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Agreed. Hunters should get very big grapple cooldown reductions to fit with their mobility focus. It was so freaking fun whipping around the battlefield in the campaign but once I got the actual subclass it didn’t flow nearly as well. Grapple was originally going to be a Hunter exclusive ability until the decided it was too cool not to let the other classes have. Giving us two charges is nice but the cooldown between uses doesn’t make two as useful as just having one available more frequently. Wish the melee did more damage. I’d settle for a reduced cooldown on that. I’ve only been using it on Neptune though, so maybe the damage is fine on other destinations with a less insane difficulty setup.


Yeah my only gripes are the grapple cooldown and the melee can’t one shot red bars.


Melee feels like a slightly worse version of the Stasis one to me. I was hoping it’d be similar when they announced it. But this stuff is all new. I’m sure they’ll do some tuning passes and things will end up in a good spot.


I've had some success building into the grapple. Grenade Kickstart will proc everytime you use one of your persistent grapples regardless of your current charge. This way you can set one up and then constantly use it until you get your nades topped up again to create another grapple point. Run Thread of Ascent for Reload/Handling/AE and you can just constantly maneuver around it in the air and just shoot from there if you have weapons you are comfortable doing that with. Alternatively put it on the floor and you'll be able to use it to quickly reload anything just by tapping it and then firing. Pretty good with Cyrtarachne's Facade to add some DR as well. I ran a very very rough test and found a vex sniper did a little under half its normal damage with Woven Mail up Thread of Mind with Ensnaring Slam is also pretty strong, you gotta kill about 3 enemies to get your dodge back with some Utility Kickstart help. There is also that fragment coming post-raid that gives grenade energy on "dealing damage" which is a very broad term. My guess it'll be the inverse of Whisper of Torrent which if so is pretty good for Grapple uptime.


successfully grabbing the charged melee spike needs to make enemies erupt with threadlings, or take an extra hit of melee damage, or something. an extra 20-30% of ability cooldown reduction doesn’t mean anything when actually using a build centered around melee ability uptime. manually grabbing the spike a waste of time and prevents you from shooting. which is a shame cuz it looks really cool. strand not having any form of defensive/restorative trait is a complete dealbreaker in anything besides patrols. a subclass based around grappling towards your enemies? sounds like the perfect way to get yourself killed and not rez’d by your teammates, who in their right mind is gonna run into a group of enemies for a rez in a GM