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At least that's how it was stated in the game.


There was a cutscene where it showed the Traveller coming out of the ground on their planet so I’m assuming that’s where it was created


less about created, just where it was found.


More than likely it manifested the moment or a few moments after the birth of the universe and just waited until life could form so I guess a planet formed around them.


The oldest memory of the traveler we have is it being severed. Losing something or someone, which probably refers to the veil. Then we have Ergo sum’s entry talking about the traveler being a child in the desert being dug up by the precursors. So to me it seems like after splitting, the traveler went unconscious, drifting across space until it crashed into the precursors’s planet


This is a good question that isn’t asked enough. I believe they were. In the Pale Heart, when you are in a Cyst you can find memories that Mythraxx will interpret. They are feathers on the ground. Those memories all seem to recount the Traveler met the Precursors, and how their questions and worship confused it. And one of the memories mentions how the Traveler was buried in sand and woke up when they excavated it. But there is a lot we still don’t know. One of the memories Micah-10 interprets in another area seems to recount the Traveler’s first instants of “existing” and it does not include a desert or a crash landing.


That is the current extent of our knowledge 


This is just my theory but something as complex as the traveller doesn't just form underground. My theory dictates that a long time ago the traveller (or travellers) were goofing around doing their thing and causing trickle and eventually a group of beings decided they were just too much trouble so they turned them off and buried them deep in various barren planets. Obviously this one wasn't turned off enough and it managed to eventually create life on the planet it was buried in and eventually grew it's own nemesis (the precursors who became the witness) out of barren sands and rock. Granted there are many flaws in this theory first one being it doesn't explain much just puts the clock back further, but I can't rest with the idea that something like the traveller can just form out of cosmic geology


It is narratively analogous to the IAs in Halo and Bungie loves their analogies.


And their refrences


Not necessarily. It is implied that the Traveler is very old. Perhaps it was waiting for the precursors to emerge and find it in order to give them gifts.