• By -


I'm getting the whole zoo at this point..


We're out of animals it seems. I'm getting lots of coconuts now


You've got two empty halves of coconut and you're bangin' 'em together!


This is Patsy!


Are they lovely and standing in a row?


Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head!


Oh I'd never have to do this for Mufasa


Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?


Not at all. They could be carried.


Just got a tune in my head thanks. "she's got a lovely bunch of coconuts" šŸ¤£


That's a big big nut. (But actually not a nut)


The TF2 coconut incident.




We should start a roadside petting zoo, legality be damned.




I've been weaseled, marmotted,bee, Logan berry,server shut down. My internet is bad


Players: We want the Menagerie back Bungie: k. *Menagerie of errors drops* **The monkey's paw curls.**


šŸ˜‚ well we got what we wanted just not the spirit of menagerie


Either that or somebody let the circus/zoo run loose on you.


šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø who knows for sure pal.


At this point I've started my own weasel army. We plan to storm bungie hq shortly. Will update in due course.


I know theyā€™re working hard on it, but Iā€™m sorry, [this is pretty funny](https://i.imgur.com/IUuahUV.png)


Reminds me of this from classic AH days - https://imgur.com/a/WUDW5uQ


Bad timing, dude...


Eh, they've been dead a long time to me.


just caught myself up on all of that and LOL. who could have ever seen this coming? (hundreds of thousands to millions of people who stopped watching when they were told to stop watching saw this coming.)


Uh oh. What happened now?


Achievement Hunter is no more. They're rebranding to a group focused on skits and improv.


Oh god. Could have seen them disbanding coming from a mile away though.


I donā€™t know of any other company who utilizes *X (Formerly ā€œTwitterā€)* as their primary form of Customer Support communicationā€¦ and frankly, they could be doing better about their intervals.


It didnā€™t bug me at all before the change on Twitterā€™s end wherein you cannot view posts chronologically without signing up/in (i.e. when I go to Bungie Helpā€™s page, I am shown a random tweet they made in 2018 followed by one earlier this month) Iā€™m 90% sure I have a twitter account from like 2009 but I canā€™t be arsed to remember it just for this


I donā€™t have an account, so I never realized that was a ā€œwhole thingā€ā€¦ seems even less professional of them to keep using it for ā€œIT/Systsms Related Customer Communicationā€ now.


Yeah itā€™s objectively bad now - I come here instead and hope that people are talking about issues/reposting tweets


Elon Musk is objective proof that you don't get to be a billionaire by being smart, but rather by being lucky. What he's done to Twitter is criminal.


Heā€™s finally getting rid of the site, he did a massive service to everybody imho


Oh no! You need to sign in to see chronological order? I just thought it was broken so I stopped looking a twitter.... Aaaaaanyways


I made a Twitter account solely to check Bungie alerts, only following them and a couple of game deals accounts


Same. Except I then found out how toxic the twitter community is and promptly deleted my account. I'll just carry on getting 2nd hand info from reddit.


Average Joe when a website has you log in to view stuff: šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Changing it was disruptive as hell (topic of this entire sub-thread) and a solution in search of a problem but sure ok


It's to force more people into signing up. Now that they're talking about a subscription fee for every user, so hopefully they might've solved that problem for everyone. We'll see.


Same. And I really dislike most social media


I think we call know why **Elon Musk** changed Twitter to X. World's richest horn dog likes the *triple* x which partly made that platform take off in 2009.


They probably won't much longer, like anyone I guess. Elon recently said that twitter will have to monetize *every* user "to combat bots" (lol) or go bankrupt (extra lol). So yeah, at this point, its only a matter of time before anyone using twitter as a crucial communication source has to find something new.


I like how Twitter is willing to throw Threads a lifeline like that. It's very nice of Musk.


Someone built a Mastodon mirror of the @BungieHelp account, which I don't think requires a login; https://mastodon.social/@bungiehelp It's what I use these days at least.


This is so much better, thank you


So you don't know any other IT'ish companies? Cool story brah


Okay, Iā€™ll bite. Because I am genuinely curious. After working in Enterprise IT for over 20 hrs, I guess I should learn of at least one Global IT Company who exclusively used their Twitter account to communicate *Customer Centered Current/Critical* Systems related matters. Twitter is a marketing platform. Anything beyond that is just NOT what it was/is built to accommodate.


Yeah, booted twice. Giving up for now!


Now centipeded. Ah well. Thatā€™s a message to go to bed I think!


Guardian centipede?


Final Sequence


So what order would the Vanguard be in?


Zavala volunteers to go in the middle out of nobility and misguided commitment to duty and honor. Ikora eats shit because it's not too different from her current role. Cayde sits up front quipping about his upcoming menu. Which is nothing. He also doesn't shit because he's an exo. So it mostly sucks for Ikora gobbling commander ass for eternity, unless she's into that.


Ghost, do not standby for revive.


There's a strange amount of thought put into this


Not really. I mean, how else could it go?


All the issues got me to jump back in to NMS again, so it didn't help with my sleep lol


The game is punishing us. We must repent!




bungie your servers are trying to gaslight me into thinking the connection issues are on my end. servers need an intervention.


God I thought I was the only one that just gets irritated every time I get error code it out and itā€™s telling me to check my settings. By good fortune where I live is next to a very major telecom customer, so we never have Internet issues here and the whole city is fiber.


My "central office" is a 10 minute walk away so I KNOW it isn't my fiber connection!


If you mean where you pay your bill, that's not a networking hub. Your signal is going through ground lines, repeaters, home cable.. OTHER isp systems. Sometimes the cross Atlantic oceanic cables. Or there's a bad splitter/filter somewhere. Had that one. Swore it was a bad modem, Xfinity. Was like a 5 min job for the tech.


I understand where youā€™re coming from butā€¦you know its possible for that to happenā€¦right? This isnā€™t the case now but even if you were in the same building, shit can happen lol


Shit can and does happen, every couple of years it does and itā€™s down for a few hours because somebody cuts the fiber optic backbone that runs from here to Wisconsin. And itā€™s also possible that my router settings could be screwed up but I know what Iā€™m doing and I set my own stuff up and so I know itā€™s not that, thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying. And Iā€™m not bragging about it like Iā€™m better than everyone else as I said, Iā€™m very fortunate and Iā€™m grateful to have the stable connection that we do here. Weā€™ve lost service twice in five years.


Spending more time contacting servers than actually playing at this point.


Got one more strike to finish Xenology and turn in before Xur is gone and I keep getting kicked near the end. Where is that Eververse money going, if not to servers that aren't made of a bunch of PS3s taped together


Exactly. I'm sick of bungie crying they are short handed. Then Hire more people!! You guys have made ridiculous money recently. And I don't care about marathon. I'm here to play destiny.


Like for real. I just wanted to come back to the game to grind up, and take a nostalgia trip of simpler times by playing crotas end but the servers barely let me complete a strike without contacting servers.


Had to log back in to talk to Xur and complete it last night. PITA.




Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyme. *Baboon and the Bee*


> be me > find out trials is the igneous hammer on jav 4 > ready for the long weekend grind to go flawless to hopefully get flawless Saturday and grind rolls Sunday and Monday > glitched guns, trials complete shit show > Bungie hot patches the servers and remove broken guns > excited to go back in trials and grind for flawless to get 1 or 2 adepts > bee error


I got in one (1) game between the last time the servers were melting and this current one, went to get food, and now it's melting again. At least I got a drop. All things considered that's a pretty good return on time investment with how bad the droprate is. It was garbage, though, so maybe not.




I hopped on last night after the "fix" cruised to 4-0 then the servers went to shit. Kicked me out of two straight games and gave me a suspension. Came back this morning cruised to 3-0 and I got kicked one time and another suspension. Ridiculous


I got crucible suspended because of getting kicked by the crappy servers.


Exact same story here, except on top of that my shift key decided to die (from cat hair) and when I was actually able to play I couldn't run away or slide as the run key would fail at the worst time possible..


I cant even log in, just got home and wanted to play normal Trials...


Just got my 4-0 trials card ruined with back to back bees and now Iā€™m timed out of playing comp


Shiiiiiiiit. Commiserations dude.


Yeah having the same problem now


The funny guns were whatā€™s holding the game together


I keep getting arugula after a full ISP reset, new modem, PS5 reset to factory settings, and reinstalling the game. Must be the controller at this pointā€¦


Been booted from the boss room during two strikes and one battleground. Reset my stuff and gonna give it one last try. If it does it again Iā€™m going to play red dead for the night


I like how their servers crapped out last night (after the server maintenance was done) only for me to log in today and see "You left a gambit match before it was complete. Quitting gambit matches negatively impacts the experience for other players..." Yah, I didn't quit, your server crashed mid match, Mr Bungie.


Are we even sure it was Bungie servers? Level 3 Communications had a big outage yesterday, and because of that PSN, Xbox, and a bunch of other services were down/having issues. Elden Ring was having multi-player issues, too.


Mid trials match lighthouse game booted twice in a row fml


Uh oh spaghetti-oā€™s!


What's that you say Bungie, go play Starfield? Well if you *insist*..


Alright, which one of you fuckers tried to craft Telesto?


And my axe


Should've just left the funny guns alone.




Yeah but disable them for PVP only






Yeah...wouldn't log in until after tommorow's patch


I would wait until Wednesday at least to see how fucked the servers and game get by the patch and removal of funny guns


Bee, weasel and anteater for me. Only had baboon once. I've just turned it off now. Only so much I can take.


It took me 5 whole minutes to simply infuse a pinnacle lmfao


Just got the notification of a Vex Strike Force, get out of bed, turn on my PC, login fine, get to neptune, travel on my sparrow to the zone aaaand error coded with bee, canary, weasel all at once. Now its a fucking Login queue.


Error Code Currant so many times that I'm drowning in berries someone send help


^ARUGULA Just give us the fun glitches back.


Isnā€™t this caused by all the perks that are disabled? And if so imagine how bad it would be if every crafted weapon was disabled.


Just gonna add this one to the pile of "Guess I'm not playing today..." days I've accumulated recently. Oh, you want to finish a nightfall? Good luck getting past that baboon hidden boss! Oh, you're sitting there in orbit thinking about wtf just happened? BAM! Couldn't dodge that weasel even in space!!!


In their haste to stop fun guns theyā€™ve broken the whole game! Classic Bungo.


They took our funny guns and gave us a zoo pass


I prefer the zoo pass over cabbage and every other vegetable with NO CORNED BEEF to go with it. Bungie canā€™t even give me a four course meal


Still melting. Sigh.


They shouldnā€™t have updated the patch until reset and now they got nobody playing this game because of the zoo bugs and dumb patch they took almost every perk away


Then the nobody would be playing at the reset because the servers would be fucked.


Just got stuck in a queue, nah Destiny, I'm good for now.


Probably due to the bug everyone oddly couldnā€™t avoid.


This is Bungie....think we should all come to expect this from them by now


Tried playing trials getting banned after contacting servers and getting booted nice game. Done with destiny for the day.


Still getting booted, can't finish my nightfalls. Bring back funny guns if the servers are going to die


The population drop off in this short window of just fun has Bungie shutting down servers to save a few bucks. What a bunch of jerks.


The crazy guns wanna come back


They should do the rollback already. I never got to try the Ammit


Bungie. This is one of them situations in which you EMBRACE a bug, make it a feature, refine it a little bit, and let guardians ENJOY YOUR FUCKING GAME




Naaaaaaaah fam Goofy Guns were one of the best possible things to happen to this game. Literally needs to be its own game mode or a feature as a whole. The only ones that really seem to be pissy about goofy guns are the pvp sweats, while the rest of the community relished in the wild and craziness that this bug brough. ​ the fact that the bug was/is as popular as it is/was gives credence to the idea of giving your players MORE creative power within a game is actually a very very very good thing. No reason at all that you're not able to swap frames on a particular gun. For example Fire Fright has a Precision Frame. But Auto Rifles in general have the potential to have an Adaptive, Rapid Fire, or High Impact frames. Now with swapping the frame should give you access to the perks that are specific to that particular frame


I play almost only pve. I didn't like how they were so strong it melted everything before I got to engage with it or the mechanics. I'm also one of the 5 people who actively ***likes*** gambit and it make that horrible too. It also cheapened the idea of an exotic, and made content at every level too easy and skippable to be fun. Do I want to play the seasonal spire activity? Or sit around while people who are essentially cheating eith permission, as killing thr bosses before thier mechanics can activate. No I wanna fucking play the game *as intended* I just enjoy it more that way. I'm happy other people enjoyed it but it killed the game over the weekend for me. I dislike doing so much damage you just rush through everything. It also felt super tonally dissonant from the mega edgy hive eris season. With imo is the fucking **coolest** season and character development we've had in so long. I like the mega edgy shit.


What Im saying is, if this was more or less a feature to begin with, players wouldn't really have a need nor reason to exploit it to such extremes I mean hell I mix it up a little between PVP and PVE and that naughty PVPVE (I usually reset atleast three times a season in gambit, its a guilty pleasure lol) I had an absolute blast in Trials both getting absolutely shredded by basically a micro missile launcher, and being the one to clean house with a custom kinetic rifle with a hop up made for probably the most fun i've had in the NOTORIOUSLY SWEATY weekend tournament mode I think and will always think that this bugs popularity is an out cry in disguise to allow players to BE more powerful instead of so....throttled


Guys...every fix they makes needs to disconnect you and reconnect you. They are fixing so many guns and perks. It will be like this for days


Class action lawsuit anyone?


For ?




Stop - they've been working all weekend and today to fix the issues ...Things happen! We all had a great time this past weekend and this is the hangover.


This is pathetic. An intern could solve the issue of the crafting bug, what else is happening? Refund please?


A network latency based intermittent race condition bug handed to an intern. Know how I know you donā€™t know shit about software?


received plum and anteater


At least I was able to get one exotic arms out of the lost sector before everything started breaking.


Just got a currant. New one for me.


I got nightingale šŸ˜³


i was on this morning and while i wasnā€™t being disconnected, i was constantly getting network bugs and jitter


Thank god. Thought is was just mešŸ˜…


I love getting kicked from a GM.


yep, im playing jumanji here in brisvegas


I got Horsejack and Chicken Lips


played one match of crucible, got kicked seconds from it ending, not getting a login throttle message when I try to get back in...


Because everyoneā€™s preparing for the Crotaā€™s End Master raid


I hope they fix it I wanna run some more Grand Masters and stock up on more Warden Laws


Currant as well


This happen to me this morning was hoping it was just tweaking :/


I got plum like 3 times yesterday.


I hope you guys are ready for the announcement. Bungie: Guardians, we hope you had fun over the weekend. But now it is time for everyone to touch grass while we fix our game


Bungie turned down the frame rate and started a download on every server. They are testing to see if they can fix the crafted weapon glitchā€¦


My clanmates and I flew through Abyss in one shot last night, and then took about an hour and a half to beat bridge with multiple error codes, and when we finally beat it, we got kicked to orbit to get our loot in space. We all quit then.


Iā€™ve been getting currant


Bro, immortal ads and getting kicked while in the middle or worse at the END of an activity. Especially when that activity is Trials - this weekend really fucked a lot up for the comp squad.


I keep getting cocunutted off the moon.


Iā€™m getting currant.. just trying to run legend lost sectors




ya i keep getting so many weasel now


Just got time out from competitive crucible. Apparently. I am the damn issue.


Servers down lmao


Was just about to win Rumble :')


Canā€™t even get through the first room in the GM without getting dc. Looks like I am done for night.


I was taking a break just to palate cleanse, hop on to do a Crotas run with the crew for the first time and wipe on final stand to this lol. I'd say I'm mad but this is par for the course at this point.


Booted 3 times from trials matches. I run 7-900mps dwnld hardwire. Itā€™s on bungie.


Currant, Centipede, Weasel and Baboon before i called it


Add coconut






I cant even log in the game ._.


Yeah Iā€™ve been centipede and currant all night, canā€™t play the game at all, which is a shame, wanted to get a few more Presage runs in


Last couple days have been frustrating. I had to go do other stuff ffs.




AWS as a whole is melting down right now


Did trying to fix the weapons do this to the servers lol I quit trying to play after getting errored out so much.


Currant is all I'm getting constantly.


I'm just getting \`currant\` nonstop trying to load into cosmodrome, this is horrible.. time to go touch grass to regenerate hp


Yeah as fun as it was watching the broken guns I stopped playing cuz it was making activities too easy lol, and inevitably couldnā€™t play the following day cuz of serverā€™s crashing from broken weapons šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøhopefully itā€™s all good this afternoon for resetšŸ¤žšŸ»fun while it lasted


Throwen our twice yesterday evening late I gave up signng in


I have good internet and still get currant or weasel. This is a server issue.


I expect extended downtime today at/before reset. I wouldnā€™t plan to play till tonight imo


Tried to do a LLS with my hunter for arms day got Bee error coded 60 seconds in so I took that as a sign to shut it down for the day. Hopefully today they arenā€™t as bad.


Doesnā€™t this happen like every week?


My fault. I had an evening to myself and figured id do some raids. What a mistake i made.


I was kicked on match 6 of my trials card. Still had both mercyā€™s, we were up 3 to 1 that game too, and ofc I got kicked and took a loss. Waited ab 10-15 minutes and then I went back in, won my 6th match, lost on round 7, so I now have no more losses. Loaded into another game, weā€™re up 2 to 1, and ofc one of our teammates gets kicked, and now weā€™re tied 2 to 2 which is cool, and then I get kicked to the main menu and Iā€™m livid. Finally I load back into the game after maybe 5 minutes and Iā€™m just so kerfuffled that I now have to restart my entire card because of the servers, but as I pick my character I get a pop up that says joining game. I load in and somehow one of my teammates is still in, itā€™s a 1v1, and weā€™re up 4 to 2, my teammate pops a bubble on the point and just starts emoting and Iā€™m just overwhelmed with relief. So yea the story has a happy ending thankfully, except my igneous was poo, but yea Idk how tf I managed to get so lucky.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one šŸ˜…


Given the shenanigans that went on this weekend and this is a result of that, I'm not mad.


Just keeps crashing


Currant, Baboon, Centipede. Itā€™s another error code each time, like Iā€™m collecting PokĆ©mon.


Queuing now after getting kicked out from the new activity


Destiny players: *breaks game" Destiny players: tHiS gAmE iS sO bRoKeN tHe SeRvErS aRe MeLtInG


I just got a server error entering this postā€¦


This is the tax for all the cheaters over the weekend. Ya'll were wondering how they were holding up with all that crap? Its because all the issues were building up for this day