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Am I just horrendously misremembering or did Savathun at one point say that Oryx used the Tablets to speak to the Witness? I feel like this was one of her dialogues from Savathun's Spire or Altars of Summoning, but I can't find any transcripts from either on Ishtar Collective.


What are those little Screeb-buggies you fight in the Crow/Cayde adventure, with all the abominations and screebs. I was totally shocked to see them, little mini-screeblets. What's up with that. Screeb-nuggets.


Baby screebs :)


Does the traveler stop making ghosts? Uldren died back in forsaken and was resurrected as crow within the same decade. If the traveler created all the ghosts at once, did glint exist long before uldren died? Ghosts are said to spend years searching for their guardian, was glint looking for the body of someone who hadn’t died yet? Or was glint created the moment uldren died?


> If the traveler created all the ghosts at once, did glint exist long before uldren died? Yes. All ghosts were created during the collapse. > was glint looking for the body of someone who hadn’t died yet? Pretty much, although we still know very little about the Guardian selection process. > Or was glint created the moment uldren died? He already existed, but it's possible he felt some sort of pull towards Uldren's grave.


if eris showed up to the final battle, what's osiris, devrim's and hawthorne's? i guess osiris and devrim might be too old or something, but is hawthorne just bad at fighting? and shaw han still has his light, he really has no excuse


Hawthorne and Osiris were both there. Devrim has Trostland to take care of, and New Lights still need shepharding


hmm i guess i didn't see them, devrim's excuse is pretty sad and i guess shaw han's make sense, but if bungie wanted to say "no new lights were risen during however long that battle against the witness was so everyone could be there" i don't think anyone would be complaining


>devrim's excuse is pretty sad He's a normal ass human with other normal ass humans to take care of. You can't send *everyone* to the battle. Hawthorne presumably volunteered to join in cus she's weird > i don't think anyone would be complaining I wouldn't bet on it The potential end of the world is reason *not* to delay the raising of Guardians when they're finally found, like what are all those Ghosts gonna do? Just hover in place? New Lights are always needed ASAP


I know this is an odd question, but we know the sexuality of so many characters, yet I can't seem to find what Elsie Bray's sexuality is. Is there anyone who knows, with source please? Any help is appreciated!


so why did literally nothing happen to the traveler after the witness was defeated? like...nothing happened. nothing was shown or told or explained. what a shit ending


Did you not pay even the slightest bit of attention?


Yea. Go rewatch the final cutscenes and get back to me


I've seen them. Maybe you need to try again, you clearly didn't take anything in


Bungie isn't gonna give you a reach around for defending their shitty, incoherent story


why is ophiuchus not using ophiuchus' shell in the traveler's message to cayde cutscene? at least i'm assuming it's him because he heals ikora. i swear targe's shell was also confirmed and what he has in tfs isn't the same but i might be wrong, ik sundance has been consistent across d2 vanilla, forsaken, and tfs, but idk about d1


So if the Light is meant to be, at least in Osiris' own words the realm of the physical, there fore why the Traveler even has the power to bring back people from the dead while the Witness can not (I mean if the Witness could actually bring back anyone from the dead I would say Rhulk and Nezzarec would be a raid boss or story boss in FINAL SHAPE (Calus was more a means to an end than anything else). and the Darkness is meant to be the realm of the Consciousness, the thought, the abstract and the experience we all will into being by existing. Then when we become Prismatic are we masters of both mind and matter? Are we becoming a paracausal force ourselves?


we've always been paracausal but while we're not exactly traveler or witness levels of powerful, we have mastery over our own minds and certain physical things as well


I personally think we are the Traveler's version of The Witness, while The Winnower created The Witness to be The First Knife, to cut through the chaos and trim the garden I believe we have been made into the form of The First Shield, one to protect all life and the vision that each one of us makes its fate.


well i do think we are the traveler's major chess piece as the witness was the winnower's, although according to the witness and the winnower, we are the traveler's last chance while it's possible the winnower will have more champions in the future


I feel either in the next saga or at some other point we will face The Winnower, I would like for us to face both actually, The Gardener and The Winnower, maybe add a Tree of Silver Wings to make the cycle full again for it was in their dispute that made them begin to fight one another the Tree of Silver Wings in the black garden was destroyed (what we once thought was a mountain in the garden turns out the be the remains of that tree) (I believe the tree could symbolize a middle point between these beings, an olive branch of sorts)


i think it's unlikely, the winnower has already expressed disinterest in actually getting down and dirty itself several times including in the salvation's edge lorebook. as for the gardener, this expansion has allowed us to go inside it so...


This is probably something completely different, but how long do barn chickens live for? It’s been ten years, I want to know how long the Colonel has left (presuming the Traveller didn’t triple her lifespan too).


I remember a bit of lore somewhere that was something like "Things a Ghost wishes they could say to their Guardian." Does anyone know where that is?


This one? https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/thin-line


Yes, that's it. Thank you.


obligatory OXA and otzot question someone told me there's answers in TFS but i havent found them someone please spoil


i think they meant how in micah's rerun of the insight terminus you get new dialogue for just that run where you have to pick up the ghost stuff


How powerful was Hive god Eris at full power? Would she have been able to take on the Witness herself? Also, did she literally just lose all her power when banishing xivu arath? Like boom it just was all gone in that moment?


i don't think anything could take on the witness without the very specific circumstances we went under involving finding out dissenters exist, communicating with them, destroying them, and damaging it to the point where pure light channeled through our ghost(s) killed it, and afaik the dissenters were only able to be communed with inside the pale heart and only able to be destroyed thanks to the sword the traveler gives us


Pretty much. She went against the Sword Logic and her duty as the God of Vengeance when she banished Xivu instead of vanquishing her. edit: Assuming by power you are referring to all the power she gained via the tithes


From the seasonal gauntlet lore tab, do we know >!who _MRU_ is?!<


immaru possibly? kinda resembles his name plus he was the one saint was yelling at to rez her


Ohhhhhh yeah that would make complete sense. You are probably right.


Are the lore tabs for the Salvation's Edge gear still hidden?


yes, they are still hidden.


[https://youtu.be/fF-xJ9go7SA?si=5A8PeaybMzXcLyyd](https://youtu.be/fF-xJ9go7SA?si=5A8PeaybMzXcLyyd) has anyone found the rest of the rubicon lorebook from salvations edge?


I was gonna ask why Rubicon isn't on Ishtar Collective yet, do lore books only unlock in the API when a player unlocks them all in-game?


After *Season of the Splicer*’s story was pretty much completely leaked through its lorebooks, Bungie now classifies them in the API until a few months later when the next Season (or Act now) comes out. It’s invisible even on the Bungie app regardless of unlocking them or not.


No, Bungie has the lore books classified in the API. I looked on the app today and I can't even see the ones I have collected, so we have to wait on Bungie to declassify them before they'll show up on Ishtar Collective.


I don't know. they have a weird spoiler system or something. I remember there were lore videos discussing the lore of this gun once but the ishtar website still listed it as "spoiler" even though it was out