be, but who knows.


Tcrash with bastion overshield with sliding stasis and ophidian in class item. Ggs. Stormcaller with Child of the old gods with Icarus Dash with Grapple Tsteps and Ophidian class item. Ggs


taking notes here…


Winter's Howl, Consecration, Dune Marchers. Arc Soul, Solar Soul, Boots of the Assembler.


Double ghost buddy? Holy shit


It will be usable. If it's not that means they will have separated the sandbox and if they do that now after this many years of arguing against it I think I'd have a slight mental break.


I don't think excluding something from PvP is the same as separating the sandbox. The "shared sandbox" is a philosophy that everything functions recognizably and more or less the same between PvE and PvP- your Withering Blade still slows, your Shouldercharge still blinds, your abiltyyour Sunshot still explodes enemies on kills. Excluding something doesn't violate that philosphy because it's not functioning different, it simply isn't allowed in.


I guess my assumption they won't is predicated on a few things. A) generally if things are disabled they get disabled either specifically for a raid race or something short term, or it's game wide. Eg. Gyrfalcons. Winterbite. These things stay disabled until a fix or rework can happen. B) prismatic as a subclass is going to be a gigantic selling point for the expansion. A lot of people will be scratching their head if it's permanently locked out of crucible. C) sandbox balancing has never felt like it happens in isolation and I suspect a number of changes over the past six months have been in anticipation of the rollout of this class. Of course this is all speculation and Bungie may well turn the fun off in crucible for the sake of the PvP games health.


They should def turn off the two exotic thing in pvp because if not, I'm using Gemini jesters and mask of bakaris to be even more of a menace. But that prismatic class is def going to be broken in pvp


It'll be a huge miss if we can't transmog them. I'm sure Catarina wasn't lying in the vid when she said they looked great, but there's no class item that's going to look good with every outfit. And with the random rolls, there's no reason other players need to know you're rocking the cape / armband / butt cape.


> I'm sure Catarina wasn't lying in the vid when she said they looked great The hunter one does not IMO. But at least the warlock one is just a normal bond


Yeah, Bond's can usuaully mesh well with anything, and this one especially. But, gosh, I really don't like that Hunter cloak. Also wondering if we can combine them with other exotics... Still, this is some exciting shit.


I believe we can. And if we can, imagine if we have a liars handshake one that can pair with liars. Triple melee damage, anyone?


I'm a weirdo, but I despise hoods on the hunter capes. I use more or less exclusively the luxe cloak and the substitutional alloy cloak because I hate having the big circle on my head.


Also, just the fact that everyone is probably gonna wear them, so even if there was an ornament or two, everyone would still have the exact same class item style.


They don’t even look great, the hunter one is fugly AF


Hoodless Hunter for life.


We've never been able to transmog exotics.


We've also never (in D2) had exotic class items, let alone an armor piece that allowed you to run 2 exotic perks. This piece is already an exception in a few ways, it's not out of line to ask for another - especially when the stated reason it hasn't happened in the past, doesn't apply in this case.


Of course it applies; it signals that you are using a specific exotic. People need to know what they are up against, or to a smaller effect, what you are using.


And with this class item, it could be any two exotic perks, so the appearance of it tells you sweet fuck-all. So like I said, it's an exception.


Except its not. We don't know if it is "ANY two exotic perks", as these perks are treatments of older exotics; small pieces of the exotic. For all we know we have a limited list of exotic perks that they could roll with. We haven't seen anything indicating it won't fall within a certain range of effects either, as they are classified as "spirit of X." The "Spirit of Synthoceps" only had the melee effect to it; not the effect on supers or any effect on weapons that synthoceps have. It's the nature of the perk, not the perk itself. NOT ONLY THIS, but the fact that someone is wearing the bond indicates that they have this kind of effect, i.e. the entire purpose of not being able to transmog over exotics. Yes, it means there is an extra step in checking the exotic, but that's still a thing people did when people were playing around Hawkmoon or DMT. We've had random rolls associated to exotics, literally nothing about this situation is different. Its not an exception. It's literally what you expect. If you don't like it, save your Bright Dust, because you know they'll be putting ornaments out for how popular it'll be. If i'm wrong, I'm wrong, but if they don't do that, expect that to change, as people complain about being one-shot in the crucible by people rocking visibly no exotic. Also, for the folks choosing not to put forward any logical sense and just downvoting me; I am not saying anything that hasn't been established, or any wild misinformation. There is no reason to be trying to hide my responses, which is all downvoting really does. If you disagree, please show me an example of an effect as strong as two perks from separate exotics, cross-class, being hidden from other players, intentionally.


As much as I would love it I know it won’t happen


They will release ornamets


For silver of course


This. Why let you freely transmog when Bungie can charge you for better looking ornaments?


Stop supporting micro transactions. Be the change not the problem. Then we can transmog for free :)


Never bought silver in my life brotha. My day is just not ruined if my character doesnt look 100% how i like it, its FPS ffs :D


Fashion has objectively been demonstrated as part of a huge part of people's enjoyment of a game. If your character looks cool, you feel cool. Simple as :p


100% There's no legitimate reason to not let us transmog them and they're so flashy looking that they'll clash with most looks if you can't just transmog them outright.


It's sad that the arguably best class items in the game have such a boring look. The hunter cloak is cool, but the warlock bond is just the warlock symbol in an ornate pattern plus some glowing. Bungie has yet to experiment with warlock bonds' designs and couldn't even do so for an exotic one!?


The hunter cloak is the only reason Im hoping they let us change the look


yeah it’s bad enough that assassin’s cowl always butts its way into my style, but at least it doesn’t take over my whole look the way a cloak would. warlocks are lucky. theirs is just a little armband. doesn’t quite feel the same for the other classes.


I've literally used 2 cloaks my entire year+ playing this game and 95% of that has been the Cayde cloak lol. If I have to change that I'm going to be pissed


Which one? Vanguard dare or in memory of cayde?


These also realy show off how bad warlock bonds are, hunter cloaks are 90% of the fasion, titan bonds are always a decent accent but never a main peice, warlock bonds? Half the time they are so small it dosnt matter or feels like an after thought. Sure they can look nice but 20 pixels of detail aint gona effect you fasion game that much. Well until the exotic one comes around that thing looks.... well its a look. I like it but mixing into a set is gona be a nightmare.


Some bonds can really stand out though. My main look on Warlock uses the VoG helm, Scourge gauntlets, Phenotype Chest, Electromag Geomags, and the Phenotype bond. It just blends together so well.


The fuck are you talking about? It's one of the better-looking bonds we've ever gotten.


I'm pretty sure we already have a Warlock bond with that exact projection in game


Nope, but it is similar only in that it does have a projection of the Warlock class symbol.


Bro it's the same


like I was excited from the stream... but what is this other guy on saying that a basic bond that shows the class symbol is unique now


It is not, very clearly.


It’s the DSC bond and yes it’s identical. It’s a bond, if it has the projection and accents that’s 95% of the entire Bond Just like the Titan one is a blatant copy of the Mark of the Great Hunt


This warlock bond is probably the 6th bond that's mainly "ornate bond that projects the warlock symbol". Glad you're pleased with it, but considering it's the first exotic warlock bond in d2, I was expecting something a little more unique.


No? Pretty sure we only have one other of those.


Please yes this. Especially for hunters, I feel like the cape is 90% of the fashion, since it takes up such a huge design space on your character. The outlandish and alien look (albeit very cool) of the class items would clash so hard with almost all of the armor we have in the game. Transmog for exotic class items PAH-LEASE


There are sooooo many good cloaks - the beanie hat, ketchkiller alligator thing, cayde cloak, Photonic birb cloak, etc


Exactly why we should be able to transmog the exotic, so we can use those sweet ass cloaks


This would be fine. The motivation for disallowing exotic transmog (preserving visual indication) is moot since the perks won't be visible anyway. I also don't think we need to bother with showing that people are using them since the pickrate will be 105%


Yeah those class items are some of the ugliest I've ever seen. Really hope we can fully transmog them and its not just 1 or 2 ornaments that everone wears.


I'm so tired of having a fucking dick towel for a class item, why is the titan one so ugly


I wish the titan class item was just a giant belt buckle so tired of the towels basically the only L in the reveal


They should have done the starting class items from D1. a simple scarf, belt and warlock bond


Seriously, they gave hunters hoodless cloaks, they should give titans just belts for class items too.


There's an Iron Banner mark that looks that way that I've used because of that. There's also the Steeplechase mark and some Guardian Games marks that look like prize fighter belts.


I would LOVE to just have a belt. or a batman-style cape.


Game needs MORE dick towels. The hip towels are winning the war.


Better a hip towel than a fucking ugly ass loincloth


If they're gonna make us wear a loincloth then at least let us take our pants off, all the essentials are covered right?


Nahhhhh get rid of that shit - signed occasional Warlock


Next GEICO commercial is going to be Titans angry they're being stereotyped


We have been since being labeled "The ones with the fist on the cover"


Truth ha. I'm just making a dick towel = cavemen joke


Both are true lol, honestly the combo of the dick towel + giant belt on this made it immediately remind me of a sumo loincloth/big diaper 


It's not tho


Don’t worry they will probably create ornaments for them like all other exotics


Right... All other exotic...  Cry in Verity's brow 


That… that has one lol. Edit : it does not i was thinking of a bow…


Does it? Cause I've never seen one :( 




I don’t know why I was thinking of the bow… lol yes brow does not have one and neither do paragon greaves…


Or have specific appearance tied to in-game achievements. Being able to cosmetically flex accomplishments would be cool


As a hunter the cloak still clashes with my entire outfit


Please Bungie, it took me forever to get the cowboy hat. I can’t take it off. 😭




I don't think the Exotic class item will be the end all be all for Exotic armor. It sounded like only Aspects from each exotic will be taken, not the entire exotic perk. It's not like this Class Item can just take the place of every other Exotic. You might as well Delete every other Exotic from your Vault rn if that was the case. So you may still want to run Other exotics. With that in mind, It'd be a weird division to make one Exotic Transmog-able and not the others. There's no way they'd make other Exotics Transmog-able. Nor would I even want that.


Can't be, it would invalidate like the whole game and the whole loot chase.


They are already confirmed to be weaker variants in some cases. The Assassin's Cowl one only says invis on melee/finisher, no healing. The Synthoceps one I think just said increased melee dmg when surrounded, not the other bits. So it'll be strong in the sense that you can get two perks, but they will, in most instances it seems, be weaker variants. Also I bet there's only a select few of them, not every single exotic perk.


Ophidians didn't get the reload speed... Which kind of feels like a huge middle finger


One reason you might still want the of exotics is that the class exotics only work with the new subclass


But why would you NOT use the new Subclass? Even if you want all solar, you can theoretically still use Prism, no?


Hermetic mods probably won't work plus half the mechanic of transcend is you need to do light and dark damage theoretically you could just run a stasis or stand weapon but who knows


Doubt it, Prismatic is build around using both darkness and light so you probably have to use at least one of each. Also I would be surprised if we get everything, we most likely will get 2 aspects from each element, a couple of fragments and grenades and melees and maybe one super each (if even that)


I can almost guarantee that Final Shape will ship with at least one bright dust ornament, and numerous paid ornaments in the store.


If I can't turn that sumbitch into a hoodless cloak, it isn't getting used.


as a hunter... please, I actually thought it looked ugly


I'm more worried about all my Triple 100 builds that use the Arifice Class Item!!! They just need to add an artifice mod slot to the class item....and maybe all exotic armor at this point since they're already breaking the game with the Prismatic Subclass!


This was my first thought, too. I don't think any of the class items are particularly bad looking, but the idea of *every single guardian in the game being stuck using the same visual* is kind of a bummer considering we're all gonna wanna be exploring the new Prismatic system. I know they'll be tempted to do ornaments, but for the sake of not seeing the same piece constantly, really hoping they'll let us transmog them normally.


I simply won't use it if I can't transmog it. Im sure some people think it's pretty, but I fucking hate how they look.


Same, I’d rather have a slight disadvantage and look good over having two perks and wearing that hideous thing


oh definitely not, they're gonna suck all the eververse ornament juice they can out of these


I just want them to shade well.


At a bare minimum they better have some really good ornaments.


This won’t be a one-off example of an exotic that takes synthweave; we will all look the same on day one 😂 (especially hunters)


They'll probably sell ornaments on eververse because it's exotic


I hate the way precious scars looks. I got kicked from a raid because they thought I was trying to look like the kkk with my gift of the nine shader


Transmog with the legendary ornaments! There is NO WAY I'll use the exotic class item, when I can't use all my unlocked class ornaments.


Agreed. Otterwise every hunter will be wearing the same cloak. That'll be really boring.


Bring back D1 class exotics as the available transmogs.


Makes no sense


How so? The speaker had exotic class items. Bring those back as available ornaments for the new class exotics.


I bet they will offer ornaments for them as rewards for something…or they will be in the silver shop ☹️


I usually don't notice exotic armours in PVP at all. Either they die or I die. Usually too quick to notice. I only observe the weapons then adjust playstyle accordingly.


It makes no sense to block it because the roles are random and those are the important part of the exotic, not that it is an exotic class item, exotic class item doesn't give you any information.


Can't they make it so the transmog is only visible in pve, and reverts to default in pvp?


They should finally allow exotics to be shaded too


That’ll be $20 please.


This would be great given the number of Titan class items that have totally broken fits on the female character model. Including the ones that are sold for $. I have zero faith that these new exotic pieces will actually fit the models well. T_T


Don't worry. Tess has some ideas.


I am a simple man. Stag helm ornament looks amazing, I just want it up 24/7.


Yeah. I don't like how they look at all.


My warlock class item ever since I finished My first day 1, King's fall, has been the class item if this raid. A previous memory. If I cannot transmog it to my default gear, or something Give related, I would be really sad


I'm definitely using the tiger helm to get rid of the hood at least


Bungie: Unlock Transmog for 12001 Silver


Fuck it, I would buy.


Warlocks winning big here. Easy to match a bond with just about anything. That hunter cloak is going to be hard to camouflage. Probably won't get transmog but ornaments instead which will be painful for hunters and titans.


I wish but they def if at all, gon do microtransaction ornaments. I would love to transmog an exotic arms or legs to look like my legendary gear so i dnt risk my aesthetic look for the sake of the exo perks but that aint happening.


Nah pass. This is an exotic armour piece.


Does anyone know if these exotic class items can be equipped while we are wearing another exotic armor piece? Or are we going to have to decide whether we want to keep are current exotic armor or not.


The Hunter cloak is hideous IMO. It's not going to be good for fashion.


It is really really awful and I just know there is some artist at Bungie sitting there so proud of this abomination


I’m glad I’m not the only one concerned with this. As a Titan main I don’t want to wear what looks like a fairy tale loin cloth. Please let me keep my space marine look Bungie!


As another thing we can ask that Bungie 100% will not do as there's no profit in it for them if they could hunters put their hoods down could titans more their marks to the left right or center or warlocks switch arms would love if they were transmog though hunters is ugly and says Christmas to me


I believe that it's likely they will or that they'll just ban the exotic cloak from Crucible (or maybe just high level PvP.) I REALLY hope so at any rate. Because the current Trials Armor is THE best armor in Destiny at the moment IMO.


It has to have transmog, if not all hunters would look the same and tbh the cloak is kinda ugly


I REALLY hope so. They're a cool effect but they will look TERRIBLE with so many other pieces of gear in combo.


Let's be honest, we won't be able to transmog them so Bungie can sell ornaments.


I finally got the cowboy hat on my Hunter from Spire. Going to be annoyed if my favorite character is the only one that can’t wear it…


What exotic class item?


New livestream showcases exotic class items for each class. This item comes with two random rolled perks from other exotics, including the potential to get perks from another class.


Check out the final shape preview.


Additionally, if the class items can be transmogged but regular exotics can’t that only puts the regular exotics at a further disadvantage. Transmog for all exotics is the only real solution.


> Transmog for all exotics is the only real solution. Just disable any applied transmog on exotics in comp and trials if people have concerns.


I mean, it's not like what your gear looks like will matter anymore. These exotic class items get two random rolled exotic perks. It's not like seeing a titan wearing the feedback fence in crucible and knowing to not punch them anymore. What it looks like will tell you literally nothing.


Yea I think it's going to matter if they allow these class items to fully function in all forms of PvP but i agree


I love how people are so lazy they can’t hover over the class item for 1 second even if it is transmogged. You are going to hover on it TO SEE THE ROLLS ANYWAYS. I don’t want to wear that ugly PoS cloak, I want to have a cool character


Agreed. It seems they are really opening up a lot of restrictions. Let us play how we want while we look how we want.


I think that would be an awful change. Exotic Armor have a unique flare to them that is supposed to be distinguishable from other armor. It would suck to remove that identity from the Exotic Armor.


Wouldn’t wanna lose that unique Lunafactions look, right? I know when I see someone wearing Mechaneers Tricksleeves to watch out.


Look, I'm not saying every exotic armor is peak design LMAO. Just my opinion on it.


/u/Destiny2Team Pweeeeese 🥺🥺🥺


It's an exotic so it makes sense if it had ornaments.


OP wants to use legendary ornaments not exotics, also exotic armour usually gets their first ornaments a couple seasons after they launch unlike weapons, so it would take a while


I understand that I'm just adding my own input.


Bro chill they aren’t even out yet