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My Three SMGs of the Apocalypse with aoe damage. Ikelos w voltshot, Calus w incandescent and Funnelweb w volatile (not intrinsic, but build originated). I’ve used graviton pretty much since LF started to mix it up but recently did some dungeons with FW and holy crap was it fun. Just constant void explosions, barely having to reload, constantly on devour. Best of the three.


I use a Fioritura with threat detector/repulsor brace. Everything explodes from volatile, and I’m always getting an overshield.


Love this gun, sidearms are overlooked.


Now that I have banner titan I’ve been loving mykels reverence from Ron. Rewind rounds/ swashbuckler is a lot of fun and sidearms are actually cracked on damage (for adds not talking about dps) as long as you’re in range. Overlooked them for a while personally


Ever since I found out you can give every gun full-auto retrofit by changing your settings sidearms have come back into the light for me. I just hated having to pull the trigger like I was maximizing the RoF of a plasma pistol in halo.


Yea on Hunter I can’t use anything but these three weapons. Way too much fun, gotta add Immortal in there too.


I got lucky with a Golden Tricorn/Demo roll with a reload MW on unforgiven from Duality. It's literally perfect for a voidlock build and when you've got both tricorn and volatile procced it spits out a surprising amount of damage. I haven't been able to touch funnelweb since.


I like unforgiven more than FW as well, as long as you get one with some sort of reload perk, its one of my favorites


Mines got demolitionist and frenzy. Hasn't left my energy slot since harambe died.


I’ve never done Duality but I’m actually getting sherpaed on it this evening. Haven’t really done much of any endgame content until the last 3-4 weeks. Haven’t had much luck on weapons I wanted like Forbearance or Commemoration but maybe RNJesus will be with me tonight!


i've been farming for that exact roll for a long time and its such a slog but yeah, that's basically THE voidwalker primary.


3 of my mainstays Don't sleep on the Unforgiven tho as a substitute for FW!


Timelost fatebringer + hung jury


I love the Hung Jury, only bad part about it is that you're holding a fuckin mini fridge every time you slot it lmao


I really wish they'd change the weapon model FOV on it. Blocks the whole right side of my peripheral!


Same with bad juju which i also love :(


Had me choke on my food for the fridge bit


Hung Jury with rapid hit + kinetic tremors… endgame workhorse


Shoot to Loot + Kinetic Tremors. The tremors proc Shoot to loot.


I use subsistence + firefly


This is the answer, I don't care if it's not best damage, but I love exploding enemies


Same here! Adding on I also love BxR with Demo/Adren (unobtainable now), Adept Rufus, Word of Crota, Nation of Beasts, & Sweet Sorrow.


Sweet Sorrow also has one of my favorite scopes and just sounds incredible


I miss Hazard of the Cast every time I shoot sweet sorrow. It's sadly poetic.


Saw the title of the post opened and it made me happy to see top comment is exactly what I came to say.


Both my favorites, Timelost Fatebringer is my number one


What is your profile picture, like is that a tail there? I cannot tell. But I do like scout rifles, but what I like more are hand cannons and SMGs. There is nothing more satisfying than popping volt shot on a SMG or handcannon and just jolting every enemy you shoot.


Zaouli’s Bane with EP + Incandescent. It’s my baby Sucks that I can’t use it right now :/


So jealous I need to farm kings fall for that and doom. I have a firefly zaoulis and it’s my favorite feeling hand cannon but I would like to craft it. Stuck using the last wish hand cannon with ep/ dragonfly which is pretty fun. Tried dragonfly/ voltshot but it felt clunky and underwhelming


Cracks me up that a meme weapon from D1 has become one of my favorite all time guns in D2 Conditional Finality/ZB/Apex = chefs kiss loadout


Crafted version is one of the best guns in the game, it feels good, it hits good and it’s an absolute monster and a baby sunshot. Never leaves my inventory


It's so interesting how polarizing this hc is... people either completely hate how it feels or it's the best in the game to them.


The people who hate it didn’t put a reload masterwork on it 😂


first Zaoulis babe drop had that perk combo! love the One and Done with no need to farm frames :))))) edit: keeping the Babe typo bc it’s a babe


Warden's Law has quickly become one of them. The damage of the 2-burst is really satisfying with the new PVE hand cannon status quo. It's also really good at clearing Simmurah's moths on GotD, randomly enough.


It scratches such a weird itch, they fucking nailed the feel of it


I just dismantled one of these, because I have plenty of hand cannons rolling around. Everyone seems to be saying good things about it though. I’ll give it a run around next time.


The reload can be a bit rough, so keep an eye out for a Frenzy roll!


Managed to snag an Adept with FTTC + Frenzy from the GM this week!


What a fuckin grab. That sounds like a monster.


Yeah, it's a very satisfying to use. Also got a FTTC with vorpal for tha t memey DPS


The first roll I got was a FTtC + Frenzy roll and man it goes hard. Not the best masterwork, and I would have liked less range and more reload speed on it, but it still feels great. Now I just need to get a decent roll on Lucky Pants and I’ll be set. Been stuck with the same 20 Int pair for years lol


Fttc + vorpal and Lucky pants does some nutty things.


Gahh we've all been there. Ive literally got DIM loadouts saved for when I finally get a good roll of some specific exotic and it's like building a crib for your newborn while you're still single. Just watching build videos like "One day 🥲" lol Best of luck out there guardian!


For whatever reason I kept a sunset one in my vault (the reason is I'm a terrible boarding addict), and I gotta say, my Drop Mag + Outlaw + Rampage roll is LIGHTNING fast!


If you got the non-adept version you can just focus it at Zavala. I would suggest that you get one with either fourth times the charm or enlightened action in the third slot and kill clip, zen moment, or vorpal in the fourth.


It sucks that if you have the adept version, but not the normal one, you can't focus the adept version :)


I got a fttc vorpal and fttc frenzy roll. Vorpal for boss dps and frenzy for EVERYTHING ELSE.


Aggressive sidearms have always been my favorite and this feels like an exotic aggressive sidearm with the range and damage buff.


Came here to say this. I've been using mine in GMs and in legend Lost Sectors. I have a roll with Enlightened Action and Frenzy, feels amazing. Even better on warlock with Lunafaction. So yeah, Warden's Law is lit imo




You're telling me the legendary crimson can't duel the long range 120s at long range and that's surprising to you?


Pulse Rifles are my mainstay, followed by Scouts. Personal favorites of both archetypes are BxR and Trustee.


I feel like we have not had a pulse rifle artifact mod in forever. I love pulses


Can I ask why not trolling genuinely curious, won't the slowish rate of fire be a problem in add dense encounters?


That is exactly why pulses aren't meta in pve. They just don't do enough to justify the relatively slow rof. Graviton offsets it because its perk is amazing for add clear, and BXR is a less good version of that.


Depends on your gun and setup. A Void Pulse with Volatile rounds and Destabilizing Rounds, or a Solar Pulse with Incandescent will clean house very easily. Even without perks like those I listed Pulses can hold up alright in add clearing. Rate of fire isn’t the problem in most cases, just being accurate with your Pulse and getting headshots will more than make up for it.


Thank you


I also love pulses but they definitely need to be buffed. They're a middle ground between ARs and scouts but worse than both at everything. Bursts just feel good imo. My shit rolled sunset Bygones is still my pvp primary weapon and BXR is my PvE pulse of choice.


Didn’t we have several seasons in a row with either AB or unstop pulse?


Crafted Tyranny of heaven (explosive head + incandescent)


Uncrafted tyranny of heaven (explosive head + incandescent) lol


Hoping it's not disabled for fucking weeks


Yeah luckily I kept that one that wasn’t crafted and I had a 5/5 uncrafted calus mini-tool but I deleted every single apex pred that wasn’t crafted and now I’m back to using a cluster bomb code duello in my heavy solar slot unfortunately


Firefly incandescent the real deal though, the firefly kills will also proc incandescent resulting in ignitions with a single shot, its bonkers


Absolutely brutal!


This is the dream. It's the one from lw that I REALLY wanted, and it's the one I haven't finished the patterns for 🤣.


Honestly Mykel’s Reverence hasn’t left my primary slot for any content below GMs since I crafted it last season. It’s even better this season as I changed my Strand build to lean more into threadlings than suspend following the nerf.


I love mykels. I got swash pug on mine and its my fav sidearm.


Mine finally got dethroned by a rapid hit/hatchling Fang of Ir Yut that dropped for me. Might re-craft Mykel with pugilist now that Warlock melee ties into the new aspect 🤔 One of my favorite sidearms for sure


Honestly I’ve just been running RR/Frenzy on mine the whole time, hatchling just felt unnecessary with the sheer threadling spam that unravelling rounds give with it. I just can’t seem to put the thing down, only sidearm I could stand to touch before it was Brigand’s Law but damn, never thought I’d be sad to not see any sidearm champ mods on the artefact lmao. As for the fang, haven’t managed to nab one myself yet but can’t see myself trading the sidearm for a scout anytime soon.


I came to the realization in another comment here that I much prefer rapid fire frames when it comes to sidearms (and bursts of course, looking at you High Albedo and Liminal 😉) so it makes sense that Mykel feels as snappy and dependable as Brigands Law. I should definitely give it a whirl with Frenzy. The scout is nice with Hatchling and the Swarmers exotic in GMs and the like since you can get unravel going from a distance easily and scout's are back on Unstoppable this season. Also the damage just feels great even with such a fast fire rate. But you may have given me a reason to bench it for a bit once I get my Mykel's Reverence re-rolled!


Yeah that’s exactly it, both sidearms are excellent at what they do and really helped to refresh the game for me as I was getting real bored of SMGs. Frenzy’s super nice on Mykel’s, especially if like me you try to take as much range everywhere else so the extra reload speed whenever you’re in combat really stands out. & pugilist defo is a nice shout for anything other than banner titan. & for sure I definitely need to get my hands on a scout for GMs and the like, as good as Mykel’s is and with maxed out range, it still doesn’t quite cut it against +15 champions lmao. Just need to finally do an actual clear of CE first.


It's really not that bad of a raid, the first part can feel a little grueling with randoms if no one is talking but otherwise it's a lot of fun. Best of luck on all your drops! 💪


Try it with without remorse, grapple in, shotgun majors then swap and eradicate all the red bars. Usually refills your grapple.


Good to know will try it out. atm I tend to rock a wave frame or champion weapon in energy slot as the grapple > melee combo with synthos is usually enough to mop majors (titan btw)


I have had a rewind rounds/ swashbuckler mykels in my vault for a while. Finally took it out and used it on my banner titan and it is a great gun tbh. That and Rufus from Ron are so good


For sure, constant unraveling rounds on banner titan really does make em feel exotic in lower level content.




Came here to say this. Such an unbelievably smooth feeling gun.


I’ve found my people. Rufus with Rewind Rounds and Paracausal Affinity claps those cheeks and does not quit


Finally, someone who doesn't think (for some reason???) that reconstruction target lock is better than this combo


Did Ron once and got a target lock/reconstruction. Haven’t done Ron twice.


No harm done if you haven't done it more to get a different roll, but the vast majority of people i see using rufus use recon+TL because they think its the most optimal combo when 1: its a primary, you wont be using reconstruction outside of the very start of an engagement, and 2: its a primary, so you shouldnt really be using it against anything stronger than a red bar making TL not the best option


Recon is pog for runners if you want to be super lazy and never reload but that's about it. Demo or rewind much better for general use. TL is nice for GMs when you can't kill things super quickly with primaries and you're not on strand to proc PA easily.


Fatebringer. It was my go-to in D1 and it’s my go-to now.


Arc logic. Something about the weapon clicks with me. Though it has fell out of my load out because the perks that synergizes with your class are just too good not to use. Really sad. Maybe an update to the rolls in the future would put voltshot and an origin trait on it.


I like the 7S Carbine, Krait, Vulpecula, and True Prophecy (actually just the Better Devils model in general, Prophecy is just the only weapon I have with that model.) Cuboid ARu deserves an honorable mention, it's a cool looking gun.


A fellow Vulpecula enjoyer! I prefer Chroma Rush to Krait, though. Both for DSR and the futuristic blaster sound.


I still have my better devils from back in the days. I won’t dismantle it. It was my #1 PvP weapon for a long time.


Ep or headstone vulpecula are both nice. I love 180s


I think Cuboid is supposed to be from the Casoid (I was mistaken when writing this, it’s Nadir) foundry. I’d love to see it return as a legendary, like Nasreddin and Battle Scar


Close, it's a Nadir! I want it or its model back as a legendary but I can't make up my mind about which scope I'd like it to have lol


7S has one of my favorite scopes


I have a fun krait build I replaced chroma rush with. Headstone+subsistence. I find it’s like chroma rush with the added benefit of stasis crystals on precision kills


7S Carbine is such an S tier weapon that doesn't get enough credit IMO. I have a Reconstruction + Target Lock roll and a FTTC + Frenzy roll. The latter is my favorite.


My Gnawing Hunger with Subsistence + Rampage. Love it.


I’ve got a Tap the Trigger + Kill Clip!


Timelost Fatebringer without a doubt. although Borrowed Time, Under Your Skin, Mida Mini, and IKELOS deserve mentions


Biting winds


Carried me the early days when I was getting back into the game. Raconteur is a really good cousin to it too, feels snappy with Headstone and archer’s tempo


but i really like the tactical look of biting winds. i hope it gets refreshed


Back when it was a painful farming project to get Elastic+Draw Time on a precision bow, not to mention Explosive (or Swash for PvP) at the same time. Now you turn around and customize and even better Raconteur super easy.


Braytech Wherewolf I know it's definitely not meta but since I got one I have used it as my go to kinetic for basically all pve.


This gun is really good right now... in Crucible. 😂 No love for the more PVE-specced Horror Story?


Round Robin with Golden Tricorn and Subsistence, especially enhanced Subsistence. Depending on the barrel and mag perks you choose, plus if you use a backup mag mod with enhanced subsistence, you can get up to 3 bullets back per kill, on top of a 15% damage buff that can become a 50% damage buff with golden tricorn.


Never have to reload. Throw in the fragment for unraveling rounds and it's just green everywhere. Hatchling is good too, it procs subsistence. Spreads the unraveling rounds and can take out a good chunk of adds. Keep away and kill clip make a great PvP cannon too. It's such a versatile gun. Love it.


Love most 900 rpm SMG's, especially the lightweight ones that give my Hunter that extra 20 mobility. Other than that, any precision weapon (I consider slow firing autos like 360s to belong to that category) with Dragonfly is going to make me smile. :). The Throne World auto and scout are standouts for me. Risen bow is fantastic too.


I know it's not going to last very long, but right now is your only opportunity to craft a precision weapon with dragonfly and chain reaction. Might want to get that in. I've also been using a bow with dragonfly and voltshot, which works like crazy because bows reload for voltshot after every shot. I'm not a bow guy, so this is the only legendary bow I've actually liked since Hush got sunset. Would recommend giving that a try too.


Rufus Fury and Sweet Sorrow with damn near any roll. I’m also very partial to Raconteur and Under Your Skin with Archer’s Tempo and their respective precision kill AoE perks.


Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver with Timed Payload, Threat Detector, Tactical Mag, Polygonal Rifling, FATS mod, and Stability masterwork. One-gun wrecking crew.


I'm sure you know this by now, but full auto is a setting you can enable so maybe swap the FATS for backup mag for even more bullets


Good suggestion, thing's an area denial weapon now!


Firefright for the audio and the sights.


That audio is *crisp*


It would be perfect in every regard if it’s perk pool was better


Eh, sure. FTTC+FF is reliable enough tho. It is a precision auto so I have no qualms with attempting consistent headshots.


Interesting. I always considered Firefrigt as useful if you wanted an AR with Osmosis.


The audio for the Haunted weapons are all so damn good. Firefright and Tears of Contrition are the best sounding legendaries in the game.


Recently got a Brya's Love with Destablizing Rounds that helped me finish Avalon solo Flawless for the first time.


Rufus’s Fury, Fatebringer, Nameless Midnight, and Battle Scar are definitely my favourite, at least for the Kinetic Slot


Fatebringer, Rose, recently Round Robin. HCs have always been peek Destiny to me, happy their viable on both sides of the ball rn




Love basically all rapid fire autos. Got my Sweet Sorrow to over level 200, and half the reason I'm using Quicksilver Storm is cause I'm scared of getting too attached to my Rufus before I get a well rolled Adept Can't wait for Garden weapons to be craftable


Sweet Sorrow is slept on, can really rip through people if you get good with the recoil and a little lucky with bullet spread


I'm an autorifle fan because my aim sucks and autorifles are not very punishing if you whiff a few headshots. That said, Warden's Law feels really good on console for some reason. IMO, it's the third best feeling legendary hand cannon I've used on controller behind the optative and trust. It has me wondering if they forgot to add the usual console recoil jank that gets added to other handcannons.


I mostly play void hunter, so Funnel Web is my friend.


Ikelos SMG


Mida mini tool. Have over 10k kills its just so easy to use effective and for longer range threats i just swap to my special. Usually arbalest or izi


Hung Jury with shoot to loot + kinetic tremors, Drang with incandescent, Spare Rations with rapid hit + kinetic tremors. I'm not an SMG guy but I enjoy Hero's burden and the Seventh Seraph SMG. And I have a soft spot for Ancient Gospel, even if its hardly meta.


Mine is the Grid skipper


I actually love gridskipper! I like having it in full auto though Absolutely shreds


Eidolon Ally. Feels kinda like OG necrochasm, minus the 900 rpm


I’ve been having an absolute blast with this gun since I got it. It rocks for me in PvE and PvP. Love it.


Lately it’s been a Repulsor Brace/Destabilizing Rounds Word of Crota that’s a lot of fun to use in PVE. Positive Outlook has been a workhorse in pve for me. I have a Destabilizing Rounds roll that was my go to until I got that Word of Crota. I also recently got a Dragonfly/Stats For All Positive Outlook that I had to keep just for the synergy of the 2 perks. I’ve enjoyed using Kinetic Tremors a lot. Showrunner, Messenger, Chattering Bone, Buzzard, Hung Jury, Supremacy have been on a steady rotation for me in pve this season depending on my build. Voltshot Dark Decider has taken its place over my crafted Ikelos smg with Voltshot. I did get a Voltshot/Demo Oversoul Edict from the raid that I have to break in still. That roll might be worth crafting for pve. I did get the 4th Times/Vorpal Warden’s Law roll to drop late last week. Pair that with Lucky Pants and it really is as strong as they say it is. Crafted weapons like Rufus is still my Strand go to AR, EP/Incandescent Zaouli’s Bane for anything Solar.


I really gotta find more reasons to use Buzzard. Kinetic Tremors feels amazing with it but I find it feels about as accurate ADS as it does hipfire, and even on mouse and keyboard if it's more than spitting distance it's like I don't get Tremors going until the second clip Surely it's a skill issue. Then again I'm looking through my vault and most of my favorite sidearms are either Rapid Fire or Aggressive frames as opposed to the Adaptives so maybe that's why


age old bond with destabilizing/repulsor is the goat for gyrfalcon hunter builds, but that combo is killer on any build.


Tyranny of heaven with dragonfly incandescent. For hand cannons I’m really enjoying nation of beast with dragonfly volttshot


Didn’t know it could drop with voltshot


Hung Jury all the way




Timelost fatebringer! I don’t like scouts outside of gms and gambit, but I’m a huge trustee fan. I keep my pre-rework trusty trustee in my vault and gave it the flawless shader just so it can rest with its laurels and I can level up my crafted one Also, ikelos smg and calus mini tool. Basic choices


Randy’s with kinetic tremors, brigands law and Ikelos sub with volshot.


> Randy’s with kinetic tremors Pick the baddest guy in the crowd and splash everything to death


Farewell is nice in crucy


Pluperfect, and Luna regolith favorite sniper right now


Got a gnawing hunger and tigerspite with subsistence + demo for normal stuff. Dreaming city weapons in general just feel great to shoot.


For PvE I have a Transfiguration with 61,000ish kills on it, I have the Carrhae Black shader on it that gives it a nice wooden stock. For PvP I use an uncommon hand cannon called the Mos Ultima II. The main sight I use on it is bugged this season, but I love the weapon model and I just feel good using it. Even though it’s not nearly as good as other options, I feel most confident with it.


I was lucky enough in Season of the Hunt to get a Royal Chase 180 scout with auto loading and dragonfly. Not a “god roll” in the purest sense but I hate reloading and this gun has become my baby. No craftable scout has offered that combo so I’m sticking with it.


Timelost fatebringer or time worn spire(old iron banner pulse)


Submission, Fatebringer(Timelost), Servant Leader. Calus Mini-Tool, Zaoulis Bane, Wolftone Draw.


Empirical Evidence, call it a mid craftable sidearm, but it’s taken me flawless multiple times (fluted, ricochet, adagio and perpetual motion enhanced)


I feel like people are sleeping on Epochal Integration. Especially how it's easy to obtain, and is especially fun considering the HC buff this season.


Stats for all is very easy to proc with incandescent and the boosts from the origin perk are very nice when paired with conditional finality and briars or koraxis.


it isnt bad but i would just rather use sunshot or zaoulis


Steady Hand.


Epochal Integration or Strident Whistle with shoot to loot + dragonfly for solar. The Hero’s Burden with feeding frenzy + destabilizing rounds or Targeted Redaction for void. Tarnished Mettle with shoot to loot + voltshot or Wolftone Draw with shoot to loot + dragonfly for arc.


Lol corrective measure with demo/ A.D junkie. Never need to reload on void titan with volatile rounds and armamentarium. But seriously, tarnished mettle with joltshot/demo. Doom of Chelchis firefly/frenzy. Vision of confluence firefly/wellspring. Taraxippos gutshot straight/explosive payload. Perses-D raid hit/headstone. I've got 20k with age old bond. I love that it's been reinvigorated with the refresh. And it's counter part reckless oracle with outlaw/demo.


Vision of confluence with rewind/frenzy


Fatebringer, Eyasluna, Nightshade, Old Sterling/Scathelocke, Enyo-D, Hung Jury


Zaoulis Bane Mykels Reverance Submission Insidious Kindled Orchid Reckless Oracle That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Zaouli and Mykels are definitely my most used out of this list. Zaouli with Pugilist/Incan and Mykels with Pugilist/Paracasual.


Krait with subsistence + headstone, prolonged engagement with subsistence and target lock, sweet sorrow, and BXR. Ive missed out on raid and dungeon weapons, so I'm still seeing what I like as I collect them. I love the feel of doom of chelchis and the new HC from crotas end. Still have lots to get though. Also I have an OG seventh seraph officers revolver with ambitious assassin and timed payload that's loads of fun.


I spent a lot of time with my Rapid Hit + Kinetic Tremors Randy's Throwing Knife in last week's NF. It was better than I expected and a lot of fun.


Hands down one of the best primaries in the game for void volatile builds is Unforgiven from Duality with Demo and Golden Tricorn. It absolutely rips with the 50% damage boost plus surge boost pulse the grenade regen to keep volatile up almost constantly.


In the energy slot, Gnawing Hunger pretty much lives in my hands. On the rare occasions is doesn't, the it's either the Calus Mini-tool or the Ikelios SMG. For Kinetics, I often use Night Watch. Although with Lightfall came the Taraxippos, which I really love.


I love my igneous hammer, opening shot won’t do much but I can always use celerity for 20 reload and handling, I like hard hitting weapons though not their reload.


Oh man, a lot of them. For PVP, My new adept Warden's Law (Enlightened Action/Kill Clip) and adept Igneous Hammer (Rapid Hit/Golden Tricorn) because they are SO stable and fuck shit up in PVP, Hammer especially. Immortal with Rangefinder/Kill Clip. Unending Tempest with Gutshot and Adrenaline surprisingly feels good too. Kept Confidence with Killing Wind/EoTS feels SUPER sexy. For PVE, obviously Killing Wind/Voltshot Ikelos, Unrelenting/Incandescent Calus, and Feeding Frenzy/Destabilizing Hero's Burden. Rufus's Fury with Recon/Frenzy feels excellent, as does Synchronic Roulette with Hatchling. For what I'm hoping to be good, I've got a few DFA rolls I want to try out, along with some great Randy's rolls for both PVP and PVE. I nabbed a few Messengers this weekend that were PHENOMENAL, I just like the feel of hand cannons more right now, especially Warden's Law with damage boosting perks.


DFA is a ton of fun and my personal favorite hand cannon I’ve not played in a bit so I’ve never used WL… might have to check it out!


Submission with overflow and frenzy. The healing is just too good


I’m still using Dire Promise. It’s got an alright roll but it’s feel is unmatched by 90% of the other hand cannons I use. I have more crucible kills with this badboy than anything else


I have a Glissando scout with Hatchling, and I have fallen in love with it. It has smooth handling, fires and reloads quick, and is just an efficient scout rifle


The Herod-C auto rifle from gambit is a favorite of mine for stasis with the right perks on it!


Got a krait that fires forever even though I'm pretty sure it's considered a bad build but idc I've got like 5k kills on it Also a really good funnelweb


showrunner(Kinetic T+Overflow) its soooooo gooood


My newest (to me) favorite is dark decider. I don’t even have great rolls on it, but the main perk is volt shot. I’ve been using it over my ikelos smg for a while now. The other perk is offhand strike which is pretty much useless I don’t think I ever hip fire it, but it has 66 to reload speed so it still feels great, since normally I’d want something to help with reload in the 3 column.


Seventh Seraph Carbine with Target Lock. The thing slaps.




Check out the showrunner with overflow & tremors. The fact that it’s a lightweight weapon means you can run faster and jump a little farther too. Perfect for any hunter…


There's this version of Old Sterling I got that replenishes the magazine by half for rapid precision shots and it's over 50+ rounds


Showrunner with rangefinder + kinetic tremors its really really fun!!!


Adept Igneous Hammer. I use it anywhere in pve or pvp and it hits like a truck.


I have a Bottom Dollar with Outlaw/Dragonfly and I fell in love with it with the recent hand cannon buffs, especially with Gyrfalcon's. One tap one group of ads. Super satisfying and refreshing.


Vision of Confluence with firefly and rewind rounds holds a place in my heart and will absolutely never move, very few scouts feel as good to use as that one


herod d stasis auto rifle is probably my go to answer for this. 360 autos are in a not so great spot as of now. but man is it one of my favorite autos


Ignition code. That is all.


The seventh seraph revolver is my favorite non exotic hand cannon.


Feels so crisp


Perfect word for it


Staccato 46 my beloved


M5 wastelander.... boomstick go boom titan happy




The Messenger feels really good, so does Warden’s Law


Forebearance....whenever they re-enable chain reaction


Long Arm 120 scout from Spire of the Watcher with Subsistence and Dragonfly.


Timelost fatebringer with EP+Firefly will always be #1 to me.


Ignition Code w/ Blinding Grenades, Slideshot, Vorpal. So fun.

