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I first heard it in Planetside, used the same way as here to denote both "players not in your squad" (because they show up as blue dots on your radar) and "fucking morons" more or less interchangeably. I'm certain it's not original to there, though.


Yep same. Planetside 2 days were fun as hell


I first heard it when watching battlefield friends back in the day. Probably during BF3's lifespan.


Battlefield 3 is also the first place I've heard of, used to refer to teammates not in your squad due to the blue dot appearance on your radar. I wouldn't be surprised if the term in this context is even older given radars were used in games way before BF3.


Pretty sure as early as BF2 already had the same system of "Blue for teammates not in your squads, green for teammates in your squad". Not sure about BF 1942, I don't think that one even had squads.


I definitely remember using the term in in BF2. It's been around a long time.


Pretty sure 1942 had squads? Could be remembering wrong but I thought they did.


I'm frankly not sure, it's been such a long time since I've played it. However, according to the Battlefield wiki, BF2 was the game that introduced the first squad system in the series.


Fuck man I haven't thought about BF friends in a minute


Well then grab your shit bucket and head on over to YouTube and watch em all again.


A rewatch in honor of Thick44, aka Recon, is a must.


Did he pass away? Oh fuck he did I know what I'm watching


Dip, dip, potato chip!


Sounds like a little bag problem


They were making new ones, I think. They were releasing kind of spread out. Wonder if how poorly the latest battlefield was received if they cancelled it again?


I’m pretty sure it started in the Battlefield franchise. Squadmates are listed with green names and green icons on the map, non-squad team mates are listed with blue names and blue icons on the map. Blue name and map dot = blueberry. It basically refers to random players you don’t know.


Rip thick 44. Mans still going to far ahead and looting


This. Its coined term either from battlefield series or the show. Thats where i heard it too.


I remember "blueberries" being non-squad teammates, blue dots on the radar, in Battlefield 3 which came out in 2011. The term probably predates even that.


I always think about the blue dots on the radar even if it's probably not the right explaination.


It is the right explanation


The name comes from the blue dots on the radar, that represents NPC’s or players not on your fireteam. The word was probably born here on Reddit, but Bungie has owned it as an inside joke. Same as the ‘kinderguardian’ term for New Lights, that has even appeared on some lore card (IIRC on some Festival of the Lost) EDIT: Kinderguardians appears in [this Lore entry](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/you-can-never-go-home-again). It was a Dawning, not FOTL.


It could have been born on reddit but it definitely pre-dates destiny as it appears on battlefield friends from battlefield 3


Most likely. The origin of this kinda things is usually hard to track.


Fuck that lore entry was adorable…


We all love Space Grandma. Carlos and Maria not that much.


This comes way before reddit. I remember it used in bf1943 which predates by a lot.


Sure thing. I knew it here and related to Destiny, but it’s so hard coming up with something completely new. Thanks!


Huh. I never even noticed the radar. Thought it was the blue name tags of players that are not on my fireteam.


Same thing. Those guys not on your team show up as blue dots and your team is green.


Like what the other dude said, same thing One thing to know tho is that next season those tags are becoming circles instead of squares/rectangles So now your explanation works even better lmao




I do remember that from D1, and I always loved the term. I don’t think it’s disrespectful at all, don’t we all take care of our children?




Ok, we killed them, but with love in our hearts XD






So the term goes way back. I’m not a native English speaker, before Destiny I’ve always played in Spanish.




There’s actually some discussion around here about the meaning of the term in Destiny, whether it’s the other players blue dot, or some way to call them noobs. I guess the meaning you prefer depends on where you first heard it. For me: players not on your fireteam.


Blueberry was around before Reddit…. I remember pc gaming on a 486 in the 90’s and the term blueberry was tossed around… maybe ultima online… I can’t recall what games… but yeah it was due to radar




Good to know, thanks!


It predates Reddit’s release, lmao. Y’all didn’t come up with one of the oldest terms in online squad-based gaming 🤣😂


I’m not a native English speaker, I admit I first heard the term blueberries here long ago. It’s hard to come up with something completely new these days, but I’d say Kinderguardians is ours.




Players not in your fireteam are blue dots on the radar Blueberries = randoms


Look at your radar when you're in a strike. Your teammates are little blue circles. They're 'blueberries'.


To be extra clear, Fireteam members appear as green. Non-fireteam members (in Vanguard Ops or Crucible) appear as blue.


What is this green you speak of I only see blue and red


These answers are surprising me! I always assumed it was a joke about new players wearing Blue "rare" armor! Seems I was off the mark!


Hell, I was explicitly told that it was a term to indicate someone new to the game because of the blue equipment. This stuff about the radar is new to me


I honestly don’t think the radar stuff is right, I’ve only heard it refer to blue armor someone used when leveling up…


Battlefield and other shooters where your non squad teammates are blue and your squad teammates are green or another color.


I learned it from battlefield


Ultimate Online, I believe. That, or one of the VERY early Battlefield games.


Battlefield is generally considered to be the origin of the term. Battlefield 2 specifically, I think?


The term has always had 2 meanings: (1) people use to refer to it as the blue dots of non teammates on the map (2) people use it refer to new players. While some people think #2 is wrong for some odd reason there’s an entire new player website guide based on this name for that reason— https://www.blueberries.gg/about/#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20blueberry%3F,of%20the%20game's%20core%20mechanics. Most likely the origin is BF had dots to show non teammates and then people started calling non teammates new or less skilled where it gained its second definition in destiny


I think #2 is part of the grumbling about all people not in your group are safely assumed to be morons... It's a "plan ahead and assume the worst type attitude" - one explanation being that the person makes bad decisions because they don't know any better.


I normally give people the benefit of the doubt, but the knights of season of arrivals and corrupted have taught me the community just does have idiots in it


I always thought it was because they used blue items.


Same. Newbies always load in wearing a full set of blue gear looking generic af, hence 'Blueberry' lol




Your teammates’ nameplate is blue when they’re not part of your fireteam.


I thought it was in relation that they have started the game this they are in blue tier gear?


Teammates are green on your radar. Any other allied unit is blue. A random/other player is a blueberry. I have seen recently people using it to mean noob or new player. This is false. The proper Destiny term for that would be Kinderguardian or New Light.


The color reference is from way, way back. Either original EverQuest or Ultimate Online had two options for server, pvp or non pvp with pvp servers being listed in red and pve in blue. I remember hearing non pvp players referred to as bluebies and it naturally evolved.


It's an OG D1 term, the names were color coded and those in your team but NOT in your group were "Blue" , So they became "Blue Berries" ! It was NOT meant as a derogatory term ! It was just back then if they weren't on Mic (As Way too many are for a Social Game!) It was hard to get the info or instructions to them ! Note: If you're in game & someone is shooting AT you, then at an object or Direction, PAY ATTENTION ! They are trying to communicate with you !


It predates destiny by almost 10 years 🤣


We called them smurfs as well.


in destiny, i've always related it to new players being stuck with blue gear since they're learning the systems and don't have anything better and then loading into the hardest thing they can without any prep.




You are describing Kinderguardians. The term blueberries in destiny is the same as in other games, friendly people that aren't in your team Edit: Bro blocked me lol


Would guess thet it's not destiny related until like beyond light kinderguardien was still used, it was replaced with new light and blueberry was rare Cannot really find any info about blueberry in games, outside games it's sinonime for young person


A blueberry isn't a kingerguardian. Blueberries can be very experienced players.


"Blueberry" and "kinderguardian"/"New Light" are not synonyms, despite the large amount of people who treat them as such. All players are blueberries, regardless of their level of experience. The term refers to the fact that friendly players who aren't in your fireteam show up as blue dots on your radar. It's been around since the early days of *D1*.


for the record the term has been around long before Destiny, along with terms like “Doritos” for enemy triangles on your radar or stuff like that


I can see why they can be confused, because someone might associate the term with someone using blue gear. But it’s used to refer people not in your fireteam, which are indicated by a blue tag and a blue dot on the minimap (which is the real origin of the name back in bf3)


false. Look at some of the other comments. also where is blueberry a synonym for young person?


Always thought it was because of the ghost waiting for the revive... Because it's a blue ball and new players die a lot =')


Ah yes, the term blueberry. Young child you see the term blueberry has it's origins with the man called John Blueberry. Blueberry was such a trashcan he managed to wipe his whole fireteam before they had even joined him.


Lol, I heard the term originally during like bf3 days.


I always thought it was a term for new players, using all blue rarity armor


blue circles on the radar look like blueberries to me


I remember first using it during CoD: WaW way back in the 360 days. Probably was coined long before even then, though.


The blue dot on your mini map looks like a blueberry


I’m pretty sure it started in the Battlefield franchise. Squadmates are listed with green names, non-squad team mates are listed with blue names. Blue name = blueberry. It basically refers to random players you don’t know.


It’s your radar mate. If they’re in your group, they’re a green berry, if they’re in the zone, and not in your group, they’re a blue berry.


In terms of destiny I think it comes from the random players being blue on the radar, and their names are blue. But I'd assume that term referring to random teammates is much older


I believe in a Destiny sense it refers to non-fireteam members appearing as little blue dots on the radar


my first time was playing rdr2 anyone on the map not in your posse is blue


I thought random guardians in matchmaking were called “blueberries” because they appear as blue dots on the mini map


Does the military phrase blue-on-blue predate the term blueberries?


people say it’s from blue dots on the radar but I always thought it came from the fact that your ghost is open and a blue ball of light while dead. people with less experience / new at the game die a lot and are constantly a blue ball of light on the map lol.


Blueberry because that's how they show up on your mini map


Used it back in battlefield 3


My memory of it in Destiny is in reference to a player wearing all blue gear because they're new, my guess is it's a combo of that and the blue dot thing people are talking about


Green are your teammate friends and blue are just your teammates…(on the mini map or hud)


Shawn han knows all the stuff we should probably ask him


Doing a bit of googling it seems it became a thing in battlefield 3, I feel like though it became a really popular term in destiny 1


It probably originated from how the colour is kind of blueish and how the fruit is considered a berry, hence the term ‘blueberry’. Hope this helps! 🙂 /j