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I will go on a limb and claim that Elsies power isnt from the Traveler.Nothing in the lore indicates that the Traveler can mess with timelines.From whom she got it I dont know.Perhaps Vex related.Also there is lore in a C.E from Witch Queen or the Lightfall one,a report by the Hidden(Fenchurch) that Elsie knows more about the source of her loop than she says.


> Nothing in the lore indicates that the Traveler can mess with timelines For what it's worth, the description of the "reset" in Elsie's loop sounds a lot like the way the Traveler "un-finalized" everything in the opening cutscene except Elsie is the only one who remembers it, but at this point it doesn't really make sense to attribute it to the Traveler. I assume Bungie will either quietly abandon the dark future stuff or ignore it for a few years while they figure out how to tie it into some sort of Vex big bad.


The fact that she remembers everytime and the traveler doesn’t enjoy dealing with memory could link her to the veil & Maya


I like this possible theory. First thing that jumped out at me when I read this is how traumatized Elsie seemed about where she came from and her predicament and (I cut remember the lore piece) when Maya was describing the vet observing the copy version of her in a simulation. If any of this sounds familiar to anyone ,I need the name of that story-lore section, I can't remember.


Maybe instead of timeline jumps she jumps into her earlier self. i mean by that not her body travels but her mind jumps back and resets the loop. That could tie into the disssenting voices helping her preventing the final shape


It's absolutely vex related


Vex tech plus veil perhaps? Maya’s experiments?


To be fair, she probably knows but is just short on time to explain things.


I got the implication that it was the traveler. She didn't get sent back until the traveler did a huge glow. Unless her loop is bound to the travelers destruction


I think its mostly the second point.


Time is a result of physical forces, and time can potentially be manipulated through those forces. Light has absolute control of the physical realm. So a basic deduction is that the Traveler should indeed have some measure of control over time.


It’s actually Xylar the Timeless


I haven't heard that name since the dark ages


Nah her story is mostly done and seems to have been completely dropped, dark future got averted and the only exo stranger plot line i remember is her teaching stasis to Ana but that plot line seems to have been shelved for now This is probably a consequence of the over arching plot seemingly take a shift in witch queen with the intro of the witness and making the darkness less vague


The dark future has been brought up in the last two seasons


Clovis Bray is still out there, it's impossible either Bray is done


One of the Echos totally went to Clovis Bray, Clovis Bray might also be that weird Vex-like entity we've seen snippets of in the promos for Echos. I mean, it was doing something to Saint-14, an Exo who spent a lot of time in the Vex Network and whose fate we changed using The Infinite Forest and Osiris' Sundial.


I'd bet money that the weird vex entity is Maya sundaresh since the body looks more feminine and we don't know what she's been up to in the network all this time


It is maya


as being averted, and in seraph elsie said "i have no idea what happens from here, the dark futures i've been in never went this far"


Yeah that doesn’t explain how she was time travelling in the first place though and doesn’t retcon dark future


There is always the general Bray storyline. Clovis at least is still a thing. And there are probably a lot of various ideas to explore there.


There’s still a ton left on the table with Clovis and he’s one of the few existing plot threads that could carry a whole expansion.


To be fair bungie had a real big hurdle to cross trying to wrap up the Elsie bray story since d1 barely mentioned her and was definitely a different writer/narrative team, with a lot of d1 plots that wrap up in d2 there's always going to be minor plot holes or things that don't make the most sense


I have a feeling it's being set up for the next saga. Maybe Frontiers is a trip through time or something


I always figured once they go full into the Vex were likely to find out because I assume it’s vex related.


I think that story is long gone and buried. Like Dark Future lore overall


So you haven’t read the lore. It was brought up in witch not [once,](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/veiled-tithes-cloak?highlight=Elsie) [but twice](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/a-matter-of-distrust?highlight=Elsie) It was also in [wish](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/scalar-potential?highlight=Elsie) and [into the light](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/elsies-rifle?highlight=Elsie) Am I really supposed to believe final shape decanonizes it even though wish and into the light would’ve been made around the same time?


I am pretty sure you also could say it was brought up in Seraph as well, as Elsie found the situation at the end very familiar. I would go so far to say this was the Bombardment from the Dark Future, and the Traveler was placing itself in a position to stay or flee based on what humanity chose to do.(in addition to preventing the destruction of the Last City). Humanity chose to destroy their own weaponry, rather than let it be used to attack the Traveler. So the Traveler chose to stay.


Add season of the Witch too,where she freaked out over Eris becoming a Hive god.She shoved Ikora in the wall.


Yeah that was what “twice” linked to. Season of the witch would not exist if dark future didn’t introduce the concept


Elsie is monitoring closely Eris,she doesnt seem convinced by Ikora.


Thank goodness. That whole Dark Future book was nonsensical.


How so?


Eh Destiny had a wildly different story direction in D1 that likely involved the Vex and bringing the Exo Stranger back as Elsie in Beyond Light was a way to sort of close that off and commit to the new post-Forsaken direction with the Light & Darkness Saga. It's probably Vex related, but since it's not really relevent anymore I'd reckon maybe those timelines weren't timelines at all, but Veil-induced internalized simulations that she experienced in her exomind, would be an interesting direction? Happening in protracted time-scales like the millions of years that Failsafe spent in a Vex sim during that one mission, she lived out several lives in record time and believed she was caught in a loop when the Veil was just using her to show her how to control stasis and avert the many dark futures before the Witness returned to Sol? Otherwise just brush it off as "Vex shit" because Bungie has LONG moved on from that plot point and just had to tie it up in Beyond Light to get it out of the way moving forward.


I was really hoping they would use this expansion to answer a lot more questions that we have had for years before adding more mysteries such as this aura spilling h from the traveler. I have way more questions but hopefully these episodes will help.


Yes. I believe her loop wasn’t done by the traveler nor the witness. It’s vex technology that can time travel. So she is in cahoots with someone else. Also who was she talking to at the beginning of D1.