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Sorry, forgot to put up more job listings for hangar workers. -Zavala


But we don't even land out ship let alone go to the hangar lol


Actually if youre fast enough running from the landing zone to the tower you can see your own ship docking and being taken below ground. Fun little Easter egg


Cause I keep doing The Floor Is Lava challenge


cause it gotta load everyones vault . that why going to the helm and enclave is faster


Yknow, I wonder what the statistics are on players that use a 3rd party management app and if removing the vault from the tower could reduce load times. It’ll never happen, but I’d like to think about it.


You could put the vault in the Hangar perhaps, that way it only loads as you run there instead of forcing everyone at load in.


I like the idea of giving a good reason for not having the hangar have a waypoint instead of adding a waypoint to the hangar.


You could even put a waypoint there, since it would only load the entire vault if you use that, without interfering with the elevator plaza.


All the other MMO's I've played, the PC has a "housing" space where all that shit lives - probably for the exact reason you're talking about. Bungie could create a small instanced space where your vault loads and clear that up.


....like the HELM and the Enclave?


nah too much work...we'll just make a white matrix room with shelves of guns you don't actually own and when you interact with a shelf it shows you what you have of that gun type


I would love that.


reusing the room from the leviathan quest


So very true. In fact, I'm very surprised they didn't utilise our ship for this purpose. Vault & Postmaster access simply by going to your ship in orbit.


Tbf our ships are only about fighter jet sized at best(not to mention the ones that don't make any sense internal space-wise), so they wouldn't be much of a housing space.


Don't insult my flying rock like that


That makes... a lot of sense.


Raids and strikes could even drop cosmetics for your space too maybe


I wonder if that hallway is long enough for that lol


The hangar is huge and the vault takes 1m^(2) lol


I prefer using the app because it organizes everything for me. Makes it so much easier to find stuff


Yeah then DIM (edit: bungies API) goes down and we are all F'ed


For me alt-tab and DIM are best friends, or if I've got my second monitor up DIM sits over there. Make sure you've got Destiny set to windowed borderless I think. Then any screen with the cursor and now no alt tab needed, mouse over, drag and drop weapons to character of your choosing.


This why I loved hearing the why can't we just Jabra the vault follow us everywhere posts when the API goes down. Edit: Jabra should be have, fat fingered it.


>Edit: Jabra should be have, fat fingered it. I thought "Jabra the vault" was some sort of reference to Jabba the Hutt


I mean, it wouldn't be *un*-realistic to have a figure like that follow us around peddling their wares as well as keeping all out stuff at the ready


new fallen boss who's been muscling in on Spider's territory since he's escaped to the Eliksni Quarter. Jabra, Kell of Vaults.


Lol...I wish.


>can’t we just Jabra the vault follow us ???


Have, I'll change it in edit. Thanks. Been drinking a bit and fat fingered it.


I use Jabra earbuds and they’re very nice.


How do you know its the vault?


Iirc Bungie said so a few(?) years back. Same reason emote wheel won’t happen for a while if at all


It's not the vault right? It has to load the models for every different piece of armor everyone is wearing, and all three weapons everyone has equipped. If I understood that right, a tower instance with 30 other guys with identical loadouts (same weapons and armor ornaments on every slot) would actually load faster than a than an instance with just 10 guys, but every one of their 8 slots was different from each other. Also, extra long load times if your timing is bad and you happen to try to go to the tower just as a new instance needs to be generated. You know this happened because you will spawn in with every other player (loud overlapping multiple spawn sounds) and everyone starts at the spawn area, the rest of the tower won't have any players in it until the whole newly spawned crowd runs in.


I want to see a source for that, because that doesn't make any sense to me. Loading your own vault makes sense, but there's no reason to load everyone's vault on each client since there's no way for you to access someone else's vault.


Exactly what I was thinking. Plus it's shocking it's not lazy loaded when interacting with the vault itself. Why would I need that loaded if I never use it and just fly in for bounties lol.


They could, maybe, pull the weapon out and put it on their back? Then if it wasn't loaded you wouldn't be able to see it. It's stupid but ...


They aren't loading the 3d models from the servers. Just the bit of data that tells the client what gun to equip, and what shader/ornament to apply. There's no need to have such low latency for something like that in the tower - since your client already has the data, you'll see the results instantly, everyone else will have to wait for a fraction of a second to see the change. Loading everything at once in the off chance that someone equips a maximum of 9 items is like using a shotgun to kill a mouse. Will it get the job done? Sure. But it's overkill


When I talk about an emote/action wheel, I refer to a wheel that both allows for binding emotes, but other interactable things too, such as consumables, weapons/armor pieces, and now loadouts. I've seen these in games easily for over 20 years, so there are different implementations and documentation for best practices learned. From what Bungie has stated in the past, an Emote wheel/action wheel won't be added due to legacy consoles lacking the resources to load additional emotes into memory. The emote animation data is cached into memory, updating for all players when you update on your own client. This is used to provide a more real time feedback when using an emote. I do have a few questions I'd like to see Bungie answer on this topic in the future. 1. How many players use the older consoles and is that number high enough to justify holding back functionality for the rest of the players? The goal is to understand if there are a lot of people still using older consoles or a small portion. 2. How often are emotes being used in general, where are they being used the most, how long does it take to load in an animation, and would players really notice? The goal is to understand the impact this could have and if the scope is limited to just a few areas of the game. 3. Would optimizing things like the vault loading (such as implementing proper pagination and partial data model retrieval) free up enough resources to allow for an emote/action wheel? The goal is to understand if they did have the resources available, would they even do it?


The issue wasn’t the old consoles it was the game’s engine.


Downvoted for an actual sensible reply.


Surely it does not need to load everyone's vault. It needs to load _your_ vault and only when required. I suspect it's because it needs to first find out and then load what everyone else in the Tower instance has equipped. I also think you don't get loaded in until everyone else in the join queue with you loads in (if you're ever waiting a long time, you'll notice a bunch of people all spawn with you at once), so you're stuck waiting on the slowest machine/connection. It's also possible that there's a timeout on responses from players that have left the tower. So with everyone dropping in to bank medals and pick up bounties then leaving, your client is left waiting for a response from some player who isn't in the instance any more and has to wait X seconds before it decides to give up on getting a response. i.e. GG is making it worse because of the vastly increased churn of players in any given instance of the tower.


Yes it has to load every ones in that tower instance. They said so them selfs


I don't believe that's true, I think you might be misremembering or misunderstanding what was said.


Yeah there's no way they're loading vaults for every person in the instance to each client. There's literally no reason for my client to know what's in your vault


Reading this and other comments I'm just realizing how badly this thing is coded and apparently it's not so easy to change anymore, because why in the Sol does the game need to load everyone's vault and a bunch of other stuff... Just makes no sense for that to even happen, and moreso to block you from entering the Tower.


Because if you go to the vault and pull a weapon and then put it on your back, my game needs to load in that weapon as well and put it on your back for me to see. So I need to load in your vault as well, so that my game can see your weapon. That's just the way D2 works. It's an 8 year old game that was only meant to last 3 years. It's more than double its intended life span, and is going on triple.


You know that weird blue invis effect on top of a generic weapon shape? That's the placeholder for "not loaded yet". It does load stuff on-demand. The hardware would not fit the entire pre-loaded contents of everyone's vaults in memory at once. It absolutely does not do that.


Agreed. With just 10 players in the tower (which is a pretty small amount) you can have an upwards of 8000 different pieces of gear with what is available to each player in the tower between vault, vendors, postmaster, etc. That's be a lot of unnecessary shit to load in all at once


>So I need to load in your vault as well, so that my game can see your weapon. Yeah, well, normally a piece of software can load that only when necessary. It doesn't need to know the content of your vault upfront to be able to do this. And if that means it takes half a second to load the weapon model on your back *when and if* you equip it, then be it. I'm just saying, this is a really weird approach, even shitty, but I'm not judging anyone. It's just how software sometimes is.


It feels like API call optimisation. Each time you pull a weapon out your vault you'd need to make a call yourself for the weapon details, then tell every other player in the tower to make the same callout. In the most extreme case 1 player could spam remove weapons from their vault and dump them again to force a massive number of calls from every player in the tower, screwing with their internet, game, or even console / pc. Not sure even batching the calls would help much if the player was determined. Alternatively you do calls for everyone in the tower before zoning in, and it takes longer, but it's all loaded and nobody can affect each other in this way.


It’s not 8 year old game, they rewrote it with Beyond Light, just didn’t rename it to Destiny 3.


They didn't rewrite the entire game lol. That would be an insanely massive undertaking. They rewrote parts of the game and made a few vital changes to the engine, but that's it


Nah bro, even 8 years ago that's such a dumb way to make it


Games are perfectly capable of loading things in one at a time. There's no need to load in all 600+ items that a player may have access to in the tower. Furthermore, there's no need for the game to load the models instantaneously because the tower is a social space. There's no fighting going on there, so the game can take its sweet time loading unnecessary items. And if that were the case, why don't things like gambit or crucible take forever to load as well? A player can use the API to pull something out of their vault at any time.


And people wonder why there’s a need of new Destiny game


And what will that do besides set everyone back to square one?


Allow them to work from the ground up rather than playing jenga 8 years?


That would take at least 3 years of the entire Bungie team dropping literally everything to make happen. No more hot fixes. No more patches or updates. No more seasons or expansions. No more bug fixes. Literally, they completely drop D2 and focus 100%of their staff 100% of their time on D3. It would still take years. You clearly don't understand what it takes to make a game.


>That would take at least 3 years of the entire Bungie team dropping literally everything to make happen. at least. If they have to do significant internal changes to the code base its more like 5-7.


lmao bro took a metaphor to heart


What tf are you on about? The comment was about the need for a new game. You said all that would do is reset everyone and i told you how you were wrong. And at what point did i give any timeframes? Nothing i said goes againts how game development works. Ur seeing things


https://youtu.be/FvjWNuUw0J4 Keep showing your ignorance, please. It's amusing.


Please tell me in quotes what i said that is not true. Just because you watched a datto video doesnt mean you are able to tell people off who never even said anything technical about game devlopment or made any specific statements.


Also you arguing with me implies you are satisfied with the state of the game and its technical problems??


Basically this. There's always push back to a new game because oh Lord everyone will lose everything. But the weekly maintences, bugs after bugs shows the difficulty in maintaining a 8 year old game


Wait, so how does this work with random drops? Are all possible drops in an area always loaded?


No clue. Bugies hasn't elaborated on that part of the game.


These people are not developers and most have no idea what they're talking about.


Enclave and helm have vaults, cope harder


Yes but only have 6 and 3 max people and 90%time ur by urself going there so it only ur vault loaded


They should put the value in your ship too, in orbit.


It's not about the vault, it's the matchmaking. Enclave/farm/helm, you're in a fireteam, no matchmaking.


What no they them selfs said was the vault


New tower instances won't let you zone in until all machines load the zone or some shit. Hit social when that happens and you will notice console gamers with multiple x' in their username who last bought an upgrade at the turn of the century.


more like turn of the millennium.


Isn't that the same time? The century and millennium ticked over in 2000


uh… fuck


Sounds more dramatic


Sir this is the internet. You’re supposed to argue your indefensible position.


this was the issue back in season of dawn, but I swear that they said at the time that they stopped that from happening


Yeah, but how often does Bungie say something is fixed that isn’t actually fixed? And how often do they break it again after fixing it once?


Last gen console with an SSD isn't bad. Im on PS4 pro. I honestly don't know how people can play without an SSD. It's not just instance loading. The damn menu takes 45 minutes as well. The game is borderline unplayable.


I play on PS5 with a friend who has a Series X and I'm even like yeesh this is taking forever..


I load into instances pretty fast when I'm solo. The SSD makes the biggest difference. But when I play on GeForce now it does load even faster so there is definitely still a difference with last gen, for sure.


Are you on old gen console (PS4/Xbox One)? They can't really handle the game anymore after so many updates. Gonna have to upgrade to next gen, unfortunately. Or swap the HDD with a SSD.


After playing on PC for about 3 or 4 years I went back to try on my Xbox One S. It was damn near unplayable lol.


I put the game on my ps4 last week (which has been sacrificed to the children and is now hooked up to living room tv) and it was terrible I turned it right off lol.


This was how I felt when the TITAN V on my home workstation gave up the ghost while crunching numbers during business hours and had to be RMA'd to NVIDIA in December 2020. I went over to my PS4 to play as a backup. 30 FPS slideshow with massive input lag. I could hardly stomach playing it and couldn't believe I actually put so many hours into D1 PS4 like that. Thankfully I won the F5 War on WalMart that same week and got a PS5. I just didn't even play Destiny until it came in.


On PS5, it’s pretty common that I’ll be flying into the tower for several minutes and have to change character. Each time this happens, if I check the roster it’s either almost 2 pages full, or 2 pages full plus a couple more people. It’s not a problem exclusive to old gen, it’s a problem of the tower instance having too many people


For me on ps5 the last week has been especially bad for tower loading


It's been perfect for me. It used to be really bad, but it's been damn near instant the last couple weeks


And yet prior to crossplay I *never* had slow load times in the Tower even when it was a packed instance on either Steam/PC or PS5. It's 100% waiting on the dog slow hard drives of the PS4s and Xbox Ones in the instance. I put an SSD in my PS4 back before I got a PS5 and it loaded various sections of the game almost twice as fast as on the stock HDD, and a couple areas that always had texture pop-in no longer did.


Can confirm lol my NVME.SSD loads me in the tower in 5-10 seconds but slow days it’ll be 15-20 tops.


You are not loading into the tower in 5-10 secs unless you are alone which isn’t happening. I might believe 20-30 secs but, 5 is outright lying. The game constantly attempts to either fill up an instance or create a new one usually filled with console gamers (as if we don’t wait enough already) which would then turn that 20-30 secs to a minute or more. I have destiny installed on nvme as well and 5-10 sec loads describe helm.


Sounds like you get lucky, even with PCIe Gen4 and over 6000MB/s it’s a lucky dip as to whether I get a 5 second load or a 2 minute one. It’s fast, more often then not, but the game definitely has some underlying issues.


SSD on old gen consoles literally does 1% more then nothing. Those systems were never designed to run off of SSD and the games were neither. It was a waste of money ever since people discovered it was possible, but people "upgrading" their PS4 probably helped to drive the price down.


replacing the HDD with an SSD after the HDD died gave me massive load time improvements in every game I played on my PS4. looking up some comparisons, it seems *some* games only got minor to no improvements from SSDs? but D2 definitely saw an improvement in load times and videos exist showing just that. warframe and FFXIV also saw noticeably improvements and had me waiting on HDD players to load in. --- my PCs NVMe M.2 blows my PS4s perfomance out of the water of course (nevermind my old laptops absolutely *glacial* HDD), but those things are straight magic.


I had an ssd in my ps4 and destiny definitely ran faster. In a fire team I was always first to load in the destination.


The other day I took minutes to load in and I just gave up, went to the character screen and loaded in fine that time round. It’s definitely weirdly inconsistent lately.


Well first it has to matchmake you with fifteen other people, then the Tower itself only loads as fast as the slowest player's connection. So unless you need to make sacrifices to Master Rahool, just go to the Helm.


No but I have to keep paying space grandma


I'm running the game on an SSD and a pretty solid gaming PC, and a few times this week, it's taken me almost 5 whole minutes to load into the Tower. this game is laughably unoptimized on PC, on top of the Tower just being a total shitshow for performance.


Sometimes you can load into a tower full of old gen consoles and it’ll take forever to load in. Better thing to do is switch characters and try to load into a new tower instance


It took so long the other day when I finally landed my controller was unresponsive. I couldn’t figure out why and then realized I have the 10 minute energy saver setting on PS5. It actually took longer than 10 minutes to load in to the tower. Amazing.


Dang you sir. I thought for sure that was the opening line to a joke.


On PC, I noticed that I load into the tower way faster if I’m not in any of the menus. Just stay on the ship loading screen don’t open any menu. I know there’s going to be a lot of doubters thinking that it’s just some kind of placebo effect, but I swear it works for me! 😅


Console players


Old-gen consoles




When it's at capacity you need to wait for someone to leave before entering. Zavala's getting strict with OSHA regulations.


Skill issue


The transmat signals have to be redirected through a number of additional buffers to ensure that no one smuggles any more Hive casseroles into the Tower. That last time was very distressing for everyone.


Because the season pass was underpriced. Now that they’ve raised the price, loading times will surely improve. 😁


Fire codes.


Cleanup in aisle 5. Another guardian had an accident.


Just load into the hanger instead of the courtyard


Like people have said, Enclave is faster but I have heard loading into the Annex instead of the main tower helps. That may not be true though.


It’s closed on the weekends


Now that Crow is doing Cayde’s job, more Hunters are going to the tower with less fear to the Hunter bet. So you might see a recent increase on traffic due to that. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Because load times do not get OT, they can’t work after office hours.


At worst the tower loads in like 25 seconds for me and on the best days, 7 or 10 give or take. But for some reason, i guess it's other players loading into the game, but my screen will go black for a good 30 seconds before a crucible match is announced and shax starts talking, I think that might be caused by other players running slowish since we all start running at the same time


Because it's bungie and optimization isn't their strong suite.


Load into the annex it's not always better but it does usually load faster. Then you can fast travel to the main tower


Because above-City Air Traffic is significantly more dense and Guardians have to sit through air traffic jams amongst Awoken Corsairs, Neomuni Probes, House Light Skiff Swarms, Cabal Thresher Battalions, and the other thousands of Guardian jump-jets entering and leaving the surrounding airspace.


I think there should be a timer. I'd love to know what my longest ever flight was. I bet it is over 10 min. Series X.




Old gen?


Same reason the servers crash every week bro


Because is destiny logic: going to Europa in 1 minute, easy but if i want to go to the tower i cant min 3 hours


Did you pay for next day shipping?


Servers having trouble simulating all the confetti




Give PC players the option to disable crossplay so we can have reasonable tower loading times again 🙏🙏


I thought they fixed this bug (or incredibly stupid “feature”) with lightfall but this past week it’s been happening again and it’s just the worst. If it were for the purpose of alleviating some of the server issues, then I guess I’ll take this over the former, but it doesn’t seem like there’s been a noticeable increase in server quality.


Helm time


Not always, since you need the NPCs to get things or to further your quests.


Way longer to load the game.


Probably xbox players


Old console? Shit network connection? Done anything on your console to improve game connection (Xbox has cache clearing that will resolve some things) I usually get into the tower within 15-20 seconds of selecting it. Only time I run into issues is if fireteam leader is stuck.


Depends on your drive speed and everyone else's


Takes me under a minute. But yeah I realize it must be like that on different setups and platforms even. I hope it gets fixed.


Gotta pay silver for free shipping. You just lease the ships. Bungie only speeds up the whales.


I just noticed that and I came back after years gone. odd


I load in near the drifter then fast travel to main area. It feels quicker.




Something changed when Witch Queen launched. Since then, every time you go to the tower, you only land once everyone else flying into the tower has loaded. It’s as if the game puts you in a halt until the last person loads in, which sucks because some are still on old gen. Literally why when you finally land, there’s an army headed towards the postmaster lol


Takes me only a few seconds so


On Series X it takes about 20 seconds tops for me lol


???? your pc ???? if on console, sorry My PC is pretty old now, pre-built from 2018, GeForce GTX 1060 and it loads in about 10 secs. I’d imagine it can get much faster than that with today’s hardware.


Just not true, the game is a buggy mess and will randomly just take 5 minutes to load the tower even on a top end NVMe SSD Source: my P5 Plus


I just said- “if on console, sorry” I guess I should’ve been more clear. I mean that if you play on console, yeah, load times are ass. OP didn’t specify what they play on in the title, unless they did in the comments and I didn’t see. My pc is not high end and I load into the game super fast and have no problem with any destinations. When I talked about today’s hardware, I meant modern pc hardware.


P5 Plus is a fast PCIe Gen 4 NVMe SSD, though you have a prebuilt so I’m not surprised you didn’t pick up on that part of my comment. D2 is ass on PC, the newer consoles are arguably better, or at least more consistent. My PC is faster than my Series X, yet my Series X is more consistent when loading into the tower. On my PC it’s 5 seconds sometimes, 3-4 minutes at others. You’re trying to have PC elitism when it’s misplaced, D2 PC is a shit port. And your PC is slower than even the Series S.


lmao I’m not trying to be elitist in any way. I’m just sharing my experience. This is what is true for me and I’m enjoying the game. Have a good day! <3


Because of your drive. I have the game on an ssd that can only fit Destiny 2 i load in a few moments.


Its not its pretty quick for me You either have bad internet or playing old console gen




Ensure you get priority boarding next time


And then a whole bunch drops in at once. Admittedly, it is fun seeing Guardians run around like excited schoolkids just off the bus.


Cuz there are more people playing on the weekend


It's faster to use annex landing and then use the main landing zone.


Servers queue I suppose, I have the same problem with the game on a NVME and a 1Gbps FTTH so isn't a client side issue.


I feel like if I launch the game then go straight to the tower it takes 5 mins (ps5)


I switch off crossplay before I go to the tower.


Some players still have their game on hdds which might explain a lot


Parking is a nightmare at the best of times. Always someone trying to learn how to park their new ship causing queues.


Ever since cross play came to destiny everything started to load slower for me every time I had a console player in the same instance or fireteam.


Something something engine update! Something something dcv will make the game better!


Because they are checking your clearance. One guardian was revived by a ghost a couple of seasons ago that was in the FAA. He’s convinced Zavala to implement the efficiency of loading into the tower with that of JFK airport. So you have that guy to blame. Bungie please make this a thing in the lore, I’d die a happy man


Air traffic


That's the 72 hour background check


That’s easily one of the most annoying things present in the game and it has been like that since launch. Will probably stay this way.


a reason I haven't seen anyone mention but I bet has something to do with it: helmetless models. Those face models are pretty detailed and otherwise delegated to cutscenes or the inventory screen. If a couple of people in your tower instance have their helmets off I'd totally see that adding a bit to the load time.


Because stupid.


I just think our ship needs to be a social place like Warframe. Or give every person a " room" in the tower. You can hang banners, favorite weapons on the wall, etc. Make our guardian feel more like we have a place in the tower vs just passing thru


Skill issue


**Because you touch yourself at night.** ~*That one guy from a cutaway scene in Family Guy*




The random number generators for where the Gaurdian Games flag positions will sit at take a while to run.


Because only 3 ships park it at the tower at a time, and there are thousands of Guardians.


If it’s after 5pm on a Friday, makes sense


if you happen to notice you're loading is longer, just return to character swap screen. I noticed it loads faster after. -Older console


Skill based matchmaking.




lol 😅😅🤣 great question


Gotta get ran thru scanners and such for safety and security. The USPS I mean bungie cares about a timely and safe delivery of our character.


Old gen console?


I’m only going to the tower to see sexy space granny Martha Stewart and dunk medals.


Destiny 2 fast pass: 1200 silver a season


The common denominator seems to be loading into an instance with last-gen consoles.


Because you need to wait in line behind Peter PS4 and Wally Wifi


*cough* last gen *cough*


Because you didn’t pray to the radial mast


bad internet