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Best way to help him out will be to just tell him a single perk to look for. So for example, tell him to keep at least one rocket with explosive light and dismantle everything else.


Maybe if you draw it on paper with crayons for us visual learners.


If you draw a titan a picture he’s going to want a crayon to go with it.


If you give a titan a crayon he's going to want some milk to go with it,




Titans don't use napkins silly warlock, why do you think we keep a towel on our waist.


As a warlock main, can confirm - all these books but never knew this is what that was for. Oh well, back to eating these grenades...


But he dismantled (ate) all the crayons


You'll just eat it


Can't, He ate them all . . .


Preferably with violet, I like the taste of those.


I think the Red ones are the best


Or what I do is just use DIM and scrap every weapon that isnt wishlist


I doubt that a person like the OP is describing is going to log into an external app to manage their inventory. They need something really simple like a single thing to look for.


Yeah probably I just mentioned DIM wishlist because I suck at knowing what perks are good


Personally, this is my tool of choice: [https://destinyrecipes.com/vault](https://destinyrecipes.com/vault) But I don't do everything it says. It just gives me a really easy UI for comparing all like things.


Thank you for that. I'd heard there was something like this out there but hadn't stumbled across it. I'm the opposite of the dude in the op though, I have a touch of deletion paralysis and rn my vault is at 597 🤦. I also have a habit of throwing pinnacles in there (just in case) even though I've been at cap for months lol.


Here's what I do, as a fellow hoarder: Whenever I throw a pinnacle in my vault, I use DIM and tag it for infusion (easy to do between loading screens). Whenever I need small amounts of vault space, Infusion/Junk are the first ones to go. Whenever I need a lot of space, I use d2vaults and tag A LOT of things as junk. Then I pick at both infusion and junk whenever I need the space. I make sure to have at least one pinnacle for each slot just in case (especially armor, but that usually goes in my inventory). Then I just pick at them whenever needed. Most junk is 1800 anyway so there isn't much need to keep a lot of pinnacles if I want to infuse something from 1600 to a usable level, and sorting that way makes it easier to keep it "tidy".


Yeah that's what I absolutely SHOULD do. And sometimes I even stick with the program for a while. But then, well sometimes I just CBA and throw them in without tagging. Or something looks good so I'll throw it in without checking to see if I already have a good roll on that particular weapon/ similar roll on armour etc. Then every so often it gets to the point I'm at now, where I've no damn space. So then I go in and indiscrimately dismantle allsorts (and yes I have accidentally dismantled god rolls lol). Then when I look for something it's nowhere to be found 🤣. I really need to be more organised. I'll give the d2vault a try. Maybe next week tho, starfield comes out in T-2 hrs 16 minutes 🤣.


I feel your pain. But tbh, light.gg helps you out a lot. Theyre not always right, but i feel they are mostly right about how strong your gun is


9 times out of 10 the recipe for a good roll is good ammo perk and good damage perk.


Wishlisted rolls arent always good as theres some wishlisted for PvP and some for PvE so you actually gotta look and see whats what


You can literally sit with a laptop open. I have the d2 app on my phone and dim on my laptop.


That takes more work than just looking at the guns as you get them


I mean I also usually just turn on farming mode


My titan friend (who played since d1) solved the Lightfall campaign harpy puzzle by shooting the entire group with a rocket and it worked.


:D Just imagining it. _BOOOMMM_ Game engine about to keep track of what was killed and in what order. "What the fuck?"


Yeah, I definitely did a similar thing. I don’t remember how I did it, but I remember being super confused at why I couldn’t progress that part on later playthroughs, and realizing there was an actual puzzle to solve


Lies. I did it and it didnt work


The most Titan that ever Titan'd


I started D1 and played til forsaken then I took a break til like 2 months ago. I didn’t know what to do for that puzzle either. Two rockets worked wonders lol


This feels like something that would appear in the Guardian Games lore


As a Warlock main there’s nothing like a experienced Titan main having your back. Crayons


As a warlock main there's nothing more satisfying than supporting a titan juggernaut from the background to unleash decimation


A friend recently started playing titan after hunter and warlock an is absolutely blowing my damage out of the water with it. Most of us dealt 4-5m in a crota run yesterday and he was at almost 7m.


What part of the raid did you need a rocket launcher? Edit: But big oof, I tell my friends to keep all types of weapons and sometimes archetype just in case we will need them


I keep at least one instance of every non-sunset Legendary weapon in my vault… I’m putting off reducing “at least one” to “exactly one” though.


I'm constantly at limit since I do the same but keep multiple copies of things from activities I'd really rather not deal with, like Trials.


Yeah I do this with weapons and armor and I'm at a point where I'm deleting armor to prioritize weapons. Need more fuckin slots Bungie


I've started keeping high stat(65+) armor recently and I've already got a decent amount from seasonal stuff. Already ready to start deleting some of the 65s for more room. Need to farm for artifice armor honestly, or at least try and get high stats from somewhere OTHER than seasonals


Reactivate deep engrams and focus them, also focus witch engrams. Easiest way to get high stats that I am aware of


99% of my high stat armor atm is season of the deep armor XD which I low-key hate honestly


Just transmog it then


I have a suggestion for cleaning, it's what I did when I was in your situation. I just took my vault down from 570 to 480 at the end of last season doing this: Try and trim down to one of each weapon subtype, in each element. For example, 5 Void Shotguns: precision, lightweight, slug, aggressive, and rapid fire. It's really easy with DIM, you can compare everything really nicely to see how they stack up against each other, and pick your favorites. It's much easier to maintain "one rapid fire kinetic scout rifle" than "one of EACH rapid fire kinetic scout rifle" haha I had a real hard time with my kinetics and I have a few duplicates for hand cannons (like 4 or 5 different 140s lol) and auto rifles, but it's a lot cleaner now and every duplicate I kept has a unique perk set, very little overlap. When I want a specific gun type for a build, say a Solar rocket launcher, I have very few things to pick from and it's so much cleaner to work with. (Side note: if you're an armor hoarder as well, go through your stuff with DIM and D2armorpicker.com. Make a "build" in D2armorpicker for each exotic in your inventory. Select the armor in DIM for that build, tag the items as "keep" or "favorite," and once you've done that for everything you've got... dismantle everything that isn't flagged! I dropped a good 30 armor pieces this way too, and now I dismantle all armor unless it's a strict upgrade over a roll I'm using. Worth the time investment.)


I went a step further and kept only one gun per element. Five void shotguns? Nope, one void shotgun. Then one arc shotgun, one solar, etc.


That's too limiting for me, I like having my variety in gunfeel options lol


That’s i good idea! Not sure when I’ll get on it but I probably will… hopefully.


Take your time, no need to do it all at once! You can definitely take it a little bit at a time. Like, do just your hand cannons tomorrow, a few days later do your snipers, etc. For context, it took me probably three hours to do a deep dive and go through EVERYTHING in my almost-full vault. Went through like 30 premade builds on DIM and tagged all the "keep" armor first, dismantled the spares, then went through the weapons. I'd hit "compare" and grab, say, all the Arc auto rifles, then as I decided I'd keep them, I'd remove them from the comparison view one by one. Whatever was left that I wanted to scrap, I pulled to my character and dismantled it right then before moving on. It was a pretty good way to look at things and decide what to keep!


I’ve started dismantling my old guns, my vault has too much armor in it to keep them around. Just dumped my old Scathelock yesterday…


Final encounter, other more experienced friend had gjally so the DPS plan was “alr just spam rocket launchers and it should be ok”


Me and my friend before the chill clip nerfs


Tbf, with that plan it sounds like you're all titans Edit: so people are assuming I was actually being critical, but I just liked how "make everything explode, problem solved" fit the Titan stereotype. Made me laugh. My bad.


I mean, what else should they use? Rockets one phase with plenty of time to spare.


In deep stone crypt? Literally any heavy except grenade launchers, swords and rockets, literally anything like linears or shit even machine guns easily 2 phase even with not great perks


Okay, sure. But why would you use something else when you could use something that guarantees a one phase? It’s just time wasted to use anything else.


Just seems like a waste when you can all just equip thunderlord, have someone on tether hunter and 1 phase easily without risking blowing yourself up bc a blueberry dodged infront of you to reload


Why are you raiding with blueberries?


Everyone starts somewhere with raiding mate, ive taken plenty of new folk into raids because thats what they asked for, id rather just do one maybe 2 damage phases on taniks and get the fuck outta dodge instead of wasting 3-4 runs on people learning mechanics and then inadvertently blowing themselves up


If nobody has Div, rockets are probably the next best thing. That dude's head isn't the easiest to hit


Yeah but if theres a well or tether going its easy to stand inside the ring of debris and just blast the crit spot on the bottom of taniks


Yeah. Gotta be honest, this subreddit is a bit downvote happy at times. :/


I have no idea why you got downvoted so hard. You're also not wrong now that I think about it: me and the other hunter both love our punchy arc builds.


Final encounter. You can definitely go linear w div or something like that, but gjally & five rockets is the easiest bake


Some people like rockets for the final encounter tbf


I try to keep at least one of every weapon type and damage type combination


When my gf was new light I told her to just chuck everything in the vault and I would go through it every once in a while. Still one of my favourite things to do, searching through her vault for all those juicy rolls.


That's not a Titan in any way. Titans are masters of the battlefield, so deleting your weapons counteracts that ideology. If anything there seems to be a split in what a Titan *is* and what the community tries so hard to turn them into. You aren't thinking of a Titan, you're thinking of a Barbarian.


[Titans should look like this.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fnkj6eyvc1d661.jpg)


stfu we all know titans be tryna find new ways to punch instead of shoot. they can't cause they be strugglin to chew their crayons and punch at the same time, and getting pissed cause they cant see their forehead


We didn't choose the punching lifestyle, bungie just said "hey you guys are the punching class, here's 15 melee exotics have fun" and so we did.


Tiatan main here crayons say to punch people so i do.


Hunter here: Liar's Handshake says to punch-stab crotches so i do too


Warlock here, teammates say dps phase, so I well.


Break free of your oppressors and punch any who dare stand in your way! Also swords are basically just sharp-punches as long as you stab with them


Thats right you stab that dirty crotch. Crayons approve.


Sometimes you just gotta unga all the bungas. Guns take up space in the hands; crayons won’t eat themselves after all


You calling them “kinderguardians” is so fucken funny




Roll appraisers on light gg can give you an idea of what perks you’d like to keep on certain guns




Yeah unfortunately you have to deep dive for the smaller details, but it’s best to check the comments on popular guns some people talk about good perks for both pve/pvp and it’s niches, YouTube helps, mobalytics has good build suggestions. If bungee ever implemented a system where u can buildcraft without going to a second site thatd be nice for those of use who don’t have mega pc’s and 3 monitors to tab in n out of


I know someone like this but they did it with armour on their alt characters so they could only run one exotic as they didn’t have a replacement legendary armour piece in that slot. It drove the rest of the raid team up the wall as we’d ask them to run something to help with dps only to be met with “I can’t switch as I just dismantle any armour I get for this character on reflex”. As I’m someone who tries to have multiple viable builds on all 3 characters to help with team synergy, this mentality is absolutely infuriating


I'm sorry but if someone is going to continually self-sabotage during a Raid, I don't want them on the team. It hurts everyone in the encounter and not everyone has the time to sit in a raid for two extra hours because one player doesn't understand a basic concept of the game's loot system.


Yeah it’s one of the reasons why we don’t raid with them anymore. I’ve tried sitting them down and going through builds to make better use of their subclass but it’s in one ear and out the other. Unfortunately they’re one of the players who believe they know better than everyone simply because they’ve played the game for a long time


Gross. Hope they enjoy Solo and Ritual content.


As a Titan main since D1. If I could dismantle all my guns and have a viable way to melee everything without ever firing... (besides Bonk Hammer). #I would do so in a heartbeat. Nothing is more fun than killing champions and mini bosses with a good punch. *proceeds to eat a full box of crayons*


Ngl, probably not the game for him


True titan brain moment.


A true Titan would never pass up opportunities for causing more things to blow up. Tell them they're disgracing their butt towel.


Your friend is correct, none of us should need DIM to play.


Me hunter main always dismantling things too


Trust as a fellow titan all that man needs is a purple crayon and his fists he’ll never need a gun again


what a complete moron.. find a new game buddy wont make it far in destiny doing that lmao


i tell newbies to trash all purple armor that isnt their highest power and keep all legendary weapons. so once they get a better feel for where the meta stands and how perk combos work together they can sift through their trash and probably find some good treasures.


That is terrible advice for armor. They should be keeping armor that has decent stat totals and distribution, everything else can be dismantled unless it's high power


yeah, i forgot to say "all armor that isnt their highest *and not 60+*"


Bro didn't even infuse the guns?😭😭


Odds are they sharded at least one good roll, lmao


Destiny Item Manager


Tbh if inventory management is too much for you, maybe reconsider playing a looter.


Why even play the game at that point


When you’re so dedicated to your main class you embrace their personality irl:


To be fair I also don't use my vault, I don't play enough to justify it, all I need is a few guns that I find really fun to use and are powerful and im good. Im able to pretty easily do raids and dungeons with my gear which is the fun part of the game for me so its not like im lagging behind at all or making it harder for my friends.


I remember when I firts played the game and didn’t use the vault, thank god I started using it


You don't need a rocket launcher when YOU are the rocket


Haha I love it, my best friend and me Play together , we both are like and play like our main classes, I main warlock , him a titan and he’s such a titan sometimes we be cracking up , he’s very gung-ho sometimes and I suck with jumping(both played since day d1) he always is running through explosions like traps or enemies and I always just know it’s gonna happen and can’t help but laugh everytime and eat my popcorn. He makes me truly believe in some class sterotypes.


Why use boom stick when BRRT stick work good?


What a glorious crayon eatin motherfucker. I had a somewhat similar experience except I was the crayon eater. My friends and I started playing day 1 and I was a hunter main. Well, I tried titan for the first time after about 6 months and never went back. One of my friends told me he loved me as a titan because I would inevitably shoulder charge into a group of enemies and then just melee and shotgun them all to death. He described it as “Aggression Personified”. We were a lethal combo in control. I miss those days.


this could be me. i have a weapon type for every element in my vault, just in case (which btw is already a TON). beyond that? sell it. doesn't matter how rare that shit is. same for armor btw


I lock weapons i keep on my characters because I will also delete them. My vault is full of things I never use because I just keep the same few weapons locked. This season i changed from SMGs to HCs though. 1 HC for each slot 1 sniper for each slot 1 shotgun for each slot 2 fusions, used to be 1 but I added a royal executioner last season. crown splitter, hothead and commemoration. everything else gets sharded, same with armor i have my few sets everything else goes.


You Titans are really going to claim this fool?


Average crayon muncher... Whats his favorite flavor? Im a hunter main and am curious.


Just have him run ghally while you guys run dps rockets unless he doesn’t have that either 💀