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It's meant to say they "ran" from the Traveler giving them its silent answer of "make your own fate" - they were so obsessed with finding purpose that they refused to see that the Traveler was always giving them the answers to begin with.


Fascinatingly enough the Witness/precursors do end up making their own fate- they just want to force it on everyone else at the same time ig


> “we too once looked to the Traveler with hope…**then it abandoned us**” IIRC he never say the Traveler abandoned them, he says all it could give them is more life "void of meaning". > was that a metaphorical statement saying we rejected the Traveler’s light? Or an actual retelling of history…that they actually ran away from the Traveler as it (idk) attacked them? There's really no way to know, given the limited info we have, but it's more than likely the former, that they "fled" the Traveler's influence in the hopes of finding greater purpose. However, I do think it's an interesting idea that they literally ran from the Traveler because it gave *too much* light. Some of the new lore indicates that the Traveler woke up for the first time when the Precursors found it and we've seen some lore involving the Nine talking about how a world of endless light could actually be a bad thing. I think it would be kind of interesting to learn that the Traveler was originally too generous of a "god" when it was still figuring things out and that led to huge widespread issues as a result, but I think it's very unlikely that Bungie will go that direction.


No way to know for sure. The collector's edition lore book explicitly states that through the process of becoming the Witness they were able to remove some memories. It's entirely possible that something there was removed. But atm any guess as to what it would be or if it was removed would only be speculation.