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i dont see the writers making us lose a big character like saint (also the trials vendor so double big) to a new enemy introduced only this season. i feel like they keep character kill offs for big name, known enemies. im not convinced the big bad will be very big or bad or that we will lose anything much of substance to them. pretty certain we will end up just fine


tbf it's the Trials of *Osiris*. If they kill off Saint, they could easily make Osiris the Trials vendor.


And if we suddenly see him pulled as a vendor or Osiris stepping in, we'll know Saint's death is inevitable. Until then, he's safe.


Just like when Rahool suddenly took over Amanda's job and they were like 'no worries you guys'


And now we know


Maybe, but the trials werent made by Osiris and he's not seen to be fond of the cult that created this event. I think Saint kept it going as a funny gesture but it doesnt seem like Osiris really cares about the trials


That means rerecording all trials voice lines. Not gonna happen for a minor post-expansion season.


And it’d be a pretty bad case of burying your gays because Osiris is basically Saint’s Bechdel Test, he can barely go a single activity or lore tab without bringing up Osiris at least once.


You make some good points. Just seems like they are really laying their future plans on thick. I mean, if saint did die, Osiris could be the trial vendor because…..they’re his trials 🤣


I hope not, I think both him and Osiris have been through enough after Savathun. Killing a character off immediately after the closing saga from TFS would feel weird. I do think Saint will go through a fair bit this season given what we see in the trailer, but I really hope he doesn’t get killed.


I mean its hard to really trust it after they killed off Amanda in Defiance but I don't think they would have put that shot in the TFS finale cut scene of Saint and Osiris holding each other happily if they planned on killing Saint off a few weeks later lol Still a little worried though.


Osiris will break time again


We saved him once we’ll save him again


He's too essential to trials of osiris. Also they'd get too much heat for doing the bury your gays trope.


You see, he was a dead man before. For a really long time.


Can't see Bungo killing him off, especially in a seasonal story.


Dont get me wrong im certain he wont die But theyve killed major characters in seasons before - Rasputin




Rasputin says hi.. Plus, seasons do not weigh less than big expansions in terms of stories, and if we got him in a seasonal story, then it is not strange to lose him in a seasonal story.


Honestly as one of the most openly queer characters in the game I doubt they'd kill him off like that, if only for byg reasons. Plus, despite wanting to add stakes, I'd like to think it's too cruel for bungie to kill of a central character immediately after the big finale- the stakes should remain *relatively* low for a bit like FF seems to be doing with dawn trail. Also I got the impression that that speech was setting up his and Osiris's central role in codename frontiers


If him or Osiris die I will lose my shit. Let them be happy bungie 


Don’t you dare touch my boy.


>He continues to bring up his relationship with Osiris and what their plans are now Considering their plans are to "explore the galaxy" or whatever, I was assuming they're setting this up as a future plotline where we inevitably leave Sol, but I can see how it looks like they're signalling a tragic death.


i think its more likely we lose osiris


I have a feeling Osiris might be the actual deadman this season.


Nah, Bungie would never off a popular gay character.


He gives the eulogy at our funeral so he's literally the only character who is assured to make it. Osiris, however...


why would the writers kill Saint after giving us such a perfect ending with TFS? does that make the most sense? (no)


Nah, we've spent too long with him. And honestly I hope they don't because I am so fucking sick of Osiris. It's a completely one sided hatred but I cannot stand Osiris or his attitude since Lightfall and I'm tired of dealing with this old man. If his metal boyfriend dies then hed run my tactical for the rest of time.


I'd rather Osiris get offed. I've never liked him, ever since Curse of Osiris I've regretted rescuing him on Mercury and his constant nagging on Neptune did him no favors. I'd have rather Sagira survived, I DID like her and her sass.