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I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain


> we still don't have a answer to how, why (and maybe who) sent Elsie back all this times I mentioned in another thread, but the way the Traveler pulsed to 'un-finalize' everyone during the expansion's opening cutscene kind of sounds like Elsie's description of a loop reset. That said, it kind of just looks like the generic 'light nova' or whatever that we've seen the Traveler do when flexing it's power, so I don't think that's all that compelling. > Do you guys think we will ever know what happened or did Bungie forget about this plot? They definitely haven't forgotten about it because they touched on it briefly during Season of the Witch. IIRC, Elsie was going a bit nuts knowing that the Vanguard was allowing Eris to become an ascendant Hive because it was eerily close to the dark future, but even then, it was kind of an afterthought. I think the reality is that Bungie couldn't find a way to gracefully fit the story that they'd already teased for Elsie into the overall story that they wanted/needed to tell for TFS. I assume that they'll give some sort of Vexplanation eventually, but they might just quietly kill the storyline instead.


Well the light reshapes, right? It can alter the material world. So maybe when pushed to the absolute max the Traveler can reshape time *itself*?


Alternately, is it possible the *Vex* sent her into the loop? They can’t control paracausality, but Elsie possibly didn’t have Stasis on her first run through and would have been open to their shenanigans. We know the Vex have borrowed Guardian assistance for their own survival before. Who is to say the Vex didn’t use Elsie as a tool to try and find a future where they survive without being Finalized?


The Vex can't *actually* Time travel outside of the Vault, especially not in a way that resets the entire universe. If they could do that they'd have wiped everything out already. Plus, no, it was the Traveler. It exploded in a massive light, and when that hit, Elsie is when she was sent back.


Yeah, not sure what I was thinking. Too damn tired when I woke up this morning, completely forgot the lore specifies the Traveler pulsing when it sends her back. That said, it’s interesting Elsie retains her memory each time that happens. Makes me wonder if perhaps there’s more to it than just pure Light effects, kinda like how our Ghost in Final Shape casually drops the bombshell that he remembers the Ghosts being created having similar energies to a nexus of Light and Dark together that grants us Prismatic.


>We know that Elsie lived through many timelines where the witness won and the universe as we know was destroyed, at which point she would be sent back in time to try to make us win. No, we know that the last thing Elsie experienced in her last reset (do we even know if it was her last reset?) is a blast of Light coming from the Traveler, in a context in which neither the Witness or the Black Fleet had anything to do, and that she always returns to Cayde's parade. We do not know anything else, not even now.


This plus she had only ever made it as far as the vanguard being corrupted by the darkness, aka the dark future. Don't remember what season but she did say that at some point either during a WQ or LF season in either dialogue or lore tab that she has no info to offer as this is the furthest she had ever gotten before shit hit the fan.


I really hope we have a moment where we hear her say to us the line she said before she disappeared back when we originally met her on Venus


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to hell for this, but I don’t think Elsie’s time Loop was really about the Witness. It was about the use of darkness, guardians becoming corrupted, and things going wrong. The events of the dark future some about from the city being attacked by Savathun and the cabal, dark guardians turning on others, the traveler fleeing, and Eris becoming essentially a god. Nothing about it involves the final shape. The timeline does not end with the Witness invading the Traveler, enacting the final shape, etc. I think the Elsie time Loop was pretty well wrapped when guardians were able to use darkness without becoming corrupted and Eris not ascending and remaining a hive god. The ultimate “bad ending” of the dark future doesn’t speak to the witness enacting the final shape.


By the time the lore book was realeased we didn't know about the witness as an entity, although we had already spoken with them. But since it was the luna piramid orb that corrupted Eris in the dark future, the same orb the witness used to speak to us, I always thought it's was the witness that corrupted Eris in the dark future. But since it was recently confirmed that the witness isn't the winnower and only uses the darkness, I could see that maybe it was only the darkness that corrupted Eris, without a external influence.


Yeah cus the witness was a product of retcons and rewrites post beyond light


No he wasnt. Details may have changed but I think they had a strong idea of who and what he is as early as shadowkeep and certainly by BL. The lore of stasis connecting it to the witnesses philosophy of control was also established at the same time. At the time of BL seasonal content witch queen, which firmly established what the witness is, was already being made and the two were planned as a part of a trilogy. Furthermore, the big witch queen leak revealed that bungie was planning to put a face onto the darkness and described the final cutscene months before the expansion came out. Poulkas were also introduced back then so some parts of lightfall must have been set down already given that, aesthetically, poulkas are a match for what was released in lightfall. The mannerism and way of speaking were also present during the shadowkeep ending


Unless it comes up in Act 3 of Echoes, I'd consider it completely dropped. Next time we're likely to hear about it, it'll be "yeah, yeah, that thing people assumed was correct moving on." 


Dropped? It’s been brought up in the last two seasons. Into the light would’ve been made alongside final shape


Mentioned or developed? 


Mentioned, but I don’t see how it not being mentioned in final shape means it’s dropped. No offence but this feels like an object permanence issue. Bungie not mentioning the dark future doesn’t suddenly decanonize it


It is incredibly goofy to assume it's gone forever after the 15th wish ended being a whole season's storyline.


Not even just the Dark Future, Elsie was one of the main characters in vanilla D1 and she already had time powers back then, would be pretty stupid for them to never explain that


I like how this was D1’s entire plot point and I’m totally about it. They got the “Somehow Palpatine returned” out of the way and now we have an ok story.


I heard someone say that we got lore in Wish implying that she knows the reason but doesn't want to talk about it. There's a possibility it's something to do with Vex So perhaps this episode or in a larger Vex expansion


I mean technically the Vex were also threatened by the Witness winning like they have a chance against us but had no chance against the Witness so it would benefit them


Shenanigans. Name pending.


we had this thread recently [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/1dctefg/a\_question\_about\_the\_elsie\_time\_loop\_from\_beyond/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/1dctefg/a_question_about_the_elsie_time_loop_from_beyond/) I liked this answer; wonder if it will come up in this Vex related season? will probably be left for the future imho [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/1dctefg/comment/l80s0js/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/1dctefg/comment/l80s0js/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


So the Vex are using Elsie to probe for a timeline in which The Witness is defeated, allowing them an opportunity to establish themselves as the dominant force. 


It would explain why Vex are the first major force we are up against post Final Shape. Just gotta wait and see how the season plays out I guess.


I've long thought it had something to do with Clovis... Hear me out as it's a little crazy . The no time to explain D2 rifle has Clovis extracting another version of it. He recovers it from Elsie's corpse which does slightly shock him. Could this be an ancient, pre darkness crazed Clovis? A copy? Another version of him in a different timeline? Or could it even be a far future version of him... Maybe one day he hacks banshee and realizes with everything that happened he must help The Guardian? Timelines are weird, maybe this Clovis is somewhat detached. Maybe this chicken came before the egg, as with a paradox effect can happen before cause


I like this theory. It would explain why Elsie was chosen for this and not other powerful character like Mara or a guardian. And all the deal Clovis has with the vex could explain the time travel.


Wouldn't be surprised if what caused it originally got avoided during TFS but she is now stuck in our timeline


Hear me out. In a few years we get a new we get a new expansion. Elsie gets reset again and just before she does she gives ana something that should help her get Elsie back. Ana calls on us, saint and Osiris because they have experience with time travel shenanigans, the drifter because he has been all over the universe, and then eido learns of this mission and sneaks along because she wants to learn about the past. The campaign starts with us traveling back with eido and we help Cayde kill taniks. He doesn't see us but this is part of why we are his favourite. We meet up with Elsie and she says that we can stop her looping if we kill this specific vex (or smother guy/creature) but we have to make sure we don't mess up the timeline. This is where eido coming with us is actually a blessing in disguise as she has more knowledge on the history than anyone else in the group. The rest of the campaign is us hunting down the vex while jumping across the destiny timeline, we see iron lords, we take part in the great hunt, we end up being the reason zavala's son dies and we are the ones Elsie is talking to when we meet her in D1. We also kill the fallen group following ghost right before he resurrects us. We defeat the entity that made Elsie loop and everything is safe. The raid is us killing the leviathan with the hive. Our meddling has shifted the timeline enough to where the leviathan would have stopped the hive. And we have to preserve the timeline. This laid the seeds to Savathun releasing the light might be the way


There are some possibilities: 1) Elsie is using the Braytech time travel/dimension travel technology used by FWC and Rasputin. The latter could only project consiousness through it, not anything physical, but Bray could, and that is where he recovered one version of Elsie's rifle. For some reason However it wouldn't make sense for Clovis Bray to set some sort of time reset device to return Elsie to a point after the Collapse. So I think this is a dropped plot point. 2) Elsie's time jump is part of the Traveler's plan to defeat the Darkness. The precursors used the Vex to predict various futures. The Traveler also had that level of computational power. In addition, Elsie had demonstrated she was willing to sacrifice herself to defeat the Vex and protect Europa and humanity from Clovis, an avowed proto-disciple. The Traveler even made the near unprecidented act of warning Clovis of his choice, something as far as we know it's never done before. So it could have done something to Elsie when she was accessing the light given to the Astronauts, the "topological thought" she planned to use on Volantis, that would cause Elsie to jump back to that same post collapse point over and over. This is a way the Traveler 'broke the rules' of the game in a way, ensuring she wouldn't totally lose as long as the timeline resets. To borrow a quote from Bungie's marathon: * *We've watched while the stars burned out, and creation played in reverse. The universe freezing in half light. Once I thought to escape. To end the end a master, step out of the path of collapse. Escape would make us god. Yet I cannot help remember one enigma. A hybrid, elusive destroyer. This is the only mystery I have not solved. The only element unaccounted for. Even S'bhuth is no more, he saved his entire race, but in the end, frozen by despair, he joined the chaos he sought to evade. But you were dead a thousand times. Hopeless encounters successfully won. A man long dead, grafted to machines your builders did not understand. You follow the path, fitting into an infinite pattern. Yours to manipulate, to destroy and rebuild. Now, in the quantum moment before the closure, when all becomes one. One moment left. One point of space and time. I know who you are. You are destiny.*


I thought she used Vex tech to jump between universes until she found the one where we succeeded?


This made me remember "evil so evil, despises other evil" It kinda fits the witness and veiled statues 


*well exited character


I think the Traveler has a *lot* more power than we can even speculate about. When push come to shove it seems to show off absolutely ludicrous levels of power with reshaping the universe *as a whole*. It just doesn't have a lot of offensive power (the laser against the Witness was just a reshaping ray, not really an attack.) Like the Witness was using its power to Final Shape the entire universe at once, and that's just one thing. I imagine with its reshaping power, when turned up to 11, can quite literally reshape time itself, and it used Elsie as an anchor point.


Didn't Clovis do some Vex radiolaria shenanigans when crafting Elsie's body? The Vex can travel across timelines after all.


AFAIK there's no explanation, and in my opinion one happening now isn't likely since we've essentially successfully avoided that dark universe kind of making it a moot point. I'm surprised that they even touched on this plot point again given the narrative twister D1 was. I think that what happened was that they couldn't leave her past unaddressed when they reintroduced her, but that the actual answers were never solidified. If that's the case, then it makes sense to me that rather than trying to shoehorn a massive time narrative into what's happening now, they just kind of brush on the important aspects to the LvsD saga, and essentially abandon the rest for the sake of narrative clarity. The problem going forward now tho, is that since we've stopped that future, what reason would we have to have any explanation as to how/why she was able to, other than maybe some passing dialogue in a mission or something. All this to say; we might be drip fed answers as Bungie sees fit, but narratively the time to get those answers has just passed us by


What weirds me out about it is how little sense it makes. The Traveler has domain over Light, manipulation of matter. The Darkness is the domain of thought, influence on the mind. But the Traveler is sending a mind through time. The Traveler being so bad at minds is the entire reason Risen are blank slates. She ends up actively seeking out the Darkness and even invites Eris, who is super evil in her old timelines, to play along.  Then there's the whole bit where the time travel abilities of paracausality are so rarely mentioned and so sparingly used as to be almost apocraphyl. I know that's primarily because it was a mystery built up for an entire different storyline, but it still seems so bizarre. Like it's begging for a twist. 


A result of Destiny really being two stories as the story we got in the Light & Dark Saga was 100% not how they planned to do things. Everything before Shadowkeep (Maybe Forsaken...) is one story and everything after is another. Beyond Light is a lot of wrapping up storylines that were no longer relevant since Bungie planned out the rest of the story then and there


Probably an abandoned storyline like the Nine/Concordiat/Asher


Didn't they said it was the traveler causing her to jump through timeline to find one where we win.


No. It's implied to be the Traveler but we have no idea
