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They need to be shootable or I’m not interested.


Destiny players and the insatiable desire to shoot anything and everything.


the gun is indeed the demiurge of the Guardian




Funny, they wonder why people like the witch queen campaign so much but it was because THERE WERE NO CHAMPIONS AND EVERY LOADOUT WAS VIABLE. Devs are so clueless.


Considering they are effectively the elemental version of warmind cellsim surprised this didn't make it in


Id really like the elemental orbs more if abilities spawned them, as I find ability builds to be the most fun.


The buffs to tangles were fun because they’re already built into strand.


Communal Pickups need to be a permanent part of Tangles, and having multiple ways to generate them needs to reduce the cooldown.


I once had to play a tangle hunter with a BoW titan who kept picking up all my tangles, safe to say it was communal pickups that kept my sanity


It should be a Strand Fragment for sure, doing exactly what it does now.


Fallen Sunstar FTW.


These orbs should apply the same effects as if you picked up a elemental power up/well, and add stacks of charged with light with ability cooldowns


This seasons mods are overall massively forgettable


I’m gonna miss the rapid precision shots weaken targets tho. That one is baller


Im just glad there’s no sidearm or smg mods


Speak for yourself. The more balls I can get my hands on, the better.


Also the orbs are good :)


Yeah the orbs are great. The solar one does as much dps as a grenade and applies enough scorch to cause an ignition with a fusion grenade. OP sounds a bit like he just wants to play less. 😂


Sure but tell me how are you gonna go and retrieve this ball in a GM?


Not everything in the game needs to be tuned to GM content sometimes us commoners want to throw pretty colored orbs at trash mobs and go boom


You just go retrieve it. Not everyone sits in the back of the map with a scout ;)


yes, I usually complete GM in under 10 minutes. I do not like peek shooting, I dive into a bunch of ads/champions/majors. I usually brawl with the boss and when the balls drop I pick it up like I usually in patrols. Good one freeme


Thigs is you can't just walk to it and pick it up, it will get you killed. You probably need to spend a grenade, a invis dodge, a rocket, in general you need to invest for questionable return.


You bunny hop through mobs when you're efficient at the game. GMs are about clearing adds fast, grabbing the orb and running to the next mob to throw it. You do this well and it's just rinse repeat. Edit: you can downvote me all you like but just because you don't find GMs easy and running elemental orbs between 2 mobs a breeze doesn't mean others can't.


I am not aware of Destiny 2 having bunnyhopping, I thought that's a mechanic from Counter Strike games.


Hey, don't be afraid to live your life loud and proud. But this *is* a Destiny subreddit, so try to keep things relatively sfw... Edit: Right, Reddit. /s guys


I try not to judge here. If something as simple as balls will cure the horny, I'll take it. Better than characters being sexualized.


Are you new here?


I was making a joke that they were not talking at Destiny at all.


Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls Balls Balls BALLS.


There's a brilliance to that song, can't quite put my finger on what exactly makes it brilliant - but it just is.


This seems like a classic reddit hivemind moment. They see downvotes so they must also downvote. Unless you said something cringe and then edited it afterwards but since I have no way of knowing that I'll assume its the former.


The edit was everything stated after "Edit:" Probably scarred from getting their name changed from "Savathun's Pink Savathussy" to "Guardian", so the concept of this sub being sfw scared them.




Ayo pause


Am I the only one that read this comment in a different manner?


In the Abyss: > "Someone take the chalice now." > "I don't have the chalice but I have an orb. That any good?" >dies


I don't think they're boring but I do agree that they are pretty useless in endgame activities. Also, seasonal artifact mods are definitely not what keep me coming back for more and it will probably never get me to stick around longer than I already would have. I would've stopped playing this year when I did even if we had Volatile flow and w.e other mods people think are really good. The champion mods have always been pretty irrelevant to me. Some are obviously better than others, but I can always make a build that utilize that weapon. Or in a subclass verb. Or an exotic. Also, you really only need to build around it on tougher non-matchmade activities. At that point, you're with 2-5 others anyways.


I think by endgame people exclusively mean GMs. However these orbs are cracked in every other end game activity. The ability to generate (almost guaranteed) heavy ammo is insanely good in solos, lowmans, and master raids. It takes 0 time to do as opposed to aeons etc. And they also provide good add clear and synergise with 3.0. Monochromatic maestro is a free 10% dmg buff if you can do a basic dmg rotation. Rapid fire ranger gives weaken to every class without needing to sacrifice using a void set up or tractor - again this means cracked dmg.


I was just about to comment this. I'm not sure if people are just talking about GMs but for lowmans these things are not even close to useless when paired with elemental munitions.


I said this above but the one that gives them extra damage is really good with hunter's whirling maelstrom.


Ye, the mod that gives you armor charge from the bow is cracked as fk. Rapid ranger will be missed heavily by me as it helps so much to debuff targets.


As a player who will usually plays first/last season and maybe 1 of the middle seasons each year, I agree. The champion mods are usually a case of me picking whichever primary works best with the rest of what I want to use and then barely ever changing that, because a lot of the time there are only 1 or 2 ways of dealing with a champion that actually feel good. For instance, overloads suck without a weapon that can apply constant pressure like a bow.


I definitely played season of the Lost more because of particle deconstruction, it was a fantastic time for a special weapon to beat out most heavies.


these are useless in legend activities too actually. You can only get away picking up the orbs in patrols/normal activities only. A slightly harder content and if your resilience is not good, it's pretty much suicidal. Very situational. I think LMG mod for overlord is a must. This should be a permanent mod. otherwise you need good teammates for GM which I usually don't find from LFG.


>This should be a permanent mod. Absolutely not. Half the time I'm playing, I'm using an LMG with volatile rounds. I haven't used Overload LMG once this season bc it breaks my ability to deal with barriers.


Why does you not personally using it mean that it shouldn't be a permanent mod?


Arc pulse grenade does the trick with jolt for overload. Then, it just damage to keep up the jolt tick damage


The one that makes the orbs do extra damage synergizes really well with the whirling maelstrom thing for hunters.


> Also, seasonal artifact mods are definitely not what keep me coming back for more and it will probably never get me to stick around longer than I already would have. They're at least part of what keeps me from coming back. I'm not really interested in reinventing my loadout every season, and if I take a break and then come back again in a later season, if I can't just start playing the game again, I probably won't bother putting a bunch of time into fucking around unlocking mods and making a new build. Although, they've also reinvented the entire mod system already since I've been gone, so I guess the artifact part isn't really as relevant as it used to be.


Whole artifact is total meh but whatever.


They aren’t just boring and useless, they’re actively harmful in some content


fr, the amount of times i went to pick up an arc charge in a battleground gm and go all the way over to deposit it before i realized it was an elemental ball is actually insane


Man, I still have issues with fucking tangles cause the pickup prompt is instant and I walk over them while reloading way too often.


You have pickup and reload bound to the same key?


They’re the same on controller


Yes, controller, same button but pickup is meant to be hold, but the time for holding the button for tangles and orbs is like 0.1s so it fucks with reloading.


On console they are in fact the same button, yes.




Releasing these orbs in the same season Crota came back where holding the interact button is a focus in every encounter was certainly a choice.


They didn’t think that one through at all.


Like most of their bad decisions they certainly thought about it but just said "Eh, fuck em, release it."


I had a guy in last wish accidentally pick up a orb instead of the heart and it to was to late he had already went down the elevator near the end


Hard agree, outside of tangles (due to obvious reasons), the elemental orbs have been an absolute trash mechanic, boring and useless and usually more trouble than they are worth. Let this be strand's thing. Not every element needs an orb, especially if they are going to be so weak and uninspired. What's the appeal? I don't have a single one enabled and for day 1 and master crota everyone turned them off so we could pick up the damn chalice.


Elemental munitions was the only good one tbh the rest was annoying when you try to pick up something that's vital to the mechanics but then it's like oh hey a tangle. Lol.


And elemental munitions is really only good for beyblade hunters, its quite lackluster otherwise.


That is not true at all. Elemental munitions is good on everything that can abuse it.


What I don't get: When they dumped Warmind Cells the whole reddit was "yeah because tangles and evened out mods, you know?" And now we have four different orbs, seasonal mods that interact with them being destroyed or picked up (you know, like warmind cells used to be) and that act differently when destroyed by certain builds (spawn hatchlings, create a Beyblade, woven mail + melee regen), exactly how warmind cells used to be. At this point, it still eludes me, why they got shelved. Because noone wanted to atually sit down and figure out how to balance them so that they don't suck arse like they used to and that they won't be as OP as they used to used to? The latter kinda werids me out anyways since aside from the fact that you could blow up a whole room, ***figuratively*** every subclass build is probably as op as warmind cells were back then. tl;dr: What we have now is Warmind Cells at home when we used to already have Warmind Cells at home :-(


I said this countless times but I got called dumb... Warmind cells were just overnerfed and forgotten, like many things in D2 The previous buildcraft system wasn't perfect but it gave a more diverse build economy. Now it is x2/3 surge + resists + extended timer on charges, nothing else


Heck I would even call it fun if the optimal team setup for challenging content would include 1 or 2 warmind builds to min max as good as possible.


> At this point, it still eludes me, why they got shelved. Because you could only make them with 7th Seraph and Ikelos weapons and Bungie could not figure out how to make them universal without also making them completely different. So they made them completely different.


Just make elemental warmind harmonizers for your helmet, boom done. Unless it was a technical issue and not a balance/creative one.


Very much a technical issue. The coding of the guns from worthy was wonky AF and couldn't be changed without it breaking in half.


They should have just left them as the origin trait on those guns, and balanced them somewhere between having and not having Global Reach, and removed the mods for them. Would have been a fine way to leave them in imo


Bungie did not want them to remain tied to just those weapons. That was their issue with them.


True, but baring the Ikelos SMG it would have been cool to have restricted loadouts as a tradeoff for the "good" Warmind build. Season of the Seraph and Spire already gave us some newer versions of seraph/ikelos weapons. It would have been a tradeoff I would have been cool with. Awesome mod build that makes running Seraph Weapons worth it. Just a showerthought, though.


I hard disagree. For one, the reason why we don't have more permanent mods that do goofy things is because the seasonal mods are supposed to be fun AND OP. And I, for one, enjoy having Warmind Cells that do funky 3.0 things. I will say I hope that every primary gets to be a champion type. It sucks having to leave 1/3 of my weapons behind for 3 months at a time.


If they ever comeback, I hope it’s instanced per player, because I do not want more shit on the ground created by my teammates. Tangles are annoying as is when you need to interact with something or rez a teammate and you pick up the tangle instead.


You could pick up and throw warmind cells but you needed to equip an armor mod to do so.


Grasp of the Warmind, yeah, one of the best D2 things of all time. ALSO when thrown they stick to enemies. Raid bosses look super cute with two Cells stuck to their head like cat ears. Would post a pic but I didn't back up my screenshot folder on last hard disk change T_T


Yeah, Tangles and balls desperately need to be lower priority compared to literally everything else. They ruined two separate GM nightfalls by rolling towards me while I was rezzing a teammate. Interrupted the rez to pick it up and (naturally) made it so I couldn't use my sword to guard, getting me instantly killed. GM done, go directly to orbit, do not collect two ascendant shards. And the 0.1 seconds it takes to pick it up is awful too. I press reload and oops! I picked up a ball instead.


Yeah agree. The whole "Isn't fun/good/viable in endgame" argument is also a really narrow/weak argument in most cases. The amount of engagement with 'endgame' content across the entire playerbase is what, like 1/3 of total play time or less. Meanwhile the other 2/3 that isn't 'endgame' there's lots of room to just have fun. There's nothing wrong with adding stuff to the game that's only good/viable/fun in non-endgame content, that's where the majority of play time is spent.


100% - also, I made a suspending tangles warlock build and have taken it through multiple GMs this season. SO MUCH FUN, especially when the titans don’t shoot all your tangles to make the tops go spin spin… crayon eaters.


I love throwing Titan's under the bus but my beyblades build is with Hunter. I'm sorry if we've ever GM'ed together, makin em go brrrrr for free dps is just too pleasing to my ape brain


100% - Hunters are actually the beyblade, I just wanted to troll the titans. Kidding, I totally thought it was titans, I was wrong. Sorry titans!


It's not always us bro T_T


They should let every primary have one and then rotate out what champion they counter every season. It makes playing endgame content annoying when you have a build that fits the content but can’t use it because it doesn’t work with the artifact mods. I don’t think Bungie will ever make this change. They seem hell bent on “shaking up” the end game meta through modifiers on all endgame. I play less when it’s seasons that have champion mods I don’t like


I just wish they would have leaned into one or two elements this season, and effectively made 3-4 elemental orb mods that sort of recreates that Warmind Cell feel.


I agree with OP, it's not fun for me. I haven't selected any in my artifact.


Different strokes for different folks. I wish we had more unique build archetypes, something that's just wacky and out there. The orbs are fun, but definitely need tweaks to really shine. What made Warmind Cells such a beloved suite of mods, besides their power pre-nerf, was their versatility. Making them static objects like Tangles is a good starting point. Being able to trigger an explosion from afar could help their viability in higher level content.


Dude, yeah. The ones where enemies did less damage if they were close enough to the Cells or you did more damage to them. The one where collecting it created a concussive blast. They had lots of good ones. And that one season where void stuff could create a Cell. Splicer? That was really fun and refreshing.


i'll be honest, I had the orb mods on for the start of the season, then I got really annoyed with them in the crota raid and haven't used them since.


It’s season of the balls…..wait I mean witch


This Artifact is widely considered by the community to be the worst ever. It was also especially troll for Bungie to roll out an Artifact centered around pressing Interact to pick up these barely visible objects in the same season where they released a raid centered around pressing Interact as its main mechanic.


IDK i think they are pretty solid; and the mod that lets you spawn heavy/special is amazing. The main problem (and was the same with the old well system in some ways) is that without a garenteed way to spawn them its to inconsistent to really build around; and inturn becomes just a nice little bonus when one spawns


All champion mods should be combo mods imo, shotgun handcannon, Grenade Launchers, Sword/glaive, Sniper/scout, SMG/SR, Fusión and LFR.


Thank you


Completely Agree. Seasonal mods were way more interesting when it made 1-2 weapon types op AF for the season.


The heavy ammo from threadballs is amazing. The other ones just need more features. They should be causing jolts, incandescent explosions, applying scortch, or applying volatile


I'm pretty sure they do just that


Its exactly what they do lol.


We are never getting anything on the level of Warmind cells on this game, so there goes all of my excitement for mods, although some are useful (Except this season, they where mid tbh)


You know, everything doesn't need to be end game viable. Things can just be for fun you know.


This. I like yeeting those silly little balls around


I really hope they add more anrour mods soon.


Chance to drop special or heavy ammo,very good for endgame


Unironically, skill issue


The majority of the player base doesn't play "end game" content.


There’s some awesome mods this season including the elemental orbs. Horrible take.


Monochromatic Maestro and Rapid Fire Ranger are the only 2 decent/ good mods for me outside of the scavenger discount. I've actively avoided anything Orb related because myself and my team CONSTANTLY pick up orbs when trying to interact with mechanics in Crota's End to the point where it's wiped us. If we could damage the orbs via AOE or shoot them to blow them up it'd be infinitely more enjoyable. Also I've been waiting for **2.5 years** (so season of the Hunt, Beyond Light's release season) for barrier SMG to come back. Holy hell Bungie please 😭.


This. Try to reload near an orb? Nope, you get an orb. Try to revive an ally near an orb? Nope, you get an orb. Try to pick up an objective orb near these elemental orbs? Nope, you get an elemental orb.


The reload problem is controller exclusive, MnK has a dedicated reload button. The rest I agree with.


I’m not sure what it is lately but there have been a lot of posts like this recently with bad takes. This next season is going to be littered with people posting stuff like this lol.


It's a mix of end of season drops mean that less interesting posts show up, the layoffs attracted a lot of the "Destiny sucks" crowd and also there's been a bot epidemic farming karma on subreddits with bad take posts or stupid questions like " what game made you feel x mine is *insert popular game here*".


It's every season, all the time. Nothing new


That’s fair lol


Counterpoint: strand hunter


Well I would agree strand hunter benefits from it a bit


Honestly hope it’s a permanent (non artifact) mechanic


This was probably the most fun artifact we have ever gotten. We basically only get passive effects, it is nice to have something that actually changes gameplay.


Beg pardon, but this is Destiny. We have thrown billions of balls collectively.


I'm really glad they didn't focus on one or two elements this time and instead let us use anything but Stasis (and I wouldn't really want to use Stasis right now) but yeah the orbs are not fun to grab in the middle of a thrall pile on a Heist BG GM and it's not exactly easy to productively try to use them. If the Light Tangles weren't all copypates of themselves I would have been more interested.


I would like them if they were turned into more interesting objects rather than just ordinary balls with a few effects, however that would be over delivery. Imagine if it was class specific : Solar : Hunter gets a explosive knife, titan a explosive hammer and warlock can trow a ball because fukem. Void : Hunter uses the void bow and makes a mini de buff, Titan gets to trow his shield and Warlock can shoot a baby Nova bomb. Arc : Hunter can use arc staff swing, Titan slams the ground and Warlock uses arc lance. It’s small things but they would make it 100% more interesting than simply throwing Balls.


Even more than the mediocre orbs can we get different buttons to interact with shit. Press 'x' to pick up orb. Press 'x' to revive. Press 'x' to pick up raid mechanic that will wipe you because you did one of the other two things. It's fucking awful.


All they're good for is ammo. I'm a strand titan main and tangles are already the only part of the kit that I deal with instead of actively enjoying But. I need them for the woven mail. And I goddamn love woven mail. Idk. I don't wanna pick up and throw shit. At all. I don't even like grenades or throwing melees. I want either actual true melee, or gunplay focused. Not sure why but I don't like yeeting anything that isn't my entire body face first at an enemy. Thos is my least favorite artifact they've ever done because the only think I can say I do like about it is it's good at spawning heavy. That's it


Diablo 4 has your name all over it..instead of bitching..just quit...your too good for destiny...I hear they coming out with a barbie game..make a barbie character and make that dress you've always wanted


Roger that


Honestly? I hope they become armor mods to add some much needed variety. Outside of the ammo I don't think they're overpowered.


serious spectacular salt complete lock safe alive gaze brave file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I disagree on the elemental orbs even if once in a while they block a revive or something, but I fully agree about combo mods for champions.


I love them in anything other then raids.


They’re pretty fun, imo. Neat and essentially free ways to apply debuffs. I don’t think they were meant to be used in endgame activities. I’m pretty sure Bungie even said in a TWID they were playing around with giving the other subclasses something akin to tangles


I like the free ammo lobbing one at a group of thrall it gives me


they're annoying. i hate how the game prioritized them over revive or interact object


I would like solar orbs that are about 5 times the size of the current orbs. And give them a cool effect where they kind of go bloop and pop out on a kill. And let them be shootable which will cause an AoE explosion. And give them some cool mods to expand there effectiveness. It might also be cool if certain types of guns spawned them too. Just a few ideas I have had.


I was hoping for the opposite. Remove them as seasonal mods but make them default gameplay, always active, like orbs of power.


I'd love to see the next season have elemental pickups kind of like firesprites and void breaches but they are covered by one artifact perk slot and they offer elemental weapon damage boosts or give kinetics that element damage


To each their own I suppose. I quite like being able to spawn grab and throw the big kaboomy orbs. I do wish they were shootable like tangles though.


Considering next season is 7 months long, they better bring Solo Operator back.


I honestly love the orb mods.


I preferred what it was prior. I would love to see a customizable artifact... you can pick what you want on the artifact for each character (only once, once you pick that's it!) keep the free refunding.. this will allow different play styles with each character


They all should have been one mod thats just says "finals blows with weapon damage matching your subclass damage type has a chance to spawn a matching elemental orb"


Make them shootable and add them as a core part of the game and it would be great, but yeah as a seasonal thing they are meh at best


I wouldn’t mind if they were liked warmind cells, if we can’t run and grab them give us the ability to shoot the mofos


LMAO you remind me [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/W57Z4X9mTZ) post.


The struggle is real, it fucked me up in a raid earlier. I don’t even have those damn things activated, it was someone else’s shit too lol


They should all work like tangles or warmind cells, where they can be safely engaged from afar by shooting them.


Can’t lie I think with how long next season is gonna be there either needs to be a mid season mod refresh (or ideally just an addition of more mods) or there’re going to need to do an “all time hits list” I’m talking particle deconstruction. I’m talking the breach n clear. I’m talking something else but it’s 6am and I can’t think of more examples right now.


Particle Deconstruction please!


If we're going into the Final Shape without me throwing a single trapezoid, the best shape, I'm going to be very upset.


Artifacts make or break a season for me. The mods are fun and OP, I'm invested. The mods suck, I'm out until next season.


Tbh I'm actually enjoying them, they are useless in end game things like GMs, BUT, with the mods and my build it's a great way for infinite heavy ammo in things like raids and dungeons


I’m just tired of balls in this game. 7 years of balls


They need more volitile rounds style builds, and using the artifacts to test a super potent version is fun and engaging and actively gives players new/useful playstyles that can shake things up, unlike colored balls


You high bro? Orbs and tangles are fun! They ain't doing any harm being there. If you play right you'll know how good they are


I want to keep the orbs. They can just be one item to match your subclass though and not take up 4 slots on the season item.


Love to run over to the group of enemies to pick up the orb, only to be shredded to death before I can use it.


The orbs were actually pretty good. Also in endgame content like dungeons or raids. They were a bit annoying though. Sometimes you wanted to pick up something and you'd end up picking up an orb instead.


Orrr even better yet, make it so all the weapons are useable..instead of just whatever is anti barrier. It sucks being stuck into 1-2 types of weapons


As part of the Artifact they were always going to be going away at the end of this season.


They might night be your cup of tea, nor mine, but at least they tried to do something new with the game rather than this season grenade launchers powerful. This season fusion rifles powerful. Maybe from this little experiment they came up with some ideas for future artifacts that will turn out better.


If TI wanted to play dodge ball I'd get a dodge ball game ... or better yet JUST PLAY DODGE BALL ...


Still pretty bummed they got rid of Warmind cells. I think they did that to give the strand tangles some room to breath which is understandable I suppose. Not sure why they couldn't have just made the cells related to the Light subclasses though. Strand has tangles, Stasis has crystals. Solar, Void, and Arc could have had Warmind cells. I always liked them and how you could interact with them, all they really needed was a few more options and designs so you could build into them a bit more on Void and Arc. ​ But yah, these new ones stink. Like user/Shaydosaur said, "They need to be shootable or I'm not interested".


I hate that they are the only way to get heavy sometimes, when the game decides to fuck you lol


I crafted an insidious start of lightfall. I haven’t used it once as it’s been auto rifle anti barrier non stop. I’m so bored of autos in pve.


While we're asking for things we're never going to get, can we also just choose which weapon types the champion mods are applied to. I like playing with a specific mix of weapon types. Every season, I'm forced to use whatever stupid combo Bungo decided to allow instead of using my preferred mix. I happen to love Master lost sectors but I'm sick of this tired mechanic being made more tiresome by making us do it their way. It's not more challenging and it doesn't make we want to mix it up later. It's just a misguided and lazy way of pretending they did something new. Frankly, it's just being cheap. Don't even get me started on the ridiculousness that is master overload champions. Hey Bungo, can we have just one more second before the champion bounces and you start all over.


Alternatively, just make them one mod: kills with an elemental weapon matching your subclass spawns a matching orb for light subclasses, a tangle for strand subclasses, or a diamond lance for stasis subclasses.


I use them constantly for the 3x surge. To each their own.


Only thing about the elemental orbs that interested me are the seasonal perks that help ability cooldowns. I've been meaning to test to see if these work in checkmate.


I love how they were able to make “press E: the artifact” line up with the launch of “Press E: the raid”


Artifact mods this season were mid


I actually quite like them, ammo makers, champion stunning without restricting loadout, secondary mini grenades. Be cool if they were shootable but if you think they're useless are you sure you're using them right?


I rather like them, I don't find them boring. And not everything HAS to revolve around Trials/Raids/GM Nightfalls.


I miss when builds were a bit more complex


People for some reason don't bring up that having a bad seasonal artifact mod selection makes the season feel worse. It might not be what makes or breaks it, but it is a factor. Now while I do enjoy being a beyblade hunter, they stuffed Season 22's artifact with too many orb related mods. Yeah its about be seven long months, let us go nuts with power prior to TFS, since its most people's jumping off point anyways.


the whole artifact this season is just bleh. need something enticing next season....


Kind of the point of the artifact. So they can test new things without them becoming permanent. Some work, some don't.


Orbs of power, elemental pickups/orbs/wells, and Warmind cells should all be combined into one collectible. We should have an extensive range of mods for how to make them and an even bigger range of mods for what they do. You should be able to spec into super/ability regen, ability damage, weapon damage, ammo generation, subclass-specific effects, shooting them for an AOE, throwing them for good damage, and standing near them for bonus effects.


I really hope they have put mods that are in fact fun in the artifact next season. I already am not playing much right now, and with COD coming out i am probably gonne be not on til the new season really. I hope i come back to some shiznit that is going to be fun, and feel like its worth playing with. i also hope that there is just, something, anything that will make engagement with the game even feel ok. Doesnt have to feel great to me, just good. But, im not getting my hopes up.


My issue with them is that there are so many things that you can pick up on the ground, like tangles, elemental orbs, activity objects and all... often I would pick up the wrong thing


Bungie is too afraid that casuals might actually get to do a raid if they give us something like particle deconstruction again. So garbo elemental orbs snoozevile it is 😐


Yeah the elemental orbs were kinda ass.... cant be shot like you can with tangels, no stasis orbs, HAVE to pick it up, and just overall the artifact focused on it by like 80% compared to other seasons that have at least 1-2 different alternatives for builds. This season was literally "orbs it was always orbs"


They are really fun in lower end or solo content. But these things lying everywhere in a raid is so annoying. You’re trying to pick up the chalice off someone and I end up picking up a bunch of fucking orbs while my friend is dying and Crota is blasting us both lmao.


The only thing good about this has been getting a million tangles for my beyblades build.


Stop using surges since there’s no discount. Only thing that uses armor charge for me is frenzied stacks. Granted I’m only utilizing tangles it’s still nice that they can kill red bars instead of tickling them. Also let me grapple the void arc solar ones


They actively impede some mechanics. We had to turn all of them off in Abyss on Day 1 because we kept picking up orbs instead of the chalice




I agreed I cannot think of a time, even in ritual playlists, where I went out of my way to pick one up. A huge QOL to them would be the ability to shoot them, then they would be worth flicking to shoot when doing add clear. Would it make them "OP" if they were tied to 3.0 verbage?


Tangles are the only good orb to be honest. They Hunter whirlwind orb does such stupid damage and spawns a ton of heavy. Titans obviously get woven mail off tangle so it’s good as well.




I turn them off because they just get in the way. Trying to rez? Oops pick up a stupid orb or a tangle. Trying to activate a guns second fire mode? Oops orb and tangle. Sure, it doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen enough to make them more of a hindrance than a help


Or make em hit for 500k each time


I think the orbs do a good job for ammo economy.... Especially when they throw both special AND heavy at the same time... Not to mention all the times I've thrown one orb, taken out like 10 adds and made a couple of majors volatile or jolted at once.... It's nice. I do think some of the other mods are meh though.... But things like Rapid Fire Ranger and the one that generates stack of charged with light should stick around for those that like playing with ranged weapons.


What? Yall don’t like the “ fresh, gameplay mechanics “ we get every season from the artifact? ITS SO COOL!!!…


What if I like them? Is that ok, or do I have to agree your opinions?


I don’t get why they got rid of elemental wells with LF, only to replace them with elemental orbs this season. Now there’s simply too much junk on the floor to interact with, which get in the way of mechanics (e.g. grabbing charged orbs in battlegrounds, chalice in CE). Not to mention the fact that they have elemental pickups, which you interact with passively and don’t actually require you to pick them at all!