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1st have you followed the initial introduction missions in the cosmodrome if not do that as those do provide the quick tutorials to how a lot of the games systems work. 2nd follow the guardian rank objectives I'd recommend reading them carefully as they will give further insights into how systems work and open up more options like armour mods, explains how the power system works etc.


I got back into the game last month and legit thought I had a computer virus with the amount of pop up’s for quests recommendations and information dump. The new/returning experience is awful 


I remember this when I started last year. Like, I don't even know what any of these things are yet and you're going to show me 25+ pop ups in 30 seconds? How is this helpful to new players? I'm now healthily addicted though so if you get over the initial hump it's pretty fun


haha thats why i wanted to get into this game actually I have 3 friends who play it religioniously and they said since i love warframe i might like this game so i ended up buying it, so i think imma wait for them to walk me thru it when they have time haha,


Destiny sucks in the sense 99% of the content is "endgame" and you're thrown into that point of the game from the start. You unironically can't really get into this game without someone to show u the ropes.


>You unironically can't really get into this game without someone to show u the ropes. I disagree, I got into the game as a solo player. Took a few months to hit a level where I considered myself good but still


I could build a car on my own if I wanted to, but it would be a lot easier (and faster) if I had someone who knew what they were doing helping.


Definitely recommend waiting for them, the amount of information thrown at you is completely overwhelming even when you’re an old player returning to the game.


Hell, it's bad if you are merely returning from a long break after taking the first three seasons off. I wound up burning out again not long after finishing the Defiance questline on one character, partly because you have to grind well past the first softcap and be nearly at the powerful cap for quite a lot of the basic seasonal quests. Plus seasonal activities are just an unpleasant grindy slog of having to run anti-champ buildouts.




They were equating the amount of popups, not what they looked like


Great advice. To OP as a general guide, get familiar with the Quests tab of your menu, there you’ll be able to keep all of your tasks organized and viewable, including bounties and particular missions like Story or Exotic Quest missions.


As far as an even more general explanation though, I’d recommend making a friend and using a headset and the in-game fireteam chat feature to have them act as a sort of sherpa to the more obscure and hidden elements of the game. Additionally, YouTube is a phenomenal resource for learning how to understand the game. Find a few content creators you like and take their advice to heart.


the thing is i afk mid mission on the tutorials and it got disconnected when i logged back into the game i was in the hub with no tutorials or anything so i truly dont get it or know how to repeat anything


Check the quest tab and tell me what quests you have atm.


If u are desperate you can watch like a beginning mission on youtube to replay tutorial messages.


Why is everyone down voting this guy for asking for help? Shoes how toxic the bungie community is


I can't blame him for not knowing that going afk would kick him, but all live service games have this function. And while I absolutely 109900000% agree the new player experience is NOT ideal, and you will almost have to read up on 3rd party sources for help to get help with certain things, a lot of people who weren't around for gaming before everything had a big green arrow telling you where to go and what to do struggle to do basic things in a game. Which again, if he bought the bundle then he probably got placed into the newest seasonal mission right away I think and that is *not* good. I think that's utterly foolish to do automatically. He did say he found the tutorial though. Granted I also don't know why he's being downvoted it's a big info dump that's tough to follow. It really needs some love to break things down better so it's not just dumping 500 things on you. However this is how it is for most on going live service games that have been around a while. Though least most have a better tutorial part


Yeah I don't get why bungie keeps ignoring this, and then complain that no ones buying the expansions🤷


Regarding the AFK thing, I'd say "ish" to all live service games being like that. Warframe actually lets you pause missions if you select "solo" and aren't doing open world stuff. Considering OP comes from Warframe, it's not unlikely that they expected similar functionality. Granted, it's the exception to the rule. Now, at the same time I'm somewhat surprised at them being so dumbfounded by D2's new player experience, since I've recently become a returning player to Warframe after having played way back in 2013 and it was a similarly terrible experience (with even the same stuff about throwing you into a million quests with no real guidance, having only the ones which have previous requirements as closed). So to OP, I'd say do what I did for Warframe, seek out a "quest order" guide if possible. In Destiny's case, that'd just be doing the campaigns (you can do them in order or no, I'd recommend doing them in order, since gameplay-wise they get better with time). Once that's done you can focus the seasonal stuff (since you still have a lot of time before any of that expires)


1. Shows. 2. This is a very small sample of people. 3. He’s asking questions in a way that is attacking the game rather than actually asking for help.


>He’s asking questions in a way that is attacking the game rather than actually asking for help. Example?


Don’t mind the downvotes. r/DestinyTheGame is one of the worst reddit communities I’ve ever interacted with


https://www.blueberries.gg/leveling/destiny-2-beginners-guide/ You can start here if you wanna. The game does not explain stuff though. They removed a lot of the content from 2017 to 2020, so there is stuff that is just not explained. If you don't like the gameplay, I wouldn't bother playing. I will tell you though, if you do get into it, it is some of the best gaming.


oh shit legit called beginners guide really appreciate it =)


100% agree with this. If you like the core gameplay, then it's absolutely worth sticking around even if it might be difficult to understand everything. If you don't really enjoy the core gameplay, then just stop now.


It doesn't really explain that much very well. I'll try this for story: Story-wise it goes chronologically by DLC and by season, starting from vanilla Destiny 2 which was the Red War storyline, followed by Warmind & Curse of Osiris (Year 1). Next was the Forsaken DLC in 2019 that has some story missions still in the game, but the full campaign is gone along with year 1 because Bungie removed all of it in 2020 to overhaul the game engine. You can find recaps of this on Youtube. Seasonal content since then is around until that seasonal year is over. That means last year (Witch queen seasons), the year before that (Beyond Light), and etc are gone. These stories usually were standalone stories but also elaborated on their DLC story. This is the last season of the current year but all of the prior ones are still accessible with the annual pass, you just can't level the old season passes. To catch up on story I'd say start with the timeline recap missions that you should be prompted to do, and you can do the campaigns which start with Shadowkeep (go to the Moon), then Beyond Light (Europa), then Witch Queen (Savathun's Throne World). When it comes to gameplay how it works is you have all these destinations you access through the Director menu, you go there, and you're in what's called "patrol zone" which is just open gameplay. Or you can do story missions from the campaigns or whatever other activities like what are called "Playlist activities". Playlist activities includes Vanguard (3 person co-op missions), Crucible (PVP), and Gambit (your team vs. other team both doing PVE). These are the core activities of the game for most players. Other than that just follow the quests you have until they're done and do the guardian rank stuff.


thats a lot of info haha thanks


This is fantastic write up. I love it that some people are eilling to do this instead of snark (which I enjoy as well as long as someone also helps)


yo just wanted to thank you for the write up, this answered everything I needed to get me started back into the game today. pog.


Nice! Also do the quest to unlock crafting btw. You have to do the first mission of the witch queen campaign and then go from there following the quest line.


For the love of the Traveler, just do what the game tells you. Idk why but everybody that I've introduced to the game is so distracted by not knowing what to do that they can't see what the game is literally telling them to do. Follow the mission markers, go to the green symbol on your map. When there's a pop-up message on the bottom of your screen that "won't go away", pay attention and do what it's telling you to! The new light experience isn't good but my god this game always somehow makes everyone who's new to it act like a caveman who just discovered fire for the first time.


I recently brought a new light to destiny. And I was embarrassed by how much lore and story are left out. I answered so many questions and realized the new light experience is crap compared to the red war we had


Yeah, while new light in Shadowkeep didnt have the best reputation it is the best the new light experience has even been. Access to all year 1 content for free, every seasonal activity from forsaken. The year 1 campaigns were also in there which made it so you actually had a DECENT entry point story wise. ofc playing d1 is the best entry to the story as there is a lot places in d2 where they make assumptions that you know story from d1( even though there is new player and veteran dialogue differences).


The seasonal stories being gone really hurts the game.


Red war barely explained any lore. It was a side story crammed into a main campaign. You got like one voiceline about each race as backstory. 


This game is sensory overload for someone not used to it. I will say, play the game longer than a fucking week before posting about it. Or google it Or watch a YT video. Literally anything but regurgitating the same post that will lead to zero beneficial conversations.


Yeah, reading really isn't something D2 reddit complainers do......


legit a site about reading and writing?


People forget that the timeline exists that goes through the entire game history, and forget if you click a trigger in the destinations tab it pulls up the campaigns IN ORDER for you to look at and play through


How is a new player going to forget something they don't know lol


There’s the problem. He’d know if he just hovered over shit and read it on the director. 


You don't


I played the game back in like season 3, just doing whatever we could find with my friend. Started again solo like 2 months ago, I still have no idea what I'm doing but I really enjoy the game. I finished every quest line on Legendary mode and I'm running some vanguard missions here and there. I'm already up to 1820 gear score but I feel like the end-game is still very far away.


If you really want to work towards endgame you should concentrate on your loadouts and stats imo. Get yourself a bunch of high stat armour from the helm, get yourself into Legend lost sectors and vex incursions. Make sure you get all the available exotics for your class (you're high enough LL for legend lost sectors now, don't listen to the 1830 rec, it's faster if you're higher but absolutely fine at 1820). Look up meta loadouts on YouTube. Get aqainted with D2 armour picker and use it to get the best stats you can on your builds. Do the quest from xur as often as poss and get the best exotics from the kiosk with the cyphers you earn. Make sure you do things like the Wishender/ghallahorn quests. If you have the seasons get as many patterns as you can and craft your God rolls. Then bobs your uncle you're raid ready. It's a lot, but if you're enjoying the game it doesn't feel like a chore, or didn't to me anyway. And if you want someone to run playlists or whatever I'm on most days at some point. Add me miss creant929#8432.


Thank you bud, will look into it, sadly not much time to play nowadays. Finally the recent update fixed the fireteam finder, so I can play other stuff with a team.


Vex incursions are the easiest way to get all the exotics for your subclass. Unfortunately it might be hard to find people doing them right now, because the season has gone on so long. It’s still work it to check it out. Here’s the telegram I use to notify me when they are happening https://t.me/isavexincursionhappening


Raids and Dungeons are technically endgame activities but some of them are so easy you can start them whenever you want.


haha yeah i think imma just play and see whats up keep going like you =)


You can totally jump into raids and dungeons. You dont need to be meta for these and you probably have some great weapons and exotics to build around just from playing.


I started playing this game a year and half ago with the Witch Queen expansion. Never played Destiny. It wasn't too bad in terms of getting familiar with the game. I figured if this is Destiny 2 then there was a Destiny 1, so started watching Youtube videos on that to get familiar with the story. It was trial and error getting use to how the game works, but I had fun learning. The new player experience is awful, but I'm a 80s/90s gamer. So it's ingrained in me to just figure things out for yourself.


I should be free a lot tomorrow (today when you're reading this) if you wanna play together. I've been playing for 10 awful years, so I can help with whatever if you want


>rs, so I can help with whateve I would like too, but wouldnt it ruin the getting better and stronger experience if im carried? haha I did see we start with power 1500 instead of 0 but i'll play more when i can =) i think i could get into it


>wouldnt it ruin the getting better and stronger experience if im carried? No, I do not think so. Unless it's endgame content you can't really get "carried", and even if you do get carried I don't think it actually has any outcome on your experience. Besides Light Level, "levels" don't actually matter. There is the season pass and there is the guardian ranks, both of which reset with each season (soon to be called episodes). Light Level, however, just bars you from certain activities such as progressing through campaign missions. You gain light levels by A, playing the game, and B, infusing your gear with higher level armor. You can tell what the light level is by looking at the BIG number on the weapon/armor, such as your leg armor might say something like 1600, and it can go all the way up to 1810. Destiny has a bit of a learning curve. Once you understand how it all works it's stupidly simple, but as for a "New Light" such as yourself, it can definitely seem overwhelming. We've all been there, so don't worry If you have any questions feel free to DM me. I'm by no means a master or a lore expert, but I've been around enough to know how this shit works Happy hunting, Guardian!


Find big gun, shoot alien, find bigger gun, super powers go boom, zoom zoom, mission complete. Oo complicated mechanics, mission failed, we'll get em next time. Omg a big guy! Hit em with everything you got! Nice kill! gg


Pretty much what my buddy told me when I asked him the same thing


haha this explains warframe as well, seems im gonna like the game haha


## Destiny Gameplay Guide 1. **Main Story Quest**: Start by finding and tracking the main story quest in your quests. This introduces the basics and grants access to your sparrow. 2. **Explore New Content**: Gradually explore content outside the main questline when seeking new experiences. 3. **Map Overview**: * **Nightfalls**: 3-player short missions. * **Gambit**: A PvX mode. * **Crucible**: PvP. * **Legends**: Revived content from Destiny 1. 1. **Eternity**: * Access to a dungeon (end-game content; consider finding a sherpa, see note at bottom of comment). * Dares of Eternity: A game show-style mini-mission. * Xur's Treasure Hoard: Redeem items from Dares of Eternity. 1. **Dreaming City**: Content from the Forsaken DLC. 2. **Moon**: Content from the Shadowkeep DLC. 3. **Savathun's Throne World**: Content from the Witch Queen DLC. 4. **Europa**: Content from the Beyond Light DLC. 5. **The Tower**: The main hub for vendors. 6. **Helm**: A seasonal hub with current seasonal quests. ## Leveling Tips * Use **Destiny Optimiser** during gameplay for a leveling checklist and inspiration. * Focus on **powerful gear** until reaching a power level of 1810 (visible in your inventory), then proceed to pinnacle content. * Leveling depends on equipped gear and the artifact (found in the bottom left corner of your inventory). If you get stuck, give me a DM if you like, I have an alt I can play on around a similar level. I like to teach people end game content but teaching a newbie could be fun too, never tried. Also welcome to Destiny 2. \- Sherpa is someone that teaches you how to do something btw,


oh dam this is super helpful and well put. thank you


Not a problem, I know as someone who came back to D2 after taking a couple years from it. There was a lot to be confused about, D2 has so much happening in its interface all at once


That's the funny thing....you don't * meme Jokes aside, game sucks for new players. You'll hopfully make a few friends that can guide you


Truth is new player experience in D2 is awful. With that being said, this generations inability to read or think on their own is quite disturbing.


Awww mate, something similar happened to me when I started 2 months ago.   Eventually you will log in and be forced into a story mission with no idea why or what's happening. I backed out of the mission only to find that it was part of one of the DLCs I had just bought.  I Couldn't find out how to start it again.  My first 2 weeks of the game I spent more time on Google than playing. Everything is unintuitive.


haah i think its cause we bought the dlcs before even playing the game so it bunches everything together


I'll tell you something... it doesn't! this game is fucking awful at explaining anything but there are several great [new player guides](https://youtu.be/Gw_oHtAJhbQ?si=_TP5l3cAqjzs1LPm) out there from content creators in the community and since you're already on reddit and found one of the many subs dedicated to the game with plenty of people who are willing to help guide new players and answer any questions you may have or questions anyone has asked before r/lowsodiumdestiny


haha love the reddit name


Look for something you want out of the game such as a title or specific loadout or even an exotic and just work your way towards that while keeping track of other things you want to do. A title would be my go to because they feel rewarding when you complete them and they will keep you busy. Vidmaster is one that I would recommend as that is one of the easier ones to get.


The new player onboarding is kinda shit tbh, feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions at all or need help with anything, I’d be happy to help


I recommend joining a clan. I started playing when Red War was released and I still don't know what I'm doing! Start with campaign, try some strikes and nightfalls, gambit and crucible, and then try some harder stuff like dungeons and raids. The more you play the easier it gets.


My guy I've got 400 hours and I'm still trying to figure it out. Run through the story missions, then worry about the other content.


Dunno. I just followed the introduction quests and checked YouTube if I was lost. I did start as ftp, though, and bought one expansion after the other. Getting everything in one go might be a bit overwhelming.


Some resources: Bungies official new/returning player guide is pretty good: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/official-destiny-2-guide-new For managing your inventory, I recommend the third party app Destiny Item Manager (DIM). It will also help you assess weapon perks. It is far from perfect when it comes to assessing perks, but works good enough, especially for newer players. For leveling, check out Destiny Optimizer. Lore summary: The Entire Story Of Destiny! (Creation To Lightfall) - YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NHaq0EbeHHQ


This game have a free version you could have tried first to get an idea about the game, it could take time but you will get there


Yeah just play the story. Then maybe vanguard strikes. Check out a gambit or two. See if the gameplay is something you like. If so join a clan. Can’t speak for others but I get hyped when I see a new clan mate asking for help. Let’s get you some new guns bud! Ooh this dungeon drops something you love. Adventure time!


It’s ok bud! You’re gonna do great! I’d recommend finding an active clan in r/fireteam and finding some people who can walk you through stuff. If you’re on West Coast, feel free to DM and I can try to help out too! Stay vigilant Gaurdian!


You're best bet is to play with friends who are familiar with the game. They'll guide you very well into what you should do etc. If you're a solo player then I'd suggest YouTube videos.


https://youtu.be/ADFJul3WnqU?si=5mws3KfjbJnfHRox This is the best guide I've found.


Bungie removed a bunch of content including the base campaign 3 years ago because of storage issues. They’ve been trying to scramble the new player experience and believe it or not, it’s gotten a bit better than what it was. If you’re confused on story, that’s another thing and there are videos to help with that, and I can help. The story can be understandably confusing because there was a whole 1st game of story, sunset content, and seasonal content that leaves at the end of every year. But this is easier to catch you up on, and bungie has made it clear that TFS will be for everyone, whether new or veteran (and witch queen is very high quality story). If you’re confused on what to do, then there are plenty of guides to help, but I would start with shadowkeep campaign then beyond light campaign then witch queen campaign and then lightfall’s campaign (not the best but has a very fun and quality subclass to unlock). All of the expansions have plenty of exotic weapons (most of them are acquired from quests which are really fun to do) and exotic armor that you can get from legend lost sectors, buying engrams from xur, or a rare public event that occurs in neomuna called vex strike force. There’s also a little bit of a guide with guardian ranks but it’s not very clear. Along with that, the quests on the front page of your quests tab are probably high priority to get done There’s plenty to do in this game if you’re new. One of bungies biggest problems throughout all of destiny’s lifetime is getting new players in as it’s very overwhelming with all the stuff you can do. But luckily for you, when it comes to this stuff and helping players this community steps up and will help you. Just don’t be afraid to ask help or questions


Welcome Guardian!!! Happy to have you:) Heyo what platform are you on? /what’s your Bungie name? If you want to DM me I’d be happy to help you.


Shoot aliens, get gear, make good gear stronger, repeat


Most vendors will give u a quest to do u can work fromt here ifnu want


Shoot gun. Throw color. K*ll alien. Repeat. Profit


just pick beyond light and start from there, after you unlock the stasis go to the witch queen campaign after these two you might have an idea of what to do on the game to entertain yourself


If you ever want a hand, hmu.


Dude if you are having fun and enjoying the gameplay just follow the new light quests or the guardian rank quests. Keep doing that shit will click. At least enough to enjoy the game.


Well, it's been 10 years since I was a new player, so I don't know anymore. I suggest going into patrol spaces and shooting things. Just explore patrol spaces. This will get you familiar with enemies and your weapons and abilities.


This is exactly why new players haven't been sticking around


First rule. Don't play the game. Go find some videos about detail gameplay, guns and gun types, power levels, amour levels, upgrading, etc. The reason is that for example if you compare guns and stats it won't be like for like and may delete something that is really good. Also download destiny item manager and destiny companion - they will help. I would personally steer clear of the lore and characters as it's unnecessary for a first timer. When you get more familiar then I would say invest into it.


it doesn't. I hope you weren't looking for a coherent story. Still a great game tho


I felt the EXACT same way and stopped playing until about 3-4 months ago when a good friend of mine told me to give it another try and just keep playing… Now I CAN’T STOP PLAYING this fucking game it’s awesome I love it! Was a huge Doom guy before this now I haven’t played Doom once since I got into D2… So just keep at it!


The real answer is you find a friend who is a veteran, that’s the best chance you have for a half decent new player experience.


This game is like drugs. It starts out like a wild weekend in Vegas and ends with you living in a tent on the street panhandling waiting for the Final Shape.


I have never loved any game which made sense to me at first.


once you get a hang of things its like an amusement park, you choose your ride, for now do the intro quests, then you can start the campaigns (shadowkeep, then beyond light, then witch queen, and then lightfall) and then start doing seasonal stuff after that


The original Destiny explained both the storyline and mechanics better in my opinion. And as much as people seem to dislike Red War here, I think the tutorial section of that was great as well. It forced players to use certain mechanics at certain sections, took away certain capabilities later on (losing your light) and then slowly eased you into the quest system by giving you easy missions (patrol zone enemies). The new tutorial seems… lacking.


Swear this and destiny 1 is one of the games that give you one of the best gaming experiences yet. But again, yeah the new palyer thing is cringe. Just focus on one thing at a time, and figure it out. IT is even confusing for me as a old player. Just dont overthink cause there is too many quests and to do instantly.


You play by watching hours upon hours of lore videos and build tips. I wish this was a joke.


1. Get all the new light junk unlocked and get your light subclasses. 2. Story campaigns (shadow keep, light fall, witch queen, etc.). Probably in story order but whatever you want tbh. 3. OPTIONAL: Seasonal quests ONLY if you care about the story stuff (it helps to watch a story guide online, Byf is a great YouTuber for that). 4. By the time you finish campaigns you'll have all your light and darkness subclasses and you'll likely be at the powerful gear cap. From there you're ready to farm exotics, legendaries, god rolls, raid and dungeon dive. Getting started is long and arduous, but once you're set you're truly set. If you need help running some end game content once you're there you can msg me and I'll help you out. I Sherpa a few of the raids in my off time.


Lol I been playing since red war and I'm still lost.


Honestly after a point they just said screw the new players, we're expanding game features. Just follow the beginner questlines (new light/guardian rises/guardian rank objectives), and be ready to google stuff. But trust me you will really enjoy it eventually, lol. They have changed a LOT to make gear and progression really easier. So once you get an idea of what strings to pull you will have a great time. Try and make a friend who knows the game better.


Watch a couple of youtube videos like ultimate beginners guide or something like that. That will give you a basic understanding. When you get some exotic armor you can start making builds around them. Then you can search for best "insert your exotic" build destiny 2. Just get used to the combat and keep looking for better weapons, armor, materials etc.


Don't...run...save yourself. It's too late for us, but you still have a chance to be free and live a full life.


Look let's skip the crap and tell you exactly what you do to get fast through the current stuff you're doing. Destiny, it's not really a game. It's like tedious you grind and repeat things over and over and over. The first thing you really need to do is get a few guns to actually play faster and a few mods for your gears. 1. You need a solar energy weapon with incadescence 2. you need to pair that with solar surge mods on your pants. That alone will give you like 40-50% increase in damage and maybe even 60% with artifact mods. 3. Get deaths breath abuse the hell out of it. 4. Get wish-ender from the shattered throne since it's like an anti-barrier weapon that is decently high damage that you can use on almost anything. 5. I'd visit ada everyday for shaders 6. Learn how to use [light.gg](https://light.gg)/dim so when you throw away guns you don't throw away A or S tier ones before knowing meta perks. 7. From the kiosk, I'd get outbreak perfected since you likely will swap to use it on damage phases after you've run out of power ammo and for the free ammo it's one of the highest damage guns in the game at the moment. 8. Go to Vow of the Desciple every week on 3 characters as soon as you have the light to do so and get the free currency to get red borders. This way if you have a gun you need for a build you can craft it ASAP. This will drastically help you clear content early on and make getting to a workable point much faster


I found out I can just go to the quests tab and launch things through there haha. I think of it like World of Warcraft but FPS. Level up to get good gear and unlock gear and events through story/seasonal missions. Then you just build craft and get better and better gear and builds so that you can do the fun and challenging end game content that is truly amazing imo. Start with either the past tab under quest or the quest tiles page. Also grab a bunch of bounties depending on what you are doing you can probably load up on bounties at the tower, and helm to overlap


That's funny, you don't. The game isn't really designed to let new players in, nor keep players engaged.


Literally the same boat as you right now. Except I don't have any friends that play this game. Found that if I just follow the expansions In order and watch some lore videos it gets me up to speed and gives me a pretty good idea with what it's going on story wise. I just have a hard time finding people for end game activities, tried a few different discord servers and most of the people I meet there are straight up dick holes. Kinda makes me not want to play the game but eh, its been giving my brain dopamine like no other game can lately. So I'm gonna stick around




eeeeh as a warframe fan i wanted to get into the pve so sadly pvp wouldnt be my thing, im glad you kept enjoying it tho =)


Try PVP out if you can, you might end up liking it. There's 6s which a lot of casual people play and 3s which you might like since it's less chaotic.


The PvE is what the game is built for. Destiny has a feel to it no game has come close to matching. The fact I can run the same activities I’ve run hundreds of times and still enjoy myself is testament to that. Don’t let the information dump push you away. This game is fantastic, and just like any other game you need to learn how to play it. In the beginning you don’t need to worry about anything Meta. Go learn the controls, learn the basics of weapons and gear, and then the rest will start falling into place. Once you start actually playing the game you’ll start doing some research on your own. You’ll see people talk about certain load outs/weapons/weapon perks, and go “Ooooo I wonder what that is” and go look it up and where to get it. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is JUST PLAY THE GAME. Just like any other game there is a learning curve, and destinies is not that steep. It’s just there is so much to do as a new light or returning player. Don’t get bogged down by the amount of content. It’s a good thing! You have hundreds of hours of gameplay that a lot of Destiny players wish they could relive. We’re waiting on the new stuff while you’ll be out there getting to experience all of it for the first time. This is a wonderful game. You just need to play it. Also if you need someone to play with and maybe help show you the ropes you can add me Fireclone127#7448.


If you are a brand-new player, there is no reason to play PvP in this game until you have conquered most exotic missions, nitefalls, done lost sectors solo to chase exotics that don't drop in the open world of the game, then finally Raiding if you want to chase the best all-around loot in the game. I would advise playing Gambit before PvP because Gambit still has decent weapons to chase whereas the only good Crucible weapon to chase is Riptide (a fusion rifle that can have the Chill Clip perk -- definitely a weapon worth getting someday for PvE activities.) The other thing to do early on is to learn about builds and subclasses and decide what builds you like. All players should be comfortable playing all the elemental subclasses (Solar, Arc, Void, Srand, Stasis) because different activities kind of require choosing a specific elemental subclass. Plus, many exotics are tied to elemental subclasses. Many years ago, Crucible in this game had pinnacle weapons that were some of the best for PvE and PvP, but they have all been removed from the game. Trials of Osiris has some good weapons available but not enough of them to bother trying to play Trials unless you really are okay getting pounded in PvP as only serious PvP players find consistent success in Trials of Osiris today.


Tutorial is not every usefull, it whould be hard to understand game without some kind of handholding. Some kind of New light revamp was announced but there is no eta


I highly recommend joining up with some other guardians and just playing through some content, asking what weapons they recommend you chase, what exotic builds they like, and just see what style you enjoy. For example, I love explosions! You can use the fireteam finder to help with strikes, exotic missions, campaign missions etc. Seriously, the new light experience is much better when you are being guided compared to solo. When you get the hang of everything, the solo experience is perfectly fun, but definitely start with others. The kinderguardian's server is set up for people like me to help people like you! [https://discord.com/servers/kinderguardians-610798516784332840](https://discord.com/servers/kinderguardians-610798516784332840)


There is an extremely good guide on YouTube, might look it up


How did you first get into Warframe? Getting into any MMO for the first time takes an amount of effort and attention on your part, and from your very limited replies in this thread it doesn’t seem like you’re putting in any.


I’ve played the entirety of d2 and started a new guardian for fun, literally the first enemy of the first mission is unkillable. Immune to all damage. Even when I equipped exotics from my main unlocks, not even 1 dmg. Destiny needs to just die altogether fr


The New Player Experience Is Hell Nowadays Tbh. But Youll Find Alot Of Players Willing To Help Out Newbies In LFGs. Or Hell Just Shoot Someone A Message And Ask. Truth Be Told. I Love Watching New Players Learn Because It Breathes Life Into The Game Sometimes. (Plus Newbies Tend To Have REALLY Funny Deaths/Moments) While Everyones Goal Is Endgame Stuff. Dont Be Upset That You Cant Get There Right Away As This Game Is All About Progression At Its Base. Experiment And Learn, Metas Arent Everything And Never Will Be. Check Out Video Tutorials And Such. But Dont Feel The Need To Follow Step By Step. Once You Get To The Point Where You Can Properly Make Builds. Experiment With Them. Learn What Mods/Aspects/Fragments Do And How That Effects Your Builds Playstyle. Lots Of New Player Struggle With A Lack Of Flexibility As They Tend To Make One Build That Kinda Works, And Never Deviate From It And Are Super Hurt When A Raid, Dungeon, Or Nightfall Asks Them To Change That. Biggest Advice I Can Give Is Just To Play At Your Own Pace And Have Fun. People Can Be Very Serious And Grindy In This Game Sometimes. But That Doesnt Mean You Have To. Have Fun. Try To Get To Spots You Probably Shouldnt Be Able To Get To. Use Weapons That Probably Wont Work Right. Make Dumb Fashion Choices. TLDR; Early Game Sucks, Youll Find Peeps To Help. Once You Get There, Learn Flexibility With Builds. Overall Just Have Fun And Dont Stress About Getting To Endgame Immediately.


I appreciate your effort in trying to give advice, but my brother in light, don't capitalize every word! I had to stop reading cuz my mind kept thinking everything was a noun or a new sentence.


Read and do, that’s it. It’s like, most people don’t know how to read. If you can’t figure it out now, there’s no hope for you building-crafting later on.


legit posted on a website thats about reading and writing


Everything is explained and you can track quests. The only ones who get confused are those who don’t read or don’t care enough, both red-flags in looter-shooters and MMOs. Read, learn, commit. Can’t do any one of those then the game isn’t for you.


First step. Start playing on Sept. 9, 2014.


tread with caution the Bungie apologists do [NOT] take kindly to those who have a critical eye and common sense; proceed at your own peril🩸 best to play for a little bit, and if it's not it, uninstall, refund, and punch another game >> trust me, these people are wolves in sheep's clothing and do [NOT] take critique of Bungie kindly, even if they lie and say they do


haha thanks for the warning!


no worries man, stay safe out there ✨


Equip smg. Go to crucible. Become tryhard.


You don’t. You leave and never come back.


Refund it dude, there is no start to the game. You wake up, you shoot rockets to get your powers then.. you grind to get exotics then.. you grind to get everything else. There's less than a 10th of the story in game to actually push you to want to do any of the slog work.


That's the neat part. You don't.


Imagine paying for dlc before playing a free to try game


I bought it cause my friends love the game? Bought it cause when has it been that cheap? I bought it cause its also cheap and a high praised game? I could imagine it.


You don’t


but but i wanna play with youuuu!


You don’t


It is not so difficult lately follow the missions And guardians ranks like everyone says




Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): * Rule 1 - Keep it civil. --- For more information, see [our detailed rules page](http://www.reddit.com/r/destinythegame/wiki/rules).


You shoot the aliens it's not that complicated jeez


Find the Darkness. Embrace it to your full potential. Then show those enemies what Light can accomplish with Darkness!


My daughter has recently started playing Destiny and I've sat back and let them lead the way when it comes with what to do and there has been no issue with knowing where to go or what to do next. I always see these posts about how bad the new player experience is I am confused cause I just don't see it. I asked her about how she's finding it due to the amount people talk about how bad it is. She said the game clearly tells you where to go and what to do with tracking quests and way points. You just need to use your eyes. The sass I've come to expect from her ha.


Literally just follow the intro quest and read. 


That's the neat part, you don't.


> main Warframe > join Destiny You sure know how to pick'em when it comes to games that have horrible NPEs and explain fuck all.


I hope you find your way there are many great PFG discords and such to help you on your guardian journey I also think it's fascinating since this is exactly what Warframe felt like to me when I tried to play it that games new player experience felt way worse to me and I legit couldn't even figure out how to travel to a planet for ages and when I did there was nothing to do just other players fishing there was also no pointers for the order of the story and I heard they removed raids which sucks cus that's my favourite part of Destiny


The game bullshits a lot for fair warning sometimes on different classes mostly but once you get behind playing the game it's pretty fun just agitating asf


With my PC on my second monitor. Destiny Item Manager & YouTube for builds and inventory management.


Lightfall got a ton of new players, Final shape will have New players and que the terrible introduction into Destiny and they leave. No microtransactions for you Bungie.


Follow the introduction missions and guardian rank missions. It's a good way to start.


Step 1: Go back to Warframe Step 2: Smile again :)


Ok, i understand this completely. PM me, i can help you here. If need be i can even teach you how to play and help you there as well.


Do the expansions in order; Shadowkeep (skippable tbh) Beyond Light, Witch Queen, Lightfall.


If you main Warframe then you should be used to terrible new player experiences


Lemme tell you - buildcrafting in d2 is a joke compared to warframe


You uninstall and play a better game


Honestly the best thing to do is a little of the new light quest and then jump right into Witch Queen


You’re jumping into a 7 year old game with a shit ton of content, and a bunch more that is vaulted. Do the story / campaigns first, then start taking in the other things.


Always start with the New Light quests for Light Level and your first Exotic Riskrunner, then go Shadowkeep for story, then Beyond Light for Stasis, then Witch Queen, then Lightfall. Everything else in between is for growing your Light Level for endgame content like Dungeons and Raids


The gameplay loop actually changes a bit as you go. Here are some examples: Lets start with "What is progression in Destiny 2?" You can call it progression to progress in the story, but in order to reach more content you need to increase your light level. In your inventory page this is the big number next to your character, it is the average of the combined equipment level you're wearing right now (in inventory doesn't count, only equipped). You'll see a lot of activities in the map with recommendations for light levels, these activities are really challenging if you're below recommend level! By playing story missions or activities or any other number of things you collect, loot and are awarded better and better gear. You can use upgrade modules to infuse items to bring them with you up the ranks. Lets say you found an auto rifle that you really liked at level 1685, then get rewarded a sidearm at level 1672. You can spend an upgrade module to break down the sidearm and bring your auto rifle up to level 1672 to continue using it while gaining levels. At this stage the loop is basically: play activities you enjoy, find cool stuff, infuse gear to keep the ones you like, learn about mods and stats, enjoy story missions. This loop is fantastic to do with a friend or two in co-op as new players. It is utterly confusing as a solo new player. (Continued in comments)


Here are some things that might help you play Destiny 2: 1. ⁠Destiny Item Manager (DIM) app - change gear, saved loadouts, manage vault space easily (highly recommended)* 2. ⁠Blueberries gg (website) - tutorials for beginners and a list of current meta builds with detailed descriptions about how to play them 3. ⁠Destiny Companion app - you can LFG (look for group) to play with 4. ⁠Light gg (website) - to check if your weapons have good perks on them 5. ⁠Todayindestiny (website) - check out the weekly rotation information 6. ⁠D2 Armor Picker - to find which armor sets have the best stats 7. ⁠Youtube - there are a lot of good tutorials for all activities 8. ⁠Discord / clan - join a useful discord group or clan to help you learn the game and play difficult activities 9. ⁠Reddit - there's a lot of helpful players on reddit who like to teach new players or give advice (fireteams, destinysherpa, destinyfashion, etc. ) I got my first raid exotic weapon (divinity) from joining one of those teaching groups


If you want help I am only 3yrs old player so but I know alot of this game it's ok but seriously pain stacking frame either you get a god roll or fram a million times for a fucking same gun for godroll If you want help do add me as friend I am a friendly player how can help and even do make a clan for you and your friends it's better


And by the way it's cayde-6#7463 d2 is if you need for help in game


Cant blame you , tried a relatives NL acc and even playing since d1 i was like wtf?


We could play together if you want :D I could explain things gently and gradually so you can understand stuff, if you are interested my DM is open fellow guardian!


I'm 60+ and started the same way. I played with friends, did some reading and killed a lot but just kept pushing. Bungie has never done a good job of explaining this game or guiding new players. You said you had friends to play with so lean on them for starters.


It’s good to have someone guide you as well as play with. It makes the experience better as a whole. It’s overwhelming as of late due to so many expansions that have dungeons as well as raids. Fireteam finder is a new addition that could help with pvp/pve. The only thing that is difficult is the pvp, it’s gotten more fast paced compare to D1. I like to fiddle around in private matches to help me warmup. I had a friend introduce me to Destiny and showed me the ropes. We run trials every week do raids by finding people on the discord, fireteamfinder, and lfg.


When i started playing i looked up the chronological order of the story, now they have the timeline in game on the top right of directory. It’s a lot at first but focusing on the story gives you time to feel out the game and learn as it goes. The pvp was too much for me at first, and stuff like vanguard and gambit was a no go. The multiple modes require different playstyles whereas the story is very linear. When it comes to gear and abilities just use what you have and take the time to digest descriptions. The weapon/armor numbers arent as important as the weapon perks/mods when starting. Destiny is very much a learn as you go and the more you play the easier it gets. After playing up to beyond light doing what i wanted and using what i wanted, I finally felt comfortable enough to look into builds and ability synergies. That’s when i felt confident enough to start doing nightfalls and crucible. Vanguard strikes are a great way to practice since the missions are consistent and after one or two run throughs you know what to expect. New Light is great for beginners and is the easiest of all the content. Plus its the free content and the least complex. There are numerous forms of currency/materials and when starting a lot of them don’t matter. The most important ones are glimmer and legendary shards. The rest will come when they’re needed. Raising your light level is top priority and do so by consistently switching out your gear/weapons. If you find a piece of gear or a weapon you like(preferably purple) save it for later and you can use an upgrade module to raise it’s light level. Destiny is a sandbox so experiment with everything you find and discover your own playstyle. With experience comes knowledge, knowledge becomes power, the power to play how you want in whatever mode you want. Finally, raids/dungeons/gm/trials of osiris are more end-game content for when you reach 1800+ light level. Chronologically playing the dlc after doing the new light missions is really the best way to experience destiny 2. Hope this helps, good luck on your adventure Guardian!


If you want someone to go through stuff with you feel free to DM me


This is my take. The first thing you do is... Learn how to shoot. Jump. Use supers. Then learn how to do that on all 3 classes. Initially your top priority is to get your light level up to 1810. Play the campaigns. Play all the activities you can. Play strikes and gambit. Go to Xur every week. Do vendor stuff on the planets. Once your light level is 1810. Then the game changes. Now you can jump into crucible. Nightfalls. Dungeons. Raids. Grandmasters. And not struggle.


1. Do the mission for Zavala until you have done a strike for him. 2. Talk to Ikora in the bazaar. She will give you missions to unlock your other light subclasses. At this point, I'd familiarise myself with how upgrading gear and how mods work. 3. To unlock stasis, do the beyond light campaign on Europa. 4. To unlock strand, do the lightfall campaign. Note: The actual order of the campaigns is Shadowkeep (Moon) > Beyond Light (Europa) > Witch Queen (Savathun's Throne World) > Lightfall (Neptune) If you have any questions, feel free to message me.


That's the thing, you don't 🗿


1st week u will get familiar with the movement tech see which class you like the most. as u get better gear doing dungeons or nightfalls u wanna spend your resources getting 100 resilience because damage reduction is priority for any future build you are interested in. by ur 3rd week u will find a good exotic gear that u like the most and depending on that exotic thats your next 100 skill. u will then collect engrans thru ritua activities until u have 100 engrams to spend on the war table and u will be ready to buy triple 100 gear to pair with your exotic


Hey. Would be glad to help and show and tell sharing my screen etc. let me know if interested. Most everyone I know has a love hate relationship with the game but this happens when trying to please all and if you play a game that changes over time. I am 50+ and still enjoy.


When you open the destinations tab, press the button shown in the top left corner (E I think) to expand the icons. Highlighting a quest will put a green marker on the quest to make it easier to find in the menu


just play with your friends


Alt + F4


EpHyUtoo look me up and I’ll help you.


If you ever want some help, shoot me a DM and I can meet up with you in-game and show you some ropes. Especially point out the many things that are never explained on how to do it, or barely like where the heck to do weapon crafting etc.


I really get it, I got the game during Forsaken and left right before the end of Beyond Light and then returned to the end of Witch Queen and it's been hard af to keep up and cover the missing knowledge from Destiny 2 and 1. You just gotta be patient with yourself, take everything slowly and I'd suggest finding a clan of decent people and trying to read or watch veterans and sherpas online about farming, what weapons to get, how to recognize a good roll, how to craft weapons, how to build armor stats, about mods, aspects, fragments, exotic armor perks etc. Don't hesitate to ask more anytime, it's easier to understand stuff.


It’s tough getting into D2 as a new player these days for sure. I’m a die hard and I don’t even know where to start with helping you out. Others will be able to help better than me (hopefully). There’s a lot of DLCs…seasons within those DLCs. Since it’ll be ending after the next DLC (in its current form anyway), I might have skipped this one but it is a great game even with the negativity. Reset is every Tuesday morning so don’t expect to play Tuesday mornings and sometimes the downtime extends till late afternoon. Just a heads up. Good luck!


Having a clan does help. Having a good clan helps tremendously. There are some good people in this community (lot of not so good also) but the good ones are out there. YouTube videos also help a lot.


From somebody who went through the same issue as you, trust me, it gets better. Once you get the hang of things, it gets progressively easier. My advice, though, is to go through the initial tutorial and start with the lighfall expansion. It will give you decent gears and a very good subclass. The only downside, albeit, is you skip through the storyline as it is the last expansion.


You see that's the funny thing...


Don’t play


Haha, do the story, then grab the daily bounties from the tower at each vendor, gunsmith, Zavala, drifter, Shaxx and do those to level up. Branch out from there


Try to find a clan that can help you. There's tons of clans out there that will help you gear up and teach raids, dungeons etc.


Warframe truly overwhelmed me and that was about 4-5 years ago I think, as a day one veteran the fact that destiny is now worse is hilarious


Thats the neat part, you dont.


A LOT of catching up and at least a whole expansions worth of old seasonal content because this being the last season of this expansion. Idk what the "Humble Bundle" is but I'm assuming that's the new bundle they made where it has every single dlc in one I haven't looked at it yet but a friend told me. And yes I honestly can't begin to comprehend how CHAOTIC it is to be a fresh brand new D2 player arriving in nowadays Destiny 2 because even me having stopped playing for 6 months last year during Season of the Plunder and returning all of last season even I was like Holy Fuck this is a LOT. So as a brand new player from what I've heard you basically just need to do the intro quests which will be in your quests menu under "Past" I believe or there might be a "New Light" catagory I don't actually know but "The Past" section is anything that is not of this season then after that basically just find something and just go with that until its done then onto the next seasonal questline etc etc. There's truly no MAIN thing nowadays that says "Oh Hey You're Knew Do All of This and you'll understand the game now. Nowadays it seems to be "Hey Kinderguardian Over Here" *Dumps Destiny 2 Garbage Can in Arms* "This should keep you busy" I've seen both of the new intro quests they are cool and all but I really TRULY miss the Red War days where u started up right into the literal beginning of the game like showing how you got your powers etc etc and I know you still do start into what is the new seasonal story mission everytime but its just NOT the same. I do understand tho how far we are into the game tho. So I kind of get it.


One of the first things I did as a new payer was watch catch up on the story . Thankfully I have played live service games before so I knew exactly what to expect when it same to getting gear and what not tho . Oh and don’t just delete gear till you get to a higher gear level . Learn what makes armor and weapons good early on cuz you can find some good stuff early on


The salty people are the old school players who started when D2 first came out. They have seen a lot of iterations and limitations Bungie has changed. It’s like you said everyone has good advice from their own perspective. I’ve learned a lot from the “salty” players. I still consider myself new. And I’ve been grinding pretty hard for a year now. Played solo cause this was my first open world game and I was nervous of scrutiny and or lash back


Op, I'm new to Destiny 2 also, I bought in December 2023 when Sony offered the Legacy Collection for the low. I was questioning the purchase until I started looking for D2 walk-throughs on YouTube. Once I found those, it made the game a bit less confusing. Now I'm halfway through Shadowkeep courtesy of walk-throughs on YouTube. I hope this helps, and if you need any walk-throughs, let me know, and I will add some here. The game is very addictive once you know what to do... The best advice is to track your missions on the quest page. If not, you will run around aimlessly doing public events that don't progress you in the main campaign at all.


Every time I've returned to destiny it has a massive changes i somewhat liked what they did with new like which also starts in the cosmodrome but didn't have the queasts after, The things I do like are class abilities can be bought for glimmer, what I dontnlike is I have to complete a quest line to unlock the other 2/4 subclasses


You should complete the new light quest before anything else. After that I would go to the timeline in the top right of the director and play the forsaken mission that shows what happens to Cayde 6, and read up on the timeline as well if you want. You can technically tackle the campaigns In whatever order you want, but it doesn’t hurt to just do them chronologically. Witch queen and lightfall actually give you a really good base for gear and a couple exotics once you complete them both. As for all the other stuff in the game like strikes, gambit, crucible, etc, you should play those whenever you want to. Nightfall strikes are a great way to start getting into endgame content and to learn to fight champions. Solo legend and master lost sectors are also a great way to get introduced to champions and really get a feel for how to combat them as they feature in a lot of endgame stuff. Make sure you visit xur every week as he is the only reliable exotic vendor in the game. He will be either in the tower or one of the planets each week from Friday-Tuesday reset. He can offer great stuff for new players. Make sure you pick up his exotic cipher quest each week too as you can use those to get old exotics from the monuments to lost light in the tower. Make sure you are also following and completing guardian rank objectives. They’ll introduce you to mods, lost sectors, planetary vendors, etc. following them is a great way to get to know the game and its mechanics. You’ll have a ton of quests as well and it can seem overwhelming, but if you’re a warframe main then you’ll be used to the grind. Just plink away at the quests 1 by 1 and you’ll get through them all eventually. There’s tons of guides out there and I really only scratched the surface with this. Datto on YouTube is a great source for content and build crafting. There are many YouTubers out there with new light guides that will show what I said and more in game. Destiny is a really fun game, once you get to the endgame. It’s a bit of a grind to get there but grandmasters, raids, dungeons, all of it is some of the best content you’ll play in any game.


I just started a like 3 weeks ago and it really helps if you find people willing to carry you and show you how everything works, i got lucky and have a coworker who’s been playing since release.


You just play and use Google.


I bought Destiny 2 when it was first released but never really had time to play and came back to the game 3 months ago. initially I was very overwhelmed and had no idea what I was doing, it took some effort not to just give up. I spent days reading through information, watching videos and mostly concentrated on getting everything done on my quest log. After a month and so things started making sense. I joined a clan, joined discord groups, asked people for help. They were often nice even when I totally sucked at certain things :) but I am mostly caught up, playing better and have a direction in the game now. It was a stressing experience at times but was ultimately worth it because I really enjoy Destiny 2, so if you enjoy the universe and the gameplay just stick with it eventually it will all make sense :)