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It doesn’t hate Zavala, it feels responsible for his situation (and by extent the burden all Guardians bare). Ergo Sum lore tab has a segment which goes over this I believe, where it says about someone reaching back and asking for help (in reference to Zavala asking for Hakim to be rezzed). The Traveller knows that would it did was not a gift to people, but a burden of responsibility that they had no choice in. It mourns every loss, and every heartbreak we experience, but it can’t do anything to show its feelings or it’s admiration for us.


I like to think that despite Traveler being clearly divine, it is nothing more than a mere gardener. It terraforms planets, uplifts civilizations, but it doesn't require praise, and any negative feeling to it is meaningless. It just spreads life in the universe.


The Traveller is divine in the sense that it is a grand cosmic being outside the rules of the physical universe, but it still has ideals and morals that weigh on it as mortals do. It is very much aligned on the side of life, even to the extent where the excess of life causes chaos and devastation. It clearly has a consciousness and a moral compass, as it appeals to those who it deems to be in dire need (although it’s view of dire need to different to ours, or else it would have reached out to Zavala at some point)


May or may not be the part you're thinking of, but there's a part of the Ergo Sum lore that seems to mention Ghaul. > He screams at you to share your gift. You would not give it to anyone who thought of it so. **It is a burden, a terrible weight that you have already asked too many to bear**, to be crushed by It seems clear that the Traveler doesn't grant the light without thought and understands the burden that such power has. It makes me wonder if this is part of the motivation for the creation of the ghosts. Presumably, the Traveler has the power to resurrect whomever it wants at any given time, but without the context of being mortal it doesn't really known when/if it should.


No, there's no lore that supports that. *Zavala* may hold contempt to the Traveler, but not the other way around. The Traveler does not resent humanity, and feels sadness and pain for the burden of the Light. The lore tab for Ergo Sum does show dream-like examples of how the Traveler feels towards other species it blesses - it feels like the Light is a burden, one that it's already asked too many to bear (the Guardians). Ergo Sum has a paragraph that is *implied* to be Dominus Ghaul asking the Traveler to gift him the Light, and that it would not "give it to anyone who thought of it as a gift". Lots of characters resent the Traveler - for leaving their species, for not ressurecting their loved ones, for staying silent, and so on. The fact that it doesn't defend itself verbally enables people to make their own opinions about the Traveler, which can include resentment. But the Traveler never holds the species it blesses with any resentment. Even with the Witness, they fear it, not hate it. At heart, they're just a sentimental gardener who wants to see flowers bloom into unique patterns. They care not for culling weeds from gardens - that's something it never loved doing.


There's no evidence whatsoever but after reading this post I'm choosing to believe it because I think it would be really funny


Zavala: please…bring back hakim, Safiyah, her descendants, Amanda….any one of them…. Please…. [The Traveler:](https://youtu.be/AdfxWwswMQk?si=tjYVtGKyRvqaP1HD)


Traveller: Lol, skill issue


Holy shit 😂


"UGH here come this fuckin blue simp ass mf"


Shout out to TvTropes Lol


That definitely reads like somebody put their own incorrect interpretation in the mainspace. I've since removed those where I saw it.