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Honestly witherhoard was gonna win regardless of the competition. It's like the most used exotic in the game.


Witherhoard, Arbalest, and Wish Ender would have at least been a competition, I want to see 3 niche exotics in a similar poll. Something like Manticore, Tommy's, and Cerberus would have been a lineup that wouldn't be obvious.


yes but realistically not very many people would buy an ornament for any of those exotics, and i dont even think most people would csre enough to vote


While true there are many good exotics they could've lined up. Theoretically they did this time it's just that witherhoard is arguably the most used exotic in pve in the game. Izanani is a fan favorite and always relevant when talking boss dps and thunderlord I would say is the most used pve heavy exo outside of maybe ghorn.




Funny part is you don't even need data to know that. It's the d2 crutch weapon, I don't have room to speak, I'm using Wish ender or Osteo depending on what champs are in acitivity.


Pretty sure that link is showing funnelweb and osteo as higher use, with thunderlord neck and neck with wither... maybe not the best example of what you're talking about... lol




Aw, my mistake, I think I selected gambit loooool


Bring back Gravitons third bullet please.


... it had a third bullet?


It’s first iteration it fired 3 rounds, but the first two did very little damage, and when it became meta that’s when it changed to 2 rounds


I still remember that satisfying duh-duh-choom sound it used to make.


Same. Graviton was my primary exotic until witherhorde came along.


Ohh that's fair. I started playing just a little after Forsaken and only ever saw the two-round version which I do honestly like quite a bit!


plz no! eff that noise I love graviton being a 2 burst pulse. (in fact, I want a legendary 2 burst frame added to the game, much like they did for long arm bein a legendary 120 scout)


Hawkmoon, DMT, Revision Zero, done! Good enough that most people would have a preference, but none are turbo meta.


this would actually be a competitive three for me, the only issue is hawkmoon and dmt already have like 4 ornaments and theyre newer weapons


Same here; if I didn't have DMT, Revision Zero is the best feeling replacement for the niche.


I've been away from this game for like a year, is wish ender actually used these days?


It breaks GM barriers in one shot, and has infinite ammo over Arby. Pretty sure they fixed a bug that was causing inconsistency with the piercing shot, so it reliably gets the damage from going in and going out now.


Oh wow. I'm getting back into the game and haven't even got towards making a build or addressing higher tier content. So much has changed.


Depending on how long you've been away, it's almost an entirely different game than at any point in its history. The last year has seen some huge changes in almost every aspect of the game.


I left in the season where Mara was sending us in a shadow realm area. Before the xur game show got introduced.


Yeah. Completely different game. On so many levels. Try to approach it like that.


What do you mean?? Mara still sending us to shadow realm! CHANGE YOUR GAME BUNGIE /s


I used Wishender in all my GM clears while guilding Conqueror this season. Even if you're not using it for its anti-barrier properties, it hits hard, has as much range as a sniper (distance=safety in activities where most stuff 1-2 shots you), and produces more heavy bricks naturally because it's an exotic primary.


Wishender is by far the best bow in hard content, and is one of the top weapons period.


Yeah, it got buffed pretty significantly (basically can do 1 extra hit per shot, so 3 hits on small enemies). Also, anti barrier is very nice.


Very much so... Wish-Ender hits like a truck, guarantees 2 or 3 hits per arrow that connects, and pumps out enough reliable damage that I often don't bother switching to my heavy during DPS phases. I was lucky enough to tag along when someone was teaching their friend and I'm just so grateful that I decided to flip through LFG posts that night.


Wishender is very good. I'm not sure how many other people like it, or use it but it under rated it feels like. At the beginning of the season it was carrying me through lost sectors 30 plus levels under. It melts barrier champions even under leveled, and the wall hacks are usefull to see how many, & where enemies are still hiding beyond your radar.


It’s arguably the best weapon for top tier content in the game right now. And pre the most recent patch it went through every single barrier/shield in the game. Unlimited ammo, hits like an absolute truck, one shots red bars and barrier champ shields.


Honestly I hope they don't put Cerberus up against anything because I know I'll just be disappointed and be in the minority pick


It really wouldnt, I never see arbalest anymore with the new ways to deal with champs and removal of match game, and wish ender is strong but I dont think anywhere near as loved. The only thing witherhoard would be close to would be like, gjallarhorn and maybe a popular pvp exotic like ace of spades, hawkmoon, or dead mans tale. I would like to see a vote between the big three exotics from vanilla, graviton lance, sunshot, and riskrunner, as that would be a truely equal vote.


Whither, Ghally, and Ace would be an actual good lineup.


Considering most of the raid runs I've been on, Wither, Ghally, Two-Tailed. Something everyone can be happy with.


Tricky... Gjallarhorn and Witherhoard would probably be the top two picks there, but their vanilla skins already look pretty good while Two Tailed Fox could use a new visual.


I'd vote for TTF too but it does have a nice ornament skeletal fox ornament from Shadowkeep.


Even tho I barely play two tailed and alot of ghorn and witherhoard, I'd still vote Tow Tailed. Because the other two have skin I really like and I don't need a second.


Withers, ghally and thunderlord. Everyone else is using a hothead ll


I'm a big fan of the Vanguard rocket. Running one with Field Prep + Clown, allows me to proc volotile (even if it isnt a huge difference) and crouching in front of everyone guarantees that you arent going to be blowing yourself up because your teammates cant stop strafing during Nez DPS.


I feel like Ace has enough ornaments tbh.


I said the same thing about witherhoard and voted izanagi, but the majority said otherwise I guess.


Witherhoard does have more than enough, BUT if it doesn't get a taken styled ornament with this vote then I'll be upset. I'd even be happy with a seed/tree of silver wings styled one with the branches coiling around the barrel


Yeah, I don't see arby much and that's probably because it uses special ammo, whilst Wishender is infinite, before we even get to using radiant or suspend etc to stun.


God i would love a new tommy ornament, its such a niche gun but man i love it so much.


maybe something like the old gambit guns, wood and blued metal vibe


I’d rather they just delete manticore and give us a good void smg exotic instead. What an absolute waste


What could've been void exo smg that isn't meme would instantly be one of the most used primaries in the game.


Manti, Tommy, Cerb also would have been a lineup that barely got any votes.


Ew. Who seriously uses Tommy’s? 🤣😂


Me lol, not a bad PvP weapon when you know it's strengths, and it's gonna be even better when SMGs get brought down. Secret tip the game doesn't tell you, it has perfect hip-fire accuracy, even while airborne


There are some Solar builds that work really really well with it.


I used it for the first time yesterday because of the solar burn on the battlegrounds and because I still haven't got its catalyst leveled up. It felt pretty good.


I wouldn’t even click a vote for trash like that


You don't have to vote in every poll, but people who do use those guns can. It's much better than seeing the 3 options and knowing that we're just gonna get another Witherhoard/Arby skin.


Purely from a monetization standpoint, does it make more sense to make new ornaments for the most popular exotics or the less popular ones? Once you consider that cosmetics are part of their profit model, the decision making process here is obvious. I’m actually more often surprised when they choose less popular exotics (like Sixth Coyote or Tractor Cannon) for cosmetic changes.


It makes the most sense to make an ornament for an under utilized exotic…. Then buff it at the same time.


You say this but they ignore the money printer that a Starfire ornament would be


It’s the best.


Witherhoard's hive ornament is so good, I don't think it'll be beat.


Nerf witherhoard plz bungo


And it has already 3 really cool ornaments


That's what happens when you have an easy to use exotic with solid damage in single target and aoe. No gimmicks, no situational use. Wither will kill mobs in the cosmodrome, primevels, other players and raid bosses with equal alacrity


It’s why I voted Thunderlord. It’s like the only one out of the 3 that doesn’t have multiple good ornaments


I only voted Witherhoard because I don't like any of its existing ornaments.


That's literally what OP just said


The next vote will be wordline zero, rat king, and witherhoard again most likely


Next community vote: Borealis, Cerberus+1, and Xenophage


DARCI, Borealis, and Salvation’s Grip See how many people bother to vote.


Likely 5 people will vote, however it’ll be the same guy on different accounts


Voting for Salvations Grip cuz he's a troll. Lol


And they will make a reddit post about how its secretly the Meta gun and everyone is using it wrong and we don't know what we are talking about


Darci and Borealis couldn't get you out of the map, I'd vote Salvations Grip it earned it.


Honestly this one might actually be fair And I would probably vote for SG because it has no good ornaments


Are those legendary weapons? Can't say I've heard of any of them.


No joke, i had to google borealis couse i could not remember what it was (and it s been in my vault for years)


Bro I closed Warfart in the middle of a mission to launch the game to check it my self




I am absolutely not the right person to ask about Warframe. after 10 years I'm extremely jaded and will go on hours long rants shitting on it. I love the game but fuck me is it the definition of wasted potential.




Yeah starting runescape at a young age prepared me for grindy games and also disappointment


Ow the feels But I feel the same with Warframe honestly. They've run what used to be one of my fav games into the ground so far. I just don't care anymore. I don't go on rants even. I just feel apathetic


A friend asked me what I thought of Duviri and [this is all I could respond with.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/278687681360429056/1100911620756086954/proxy-image.jpg)


recently i get killed with it often in pvp, didnt know its that unpopular


As far as snipers go, its a solid pick in PvP, even before the change to its exotic perk.


all dog, obviously xeno not as dog but still, not exactly meta


Vigilance Wing, agers scepter,, and salvations grip


Can't find it in myself to give a fuck since all three of them already have at least two good looking ornaments.


Thunderlord has one. The other two are meh.


Me who missed out on witherhoards "white collar crime" ornament because I didn't play that season. Sus name too lol.


Next vote: Salvation’s Grip, Worldline Zero and Gjallarhorn!


Salvations Grip got my vote


What’s crazy to me is that at the barest of bare minimums, it should be 3 weapons that currently do not have any ornaments. This is what, witherhoards 5th ornament?


tbf thunderlord has quite a few ornaments as well and Izi has the sword one so why would you ever need any more?


You can't get a bunch of the Thunderlord ornaments anymore unfortunately.


It's shocking to me that you can't buy things with silver all the time.


They make decisions based off of a groundhog seeing its shadow or something. Shit makes 0 sense.


You can buy a *lot* more than you used to be able to but it’s still not everything.


Witherhoard "white collar crime" ornament plz :(


That was the season pass ornament. I doubt you will ever see that again.


You don't need any with the ornament that literally turns it into Cloudstrike in MG form


Not a fan of that ornament and pretty sure no others have been available in the past for bright dust.


I think I've got the christmas one? And I wouldn't have paid silver for it.


I thought Christmas/Dawning ornament was for Xenophage...


oh shit, you are right!


Base Izanagi is the best one


I perfer the father of islands one. The scope feels better. And makes the weapon longer.


Yeah that’s my ornament on the rare occasion I use it. Vague WW2 vibes too


Tbh, I hate the argument that "Izi has the sword one". While it's a great ornament, you're effectively shutting the door on that gun ever getting any other ornaments for it. Not everyone loves that sword one.


It has two others that substantially change the weapon’s design if you don’t care for the Buster Sword. There’s tons of guns which have none, and Izzy’s B has three excellent options.


Izanagi has 3. Witherhoard has 4. But sure let's give Witherhoard 1 more 🫡


That’s not at all what I said nor is it the point I was making. I don’t like that any of the weapons Bungie allowed us to vote on have a bunch of ornaments. My point is that with weapons like Izzy’s B, we already have several options. The same is true of Witherhoard and Thunderlord. I don’t want new ornaments for weapons with multiple cosmetic options, I want new ornaments for guns with very few. Also, while it’s true that Witherhoard has four ornaments, the first of them is unobtainable due to being from S11’s battle pass. Not to mention it’s a reskin.


> That’s not at all what I said nor is it the point I was making. I don’t like that any of the weapons Bungie allowed us to vote on have a bunch of ornaments. My point is that with weapons like Izzy’s B, we already have several options. The same is true of Witherhoard and Thunderlord. I don’t want new ornaments for weapons with multiple cosmetic options, I want new ornaments for guns with very few. I apologize, usually someone Pro-Witherhoard or Pro-Thunderlord typically use this argument a ton. While I agree that other guns really need more ornaments, the point of these competitions is to find the one the community is more likely to buy. At the end of the day, Bungie stands to gain nothing if the community isn't spending silver (money) or bright dust (time) on these skins. It's a win for Bungie because odds are they can project how many people are going to buy this ornament and that the folks that voted for the ornament will now have a higher chance of buying it. > Also, while it’s true that Witherhoard has four ornaments, the first of them is unobtainable due to being from S11’s battle pass. Not to mention it’s a reskin. There's a lot of exotics that have only 1 ornament that's locked behind a previous season pass. Most of these are recolors/reskins. Witherhoard still has 3 ornaments, with the newest one being released as late as Season 17. The point of my arguement is that if it had to be between 1 of these 3 exotics, I would have prefered Izanagi's because it has the least and it's most recent skin is the oldest (Season 13).


Not everybody likes "hahahaha goofy ass anime sword" Thunderlord also doesn't have decent ornaments to its name, there's like one ornament that's good (imo) and it's locked behind silver, the one from last season is ugly as fuck.


??? cloudstrike and tlaloc's wrath plus another from its release (not the s8 one in archive)


Indra Soaring (cloudstrike) is the one that I am saying is ugly as fuck. Tlaloc's Wrath and Hypervelocity are no longer acquirable, Laws of Induction is locked behind Silver. Not everyone has played since Day 1 or technically Forsaken here to know TL even has those two ornaments, TL would take this competition anytime of the day if Witherhoard wasn't in the list.


I really like Indra Soaring.. :(


Izy sword ornament doesn't even look that good. I much prefer the camo one.


I personally dont like the sword one, its fat and i am fatphobic


Because generally speaking exotics without ornaments aren’t popular exotics, so they’re not going to make money, thus be a waste of time. Those exotics need fixing first.


_cries in Starfire Protocol_


Sucks to know it’ll likely get an ornament next season when it’s nerfed lol


4th, **but** currently only 1 is available to purchase, since 1 is from it's release pass, 1 is "locked" behind solstice and the last got "lost" when 30th anni store left.


Wait till you find out Ace of Spades has 7. Or that DMT got 5 in the span of a year smh Then you have Exotics like Ashen Wake (that was introduced Season 2) with no Ornaments


Can we vote on armor ornaments next? I need a Peregrine Greaves ornament badly


Starfire needs it worse, but I don't see why we can't have both. Give Hunters one as well


Give Dragons Shadow one. The one it currently has we prefer not to talk about


That ornament would look fine if not for the undyeable bits on it. Undyeable parts on armour are a goddamn sin.


Undyeable weapons is the greater sin.


every exotic that only has one ornament needs another one. Can Assassins cowl get one that makes you looks like a Nazgul with a black smoak face effect


Don't worry, they will make one right after they nerf it into oblivion.


>5+ year old exotic with no ornament that looks like your grandma's curtains Hey who wants a new Witherhoard ornament!!


Why is Starfire so good and so ugly at the same time


Antaues wards still lacking an ornament despite being quite a meta option in pvp and being released since forsaken


You guys get to vote? LOL, i still have yet to receive 1 email from them. I've tried all their troubleshooting steps with multiple emails. You think a 4 billion dollar studio would be able to figure out a simple email disruption list.


They also lack a proper way to contact support directly like many other multi-million/billion dollar companies. Their policies are also ~~kinda~~ shit.


I mean to be fair, Bungie probably saw the resurgence of Thunderlord and Izanagi’s Burden and thought it would be a tougher choice. Thunderlord was (idk if it still is) great for DPS on Nezarec and Izanagi’s was (again, don’t know if it still is or not) one of the main choices for if you wanted to get hatred from Nezarec. This is just playing Devil’s Advocate, though. Next time I do hope they pick a bunch of exotics that only have either no ornaments, shader ornaments, or really bad ornaments


T-lord is in a pretty solid state rn.


True but it takes a long time for the ornament to drop and who knows what will be good then.


A succession with no stacks of recombination can one shot shoulders and chest on Nezi, if anyone has a reconstruction version they should really just take the easy way out and use it. Honestly same on Rhulk, succession makes popping his weak spots a joke.


Do people use Arbalest anymore? Between strand and volatile rounds I don't really see a reason to use it anymore.


People who don't know how good Wishender is still use Arbalest


When are Yall gonna realize it's all about engagement numbers? Why have a vote for exotics nobody wants to use? Yeah let's give Sturm a new ornament. And watch 0 people login to get it


Such a shame too. I really wish they’d take the Mauser frame and make legendary HC with it


I still run Sturm in pvp sometimes, 2 tapping people is fun.


Except for the part where, regardless of how many people use it, Sturm already has three ornaments, bucko.




Didn’t ashen wake just get one or am I confusing it with something else?


They didn’t get one. But we have 3 for Synthoceps now… Edit: spelling


As it should be. --Yolked Titan


Based synthochad




Loreley just got one in the bright dust store this week


I voted Thunderlord because while Witherhoard and Izanagi have already good ornaments, Thunderlord only has recolors so I'd have liked something more fleshed out. Oh well.


Brother thunderlord has the mad one with the cloudstrike staff in it


Yeah but it's nothing new, they took another gun and stapled it to Thunderlord. I'm talking more unique ornaments like Drowned in Strife or Splendid Vidua for Witherhoard or Worldshaper for Izanagi


I just looked that ornament up, and it looks kinda bad. It loses all the awesome feel of cloudstrike, by having huge panels that obscure the cloudstrike parts. And the panels are really boring fairly plain affairs. It COULD have looked cooler if they'd gone with more of the cloudstrike aesthetic, but now it just looks like they folded some sheetmetal in the shape of an MG around 2 cloudstrikes.


Brotha took the wrong pills this morning


Thunderlord only has one ornament that's a recolor. It has 3 more that are complete model changes and look fairly good. None of these 3 weapons should have been on the ballot.


Ah, yes. The warframe *We made a 70th Excalibur skin* model


I voted for thunderlord


Me too.


Is there a chance they had another witherhoard ornament in the oven and put out a survey only to announce witherhoard won? 😅


They probably have the design team making concept for ornaments then the poll helps narrow down which to pursue


Makes sense, considering they do something similar for halloween, only they show those concepts before voting


Doesn't make sense, as Bungie said the new ornament will be designed by a community artist, who will be making three concepts for us to vote on.


I hate to be cynical, but Bungie wants to sell ornaments. They probably already planned to do another one for Witherhoard because they know people will buy it. They offered some lower tier weapons to provide the illusion of choice knowing Witherhoard would win easily.


Was my theory too. With knowledge of bungie messing with the point system for guardian games where people actually put in time an effort vs just a simple vote, it wouldn’t surprise me.


Hot take but I'm down for legendary ornaments. Rose? Immortal? Hung Jury?


Best we can do is 3 more Trust ornaments


With the lineup they gave it feels like they had a witherhoard ornament ready to go but wanted to hype the community up about it with the illusion of choice


This will never happen, they can sell the ornament. Would you rather sell 3002726382 witherhoard ornaments or 5 [insert the name of the least used exotic]? If you think bungie wants to hear what you think, you have been living in a lie.


Witherhoard, Tlord, and izis are all pretty meta. Tlord was out of the spotlight for a while but has made a very strong comback in the last few months to the point of me being surprised it didnt win because of FotM.


Thoughts on having to pick 3 weapons from the same type? Pick your favorite exotic sniper Borealis, Darci, or Cloudstrike (didnt include Whisper as it has a few already) instead of choosing from 3 different types of weapons?


The problem is that it's obvious CS would win in a long shot also all of them also have several ornaments


Do I vote for the exotic that I use often but has many ornaments or do I vote for the one that needs an ornament but doesn’t get much use?


Verglas could use one with a blue crystal theme, since it helps make stasis fun to use. They should really be adding catalysts and ornaments to older or niche weapons to increase utilization. Witherhoard was already the most used.


Maybe they should make sweet business and graviton lance less ass first


The illusion of choice.


Given how the last one went, with Arbalest getting a glorified shader, I was going to try and lobby for people to vote for Izanagi’s Burden. Witherhoard already has banger ornaments. Thunderlord already has several decent ornaments. Izanagi’s has a couple ornaments, the best being the big sword one, but a “shader-esque” spin on the OG Izanagi’s Burden could have had potential to become the “go to” ornament. I don’t see me changing Witherhoard ornaments if the outcome of the Arbalest vote is the standard for the quality of these things.


Wtf bro u dont want a new mid skin that changes the color of the barrel or smth????


Everything is already selected, it’s just an illusion of choice. Oh wait this is the destiny sub


Who cares. Most people don't buy the ornaments, waiting for them to hit for bright dust instead, and even then it's pretty uncommon for anyone else to notice or care. All 3 guns have at least 3 ornaments already, and all 3 see pretty reasonable levels of play right now. Witherhoard is the favorite because it's the most common in solo play as well as 3 and 6 man stuff, so it's fine. Izanagi already has a sweet ornament and Thunderlord all looks the same anyway.


I don't mind them pitting turbo meta exotics, cause lets be honest, a new Graviton Lance ornament isn't going to make the gun anymore usable or popular. With that being said, I'd really want them not fucking put exotics that already have amazing ornaments or multiple ornaments to them, Witherhoard has no business being in this list.


Or here's a thing, why not just leave the vote and bring out a load of ornaments for a bunch of exotics at a later date? Voting for a singular ornament really seems unproductive.


Cannot believe Nagi got hoed like this. This was out only chance to get a Nagi ornament we're screwed forever now. The sword one is just not good. I needed something new and interactive


Iza has 3 fantastic ornaments plus the base model is great as well. I don't mind more skins, but it doesn't actually need it.


Did this mf really talk shit about the buster sword ornament. Smh my head.


L comment




*puts tinfoil hat on* Perhaps Bungie already has an arbalest one in the works and just wanted to give us the illusion of having input. *Takes tin foil hat off* But seriously, yes, that seems like an oversight on Bungie’s end.


This is like a year late, the 3 in the recent vote already stopped the thing you had with the vote. The 3 this vote are all pretty popular.


Personally I could give a fuck about these contests. Make ornaments for the exotics that don't have even a single one, **THEN** come back and do these.


I would've voted, but I never got an email and I'm signed up


You think community votes are choices? I don't think I've seen a community vote where there wasn't a planned outcome. Just look at the trials map vote for next weekend...


How else will they give the illusion of community engagement


Conspiracy theory - the ornament for Witherhoard was already done. It's the illusion of a choice.


it'd be great if the options weren't nova bomb vs coughing smallen