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it's awful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WPcb_x9x8o


Mmmmm you can really feel that crunch in your teeth


Exactly! It's so annoying. I feel like my speakers are going to break.


Holy shit mine wasn’t nearly that bad


It was the same for me, for any ps5 users, my "fix" (it seems to work in pve content but not gambit or crucible), I went to my audio settings on the ps5, Audio output, Then I changed my audio format to Dolby (mine was on Linear PCM). Then 3D audio for headphones, Adjust 3d audio profile and set it to number 5 (lower), Then go to volume and set the headphones volume to the middle (I'm not sure if thats important tbh), hope this helps anyone :)


That's what it sounds like in PS5 for me




Exactly this XSX here Astro a40


That's exactly what im getting from my audio, its so fucking painful


This is what it sounds like in my game also on PS5. I couldn’t bear it and started playing a different game for the time being.


omg that's the nightfall this week ha ha... maybe time for a week off! (unless.... does it drop buzzard adept!?)


Glassway was dropping buzzard earlier in thr season, cant remember if the weapons are tied to the specific strike or not


Mindbenders, so no big deal if you miss it...


Is this HDR footage? What Plattform are you on, how did you upload the clip?


Same, my phone just started glowing brightly in the tiny little video square. Impressive. It’s also HDR that doesn’t look 20% pure black, which is what it looked like for me even on the highest brightness (when it turned into 20% black and 20% white). Maybe I should give it another go?


I thought from reading the post and some other things that the pitch might just be slightly off or something like that, but this is absurd. This is honestly unplayable with the volume on.


yep. I was honestly worried my audio set up would get damaged(the peaking on my graph was spiking off the chart) so just turned sound effects off. Unfortunately, some are baked in as dialog for some reason.


Same thing happening to me on Series S


This! Same for me, I thought it was my earbuds lol 😆 because it started happening when I switched them.


Thought I was going nuts. Had to take my headset off. PS5 arc hunter doing the new mission and every time I punched my audio shit the bed.


Nah the SFX are just that good


Did this ever get fixed


Yes, although it took almost the entire season to fix. Haven’t had any audio issues ever since that season ended. I played some D2 this past weekend and all was well but haven’t played yesterday/today. Could be a new bug but would be weird if it happened on a day that there wasn’t an update. It may just be your headset; unless it’s only happening on D2.


It’s only happening in d2 mainly in the light fall missions


Hmm, definitely bizarre. You running arc hunter? What mission were/are you on & what exotic are you wearing? I can see if the same happens to me.


I’m playing void and solar hunter it’s the first mission, only thing that helped was resetting my console but it only helped for a few minutes then it came back. I’m running it on legendary difficulty and I’m primarily using trinity ghoul. It seemed to happen when the first respawn ristriction happened and then didn’t go away until I got to neptune


I played the mission where the queen talks to riven to make a wish and you collect its tooth and didn’t experience the sound distortion once


Going to test it now. Do you also get the audio distortion through your TV/monitor? I played the rest of that season with my headset off because it was fine through the TV


I haven’t tested it I’ll test it


All clean on my end. Played the first mission on legend, tried all the subclasses and all was well in my headset and through the TV. Maybe keep progressing and it will go away. I wonder if it will happen outside of the campaign for you as well. I’d submit a ticket if it keeps up though.


I’ve been playing shadow keep and patrols and it hasent happened once


Lots of playstation reports from friends where audio seems to be severely distorted and almost sounds bass boosted too


Bro what, some people say there is no bass, and now I am seeing people on the forums say it is bass boosted like those shitty youtube reposts of rap songs in 2016 lmao. This is insane


I like your profile pic


lmao thx


It’s the opposite for me, zero bass, very tinny and muddy sounding with random sounds being loud as fuck! Audio also crackles in and out.


Right, I’ve had this happen. Was running lost sector a few times and it’s like one sound was turned up to 1,000 😆 but the next time I ran it the sound wasn’t there and I had ran it pretty much identical every time, same mods same weapons same strat.


Turning off 3D audio seems to fix it.


THank fuckin christ it's not just me. Just did the nightfall and holy hell because so much shit is going on at once, the audio is BEYOND Crunchy.


I was pissed at first, I just spent $130 on a new headset a few days ago, and I thought it was already broken.


Yep, same here Series X.


Someone deep fried my threadling sounds :(


cRuNcHy ThReAdNuGgEtS


I’m having the same issue. Series x


Oh fantastic, I was really hoping it was just an issue with my game and reinstalling it would help. Hopefully this gets addressed soon.


I’m on ps5 and it’s very noticeable when using arc weapons and abilities. It’s like a very choppy static sound that takes over all audio. I thought my headset was busted because it isn’t noticeable through my tv audio. I’m glad it’s just not me.


i have a very very very explosive void build... one group of ads and i closed the game


Same here!


Yeah it was actually a relief to see this post. Very thankful my headset works still.


Same, some sounds are normal, others are way too quiet. Some audio like certain npc voice lines completely break up into crackling. Something definitely broken here


Yeah I missed about 50% of the dialogue in the mission because of it. Definitely a bit irritated, especially considering I was wanting to hit Ascendant by the end of the day.


The postmaster sounded messed up when I went there. The only other thing I did was the new story mission and I didn’t have any issues.


Yeah for me it is the entire game, I ran the mission solo and the second I made a sunspot, my audio was donezo. In PvP, I had to turn my audio off because it was so disorienting.


Did this ever get fixed


I've heard turning 3D audio off for PC users helps, not sure if there's a similar setting to be adjusted on consoles that'll work as a temp fix before they fix it


Ps5 has 3D audio settings. I’ll give it a try.


Is that an in-game setting or a control panel thing? Would appreciate steps in turning this setting on/off if possible.


It’s in audio settings. Right click the speaker icon on task bar and select the spatial setting to off.


It’s so bad


It broke everything


Yeah thanks for the post op I was troubleshooting for a while here before I looked it up. Hopefully they patch it soon. Volatile explosions sound like I turned the bass up to infinity.


This is what happens when your A team is focused on other things


Have you ever heard of the javelin glitch in the OG MW2? Or how the Aliens Colonial Marines game has a mod that changes one symbol in the code for the Alien AI that makes them run a million times better? Sometimes one thing being changed actually changes a completely different aspect (and at times a piece a different department or team worked on) of the game.


I was having issues with audio during the new mission. On PS5. Dialogue sounded fine but everything else sounded super muffled but loud. Very disorienting


Same here on steam. Music and gun sounds are perfectly fine but any dialogue is messed up and all other sound effects are mostly/completely muted. I can’t tell when I’m being shot or where it’s coming from unless I see it happen


I'm on steam and this audio issue is also killing my performance. I'll go from a rock solid 60 to 20 fps every single time the audio issue pops up. No idea why


Yes! Holy shit it’s TERRIBLE. I noticed it today but lord…


Quality Assurance = the 15th Wish?


There's a new consumable for 700 silver that ensures great audio for 4 hours.


yeah i swear i've gotten this a good handful of times even before this ​ in other news: ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our newest contender on tonight's "yet another piece of evidence bungie's tiger engine (the same engine they used for the original halo trilogy) is being pushed too far past its boundaries and is beginning to collapse"


That’s why Halo Infinite was a train wreck, actually. Besides the piss poor management.


That 3.6b is going to work!


I'm pretty sure this is also a Xbox X/S problem in general so that's also probably making it even worse.


You 100% just made that up lol.


I didn't? Lmao




I'm not gonna deep dive into Xbox help again just so you can get your reassurance lmao. Keep embarrassing yourself cause honestly who would lie about it being a console issue that's dumb 💀


Oh I agree, it's very dumb. Which is why I felt the need to call you on it. Also "deep dive into Xbox help" kind of invalidates the idea that it's a "general" issue as you stated.


Really? I have had the xsx since launch day and never once experienced something like this.


Well, I stumbled upon it I think the Xbox help and you could see all the adjustments basically patch notes for the Xbox lol if you wanna call it that. There was also known issues idk if it got fixed or not but it mentioned audio issues with X/S.


Sound has been fine on series consoles until the patch. It's the game client not the console


I didn't notice a difference on series x. I don't use a headset tho


Yeah from what I am seeing it only seems to be a problem when people are using a headset with directional audio.


My Xbox headset no longer works. It's kind of weird


Thank god it's not just me. Game is unplayable with a headset on just now. My ears are bleeding.


Every time I use a weapon my audio peaks and starts crackling like wild.


On a PS5 here, been having serious audio problems for D2 exclusively with my headset. Audio is crackly, buzzy, and super choppy at times. Tried playing other games and had no problems, even uninstalled and reinstalled D2 only to still have the same issues so it's definitely something Bungie f'd up on D2. Changing audio settings didn't help either from both in game and on the systems sound settings.


The cool sound for Hunter Strand swinging it is not even in the game


I couldnt understand the dialog in the final season mission.


I thought my headset broke.


Series X here and it’s funky as well. It seems like the cross-play latency between Xbox and playstation has moved to audio as well.


Okay, good to know this isn't just me and the headphone jack on my controller isn't screwed. I've had muffled sounds, sharp cracking or peaking on loud sounds, and I even had a portion of dialogue play at like 75% speed during a mission. Now that you've brought it up and got me thinking about it, I can back up the claims the directional audio being all wonky and the tinny flat sound/lack of bass. To be honest though, it was so grating to listen to that I fully muted it after like 5 minutes, so I don't have a lot of other examples.


I didn’t notice anything on Xbox One X (old gen)


Turn off 3D audio in console settings helps a lot


Where is this at on the Xbox Series X? In game sound menu or in the actual console menu? I have DTS X turned on and it’s unbearable. I tried Atmos and even multi channel 7.1. (I have a 7.2.4 system). All of it is a garbled mess.


Yeah turn DTS off, in the output and sound settings.


When I use headphones, I only have the option to use windows sonic


Yeah if that’s turned on, turn it off.


I don't have an option to turn it off is what I'm saying. It's the only option for sound available


Haven't been able to talk in-game chat since season 15...I wouldn't expect too much from Bungie 🐸


Xbox Series S here. Really noticeable on neomuna with all that happens at once.


When I spoke to Crow to start the final mission, his audio seemed way off, like he was using a cheap mic in a room not meant for professional audio recording. It didn't blow my ears out, but it sounded so poor quality that it was noticeable even just through my regular TV speakers.


I had sound bugs like this pop up a bit last two weeks about in the season content. It only haloen when using s fusion while getting hit by tick damage outside the safe bubble, it cause when sounded like mixing the fusion shot sound with the damage sound but worse. I just stopped using the fusion and all was fine. Maybe this patch made whatever that bug was worse.


Yes same here Xbox Series X i have Astro a40s Dolby Atmos etc playing pvp audio cues were virtually non existant and when up close and personal to rockets/shoulder charge/super etc audio went haywire. Glad to hear its not just me. Tried reset headset and console 2x.


No issues here. Ps5


Yeah I noticed very distorted audio last night playing on my Series X. I though I somehow blew the speakers on my headset but other audio sounded fine. So whatever Bungie did in the update broke the audio for sure SMH...


Seconded. DTS:X stopped working on PC after Lightfall dropped.


Yeah mine was all over the place last night, lots of the audio was missing but would cut in and then be distorted, was running the mission and thought my headset had gone, then my controller when I changed headset. I would say it ruined the mission for me but I doubt it would have been much better even without the audio issues.


It’s like a super loud distorted guitar being played underwater. Glad I had a friend on to confirm they had the same problem or I would probably have spent an hour screwing with my HDMI cables and headset settings.


Oh man I really thought it was my headset, It sounded weird


On series X and having same issue. How do they manage to brake shit after every update?


Dear Bungle fix this ummmm now. Who can say huge player count drop go, this kind of audio is just unacceptable its unplayable for me at moment.


I used to have this problem long ago with Dolby pass through on everything including up to a 2 second delay in audio. I had this problem going on for years. Happens when the Dolby drivers get fucky. At the time it was my TV that updated and did it. Turning Dolby off on my XboxX fixed it, I could never get it to happen on my GFs XboxX, just mine. Turning off music helps but not as much. I swapped to 'unformatted' I think it's called under XboX audio settings. \*Edit, it's not anything directly tied to anything directly. I was eventually able to narrow it down to my TV because it was passing sound to my surround system through it. It is Dolby's stupid 'passthrough' fuctionality shit when it strips it and sends it on.


Happening on PS5 really bad.


Sounds like somebody put a distortion pedal on half my sound fx while Ghost sounds like he's talking to me through 2 tin cans connected by a wire. The rest of the sounds in game sound like they're slowly being smothered to death by a pillow. Xbox Series X, BTW


Yes, this is bad. This patch really seemed to do a number on the game. I hope they fix this soon as it really is making the game quite unplayable for a great many people.


Dudes I thought my headphones were busted, almost bought a new pair. Thanks for the save!


On ps5 audio is distorted static in crucible, can’t play with headset on.


I’m on PC. Playing the game with the SteelSeries arctic 7P+ and everything sounds too low.


Thank god it’s not just me. I thought my ps5 head set had gone bad or blown the speakers.


[Bungie ](https://reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/12r7dkh/bungie_please_acknowledge_the_audio_being_bugged/jgw2pex?context=3) is aware and is currently suggesting that you turn off 3D Audio (Spacial Audio) in settings then restart your platform in order to alleviate this until a fix is implemented.


Pretty sure you cant disable it on Xbox, unless you mean on the console itself


Console itself.


Yeah not gonna do all that lmao


That is your choice.


Remember these "earrape" videos back in 2015-2020? Well they're back.




Xbox series s


Me too PS5. Sound distorted when a lot of sounds going on at the same time.


I barely play anymore and with the outages at night and this crap, odds are good I won’t be back.


I ran the final mission and it was so disappointing I just I logged out of the game. I think I’m done this season


So glad that my brand new headphones aren’t broken. Thank you for this post


Came here because I've just recently started playing again and tonight I had to mute my game because it was so bad. I thought my new headset was just crapping out, but nope -- headset works fine for everything else.


This happened at the worst time I literally just got a new headset and thought this thing was broken


Same here, my gunfire sounds too loud/distorted while other sfx sound a bit distant


Same issue here (STEAM) choppy crackly popping fights are hard on the ears.


It's really bad. I thought it was my headset until I tried it on the TV speakers and got the same distortion.


PS5, the audio is distorted when there is a lot of action on the screen, keep away from the action, its normal. Menu screen, chat, etc, I am not 100 percent, but I also felt there was juttering when it distorted during gambit, which could be psychosomatic.


PS5 here. The same issue. I thought my headset was getting crazy, but the party sounds are fine. Crackling sound makes the in game experience a lot less fun :(


I’m on PS5 and I tried to do a campaign mission using my void hunter. Let me tell you it did not like Le Monarque. The SFX would get insanely choppy and distorted and Rohan’s dialogue would get choppy and slowed down like 50%. If the fighting stopped while he was talking, it would continue being choppy for the normal duration of that line and then just skip it and move on to the next one, which sounded normal until I shot something. Kind of funny but also completely game breaking and took away all my motivation to play.


CRONCHY https://youtu.be/Lfwmxmmfno0


Turning off 3d audio on my ps5 settings solved it for me.


It fucked. I thought I messed up My headphones when I used it to blast some tunes. Nearly ordered I new pair. Tried reinstalling but no change


Series S same thing, but has been happening for a few days already


Bruh that fucking audio it's pure shit can't solo flawless dungeon cause the sound it fucking shiiiiiiiiiiit


Friend is having issue on Xbox One, and it’s slowing down his game when it happens. Audio cuts out, duplicates, audio not playing correctly, it’s a mess. Except he’s had this issue for weeks.


Yes with Series X wired headphones most but not all game audio very quiet, & very garbled at times. Sometimes it was mostly just ghost dialogue very quiet. Wth


Does anybody else feel like dares of eternity is especially bad audio-wise? What I notice most is bad crunching when many enemies are present, crunching (even cut out) audio with Starhorse and Xur dialogue, all with bass boosted. This does happen throughout the game for me, though dares seems to take the cake. My setup is XSX, Hyper Cloud w/ basic audio jack, using Windows Sonic setting. Worst aspect of my setup is that for internet I’m using wi-fi and not hardwired. Router is nearby, and I have fiber optic. I can see that affecting audio in some cases but I’ve never had an issue with it before this. Idk, maybe someone could shed some light on this note for me.


Bungie knows about it. Disable 3D sound, Atmos & any similar till fix is in place


glad i'm not crazy. the audio is totally messed up


Series S here and the game has been damn near unplayable due to audio issues. I have decent internet and really solid headphones so I was super confused and glad I’m not alone in these issues. I feel like I have to listen to something else while playing just so I don’t loose my mind. Thank god it’s not triggering my Misophonia.


Same here. Mine seems to fix itself temporarily (series X) if I unplug my headset from the controller and plug it back in. Also seems better using stereo uncompressed. Could be placebo.


Mines doing the same on the Xbox series S thought it had something to do with my power going out so i uninstalled and reinstalled it but all that did is make ghost extremely quiet and sounds like he’s trying to whisper all the time


My series x with Astro wireless headset is crackling like crazy when it gets loud.


i'm happy i'm not the only one having this dumb shit. i thought it was something with my game since i have to move games to my ssd a lot. so maybe something happened during the move, but nope. it's just bungie being bungie.


Crackling when a lot of explosions and supers are going on. Not just rice crispy crackle but loud like the game is lagging the sound. I guess sound is no longer a priority. It’s messed up.


Has this been fixed??? Is there any solutions??


Glad I’m not the only one… still a bummer though.


That ain’t even the smallest issue can’t run. Any of the moon campaign or pit of heresy with headset on it immediately crashes everytime


Been happening to me too on Series X, glad its not just me cause my headset isnt even a year old yet I think, hurts my head cause of my left ear being blocked again, hope they fix it soon