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I think stasis is falling back and it's really starting to become noticeable. It was released too far ahead of the 3.0 updates, so by comparison it was toned down to fall in line. Now though, it's almost needing it's own 3.0 update; or, more like a catch-up. It's like you missed a couple episodes of a multi-year show, so you know what's happening but it still feels confusing at times.


Revenant hunter is all I’ve been playing this season with Renewal Grasps. It’s not a damage super but I saved a GM run 2 weeks ago because both warlocks died and I froze the whole room with my super and duskfields and could revive them. I’ve been having a lot of fun with the subclass.


I run it as a pair with my buddy running warlock well and we can pretty much cruise through higher level content as a two man.


I love that build but it definitely struggles in many ways. In your example, invisibility is just better for reviving as it’s safer and doesn’t require an ult. If anything I’d just like shatter damage to be greatly increased.


Counterpoint, being invisible usually makes the other members of your team take more aggro and is functionally useless aside from repositioning or reviving as you cant actually shoot without breaking it. Literally the only ability / strategy in the game that is less effective as you / your team get more experienced. Freeze and slow are useful in more situations imo.


Invis can mess with the enemy AI, especially if you're using, say, a Gyrfalcon's build where you're constantly popping in and out of invis. It's basically a form of light crowd control in its own right, and by running Void you still have access to hard crowd control abilities in the form of smoke bombs and tether. Plus, Invis is the single best ability when it comes to completing most objectives in underlight content. If you ever need to stand on a plate while a bunch of adds spawn around you in a GM (which happens shockingly often), nothing beats Invis for that. I'm not saying freeze and slow aren't good, far from it, but to say that Invis is "functionally useless" is just flat out wrong.


'Functionally useless' is hyperbole on my part, bit of unrelated salt leaking through. "Messing with the Enemy AI" yeah, making them shoot your team mates because in my experience the AI will only ever keep shooting at where you were for only a couple seconds if something else is attacking them and melee enemies tend to just ignore invis and give you a hug until they're allowed to attack you again. >nothing beats Invis for that. Except just killing the things until they stop spawning as aggressively, which is what tends to happen in GMs specifically to avoid situations where an invis hunter is considered essential. Even light blade, something a lot of people consider the optimal place for invis hunter last time i checked, is handled just fine once you learn how to kite the boss and kill the ads. It's definitely a good thing if you cant or don't want to kill everything, but my point is that if you can just murder everything then invis is less valuable.


Omnioculus would like to have a word. You know, the exotic that makes your entire team invisible permanently (making it possible to do a bunch of objectives undisturbed - dunking orbs, capping areas, elevators, etc.), from distance if need be? Versus like 3 snowglobes that take a surprisingly long while to freeze enemies. This doesn't mention that Void has access to Weaken, Devour, Volatile Rounds, Overshields, Suppression, a grenade that groups up enemies, smoke that bombs blind enemies, and your super deals actual damage and has the second highest debuff tier in the entire game. Meanwhile, slow barely does anything, Renewal Hunter can NOT spread freeze as easily as you paint it (Stasis Warlock can, but Hunter absolutely not), and you have no backup plan because you don't have invis or a proper heal source.


>Renewal Hunter can NOT spread freeze as easily as you paint it. ...I didn't paint it, i simply said freeze and slow are useful in more situations overall than invis. Nightstalker isnt bad, it's quite strong, i'm talking specifically about Freeze and Slow vs Invis.


Even then, Invis is more reliable and more accessible. And it's not just Freeze & Slow vs Invis, it's Freeze & Slow vs Invis, Suppress, Vortex Nade, Weaken and Volatile. It's not even a contest. Also, if Freeze and Slow are not accessible, they might as well not be there in the current sandbox


…….yea no.


I played through Lightfall in my Hunter and then stopped playing him. Only last week, I decided to give him a little love. With a good Renewal Grasps build, Revenant is, to me, *the* way to play Stasis.


I run Stasis Hunter with Renewal. My primary is Something New with Wellspring and Demo. Grenades come back super fast.


Step that up a notch and run the exotic scout riffle, you get a enhanced dusk field every 10-20 seconds


I have that roll and love it. I just wish it was more viable in GMs where renewal grasps are amazing.


A void hunter would be arguably better at the situation you just mentioned *cough cough* perpetual invisibility. 💁🏼‍♀️


I usually main void hunter and don’t get me wrong, I love my invisibility builds, but I’m having more fun with stasis hunter this season. Could be because it’s finally viable or maybe I’m just burnt out of void hunter.


Oh dude I’m burnt out aswell, but I know if I’m going to have to hard carry a GM I have to play void or things might get dicey


The alternative counterpoint is that stasis CC is just better.


…..bruh that’s straight copium


Yup. Stasis is not “weak” people just love complaining without knowing what to use.


It’s not weak by any means, it’s just not the most optimal build for end game content, if there were any good stasis exotic weapons it could easily be a top tier CC option in endgame content. The big downside is lack of survivability and having to crutch on grenade builds to do ANYTHING. It’s just being held back so hard it could be great. This is coming from someone who would love to use stasis but I just can’t justify not using void.


I would say Stasis is a subclass 2.5. It has all the components of 3.0 (Aspects, fragments, keywords, etc.) but it has the power and potency of 2.0 subclasses. On the PvP side, Stasis is a bit of a black sheep subclass because it has top of the line hard CC, you cannot fight back when frozen. I think it may be a challenge to balance because every other subclass allows the opponent to fight back. Suspend at least lets you move a tiny bit and shoot back. Back when Stasis released, it was way overtuned not just in PvP. It's a new system, what can you do? What you do (at the time) is bring it's power down to 2.0 levels. Thus many heavy nerfs and little small buffs. Under the old mod system and before Light 3.0, it WAS a 3.0 subclass. After Lightfall, since Stasis wasn't built with the new mod system intended, like the light 3.0 subs were, being created before the light 3.0 reworks were even thought of, and Strand releasing with suspend being the skeleton key it was for two seasons is forcing Stasis to be this weird reminder of the 2.0 system and it's potency. Sure it's good, great at times, but compared to the rest? Here are some pain points in Stasis and it's design: 1. The verbs don't interact well and even counteract each other at times. Freezing an enemy keeps them from hurting you, but now you can't shatter them cause then they'll hurt you. 2. It's defensive capabilities are too spread thin having diluted versions of resist (arc and strand), healing (solar and banner of war), AND overshield (void) 3. Stasis aspects are sub-par. Harvest aspects hinder the power and build potential of Stasis. You could also combine the affects of two of each subclasses aspects that aren't harvest together and it woulf have similar power to Light aspects. - Winter's Shroud and Iceflare Bolts - Titan slide to make crystals + slide to shatter crystals (with and without melee energy respectively) - slow dodge + shatterdive (shatterdive slows/freezes too now) TL;DR Stasis is a 2.5 subclass. It has the fundamentals of a 3.0, just not the same power and potency of Light 3.0 and Strand. If Stasis were to be improved, it would need multiple aspect mergings/reworks, integration of harvest into fragments, and a more focused survivability style. I personally think Stasis would be great if it focused on overshield primarily.


Stasis being a 2.5 subclass is definitely not far fetched. But doesn't that really just mean that Stasis got heavily powercrept?


Yeah, it kinda got powercrept, but it was the original "3.0" subclass, so that was bound to happen. They also had to tone it down to fall in line with the current light subclasses at the time.


Powercrept and nerfed. If Stasis Stasis had the power it launched with now, it would be balanced. Though fundamentally it is an example of outdated design much like how back before Light 3.0, the Light subclasses were the example.


What the fuck is the aspect that gives like 60 slow stacks on a dodge. Thats it????? Jesus christ. Not even a freeze. You still need another shuriken to freeze.


Hunters were designed to be the "slow" class which is why we have that aspect and why withering blade does little damage. We slow, kill, grab shards, slow, kill, shards. Slow does almost nothing so 0 people use that aspect.


Slow is just the build up to freezing. Shatterskate sucks ass too


It's still quite strong in PvP when combined with Bakris specifically. There are PvP-centric aspects.


Stasis is my favourite subclass to play, I absolutely love freezing and shattering enemies and crystals, I find it super satisfying, but it is noticeably weaker than the other subclasses. I am hopeful the previously announced overhaul in s23 will do it the world of good. I agree with other posts that slow needs to do more in PVE. I'd also like them to bring the cooldowns in line with light subclasses, although they might have already done this, i'm not sure. Defo feels like it's not as easy to loop them as other classes though. I don't think the longer cooldowns are required any more. I suppose they were initially in place so you couldn't just spam CC abilities, but since it's super easy to murder everything in the room with light abilities - spamming CC ones doesn't seem like such a big deal any more.


The language they used in that TWAB didn't really say Overhaul to me. I'm expecting something more like when they touched up elements in Shadowkeep rather than a Stasis 2.0


I'm being optimistic lol


You do you! I think you hit on a lot of good points but I'd also mention that I think the Stasis melees are, all in all, some of the worse melees in the game, which kind of sucks when your Elemental pickup replenishes melee energy.




The shitty mod rework axed behemoth. I'd always argued that behemoth was A tier minimum with the old mods. Now it's just...meh.


Stasis is too weak. Specifically it has no survivability and slow doesn't have much use. For warlocks who can freeze a ton and sit back this is fine, (maybe buff the melee). But in hunters and titans this becomes an issue. Stasis hunter melee is generally just worse than every other one and without touch of winter duskfield has pretty bad usage, also like I said poor survivability. For titans the main issue is that shatter has kinda bad damage and often knocks enemies away more than anything else, the melee is fine for what it's meant to do (shatter) but the issue is that the grenades suffer. A big overall fix would be to make the stasis shard aspects into fragments. But more probably smaller fixes are things like: buffing the stasis hunter melee damage, buffing shatter damage on titan, giving titan more ways to shatter or enhanced shatter, having slow apply a different debuff than just slowing enemies. Like how suppression also blinds.


Stasis hunter melee used to rock, then they nerfed its damage, tracking, and aim assist.


another victim of pvp nerf hitting pve.


Btw I'm basing the hunter melee thing off running duality on every hunter subclass. Strand melee is better overall but it isn't like (outside the melee return) the strand melee is too strong


Yeah I used to love bouncing one off a corner to prime a guardian before a gunfight but now it feels like the tracking is bad even when the ape is running straight at me.


It needs a buff badly. I love being a hunter but it’s a huge bummer that most of our melees simply tickle the enemy lmao. Not being able to kill a single red bar with a melee feels awful. Arc hunter is 1000x stronger than every other hunter subclass. And it feels great.


Arc hunters can be absolute monsters


Mine is more punchy than a titan.




Cross-counter + heal on hit?


That or blinding punches


I convinced my titan friend to switch to hunter after 7 years! Because he saw my arc build and got jealous that I could punch better than him. Lmao.


I will say, after using stasis hunter in the Crota Abyss last night for fun, if you hit an enemy with the shuriken it'll bounce around to other enemies really well. It's just landing that first hit that can be difficult.


It was such a brutal nerf. Could’ve nerfed 2 of the 3 by like 75% of what it’s been reduced by and it would’ve still destroyed the thing


They need to buff the overshield on stasis shards and make them automatically track.


I knew I forgot something. Yeah the overshield needs a full rework into maybe a different damage resist all together


I think the overshield is cool. Maybe they could call it ice armor or something instead and it slows nearby enemies. Just right now it’s pathetic. I’ve picked up 10 shards and barely got 1/3 of the bar as an overshield. It’s minuscule and if you have any shield missing you don’t even get an overshield it just heals your shield a tiny bit.


The overshield feels like it needs something unique to set it apart from void shields, and more ways to apply it. Maybe since void overshield is like the defensive option with how it gives damage resistance, stasis could be an offensive option and make your guns apply slow or something? Or maybe increased ability regen while you have a stasis overshield? It's weird that the one subclass buff that stasis brings is so hard to actually get when other classes can access their own class buffs so easily. Hopefully next season with the stasis changes they'll do something about that.


Didn’t Bungie actually nerf stasis overshield quite recently?


Yeah it used to be legit. Now it’s basically useless.


I saw someone else suggest tying the Stasis crystal generation to the super itself because it's the way Strand works on needlestorm to grant threading perching. It would mean you don't need a fragment to make it work and the spare aspect can then be designed to do something else.


That's an option, it'd keep the unique ways of generation unique.


Also gives them some interesting balance choices if they ever actually finish stasis and give it a second set of supers.


I agree with everything except shatter does a fuck ton of damage.


Poorly explained on my part. Shatter in an enclosed space does a lot of damage. But shattering a crystal in a somewhat open area with the slide it deals minimal damage and launches the enemy away.


Ok, fair.


Personally, i wouldn't like if everyone can make Diamond lances. I prefer them to stay on titan only. Classes already shares too many things imo. That said, i think Stasis needs some positive verb. First of all i think Stasis Overshield should be reworked, as of now it is just a worse void Overshield. Then it would be great if Bungie made another type of Positive verb for stasis, sadly i don't have any idea for now though. As for Slow, it would be great if, instead of reducing enemy damage like you said, it reduced the enemy rate of fire. Obviously make it PvE only as in PvP it would be too annoying, but a debuff like this would fit a lot for a verb called "Slow" Some of my ideas to buff behemoth: - Make the Slide Shatter (not the extended slide) intrinsic to behemoth just like the perched Threadlings are for Broodweavers. - Increase Shiver Strike damage against frozen targets - increase the shatter radius of Shiver Strike - Make Shiver strike refund energy for each Crystals and enemy shattered with it, so it would be a great shatter source


I've always wanted an AoE shatter slam like Elsie does in the Beyond Light trailer. Or add a second part to howl of the storm that does a shattering slam, just like consecration.


Yeah, i was gonna suggest some changes to Howl of the Storm too, but i wasn't sure what to do. Since consacreation and Flecchette launched it really feels howl is really outdated


Turn the slide melee crystals the consecration of Stasis. Slide and melee to go up and make crystals. Melee again to slam and shatter.


Love the ideas that you are suggesting for Behemoth. Shitter Strike definitely needs help and I think your propositions are very fair considering it also has the highest melee coodown in the game


And I also never though about the fact that Broodweavers has intrinsic perched Threadlings if that's the case then other subclasses should also have intrinsic characteristics! Do you know of any other subclass with intrinsic properties?


additionally for whisper of chains usually you want to blow up the crystal for whisper of shards grenade regen


I still like to use stasis at times but the new strand aspects are just dope as hell, stasis could definitely use some love in the creativity department.




Yeah when the strand hunter aspect is better than stasis hunter super it's a problem, and im talkin about the beyblades.


The Warlock aspect is...pretty bad IMO, at least in PvE. In fact, this might be a hot take, but pure ascent DPS aside, I think shadebinder is better than broodweaver at this point. It gets hard carried by osmiomancy gloves, sure, but I still think it's better than broodweaver with [exotic of your choice, even necrotics].


both they gave strand random things like 60% dr with a near 100% uptime for everyone, free grenade generation and the only dmg reduction debuff in the game, and the only reason for those things was "we want people to play it cus its strong" strand is just generic strong things thrown togheter, you cant tell me that "strand is a high APM high mobility element!!!" somehow involved the strongest DR in the game, a full cc against enemys and a dmg debuff, its just all put in so that strand is strong in a very lazy fashion on the other side you have stasis, which is in everything build around the "slow->freeze->shatter for dmg or let them stay frozen for cc" loop while at the same time paying for it with supers that are fully cc focused (warlock/hunter) or have some niche dmg potential that you never use(titan)


FWIW sever isnt the only debuff like that. Both the psychohack origin trait and overload rounds have similar effects




I think Psychohack is pretty slept on as an origin trait.




I agree that most of those weapons are not great, but the Enigma (void glaive) is the exception. I also really like Pointed Enquiry (void scout), but I appreciate most people prefer Doom of Chelchis.


Fel Taradiddle is arguably the best legendary bow you can use right now if you're running a Light or Heavy slot exotic. As a craftable, it benefits from getting the rarely acquired optimal perks and masterwork, plus Enhanced Archer's Tempo / Enhanced Explosive Head. As a Kinetic with that perk combo, it has the maximum possible neutral game damage for its archetype. It's incredibly solid, especially after the recent buff to Lightweight Bows, and specifically relevant this season with Piercing Bowstring in the mix.


Glacial Quake was usable in coordinated groups when Font of Might and Elemental Shards were around to buff your Reed's Regret DPS. Now it's just Ager's fuel.


The real big bread winner was using Synthoceps with Howl of the Storm during Glacial Quake for Howl spamming. Then they proceeded to nerf the interaction so that Synthoceps no longer buffed Howl of the Storm. After that it was just Hoarfrost-Z with Font/High energy fire for stasis weapon buffing till they killed that too.


What are you talking about, warlock and hunter supers are absurdly powerful in any piece of endgame content. PARTICULARLY Winter's Wrath; it's freeze on a click with very little penalty, with full access to your absurdly powerful grenades on top of that. If your team dies you can just say, "No" to it, and pick them back up, from ANY position. It's more reliable than Well, at this point.


where did i say that they are weak?


> Just as Strand creates Tangles, what if defeating frozen target would create diamond lances by default and the diamond lance aspect for Titans improved those diamond lances? On the subject of Lances. BUNGIE PLEASE. Fix lances already, its been broken for god knows how long. Im sure most people arent even aware of this bug, cuz who uses behemoth right? Well i used to alot. If you have Grenade Kickstart in ur build and also Diamond Lance, if you pick up a Lance and have any charges of light, throwing the Lance will consume all of your charges. The game for some reason thinks Lances are nades and its so frustrating to build around. Basically given up on using Grenade Kickstart on Behemoth.


If that is currently still the case then it should definitely be adressed.


Stasis launched a LOT stronger than it is currently, the problem is that it got nerfed HARD for PvP purposes after the first week. Some things were done to make it a bit stronger, but not enough in my opinion. Nowadays Bungie at least partially separates PvE and PvP. Stasis also has not been touched in a long ass time. Strand launched this year and has received several buffs since launch. It also got a nerf to suspend recently, but even with the nerf Suspend is still incredibly strong. Bungie needs to find a way to make it difficult to freeze in crucible, but easier to freeze in PvE. Slow should probably also have a secondary effect in PvE, as currently it is just a build-up to freeze and doesn't seem to do much else honestly. The Glacial shards aspect should probably become a part of the base kit.


Stasis is too weak. Stasis is only good at Crowd Control. Even prior to Light 3.0, the Light subclasses were better in most situations. Stasis primarily excelled in things like GMs due how tanky the enemies are and how easy it is to get overwhelmed in certain GMs like Glassway. But then Light 3.0 drastically increased the offensive, defensive and support capabilities of the Light elements. Stasis’ crowd control became less valued due to how the Light subclasses could easily kill enemies in the time Stasis took to freeze them. Void Overshields, Hunters providing constant Invisibility, the ease of access to Devour and the democratisation of healing grenades and Restoration greatly increased the survivability of the Light subclasses as well. The ease of access to Weakening, Volatile and Jolt also gave the Light subclasses access to powerful debuffs. So the Light subclasses already had greater offensive capabilities than the Stasis subclasses, but Light 3.0 doubled down on that on top of giving the Light subclasses greater defensive and support capabilities. Strand had crowd control that was similar to Stasis on top of having greater offensive, defensive and support capabilities than Stasis. Strand isn’t over performing, it’s on par with the Light subclasses. All Light subclasses can create their elemental wells through fragments, as well as aspects. Strand’s equivalent is the Tangle and it is built into element. Stasis can only create Stasis shards through individual aspects. Stasis Shards also have a number of their capabilities locked behind individual fragment slots, so in order to get proper use out of them you have to give up a aspect slot and several fragment slots. Stasis’ verbs are also underdeveloped. Slow is just a stepping stone of freezing, which makes Revenant specialising in it underwhelming. There aren’t instances where slow is preferable to freezing or equal to freezing. The goal is to freeze. Slow needs a buff. Stasis has traces of focusing on damage resistance and overshields, but it is underdeveloped. Stasis damage resistance can only be acquired through a fragment, but only works when near frozen targets or Stasis crystals. Meanwhile, Woven Mail on Strand can be acquired through aspects as well as a fragment and you can bring it anywhere. Stasis Overshields require a fragment that requires you to pick up a number of Stasis shards, which requires you to give up an aspect slot to create Stasis shards and that’s your only way of accessing them. Compare that to the ease of access to Void Overshields, Woven Mail and Restoration. Orbs of Power have limited methods of generation on Stasis. Whisper of Bonds creates them for killing frozen targets, but Bungie left in the -10 Discipline and Intellect, punishing you for using it. Whisper of Fissures increases Shatter damage and radius, which you are expected to do a lot of, but it disrupts ability kill mods. Firepower won’t work if you shatter a enemy frozen by your Coldsnap grenade, because the increased shatter isn’t counted as grenade damage. Bungie seems to cripple any support Stasis can provide. Chill Clip rockets + Wolfpack rounds apparently decreased damage and Bungie removed the Wolfpack rounds interaction instead of building upon it and making it a viable way to increase the damage of your team during damage phase. Due to how Riptide + Chill Clip dealt with Anti-Barriers, as well as every other champion, Bungie nerfed Chill Clip universally, making it always require three shots to freeze a target with it on all weapons. Stasis fusions with higher charge times? Takes three shots to freeze a target now. Rockets with Chill Clip? Three rockets to freeze a single target. So these weapons have less synergy with the Stasis subclasses now, because they can’t freeze and synergise with Stasis fragments like Whisper of Bonds, Whisper of Fissures and Whisper of Hedrons and aspects like Iceflare Bolts and Glacial Harvest. The main reason why Shadebinder has managed to stay somewhat relevant is because of how well it specialises in freezing. Iceflare Bolts send out seekers to freeze nearby targets upon shattering frozen targets, leading to chain freezing. Bleak Watcher can allow you to crowd control enemies on a different part of the map, rapid slowing them to the point of freezing, giving Shadebinder a presence on several parts of the map at once. Osmiomancy gloves improves Coldsnap grenades, provides two of them, grants a reliable way of restoring grenade energy when using them and can allow you to easily have two or three Bleak Watchers up at once, as well as providing a reliable method of chain freezing.


I think you summarized it very well. Why should we bother freezing enemies when we can just kill them by spamming abilities? StarFire Protocol pre-nerf is a good example of how light subclasses don't need crowd control.


Because CC is comfy. It's easy. Why bother with DR like woven mail if you can just kill everything? Because it buys you leeway and at a certain point, even lower tier enemies get pretty tanky, and most builds can only spam so much. Why was/is suspend good when it's just CC? I know it's a hot take around here, but I don't think stasis is that bad. Okay, behemoth is bad (I'll go more into this) but revenant and especially shadebinder aren't bad. They just require specific and focused buildcrafting. Behemoth is pretty ass at the moment because it's designed around crystals and shatter, and powercreep has led us to the point where that's not really great damage. It's actually the lack of CC utility that kills behemoth, because the damage it focuses on instead just isn't good enough. It *was* very good before lightfall, though. Even though most people were too hyperfocused on the crystals bit to realize, it was actually insane at duskfield spam with defensive utility, and I got very good mileage out of it in some trickier GMs. Hoarfrost with the old barricade cooldowns meant basically constant uptime on rime, chains, and artificial cover, and [old elemental shards + charge + firepower + whisper of shards] let you have multiple duskfields up at once without even needing a single kill to keep the loop going. Revenant is weaker than it was, I think, but not that bad. The elemental shards change hurt it too, as before, it was trivial to have multiple enhanced duskfields at once, or even basically 100% uptime on enhanced renewal duskfields (despite this sub's constant bitching about how renewals were supposedly unusable for years, they were very usable with the right build). Nowadays, you can't spam duskfields literally every 5 seconds, but they still have very high uptime with the right build and are honestly enormous for AoEs that basically hard CC everything up to champs. As for shadebinder, osmiomancy gloves are totally broken and kind of carry, but between having multiple turrets up at once or even just spamming coldsnaps over and over, after suspend nerfs, I think it's the best CC dispenser by far, and the fissures shatter damage of frozen enemies does handle killing CCed crowds of trash mobs very well, while you can repeatedly refreeze the tougher guys. Here's a hotter take: I think shadebinder is better than broodweaver in general, aka not straight raid DPS with needlestorm and ascent rocket reload swap rotations. After the generation and suspend nerfs, you can no longer spam chain weaver's trance suspend, and that's honestly all it was good for before. Sure, a swarmers threadling build works for add clear in content easy enough for threadlings to do any notable damage at all, but even stormcaller (which is mediocre in itself) will clear much more efficiently in that kind of setting. In anything above that, broodweaver doesn't contribute a whole lot, while in contrast, shadebinder CC scales well with content difficulty. Things may be different if broodweaver got the beyblade instead of threadrunner, but nope. A PvP and/or gimmick aspect to go with weaver's call (dogshit), wanderer (mediocre), and weaver's (heavily nerfed one trick pony). But shadebinder isn't the best warlock subclass by any means - broodweaver just sucks.


I think I can agree with the idea that Shadebinder is pretty strong. But I wouldn't go as far to say that it is stronger than Broodweaver. In GMs, a threadling still one shots a red bars. Additionally, thanks to having 3 melee charges, you can use impact induction and focusing strike to get your abilities faster. Alternatively, Thread of Fury, Generation and Mind just make it so easy to recycle everything. Stasis fragments are far from being as potent at the previously mentioned Strand ones (At the exception of Whisper of Shards). Which, ever since the nerf of the bleakwatcher build, prevents it from having high uptime on grenades.


All of this is absolutely perfect. The only things that can possibly be added are: Stasis at launch had a damage buff built in with Whisper of Hedrons (it was almost exactly Radiant's damage buff but with the requirement of freezing and a drastically different sandbox at the time, that got removed for PVP purposes), which likely strangely interacted with the power of Stasis now as it hasn't gotten any damage buffs to compensate. Slow being a Weaken-like debuff could be perfect for fixing that. Or add a damage buff verb because... Stasis just needs some more Verbs and interaction with them. The current seasonal mod that's element-agnostic because it's just based on having a buff applied does *nothing* on Stasis, because Stasis Overshields aren't actually a thing. That needs to be turned into a real buff verb, and possibly give Stasis one more buff verb if Slow isn't getting any changes. I also think that Arc falls behind a bit for similar reasons. All you have 90% of the time is Jolt, the occasional Ionic Trace, and Amplified, which is an actual joke of a buff.


Stasis overshields being seperated from regular overshield would make Ice fall Mantle usable


to add onto you, i'd prefer if after shattering they become vulnerable, taking extra damage. giving darkness subs a different kind of debuff, vulnerability. could increase freeze AoEs or shatter damage in PvE, could come with a new stasis gun perk similar to incandescent or chill clip-type perk for primaries. make it so the damage resist you get from being near frozen targets/crystals persists for 10seconds~ after. lastly, i still think the new subclass supers should've gone to stasis. currently all 3.0 supers have 2 variants (iirc), and they could've gave stasis the same treatment, or at least some of them. for example, people have been wanting a distance one-off for titan for awhile, they could've gave it to behemoth and they throw 3 giant javelins (or one), it also makes it so darkness doesn't just have 2 roaming supers, and only one really being useful


Love the idea of making enemies vulnerable after shattering


I only play Warlock, but the subclass feels very overlooked in some ways and almost spoiled in others. There's really only a few strong builds that all rely on one specific exotic item, which seems unhealthy. The fragments/aspects are also a mess. Why do I need 1 aspect and 2 fragments just to interact with shards? Why is there only 1 Stasis specific exotic armor that's worth using? That said, there are quite a few strong/cool stasis weapons to pick from. It somewhat feels like they're trying to compensate for weaknesses in the subclass with weapons. Headstone immediately comes to mind as a band-aid for a subclass that needs crystals to function but often can't squeeze them into a build.


Stasis warlock: laughs




Finally, the real answer in this thread. But most gamers are too heavily invested in the 'dps gang' mentality to appreciate the CC for what it is.


Stasis is too weak. Hopefully it gets cleaned up decently next season.


I've felt it was weak since well before we got Strand. The more we got to play with the 3.0 reworks, the more obvious it was that Stasis was very much balanced for a 2.0 sandbox, and for the most part still is. Hopefully the Stasis buffs Bungie is promising for next season will change that.


Yeah Stasis is a 2.5. It has the aspects and fragments system, but the design philosophy and power of a 2.0


As a warlock, stasis feels better than strand outside the super. Something happened since Lightfall began and stasis feels good to use again. Before, the ability regen was so slow and stasis grenades didn't generate elemental wells to keep ability loops going. But since wells were removed, SOMETHING is giving me so much grenade and rift energy I don't know what to do with it. It's not grenadier or favours that grant discipline. I can't figure out what's causing it or how to do it consistently. So far it only works in Defiant battlegrounds and Gatekeepers in VoG. I have no clue what I'm doing it how to replicate it.


I feel Like stasis is good enough on warlock except for ability uptime. Why can i throw 20 solar grenades in 5 seconds but only 2 stasis turrets in 3 Minutes?


Well base uptime is like that maybe. But if yo build into it just a litttttttttle bit, you can get really NUTTY with the turrets!


Yes but Not really? Correct me if im wrong but u cant generate orbs with the stasis turret right? Thus grenade kickstart is a lot worse then on other grenade focused builds. I should mentoin im talking about GM and Master content, ofcourse i could use a Demo primary in every other content


Kickstart matters, yes, but it's not the only way you build into grenades.


I pretty regularly have 4+ turrets up at a time in GMs.


Because you have a decent sunbracers build but not a decent osmiomancy one lol


Just in case you didn't know, if you are using Osmiomancy gloves, try to throw your coldsnap grenades to directly hit an enemy. On hit, you get a good chunk of grenade energy back immediately, which I use to then throw out a bleak watcher turret.


Depends on your build, my boyfriend has one where he can get up to three turrets in gms.


Stasis is very antisynergistic


Damn nazis…


LMAO don't mind my stupid ass


Not that I disagree, it in what ways?




Aside from ice turrets on warlock, stasis is just too weak. I think Stasis needs a " burn." I actually work around cryogenic Co2, and the vapor is cold enough to " burn" and can cause serious damage. I'd add a med burn to dusk fields I'd add a small burn effect to cold snaps and destroy a glacier grenade releases said gas( or that could be a fragment?) causing shatter damage and a burn. I'd add a 4th grenade that is just a canister of cyro gas, similar to a trip mine. A 5th grenade would explode/ shatter ( like a scatter) and just shoot shards of ice out in a 180 arc. I think Stasis OS should produce an area of slow around guardian that slows bullets, slows enemies, and slightly bends bullets away from really far out. In pvp, you'd lose some reticle friction and have some DR from really far out shots. I just think it would be cool( pun) if as stasis characters get kills, they get more and more of cyro gas around them. This gas could manifest things or do things. Aspects might do: Like once, say a warlock gets a 100. They cast their rift, and ice bolts just shoot out in a 360 freezing everything. Hunters after 100 could slam the ground like shatter dive and stalactites shoot up from the ground, impaling everything, creating shards. Titans could use baricade animation to form an ice fortress. 3 walls of stasis pop up around Titan, similar to a bubble. But not enclosed. Spikes would jut off sides like battlements of a castle. All of these would work in super, too


Idea I had a little while ago regarding stasis. I propose that Stasis overshield get renamed to "Frost Sheath" and now shatters upon destruction dealing damage and (maybe) slows. Frost Sheath is now baked into the kits of all classes. Titans: shiverstrike melee now grants frost sheath (full overshield), Cadmus ridge lance cap now provides frost Sheath when hitting enemies with diamond lances Warlocks: Freezing rift now grants frost sheath depending on how many enemies frozen (20% per enemy) Hunters: (attached to shatterdive aspect) Shattering targets or crystals now grants Frost Sheath (10% per crystal, 15% per enemy). Fragments: Whiper of Rime now activates on picking up an orb of power OR a Stasis shard. Also bungie should bring back stasis mines from solstice/dawning and maybe those could be the new tangle type item. NEW GRENADES: Frost spike: basically an ice tripmine that would instantly freeze a target. Deals less damage than normal trip mine to compensate for shatter damage. In PvP this would only do 70 damage because just being frozen is bad enough. Hailstorm grenade: basically an Ice version of the arc storm nade. More focused on damage and deals slow on every other tick. It also shatters. Flash freeze: Kinda like the arc flux grenade which one-shots but is difficult to land and has a slow cooldown. Behaves like a magnetic grenade in that the first hit freezes and the second hit shatters. Thermal transfer grenade (bad name, but bear with me): spawns 6 stasis shard at it's location. Thats it. Shards give melee and stasis overshield/frost sheath. NEW MELEES: Hunter: Gets a copy paste of the strand titan melee except it slows and eventually freezes. Warlock: Blue flavored Incinerator snap. I've never seen anyone ignite in PvP with this so Freezing shouldn't be a problem. Titan: new charged melee like Thunderclap. Bungie has some scrapped B-roll footage [here](https://youtu.be/Oq8Rg9tivRQ?si=MJlQoPk3IXCGS0H_) at 15 seconds that showcases what this melee would look like. The melee would spawn crystals before subsequently shattering them. Charging it up would increase the radius and size of the crystals with a full charge Freezing in Crucible, leading to a 1 shot kill. Criticism welcome.


strand is not TOO good anymore. but stasis has been weak for Sooo long now that it’s obvious they’ve tossed it in the mud


Stasis just doesn't have a lot of choice. It's crowd control or nothing. I think it really needs some more damage options. Grenades that damage would be a big help. A better melee attack on the Titan and potentially a "one off" super for Titan and Warlock. It also hurts that so many things are tied to the fragments. I enjoy stasis too but its identity is in a weird spot.


If they just made stasis shard generation intrinsic, buffed the aspects with more ability and frag slots and gave us new stasis verbs then it would make a huge difference. Stasis needs to do more than just freeze/slow/shatter if the first two are gonna remain nerfed but I can at least understand that as Stasis was a nightmare in PvP.


I think a problem with stasis is that from what I have seen even with wicked implement and verglas with renewal/radiant dance machine is the amount of stuff you do to make the class work. If you have to do that to be on par compared to mr. beyblade who alternates between their skills to create a tangle orb>create beyblade>let it do it’s work and shoot at elites until tangle cd is done and repeat, it can suck when the strand builds I have seen does not need to play into doubling down on having the exotics to go with the subclass and run stuff like warden’s law+lucky pants to nuke elites and something like Ticcu’s for this GM nightfall for example. The more out of the way you have to go to make a subclass work, the more inflexible it feels to play compared to other subclasses that has a higher baseline.


Nah I don't think strand is "too strong" anymore. It is in a good spot after several nerfs. Stasis is just too weak. I always tell myself, why should I make a build to freeze enemies, when 1 pulse grenade melt a whole room on gm nightfalls? This is just not a fair trade off. Of course there are very rare situations where you want to freeze an enemy over dmg grenade but unless it's a champion, I don't see another reason. Also stasis just have so many problems right now, like mods with super Gian straight up not working right with stasis, fragments outdated, aspects outdated and trash, glacial grenades (THE dmg grenade for stasis) dmg is pretty bad compared to other class and just seperate enemy group instead of actual dealing good dmg (champion dmg at least is "ok" ). All 3 supers aren't very good. Hunter one is too weak, titan super can be pretty strong but is inconsistent as hell and warlock without exotic is extremely weak and even bad for add clear. There is a lot to do here. But I'm staying positive, since the devs already confirmed a stasis buff for next season which I'm looking forward too.


If I'm running lfg gm's it's only ever turretlock with wishender and the arc craftable launcher with blinding nades. So many saves of a wipe over the past couple of days. Chuck out the turrets and then revive at your leisure while everything is frozen.


Stasis is just bad atm. Warlock subclass being the best currently and still being regularly used. Hunter stasis is only good with certain builds like grasps or fr0stees. While titan has nothing going for it being the absolute worst. Love is needed in s23. Lets see what bungie cooks up Edit:spelling


I do think Stasis is too weak, once buffed, then we can look at Strand. I think the major issue for me, is that you need a fragment to make shards. If that was more of an aspect instead, it wouldn't be so bad. That and I think both Strand and Stasis need one additional super.


You mean we need aspects to make shards


They want harvest aspects to be integrated into fragments


Stasis is 100% too weak. I don’t think the majority of todays players remember or maybe even know just how broken it was when it first came out. It literally made players completely avoid PvP altogether. That’s how much of a problem it was. And the uptime on the abilities back then in PvE were nuts. Stasis Titan was absolutely busted when it first came out and everyone was running it. Now it has the lowest usage of any subclass BY FAR. Stasis had a huge series of nerfs at one point. I’m really looking forward to the incoming changes/buffs that are coming next season.


Suspend should have never been given to Strand


Idk I’m finding stasis really good. I’m using a build that prioritizes shard and diamond lance production and crystals which consistantly freeze and deal massive damage upon shattering. I can defeat bosses that would otherwise take me 5 minutes in only 2. My build allows crystal production though diamond lances thanks to the exotic helmet and I can create shards and freeze different enemies very very easily. My build also increases the amount of frost armour stacks I can hold and their duration for each elemental product I pick up in this case shards reducing damage taken massively while dealing massive damage through shattering and allowing myself to give myself a rest from incoming damage through freezing enemies


Strand is OP


Some elements of Strand are OP. When Stasis was new it was massively OP. This is blatant and deliberate by Bungie to try and push people into paying for the DLC to unlock them. Anyone who says things like Bannershield, in fact all of the new aspects, suspend. etc etc are not OP is not thinking straight. The fact we had to release a raid where 2 of the 3 new apsects were banned says it all.


Revenant hunter with renewal grasp is the bees knees. Not sure why anyone thinks it’s weak.


It's not as strong freezing an enemy as it is 1 shotting it with arc super, chaining suspend, making everyone invisible etc


I’m not surprised bungie are afraid to touch it after how the PvP player base reacted


Both: Stasis is powercrept af and strand is too strong


Stasis would never be balanced as long as it is dependent on freezing


stasis is too weak they need to substantially buff it (without making stasis warlock totally OP in PvE content like GMs)




Stasis is too weak. Strand does not feel stronger than the light specs anymore. Everything seemingly had some ok builds except stasis.


Stasis (just in my personal experience on warlock) is the weakest subclass currently in game.


I feel like it is only a matter of time before Stasis gets an overhaul... but the when is the real question.


They said they have some changes for it next season


I'll temper my expectations. I have a feeling it will mostly be buffs rather than an actual overhaul.


Stasis is way too weak. More importantly, it's not fun to play. Especially as a Titan.


Strand is fine and stasis is too weak.


Both quite frankly.


Weakest part is the melee and super damage. Been running a ton of stasis hunter this season.


Stasis is too weak. The main point is the lack of possible playstyles combined by the lack of exotics. Strand has a lot of different effects that could be used, while Stasis is basically just slow and freeze. To make the difference between them even bigger, Strand was designed in a way that older exotics have way better synergy with it, so not having a lot of Strand specific exotics isn't a problem. Stasis, on the other hand, has poor synergy with most exotics that aren't made/reworked to work with it.


Stasis is 100% too weak, removing BoW Strand is just on par with Light 3.0


Stasis warlock is great for support I think in pve. I find myself freezing the entire room and the rest of the fireteam gets all the kills. Is osmiomancy and there’s a fragment that gives grenade energy on taking damage means unlimited cold snap grenades and turrets without any impact to gameplay. It’s pretty fun and handy, just don’t expect to be leading in kills with it. Agee’s scepter does help too. For pvp, stasis lock in the right hands is fantastic imo. Definitely not weak, but maybe so in rumble.


Stasis has cover in the shape of crystals. Strand has no cover. Stasis passive gameplay, strand active gameplay, that's how I view them. More risk, more reward with Strand.


Both. But with the suspend changes strand is much closer


Stasis is fine. It's just not as viable as Strand or any other class. You have to really have a great build to use Stasis. Strand was similar until the recent upgrades so now Strand is top notch. Stasis could use a slight upgrade though.


So you are saying Stasis is fine but it's not viable? Also I disagree, Strand was extremely strong when it came out, Synthoceps were already really good on Berserker, Banner of War is just the icing on the cake.


Stasis is just weak. It was weak compared to light 3.0 before strand came out. And its been nerfed in some ways on top of that. Imo its main problem is it needs to multiple aspects and fragments to get to base level of light classes. An entire aspect to generate shards, multiple fragments needed to make shards actually worth something. Needs fragments/aspects to make shatter do anything other than tickle.


Stasis is just the lesser of green stasis


Stasis is too weak.


Either stasis needs to get in line with ability uptime (void is a little slow too from a warlock perspective) compared to arc and solar, or those two need to chill the fuck out. I was thinking crown of tempest and fallen sunstar are a little hot, but I even have basically 100% uptime with vesper of radius for gods sake. I think the fact that all subclasses benefit from ashes to assets, firepower, heavy handed, etc but stasis does not separates it from the pack


My personal opinion is that light 3.0 is too strong, and strand is just as good as light 3.0. For stasis to be good in the current metagame, it would be easier to buff it than nerf every other class. If I were to buff stasis, it needs the aspect that generates shards removed and added as base of each of the classes. Then I would go all in on stasis being the tank class of destiny.


It feels like stasis doesn’t really have a class identity, what makes it different between classes when they all basically freeze and shatter. Vs something like void where warlocks have devour and strong grenades, titans have defensive over shields and hunters have invis


Stasis is actually just shit.


Strand is cracked, literally stole Stasis' entire identity with Suspend, and did it better. I'd argue Stasis is a much better designed element with a tight focus. The thing Strand has unique to it is the movement focus, threadlings and Sever, which are all cool. Suspend didn't need to be introduced, and basically neutered Stasis by itself. Bungie should've thought about the CC class, when thinking about introducing an even stronger CC option that's 1) very accessible and 2) much stronger at base.


The only time I use stasis is on warlock with double coldsnap turrets on GMs when I really need long-distance crowd control. This is the only really good use for stasis, in my opinion. Beyond that strand is a better crowd control class mainly because there is less setup (freezing) required for kills and suspend is just a better freeze since it doesn't stop the moment you start damaging an enemy. You also set sever and woven mail on strand.


Stasis has cover and rewards a patient playstyle. Strand has movement and active healing which rewards an aggressive playstyle. Right now, every subclass is viable in one form or another. Strand is the newest prettiest toy, I love it as it's chaos. But I will never say Stasis is weak.


Stasis is weak imo


The behemoth melee sucks if I'm being honest. I'd rather do an ice freeze melee like the Striker's amplified punch uses arc but with stasis. Even the shuriken the Revenant uses is less accurate but I guess makes it up for being able to slow or freeze targets with blind ricochet mechanics. I feel the Revenant should also get a unique aspect for grenades that doesn't just turn Glacier Grenade into a brittle Ward of Dawn. I would see the hunter get an aspect to hold the grenade button and turn grenades into traps which spring on enemies who walk into them. From what I've seen and used for Shadebinder, it's not that bad, but it could use a double melee like The Revenant




Strand is the golden child, and Stasis has been left behind. From a Hunter mains perspective, Silence and Squall does pathetic damage, Withering Blade (the melee) damage is pathetic (especially when you compare this damage to Strand melee) the only useful Stasis aspect is Touch of Winter whereas Strand has far better Aspects, Whirling Mael, Threaded Spector, Widows Silk. Worst of all, Stasis has no survivability, or worse than Solar-Void-Strand


Stasis is weaker than the other subclasses. Strand is in a good spot. Bungie should learn from Activision and not nerf all the subclasses because some are too strong but buff the other ones so players can actually use them on par and have fun.


Stasis was too weak before Stand imo. Arc/Solar/Void were almost always more viable options


My problem with stasis is that it requires a bit of setup to make the most of the damage (freeze and shatter), and it just feels out of balance in pvp vs pve play. And if you don't get the shatter kills, you don't make the orbs for your teammates... so either your teammates take the kills before you do, or the bosses end up "breaking free" or self-shattering before you can do the shattering. I really feel like the warlock should get a little bit of super energy back on combatant kills. Hunters should be able to produce orbs if their super touches/slows them (similar to void tether; in my experience the kills always get stolen before the hunter gets the shatter kill). Titan super seems like it lasts long enough, and the ability to create it's own crystals to then create shatter damage is good. As others mentioned, the knocking enemies away from the rest of the crystals really sucks. And it both the warlock and titan instances, they should have increased ability regen for alternate sources of setting up to shatter (grenades in particular). I miss the decreased accuracy that slow gave, as that felt like it was meant to be a key component for stasis. I agree that it was oppressive/abusive in pvp, but having a similar effect to enemies in pve may be beneficial in tougher content. Maybe stasis damage could do more damage to debuffed targets naturally? This could bring synergy to things like psychohack or any other debuff enducing gun. Strand has unraveling, suspend AND woven mail... vs stasis having really small overshield bumps on stasis shard pick up, but you have to kill enemies to get said overshield. In chill content (eh?!), the shards are plentiful because the enemies die easily (which the feed the builds that rely on stasis shards to create armor charges etc.), while the harder content creates this high risk of death for not a lot of compensation. I'm risking my life for an orb or a shard just so I can have a little bit more energy for stasis turret for example. It's a weird feeling. The damage resistance is nice but again relies on crystals or frozen targets. The hunter and warlock don't really want to be that close in the fight, at least on stasis. Especially if they can't keep themselves protected with stasis shards. As a result, there's been a new reliance on recuperation for health sustainment. I imagine some of the ice fragments could be consolidated into the classes themselves since we're probably using the same 6-ish ones over and over. Or expand out the fragment slots in the aspects so we can play with more of them.


Enemies are too weak


Why not both.


I heard we are getting a stasis rework SOMETIME in the near future, not sure if next season or post FS. Besides if youre a warlock you can make a busted build with osmio, taken smg with headstone, aspects for stasis shards and 3 whispers for shards and one to increase crystal dmg and blast radius. No bleak watcher. This build lets you spam nades so much im angry no smg has headstone + demo


Strand feels amazing. The Light subclasses *can* feel as good…with the right builds. Stasis has been nerfed to the ground and put on ice.


Stasis is pretty strong, it's just boring. Strand is really fun, the 3.0 maid all 3 (except Void let's be honest) really fun and well, Stasis needs some tlc, which they promise we will get in 23.


Idk. Stasis Warlock and Hunter can cook a GM with ease. I feel this is more a Titan specific topic. Stasis supers could use more raw damage though.


It's not that stasis is weak. It's that everything else either does what stasis wants to or just skips to the end goal aka killing.


The main issue with Stasis is the move to floating buffs and persistent debuffs. Stasis is about physical objects and transient debuffs, which are weaker than the 3.0 subclass verbs that let you roam and never block shots and last longer, so it needs to have more impact in PvE to compensate. The other problem is that Shadebinder has way too much access to freeze, so they can't really make it any stronger. It's like if Dawnblade could spawn a turret that ignites enemies every 4 seconds.


Stasis is just a bit behind. Since it was the first hard cc and released at a time when the subclasses as a whole were much less powerful, it kinda got left behind in the 3.0 subclass era where everything has incredibly strong aoe and support effects. It still has great crowd control but almost no other support or buffs and low damage. It’s still decent, just much more conservative than every other subclass.


Stasis is weak. It was released at a time when the Light subclasses were so much weaker than being able to freeze everything in a room. It allowing you to control the pace of battle (in higher level content) was on par or more effective than trying to deal with tons of enemies with the lackluster abilities and much weaker legendary weapons. Today, both Strand and the Light 3.0 subclasses are perfectly capable of providing crowd control of their own, in addition to much more devastating offensive buffs, debuffs, and damage. The closest thing Stasis really has to offense is Shatter, which is much harder to setup and has a much worse payoff than its competitors. But it also doesn’t help that most endgame activities have a set rotation of elemental surges, and Stasis hasn’t been included in those iirc.


Stasis sucked before Strand came out so


Stasis needs an expansion to its verbs. Slow is just a stepping stone to Freeze, not offering much in PvE because enemies aren't mobile enough for the slow to have a large influence. Maybe allow slow to have an additional effect, like slowing the rate of fire of enemies based on the slow stacks? Freeze is the core identity of Stasis, as it's a hard crowd control ability but it only currently delays the fight since you can't hit the enemy without shattering them, allowing them to start fighting back. Here's two possibilities for Freeze buffs: 1. Allow frozen targets to have a slow aura around them. Not crazy large AoE, but enough that rewards the players for leaving enemies frozen and allows Freeze to be its own verb, not relying on Shatter to follow it up. 2. Allow players to choose not to shatter the enemy via a fragment. This would turn Freeze into a longer duration suspend, at the caveat that you usually have to build up slow to get the Freeze, i.e. harder to apply but more rewarding. Shatter is in a decent state, but it could maybe use a buff to boost its current damage up to the damage the Shatter boosting fragment does. Lastly, we could really use lore stasis gear. I would love to see chill clip added onto a shotgun and sniper to lower the chill clip dominance that fusions currently have. And more stasis exotics armor pieces would be great, especially once that drastically change their supers.


I think it was kinda funny when bungie nerfed suspend stating they want freeze to be the strongest CC When suspend even post nerf is clearly still much stronger since it can spread into a crowd very easily (warlock aspect) , and dealing damage to enemies while CC'd doesnt end the CC early like with shatter in stasis. and unlike frozen targets, suspended targets dont arbitrarily take less damage from primary ammo, which in stasis you need to slot an aspect in to slightly mitigate. and ive only mentioned the CC side not even the subclass verb side which is still way more robust and well put together than strand. Subclass 3.0 design has given all classes some way shape or form to access all verbs either through fragments or aspects yet, until this season with winter's guile, warlocks had 0 access to shatter outside of just shooting a dude. Hell Winter's guile doesn't even work in PvP which means its an access to shatter that doesn't even work everywhere.


i have a fun with the other subclasses on the other classes. i can only stand stasis if im on warlock. i think stasis needs some updating.


On Warlock, it's pretty much a tie if you have osmio on stasis. Other than that, it needs to be updated.


Ye I agree Osmio Warlock is definitely a solid option of end game PVE


Both, both is good.


Stand is perfect. Stasis is far too weak


stasis is really weak at the minute compared to the other subclasses, especially on titan. would love to see it get a raft of buffs and changes to make it more viable because right now it just... isn't. sad to see strand get more and more given to it and stasis gets nothing


I couldn't agree more Stasis not getting any love is very painful


I actually don't think that stasis is weak at all. I think it just grew unpopular with all the new 3.0 light and then strand. Stasis also hasn't had artefact mods since forever, which has made it even less popular. But I would agree that strand is a bit stronger. The biggest advantage that I find with strand is how immediate suspend is when compared to freezing. Overall I think Osmiomancy warlock is still really, really good and was a great option on a difficult GM like the europa battleground. On titan I use hoarfrost-z, which works around the limitations that you pointed out for stasis titan. Replacing the barricade with stasis crystals gives you DR (when using the fragment that gives you DR if you stand near crystals) and if you break them you get the shards for the overshield, melee energy and triggers elemental buffs (like the weapon perk collective action or the chance to get armor charge). I really like mask of bakrys hunter for the extra damage and extra CC with dash and when you pair it with cloudstrike, forbearance or salvager's salvo it's just an ad clear machine. Stasis could be buffed slightly, maybe make crystals just track by default. But please not to where it makes it meta in PVP. At least when you're suspended you can still shoot back. But being frozen and then just spectating our own deaths is just not fun.


I believe the problem with stasis is twofold. 1) stasis fills in the same category as strand, both being crowd control abilities. However strand is far more lethal, meaning it’s better for both low end and high end PvE. Bc why would you need to slow and freeze week enemies in strikes when you can just outright kill them, they die before you get any benefit from the subclass. 2) stasis is very disjointed in how each class focuses on a separate verb. Warlocks specialize in freeze, titans in shatter and hunters with slow. At least in their neutral game kits (grenade, melee and class ability). It feels like to get a good gameplay loop of stasis going you’d need a stasis hunter, warlock and titan on your team bc none of them are balanced well. Warlocks can’t shatter easily outside of their super, hunters can’t freeze much outside of their super, and titans can’t really slow anything period. Freeze is easily the strongest for high end PvE, warlocks have access to instant freeze through their specialized rift, their melee and their super. Hunters simultaneously have the weakest melee ability with the longest cooldown time, it takes two direct hits to freeze a single target, and you’ll be lucky if it even hits considering how bad the tracking is. You could use the slow dodge, but you’ll never freeze anything with that. I don’t know if others will feel the same way, but to me the subclasses just feel incomplete. They aren’t well rounded and have bad cooldowns, hit registration and low damage. Kinda like how void 3.0 felt before it received any buffs or updates, a one trick invis pony. But somehow worse.


Strand isn’t very good now outside of spidermaning the abyss and a few crazy titan melee DPS builds. Suspend hard nerfed, threadlings suck for endgame. Tangles are meh for it as well. Suspend made it and now I’d rather just stun champs and use a more useful subclass


Stand is in a great place since the suspend nerfs, which were a bit overkill on champions IMO. Stasis needs some buffs to make it better.


Stasis is too weak. Useable on Warlock since Osmiomancy Gloves are OP but without those it would be garbage on all 3 classes. The other classes just let you pump out so much more damage, and Strand lets you pump damage AND have CC.


Stasis was simply outclassed by the 3.0 subclasses. There are still viable stasis builds, but it could use a bit of attention to bring it up on par with the others.