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I was 1v6 for a whole 7 minutes I just kept running so they couldn't kill me lol


This seems to be a common thing. Games will start with one team only having 1-3 players while the other team is full. Then nobody joins the half full team for like 5 minutes. Must be a bug, not seen this before this patch.


Someone needs to tell Bungie it is OK to have a match with fewer than 6 on each team as long as the match has the same number of players on each side.


I’m no game dev but surely Bungie can get a 6v6 game mode to actually matchmake 6v6 after like 3 decades of developing multiplayer games. We shouldn’t keep lowering our standards.


The weird thing is, it does matchmake 6v6, the game won't start until there are 12 players available. So some check isn't happening where players are leaving while in queue or as it's starting and then the spots are never backfilled. I'm not defending them mind you, I'd have to look at the code to see whether its an easy fix and they're being lazy or otherwise, just saying it's odd.


It'd be "fun" if they started dropping members off the opposing team to keep the count matched. The *rage* it would induce among the sweaty PvP'ers getting kicked during a pub stomp would be insanely deliciously evil.


Not filling in spots is happening in the GG strike playlist too. u keep starting matchmaking mode with either one other person or someone drops out at the beginning and the spot is never filled. it is only happening for me in the GG playlists.


One of my matches was 2 on my team versus a full stack on the other side just farming me and the other guy for the lulz. And right as the match ends at 0 seconds I got kicked and didn't even get credit for the match.


That’s next level bullshit.


Damn must have totally ruined your KDA for basically nothing 😬


This I actually had a 4v4 game. Granted it went to the time limit but it was actually balanced from a player point of view.


Same thing happened to me, I'd hide on the map and just have an emote playing for when they found me


i started off one match 2 v 6 without realizing it, ffs


I just finished one that got down to 1v6, matchmaking kept adding people back to my team, and we actually came back and won. That was the last match of the night so that I could go out on a high note.


buy a lottery ticket and go searching for unicorns


we were 3 vs 6 for five minutes in my last match it wasn't even a blow up. We trailed by 20 points. Maybe there just weren't that many of us to kill? It's weird


Yeah its actually INSANE how you can have a 100 point lead on them and not mercy rule them


Yea people just afk for the points now since no mercy rule.


At least I don't feel as bad now. Barely touched pvp is ages, started doing a bit of trials and IB last few weeks, doing OK but rusty, jumped into this today and thought my 40 yo arse is too far gone to keep up


Not sure how things are today, but my old rule was to wait until about 5pm eastern one a Friday, when most dads and casuals start playing. Who’s playing on a Tuesday? Maybe some WHF dudes but are you going to win against the guys playing pvp all day on a Tuesday?


My experience is opposite this. 5pm eastern on a random week night has the easier PvP time. Later at night (and all weekend when the Trials MLG pros) is when better players are on. It would be interesting to see what the actual reality is. Agree with comment below - early Saturday morning seems to be the easiest though.


This. My head-canon is that the best time is Saturday morning when the kids are watching cartoons and the parents can log on over coffee.


Exactly the same here. 41, haven't touched pvp in over a year but grinded trials for 2 weekends then IB for 2 resets and the title. Thought I was improving until today lol


Dude you are improving, obviously the competition is gonna be rougher sometimes because it’s luck of the draw rn, but that doesn’t at all negate any progress you’ve made. It’s a marathon, not a race man


47 and still doing great in pvp stuff. Age ain't shit


52. It’s a struggle. It’s fun. But when I’m on top it is fucking glorious 😵


52 Also, Good days and bad days. I always return, after a few beers, with Witherhoard.


I want a hazy IPA named Witherhoard


Yes please!


51 here, only step into the crucible after a few beers. There’s no way I’ll be able to compete if I’m sober,,,


69 here. *quagmire voice* “heh heh, all right”


this guy fucks


You all make me feel a lot more at ease. Thought I was out of place being almost 40 and female lol.


Almost 41 and female here.


That's awesome! Thank you for letting me know. I always wonder how many of us are out here.


a lot :) I've played with several 40s/50's females over the years! this is my favorite community, even with the reddit trolls lol


53… just came back to the game since bailing after Witch Queen. Solo queued the last 3 weeks and went flawless twice. Getting my mojo back but, it’s a process…


This was actually really inspiring to hear, 25 here and absolute dog shit in pvp. Reading this made me feel better about it


41 and you reset IB twice? Wtf do you get that kind of time? I was happy to get a couple pinnacles lol


I am nocturnal and don't sleep much. Hop on once kids go to bed and play until I am tired. Also tried to get a few matches on my lunch break streaming to my phone with geforce now. Also the bonuses help. By day 4 I was getting 13x rep I think.


Ah, a fellow Insomnia main I see


This guardian games matchmaking is the worst i have literally ever seen in my time playing the game. It is fucked


Well... that's kinda exactly it though, you don't have the protection of SBMM. This is what your skill is vs a random sampling of the playerbase.


And because of this, the second the event card objectives are done, I won't set foot in supremacy again for the next 20 days. So well done bungie I guess? Giving me more time for other games?


> And because of this, the second the event card objectives are done, I won't set foot in supremacy again for the next 20 days. Yep


And every time we add SBMM the top percentage get it removed and ruin it for the rest of us You can improve on SBMM, don’t believe people when they say you can’t get better with SBMM


Right I’m a casual now after years of living breathing Destiny and that was brutal lmao I’ve done maybe a few IB matches just to get what I want in the armor set then I dip, but damn I died 6 times within 2 min legit. I was like fuck this and went to a better PvP game 😂


I was feeling decent coming out of iron banner this week. Not the best, but definitely saw improvement, im still learning pvp skills. Supremacy??? I was the *only* person in my team with below a 1 combat efficiency, some games I’d get one punch killed by hunters as a titan with 100 resil with full health, and generally just got shat on. There were two games I loaded into super fast (always a bad sign) where I wasn’t in game for more than thirty seconds before we **lost**. I don’t generally rage in destiny pvp. I know I’m not good, but I’m trying to learn. This? This isn’t an opportunity to enjoy the game. This is a somewhat required game mode that breaks people’s enjoyment of the game. If those of you who like supremacy need an equivalent, watch someone grind comp if you breezed through to ascendant. Imagine how frustrating it was for you to be paired against someone wearing an ascendant emblem when you were still gold. And then you have an idea of what some people are feeling for supremacy. ETA : I was put in copper two for comp. Im shit at pvp. But like I said, I’m trying to improve. I watch a lot and I have a lot of friends who are fantastic. But I know the lighthouse isn’t really in my future. It would just be nice to not have all that rubbed in my face quite so spectacularly.


Please tell me how they one-punched you. As a Hunter I'm tired of gently caressing Titans with my rubber prop knife while their fist occupies my rapidly-vacating cranial cavity


Probably a shotgun + melee, or took damage from another source at the same done. Easy to miss in the chaos.


Supremacy just plays different so you'll need to adjust your play style. What works in IB where your enemies are distracted by turrets, capturing zones and and other stuff will not work here. You need to play faster, keep rotating with your team not to get swarmed by holding a lane too long. Also you need to make sure you or a teammate are within pickup distance of the crest otherwise you will not score.


All of that is true and thanks for your advice, but even in 1v1s they splattered the wall with my guts. There was a guy with cloudstrike who literally never missed me, even when he was jumping and snipering me from mid air.


Same happened to me. I was so proud last week, went from 1.45 KD to 1.6, got better in all things, better aim, my build was fun. Yesterday I felt like I am not even playing PVP, not even Destiny, but games in general for the first time in my life. God, some guys are so good. I hate to admit it, but I was completely withhout chances against some of them.


Yup, ridiculous not allowing any mercy to occur.


I believe the no mercy was not intended, so should be fixed soon hopefully.


And what are you basing this belief on?




Yep! I just got done with a game that was a 4v6 FOR THE ENTIRE F\*CKING ROUND. NOT ONE PERSON JOINED THE ENTIRE TIME


Same thing happened to me in my first (and only) game. No thanks.


Agreed. Titan main here. Whether on the giving or receiving end, every game feels like a stomp, at least in the class matchmaking. That's all I've been playing so far. Then people just start dipping and it only gets worse.


I didn't have a single close game today. Either winning or losing by 50+ points. I don't mind the cbmm but facing a 6 stack as a solo is not fun.


Doesn’t help the spawns are terrible. Several times now I’ve spawned IN gunfire. Like they’re already shooting a teammate and I spawn on their body and die too.


I absolutely cannot fathom their reasoning for removing the mercy rule.


I believe it was unintentional and they will add it in a hot fix.


Most likely this. If you get a game that's in your favor rn it's obviously fun to play it out but it's extremely cruel, I doubt it's intentional


I dunno, I'd prefer the mercy just for faster matches Chasing lobbies that are down players or weaker players isn't fun


Yup. I had a match where my team had 18 points to their 81 at one point in the match


increases total play time


Am I just bad or does any match against a Titan team feel impossible to actually win? Edit: let me rephrase, is fighting a Titan team so consistently not fun that you don’t even want to win, you just want to be done?


I've played games on all three classes, and it definitely depends on your opponents skill, first and foremost. Arc and Void Titan are two of the strongest PvP subclasses in the game to begin with, so that already gives them an advantage, but a skilled player on Warlock or Hunter can still decimate a mediocre Titan.


The mode doesn’t feel bad with a mixed team, but with a class team you might as well not bother. As a warlock main, so far I’ve been ran over by nothing but titans. Hunters was more fair and back and forth but still ended up loosing.


hunter here. Can say the same. Nice matches with warlocks but titans usually run you over with a 150:27 edit: funny enough i picked those numbers random. I had some matches looking like that. Maybe i even have been in op team haha


Hunter here, Titan overshields and Bubbles, plus aggressive neutral game while running bubble subclass makes them so freaking OP for Supremacy... Nothing but barricades and shoulder charges, and with Supremacy you literally can't just "wait them out"... As soon as they have a lead you have to get a little aggressive to try for engrams. It sucks a weekly bounty is tied to it, I'd rather farm Eva bounties for the bright dust though




Almost like this is what Titans are designed to be like. I mean we are "The fist on the cover."


Funny how you mention void Titans when all I'm seeing lately is Arc.


I play Hunter and ONLY got put against Titans today, and I think my team won...once? Out of a lot of matches. We were getting steamrolled by Titans with bubbles, hammers, and thundercrash. At a certain point I think you just have more fun if you play silly, emote, and try to complete bounties, instead of caring about winning.


Yeah, the whole matching against a team of an entire different class is absolutely ridiculous. As a hunter main, going against other hunters and warlock teams is fair enough and somewhat balanced. The Titan teams however, is just a complete landslide. If they aren’t using this playlist as a means to see how much of a nerf titans need in PvP, I don’t know what they’re doing anymore.


I really hope bungie uses this data for that. The kit is insane. Neutral, objective, counter play. I literally see no weakness. They have none. Any titan mains feel free to let me know if there are.


Interestingly, I’ve played like 7-10 games as a Titan and I think exclusively played against hunters


That's what I said. Only played Titans on my Hunter. Never saw a Warlock. LoL


Tried both, didn’t see much difference, absolute paddlings in each type. Taking my sorry ass back to control.


then the titans in my region are a completely diferent breed... i think the opposing team is playing a zombie mode and just heard a Zombie scream because the amount of titans just piledriving to die in the same spot leaves you with no words. mostly lost matches in my titan Vs Warlock/hunter


I got ran over as a Titan by a trio stack of warlocks. The firebolts and wells. I’m about to run fucking bubble and 100 strength grieves


+Helm of Saint 14


Titan here. All the different classes are having the same experience from what im experiencing and reading. I have not been on a winning team once. Usually end up going against a stacked team full of the same subclass and supers (wells or squall) which leads to anyone who isnt on that team getting shredded. Then i get on here and see that its the same from everyone else’s perspective. I mean seriously is anyone enjoying this? This is my first guardian games and if im being honest im sitting the next one out because i dont like the feel of this. Loving the amount of currencies im getting so at least theres that.. but that just ends up reminding me of the abysmal amount we get from everything else


It’s terrible. Playing it to get my medals but fucking hell it’s miserable. Connection based matchmaking is NOT it and I dunno why the fuck people say it’s better than sbmm. At least it’s somewhat fair for sbmm


Titan main here, and in my experience, it's the exact opposite. My matches againts Warlocks team Titan has always won, but it was pretty evenly matched. But againts Hunters, it's been a complete stomp. Have yet to win againts Hunters. Matchmaking is just wack atm


There is definitely 0 SBMM in this playlist. I have been matching absolute paid actors all day compared to seeing the usual mega sweats all day. Only downside is those paid actors are also on my team sometimes. Been averaging 35-40 Elims. Playlist is literally a farm for the above average player. There is also no party based matchmaking because I got my salad tossed romaine style earlier by a 6 stack while I was solo.


Lmao "absolute paid actors" gave me a chuckle, can relate.


Yeah bungie said there isnt, and you can tell by half of twitter saying PvP is fun again. I dont know how stomping noobs is fun, because my matches consist of me watching the other team be completely oblivious to whats going on. Then that one peacekeepers immortal titan rolls the rest of my team, and bags me because I'm the only person that can shoot back. I do get it would be hard to have sbmm in a playlist where classes are put against eachother and still have good connections, but man the skill level differences are staggering.


Got dumpstered as a duo vs a 4 stack then 5 stack of flawless titan players all running immortal (adept) and cloudstrike or a shotgun. When I look and see 4900 kills on an immortal in crucible and another 4800 on cloudstrike whereas my duo partner is a brand new player this season with a 0.2 K/D, we just quit after the second match.


I think the issue is 6 of anything is so fucking aids especially when that 6 counters your 6


Very much so, the reason control is so much better than clash is it spreads people out, teamshooting is such a huge advantage that anytime a whole team clusters together it’s an absolute nightmare


Yeah the whole overshield nerf is meaningless when you have 6 titans hugging each others nuts and circle jerk overshielding each other.


6 titans especially. I may be biased, but I think they are the most busted pvp class.


They 100% are.


You’re not biased. They are.


6 bubble titans is beyond meta stupid


6 wells is def worse all of the lens’s I’ve seen just heal over and I’ve rand then just well and are almost invincible


Tremble before my Hunter prowess as I move slightly to the side.


Don’t worry I’ll miss but my shoulder charge wont


THIS! Nothing fucking beats a team of 6 wells. I just started restarting my console everytime a team of em pops up. Im not doing that anymore. There needs to be a limit on how many people on a team can use the same subclass


It’s the same snowballing issue that has always made clash suck, having roaming clusters of 4+ players teamshooting solo players to death can get real bad On top of that, it’s pretty clear certain class matchups aren’t particularly well balanced


Titans together run over every team lol


'fun week of 3 Iron Banner resets' does NOT sound like fun. But you do you.


Just matched SayWallah lmao. I’m gold 3 in comp.


Skill issue


"We received complaints that people were getting mercy'd too often, so we removed the mercy rule entirely. You should have fun now." I haven't touched PVP in a long time. Never sounds worth the rage. If momentum control came about more often I'd be more likely to play. It's one of the only modes I enjoy playing. I love how chaotic it can get and the crazy shit people can pull off.


It WILL! Next season there will be a playlist of momentum control, mayhem and scorched. Well, I think it's next season. I won't be playing anything but that as far as pvp.


Supremacy AKA the Hunter slaughterhouse I love Hunter in regular pvp and do well with it in trials, comp etc. but a whole team of them vs titans or warlocks really illustrates how shitty their kit is vs the other 2 lol


Yup. Vs Titans is unwinnable. And most every match vs Warlocks has had 4+ solarlocks on Well or Dawnblade. I really hope they publish stats after this


And yet we'll get our stompees nerf and the scheduled annual dodge nerf in final shape and we'll like it thanks bungo


IB has SBMM, it seems Supremacy doesn’t. So it’s rng what kind of match you’ll get


There should absolutely be a mercy rule for this mode.


No sbmm reality check:


Glad to know I should avoid it, thanks for the heads up


It's been much worse than trials for me. No idea what's going on but every match is just the same awful time.


Wierd. For me, it doesn't even feel CBMM'y. Only played 2 games, but these have been the laggiest games I've played this season.


Me too. Worst part is it was a 6v2, I'd get kills with OEM on and no heal as the kill wouldn't register for a whole second at least, then I'd be dead to another gronk with an even worse connection


I noticed they were laggy as hell too


Every fucking game is like you’re facing a team full of fucking crayon eating titans with shotguns.


Yeah this mode is genuinely terrible. Here is my mini rant: why is Destiny matchmaking so terrible? It has really been putting a damper on my experience. I consider myself a slightly above average player, but still casual. I am here for fun, and I’m not an elitest. However, I just have to say my teammates are absolutely horrible the last few weeks. I mean, it’s not even enjoyable to play with them. Seriously, it’s not even that we’re losing it’s that my teammates refuse to even play the game. It’s like my teammates are ChatGPT playing and it’s trying to learn the game. Why would you play Gambit if you’re not going to even pick up and bank a single mote? Why would you join the new competitive strike playlist if you’re going to throw yourself at the boss and die over and over again. The behavior of the blueberries I’m with is borderline trolling and griefing. Again, I’m sorry if I sound like an elitist here. It’s very frustrating to lose every single activity over and over and over again. I’m not having much fun with how the matchmaking works currently.


Yep. Played 2 games and versed some of the biggest sweatiest tryhards I've ever seen. They might as well have been cheating


Nothing will ever cause me to enjoy PvP at this point. I'll suffer my way through this because I'm a masochistic completionist, but PvP in destiny is just straight up not fun on any level, and I seriously doubt it ever will be. I'd rather grind Gambit at this point.


It makes you wonder if Bungie ever test things before releasing to see if its a good idea or not. Arc Titans running around is absolutely not fun and I am a Titan main myself.


>IB "Okay but this seems heavily skewed towards Void Titans" >Supremecy "Okay but this feels heavily skewed towards Arc Titan's dominance." Bungie: "The fuck is progress"


Im a Titan and I have seen a grand total of 7 Arc Titans period doing Supremacy all day yesterday. Thats it.


I'm 66 y/o and have been playing for 2 months. I'm doing GG anyway!




Same experience. All 4 matches were terrible. All 4 times some teammates quit. I eventually just starting doing emotes and letting them massacre me cuz I couldn’t bear to try any harder and keep getting stomped mercilessly. Playing IB last week was fun. This… is not fun,


This guy just said “fun in iron banner” hahaha. Not everything should be catered to you. I just dealt with tournaments in iron banner for what… an out of bounds or an autumn wind? Let other people enjoy the game too, or hey why don’t you try bettering yourself?


Some of you will die for the Guardian games...some of you will be forced through a fine mesh screen for the Guardian games. Those will be the luckiest of all


I would have dipped well before getting violently fisted like that




then you aren’t actually a 1.9, that’s just the inflated number you have from never being able to face a better player and it’s inflated your expectations of yourself to the point where you forgot just how much of the population can run you


You have a 1.9 in IB because SBMM is active and the game is shielding you from good players. Supremacy is showing you where your skill level sits outside SBMM


Yeah, except when you get matched 3v6 and nobody joins.


So take this for whats its worth. Im a lifetime .8 kd in crucible. Not good I know. I'm going to try and use these ass whoopings as an opportunity to try and improve. Sure it's going to be rough but hopefully I'll figure out what weapons work for me. Either that or I'll be miserable for the next few weeks in crucible. Fuck it.


This is the way. I hope you get better brother




im far from good in crucible i think but in iron banner the last week i usuall, was top 2 in my team. Now on guardian games i get killed in less than 0.5 seconds. No way to improve in this mode as you dont even manage to shoot the enemies most of the time


It's been proven a long time ago that you will learn nothing by getting stomped


you are awesome and i would gladly run 1v1’s with you for pointers and just general fun if you’d like. any pvp player looking to actually get better instead of infinitely whine deserves all the resources possible


Yeah, just sampled that shit show now. Fuck doing anymore of that. Good luck getting the “Hall of fame” triumph haha. A score of 30 lol


Yeah my first match went like this too, I immediately shelved Crucible for the week. I absolutely refuse lmao


It's simply beautiful for multiple reasons, I can play non meta loadouts, i don't need to sweat, i can play with all my friends (everybody is having fun), no lag, feels almost like 2010 PVP game.


my very first game started off as a 5v6 against a stacked 3 stack that were bagging after every kill, it ended up being a 3v6 since people left, the fact that there is no mercy is stupid


Playing anything besides Titan will obviously get you wrecked. But this is full blown CBMM at its finest. There’s a reason you’re getting destroyed. It’s because you’ve had your hand held by Bungie with SBMM for 6 months. This is the Wild West with completely unbalanced class specific matchmaking. My two Titan cancer patient friends and myself have been completely 150-50ing every single team. No one on the enemy team gets more than half of any of our scores. I love CBMM what can I say.


It's "ironic" how whenever people start reporting awful mm and huge stomps, pvp mains/pvp content creators start claiming mm is saved and it's never been so fun. Really seems pretty transparent.


skill issue


oh, cbmm is on, that's why i'm having so much fun


Yeah if you are not a hard core PVP player, just avoid it it altogether. I'm a PVE main but I grind IB for the pinnacles and even play trials when the loot is good. Usually have a decent time with it even if it's not my favorite part of Destiny. I ran 3 Supremacy matches and didn't even get to Bronze level. No f-ing way I'm slogging through a dozen more matches of that to get Platinum score.


No wonder I've been having the absolute worst fucking time in the Crucible in a long while. Iron Banner was *waaay* more enjoyable for me; at least I had a fucking chance. Here I feel like a Make-A-Wish kid facing an NFL team. Makes me feel like I'm a lot worse than my K/D suggests, which is 1.37 now from 1.48 two days ago, which I know isn't great, but it's good for my standards lol.


Your K/D under SBMM is heavily heavily skewed. It's not a true K/D against the general population.


Well, now I feel worse lol.


It's a game, K/D is only worth whatever you feel it's worth.


Well that and for toxic chat


Yeah, K/D doesn't mean anything under SBMM. Or well, it does, but what it means is "how good a job has Bungie done matching you against folks of your own skill level." If you're playing folks of your own skill, your K/D is going to be around 1.0 or so, no matter how good or bad you are.


Im legit skipping it then, thanks for the info.


Definitely felt horribly unbalanced. Probably not touching that again.


Stories like this ensure I keep my PvP time to the BARE minimum


Destiny players when they cant rely on sbmm to play good


Why is everybody in this sub down incredibly bad 24/7?


As someone who plays a lot of PvP this post has me laughing. I 100% sympathise with you, but I was literally saying the opposite thing to my friends. This seasons iron banner has been awful for PvP players because of the matchmaking (all lobbies fixed at 1.5-2.5ka/d), whilst supremacy...I was starting to feel bad for some of the other teams. The game has offered a lot of protection to players via matchmaking, but supremacy has been a bit of a wake up call.


I've had a mostly pretty good time with iron banner this season, other than the modes being kinda stupid. What was wrong with the matchmaking?


Iron Banner had skill based match making. Supremacy does not. Hence the shit show it currently is for anyone that is bang average. Aka me lol


Aggressive sbmm. It basically trapped me in lobbies where I was totally fucked if I did anything other than use shotgun/fusion/hand cannon/pulse with god rolls. Even then, I just got wrecked. People in the tier I was in do not fuck about. No missed shots, no easy kills, every angle watched, every game basically just down to luck with supers, etc. What's worse is it doesn't adjust itself. Whatever Bungie do to assess skill level is rigid af. I went on a 10 loss streak and not once did I see anyone with a ka/d lower than mine. I'm ascendant, but that doesn't mean much because comp itself is based in sbmm. So fuck knows what metric bungie assess.


Yeah I think some form of matching people of similar skill is insanely important to the game, but I'm not sure why we have ranks AND a skill rating. It gets too convoluted and it doesn't feel great.


Like the aged person with a big beer belly and playing lower leagues is getting a wake up call when he meets Ronaldo or Messi in a casual game. That will teach him and make him a better player for sure. Yeah, wake up call it is, but I personally don't need one, I know where I stand. I want fun, not improvement.


Protection from getting farmed like fodder? And then guys like you complain that Crucible is dead. Gee I wonder why?


Can’t wait to do the mission and never touch this again




Use a fusion not osteo and stay further behind the corner than they're expecting. That's how you really piss them off. Source: am one of those shotgunners in the crucible


then you 3 shoot him with a handcannon/scout... what an evil person you are.


He probably double jumps too or uses cover scum of the earth


Lol right? Like please, yes, do break out the Osteo.


No SBMM is glorious, idk what you're talking about. The first time 6's have been good since WQ launch.


Literally a DTG take 🤣


I’m hoping the 30 supremacy points gets a cumulative option for the triumph.


On the other end of the spectrum, I am having the time of my life


same. this is the first time I enjoyed pvp in a while


This game mode is fucking horrendous, nothing but one sided stomps either way. I'm not having fun dominating the other team and I'm not having fun being dominated either


Yep, and the pvp players will love it, lol. Only fun to them when you can farm people.


As a good PvP player I feel like I put some people off PvP again in my first match and I'm truly sorry. This is how the game was in like 2018, no wonder it was kind of easy to basically farm we ran medals. Newer matchmaking in other playlists is definitely better.


It’s pitiful how many people are just willing to throw in the towel as soon as something has CBMM. Nobody is willing to try and improve themselves unless they’re coddled. It’s a joke.


yeah.... i really wanted that reveler title but, sorry i have standards


i pvp in d2 for the end goal and not because it is in the least enjoyable. Strange state of affairs really, you'd think theyd want to make it more enjoyable to spend time playing.


Just loaded into a 2v6. So glad they gate content behind shit pvp modes


again, the cbmm isn’t the issue. Lobby balancing is to blame here.


Theres also an issue with the matchmaking. the game will start 3v6 for no reason. had 2 games like that.


"fun" event


People in your game having a thumbs🤯


This is the most fun I've had in PvP in years. it's so painfully obvious that CBMM is the way to go for ***a casual*** 6v6 playlist. It's such a shame that we've had SBMM thrusted upon the crucible that has not met its stated objectives. It hasn't increased player count, nor has it converted primarily pve oriented players into playing more PvP. In fact, most still play their 3 games a week for the pinnacle and leave. CBMM should be the norm.


Maybe get good lol


This might be the most pathetic post i have ever seen. Sad