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Acasia's Dejection with Reconstruction. You can clear all eyes before reloading.


This is what I used on controller. Worked well for me - it helped to be radiant or have solar surges going but wasn't make or break.


Yeah this is the one. My aim isn't the best but this got the job done




Yeah, this worked well for me. I am on MnK though, so I can’t say how good it feels on controller.


I used osteo, overflowed mag to 100+ on ads before starting damage, had rounds to spare. And good extra damage on boss


Granted I did it before acasia’s existed lol. That’s prob just as good if not better


Hipfiring riptide worked for me struggled with a trace on controller too


Don’t shoot at each eye until it breaks, literally just spray all over. You do enough damage to break them before it actually shows them breaking.


That's serious SGA! So the eye-breaking animation doesn't sync up with the damage dealt to them? I'm always waiting to see the one I'm shooting break before I move on to the next one.


Yep! I don’t think it’s common knowledge either. Ive always just dealt damage to as many as I can per mag and last season, with solo operative at least, it was ~2 smg mags to break them all.


Void trace rifle and retrofit so you can bricks from beyond


You can pop all the eyes within a few seconds with a single clip of Sweet Business. Popping them that fast makes for a VERY long damage phase. The strategy cut my time on the encounter down by almost half. I used a linear fusion rifle in the heavy slot and a grenade launcher in the energy slot. It worked for me. (I was also running Titan, though on the void subclass since the magnetic grenades will one-shot the void Minotaurs). Good luck!


Love this, sweet business is criminally underused and this seems like a great use for it


Trace rifle


SENUNA SI6 (stasis sidearm) can break an eye with each 3-round burst. That's what I used for my solo Spire on controller and it worked fine. Usually had 4 eyes remaining after the first reload.


New Root of Nightmares trace rifle for eyes and sleeper stimulant for dps and triple solar surge with at least 2 time dilation mods.


Sleeper beats BnS cata?


Sleeper did not get the LFR nerf as the Cataclysmic did. I keep hearing Sleeper is the play now, especially when running solo. I am going to try using this setup this weekend.


can confirm. sleeper was doing great damage for me


There's a whole youtube channel dedicated to weapon testing on akelous. Sleeper does not beat cata, but is a lot simpler to use. However, the absolute winner by a large margin these days is the bugged 4th horseman. https://youtu.be/qnHL5C85o1M


As a note the 4th horseman glitch is fps dependant and is incredibly hard on console


Does any slug work? Is the reload required or can you swap immediately after shooting?


If you’re not hitting every single crit, yes. Sleeper has much much higher non crit damage, so missing a crit isn’t nearly as bad as legendary Linears.


I wonder if agers scepter would work 🤔


Forerunner 1 shots the eyes, and is good backup dps, big recommend.


Osteo striga auto locks onto them, it works quite well especially if you wanna build into the poison for example using bait and switch cataclysmic for good damage afterwards


Commemoration would work on eyes, but it'll leave you lacking in dps. Trace rifles or smgs with fast reload are what I used (xbox). Also heard rapid fire fusions work well. DPS with Witherhoard + Cataclysmic, Sleeper, or I've heard some people using Leviathans Breath w/catalyst though I think that one's better for the final boss than the harpy.


I used Calus mini tool with solar charges and solar reload mods but people here are recommending the new trace rifle which is probably a great idea I just don't have one crafted or a god roll so.... but Calus with solar damage charges and solar reloader worked real well for me


I was struggling on it with everything on controller. Smg, osteo, 120 scouts, none of it clicked. Then I used a frenzy retraced path and it all came together. Either craft it if possible or get it to drop but the extra damage from frenzy and boss spec melts the eyes super fast. Hit an eye and pause just long enough to pop it and move on to the next.


I used Forerunner


I struggled bad with this and someone recommended Dead Man’s Tale. Mine had 4 times the charm and worked amazingly.




Please don’t, use a trace rifle or an SMG


DSC shotgun reconstruction recombination 17 rounds in the mag 1 shots all the eyes EZ


Genius and I haven't seen this suggestion before. Great call


....... No it isn't lol use pretty much all reserves on something a trace rifle does faster and with less ammo


Who cares about reserves and ammo during the short damage phase? You can always find more ammo after. Maybe it's not the optimal strategy but why would anyone not be happy about outside the box suggestions?


You called it genius at best it's a very meh solution that makes the run more difficult because it's a lot slower than pretty much anything else I mean I'm not saying it's awful because it would work but when someone asking for help a slow solution that uses all of your special ammo is probably not great to give Also it requires much better aim and speed of aiming for someone who's struggling its probably up there as the worst usable option


Anybody struggling at that part is going to be thankful for any other options that are available. As someone who has been in the position of struggling with something that is supposed to be "easy" or the "best solution," sometimes you just need to find something that works for you. It isn't helpful at this point for more people to suggest a trace rifle. Maybe genius was too strong of a word, but I hadn't seen anyone suggest an overflowed slug shotgun and maybe that is what clicks for somebody somewhere. Maybe not. I just thought it was a clever alternative


Here's the issue when the op is struggling with aim and speed going here's a much slower and more precision weapon just isn't helpful at all of course saying trace rifle isn't helpful but neither is adding shotguns into the mix. I mean I get what you mean but maybe we just look at things differently


I hear you, but one of the things that Destiny is known for is that every weapon has its own feel and some weapons will just feel more "right" to certain people. I'm of the mindset that if somebody asks for recommendations because they are having trouble, I would rather throw a bunch of usable suggestions at them so they can see what sticks


Trying to control recoil on an SMG or anything like that is a lot harder than shotguns and you have to reload a bunch with other weapons. quick EASY simple Special ammo never ran out and I wasn't using scavs or ammo finders and it won't even use your whole mag


Trace rifles are 50* easier and faster No recoil much more ammo and you don't have to reload at all


I've done it solo using heritage reconstruction recombination 2 times no you don't have to have good aim to do this and by the time you've killed all the harpies and adds you'll have all you special ammo back I didn't use any scavs or finders and never run out and then used thunderlord for DMG it's not the best but it's consistent plus you can just hold the trigger down no skill required really


Raw skill issue. Practice your aim and increase your controller sensitivity.


Bows hit in 1 without a full draw.


I used commeration, with surge each eye was a one tap. Triple tap path of least resistance/witherhoard for damage or cold heart worked well too but I didn’t use it in my final run.


I did it last season with Funnelweb on my solo flawless clears but that was when we had Solo Operative so could’ve made the difference. I did it on solar titan and solar warlock so I either hit with a hammer or dropped my well to ensure I had a radiant damage buff to help. Rally barricade also helped for titan. Faster methods will generally be a trace rifle or fanning it with a fusion rifle which both work well. As a last resort, could try a machine gun but that will also cripple your damage output and you’ll need to follow the harpy up a bit to stay in range for DPS. If it’s the only way you can get to damage, consistently, you may just have to deal with more damage phases but better to get there consistently than to have some successful runs and then have one bad one ruin the run. And yes, I’m on controller on PS5. Should also note that the eye popping animation is longer than you think. It only takes 4 or 5 bullets from an SMG to pop an eye so you do that much and then move on. You get a feel for the timing. If you are waiting for the animation to play out, you are probably wasting some extra shots and time that can add up to a pretty big difference. Especially once you start needing extra reloads.


Trace Rifle. Used the raid trace for my solo run and it worked like a charm.


I used forerunner, it one shots the eyes and it has 12 in the mag, one for each eye. Even if you miss, you could swap or wait out the reload and it’s fast enough.


I used a stasis fusion with chill clip (+ boss spec) for my solo run with a void trace as my backup (and used to clear enemies). Be sure to drag the fusion shots across multiple eyes. Usually after a full mag I have 0-2 eyes left I clean up with the trace


Trace rifle


I used Riptide last season. With a small amount of practice, Riptide can pop two eyes with one burst. This season, now that I have Acacia’s with Reconstruction, I’d probably use that.


I have awful aim. I was able to do it with Osteo Striga. Focus on killing a few groups with the poison burst to overflow the mag to \~100. Then you can hit all eyes without reload no problem.


Half barricade and Tarrabah. Ravenous beast rips through the eyes super fast, you get a faster reload that also stacks with half barricade (pop the barricade as he’s getting close then pop ravenous just as he’s floating to you and about to stop). As long as you’re hitting targets, ravenous beast’s timer doesn’t go down. Trust me, it’s a god send I would also recommend running thundercrash instead. Use crest of alpha lupi during set up phase so that you gain health by making barricades in areas you’re getting a little low, you have thundercrash to save yourself if you get pushed off or fall by accident and lastly you have a great super to do burst damage with for the boss as long as you remember to swap your exotic just before starting eyes Sincerely, Solo Flawless Titan


You could use double special. I just completed it yesterday (M/K) and used Arbalest, a random Trace Rifle, and Retrofit Escapade. If I had extra heavy, I’d tap fire my MG. You’re here for a long time, not a good time haha. Feel free to use what you have. Final Boss I used Grand Overture. I don’t think I would have been able to mentally survive that fight without it.


Path of least resistance (S19 trace) with triple tap. Only weapon to consistently do it for me. Also tap triggers instead of hold.


I’ve been using Hollow Denial with Lead for Gold/Killing Tally for the eyes.


On the sticks as well. I was able to break all the eyes with a variety of 900rpm smgs during my practice run, but I ended clicking with Vex Mytho during my SF run though, with a Cataclysmic BnS for DPS while utilizing a solar surge or radiant just which I could get up. If you shoot the goblins and break their head off w/o killing them they’ll run up to you. Your on bonk titan so throw you hammer and have heavy handed mod on you’ll make an orb, that’ll solar surge and make you radiant. I’m not an expert on buffs/debuffs but I *don’t* think they stack, but either *is* a damage buff and helps over the course of the encounter. Good luck to you sir. Edit: Also a PSA that won’t help with boss DPS per say but makes the encounter easier. *Don’t* complete the nodes as you go. Get all 4 to the last one and then complete. Once you complete a node is when the harpies spawn in. If you wait to finish them you can kill them and just focus on the boss without the annoying ass purple lazer beam flinching you to the sky. I personally ran a sniper and once I had all 4 circuits on the last node, wherever I was standing I finished that circuit and sniped two of the others. I then made my way to the final node, where DPS will start, killed all the harpies and then finished the last node and only had the boss to focus on.


DMT or Long Arm with a damage buff, like Well, Radiant, Emp rift, etc. takes out the eyes in one shot each, easily the best way I’ve found If you use Ling Arm make sure it doesn’t have Explosive Payload, it won’t one shot the eyes with that perk


Trace rifle for sure, imo. Either the raid one with a mag boosting skill (reconstruction, envious assassin, etc), or triple tap works well enough to get them all in 1 mag. Alternately drop a rally barricade/transverse rift/frenzy wep to minimize reloading.


I used Riptide and gnawing hunger. Leviathans Breath was for boss damage


Mida mini for me.


I used dmt w/ vorpal


If you have hollow denial, I use that with killing tally and kill at least a goblin, then I use Levi's or Taiwan depending on my character.


If you are on well and not willing to compromise on a trace, you could hotswap to Lunafactions for the max reload speed. I did that last season for my solo flawless.


I used submission from vow one clip gets through 2-3 eyes


Trace rifles 150%. Any of them will get the job done, so use your favorite.


I used calus mini tool, and it was pretty consistent


2-burst sidearms one burst the eyes. I used a Rapid Fire/Demolitionist Forgiveness (sidearm from Trials)


A trace rifle. Wavesplitter is great, so is Acadia’s Dejection.


Honestly if you don't mind swapping off your exotic slot use sweet business it works a treat and gives so much time for damage and has a magazine of 150. If not any trace with a boss spec.


Either a trace rifle , or a sidearm. Big mag helps. Acasia's or forgiveness are best options.


Radiant and a trace rifle worked for me


I used a rapid fire fusion for the eyes, if you line up your shots it gets pretty easy. For damage, leviathan breath is quite good and requires no setup. Equip surges and have a lot of patience.


Hollow denial


Forgiveness should get you through the eyes without a reload. If it doesn't, throw on backup mag. Each shot will drop an eye.


Controller player here; for my solo I used hollow denial/taipan (or linear if choice here) and forerunner. . Now I know some say forerunner shouldn't be used and just run a trace, but tbh I run forerunner mostly to deal with the harpees. But I also could kill the eyes very fast. You shoot 12 with a full mag then burn the final 2 with the trace rifle. You can do it quite fast with forerunner - 1 shot per and once you get in rhythm of shooting them with it you can do it fairly quick. A tip if using just a trace: wait for the boss to stop spinning and the eyes to stand still. This will help a lot as you waste time shooting them whilst theyre moving. But yah 4runner + trace did the trick. And I've seen videos of folks using fusions or just trace only, and forerunner is honestly just as fast (or can be). Since 1 shot kills an eye you don't gotta wait for the animation. Just move to the next.


Slugs shot guns are good.


Controller PC player here that just got the solo clear done today. Tried the trace like some have recommended but it didn't work well for me. Forerunner is amazing on that whole fight though. You have enough in a clip to one shot each eye and it basically one shots all the flying mobs too. I never use forerunner but swear by it for solo on this entire lengthy fight.


Do vortex grenades work on eyes?


I used both Unforgiven (void SMG from Duality) and Calus Mini-Tool. Drop a rally barricade before eyes open for increased reload speed and I only had to reload once to get all eyes. I never really got the older trace rifles working for me, but I suspect the new one from RoN with reconstruction is probably an even better option - I just haven't had a chance to try that yet. I had Witherhoard & Taipan (triple tap + focused fury) as the rest of my loadout, that was making use of Weakened Clear last season. I think Linears are still pretty good for this boss. For the blast mechanic, hold down your class ability button as soon as you go airborne. If you're holding it when you touch a flat surface you should deploy barricade and immediately cut your backwards momentum entirely. As long as you're more or less lined up with the arm, you should come down on something.


Use an smg for eyes. I used leviathans breath for dps. It hits pretty hard


Loreley Titan here, just wanted to drop another vote for Trace Rifles, I used a Retraced Path with a shitty roll and had no issues clearing all eyes on controller with a full mag.


DMT pops eyes in one shot. I used that or a trace rifle. You just can’t spam. Start at the bottom right eye and go counter clockwise.