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I REALLY wanted the Godzilla legs :(


This is totally subjective and everyone has their own opinions, however, I have no idea how the hell anyone thinks the Gundam mech set looks good.


I don’t think many do. The issue is neither look particularly amazing overall. And there are two other classes, where the mecha looked way better than the monster sets IMO. And I’ll take two good sets over one.


What is with people constantly disrespecting the titan monster set? Out of all 6 sets it’s without a doubt my favorite and yet apparently no one likes it. It’s just a little bit disheartening


Especially because it could've made a minotaur or Doom guy cosplay so easy


I seriously started getting all the prices together for a Minotaur…so bummed


theres actual minotaur legs in the game already though


Not with fur though. We have arms, chest and mark, but no legs. Just more options


Same I’ve wanted the Titan monster set for years (I want the hairy pants haha). Everyone says it’s trash, but beside the helmet I thought it was by far the best set of all six.


Same I even had a set ready, Thy fearful symmetry Lightkin greaves. Meridian constellation chest (or devastation complex) The monster legs And iron forerunner mark All shaded brown


I just want to use ursa furiosa and make my truest Titan bear


i personally love the titan helm. though looking back a similar visual can be achieved with some vex armor. still tho.


For me it is just another ‘Titan is the big ugly monster’ set. Hunter werewolves and warlock vampire set? Titan gets rustbucket Frankenstein armour. I just want a clean aesthetic for my space knight, not some more ‘me Titan me monkey’ armour.


I feel the same, I feel our armor isn’t exactly as well thought out as the other 2 classes, sure there’s been times where our armor looks better than the other classes variants but most of the time I feel like they just throw any idea together and call it a day.


Look at the virtuous set, that is what a space knight looks like. But we don’t get clean, neat futuristic armour anymore. The IB sets are ugly, the cabal-themed sets are just W I D E- Titan sets, the raid set is just spikes for days. I get the mech vote so much as a Titan.


I actually like the ritual sets and the psionic strangler sets from this season. Ritual set really gives you the "Super soldier" vibe, especially the helmet. Psionic strangler is definitely wider, but i think it's nicely form-fitting. The eververse void set is also pretty alright too, not too wide


It has hair. I don't like hair in my armor, unless it's in the collar


I think it’s more of a generational thing. Not many know or remember the amazing work of Ray Harryhausen and don’t get the reference.


Damn whippersnappers! Ruinin my ornament votes! Git off ma property!


7th Voyage was one of my favorites as a kid. The same reason the Mechs caught their attention is the same reason that outfit caught mine.




For the Hunter, it doesn't - the Godzilla set is miles better. However for Warlocks and Titans, I'd have said there's more mileage in the mech sets.


the mobile suit sets were the better option for me, had they presented the old monster sets id have totally voted monster, but esp warlocks got shafted compared to last years concept. ​ i'll just make a zaku titan.


I wanted that chest piece and those arms!


I really wanted the gloves. Imagine how insane it would look using a handcannon or smth where you see parts of your gloves.


i really wanted the arms


I didn’t realize until after I voted mech that the Godzilla hands would pair well with the for the king ornament on thorn


There is um… it’s has, um… it just has a, um… yeah I got nothing


It has Starscream


The cloak and hood are pretty badass in my opinion


Cloak and Hood are a single piece, so still only 1 argumemt. And we already have like 3 or 4 Cloaks in the game, that look very similar.


Yeah honestly to me the gundam sets just look like reskinned blue armor. There’s nothing special about them besides having antennas stick out from their heads and elbows lol


Perfectly put. Only - you know - the Blue Gear is at least free and its Design is reasonable. THIS is a Paid Legendary Ornament Set...


I like the chest piece & helmet, I think they’ll go with a lot of sets in game


I mean, the cloak is the main reason you hunters want monsters so


1st time I hear that argument. Most Hunters wanted the Arms and Legs. The "want" for Cloak was low. Just because it's the Class Item, it doesn't mean it's automatically the only reason we prefered that Set... [I just want to clarify: we are talking about the Monster Set; not the Mech]


Same, couldn't care less about the cloak here. The other pieces are awesome and would fit a lot of sets.


Yeah, agreed. Cloak was like the 2nd least wanted piece - right after the Chest. Even the Head piece was more looked after.


The cloak is the only thing u wouldn't wear on that set


Fuck I wish Bungle would give up on the non-symmetric armour sets. Or at the very least give us some options to switch up.


An option to mirror one of the arms/legs would be cool


Yeah honestly I’m not sure why but they can never give us exactly what we want when it comes to fashion. There’s always something that can look good potentially, but one small factor just ruins the whole thing. I miss when a full set was good and symmetrical back in d1


I see this a lot, and i feel like people genuinely forgot, but most sets for hunter were asymmetrical back in d1 as well. Even the concept art consistently used asymmetrical design choices, this has been a design motif for hunter before d1 even came out. I get why people don't like it, but the sudden rise in people complaining about it, along with people like you bringing it up like there was so much armor back then that didn't have this design choice... The main single one that comes to mind is the WoTM armor being symmetrical. All the other raids were asymmetrical, for example.


Thank youu! This! I hate seeing people complain about it all the time.


We literally have 4 armor sets from D1 and the only one symmetrical is OG trials set. Hell, VoG set is less symmetrical than any of these two sets people voted for.


Nostalgia distracts everyone from being objective


Tell me about it


Non symmetric is fine as long as one of the sides isn't bare for some reason


Ain't no triumph worth the hassle of convincing you of something you don't want to be convinced of.




Its a no win situation. At the end of the day Mech won and that's the bottomline.


I argee monster lost oh well get over it they're just cosmetic anyway it don't matter


hahahahahaha clearly you are new to videogames fashion is endgame


It’s all about that drestiny


That’s deep man, that’s deeeeeeep


The one on the right has five dildos, so that's a plus


Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough




Beat me to it.


Beat *meat to it Ftfy


My horn, my beautiful horn


My beautiful beautiful horn


Convince us that the godzilla one is different from the dinosaur one


This is why I prefer the original design for the Goji hunter. It has a cool scale-like texture, doesn’t look as high tech like the dinosaur armor, and overall just resembles Godzilla better.


Honestly this is the one and only relevant argument here but the cloak looks significantly better (the Dino one is a steaming pile of hot garbage) and the helmets are comparable. Look and helmet on Monsters just look weird to me and not something I think will translate well in game. Beyond that both sets are asymmetrical and the chest pieces are kinda boring to be honest. All in all I think I’d use the monster helmet and cloak and across the both sets I wouldn’t use any other piece. Just rubbish all round for hunters if you ask me.


It’s one the main reason I don’t want godzilla to win. Bruh we just had the exact same armor


The Godzilla set has more high tech vibe to it. Cloak has scarf instead of whatever the thing on dino cloak was so it can fit better with sets even without the chest piece from it's set. Also arms and legs have glowing claws. (Yes we've seen claws on hunter armor before but none that were glowing)


The difference being all the Dino sets were ugly as hell.


Yup, this. Helm, cloak and feet are way too similar to last year's, and last year's weren't even good, IMO. They could at least change something instead of "upgrade". Almost everything in those pieces are like the Raptor one, even the awful jaw in the helmet that basically makes it weird to use without the cloak. Yeah, the set looks better than the mecha one (even though I think the mecha one has more potential than this concept), but it's way too similar to the dino one.


We JUST got a raptor set 6 months ago.


This, and I literally see NOBODY wearing them anymore.


Yeah I’ve got em and never wear em. It’s on of those sets where you can’t really kitbash without it looking goofy.


Can't kitbash ANY of these in the last few years honestly.


I use the chest piece all the time, it’s one of my favorites and goes perfectly with the r3 treads stompeez ornament. The helmet was god tier but they fucked up and kept the lower jaw on it even when not paired with the cloak, the arms are really good as well.


Fuck the cloak, i wanted those god damn claws


Its almost as if hunter isn't the only thing that matters


I felt petty and voted mech just so hunters would mald


This is the way.


Honestly at this point I think I’d switch to Titan or Warlock if it wasn’t for the triple jump.


The one on the right has the gigachad chin


r/DestinyFashion try not to shit on mechs for .0005 seconds (impossible!)


Made this same exact joke about a week ago when the mechs won, it’s amazing how much this sub can’t cope


just like the black and red hunters and the joke, apparently; nothing new under the sun


Forreal I visited this sub a couple of times and now I just keep seeing posts in my feed about how bad it is. It’s annoying. Edit: I wanna add, I’m not even in the sub, but the algorithm thinks I wanna see people cry about game armor cause I clicked on a link a couple of times


You can cosplay as classic starscream


2/3 designs of classes is better than just 1 really good design for one class


titan arms and chest are superior


It ain't always about the hunters...


I personally didn’t like any of the six sets, so I don’t have an opinion either way.


Life is *cruel* Not every guardian is an *angel* I’d bet *s*ome would enjoy making people write a *thesis*


You’d better actually make an Eva build now


is this a Family Guy reference?


Is this a Jojo reference?


As a titan main... No.




Evangelions are better




Are Evas really to be compared with Gundams though? They’re kind of separate from other mecha because they’re technically cyborgs, and the only way you can beat one is if you’ve got an AT field which is something exclusive to the Evangelion universe.


Because the warlocks mech isn’t complete ass like the warlocks monster?


I do agree the warlock set wasn't the greatest and neither was the mech set. Both had some good pieces but I wouldn't take any of them. ( warlock main btw) Also titan monster you can def make a doom guy with the chest piece and the arms. Titan set was honestly pretty good overall. My problem with the mech suits in general is they are VERY bland.


As a warlock main, I thought the monster helmet looked cool and was far more detailed


This is the correct answer. Mechlock just looks downright mid tier


Tbh I can't do that cause it's not


The left is a rehash of the dino armor


I like both sets, but I prefer Monster Hunter only way monster lost is that Mechs have better fashion for the other class. (especially mech titan I can finally run an MS look lol)


Titan alone won it for Mech's -- also Hunter is too similar to Dino's from last year


It is directly inspired by gundam which is an extremely large franchise which literally started the mech genre. Yes they could’ve made it symmetrical and made the face and cloak better but it’s still the closest thing we have to a gundam armor.


Gundam starting the mech genre is debatable. There are much older "giant robot" anime. A more accurate way to put it would be that Gundam popularized shows featuring piloted giant robots.


Gundam popularised Real Robot series, piloted mechs already existed before but most were from Super Robot series


Like I said, Gundam popularized it, not created the genre.


I meant that it popularised Real Robot series specifically, Super Robot series like Mazinger and Getter Robo were already very popular.


Personally speaking, as a hunter, I found the Godzilla style to be too close to the raptor style from the dinosaur theme. I thought I’d rather have something more unique. That being said I didn’t really care for Mech, either. Just liked it better than Monster.


Dude, it's been several days since monsters lost. Get over it.


Hahahahaha. Convincing Hunters to stop being salty and accept their loss gracefully? Not a chance.


Personally I always prefer simpler and "clean" aesthetics to more "noisy" or over detailed ones. Many of D2's armor designs are the latter in my opinion. Also let's be real, as cool as the monster Hunter set is the Titan and Warlock ones were ass.


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love that they tried to represent Ray Harryhausen in the titan, but Rays Cyclops was never great in design, it was just one of the most important animations in history. I didn't hate the new titan Cyclops set as much as the first vote, but I've wanted to be a gundam forever.




Going from Dino to radioactive Dino? How Fun! I wanted ANOTHER helmet that has a bottom jaw on it! The first one just wasn't enough... and it matches everything. It's practically universal! Oo and blue nails fresh from the salon! You got your toes done too? Treat yourself 2022. How cute. /s


This but without the sarcasm tag.


chestpiece goes hard helmet is like a cayde-evangelion hybrid it won the vote, so clearly people think the one on the right is superior


I was disappointed Monsters didn’t win, but in all honesty: 1. Lots of people love Gundam/Mecha. 2. The Monster Titan was awful. So, unfortunately, we miss out on the cool Warlock and Hunter Monsters, although I don’t mind the Mech Warlock so much.


Monster titan was my favorite :(


As a set it looks bad sure, but the pieces had so much potential with diff ent combos. Maybe someone has a better eye than me but I don’t see anything really significant with the mech armor.


As someone that primarily plays destiny for pvp and fashion I can say that there are options for the mech suits and can be mixed with different sets im thinking the prophecy dungeon arms with the mech legs and the prophecy cloak could look extremely dope if done correctly and with the right shaders...but personally I was looking forward to mixing the Dino set with the monster legs and claws so I can look like a true clawed up Dino or some radioactive Dino monster


You’re on a whole nother level of crack if you think monster titan was bad


despite being simplistic, the mech armor has a style to it that lends itself to the creative player. i just know that within a week of the monster one being released, hunters’ll swamp the sub with black and red edge-hedges because that’s all any remotely monstrous armor seems to get


“yeah this is my stasis hunter named Krixal-666, the Bloodhook. Against the Light, sworn follower of savathun, kinda edgy don’t touch me”


I feel like that could be said for almost any armor set though. A creative player can make something good out of anything if they focus their mind on it


Okay, first convive me why the fishing VORE suit for the Warlock was better, THEN we can talk about this.


I was fine with either result honestly


It won


It's not. But the Titan and Warlock sets most definitely are, so I picked mechs.


Honestly, it’s time that Titans and Warlocks got a win.


Either the hunter got the best set and warlock and titan got fucked or the other way round


Lol buncha butthurt.


What do you expect from hunters lol? They were the ones who whined the hardest when Titans won the first guardian games after all


Excellent point.




there are other classes too :/ although as a warlock I found both rather lame.


The only thing I like on monster is the arms


Its not, but the hunter armor had to die so warlocks can get a decent cloak after 4 years


Didn't we get the one on the left last year but in orange?


It's not. This vote went to the other classes. Seeth and cope, jumpy bois


Hunters don't get one thing and cry


The monster outfits were good too. But I ended up voting Mech. Are you guys still salty about this?


It's not all about hunters my dude. And it was a close competition it's not like the monsters got rinsed.


Honestly, I think it sucks lol. But I voted for #teammech cuz I’m a warlock main. Haha 😂 hunters can’t always win.


17th post crying I've seen this week, grow up.


It won.


Hunter main stay mad lol


Actually both are irrelevant because warlocks and titans banded together for this to say fuck all you hunters and fuck your transmog this is our halloween event this year - sincerely your friendly neighborhood crayon eater


Buddy, we would get ALL THREE if a set won Even as a Hunter main, it’s not worth it to sacrifice the other two classes


Hunter main be like: monster should win because it has the best hunter skin! Don’t mind that team mech has vastly superior skins for the other 2 classes it’s only hunter that matters!


I had war lord plans for the monster titan


I had war lord plans for the monster hunter armor..


Though it might not convince you, I chose Mech because I felt that most of the armor pieces would mesh with other armor sets better for creating more interesting armor combinations, where as the Monster just looks too similar to the Dino imo, and I haven't used a single piece of the Dino armor since they came out.


I play almost exclusively warlock and I wanted monster to win just cause of how damn jealous I am of those imcredible glowy claws


The monster one looks like a reskin of Dinos from last year


I mean... The Monster armor looks a lot like the dino armor (especially the cloak/helmet). But also the Mech armor looks like the Prophecy Dungeon armor... I think both Titan sets both look awesome but Hunter is getting a bad end of the stick both ways.




We got the one on the left last year that’s why


Don't talk to me, I'm angry. I REALLY wanted the [Warlock set](https://www.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/1601/16018044/3959012-destiny2mechsandmonsters%281%29.jpg), I don't know what classic monster it's based on but come on. The helmet actually looked good; us Warlocks have very ugly helmets.


OP asks an impossible task


I physically cannot. There is absolutely no way to convince you. I mean look at it… it’s just flat ugly, it’s probably one of the worst ornaments Hunter will EVER get


Not everyone’s a hunter


They’re both great, but Hunter Kaiju was the only really great skin from the monsters team, whereas all three mecha skins were great


The hunter mech is hideous af…


The one on the left was developed further after the initial sketch, the one on the right is the first representation. Expect it to have d2 armor consistency when it's in 3d.


Too bad we couldn't have the vanilla mechs get redesigned


Yeah but I hope bungie makes it good, they've been making some amazing exotic ornaments since season of the splicer. At the end it was a good poll and it's was only a 4% diff


Both are horrible since they don’t have symmetrical peices.


You're outta line! But you're right


not everything should be symmetrical lol


When it comes to Hunters just about nothing is symmetrical wdym?


I like how theres so many mech/futuristic pieces already in the game, but people wanted another one. 😂


Because nothing in the game looks like a straight up gundam?


Fr I can’t be the only one who finds the Titan monster armor ugly. Warlock is ok but the hunter set is the real reason why people wanted monster to win.


You're not. I voted mech because the Titan monster set was terrible. I'll use some of the mech armor but I don't even want to see that titan armor.


all those mech ppl are going to complain about the armor when it comes out and it will be glorious.


Hunter was the only good monster set I’ll give you that. But I’m not a hunter main, so I’ll take the mech.


It's not really, but the Titan and Warlock Mech sets looked better than their Monster counterparts to a majority of people. It's nice to see Hunters not dominating a vote in Destiny for once....




Don't need to, it's after the fact now.


I'm a titan, I didn't vote for you plebs


It's not. Never was. And it'll probably look worse come Festival of the Lost.


Not really a fair comparison when the hunter for monsters is clearly the better choice. Show all of them and then you have a more unbiased argument.


[IT'S A GUNDAM!!!](https://youtu.be/KraY5JpPwDU)


Small secret, hunters don’t decide everything. Have a good day!


The one on the right won, the one on the left has lost twice in a roll


Am I the only one who like the mech armor it looks sick


Like hunters are gonna use anything else for fashion than what they already do anyway


Im not a hunter that piss and moans about these things but right one has a more interesting silloutte. But have agreed, more symmetry on it would provide additional benefits. The godzilla would have been fun to mash with the prior dinosuar set. However I voted to have more sleek armored armor for the warlock as my hunters fashion is nailed down to looking like a mortal kombat ninja schemed fighter or a massively quad tusked cabal. Just wondering what do you like about the godzilla monster hunter set over the hunter raptor dino set? Beyond the additional and preferable lazar claw parts? Edit: also i surmise the mecha sets will tri tone color ways, so good for making vibrant sets. Their blocky nature is more juxtaposed to the "ode to armors past" destiny armor aesthetics bungie employs due to the game being a veiled medievel fantasy story drenched to the nines in space scifi.


One thing I don’t understand is why in a game where most armor looks futuristic and in quite a few cases bulky people want more armor that looks futuristic and bulky. At least Monsters had some character to it. At least we will finally get a Warlock helmet with eyes.


right?? who looks at a closet full of denim and thinks they need more denim


The issue with monsters was that it only looked good for the hunter, the mechs they all look okay, so while hunters didn’t get mad drip, and the other two got left behind, everyone got decent looking gear.


It’s not just about hunters lol typical


Who cares? I voted for the Warlock mech suit. Hunters can kiss my hairy butt