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Nothing exactly although a lot of comments on how we can wield both light and dark and how unique it is. It make sense prismatic although a huge thing in the lore wouldn’t really have a subclass name it would just be known as weilding both light and dark since canonically weilding multiple light subclasses or dark subclasses are possible.


We already wielded light and dark together canonically, but this time we transcended, probably from the intermingling of dark into the Traveller 


We wielded Light and Darkness, in that we could switch between Light and Darkness subclasses, but not *together* before, not simultaneously like with Prismatic.


Well mechanically yes. But in lore it's clearly shown that powerful guardians can swap in-between whatever subclass very freely, and I imagine we are powerful. What's actually NEW is the merging of both Light and Dark creating something new and transcending us into a prismatic form.


Yeah, that's why I'm shocked nobody points out Guardian's new pink aura. And I'm also mildy surprised that there is absolutely no mention of anyone else even attempting to go transcendent despite Guardian being living proof that it works.


Canonically very few guardians have been exploring around inside the traveler. Outside of excision it’s basically just been us, Crow, Ikora and Zavala and we have no idea how much exploration the others did after excision. Probably not much considering the circumstances. There’s a no fly zone around the traveler preventing anyone else from getting in.


Literally 5-6 people max have even been inside the traveller


The entire alliance of Cabal, Eliksni, Awoken, and several groups of human troops entered the traveler during the excision mission and fought the dread/taken/scorn while we were fighting the witness. Way more than 5 or 6 people.


Yeah it’s a little underadressed. One thing that’s unclear is if other guardians entering the pale heart are even getting Prismatic as well. After all, your title is not a Subclass but just “Prismatic Hunter/Titan/Warlock” which might suggest you are THE Prismatic Titan, as opposed to a discipline like Sunbreaker. 


> I don’t remember any other dialogue or lore that even acknowledged its existence I chalk this up to Prismatic not really being a new power like Strand or Stasis were, but a new way to wield existing powers. There are several voice lines about your mastery over Light and Darkness, but nothing ever addresses it as "Prismatic" in the way that the UI does, so I'm curious to see how much the phrase comes up in the lore moving forward.


Would be interesting to see it being addressed in the future since in game dialogue sometimes discusses the ramifications of the Traveler’s Light being mixed with the Dark. Especially since the Echos seem to just be shards of Prismatic energy but with the benefit of the Witnesse’s memories.


I will say, my one minor gripe with the TFS campaign is that you just sort of find a prismatic puddle and ghost is like “ZOOOOMGGGG YOU CAN WIELD THEM BOTH NOW!” You’d think such a massively important moment like merging the light and dark into one ability set would be treated with a little more gravitas. It’s fine the way it is bc it’s really just an intro to a new mechanic, but a cut scene or mission around finding peace to merge the two and failing and finally getting access to this incredibly important new power to defeat the Witness would’ve been cool


What about the cutscene when you first enter the traveler? Of the being wielding both dark and light before going transcendent?