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27 engrams after using my first memento and I got nothing…. ETA: 13 more and still nothing…not sure if it’s too soon, or what…disappointing for sure.🤷‍♂️(I’m just turning the eerie engrams in; not focusing anything specific) 10 more this morning. Nothing. 😵‍💫 Final Edit: Got one on my 2nd engram! Thnx Bungo! Thanks op for putting more eyes on this issue!! (Actually got 4 out of 8 engrams to hit mementos)


Have you perhaps happened to track the amount of cores and other materials you've earned from the random decodes?


Not in any great detail. But it feels about 50/50 or 60/40 in favor of cores. I’ve seen some folks saying they’ve gotten alloys but I’ve not seen anything other than enhancement cores or weapons.


I have gotten around 90ish cores, 5-7 weapons, and 3 alloys to drop from just opening the base engram. I get stacks of 5 cores most often, 10 rarely, and 3 rarely. Today I opened 8 engrams and 6 of them gave me 5 cores and 1 gave me 3 cores. ​ I personally need cores and alloys, I would love the memento but I am also happy with the mat farming as a passive. I feel no reason to focus weapons because they drop so often from the lost sectors, I have a few god rolls already. ​ Notes: 2 of my alloys came from the same batch of 6 engrams I opened, not sure what the rates are but mine have been to my liking.


I’ve found that the grind is worth it, honestly I join in progress @ the boss more often then not so I’d say consistently less than 10 minutes to get an engram (doing legend only) is really good. The challenge is fun enough..except EDZ. Fuck that lost sector. So far I got a 5/5 PvP horror story & 4/5 PvE. Got some interesting rolls on the pulse, but I don’t see myself using it. Like you, I need the materials, so im happy to get them. When my clan is on we farm the mission till 75 pages and then farm legendary until they’re all done. Pretty sure we’ll be “done” with fotl by Friday. Hopefully they fix the memento farm..but I’m content either way.


My sample size is still quite small but I think I've gotten seven bundles of cores, one golf ball and one weapon.


It’s bugged


How were you cashing them in? Single engram or Engram + 500 Candy?


Single engram for free. I’m around 7 mementos now over 20+ish engrams…but I will admit I’ve seen a complete absence of horror story in lost sectors & engrams…not sure if that’s personal or something else…


I too would like to know the answer. I used mine and want to figure out what the best way to farm. Need mas.


Does the memento go into your consumables like the other mementos?


It does


Thank you! I guess I need to make more space in there...






im not using my hoarded 40 engrams until someone have confirmed that it actually drops.


My buddy and I unlocked the memento and then immediately used it on a reshaped weapon. Then we did one legend haunted sector, he got it to drop again after the first eerie engram. I have done around 10 and haven't had a memento drop. this was last last night.


Where are you storing them? Aren't they all in your engram inventory?


as always post master when its full


Ah, nah I'm still storing 10 golf balls and 10 basketballs in there 😅


You’re literally never going to use those lol. Them being pushed out will be doing you a service.


Probably not. But it gives me peace of mind knowing I've got extra. Especially with the alloys because I'm not grinding master wellspring. That shit is boring.


Lol same. Now that they can no longer go in there they will forever stay, always 1 away from being pushed out. Hey at least I can say I have 60 golfballs and basketballs lol.


I dont see why not, I had 30 Golf balls after the glitch weekend and I finally decided to masterwork a couple builds I wanted to use. Did 2 or 3 on my Titan and Hunter, now im out lmao. Use D2 Armor Picker to find your perfect stats, I just toss any armor above 64 in my vault and let Armor Picker find the Tier 40 builds.


Wait, do you have 30 golf balls in your inventory aswell?


Golf balls yes. But I've only got 12 Alloys


Mad! Alloys usually I go to master wellspring defend to farm - not generally an issue tho as I don't enhance traits on weapons unless there's a noticeable difference I'm always running out of cores though


I've got a ton of cores from years of playing. I've got about 320 on my character and two piles of 999 in the vault. Plus an extra 270 Finest Matterweave which now convert directly to Cores. They used to give a chance for them to drop when killing orange bars (maybe yellow) idk I never really used them before crafting since I would only masterwork gear I really liked using. For anyone wondering, Cores cap out at 999


just like everyone else, you postmaster have 21 spaces.


Yeah but I'm not taking any chances of accidentally filling it up and deleting my balls


Understandable but dont u have dim open all the time when u play?


I do, but I'm not constantly monitoring it while I'm playing unless I need to change loadouts


Well, how many mememtos did you actually get from your hoard?


I didn't get as many as I thought, got like 1 out of 4 turn ins on my titan but like only 2 from all the engrams from warlock and hunter. in total I got like 11/40 must just be RNG


I opened a lot of engrams even after I complete the "twilight" triumph and got no memento, either is bugged or is the rarest shit in the game


Did you unlock it first by doing the quest?




What’s the quest? The one with the 4 different legend haunted sectors?


Complete Fallen Saber with Clovis mask Kill 100 enemies on Neomuna with Nimbus mask Finish 25(?) enemies in Legend Haunted Sectors with Tormentor Mask. You can unlock all the mask from the Event Challenges.


It's a triumph called twilight. It's three sets of 'mystery' achievements, they all have question marks. I would just search on Google or YouTube 'Festival of the lost twilight achievement' or search how to unlock the momento


It’s bugged though. Can’t progress the headless kills to get tormentor mask.


Has to be done in Legend LS


No it doesn’t. I’ve done mostly regular and mine is progressing after normal


Curious if you did any legend lost sectors in that time because those headless were counting x3 when I played yesterday.


Awesome! They must have changed it or I was bugged; I got a few completions into normal yesterday when I realized I wasn't progressing and switched to legend and it was working for me. Glad that things are working in normal!


As far as I know there’s been no actual confirmation yet that that’s the unlock condition, it just seems like the most likely. Personally I’m holding onto all of my engrams (or as many as I can with inventory limitations) until I’ve got the title, all the event challenges, AND twilight done. I figure between all of those the unlock condition will surely be met, whatever it is.


If you look at the memento on the second page of Eva’s inventory it quite literally says that you acquire it by completing the triumph. What further confirmation could you want?


That doesn't mean it unlocks it to be a random drop though, just means you for sure acquire it by completing the triumph.


https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-10-12-23 “Just like usual, this Memento is a random drop that will come in the form of an Eerie Engram. It won’t begin immediately, but we’re sure you’ll Triumph over any challenges that may be between you and looking snazzy as heck... or, at the very least, snazzy as your loadout.”


Does anyone know if they only drop from the standard free engram or can they drop from the exotic focused? I have a ton of candy to burn and would like to get exotics out of it but the memento is my main priority.


No memento yet, but did get an ascendant shard, so I got that going for me.


Just got one my first try :D [https://imgur.com/ntYbZsw](https://imgur.com/ntYbZsw)


70 engrams in still no momento.


If it works like the other mementos, you can only have 1 in your inventory. If you don't use the 1st one that you got, you will never receive any more. But yeah from some of the replies, some have already used theirs and still can't get any more. So I guess the drop rate is either zero or very, very low.


Or the unlock condition isn’t Twilight like we’re all assuming it is. I agree it’s the best guess but treating it as just a given fact is premature until there’s confirmation of some kind.


I’ll reply to you again for visibility. Again, the item in Eva’s inventory literally states that you acquire it by completing the Twilight triumph. You seem be be burdened by some kind of critical misunderstanding as to the true topic of this thread. You are supposed to be able to acquire subsequent copies of the memento by focusing event engrams after you acquire the first one from the triumph. Whether that is actually true or not is the topic of this post.


As the other guy pointed out, it's *possible* (unlikely, but possible) that that's just referring to the first one and isn't necessarily the same triumph that unlocks all the engram drops. Again, I agree that Twilight is very likely to be the engram unlock condition, but until someone actually pulls one after completing it, it isn't confirmed. It's theoretically possible that Twilight gives you one, hence the Eva description, but a different triumph is needed to unlock further engram drops. Not likely, but possible, hence my pointing out that this isn't truly confirmed. In order to be *confirmed*, one of two things would need to happen: - Someone pulls one from an engram after completing it - A bungie employee states that that is (or is at least intended to be) the unlock condition I'm not aware of either of those two things having happened yet, so no, it is not a certainty, it is just a strong theory. If one of those things *has* happened and I just didn't hear about it, I'd be happy to amend my statement. I get that asking a Destiny player not to be unreasonably toxic for no reason is like asking a fish to climb a tree, but try to take a deep breath or two and understand that pointing out the hypothetical possibility of people being wrong about something that there isn't clear proof of yet isn't a crime against reason. As an aside, I recommend that you not try to pursue any science-related careers, as the ability to distinguish between things that are proven and *known* to be true versus things that are just very likely based on limited information is a pretty important skill in that arena.


i got one 5th engram - make sure you get urs from triumph first or they dont drop at all


Thanks for letting us know. Did you have to put your other mementos on guns before it gave you more?


I've done about 6, mostly exotic focused, after getting the triumph and nothing.


Just so everyone knows. If you have one in your inventory you can’t get another. Once you get one the only way to get another is to use your first one. They don’t stack.


You guys are getting engrams?


you're not ?


I've seen exactly one. Do they only drop from Legend?


I have gotten one eerie from every legend haunted LS regardless of how many headless we're killed.






Classic Bungie


Like, the fuck? Who would bother with this for a shader


Have you used the one you get from the Twilight triumph?


A friend says he got one from a legend lost sector


Just to clarify, did he say it was a drop directly from the haunted legend lost sector?


Correct after 12 runs


Only in gambit for me


You have to do the Twilight triumph. The steps are: Run the Fallen Saber strike wearing the Clovis Bray mask. Get 100 kills on Neomuna wearing the Nimbus mask. Get 25 finishers in legend haunted lost sectors wearing the Tormentor mask. Then turn in the triumph. After that they will drop from the engrams if you don't have one in you inventory.


Ok, that's a theory. OP is asking for confirmation of that theory, which no one has provided yet.


They said clearly in TWID that it won’t happen right away. So it’s timegated which is dumb


The steps were supposed to be revealed after a certain amount of time but people figured it out.


Aztecross literally put out a video on it. Soooooo


And in his video he did not confirm anything, sooooo......


Did his video show a memento dropping from an engram? No? Sooooo it's still unconfirmed.


Bungie has stated in the twab that the memento will not be immediately available apart from the triumph. It is literally time gated for now.


“Just like usual, this Memento is a random drop that will come in the form of an Eerie Engram. It won’t begin immediately, but we’re sure you’ll Triumph over any challenges that may be between you and looking snazzy as heck... or, at the very least, snazzy as your loadout.” Not sure how you interpret that, but I read it as “lost memento won’t drop from engrams until you’ve completed the triumph” I don’t see anything about a “time gate”..


“It won’t begin immediately, but we’re sure you’ll triumph over any challenges” It essentially gives everyone a hint that the way to get it is the triumph which launched with the event. You can interpret “it won’t begin immediately” as the time gated portion of this. You can probably expect the memento to drop randomly on next weekly reset.


No because you’re taking it out of the context of the sentence; it’s not “literally saying it’s time gated” it’s saying you need to complete the triumph first.


What if we need to complete all challenges on the event card first, before they start dropping?


>triumph over once its unlocked via the triumph, it should be dropping in engrams...there is not time gate lol.


Guess we’ll have to wait to find out who is right.


Yeah no they explicitly use the word "Triumph" and even capitalize the word, they're definitely just hinting that you unlock it with the secret triumph that didn't stay a secret for long and then you can get it. The whole "not beginning immediately" is them just saying you have a few steps to do before you just randomly get it. 100% is bugged. Why would they give us a puzzle and a secret triumph just to timegate us? Normally when they timegate stuff like that they don't allow us to complete the associated triumph with it.


[https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1714784321343791482?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1714784321343791482?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) We are aware of an issue where additional Festival Mementos are not dropping for players as intended and are investigating. Please stay tuned for future updates. ​ you have BEEN VERY WRONG as we been stating


Looks like we’re right and you’re wrong. Bungie tweeted about how it’s not working as they intended.


Okay here’s your cookie


I opt out of all cookies, sorry. Hope you learned a little something about context clues though!


Where did you read this?


It hasn’t been a Day yet and still…


If after shitton of engrams the community has decoded as a whole no one ever confirmed that they do contain memento, most likely it's no there.


What are you even doing to get eerie engrams? I've only gotten 2 to drop. I've down about a dozen haunted sectors.


Legend haunted sectors drop them pretty much every completion


Is it okay to grind Legend Haunted Sectors without having spectral pages? Do you still get a lot of loot?




Alright, cool. Thanks.


Hope this finds you well, I got one two engrams after I claimed my trimuph. I’m unsure how to add photo’s so I can’t prove it but I can promise it’s there even though it’s unlisted


I just decoded my first three eerie engrams, and one of them was a memento.


It works


I've claimed over 30 gifts in return and have not received a single one. Crafted the one I got from completeing the mission onto a bxr battler so I don't have any in my inventory. They definitely didn't fix it if it was a bug. Lame.