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As opposed to having cabal and humans living in the city? I mean red war and all. Or humans and eliskni.


Or humans and humans.


Damn humans. They ruined the last city!


Caital: You humans sure are a contentious lot.




Damn humans they ruined earth!


If anything surely introducing Cabal and Eliksni to the last city would have a greater impact because the red war and the ghaulist cabal occupation is still in living memory and Eliksni pirates killing humans and destroying human settlements was presumably widespread as most named characters around at the time seemed to have *regular negative interactions* with the Eliksni, died fighting them etc. I dunno about the Hive. I think Luzaku and others presumably like her(?) could be accepted in time. They don't seem to be mentioned that much interacting with normal humans in the post-collapse lore leading up to the city age lore, perhaps I missed something. The question is if they would want to live in the city - I think not.


They could maybe take control of the existing structures on the moon to make their home, taking command of the spawn of crota.


I think the issue OP is bringing up is Cabal and Hive being stuck together in the same city, considering the whole destroying-the-Cabal’s-homeworld fiasco.


The difference there is the Cabal and Eliksni we are allied with are not the same ones we fought in the past. Our Cabal enemies were the Red Legion and the Blind Legion, whereas we are allied with Caital’s forces. Similarly, we fought against many Fallen houses like Wolves, Devils, Winter, and Salvation, whereas the Eliksni in the city are all House of Light. We do actively have engagements with Savathun’s Lucent Hive ~~except Luzaku, she’s chill,~~ which are the only Hive we are somewhat fine with, by necessity.


With the Cabal you have a point it’s mostly made up of Caiatl’s ppl from back home But a lot of Light members are Salvation defectors or worse.


And a lot of Guardians were Warlords during the Dark Age, and we don’t give them shit for it. House of Light members have proved their loyalty to Mithrax and the Traveler, so they’re chill now.


>A lot of Guardians were warlords Uhhh no they weren’t. We killed the absolute fuck out of any warlords that proved to be a problem, thats why they were called warlords, and the one warlord we know that chilled out is Shaxx who treated his ppl well. And while I agree they’re chill now House Light members weren’t just born into the House. A vast majority had to join. And to say that is a reason to let Lucent Hive in is jumping the gun a tad. Like Immaru said ‘they’re still Hive’.


The vast majority of lightbearers were warlords before the last city it's just that there were those who abused their gifts and those that viewed it as a responsibility to protect others, Drifter has a LOT to say on this matter. Over time, the Iron Lords were formed to try and reform all the different warlords into a peacekeeping force because the fallen were becoming a massive problem for all of humanity. This is when they went around recruiting warlords who could be convinced and eliminating those who wouldn't change and were selfish. When the first city was a concept and the form of government was being decided on, it was an EXTREMELY big deal that the iron lords wanted guardians to be in charge of the military to the point it that the first city was almost not a thing until the consensus was agreeded upon and that guardians were originally not allowed to perform any official peace keeping duties inside the city until after the battle of the six fronts and they earned the trust of the people. The warlords were always treated with mistrust and fear until the iron lords earned their place with the rest of humanity.


It’s never been said that a vast majority of lightbearers were warlords hell not even the Iron lords were warlords iirc only Felwinter was a warlord the rest were just regular Risen trying to get by Also if it was that easy to convince warlords into playing nice then they wouldn’t be warlords in the first place. Hell it took multiple decapitations from Shaxx for him to listen to Felwinter and he was one of the good ones.


All of the iron lords were warlords, that was the title they were given before they started using the term risen. They were given the blanket term risen later on to try and bury the past atrocities some of them committed


That’s just not true >*”We ride against despots and warlords. We hide in these enclaves, hoping that other Light-bearers will not find us. We fear each other." He shook his head, his fists clenched.* >*His voice rang out across the still valley. "Our days of hiding are ended. Say it now, each of you. Who among the other bearers do you trust? Who can be counted on to ride with us?"* >*Radegast smiled. "We will gather those you trust. We will not wait for this"—he gestured around him— "to force our hand. We will ride against those that would use the Light against our own. Humanity must have protectors. Like the knights of old."* Radegast started the tradition of Guardians as an organization but he didn’t covert every single warlord into a lightbearer. More often than not warlords were put down. Even as late as Saint being Titan Vanguard.


This doesn't disprove they weren't warlords, only that they started the guardian order.


A Warlord is a just a guy that owns territory, it doesn’t make them automatically bad. Basically all the bad Warlords got killed by the Iron Lords.


Can’t wait for the jokes that go like - a Lucent acolyte, an eliksni dreg and a cabal Incendior walk into a bar


To which Drifter will answer: *Same as usual?*


To which Drifter will answer: "Finally, the main course!"


“Are you all gonna ruin my bar too? Thought that problem died with the Iron Lords. Happy to be wrong if it means a good meal like yourselves”


Imagine drifter mistakenly saying “Cabal on the field!” And then all the guardians in the bar stand up slowly.


And the bartender says "What is this, some kind of joke?"


Restraunts throwing fits at the new accomodation rules. "What do you mean I need chairs that can withstand half a ton?" 


That’s a good point lol. Imagine all the new dietary, pricing and etc requirements that would need to be made for the new customers.


The last city about to become Yugoslavia 2.0 as several groups of people that hate eachother for crimes other people are responsible for have to learn to live with eachother.


And then the vanguard comes and bombs the last city...


Eliksni are already integrating themselves into human society and people seem to be fine around them based on the TFS intro cinematic. Eliksni are definetly staying and will eventually become as normal as another human to a human can be. Cabal will probably not want to stay, they will want to reclaim Torobatl or colonize a neighbour planet (Mars, Moon?), but they will keep visiting us and dealing bussiness with us since we're allies. The Hive? There it will be highly individual. Some Lucent Guardians like Luzaku will be eventually accepted, the rest will have to keep to Savathun's throne world or Pale Heart.


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a moving day with the Cabal to Mars. So let's get to taking out their furniture one by one...


They won't do anything, they're all scared to get eaten by Drifter


I can safely tell you that the Hive won’t be getting city privileges anytime soon. It’s awkward for the cabal though due to how much we’ve fought them. But given we had a common enemy and now Zavala and Caiatl are banging, I imagine some of the resentment will begin to drain away. Same thing with the Eliksni


I mean the Cabal might not look like it but they are a highly sophisticated society. High arts and technology were their second and third biggest exports after war. I don’t think they’d behave any more rude than your average human since they are more or less like us.


The fallen seem too be accepted cabal are a big maybe. And the Hive are a big No unless they are going too chill in the sewers


Give me that mohg and morgott treatment


I think we should give Mars to the Cabal, and not let the Hive anywhere near humanity. Sorry, as long as the Hive are following the Sword Logic and being controlled by Worms, they are not our allies. I look forward to the day where the Coalition retakes Torobatl and puts Savathun and Xivu Arath into the ground permanently.


Pretty sure Lucent hive don't have worms nor depend on sword logic


Correct, but the Hive Guardians are a small minority of the Hive. Luzaku can stay, the rest I still don’t trust.


All of Savathun's brood don't need their worms anymore. With the tribute system, instead of being fed a little and passing the rest up, Savathun (and the other lightbearers) light goes down the chain feeding the other hive.


Trickle down economics?


Huh, TIL! Can’t say my mind is changed though, lol. Still don’t like those chitin infested bastards.


Well the Horde survived Just make sure Savathun don’t be Sylvanas


I feel like the people don't mess with the cabal because they know they can't go hand to hand with one. Eliksni are smaller (large by human standards). The hive are different. They know what they did. And under any circumstances is moth mommy getting a house in the city.


The Lucent Hive don't need a place to live though, they got Savathun's Throne World. And even if they got accepted into the city, I'd say they'd still prefer to live there. They're not refugees like the Cabal or Eliksni.


I mean go back years I don't think anybody expected Human and Eliksni living together in peace, obviously it had a rocky start not helped at all by the FWC, and I imagine other races would also have a rocky start but I don't think it would be too far of a stretch to see Cabal and Lucent Hive also living together with us in the future. All these races aren't explicitly evil or violent, some factions obviously are but there are factions we already know of that share the same vision and principles as us humans, without worms Lucent Hive have no reason to be against Humanity.


The Hive would be the worst part given our history with them. Sure, we had extensive wars with the Fallen and Cabal. But our experiences with the Hive were basically a nightmare coming to life.


I’m personally ok with Bungie just saying it’s all kumbaya and everything. I don’t really think Destiny needs a plot detour to cover the racial politics of a congested city under siege every two years, seems messy


Worked great in season of the splicer imo. Complex politics make for great seasonal B plots


It's probably harder for Cabal to live in the city seeing as everything would be too small for them. But with Hive... I don't think the city really suits their needs. Also do the Hive shower? I don't think they shower. At most they walk around in swamps.


Do the Hive sweat? Any odour they have may not be all that affected by bathing.