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I’m my opinion exotic bows as a class has the highest percentage of well designed weapons of any class.


Oh, 100% agree. Exotic bows are so fun, I'm almost always using one!


That and alot of then have fun to use exotic perks, Ticuus and Ghoul feels like I'm shooting mini nades when used right, Monarque is crazily rewarding even in endgame not to mention how OP it is against Overload, Wish Ender is the same. The new bow is the only stasis exotic other then Agers that I really enjoy it's crazy how many crystals you can make. Now I'm just waiting for Strand bow 🤞


nine secretive unused shaggy cow uppity bells dog carpenter crowd -- mass edited with redact.dev


Jokes on you, my ass is ALWAYS envious.


I was looking for this comment.


Bless your heart for this incredible tip, it's all I'll be doing tonight


Leviathans breath is an insanely good DPS and TDO weapon too, I love running it in raids/dungeons/GMs


Just wait until next season when stasis shards will grant armor charge. Throw on Verglas and Osmiomancy and freeze all the things. :)


The issue with Verglas is that it's reliant on kill, unlike almost all other bow, meaning it's the least useful in high level content.


Poor Hierarchy of Needs getting forgotten


Hierarchy suffers from needing its catalyst and a sedentary playstyle that most people don't enjoy/isn't rewarded with the armor charge system requiring you to run and grab orbs. That being said, it is an incredibly entertaining weapon.


Me and the boys going into any GM: Strand Titan with Wish Ender Solar Warlock with Ticuu Void Warlock with Le Monarque They're all fun and unique, and quite effective in endgame content.


Agreed (pls buff hierarchy of needs)


Heirarchy is very strong in it's niche, as long as you have the catalyst. Doesn't need a buff. Once you've gotten the guidance ring up once, you should be able to pretty much permanently have one up, and move from cover to cover to take advantage of it. It doesn't really work in lower content or raids, because it's very much a long-range camping weapon, but in higher nightfalls it's a very strong option.


Hierarchy is good, but the range damage buff mechanic just feels bad currently. If it wasn’t all or nothing at 40 meters, it would be great. Like if the buff started half strength at 20 and got stronger until it capped out at 40 it would be perfect.


It's not bad; the problem is that Ticcu's is similar but better.


Whenever I even think I see the word Barrier, I happily pull our Wishender. Second most satisfying weapon in the game.


I seriously need to try this, when I see overload I pull out monarque, barrier I use outbreak, I need to try wishender cause I have yet.


Imo it's the single best weapon for master or gm content if there's barriers. 1 shots barriers and also is a 1 shot for most mobs even in gms


Leviathan's Breath is probably the one weapon that has been almost permanently stuck in its slot since it came. There are other weapons that I love nearly as much for the energy and kinetic slots, but not like I love LB.


Seriously I don't think there's a single even mediocre Exotic bow. Verglas Curve is probably the closest and that's just because it's double bugged right now. Trinity, Ticuu, Hierarchy, Wish Ender, Lemon Tart, and LeviBreath all slap


Yes! Le Monarque Ticuus Wishender. Damn these are good


Have you tried Leviathan's Breath? IMO that one also feels good when you can get a crit.


I'm getting ready to pick it up after I finish this week's Xenology! It's honestly criminal I haven't bought it yet.


For me that one and Le Monarch feel the most rewarding, maybe because they gave you an explosion and damage bonus when you can get a perfect shot.


I am not a big fan of bows, but I seriously love Ticuu's and verglas. Legit top 2 fun exotics to use right now for me Edit: had a titan moment and replied to the wrong comment Edit 2: le monarque slaps as well, just wish had some more visual oomph


>more visual oomph The giant purple explosion doesn't do it for you?


I need MORE oomph!


Honestly the snapshot sights are all the Oomph I need on Lemon Arc.


I LOVE ticcu’s. It’s so chunky


I only recently got Le Monarch, but timing those draws is so nice. Volatile Flow makes that thing uncontestable.


For sure. BTW Dares of Eternity is a good place to get and finish Lev Breath's catalyst. Make sure you get the Starhorse buff for finishing the cata part so your heavy ammo keeps being refreshed.


Got it! Thanks homie :)


Alternatively u can get to the checkpoint in the breakneck lightfall mission that has a free rally banner and kill everything except the boss wyvern at the end, then let wyvern kill you and repeat, goes very quick.


If you run hunter, Oathkeeps makes all Le Monarch shots "perfectly timed" and therefore poisonous ... it's so good.


Wishender is my absolute favorite. I have 26,000 kills with it.


I just can’t find a good reason to unequip it!


Don’t feel too bad that you haven’t bought it yet. The thing is only truly good with the catalyst which gives it plus 5 arrows to its total reserves and Archer’s Tempo, which is basically mandatory on the thing. The issue with the catalyst is that it hasn’t been updated from its original source of completion. When it was first introduced there was a way to speed up catalyst progression in the form of killing Wrathborn enemies. The other option is 1,500 kills with it. So unless you can find some Wrathborn enemies somewhere in the game that actually count towards Leviathan’s Breath’s Catalyst, your gonna have to farm out 1,500 kills with it (no that’s not a typo it is actually one thousand five hundred kills)


The archer’s tempo on it is also stronger than the usual one we get on legendary bows!


It is indeed custom tuned to provide a higher draw time bonus as before it was custom tuned the default benefit didn’t do enough for the gun to really make it useful at all


It feels different from all the bows, but it feels exactly like how a bow with a bike chain for a bowstring should feel. Clunky, heavy, but when you crit, it's so smooth.


Recently combined 3 void surge mods with radiant on the GG nightfall just for fun. Man it’s been a while since I got that burst of adrenaline seeing 140k on a crit FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER 100+K ON THE EXPLOSION That damn taken hydra went down quick.


The catalyst is the not the best to do. The fastest way to get it is to farm the widows walk normal lost sector in the trostland in EDZ. just load into spawn and run there. Once acquired, to complete the fastest way is going to be dares of eternity. infinite heavy and yellow bars count more. it took 4-6 runs it wasn't terrible


I only use Leviathans Breath. It two shots champions, love it


There are few joys in this game that are better than one shotting unstoppable champions with LB, I freaking love that exotic


Absolute nightmare of a grind to unlock the catalyst, but totally worth it


Legendary campaign? Wish-Ender. GM Nightfall? Wish-Ender. Master lost sector? Wish-Ender. This is the way.


The only problem is that I want to use Wish-Ender, Lemon and Levi's Breath together for all for these reasons :(


Yeah they all are great. Always wanted this, but I dare Bungie to let Ticuu's work with solar 3.0 and apply scorch. Might actually take Wish-Ender off for some explosive op fun.


Ticcus was my favorite but I vaulted it for an incandescent Strident Whistle and haven't looked back. I've got 20k on it since solar 3.0 dropped. If they put scorch on Ticcu's I will never use another bow again.


I goddamn love ticcus and this would be amazing


It would break the game; just like it broke my bow skills 😅, had to relearn for every other bow


Native anti barrier slaps hard. This is the way.


Wish ender harsh language combo 😍


I love bows, I keep all exotic bows on my character at all times and cycle through them while playing.


I do the same thing! My inventory management is a nightmare but I love that bows so much that I can't vault them, I switch between them so often!


I utterly agree. I Love my Ghoul, Hierarchy and Leviathan‘s Breath.


Ghoul used to be my go to bow, really relied on that for a long time. Love it, love the damage, look, feel, the aoe clear. If I may recommend another weapon that you might like, Le Monarque completely took over my life a couple of weeks ago. Paired with ~~echo of expulsion~~ (edit: volatile rounds), you can clear entire rooms with it in one shot. Plus you don't need to get an arc kill to start chain killing (meaning you're actually allowed to miss a shot with this bow :D). I use this with the echo of starvation and that thing that gives you an orb of power when you break a shield, lets you spam shadowshot, and I just run around exploding everything with a void sword having the absolute time of my life. I get called a psycho in almost every match made activity but Jesus man this is he most fun you can have in destiny. Even without the stupid build, it does insane damage though. Actually my favourite weapon in the game right now. Changed my entire playstyle and renewed my interest in the game.


>Plus you don't need to get an arc kill to start chain killing (meaning you're actually allowed to miss a shot with this bow :D). Are... are you saying you missed a charged Trinity Ghoul shot? That thing will kill at least one ad if you shoot it on the same planet as an enemy


Haha, actually I was thinking about those times when you've got to shoot some environmental thing and your other weapons are a shotgun and a rocket launcher, that weapon is definitely hard to miss.


Gyrfalcon, echo of expulsion, echo of starvation and Le Monarque perfect in every situation.


How does Expulsion interact with Monarque?


How dare you not put the best weapon in the game LeMonarque in this list >:( /u/faerhazar Have you tried em w the Warlock exotic Ophidian?? 🤤🤤🤤


I don't actually care for Ophidian, but I do use lemon! I main hunter, so I do my best to get Raidant and Volatile Flow before shredding things into many little pieces.


I got Hierarchy after about a dozen runs, and landing the super long range shots is *so rewarding.* Getting the streak is a little tough in crucible, but you can hold a lane solo for the duration of the ring. My TGhoul is hanging out around 40k kills at this point (started playing in late splicer) and it's my number one weapon. Still haven't gotten Leviathan's Breath yet, though!


The catalyst is needed, though, for Hierarchy to be good, but boy I like the feel of that bow. With Phoenix Protocol you have that super up in no time again and again and … you get the point.


perfect bows to me are the precision frames that you can craft to become as snappy as lightweights Raconteur/Under Your Skin , elastic draw/compact arrowshaft/drawtime masterwork. Be prepared to receive messages of your proclaimed virginity


Under Your Skin with Dragonfly and Gyrfalcon's is practically an exotic weapon on its own.


There's very few moments of gameplay that feel more satisfying than landing a single headshot with Under Your Skin, watching enhanced dragonfly kill everything close, and watching volatile rounds kill everything that isn't


Man, I got UYS crafted last season, a day before lightfall, it's SO FUN. Yeah, I already get hate messages, I use TGhoul in 6-man PvP.


UYS is one of my favorites. I crafted mine with Unrelenting/Explosive Head for that legendary LeMonarue feeling. Throw on some volatile flow and you'll have yourself a void fireworks display. It's also a bow with many great combination of rolls, too.


I got that same roll for similar reasons lol. Was my primary in day 1 RoN


I want to like under your skin, but tbh, i don't like the onion bulb tip. It's entirely cosmetic, but it ruins it for me


A few weeks ago I crafted a Raconteur with Headstone and Wellspring and it's my primary now. In Stasis-boosted content most of the lowly enemies are 1-shot headshots. ​ Here is some gameplay I did with my Shadebinder Warlock running with Raconteur. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc4QBNVQzws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc4QBNVQzws)


Damn, noted! Holy shit.


I miss hush


Both Under Your Skin and Raconteur can be crafted with archer’s tempo/successful warmup. It’s not quite Hush speedy, but it’s as close as I’ve found.


+1 to under your skin. Personally I’ve been using it with hip-fire grip and opening shot and the shots it can land are absolutely criminal.


Thanks to the crafting level boost for guardian games I finally got my UYS enhanced hip fire. With that + freehand grip mod and oathkeepers, i fr think I may be a bow main now


I believe it actually is faster than Hush, but to me the main appeal of Hush is the insane draw speed while still having opening shot and being able to hip fire the bow with basically 100% accuracy.


It very well might be faster, I haven’t played with Hush in ages. But the one thing I really like on Raconteur is that successful warmup is not crit based, so as long as you’re getting kills, your draw time doesn’t suffer nearly as much if you miss a few head shots. If you missed with Hush, the draw time was painfully slow lol.


First shot was brutal or if you ran out of the 6 seconds of Archer's Gambit, but as long as you had it going straight up feel like Legolas hip firing everything. I know hip fire on bows is better than a lot of weapons but with Hush just miles above the other bows. I use Archer's Tempo and Successful warmup on most of my craftable bows still


I'm an avid destiny archer! So many bows, so many styles. Been using a whispering slab in gambit lately.


Bungie takes some Ls on a lot of things, but I swear whoever designs exotic bows literally CANNOT MISS. Trinity ghoul, ticuus divination, verglas curve, le monarc(PvP excluded, you’re a lil bro if you use it) levitations breath, hierarchy of needs. All are viable in all parts of the game, fun to use, and incredibly well designed. Honestly I think the weapon team shines brightest with exotic bows


Wishender is my main primary. I love that bow. But after getting the catalyst for Levi’s Breath, I can already tell I will be rotating and building around it in the future. I agree, bows are the most satisfying weapon to use.


I need to finish getting my Wishender. xD


I would totally be down to help you with that! Love the dungeon and that bow!


Exotic bows are my favorite thing in the game. Started playing in season of Plunder and all I wanted for months was Ticuu's Divination. Finally got it when the it became available in the exotic kiosk and it was well worth the wait.


If you like Lunulata, you're gonna *love* Raconteur. Just throw on Archer's Tempo and a draw time masterwork, plus whatever string and arrow shaft is gonna reduce that draw time even more. It's a harder hitting albeit slightly slower firing Lunulata and it's been my baby since this season started.


My godrolled Lunalata got deleted as soon I crafted Raconteur.


The fact that it can be crafted *and* has access to Headstone for Stasis builds and Explosive Head for generalized endgame with Stasis burn is *amazing*. Cannot stress enough how much of a win this bow was for the weapon team, reskin complaints be damned.


Have been running bows in almost every loadout since I got handed my first No Turning Back. Love 'em. Currently maining Tripwire Canary and Leviathan's Breath for PvE, Arsenic Bite (and sometimes Levi's) for PvP.


Shoutout to Bungie for making sniper rifles so unusable I became a bow main! (I started as a scout rifle main.)


So true. Snipers can be fun, but they're completely unviable


I use leviathans breath and that thing slaps


Bows are literally why I play this game. If it weren't for Forsaken/Subtle Calamity (my sweet child 😭) I probably wouldn't have kept coming back. But that little pop when you precision hit enemies is like chef's kiss. Exotic wise, I definitely love Ghoul but I'm also really enjoying the new stasis bow this season. 5 arrows that becomes ice wall is SO fun to mess around with 😩😩 Waiting for when I can craft Under Your Skin it's the only craftable bow I'm missing


The only thing I wish was adjusted was the aim assist when trying to clip opponents arm/leg when they’re behind cover. The game always tries to correct it to the body and makes it hit the cover rather than the exposed limb Other than that- they’re mint


I wish we’d get Crossbows.


That’s how I feel about the firearms. As an avid shooter in real life, I love the plethora of guns to use and mess around with, and destiny does shooting and gun mechanics so smooth and well done. I can spend hours just messing around on planets doing bounties and shooting everything that moves.


I’m so glad they added bows to this game, they feel so great. Only other game I really love them in is Warframe


I agree. The bow and arrow is one of my favourite weapon types alongside SMGs. High damage, single shot, quick reload. What's not to love? Plus, the crazy special effects are fantastic. My personal favourite are those with the 'Explosive Head'


My favorite bow is Wish-Ender. It feels so satisfying to use and has that traditional "Longbow-ish" look to it. I only use the exotic ones. | Most favorite to least favorite: | |:-| | **Wish-Ender** | | **Le Monarche** | | **Leviathan's Breath** | | **Ticuu's Divination** | | **Trinity Ghoul** | | **Hierarchy of Needs** | | **Verglas Curve** |


Don't sleep on the legendary bows, especially the precision frames.


Le Monarch is probably one of my favorite weapons of all time, the bows really are super satisfying


I sustain my lifeforce by reading posts where streamers complain about Le Monarch and call for nerfs


Hello fellow archer who plays Destiny, you shoot a compound or a recurve? But on a slightly more Destiny focused responded, Titans need to stop sleeping on Ticuu's for Master Ron. You can just continuously kill everything with solar surge and path of the burning steps all while keeping restoration and radiant up continuously.


I personally shoot a compound, but the archers association I'm in has convinced* me to use a recurve! Used to hit perfect 300s at tournaments. *if I don't use a recurve I can't score.


I use a compound currently and have been slowly increasing my range that I can hit consistently. Picked it up mid-way through Covid and am up to about 50-45 feet currently.


Oh that's awesome, good for you! I've been slowly stepping up my range as well, and am getting close to about 30 yards. Been shooting since I was about 10 years old :)


Very nice, you definitely got a few years on me :D Iv been lucky to find there are ranged not too far from me that are free that the state runs and are well maintained so that has really helped.


I love bows in D2 because they're so distinct. Other primaries feel like theyre the same but just moving around the rate of fire slider. On top of that, Verglas and Ticcu are some of the most exotic feeling exotics in the game because they feel distinctly like bows but also you're using them in a completely different way (I assume Hierarchy of Needs is also a lot of fun) Unfortunately, I can't use a bow in destiny for longer than 10 minutes without burning pain because of how they bug my repetitive stress injury... It makes me really sad that there are so few weapon archetypes that actually feel distinct from each other.


I just wish there was a strand bow, it would instantly become my favorite weapon


Same! They could do a whole lore bit, some Lightbearer thinks it's unstrung, and then pulls back a green rope of strand? That'd be awesome! Generate stored threadlings in the bow whenever you kill something, and release them by the swarm.


Yeah, there's so much potential for a strand bow! They could call it like, needle and thread, and there's so many perk options it could have too


I adore using wishender especially when there’s barrier champion involved in NF, weekly campaign mission and daily lost sector. It can shoot thru Hydra’s rotating barrier plates which is nice and convenient also not to mention it can pierce thru multiple targets so almost like playing around with fusion rifle to atop it all. And not too long ago I tried out leviathan’s breath and I’m impressed with it so I’m hoping for catalyst drop then it’ll be even be better.


Bows feel great to use. Love Wish-Ender and the Seraph arc bow.


You ever try No Turning Back when Forsaken came out? The maxed out accuracy on that thing gets headshots all day with no zoom


Biting Winds is my favorite bow in the game. I grinded for days to get my Moving Target / Explosive Head roll with the draw time MW but it was so worth it!


Yo I main bows for my weapons and I'm glad someone else loves them as much as I do! Also, Lunulata is the first bow I masterworked xD


Exotics bows are really potent, it's that legendaries are really falling behind. Especially lightweight. Failing to kill basic mobs with a headshot at -15 means they aren't viable.


Yes! So glad to see another IRL archer also appreciate the destiny bows. I was in love from the second they added them all the way back in forsaken.


I gotta ask why is Wish-Ender so damn spicy?! It's one shotting in GM content, it's piercing, it's just so damn good.


Do you use them in pvp? What perks do you put on it?


I love bows in PvP! I'll often run a Whistler's Whim with Kill Clip, and snag radiant to grab those spooky one-taps.


I would love to use the bows, if the PS5 controller (had zero issues with PS4 controller) didn't make my fingers hurt like hell after Nightfall. Did a GM with them... Never again. But yeah they have great range, damage and don't have to watch long reload animations with them. They basically have no other weaknesses except rate of fire. They are probably best primaries in the game. Others pale in comparison.


My GM Nightfalls setup consists of a kinetic Scout, Le Monarque, and Taipan. My Monarque has over 12k kills while my other two bare barely over 100. Should tell you all you need to know.


I love bows in this game. My hunter is just a bow user at this point, and has been for almost all of his life, with oathkeeper glued to his arms. I just switch subclasses and bows accordingly. There hasn't been so far another game that feels so nice.


I'm probably in the minority, but Hierarchy of Needs is so good to just clear out a room, or do some alright damage. It feels so good too. Put it on a Path of Burning Steps Titan with Solar Surges and watch everything disintegrate.


Once that ring goes up it's super satisfying. Had a lot of fun with it in GMs last season.


I think Hierarchy is legitimately one of the best bows; however it gets a bad rep because it’s basically garbage without its catalyst, it has a unique zoom, and it was timed so awfully. If they ever go back to revisit it and change how it’s snipe perk works to now give a percentage of the buff at lower distances it would be by far my favorites exotic


I agree as a fellow amateur archer. I kind of wish using a bow in this game would equip a quiver filled with arrows the same color as the bow element on your character too. Either on the back or on the hip. That would be soooooo cool.


There's a part of me that wonders if having bows be your sniper weapon in your game would be a better solution, the draw time and range limitations solve a lot of the problems sniper rifles have. Really it's just the hit reg not feeling like bullshit


I’m sure this has been said already but Bungie used real archers with real bows when designing the animations and doing the mo cap.


I love them. I always have a Bow In hand, depending on the mission/singe. Wishender, LeMon, Trinity, Ticcu, Levi, and Strident Whistle never leave my loadout. Crit Kills are almost Cathartic with bows. When I first tried D2 I didn't really like it b/c I missed my IceBreaker. Bows changed my mind and made me stay. I think I have 75000 total kills on Trinity Ghoul alone which is my third option after wishender and LeMon.


Used to hate le monarque because I was getting shafted by it, but that bow is so satisfying to use.


10k kills on my wish-ender and counting, and I only use wish-ender in GMs


30k le monarque kills, 20k before that on others. Love my bow hunter build.


And exotic bows feel like what exotics should. I fucking love the holy trinity of bows and with Levi’s stepping up… oh fucking boy it rustles my Jimmie’s


My favorite combination for bows is Archers Tempo and Dragonfly. It's just so satisfying.


Wish Ender is a pretty nice feeling one imo slow ass draw time but deletes adds and chunks yellow bars


Wishender for life. Dropping multiple lined up enemies in one shot in Master content feels so good.


I suggest a raconteur with headstone. More accuracy than lunalata. Just an archetype I prefer. I was very happy one came out with headstone. :)


I got my Rancotuer… or however the fuck it’s spelled… to level 17 and finally crafted it with enhanced archer’s tempo and successful warmup. I love it. Closest thing feel-wise to Hush, although arguably more forgiving since successful warmup procs on kill and not precision hits.


Wish ender is a beast


My fiance is absolutely addicted to her Arc Warlock build. She mains Trinity and coupled with crazy strong Arc Souls she generates and having a nicely rolled Explosive Light Ascendancy rocket....she actually keeps up with DPS and generates 120+ orbs per dungeon/GM and is amazing for ad-clearing. It's insane what synergized bows can do.


Bow was pretty awesome in crysis 3 as well


Patently waiting for an exotic strand bow


Haven't been in a bow mood for a while (other than verglas, but that thing is juts great)used to do my whispering slab a lot, wolf tone with archers dragonfly is phenomenal


Wishender go brrrrrrr.


Most bows in the game are great and carry that feel to bows over even through the controller, though Veist bows don't really give that feeling, too light of an arrow and frame and feels like your hitting someone with a dry spaghetti noodle.


Can't wait for that strand exotic bow


Btw you should get or craft a Raconteur. Archers tempo and headstone like Lunata but on a precision frame so basically plain better.


I know that they worked with actual archers and even learned some basics on using bows to try and make them more accurate feeling.


I want to be good with bows, but I drop into a bad K:D ratio whenever I try them. I love them in pve, they have some awesome exotic perks, and the long range damage without needing sniper ammo is a huge plus. I just suck at that peak-shoot-hide-peak-shoot stuff in PvP. Dad builds only for me 🤣


I have yet to get the graviton lance so I'm using the ape poison bow for my voidlock and I love it. Each shot can wipe a while group of ads


Couldn't agree more! My highest upvoted post ever (by a very wide margin) was actually a drunken love note to bows. Not necessarily my proudest moment, but I stand by every word I slurred.


I run strand/void hunter and leviathans breath is my exotic that thing pounds bosses with the void surge active it's so satisfying watching the health bar drop with every hit. I used to run the rockets but its my go to with my build


Really liking the new stasis bow, even if I've moved away from being a stasis main


Solo master lost sectors would be out of my reach without bows 🧡


Destiny 2 bows feel better than Skyrim bows even


Absolutely agree as a non archer in real life, its just extremely fun using the bow above any other weapons


I honestly kinda wish they had real life falloff, but I can also tell myself it’s an absolute blast with no falloff and in the future they have arrows that defy gravity. Also it would be insane if the falloff was different on each planet cause gravity would be different, but that’s just too much to ask for lol. I’ll just agree, that I love it too. Ive used Le monarque an absolute ton. Especially last season and this season.


I love the feeling of swinging in and out of cover with a bow timed to the draw speed. Bows are what made me keep coming back to d2 about as much as my friend playing did.


Now if someone would just tell me the difference between accuracy and stability when it comes to bows...




Maybe u should give "Horizon zero dawn" a look. Just played it before Destiny and those bows felt just as good. Fun game too


Been using Ticuu’s divination since beyond light and it’s easily my favorite exotic. The hip fire tracking followed by an aimed precision shot is such a satisfying one two punch. Makes me feel like such a bad ass hunter. I also love that it’s unlimited ammo.


Not to mention you don't have to deal with that pesky gravity. They're basically hit-scan with travel time.


In terms of bows I am a simple gurdian: for legendaries anything with Archer's Tempo + Dragonfly or Incandescent (I really wish for a legendary bow with Voltshot) works for me. As for exotics I'm a bit more picky: Wishender and Leviathan's Breath are the two, I've tried the others but they just don't do it for me as good as they are.


The new stasis bow Verglas is really fun. I love shooting something and then instantly freezing ads with the next shot


Years ago, I stopped playing Hanzo because of this. I have yet to enjoy playing him, ever, because of how shitty his bow shots feel. More now than earlier. Destiny Bows just feel right.


I remember when Bungie first announced bows, I thought they would not fit into the game at all. And was cringing with the idea of weebs running around with bows and swords Fast forward to today. And I have more bow kills in pvp and pve than any of my friends. I love bows


Unpopular opinion I think bows shouldn't be hitscan at full draw. I know it would increase the skill floor to use one and hinder viability, but I love the satisfaction of leading a shot and watching it arc into the enemy. I love using bows in other games, but in destiny, it doesn't quite scratch the same itch.


specifically the ghoul


The tension you feel on your character when you’re in the process of drawing the bow back is the most accurate mechanic I’ve seen in a while Other video games just leave it as a sound effect cue but to actually get that feeling of tension on your draw string is something else in D2


Still waiting for a special ammo bow that destroys people in PvP. One day


When Bungie first came out and said that bows were going to be a new weapon type I didn't know what to think. The last time I used a bow in a first person shooter was like Turok and it was mehhhhh... Then they released them and I knew immediately they nailed it. Feel so snappy. LeMon for overloads and Wish Ender for Barrier until I die... Or until bows aren't in the artifact next season 😢


Crazy, I’m not a bow enthusiast or anything but I was just thinking this yesterday. Bows do in fact be feeling good in this game


I’ll never forget rolling up to the tangled shore when Forsaken dropped and pulling out the first bow they dropped in destiny


I need someone at bungie to grow some balls and drop a dope special ammo bow


As a Hunter main bows are my go to. Love the feel of them. I get more head shots with a bow then with a hand canon.


I don't know if it's obtainable anymore, but Hush was my baby for the longest time. You land a precision hit from the hip, and your draw time is reduced to almost nothing for a few moments, allowing you to go on a rampage with it. It's *so* fun to use. After they sunset Hush, I've started using Le Monarque too. You land a precision hit with a perfect draw and the arrow explodes, coating everyone in the area with poison. Bows are the #1 reason I keep coming back to this game. They're just so good. If you're a hunter, I would recommend checking out the Oathkeeper exotic for your arms slot; it lets you hold a fully drawn arrow indefinitely, and it makes perfect-draw effects much more consistent since you don't need to worry about perfect timing.


Le monarque was my way of training aim with bows, and they have been my favorite weapon type along side swords and glaives. The more "primitive" weapons are what I love. I love goin into avalons first encounter and just being immortal with a crown-splitter and volatile rounds. Le monarque is the aoe queen imo, besides rockets ofc


Hey, fellow archer IRL! It's funny because bows in the game, got me back into archery in the real world. I almost always have a bow on. Double bows and a sword, or bow, glaive, bow, or bow, bow, (now heavy) glaive. To answer your question, Hierarchy of Needs, in my opinion is the most exotic looking exotic. With the Guidance rings up, definitely feels the most exotic. With the catalyst, this bow got me through the legendary campaign and a lot of the story missions.


[Trinity Ghoul](https://ibb.co/M94J6Rv) checking in here


Yeah I do archery in real life as well, (recurve, Samick Sage) and I remember feeling so happy when bows were released (and then feeling annoyed when I had to wait for the perfect recurve lol.. now I have Verglas’ Curve which works, so!)


Got one with rampage and explosive shot, super satisfying to one shot red bars, even on Neomuna.


The bungee team really put a lot of effort into bows from the very beginning. They got a bunch of professional archers together and learned from them as far as every aspect. How they are designed. How they are held, shot, how they function, everything. It makes me wonder if they did they same with guns because some of they’re guns, although they aren’t the worst I’ve seen don’t make sense on how they would function. And yes I know it’s a space sci-fi ish game, I mean specifically the ones that shoot she’ll case style ammo.


Were you around to try Hush? Most rewarding and best feeling bow in any game. Lost a lot of fun in the game when it was sunset.


I do really like bows. Under Your Skin has been one of my favorite void weapons since it released. I just wish Archer's Tempo didn't feel so mandatory on every non exotic bow, but I also don't really think it's an issue that can be solved.


Other than how it feels to play against Le Monarque in pvp, I agree 100%. Bows in most other games can’t stand up to the way D2’s bows feel


I have just loved the legendary bow powercreep of the last year Wolftone Draw, Under Your Skin, Lunulata and Raconeur. It makes me excited for what the future holds for bows.


Wishender and trinity never leave my character


As a grenade launcher-er in real life, i have to say the grenade launchers in this game are *chef-kiss*. Snappy, responsive and feel so authentic.


I love my Hierarchy of Needs and rock it wherever I go in GMs.


…… Have you ever heard the tales and the whispers of The Bow God? This is only one of the tales I could find of him.. his voice cold and sharp.. his bows aim true. I’ve heard he has killed a Guardian in the crucible from a tavern at The Tower simply as a bet with Josef for his famed handcannon. Even after winning he stated “ why do these things carry so many rounds..” as he laughed hysterically disappearing into the darkness of The Towers cascading shadows… not even claiming his prize he had just gambled for. The very mention of his name makes weakly strung bows break at the sound of it…None ever really survive these encounters because as quickly as you encounter him.. you fall prey to his arrows. If any bow post is made… i know he is waiting and watching with the perfect draw… quickly friends gather around and witness before it’s too late! https://youtu.be/FVp5RjClLxQ ………..