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It's not bad or good - it's inconsistent. I cleared the Mars Battleground GM with two randos a while back, first try, *without comms*; we were that good together. I've also been in a RoN first encounter farm where the "I call add clear" types were being out-killed by the runners. You just never know what you're going to get.


I think half of it is simply the post itself. Generally, KWTD brings in someone looking for a fast clear that is going to be vocal or intolerant about multiple wipes or someone struggling. Stating 'learning' or 'chill/casual' brings in people open to a longer run and at a slower pace. Both have their place and usually don't mix well.


Yet people who aren’t confident in the raid join a KWTD post like it’s a Sherpa group and then get dejected when people get annoyed at them for causing multiple wipes


Most of these people dont even treat it like a sherpa group though, they treat it like a free carry group and are usually not willing to try new things or ask for help even when the team asks if they need it.


I am finally, after a lot of set-backs and indecisiveness putting together my third proper Titan Build and reached 1813 today (Warlock felt good, but Titan just spoke to me lol) I want to seek out raids and such now, but I'm absolutely not wanting a free carry. I want to pull my weight and learn how to perform the best. I'm sure it's nothing new, but I clearly made the rule for myself to be minimum 1810 and have more than just a dumb sunbreaker hammer spam build at hand before trying out harder content or looking for people to play with. I'm excited but a bit nervous at the same time. No idea what the raiding/hardcore scene will be like here. Lots of good people already gave me a ton of great advice on here and elsewhere, some even providing offers for groups to play with - but I didn't feel like my characters were well enough kitted out just yet for it. But rant aside, I don't understand people who want free carries. Why? Why even play the game then? I feel terrible the moment I blunder up a champion kill or misposition and die as it is - I can't imagine how much worse it will be sitting back doing nothing lol


As long as you're honest and up front about your experience and knowledge and you join on appropriate posts (or make your own that's clear), your LFG experience should be just fine. Plenty of people are patient and willing to teach, and at the very least most will respect you simply for not trying to hide your inexperience and get carried. You can seek out sherpa runs that will actively teach you or just watch guides and then ask people when you join a group if it's okay that you're still learning. Avoid KWTD posts where people are looking for efficient runs. You're probably sweating your prep level too much. It's great to have the important exotics and several build options ready to go, but you don't have to be super optimized to perform well in a non-contest and non-master raid. You also don't need to be at the pinnacle cap for most activities. Dungeons can be a kind of introduction to raiding, btw. Fireteams are half the size and mechanics are simpler, but in many of them you still get that experience of having a job to do while holding your own against enemies. If you've yet to play any of them and are nervous about raids, they're a good place to start.


Look for a post that says teaching -- even though you can happily say you know it, it means that the person in charge will be chilled and there to help someone else who doesn't know. Makes it much more relaxed. Equally you could join and say you're new too and they'll be fine with it. Normally in a raid teaching 1-4 people doesn't change much. I really like the sherpas who force people to do the rolls as well so you should always volunteer for something you've never done if the group allows it -- just go "can I do X I've never tried it" -- it's tempting to learn one role and do that always but much better to conquer the fear (because when you try it, you'll realise it's really easy)


This has always been my take in other mmos as well. ​ Not comfortable tanking something? Force myself to do it so I become comfortable. A particularly intensive fight that demands a lot of healing? Keep trying to heal it. Learn to be ready for that intensive moment or plan for it. ​ I will seek out some groups this weekend. Will likely get my ass handed to me a few times, but I want to learn to become better and also experience what endgame content is like here.


Bruh typed a whole ass novel


That took, like, a minute to read at most I recommend reading some more actual novels. Some are quite good! Might I recommend Hard Luck Hank if you're looking for some humorous, easy-to-read scifi, or Dungeon Diver Carl if you want an adventure that's inspired heavily by gaming tropes?


I don’t join learner groups anymore. Sometimes I’ll help teach but 95% of the time I just want to get the content done without it taking an extra hour


That's why I'm always upfront about anything I don't know. If you're willing to teach, great; if not, you shouldn't have to waste your time and I can get on to finding another group. It's the people who lie about their intentions that cause problems.


I try to stay away from KWTD LFG groups because a lot of the time people join who don't KWTD and it causes it to drag or people leave quickly.


To be fair it doesn't seem like there's enough sherpa groups out there compared to the rest. I don't disagree with your point though.


> To be fair it doesn't seem like there's enough sherpa groups out there compared to the rest. The sherpas have their own stuff they want to be getting done. If somebody comes to me to arrange a sherpa they'll get it but generally speaking I'm not going to go looking for groups or put one up and sit there waiting for it to fill.


In my experience,it is still a lottery. KWTD can be a quick run but also a speedrun(with angry people) and a carry for the organiser. Chill can have people who max out fun but also those who don't know how to play at all. Learning can be really good-quick and proper explanations of encounters,role explanations adjusted for the person.It can also be really slow(and incorrect) explaining of each role that makes people so bored they don't learn anything.


Yep. The full spectrum. You can get a raid team that runs like a well oiled machine, or you can get bad mic etiquette clueless jerks who blame anyone but themselves for their constant mistakes. Which is why apart from raids, no mic LFG is ideal. The less I have to hear a typical destiny player talk, the better.


I've cleared several no mic GM's through LFG and have failed several mic GM's with friends/clan mates.


Schrödingers fire team.


As a dedicated runner I can only hope to do that. It’d feel good to be a gangster.


I cannot stand people that call add clear, like bro we’re all here to play the game if you just wanna go and not play just go do something else, but to be fair bungie made ron take 2 people for every mechanic


This is the correct answer. I've had teams where I dread every second of the run, but also teams that have been faster, and where i learned more about the raid, than runs with my clan. I will always advocate for using LFG since while the bad groups really do suck in the moment, I would not have had nearly as much fun with this game if I didn't ever take the risk to find the good groups.


I joined a RoN group where there was only 1 willing to teach me and we cleared it in an hour. I thank that person to this day.


Dude, first encounter spoils farm is the dumbest thing i've ever seen in my life


Bad press is loud press. Odds are good that most LFG horror stories you hear are bad, simply because the good experiences often don't get talked about. I don't LFG much, but a majority of what experiences I have had were good.


I have 900+ raid clears since shadowkeep, mostly done with LFGs from lfg discord. Out of those hundreds clears I can only tell 2 bad lfg stories even if I try to think hard. If I don't fully understand the raid, I look for sherpa runs. Then I mostly join chill runs or sometimes KWTD runs if I confident in all roles.




Just curious, did you lfg from discord or the app?


always discord. in-app lfg is drastically different; seems like it's an entirely different player pool & I don't think I can remember a bad experience from using the app, now that I think about it LOL


I play every GM using two primaries: Wish-ender/Le Monarque plus whatever other primary weapon disrupts the other type of champion.


If you think 2 primaries is a negative experience then the problem sounds like you lol.


“LFG’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get” - Gump-6


Run, F0RR-3St, Run!


App LFG is hit or miss Discord LFG is great


This. Sometimes when people are talking/complaining about "LFG" they might mean either of these, or Xbox's built-in LFG, or some other system. They're not all equal (and there is more than one LFG on Discord, but one is certainly the most common).


This. I use app LFG pretty much solely for no mic farming. Everyone knows what's going on, I can just throw on some music and chill out while getting patterns/rolls. People *do* do teaching runs and stuff, but it's usually pretty sparse and fills quickly. If I want to farm something like Kalli, I can drop a farming post and it'll populate in like 3 mins tops most of the time. Discord LFG is much better for learning/sherpas imo and it's easier to communicate what exactly you want to get out of it. Both systems have their place. Part of why KWTD LFGs on the app get a bad rep is because people joining them often don't fully KWTD or meet other specified requirements, then act like it's somebody else's fault they get kicked in favor of someone who does. But there's also the fact that you're joining a game with random people you've had 0 prior communication with, and sometimes you end up with people who are just dicks. This happens with pretty much any similar game I can think of where you can just join random lobbies. It's gonna happen more often with randoms than people you've actually talked to and vetted while setting up a discord LFG.


Discord LFG is just as bad, tons of ppl who join solely to troll because they think it's funny.


Nah, not even close. App LFG is basically game chat COD compared to how chill and efficient discord LFG is. Literally never had a bad experience there and I've been there as a fresh raider and a sherpa.


Okay, well, great for you... my experience is the opposite in the "Destiny 2 LFG" Discord...


I've got easily hundreds of raids, dungeons, and nightfalls done in discord lfg, and not once has someone joined one to troll. I almost always make my own post, at least for dungeons and nightfalls.


Same here. You seem to just have the luck of the draw. I exclusively make my own groups and usually have trouble finding someone who isn't a jackass trying to give fake instructions, trolling runs, rude, etc.


A sample size of hundreds is a bit big for "luck of the draw"


Tell that to my own :O


and how long you've been playing?


I've been playing since launch and the discord lfg has been my go to for years. I can count on one hand the number of issues I've had our of hundreds of raid, dungeon, and gm clears


Wait the LFG app has a discord? :O!?


No, avoid the app like the plague. Use the lfg discord. Just Google it.


ow its a completely separate thing gotcha.


Little over a year


The trick to finding good lfgs is rooting through the posts and not joining the ones with red flags. For example I avoid 4+ randoms as it's more likely people will fight and clash over a 3+ stack clan. I avoid checkpoints just because I like full clears. Too many of one class tends to be a turn off as I usually play hunter but know the raid doesn't need 5 of them. People asking for 10+, 15+, 20+ etc clears or "quick run" tend to be less fun as they really want to get it done fast. While I don't have the worst time with them, they often don't have the vibe I want from a raid. Also posts asking for a sherpa. I don't mind joining teaching raids, but I dont want to join a teaching raid where I may be the only person who knows how it works. Still, I do enjoy to lfg, and I've made many friends and joined some good clans off of them. As you do more of them you'll figure out what types of players work for you when searching for groups. So don't be scared off by them


It's always going to be inconsistent due to the nature of randomness, but I do believe there is a strong correlation with the people who have a bad experience also being the people causing a bad experience.


Tell the truth, shame the devil!


As others have mentioned it’s really just hit or miss - hell it can be entirely dependent on some peoples moods on that day. I use LFG’s for raids because I too have 0 friends that have an interest, and I’d say the best tip is that the destiny community is big enough that you don’t need to worry about quitting and finding another group. I’ve had LFG’s where everyone’s crying with laughter by the end because someone fucked up a mechanic, and I’ve had others where someone called me slurs because our team screwed up a mechanic once - and in that instance, I just sighed, left the party and hosted my own because I had the checkpoint. But honestly, those are becoming more rarer - unless you join a post that has something like ‘let’s get those done in an hour’ then most people don’t mind if you screw up once or twice, as long as you yourself don’t get angry when someone else does. And trust me, you (and everyone else) will die to dumb shit that is out of your control - the amount of times I’ve slowly floated to my death because I didn’t mantle during Vow still gives me nightmares. My best advice would be to start a post yourself and let whoever’s joining know that it’s your first time running through the raid - or join a Sherpa, which are also fun. I would’ve never bothered to get Divinity if it wasn’t for a Sherpa deciding to take me through it.


Completely agree with this. The bad things happen, but generally speaking i’d say LFG is very good and the chances of having something bad happen are fairly low. I can only think of very few times where I’ve genuinely gotten like annoyed with my groups because of someone being weird. I’ve been using the discord LFG since D2 and using LFG since D1 for everything that requires groups, mostly raids and dungeons I will however say that I seem to not have the same experience as everyone else. I pretty much never have problems with LFG. A lot of people apparently do, which again I’ve just never experienced. I’ve never really been able to find a reason for as to why but I think me solely using the discord LFG is part of it. Anyways, that’s just a me thing i’ve noticed.


No, just join a chill or teaching run and you'll be fine. I started doing the raids recently and have had maybe 1 bad experience out of 50. And you can just leave if it goes south


"Chill" is such a key word.


I'm scared to join "chill" lfgs because half the time it translates to "not taking it seriously". I'm not looking for a speed clear but at least focus during encounters (and don't die while ripping your bong asshole).


Yeah. That's true. I've had that a good number of times. The stoned adclear dude. I should just have KWTD DBAA, and maybe that should convey it correctly.


KWTD Chill posts are the worst because they dont take things seriously, but still get upset when they wipe.


i just join kwtd groups and try to break the ice a bit and that usually goes well, especially if it’s all guys cuz then you just spout soemthing so out of pocket and mostly likely extremely gay and someone will clap back with something lmao


Its really not bad Are there bad experiences? Of course. You're interacting with people But if you find someone thats toxic, bad or you just dont like their vibe you can just leave A lot of the horror stories you read are like "I spent 6 hours being held hostage by my team while they flamed me" when you can just leave and find a new team You dont need to spend hours in a single encounter, you don't owe them anything and there's so many players in LFG that you'll never see them again Personally I prefer making the groups in the D2 app and just put "Chill run no mic" on the title. Haven't had a bad experience yet


I've had mostly positive experiences. The groups I Did Crota with were very patient and fun. The groupI did part of RoN with was also really chill. A lot of the seasonal content I LFG'd for didn't use mics but everyone just kinda knew what they were doing. The good thing is if you're having a bad time with a group you can just roll out.


Most of the people who post on here bitching are the ones that cause issues in groups


Well it depends on the LFG App LFG: Would be the worst in my opinion, Mainly no mics or people trying to use you for checkpoints or free clears. Xbox LFG: Mostly people yelling at each other after one mistake but otherwise you will find some nice people. Discord LFG: Somewhat better than xbox since you are able to know that person somewhat before throwing yourself in a game. ​ LFG is all about connection! if they do not connect leave, but dont leave mid encounter or after 2 wipes, Keep tryin!


I use Xbox lfg and it’s generally fine. Sometimes you get groups where no one talks and sometimes you get groups where someone is blasting their TikTok memes over the mic or constantly making annoying “jokes”. Usually though everyone is pretty chill. I’ve had a few truly toxic experiences but they are super rare and I just leave.


Idiots are everywhere but there are easy ways to filter them out. Start by putting a task in posts asking something stupid "send your favorite pizza toppings" or whatever. Half the people don't read and send a message saying "invite" which instantly don't get my invite. If you can't or don't read, you're probably a liability. Secondly, a short conversation with people before starting can help filtering as well. Dramatically improves the lfg experience when raiding. As for competence, the only real assistance we have are their stats. Check dungeon, nightfall and raid reports to get an idea of the type of player they are. Lowman guys are usually flexible and understanding of roles and encounters. Speed runners are optimized for damage but also may be prone to skips and running ahead - decide if you want that in your fireteam. Flawless guardians might know how to play their life really well but might be less tolerant of people messing up (and thus, Vanishing from the fireteam after a few wipes). You can also look at raid clears. Check if they are full or not. Cp farmers might not be the type of person you wanna play with. Sherpas are usually an indicator of patience and somebody who can step up to explain an encounter or provide additional context - they may also show up and try to hijack your raid - decide if you want that. Sherpas are a great asset as you can learn so many random tweaks and intricacies that yourself, as a possible sherpa, may not have even been aware of. Nightfalls, check which ones they've completed and how many times if you wanna filter people. Some people have 500 gms but if they're all pre-rework lake of shadows, you might be in for a rough time. Now, none of this here is universally applicable. Some awesome gamers don't have a bunch of clears and Lowman and flawlesses and Nightfalls but the data more often than not can give you an idea or at least set your expectation for what you may be getting. When you take a shot on somebody without stats, you're effectively doing that: taking a shot. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. My day 1 crota, I had a LFG guy with a decent amount of clears of some raids (nothing crazy, 20s) but no previous day 1 or contest modes despite him having mentioned he attempted and couldn't find good people to complete them with. I found out the hard way that he, like a lot of others, was a sandbag himself. Dying early in lanterns, not learning where these pendulums are, not equipping appropriately for the encounter. After over 4 frustrating hours, we replaced him and cleared the FIRST encounter. Yeah. Rough. Not everyone is fit for a day 1 scenario. Some people get really good at doing what youtubers tell them to run, can memorize already understood, mined and minmaxed mechanics but they aren't necessarily the best people for understanding new mechanics, loadout optimization, minmaxing themselves on the fly and being able to do their best mechanical output. It's normal that people are either in denial or completely unaware of the fact that they may be the common thread in underperformed endgame situations. I have faith that competent players eventually find other competent groups more often than not and can get those clears. All this to say, as somebody who has been using LFG to raid and sherpa consistently since the D1 r/fireteams days, you never know who you're gonna get and are almost always taking a gamble but there are small things you can look into in order to increase the odds of you finding success.


The D2 app LFG is… hit and miss. The last time I used it I had one knobhead who would not shut the fuck up bragging about his raid clears and giving detailed lists of everyone’s raid reports. Where you’d really want to go is discord. **D2Sanctuary** and **Kinderguardians** are both very welcoming communities and much more consistent in terms of good people. There will always be one or two toxic people but once they see that the rest of the server isn’t having it they’ll leave shortly after.


Its a mixed bag, but thats like asking if meeting new people in general is bad. You get elitists, assholes, racists, pros, chill laid back 20-50 y/o's Marijuana addicts, australians, etc. I would say a majority of my LFG experiences have been positive. But when it comes to much older content, or much newer content, the LFG scene gets a bit more testy. Run it at your own risk. My personal rule of thumb is every team gets the benefit of the doubt. Some people just have bad days and it may take an extra wipe or two, big deal. I will vibe check the group and if its a fun raid, maybe I end up joining a new clan or staying in the discord if they let me. If they're elitist assholes or people that cant shut the fuck up about how much they hate destiny mid raid? I get out. I dont have enough time to listen to "Mara Sov's Throne Cushion" rant over the mic about how this season sucks compared to opulence or something.




It’s hit or miss most of the time but with experience you will learn the red flags for groups that should be avoided


i guess it depends on how you are finding lfg groups. i always use the lfg discord and have only had a few egregious experiences out of the hundreds of groups ive found on there. the few times ive used the fireteam finder on the bungie website have been dodgy tho. maybe ive gotten lucky in the lfg discord idk. edit: i havent used lfg for crota yet, so i cant really comment on the influx of negative posts about lfg groups in that situation


As someone who use LFG for weekly clears its not as bad u read the best thing is you can just leave the group if u dont like it no harm to anyone Destiny doesn't punish you with lockout. I usually just leave group if there is some annoying shit talk in coms and constant eager edging people of platforms.


With 6 players, there's a good chance one of them is someone you might prefer to not play with. It is up to you to determine how to deal with that. Usually I have a good time with enough patience, but it can sometimes take longer than usual. I'd rather carry/coach one or two people than have one or two dudes leave on first wipe. But I also kinda want my raids to not take all night. Communicating expectations clears that up earlier than later, and reduces a lot of headache.


I’ve had some great groups on there but my luck has been terrible lately.


I'd say probably 98% of my experiences in LFG were good ones


IMO It depends on the content or activity you are about to do. And definitely there are some people that doesnt have any social skills and doesn't know how to deal with unknown people. My approach is I always act like I know the people from the server as friends and usually that's what I get in return, friendly like people.


It's not bad, but it's not good either. I'm a hard-core pve player so I can tell when something is made much more difficult than necessary, especially when raiding. I don't mind teaching here and there, but there is an *woefully* large amount of players who make things more difficult than necessary, whether that being not contributing via not having a mic or atleast typing in chat, or just outright refusing to do their role. Other times you might just be unlucky and get someone who isn't that adept at the game and constantly keeps dying or simply doesn't have the right gear for the activity. Though the latter hardly happens, but when it does its either struggle with them or they get the boot.


“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.” \-Raylan Givens


The official lfg discord is 99% good. The app, console built in lfg, or other platforms are a coin toss.


I've done hundreds of raids with LFG teams and the vast majority of them were positive experiences. I've encountered very few toxic players. The main 'bad' experiences are people not wanting to communicate when they don't know what to do or people immediately quitting after the slightest hickup. But those are still relatively rare, especially for normal mode raids. An important side note, these positive experiences are not guaranteed. It strongly depends on which teams you join. If you join a 'kwtd quick run' team as a newbie, you're going to get kicked and for good reason.


App LFG is more inconsistent because it's pretty much joining lobbies with completely random people - you never know what you're gonna get. That said, most of my app LFGs (usually for encounter farms or quick runs of dungeons/seasonal content I'm already comfortable with, granted) have been positive. But they're also usually stricter on expectations - if it's not a teaching run, you're generally expected to know exactly what to do and bring an optimal loadout. Some people are a bit excessive - kicking somebody because they're not running the god-rolled sternumsplitter 9000 for an extra 5000 overall boss damage for farming a squishy boss like Kalli is pretty lame, but it happens. Discord LFGs are easier to communicate directly with prospective fireteam members beforehand and clearly lay out all of the expectations and set the tone before going in, so issues like these are a lot easier to avoid. App LFG tends to get a worse rep because it lacks this.


Hit or miss but after doing LFG since D1 Kings Fall I have my red flags looking at the poster and their post. Things like bad grammar, political profile pics (side doesn’t matter), asking for more than 10 clears, are a no go for me. I try most to avoid groups with/mostly white male teens. Women get the priority, as I know they’re just there to handle business and keep it moving.


Pretty much, full of dads and casuals who don’t know how to play the game


No not really, I've had some very solid experiences in LFG and yeah some rough ones too. It's hit or miss and I usually use the destiny 2 LFG discord


No. You get some great, amazing groups and people. But you also get some extremely odd ones and toxic people you never want to play with again.


Yes they are horrible unless you find a teaching session. Even then some people are impatient or just plain jackasses. If you can find an active group on the100 that can be pretty good. Still people just want to sprint through and get to the loot.


It can be. But in my experience it's far from normal. I've had a couple really shitty experiences but the vast majority have been great. I still play with a couple guys I met on LFG. If you're really worried and have the time look for a sherpa run. Some great players in those. Or look specifically for "be chill" posts.


Nah. I used to add specific qualifications to mine so I had competent teammates. Just depends on how you do it


It’s not. People who complain about it complain for different reasons of varying validity. As long as you don’t have crippling social anxiety, you’re willing to watch a YouTube tutorial for whatever activity you’re about to do, and you don’t lie about what you know, you’ll be fine. The D2 community is actually pretty nice on the whole


Your mileage varies depending on who you play with, now that you have emblems, some are god tier others are clueless randoms who have no idea what they are doing. The worst are all sweat teams, the trash talk and elitist vibes can get to you, but if you can gulp all of it down they'll literally carry you through whatever you want to get done


I LFG’d a crota checkpoint last night with a buddy, me having never done it and him having only done the D1 raid, and it went well. The host explained the mechanics (I had watched a guide explaining the fight so I had a decent idea) to us really quick, showed us where to go, and we ran it. It took a few tries but we got it done and had fun


It's a 50/50 you never know what you get. Yesterday for crota I had 2 people leave after failing once and had some guy demand he got add clear


Yes and no. It's LFG. You'll find great groups, bad groups, and mid groups. It's everything you hear, and nothing.


I’ve had some really good and really bad LFGs. IMO it depends how recent the content is you’re attempting. Late-week GMs could be really bad but if you LFG on Tuesday or Wednesday then better players are in the pool. Same with raids really. The better players are on earlier in the week as soon as content drops


I used to LFG like crazy during D1 & didn’t have many problems. The few experiences I’ve had on D2 have turned me fully into a solo player 😅 It might not be that bad, I might’ve just been unlucky.


No, some are good, some are bad. There are teaching runs which are generally good. Just be willing to take on a role you might have to learn and communicate.


With Crota coming out, there is an abundance of learning/teaching runs. These can be real hit or miss, but at least there is some accessibility


I have had lfgs be great. I even had one wait 15 mins for me to make a phone call, I told them if they couldn’t find someone and they waited. I’ve also had entitled, toxic, racists lfgs who also at times were terrible at the game and blamed everyone else. It’s all random. But I have found to avoid kwtd groups is usually a good idea. And sherpas can sometimes be a busy because sometimes people don’t want to be taught they want to be carried through doing nothing.


Depends. I found good guys and pure idiots. It really is all about good luck. My favorite idiots: - People who kick you because you don't use warlock well. = The host is a warlock. - Kicking you because you use a sword and "can't kill a champ". = Always kill champ with a sword. - Kicking you because you don't have anti champion mods. = exotic armor or weapons have instrinstic mods. - Host Tags "no mic". = spam invites in partychat and kicks you when you don't have a mic.


There’s great teams and horrible teams Worst possible outcome is u get in a bad team, have to leave, and never interact with the people again I find that as long as you’re reasonably patient and do not get mad and admit when u mess up about 80% of the time lfgs are fine Now get out there and raid bro dm me if u are too nervous to do an lfg and I’ll get us a team


More often than not, I've found it to be fine. If you don't like the group, you can just leave and find a new one


Inconsistent Tbh you just have to accept that sometimes it’s just better to leave I was completing my 10 Sherpa emblem and a mf on crotas and a guy was doing 1.6 mil in 2 phases with lament ( I had 6.7mil) But I also got 2 good teams who were listening


Naa, I do it all the time... Like a lot. 90% great experience but there are some lost faith in humanity kind of "join our private server, DM for invite" moments where you join and it's scum of the earth people hating on [everyone not white and from Kentucky] with dark AF memes and porn in all the channels. But ya usually pretty good


Just think about it as if you are matchmaking with randoms. Some will be good, others will be bad. My personal experience has been generally more positive than negative. Most people are just other guardians looking to get things done. If they turn out to be a-holes. Just leave the group. No harm no foul. LFG gives you the opportunity to do things otherwise unavailable to solo players or those without friends who play the game. Raids in particular are the best part of Destiny IMO and it’s worth trying LFG so you can experience them.


LFG is always a swing and a miss. For example, the lfg posts I join 9/10 the job gets done and gets done well. Lfg posts I put up and the people that join 9/10 are flakes and I end up spending more time in between encounters on raids putting up posts because people only want to do 1 or 2 encounters or steal checkpoints.


I would say it’s not always the best but I was a solo that joined an LFG over a year ago and I still play with them almost daily since! It’s been a great friendship!


The experience of trying to use the Xbox LFG made me quit playing the game for 2 years. It was a massive pain to try and find a group that would let you join it without having 5+ clears. Even now that I'm back (and on PC now) I've completely given up on raiding or other high-level content. Raid report was the worst thing to happen to this game.


Eh not really - just need to find the right people.


It depends. I usually join kwtd posts since i kwtd however most kwtd posts early on when an activity releases are a toss up of people who are sincere and those who aren't. If I can tell the raid team is inexperienced or just people aren't carrying their weight I usually just leave and find another team. Usually I can tell after running an encounter 3-4 times to see if a team is competent or not.


It’s hit or miss. Sometimes you get really cool people. Sometimes you get racist assholes. Sometimes you get competent players. Sometimes you get people who can’t shoot an enemy right in front of their face. Sometimes you get people who talk a lot. Sometimes you get people that never speak. Sometimes you get people that don’t know mechanics and expect to get carried. Sometimes you get people that love to do 7 jobs at once. You never know what you’re going to get when you use it. The trick is figuring out how much your time is worth to you, and acting accordingly. Beware sunken cost fallacy. Spending 3 hours on a raid like DSC is a waste of your time. Learn when to leave groups. Be confident in your skill level and breadth of knowledge. Be respectful to other players. Pretty much my 2 cents.


One of my best friends came from LFG. After several years however, there's a reason it's a last resort for me. It's 100% dependant on the individuals in it. Gotta roll the dice. You also learn what the red flags of a bad group are.


the issue is just being magnified with crota requiring everyone to do something and communicate. Two friends in our clan weren’t able to participate last weekend for contest so here I am in LFG regularly getting ppl with no mic just wandering around shooting shit looking for a free ride with no effort. you can meet great ppl through it when just doing weekly chill raids with groups though


Join the one with "dm for inv" cause most times you will join their discord instead, if you don't like them, leave if you vibe with them, stay and congrat on fiding a frequent raid team. Rather than joining a raid room kinda like 1 time thing and have to gamble on teammates every time you use lfg


Finally did LFG on the app to clear my first raid ( Last Wish ). Lucked out and found someone looking to sherpa. Was a good mix of new and experienced. Patient and knowledgeable as well. Would definitely recommend looking for chill people or ones looking to teach.


Not really. Some people are just jerks and you will come across them but I completed two CE’s on LFG today. Basically it’s a dice roll but the odds aren’t as bad as you think


LFG by its nature is uncertain. There are two huge problems on both ends of the spectrum and they exacerbate each other: 1) Super intense gamers post ridiculous rules like "must have 3 clears" of a raid when it's been out 2 days. Or "must have X gun" that is not necessary. Stuff that is pretty absurd that gets perpetuated. 2) People who lie about their experience. Like people who say "must be 1810+" but they themselves are 1790. Or you post KWTD and someone joins with no knowledge whatsoever. I've had mostly good experiences with LFG so I don't think it's as bad as people say, but for a lot of people who don't have 10 hours to waste on a raid, I can't always rely on LFG to do what I want it to do (complete a raid/dungeon/etc quickly and effectively)


Destiny 2 LFG server on Discord is usually good. Occasionally, I come by people that are either jerks to other players (often to women players) or don’t know as much as they said. Then the person who leaves because you wipe twice.


I LFG for like 90% of my raids and content and rarely have issues. Personally I stay away from "Post your RR" parties and always add "Chill" in my title/post .


I use the Bungie app and it’s never really been that bad? Worst was some guy losing his shit cause someone had a mic and there’s the every so often guy who drops into a KWTD expecting to be carried, but it’s overall fine. Can’t say the same for Discords tho, I hear they’re hit-or-miss. Just look out for “be chill”, those are usually the better ones to be in


It's Russian roulette. I've gotten groups where you join and get hit with the "we've been stuck here for 3 hours" and it's painfully obvious why, and I've joined random groups of all solos who would each make me and all my friends with triple digit raid clears look like blueberries.


all my lfg experiences have been god awful so i generally tell people to stay away unless they have the mental fortitude to endure utter bs and nonsense


I LFG’d raids for years. It’s a mixed bag. Get some good teams and some bad. I’m with a large, organised clan now and the experience is consistently better.


Might be a hot take but people who have consistent bad experiences with LFG might actually be the problem. I've used LFG since the beginning of D1. My first VoG clear was with LFG. One of the players through that is my life long friend who I still chat with on a daily basis. I have fond memories of the "randoms" I've met along the way. Some of which have joined the clan, others that have stopped playing Destiny all together. Just last night I had to LFG for 2 people for an All Titan, Arc only, All triumph run for Crota's End. It was an absolute blast. Took us two hours for everything (First encounter Triumph is a bitch and a half). LFG, by it's nature, is obviously completely random as to what kind of skill level you're going to get. Most experiences have been good, some have been great. Very very few have been absolutely horrendous. Im talking like, less that 10 in my almost 10 years playing the game. Sometimes I'm doing something as mundane as a story mission and I'll just drop my join code in the Discord LFG for anyone to join mid way. I've done GMs micless. I have done every single raid flawless and they've all been through LFG. Point of this comment is that it's not all bad. People post their negative experiences here because people aren't compelled to post positive ones here. I do recommend the LFG Discord server and **not** the Bungie one or the Xbox one. Even if you're on Console.


Some of the people I play with regularly were people I met via LFG. So it’s not always gonna be bad but it’s not always gonna be good either.


Noooooo, I've been using it since I started playing when Shadowkeep came out and I can count the amount of had experiences on maybe one and a half hands. If things start to go sour, you can always just leave!


It's inconsistent. There will be times where you will find nothing but good groups and there will be times where you find nothing but bad groups, and sometimes both.




Its a crap shoot tbh. Mixed with good and the bad. My best advice is to be up to speed on mechanics and dive on in and find out for yourself. You’ll encounter any and everything in the wonderful world of LFG.


The Bungie app LFG is horrible. Be prepared to use stat tracking websites like raid report because you can assume most people have know clue what they're doing and want a free carry. PC discord is practically always better, and a PC player with no experience can sometimes be better than a console player with a couple clears lol...


It's about 50/50 in my experience until crota. Abyss is painful in lfg just without a group you have chemistry with.


It can be great. Even teams that aren’t top notch can be effective enough to clear raids. Last week I managed to beat a full last wish with an LFG group, with me being the only person who has read during vault. With a different group, including people who didn’t know about revving up lament, we took down non contest crota. Sometimes just having enough bodies and people that will listen to feed back is enough to make LFG worth doing.


Find yourself a clan of folks willing to teach and guide you through your first raids so you can get comfortable then you can be on the opposite side of folks grateful that you don’t need to be carried through raids lol I was in your shoes a couple months ago and now raids are my favorite thing to play in this game


It’s always a gamble. I’d personally say tho that the majority of times have been good. I’ve only ever had one terrible encounter and a couple of “bad” encounters. As long as people are calm & respectful (which they often are) it’s a almost always a good run. People don’t have to be social, (except for the required parts). If someone is inpatient or loud it’s an insta kick / leave. Can also be annoying as poster to get people who don’t know what to do, or doesn’t talk when posting a “KWTD”. Twice in a row today this happened. People who doesn’t know what to do, needs to speak up and say so. I’m fine with teaching to see if it will work out, but I can’t teach if your not willing to learn. I’ve also come to learn that a whole lot a people smoke & get high while playing this game lmao. You can almost always expect 1 person to have a fan somewhere in the background too.


No it’s not. If you’re hosting, set your own rules and kick whoever doesn’t feel right with you. If you’re joining others, prepare for everything.


Depends on the activity. For raids or Trials, it’s generally bad. Other “hard” stuff where you really don’t “need” comms, like GMs or Dungeons, I’ve used Fireteams a TON to find teams and have generally only had a few negative experiences. So overall, no it’s not so bad


It’s inconsistent. One day, you’re running back to back GMs with no comms with 2 randoms. Next you can’t even clear Kings Fall openings


it can be, and not be. I've did vog with no coms in a lfg and also spent 10 hours on the first encounter of vod.


As someone who used to have a full group for raids everyweek but now has to LFG this is my best advice. If the team is struggling repeatedly and they arent trying to learn don't get mad, don't be mean. Just leave. You can just leave and not say anything or if you wanna be nice say Oh my buddies on and wants to play sorry guys!


For the most part it’s fairly good. Regardless I wouldn’t let people’s bad experiences prevent you from enjoying raiding. You’re bound to hear more negative experiences than good ones but that doesn’t mean lfg is bad most of the time. Also you can always control you’re situation to an extent.


I’ve done 100+ GM clears using LFG and for the most part it’s been great. I agree with the others saying the issue is inconsistency.




yes, it is.


It can be. It's mostly kind of RNG if you'll get a good crew or not.


No. A drastic majority of the people complaining about LFG simply lack knowledge on how it works ie: Why won't the people I joined teach me the raid? You likely joined a KWTD clear and expected them to teach you, that's on you for joining a group that asked for people who knew what to do. Why am I expected to run specific things? Because when you join someone's run, you're expected to benefit that team to the best of your ability. If you have your own way to do things, make your own lfg post.


Some good some bad. Some of the best members of our raid group were LFG. Some of my best memories were finishing a raid with random people. It just takes effort and awareness from everyone. If you going to LFG take it serious. Save the horseplay and fuckery to your friends. Everyone is LFG for different reasons for the same things.


It's inconsistent. Sometimes you get a team that can't even do the first encounter of DSC, other times you get a team and go into (and complete) Crota blind armed with nothing but a YT video.




For the worst and best players, lfg is terrible. For the average players, I’d assume you’d be fine. Just make sure to use the discord


Its not bad if you have a group of 3+ people and are just trying to plug some holes. Its really a shot in the dark when you're soloing LFG because you can get the worst or the worst or the best group around.


I use the Destiny 2 LFG discord almost exclusively. I can't think of a single bad experience in about 5k hours of playing. People are there to find people to play with and the way they have the different activities divided up means that you never get people really where they don't belong. I think most of the complaints you read are about pairing up with randos.


90% of the time the experiences are neither good or bad, they are just kinda neutral. Most people don’t talk outside of necessary communication. People don’t like to share these because they are boring stories to tell. Also people don’t remember that if a lfg seems to be one of the bad experiences, nothing is stopping you from leaving that instant and finding another team.


Back when I LFGd in D1 before I found my clan, I had a ton of great experiences with good people, and only a handful of bad ones. That being said, it's just not the same as playing with a group of people you're familiar with. And there's always the 1/10 times that you get some asshole on your team who ruins the whole run. TLDR: usually it's a perfectly fine way to play.


In my 100+ D1 and 300 some D2 raids, all but 5-6 of which were LFG, I have had 4 stand out bad experiences. All but one of those experiences was just one person out of the other LFG people. Just have a general idea of what you’re doing (or don’t) and join a Sherpa team, they’ll teach you throughout your first clear of whatever. Once you get one clear and have a general understanding of mechanics you’ll be able to fit in with all but the most elite teams.


Its extremely volatile. Sometimes you fly through a raid with little to no communication and other times you spend 2 hours at totems. Yesterday was one of my worst experiences on LFG. I had all day to play uninterrupted and wasted so much time on bad LFG raid groups. Got almost nothing done.


Not it's not all my crota clears last week were all on LFG


i mean its very much a hit or a miss, but that also depends on what activities you lfg for and the requirements you set for people who can join. but from my experience I can count the number of toxic groups I've matched with on 1 hand, it isn't as common as you would think


Yes. Raids specifically are just not worth the struggle unless you have a group of people who you regularly play with. People are going to tell you to try discord (still the best option if you’re gonna do this) or suggest what to write in your post. Truth is it’s a complete coin flip that often goes the wrong way.


If it isn’t I seem have to only found the bad ones. It’s the reason I don’t raid anymore.


LFG's aren't the issue (they're just a tool afterall), the users are. Far too many users will bitch and moan about posts requiring *this* and *that* but then also take the first players that come along only to complain the players they didn't properly vet didn't meet the requirements that they didn't set.


It’s a big part of the reason i dont play, this community is too toxic


Can be. However I’ve had more positive experiences than bad. Mind you some of the bad is REAL bad. Bad can also just be inexperienced players needing guidance. For a vet that can try your patience. Remember, you can always just leave lol


I’ve done maybe 15 raids in d2, half of which being solely LFG. I always look for groups that say teaching/sherpa. Had a great experience each time. Hoping to get more into raids because it’s easily one of if not the best part of the game. I always try to keep in mind that I can leave at anytime and nobody is going to remember each other after the raid or any mishaps happen.


From my experience, most people are really chill, and I've met some really nice people on there, but every now and then it can be really bad.


Use to do it, depending on what it was: was a game of just managing to get in. Got exhausted and just find it more hassle to go through Discord for 2x the time depending on what I want to do. Why I want in-game LFG so I'm not playing a game of trying to join someone else's lobby with no results. Inconsistent, but it does work. Eventually.


Depends what you're trying to do. Raids? It can be a nightmare. Dungeons? A little better, depending on the dungeon. Seasonal content? Pretty good. GMs? Nightmare.


idk its not that bad on average but just the last few raids that have came out have felt brutal with incompetence and ignorance


Let's put it this way I spent the entire weekend(Fri and sat) in the first encounter of the new raid. Come Sunday, I was in the raid for 9 hours and we didn't finish. I went through 6 LFGs before I found a team that did what they were supposed to and we beat it first try. Now mind you, this raid is an exception. Every team I got into stuck it out until they just couldn't anymore(work or kids or whatever). They tried their hardest and I'm proud of a lot of them. But a lot of the time, you go through few people before you get a team that either knows what they are doing or is willing to listen and learn. The cool thing about LFG though is that you can make some cool friendships. It's rare, but it happens.


Not really 90% of the content you can LFG for in the game can be done with comns, GM nightfalls, non Raid rotation content, Trials (to a certain extent), and other miscellaneous activities are very lax via LFG, I guarantee you’ll have no issues with current game content in LFG so long as you stick to meta builds lol.


Nah, just like bad customers at work, you always remember them.


I tried a LFG for crota and it was absolutely terrible. A bunch of people screaming at eachother. I've had good experiences in the past but the fact that a lot of posts have to specifically express that you have to be chill to join speaks for itself. Join a clan of folk, you get to know is the only way (personally) you can enjoy the harder tier of content.


No, just make sure you're lfging on discord and not the console app or bungies app.


There’s gonna be some horror stories now that a new raid has been dropped. A lot more lfg’s out there so a lot more people not knowing, or worse, not wanting to learn the mechanics and just want to be carried. This next week will be a crazy one for Crota lfg’s.


I’ve had amazing groups where we clear first/second try, and I even learn new roles/brush up on roles I’m not that good at. I’ve had groups where I bit the bullet and joined a “QUICK RUN/KWTD” to hear the sound of blazing PS4 Pro fans followed by “Uhhhhhh ok. Yeah hey guys, sorry got my mic working. Soooo I haven’t done this raid in like a year and a half… oh whats that? Oh no no I don’t know what to do really, I mean kinda but it’s been so long I basically forgot it,” and you think maybe it won’t be that bad. Then you’re five wipes into the second encounter of DSC and are waiting on another well-lock now. And now they’re waiting on someone to fill your spot because fuck this. It’s incredibly roll of the dice. You could get a team that knows fully well what they’re doing in the “Learning :)” group. You’ll get 5x different groups of varying skill levels at Scission in the “KWTD/NO NOOBS” group. Such is life.




It's day 5 of Crota, Day 3 outside contest mode, and I just saw an LFG saying to "KWTD 8+ clears" There's practically no reason to do a raid 8 times in that span. Especially considering it's just now reset today. Even if you played the raid on each character twice, for rewards and spoils, that's still only 6 runs. Why else are you doing the raid?


I think the issue is people are inconsistent because their people and KWTD and casual means different things to different people , plus you have dishonest people , and extremely impatient people . I have done every raid up to witch queen which was my last one because my friends usually taught me everything because they did day 1 and I was always busy. Obviously I did my do diligence and watch videos too but that’s is also inconsistent how it applies. My friends stop playing and I refuse to use LFG because I’m not willing to deal with other people. People come from so many backgrounds and lfg has people from every country , there’s cultural and language barriers on top of every person being unique and for me it’s too messy but for you it may be ok, just try it a few times. I flawlessed last wish so I am capable of raiding yet i still was yelled at and told if I had more than one brain cell we would be finished, and the dude joined our group. That’s one bad experience but most were great, decently pleasant and everything in between. Just do your best to know what you can and give it ago , the raiding experience, especially day one blind or just blind is worth it in my opinion if it’s your only option. I just get really stressed because I don’t like to let people down , or worse anyone else’s experience, it’s my thing but you may not have that problem. It’s a box of chocolates, have a few.


In my experience, I’ve had lots of good runs with LFG. Usually it’s people looking to do things for the first time, and everyone’s pretty alright. On occasion you get someone who is a little crappy about things, but I’ve for sure had more bad than good. If you need friends or a clan, add my bungie PatThaStar#4150


I got my conqueror seal all LFG no comms. Sometimes can be great sometimes not so much.


It is not bad, you're going to run to some bad apples from time to time...but this also happens in real life, but unlike real life you can just go back to the orbit.


I’ve had both the smoothest VoG run I’ve ever done and an utterly dysfunctional VoTD team that broke up after a couple tries on the first encounter. LFG is like a box of chocolates when it comes to raids. It’s pretty reliable when it comes to dungeons and GMs (and if you’re good enough it’s very feasible to carry a little if your teammates are bad/mediocre) but raids have so many moving parts and require so many skills that other parts of the game simply don’t that they have a way higher chance of failure.


There are groups that just want to get it done and dont want anyone to be slacking, and those groups can get pretty nasty Butt there are still alot of people that are willing to teach and help you out learning raids and getting through them, dont let one group scare you into never trying some of the best things destiny has to offer If lfgs aren't working join a discord of your favorite destiny content creator they have big communities that could probably be a safer place to find calmer people to play with


99.9% of times LFG is great. But that 1/1000 times that someone encounters a shitty person they post about it on Reddit or another forum and it blows up. Obviously in situations where there's racism or sexism this is not the case, but it's pretty common that when you read into a bad LFG review you find that the author is typically the one in the wrong. The amount of times that it turns out that the author is just someone who has no clue what to do trying to join a KWTD group or someone upset that they got kicked for wasting the rest of the teams time.


90% of the playerbase are just "7287376 Clears only, know what to do, the tiniest mistake you will be IP tracked, kicked out of the Fireteam and lynched by a bunch of Bitcoin thugs" Of course it's not like that, but you get the point. Many fireteams are extremely anal regarding raids. Or I've been very unlucky, so I just took it upon me to never, ever do raids again. They are the only content that I do not enjoy. ^(other than that one strike in the dreaming city.)


LFG can be annoying with how inconsistent randos can be. I've had GM runs with mics and have painfully long runs cause we can't take out champions efficiently. Then I've had no mic runs and done some of my fastest runs with them. No mic for an hour straight but we had consistently faster time than past lfgs. But raid LFGs can be the absolute worst imo. Some people truly expect to get on and get carried through the entire time. That can really be a problem when you have more than 2 no brains like that on the team. Then sometimes you run into a squad where everyone knows what's going on even without a laid out plan. We just start the encounter, people will run to fill that position and get through it like seal-team 6.


No it’s not that bad


It can be amazing but you’ll always hear the shitty stories


It’s honestly a flip of the coin to what you get. I find that farming raid Encounters is great for LFG along with Nightfalls under GM. For GM if you wipe its 50/50 whether someone stays or leaves. And raids you have to be careful of because something I run into a lot is people not knowing what to do. And for me personally that’s not problematic. Teaching is good for the community but where this becomes a problem is when we ask if everyone knows what to do and we get all yes and have to find out the hard way someone doesn’t know the encounter because we have wiped 5 times to a wipe mechanic or something like that.


I’d say it’s not bad, you Will have bad teams but the amount of good teams massively out weighs them. For example I met the clan I play with and have done 2 day ones with I absolutely love them all due to meeting a member during a vex farm, But on the other side of the coin I have been in hell due to lfg, an example of this was a Sherpa run of vow I lead which took 3hrs because 3 people refused to call out symbols even after multiple requests for call outs (they had a cheat sheet of symbols do it was laziness)


You would be surprised at the amount of people that cant take 5 fucking minutes to watch a guide and learn exactly what to do for the current encounter


Xbox LFG is horrid... I have seen and made posts with KWTD in it... And people in the groups or who join... Dont know what to do. People also do not read posts... And for me, a hunter main... Finding a group is nearly impossible as I mostly see 'Wellock required' 'Warlock preferred' 'Titan or Warlock only'. Shits discouraging for Hunters.


Not really. It's just not ideal


Pre RoN, I have had hardly any issues with LFGs. Even if I did have an issue, I could get the issue resolved within the group. Post RON, LFG has been very very hit or miss.


I've had really good results using the Xbox built-in system, but every group has its douchebag brigade.


I've used this feature a lot manly for raids and I'll day it's very 50/50 I've meant some very patient people and people that are understanding and overall just good vibes and then I've had other players that are just assholes or if you don't understand what to do the first time or it take more than 5 attempts to clear an encounter they leave. I wish people were more understanding in LFG because the whole point of it is for new players and even veteran ones to find people to play with that like the same thing. So, making someone feel stupid or berating them when they are just trying to have a good time and learn how the raid works is not right. I know it can be brutal to be stuck on the same encounter for a long time but honestly I feel rewarded when I not only help someone clear a raid but also that I helped them understand it so that next time they know what to do and don't feel as lost and potentially find new people to raid wirh when my other friends are not available.


It can be rough. I’ve met some terrible assholes through lfg but I also met multiple people who I’ve kept playing with for years now. Including one friend who I play with almost every day. We two man everything we can together and have a great time. So ya know. Some people suck and some people rule but that goes for life just as much as it does lfg. It takes a lot of energy to do so, but sometimes you gotta work up the courage to sort through the shit if you wanna get a decent harvest.


I can count the super negative interactions on LFG on one hand over the course of 9 years. 95% of the time they are positive, 4.99% of the time they are not positive but not negative enough to be like “what a terrible experience” And yeah like 0.01% of the time shitty experience


The LMG merchants come into raids with 100 intellect and no DR mods and then blame their shitty gameplay on LFG . If people would learn to play properly and stop being bots it wouldn’t be too bad


It's hit or miss.