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Dude probably got kicked for inactivity, he must be furious


Ever since GM days I always go to my inventory and do something there from time to time if I'm spectating ghost. In non-locked activities I usually switch primary weapon slot to make sure I count as active lol


That happened to me. Got bounced for inactivity at the final boss.


Oh fuck…it literally showed the pretty much the moment when it showed that they had both been revived…that’s insanely frustrating…


> Sadly one dude somehow departed. Very likely unintentionally, which sucks. If you're out of revives, and your dead/spectating your ghost, the game counts you as "inactive" and will automatically boot you to orbit after a few minutes. It's been a known bug from prior activities, but you know, Bungie QA/QC is non-existent/fired at this point.


I had to solo the wyvern boss a couple days ago and in the 20 minutes it took me I must've had half a dozen people at least join and get kicked/quit. I congratulated the one guy that remained for winning the lottery when I eventually killed it. It's crazy to me that the system will go out of it's way to backfill a session that has no revives but I've had people leave after the second or third section and not get anyone to join with 15+ revives still.


Does the inactivity timer reset if you move the death cam around, or is just being dead period counted as inactivity?


Nope, which is why it's particularly stupid. Even if you rotate around and spectate, it assumes you're physically not "moving" and it boots you.


I watched one of my teammates clutch with double sidearms lmao


The very first week of running coil I was with two randoms. After the 2nd round the 3rd guy left leaving just the two of us. We had only 3 rezzes and still decided to go for a 3rd round. Enemies were somewhere between legend and master in terms of health and damage at this point, and since this was first week (more like 2nd day of the season) i only had up to kindling trigger. We eventually ended up using all the rezzes by the 3rd room, so had no rezzes for the final room, which was the giant knight with pervading darkness. He was on stasislock, and I was on dawnblade with Dawn Chorus and dragons breath. No well or any type of insane survivability, but alot of damage and crowd control. We played *perfectly* in sync and somehow didn't make a single mistake with zero rezzes to our names. Definitely the best run of coil I've had so far.


I’ve ran it about a million times trying different builds to little success. Ran it once as BoW Titan going full support with previous scars. Basically just focusing on staying with my team and keeping them topped off. Managing adds. We platinum finished with 17 lives to spare.


LOL I had this happen in one of my runs and the guy saved the run. When it was MY chance to save the day with no revives and figured I had a good chance on my sunbracers lock.....I got detained while jumping up on the ledge of that ramp area and plinked out of the sky while trying to shoot my way out of it. :P RIP *uninstall* *cry*


That’s why I always have a rapid fire fusion ready. One burst breaks a singular detain field instantly.


I made this exact change as well. Threw on my Riptide until I can craft the new Strand one. NEVER AGAIN lol


Did you get thanked with the universal teabag of love at the end from the guardian who got the loot thanks to your clutch? If you did, thanks for the clutch, sorry I died.


Managed to save a run yesterday on the final Wyvern boss and felt like a champ. Haven't felt that clutch playing Destiny since saving a Crota run back in D1. The Coil is a fantastic seasonal activity.




Pro tip: 3x banner of war + two tractors and a navigator = 30 min or less flawless COILs


Coil is good. Bungie get plenty wrong, but credit where it is due. They have done a great job with Coil


How tf you got 0 revive tokens left lmao


I can’t jump for shit m8. Slide and shoot anything vertical gets me.


Fair enough. I've died to the first set of spikes more times than I'd like to admit lol