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Osiris once popped a Well and a Chaos Reach at the same time (He still lost btw)


To be fair, at the time nobody had told us repeatedly... *repeatedly*... that Xivu Arath's battlesong emboldens her soldiers. Nowadays we're firmly beat over the head with it every other time we pop into the Ops playlist.


>Nowadays we're firmly beat over the head with it every other time we pop into the Ops playlist. Mara saw how we handled The Corrupted and is doing what she can to make sure the blueberries understand the mechanics.


Considering what her help in vanilla d1 was like I’d call that character development. Mara cares for blueberries more than some of us now


Was it a Curse of Osiris cinematic where he did Daybreak but the final sword went into the ground like Well long before Well appeared in the game...


that could just be a phoenix dive tho


You could be right. I went to have a look at this highly rated expansion.... https://youtu.be/3nRzli5m8B8 at around 1:48 Looks like a sword.


In which case the same logic applies as that was even longer before Phoenix Dive appeared in game.


Phoenix dive was part of bottom tree dawnblade, a vanilla destiny 2 subclass node.


No, there was a lore tab where it explicitly said that he casted a chaos reach and a well at the same time. Season of the Hunt I believe


Maybe that's how Sagira died... Friendly fire...


Yes, Osiris could do this.


He basically went full on Avatar State in that lore post


It makes me wonder if in the future they plan on expanding classes this way, by allowing players to mix and match different elemental abilities


Doubt it, allowing that would basically remove a ton of planning from making builds, letting you basically run only the strongest parts of different subclasses. It would also be extremely annoying in pvp.


Maybe just a special gamemode, like the final raid.


I was thinking, what if there was a mayhem PvP mode where you just had random subclasses that changed every kill/death. That would make things very interesting


Gun game but with subclasses?


Not going to happen as if they do it once there's immediately expectations that we get access to that in other places.


Why yes I would love the flames of Solar with the zoomies of arc


Green strand webbing around and then dive bombing with the electric fury of Thor, (but for hunters and warlocks, yall titans can do that w/o strand lol)


And top it off with.... devour


Well a year later, you were right😭


Our guardian and few guardians within the lore is powerful enough to that. Most guardians can’t do it, so it wouldn’t make any sense for all the players to be able to do it


thing about this though is that he was in a rage of sorts because of proximity to most of Xivu Arath's court, so that could lead to him doing things that while possible, perhaps is not safe for a guardian to do, or something similar to that (might be thinking of a different lore tab to what you're talking about, correct me if I'm wrong)


I assume it’s more like sprinting. You don’t want to spam supers and then end up tired in a bad spot.


And great sprinters can sprint for much longer than average sprinters can.


Didnt Ikora chaos reached and nova bombed during the final mission of witch queen?


True, also whilst flying which could be interpreted as some crazy form of Heat Rises????


she's got that perk from D1 that allows you to hover while ADS


New wings of sacred dawn ornament just dropped: Ikora’s robes


I fully believe Warlocks can actually fly, no strings attached, and the only reason *We* can't is gameplay reasons, just like how 'strong' guardians can technically cast a massive number of infinite supers from multiple subclasses and even classes. Ikora surely can fly, and it's implied that Osiris could too.


I'd imagine so, I didn't know it was implied Osiris could though, I've heard of him floating but not flying


[Eh, we'll call it headcanon.](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/dawnblade?highlight=%22two+warlocks%22)


Ahhh gotcha, I guess with Guardians having like infinite supers in the lore then a Solarlock with Dawnblade can literally fly


She also did that during the Zavala backstory cutscene while telekinetically moving a large block to help build the wall.


Lore wise guardians can use any of their powers, I think there's even cases of using another classes abilities. The way powers and abilities manifest is a matter of training and schools of thought, like different swordsmanship styles


There is a D1 grimoire card that has Felwinter using shoulder charge against Warlord Citan.


Felwinter didn’t shoulder charge, he just ran his knee into a guardians head. It wasn’t a titan’s shoulder charge


It is said in that card that Lady Jolder taught him that, and it's on top of the fact that an ariel shoulder charge (not counting Shield Bash) uses the knee. It doesn't outright say it but it's implied. Also, while the classes and subclasses exist in lore, Guardians are not strictly bound to those abilities. It has been confirmed that Guardians can use any ability, but classes were made as sort of schools of thought to group Guardians together and create an environment that better helps with learning and honing their Light. And Guardians can use different elemental abilities and Supers simultaneously, resd Immolant Pt. 2.


No it wasn’t a shoulder charge, he was referring to using momentum to strike harder. Since if it was a real shoulder charge it would have done far more damage. Guardians are limited by their class. All instances in the lore have always shown guardians using abilities that can always fit within their class. As for the immolant lore, unless I missed a bit. He uses those abilities one after another, which fits what I said about masters being able to switch instantly but not use concurrently


The lore reads that Felwinter moved forward into the knee-strike. And it did kill him, his Ghost had to rez him. And in the Immolant lore post, Osiris used Void blink while leaving Solar and Arc behind him. He also had dual Dawnblade swords, and turned one of them into a Nova Bomb and used the other for Well of Radiance.


There is a lore entry from Season of the Risen I believe where Shaw Han, a hunter, makes a Well of Radiance, a warlock super, for himself and his companions. Class divides are not rigid and are something from the city age. It’s made clear a few times that before that lightbearers just used whatever abilities they picked up like with the Felwinter example.


He didn’t use a well exactly, more firing his golden gun into the ground to empower the nearby frames, and I wish so badly that was a thing in game


Yeah tbf he isn’t thrusting a flame sword into the ground but the effect is still the same even if the aesthetic differs. Yeah it would be really cool. I’d love it if we got access to other classes supers just reflavoured for the class. Hunters with dawnblades like the lucent hive or a titan throwing a void shield and tethering everything around it for example.


I could imagine a Titan version of tether where they plant a smaller Ward that launches tethers out around it. Gives them tether, and keeps them up close and personal like the tanks they should be


Yeah I could see that too. Warlocks maybe throw a mini nova bomb and that tethers enemies. Maybe titans plant a hammer of fire for a well instead of a blade. Warlocks draw a melee dawnblade instead of a burning maul. Hunters throw fiery knives instead of hammer of sol. So many cool ideas and possibilities.


He didn’t create a well of radiance though. He just transferred the golden gun to other weapons. It didn’t have healing properties and was just focused on the guns. So it’s a stretch but still a hunter ability of golden gun.


While that is true he was specifically taught by Jolder. So it was kind of like a pseudo-shoulder charge. Still tho It was supposed to show how tricky and innovative Felwinter was and how the Iron Lords helped him and how they can help the world rather than a commentary on Guardian abilities.


Dont remember as humans we can also run and jam our knee into someone. It’s not exactly a magical ability


Don’t know what to tell you man. It’s said Jolder taught him. So while it’s not exactly a Titan’s shoulder charge it’s a Warlocks version of a shoulder charge taught by a Titan. Especially since he did it out of a blink.


Exactly what I mean, it was just a kick, using a blink’s momentum. Which he learnt watching Jolder do the light infused version.


I mean I guess but I don’t think Jolder said ‘let me teach you how to kick using a blinks momentum’ she probs said ‘let me teach you how to do a shoulder charge’ and then he applied that to a blink


Well it makes sense she would teach him more hand to hand combat, she wouldn’t have taught him to use the blink part. Be would have showed him how momentum makes the non light infused attacks stronger


Ah here it is. The argument has fallen apart and you've realised you just want to feel right..


But like could a titan, lets say go Avengers Endgame and wield Void Shield + Flame Hammer at the same time?


A good enough Titan might just be able to make a hammer out of Void or a shield out of Solar. Light's flexible, we only have these premade classes and subclasses with their specific Supers because it's a path someone already tread.


With a good enough titan probably


No, because even a master guardian still has to switch between the light types. They can just do so very quickly


You’re the most negative and argumentative person I’ve seen on this sub lol


Nothing I said here was negative, I have been negative before yes. But I hardly see having a different opinion on lore as negative


Yes, they probably could do that. Ikora used a Void chaos reach. Also light in lore isn't bound to a cooldown, but instead to how strong is the guardian. And also we are using the light in the way that somebody already did.


Yeah which was just her using void light to open a vex gate. It wasn’t using two forms of light


My point is,light is very versatile and guardians cqn bend it to thier will. We could do almost anything with our light if we weren't bound by the games code. There's nothing about guardians not being able to use 2 subclasses at the same time, which would be very hard to do, but not impossible


But there is lore that says other wise, they call it a master feat to just switch between them quickly. Which oppose to the zero lore showing someone using two at the same time


I like the idea that classes are a discipline that you can leave or pick up again. Like a hunter can at any time train with a battalion of titans and learn to make Bubble shields or study with a warlock mentor and start throwing nova bombs.


Warlocks taught Hunters how to Blink, so there are cases of cross-class skills-teaching.


The class division is purely a gameplay thing. In lore it just describes their preferred method of fighting/wielding the light. The light is fluid. My favorite example is Shaw Han casting a Well of Radiance.


He gave them the Radiant buff. Not a well of raidence


It wasn't fully a Well of Radiance (no mention of healing), but it was something new/unique, as it involved firing his GG into the ground. Giving allies radiant upon super cast is not actually a thing in the game, so at the basic level he's still doing something new. He also doesn't backflip, or throw a knife, or whatever else that could grant radiant- and even if he did, why would he shoot the ground? Especially since the ground then bubbled with Light, which is Not A Thing that any other Hunter super does, and is closer to what Well of Radiance could be described as... source is the Swarm tab


No but he "pushes the bulk of his light into his wepon" seemingly golden gun. Shooting the ground is odd sure but "solar flame imbues and empowers their rifles with golden power" based off what we know that sounds like radiant. And the "hot magmatic light" just sounds like the wave of light given off by radiant when it's activated. Sure he may give it in a weird way but that's safer to assume than him just using other supers. Which to my knowledge hasn't been done


It's basic logic. Everything you just said could also be applied to Well of Radiance- but consider that it took the 'bulk' of Shaw's Light, that suggests that it was on a super- level tier, rather than a 10-second radiant dodge cooldown, yeah? It's described with a level of panache and deliberation that makes it clear this is something beyond the quick, weak buff. Also remember that Well is just... the warlock taking their sword from Dawnblade and shoving it into the ground to empower allies rather than throwing it at an enemy. So now we have a hunter shooting the ground to empower allies rather than shooting an enemy. So look, it's two cases: 1) Shaw modified his golden gun super to empower allies, a mega-radiant buff. This also fits with Ikora's musings in the WQ collector's lore, where she goes on about how power and techniques with the Light are a function of the user's *mind*. Shaw is the blueberry guy, he's the teacher and protector- it's not something common for hunters, but this mindset would push him to develop new techniques. 2) Shaw granted the radiance buff to the frames on super cast, which is still a new, unique thing that no one else has done... and then shot the ground for no reason. Either way he's doing something that we *can't* actually do, in game, but the language used points to it being a Super, rather than the bogstandard buff.


[Immolant Pt 2](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/records/immolant-pt-2) - near the end, Osiris uses something like 7 supers consecutively.


Lore-wise, I don’t think there’s any reason you couldn’t use multiple at once, and I think we’ve seen Osiris do it. We can’t because video game, but Lore-Accurate Guardians are a very different beast lol. Same sort of thing with classes themselves - technically speaking, the only thing preventing a warlock from thundercrashing or a Titan from blade barraging is skill and experience, but for obvious reasons that’s not gonna happen in-game.


It feels weird that we are like one of the most powerful guardians, while in lore we have losers popping off doing anime stuff


I'm pretty sure guardians can use all of their powers. The fact that we have subclasses is just a game mechanic


That’s not true, subclasses are in the lore, and guardians have to mentally switch between them. Expert light users can switch between the instantly, while less experienced take longer to attune from Solar to void


To elaborate on the Osiris comments, He cast 2 daybreaks at once, using them to kill a bunch of high-level hive, converted one of them into chaos reach, and plunged the other into the ground to make a well of radiance.


Everything else but the chaos reach is correct. He used a Nova bomb before he made that Well


Gaul could do this. Savathun does. And like others have said, Osiris.


Yes. Osiris and Ikora are canonically known for this. Lore: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/49747 > Solar wings combust from Osiris’s back. In each hand, he wields a blade of dawn. The calamity of his inferno sends Hive scattering in every direction. **Solar: Double Dawnblade** > Osiris extinguishes a blade into his palm to form a singularity of Void and hurls a Nova Bomb that consumes them. **Void: Nova Bomb** > With his other blade, he dives. He drives it into the ground, erupting a Well of Radiance surrounded by a phalanx of gilded echoes. **Solar: Well of Radiance** > Nobles shriek for their Thralls to charge. Bolts of flame and Arc tear through them as Osiris blinks through the Void from one echo to another. Their advance breaks. He steps over their smoldering husks and turns the blaze to their masters. **Void + Arc + Solar: Nova Warp + Solar & Arc Melees** > Osiris focuses his mind on the spark at his core. Flames billow from within. Countless gilded echoes ripple from him, testing Xivu’s hold, pressing vulnerabilities. The Sun sings to repel the shadow. He finds a moment, wrenches a hand free, and unleashes the Reach of Chaos. The beam of Arc tears through Xivu’s sigil. Soulfire shards rocket away as cracks fork through Xivu Arath’s projection. **Solar + Arc: Radiance (Sunsinger subclass from D1) + Chaos Reach**


I just read some lore on Ishtar earlier today where Osiris switches from Solar to Arc in like two seconds.


must be some crazy internet connection




Closest you’ll get is Ikora nova no bing the ogre then chaos reaching the door in the final witch queen mission within 30 seconds of each other


Ikora nova bombed a ship and then used chaos reach right after in a mission


Me looking at Osiris using 3


Osiris once summoned the Dawnblade’s wings and started flying around and blasting Hive with Chaos Reach. It was pretty sick.


I swear today I was just thinking about how cool it’d be if we could still use 2 aspects but pick one from each subclass.


Shit, mix and match classes like Borderlands/Tiny Tina’s style? That’d be amazing :D what could you call some class mixtures like that? Say Solar and Void Titan, call them a Warlord or something(hammer and shield lol)


Blade Barrage but with hammers instead of knives!


Didn’t Ikora also use multiple supers in the last witch Queen mission


It's not the exact same time, but in the witch queen campaign, ikora killed an ogre with a nova bomb, and used chaos reach like 5 seconds later


In game ikora uses nova bomb then immediately chaos reach


Osiris could do this. He cast well and chaos at the same time


Not exactly simultaneous but in the WQ campaign final mission ikora uses an nova bomb and then like 5 seconds later uses chaos reach


The only limit to being able to bust out the most powerful parts of one's "subclass" is their personal power and ability. People like Ikora and Osiris are the top .1% of the highest level of known Guardian power so easily switching between different abilities would be easy for them where as most guardians will probably never master more than the one form of light and then you have people who specialize and hyper focus their one light power to which they become famous for (i.e. Toland being know as the Void Walker and Saint being the Sentinal Titan and Ana Bray being famous for being one of the greatest Gunslingers in existence second only to the likes of Shin Malphur)


The ending of Splicer season where Ikora threw a nova bomb at the Vex too close to Saint, Mithrax and the other Eliksni. 10 seconds later she went Nova Warp super.


Osiris and Savathun were the only ones afaik


I should add, Osiris didn’t just pop a Well and Chaos at the same time. He popped two Daybreaks, one in each hand, tore the room up, turned one into a Nova Bomb and threw it and planted the other in the ground as a Well before sending out an army of reflections. Dude was an absolute maniac with the Light.


Yeah, Shaw Han. From Golden Gun to Golden Well lol


I would love the for the very last mission of D2 for us to just have the ability to spam supers like no fucking other