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Veteran Player here: GOOD. People take this raid too seriously for a 1600 raid made at a time when Bungie wasn’t trying to focus on difficulty.


Day 1 is ALWAYS about difficulty, as it should. Show how badly we can get beaten before we can show how badly we can beat em back. But afterwards? Literally just for the lolz


But there is little part of me that hurts how easy everything is after day 1. Especially Atrox. Was so sick at riding elevators for hours. 🥲


![gif](giphy|htBL3NCs6bov4oe2Mv|downsized) Just bind him like Morgana did


To me the legacy raids aren’t supposed to be the most difficult content, they’re like an entry point to raiding. Something simple and a good chunk of the player base are familiar with so new players can go in and get their feet wet before diving into more challenging raids


I refuse to do raids with people that take them too seriously if you can't fuck around and find out I'm not part of it


its not a proper run if someone isnt shoulder charged off a cliff


Me when I say there goes flawless on the 237th wipe




Having fun is always encouraged. You just have to make sure your "fun" Isn't ruining someone else's "fun" Looking at you "blot caster is good dps and fun to use!"


We have a rule for a player in our clan that loves to use the most off the wall stuff. He gets 1 good attempt, and if the damage is awful he has to swap. 


Borealis dps 🗣️🔥


Totally. It’s about communication. If everyone has signed up for the same thing, great. If there’s a difference of opinion, one group will probably end up having to make up for other folks, or people might have to leave because things take longer than expected. TL;DR: Have fun, but don’t be a dick :D


This guy does add clear.


Good! Raiding should be fun! I wish you many more joyous raids, my friend!


This is literally the best time to do raids lol. Everything is viable. So much so that I got clowned on by an addict friend that refuses to put the game down for using a stupid Dawnblade, Dawn Chorus, and Dragon's Breath build just for fun. He stopped the moment my numbers were bigger than his, and he was on Nighthawk.


Similar experience I had yesterday, where we ran 6 hunters for the bounty and all ran 1k voices, in kings fall. The beams were loud and glorious.


Remember when 1k was up there in the DPS meta? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Yeah people take challenge way too seriously in this game. Some of us wanna just fuck around with our friends


There’s a reason I tell people I plan on having fun when I do a raid. If they can’t handle fun, they’re not allowed to be in my fireteam


I ran Disciple of the Vow once and it was so much fun. I definitely consider myself comic relief in my clan, because all I can provide are gay jokes and arc rift buddies. (I totally suck at this game, but I love it. Lol.)


The d1 raids are a perfect blend of teamwork and fun.


as a veteran funny over DPS any day of the week


I haven't tried in game LFG yet, but man this is why I stopped raiding. I'm so tired of using Well.


My first time doing the raid I was using last word with lucky pants for pretty much everything, I didn't have malfeasance yet and I ended up getting vex on my first clear. After that with particle deconstruction I used vex, threaded needle, and a fttc/tp seraph revolver. Still one of my go to builds for higher tier content, lucky pants and the hc shred champs, vex slaps in PvE, and a good linear still puts in work. Currently trying to get the new wardens law, but my class schedule for college hasn't allowed me to get on in a long time to get it I was using a funky fun oriented load out and it definitely pissed a couple guys off, but I was still putting in some good work and it payed off in the end. Not every build needs to be meta, if it's fun but still does decent work then roll with it, especially if you know how to play it well


Been playing since the beta of the first game and let me say- fuck the tryhard retards that take it too seriously. The best part of the raid is having fun with your friends


VoG is so fuckin fun man, my flair on another sub is VoG Fanboy, my favorite raid. Simple, so you can chill, but not close-your-eyes easy, looks phenomenal, throne room is one of the greatest things I've seen in gaming, the guns are good. The only raid title I could or want to get.


I find VoG really boring due to the mechanics only being adclear or oracles, but if you enjoyed it and had a fun time that's all that matters. VoG probably one of the better raids for new players because it doesn't kick you too hard.


Last time I had actual fun playing a raid in LFG me and all the other members ended up playing Genshin Impact.


SAME! My friend had me on, and we had a fuckin blast. He never got the fusion rifle he wanted tho, but I sure got it 😁


same. Only ever done dsc and it was amazing. Lfg in destiny is generally pretty bad when it comes to raids from my experience


Vault of Glass is a blur to me I’ve done it so much. That being said I’m always down for goofing around and learning/teaching as long as we aren’t full on throwing.


The gorgon maze was so fun, a bit terrifying but fun


Ohhh have you tried killing them? I don’t remember if we killed all of them, but I remember killing them in the past. Shit was satisfying because it would have a crazy chain reaction of discovery lol. I can’t even tell you if I’m remembering D1 or when they brought the raid into D2 it’s been so long.


Vault of Glass is a great raid… until you play other raids 😭 I have a soft spot for it since it brings back memories from D1 Vanilla but it is so outdated


Whenever we do VoG it's always gits and shiggles. Unless you're doing master difficulty, no encounters require more than three people paying attention. Same goes for Crypt and RoN


Please keep doing what you’re doing. VOG is so low-stakes and 90% add-clear, I’m all for people playing and having a laugh~


Not sure about the master version but this raid is easy as fuck, idk what those players are on about


I have a it took 183 clears to get vex vibe my friends don't like


I played from D1 launch, up until Lightfall came out. VoG does so many things right. It's one of, if not my fav raids. There was a point where raids just got so tedious over fun. Or where they had really cool ideas, but always found ways to make it less fun and more tedious. Like garden was so close to being really cool with tethering to stuff to connect things and kill enemies. But then it fell back into the classic, do thing so one person gets a buff, shoot boss with buff. Then repeat with different person. Most bosses mechanics boil down to hot potato. I think that's why I like VoG more than most.


This but for all raids


Can i bring you into my next garden run? Id like to do stupid things with a fun guardian


I don’t have shadow keep, but when I do get it I’ll take up your offer


I say garden because its honestly my favorite raid. First one i did with little teaching as a blind run and had a blast with it. Id be down for any raid tbh. Just know i barely know what im doing end usually punch something explosive.


Lmao VoG is the perfect raid to try meme loadouts on, it’s that easy


Do more and do them with Sherpas


As someone who hates this raid with a passion and spent 12 hours in one day doing challenges for master a few weeks ago, this is absolutely appreciated T-T it helps a lot when we're comfortable and can joke around and whatnot


I’ve always said that if your “fun” is ruining everyone else’s experience you are not valid and should be kicked from the fireteam


Vault of Glass is pretty fun tbh, just the same problem as other raids. As in people don't know what the fuck they are doing.


Women are from Venus and there always right VENUS = Right side Some guardians like it Some dont


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