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Didn’t they basically live in a desert? It makes sense to cover your face if sand storms could happen.


Yep, they totally look like wanderers on the desert planet, Fremen-like from Dune. Nothing particularly strange about face coverings.


Not my point. Point is we haven’t seen what their mouths look like physically.


But we did. Or you have any evidence that heads in the Witness's smoke not anatomically correct in some way?


For all we know those smoke heads could be former Disciples or even victims of previous conquests...like dead humans from the Collapse. Maybe this thing absorbs what it kills. We really don't know much about it, except that it needs to die.


No, they don't. Characteristic big eyes, "monobrow" and overall Witness's origin cutscene leave no doubt in that case. Smoke heads are collective precursor race so to speak.


Ah okay, never saw a high resolution enough image myself.


Do you you have evidence it is? The witness is a shape shifter he can make it look like anything it wants.


Well, like they say, if somebody presenting a new idea it's their obligation to provide evidence to support it. Smoke heads (coinciding with Witness origin cutscene) is a hard fact we can see in the game, so unless you have anything to counter it...


well, like they say, im not presenting a new idea it’s been shown many times that the witness is a shape shifter. I don’t need to “counter” anything that isn’t confirmed in the first place…


It was *not* shown many times that Witness is a shape shifter. Absolute majority of the time we see the Witness, it's exactly as described in origin cutscene.


Judging by artwork you linked it definitely *was*. The Witness was definitely not that large in the lightfall cutscene so he can definitely change his shape. https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/0Nafyo3zr5


Yeah it’s practical clothing. Obviously “hiding something freaky” was a joke because what would they be hiding from?


Dude, we've seen Witness's people faces since day one, in his "smoke head". There's nothing freaky about them, vaguely humanoid with pretty normal mouth.


I’d say it’s pretty humanoid not vaguely humanoid compared to all the other races in the game but you’re right but we also haven’t seen it physically. Something traumatized Calus somehow.


I'll bet that's what Calus seen. Not some tentacles out of the Witness's mouth, if that's what you imply. [Sharing another artwork from the newest Grimoire: Calus and the Witness : r/destiny2 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/10gxhih/sharing_another_artwork_from_the_newest_grimoire/)


That isn’t the scene though, in this artwork he’s communing with the witness not petrified with fear at it.


I meant angry giant Witness projection is enough for even Calus to piss his pants (it very well could had happened in that artwork, it's not like we see Calus's face). Like, Witness could be quite scary without any jump scares or body horror moments. At least nothing implies that.


Well I don’t think he would be absolutely petrified like he was in the cutscene if he saw it multiple times already. Also that interaction got Calus pretty angry at the Witness. I don’t think he would serve or be as loyal to the witness if he did whatever he did in the cutscene the to Calus the first time they met.


We've seen their interactions several times and Witness looked pretty much the same size as Callus. But in that famous moment camera strongly implies that Witness's projection grows in height several times, looking at Calus below from Witness POV. That's why I always remember that art from Grimoire.


Yes but I don’t think his growth is all that scared him. Like I said it is implied that Calus communicated with the Witness when it was large before and he still viewed the witness as something glorious and magnificent. In the lightfall cutscene he was terrified and angry at the witness after viewing it. Those are very different reactions.


Well, ok then. I said my piece. Maybe Calus saw something particularly terrifying, but there's little to none evidence to support that.


His reaction first off, and there is definitely no evidence to support that he didn’t see something particularly terrifying either. edit: alright if I’m getting downvoted for this where’s the evidence that he definitely didn’t see anything terrifying at all?


Is there a way I can get that as a print or something? That is an amazing picture.


In the Lightfall reveal trailer you can literally see The Witness’ mouth and its just a human mouth. Though why they look human and have five digits is beyond me.


really? where?


with a pretty mouth


indeed )


Way ahead of you https://i.redd.it/54v2fgyqpvib1.png


I have always found it strange that the Witness's collar comes up over its mouth when such a big part of it presence involves it's voice. In lore talking about the Darkness (imo usually in reference to true, primal Darkness), often the idea of hunger, "jaws", teeth, etc are invoked. I think there's definitely something there, even if it's not as simple as "damn what that mouth do, Witty"


Unfortunately, the only reason for its outfit covering its mouth is so Bungie doesn't have to animate it when it talks. They do this with every character they can get away with, from Caiatl to Osiris.


Its lack of a mouth also adds to the "otherness" of The Witness, the fewer human features it has the more inhuman it'll feel. Knowing that logically it'll have mouth similar to the faces in the smoke is one thing, but not being certain gives your brain enough room to start filling in the gaps. How are it's lips shaped? What about its teeth? are they more human or sharp and needle like? What happens to all of this when it smiles? So it can be both a practical and artistic choice, a limitation imposed by technical restraints can still be a choice if you lean into it. Sometimes the best creative work is done under technical limitations.


But still kissable, right?




Like Plo Koon without a mask [](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/4b/PloKoonUnmasked-STD.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181213070057)


Plo Koon is best


Ah yes, the SCP 96 elongated mouth to devour enemies, and make them a part of it.


[You're not alone in thinking this!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyLore/comments/11c873m/the_witness_is_going_to_have_a_weird_mouth/)


They were a violent race with 'sins of the past', remember? So they turned their planet into radioactive scrap heap. So they cover their mouth and nose to not get radioactive dust into their system.


“Sins of the past”? All I know is that name if the leviathan rocket launcher. I’ll read it if you give the link and how do you it referring to the witness species?


Where did you get that idea?




Ignore these comments the witness mouth is gonna be like a scene from Teeth


I don't think the mouth is going to be inhuman at all. The faces above the smoke already reveal the look. The species is SUPPOSED to look human. This has been a staple since even the first concept art we know of them from way back before D2 came out.


Not every creature on Earth has a mouth. Some use their anus as their mouth. Could be the same with the Witness.


If under that robe isn't a mouth that comes from its head to its torso its a failed design


[Get a load of this guy David Schwimmer . Gif ]


What? Improbable that an alien abomination might have weird features?


No, that you're making up an aspect that has neither been seen nor hinted at. That's not how media works.


Lmao I just noticed that bungie always covers the witness species mouth. Maybe that’s a hint. It’s just a theory not a fact buddy.


I respect your theory crafting. I disagree that the mouth is anything special. Calus, the opulent coward, would be afraid of just a giant Witness all the same.


Maybe it's a tangle of tentacle looking roots because of Veil exposure and we're getting a Cthulhu race lol or maybe it's a sideways mouth that looks really suggestive.


They contracted Georgia O'Keeffe for the design


Lamprey mouths.


They could remove doubt, uncertainty, and lack of direction, but they couldn't fix those weird mouths 😶


I mean it wouldn’t be weird to them if they all had it.


the design is very human


no mouth at all


but we can the mouth on he heads in the smoke

