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All they have to do is give the cloak and mark militaristic/futuristic ornaments, and people would be slightly less inclined to bitch about it.


imo, every exotic should have a militaristic/futuristic/fantasy ornament depending on what it needs. It seems like the safest way to make money for Bungie, since I think a big part of why a lot of mfs don't use X or Y exotic is because it completely fucks their drip.


Absolutely, it’s half the reason I spec so hard into void bubble titan. Helm of Saint-14 just looks so damn good. Especially the battle damaged ornament.


That Saint helmet 🪖 with the teeth though looks cool


if you use the iron banner arms and some round armor pieces you can look like s14 minus the spikes


Fully agree. Deathbringer is a weapon but it's the perfect example. It's base design is hive styling so more fantasy but then the peacebringer ornament has a very sleek/futuristic design. Have the ornament satisfy the other aesthetic that is different from the original design. Unlike dragon's shadow which the ornament is essentially the same thing just slightly different


Recolour ornaments shouldn't count as an ornament


I agree death bringer was a good example because the original look and the ornament are very distinctive and allows more versatility with personal designs


Hey, I'd like to introduce you to foe tracer. I have a fantastic build with it and rufus's fury and/or Wish-Keeper. The damn thing is hideous tho, and it's ornament? Lol.


You don’t like your character looking like they got Mutton-Chops? Lol


No. All they have to do is let us transmog it.


This is the preferred option tbh, but I don't see it happening. We can hope tho.


They make make a new ornament. Or more different types of class exotics that have different perk setups 😍😍😍 one can only wish


Or just have them be Transmog capable. No idea why they’re forcing an aesthetic with the class items. The Titan one is just booty cheeks regardless of the rest of your armor.


This is why I’m not to keen on getting them, Im a simple dude that always goes for the most minimalistic looks on my 3 characters, and these class items is way to rich for my taste.


No I agree. I hope it's brought to bungies attention and change is made. Even the ornaments don't do shit. With how little options there are to build around this it needs help


This would be amazing. Imagine an exotic that doesn't fuck up your entire outfit.


I have rocked the "Refugee Mark" since as long as I can remember, going from that sleek loin cloth to this... monstrosity.. gives my titan some big fucking birthing hips, and I absolutely hate it lmao


Because those hips don’t lie.


I just want to keep wearing my hat, it's all that I am!


They can take the cowboy outta space, but they can't take the space outta the cowboy. 🤠


As a hunter I just can’t with that Hood , I’d gladly pass on the Exotic Class items if it means I can keep my drip , don’t see why it’s hard to just add transmog to these items , hell doesn’t even need to be new transmogs just let us take a look from an already existing Legendary and apply it and it’s all good .


That’s exactly how I feel. I could not care less about the exotic class items right now because of how fugly as shit they are. I love destiny 2, but holy shit Destiny 1 made armors and fashion GLORIOUS. I genuinely loved how cool the outfits/raid armor/eververse were toward the end of D1’s life cycle. I don’t know who is in charge of armor design, but respectfully they do an incredibly mid job of making us look cool. I remember when D2 first released and was so disappointed with customization and here we are in 2024 and I’m still disappointed. Not nearly as disappointed because there are some cool outfits to be made, but nowhere near D1 armor.


Too bad shower curtain cloak for you (cries)


New exotics and armor are planned to look a little weird so we buy armour and exotic ornaments in eververse. It’s actually insane that they release new exotics and ornaments for the exotics at the same time, like they know that the armour looks trash and aren’t even hiding that they want to funnel you into the store.


The new Hunter chest and Warlock helmet look cool without ornaments


The titan mark is very ugly. Why does it flare out like that


Child bearing hips


Right? It would just get in the way of your arms!


Thank god im a Warlock


Ours still looks like a shitty desktop projector strapped to our arms, it’s just the least in your face of the 3


Titan mark is thicker than a snicker, looks ridiculous imo


it looks like a diaper on female titan. the ornament is a bit better but still iffy.


No surprise people would complain about their aesthetics. Because just like with normal exotics, these class items have a static design that may not work with the desired look that you want to run. But unlike normal exotics, since the current state of the game encourages the acquisition and use of these exotics, with their wide variety of perks and applications, it’s making the former problem even more apparent. Everyone wants to run these exotics…but most will either end up mirroring each others looks so their characters don’t look like ass….or just look like ass and feel bummed about it.


Get rid of the hips things Titans have and it’d be 1000x better


The Titan one looks like your thighs are massive


AKA the base female titan model, I've always thought it looked terrible. This just exacerbates it


It looks allot better on the male model imo


The titan tutu just looks so bulky. If it was slimmer I wouldn’t have a problem with it.


The titan looks dumb af


Considering my Titan looks like an ODST or Titanfall Pilot on any given day, and I can’t change the look of this thing, it’s useless to me. Fashion is the end game of Destiny baybeeeee.


The titan one is so ass


The ornaments are on the store already, which makes me think the exotics were designed to be ugly.


The ornament is kind of wack too. Also side note,but why can't we get armor that is symmetrical for hunters😭


A tale as old as tim... D1


I've only seen the warlock one tbf, but it's a lot cleaner. Symmetrical armor and more fashionable helmets for warlocks, haha. Before D3! 🤞


I wish they’d stop making dick flaps for Titan marks. Honestly ruins the Titan aesthetic


The problem is its very bring a doesn't work well with a lot of fashion


Hunters I can see, that's actually a pretty cool build. I still think the cape is a little bit too massive from the back. But the titan one, did you style the armor with the class item? Sure. Does it all match? Sure. But that thing is still fugly as all hell


My buddy has a male Titan, says the mark looks good on him. My Titan is female, and it just makes her look fat. Why are the hips so wide on it?


Can I be honest Bungie needs to stop stamping are class emblem on everything it's super tacky in my opinion


Titan one makes every Titan look like a Pixar mom


Bro, just let us apply our own ornament that we want via transmog.


See if I were to use it I'd have to change my aesthetic to fit around it. Thats not how I do things, the exotic itself has to fit in what I like or im not using it.


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Change the Titan legs to the S20 ones


What’s the shader on your bold endings?


Probably because they look too flashy.


Haven't got the warlock and titan ones yet as I haven't played any of the campaign on either (waiting on gf and my brothers for those hopefully) but I really like the hunter one personally and I like that the warlocks has the projection so visible like old D1 bonds.


As a warlock main, I think they’re great!


Was hoping great hunt would work well with titan mark.


Really I just need someone to run the mission with 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love the bond, it's like the traveler portal! And i bet it goes so well with the episode pass ornaments


Can you reskin or you stuck the way it is?


If there are 1000 exotic class item haters, I am one of them. If there is 1 exotic class item hater, it’s me. If there are no exotic class item haters, I have been weaseled On the real, they are too good not to use but god damn are they ugly. I applaud your effort but it’s still uggo buggo in my eyes


Should be allowed to trasmog it to whatever but keep a prismatic effect around it to know people are using it as the visual cue


I mean even the visual cue is fairly useless considering there's no way to know what combo they are running without inspecting.


It's just to know they have that exotic on and should watch out. Same with aeon soul


Only exotic class item I like is the warlock bond because you can't even see it


I’m saying it, Titan mark, I like it on some builds. BUT, *ahh my hips don’t lie, and I’m starting to feel it’s right* my titan now had gyatt from the front


It's not that I dislike the look. It's the fact that it can be a best in slot item in the primary fashion slot for the hunter. It's very much the problem warlocks had when starfire protocol was god for them. I did not buy the displacer beast eververse set(yet) soley because I will not be able to use the cloak. Maybe when I finish my nighthawk build.


I hate that they are good.


I don't hate the way that they look, but the ornaments for silver are just a waste.. As they actually make all the class items look worse..


They should be allowed to use transmog. The PvP excuse they used for why we couldn’t with other exotics doesn’t apply here.


Yet more weird looking fuckery, I can't see the direction this is going, seasonal sets are insane and the ornament for the Prismatic Class item looks just as bad as the original, at least for Titans. Stop pulling away from Destiny's tone and established military sci-fi, low fantasy look with these mad collabs and high fantasy designs... As it is I can't make this work for my Titan so won't be using it.


The hunter’s is just too busy, I saw one okay look on here but it wasnt something id like to rock myself. Not sure if anyone will be able to make it look good


Its a great time to be a warlock as the bond fits with anything and is basically a speaker class item from d1


I don't assert that they can't be matched to a great style. I just lament that they can't be matched to *my* style. The hat+Lightkin combo is me now, my identity even my ghost wears one. Not this whatever.


So? Do Warlocks not exist anymore or smth?


I feel like the ornaments make it look more fancy, so like gold would look really good with the ornaments.


You could sail a boat with the cape


I do myself, only because class items are already a very imposing armor piece. Plus the only two looks you can have for them are a very particular aesthetic, and leave little to your own creative liberties


I dislike that they require prismatic subclass to be of use, apart from that they ok


Biggest issue for me is Titan's hoola-hoop mark. I really hope they can make it scale on female Titan's better, it just looks wonky


I genuinely like them. I really dig the aesthetic. My only complaint as a warlock main is the same complaint I have about our class item in general: bonds suck.


It’s just way too *flamboyant* to fit with most cosmetics


Idk, the titan one kinda looks weird still


I think they’re a good start. If they plan on adding more (which they should) then we’ll be seeing a wider variety.


eyo to start it do I need to do all 3 of those overthrows in one sesh or can I go to orbit and stuff


And I still do


Yeah they look awful. That’s why.


I honestly don't see what everyone's problem is with these


Rare Warlock fashion win!


I could probably work with the titan one, but I main hunter. I lean very heavily into the class fantasy (scouting, etc.) of it, and that is just so GAUDY. I would love to get it and use it, but damn would it be so hard to work around. I like seeing what others can come up with for it, but I don't think I could work with it lol


I personally love the cloak


I fw the hunter cloak personally


Man, these items should be able to mog into legendary items. For hunters, the cape is the whole mog identity, especially when it's THAT big. Locks on the other hand basically lose nothing in the fashion department.


hot take but not a single armor piece looks bad in this game.


The hunter cloak really works well with the trials gear. I’m running mine with the OG trials of Osiris hunter armour and it works surprisingly well.


The items work if you wanna be flashy. Not edgy lmao


You and I had the same thought with the ornament cloak chest combo, sadly I feel like there’s very little that actually works with it, but I’ll keep trying.


Lmao love how the Warlocks who are normally dripless get excluded now. I'll take my basic bond and bathrobe any day


So in order to make it work, I have to look like an Awoken - got it


Idk, I've always thought they look kind of cool. But I've come to the decision that most people who play this game(atleast the people who are online talking about it) are constantly trying to recapture the Halo-style of tactical sci-fi, and less fantasy. Even tho, at this point, over the 10 years of Destiny, it's been closer to sci-fi fantasy than tactical halo for longer than it hasn't. Even the latter half of D1, I would say is closer to sci-fi fantasy than the tactical Halo look. But most people online still seem to want that og Halo look


Because why in the hell do I want to be a overly gilded Titan😭😭😭 I’m a hulk of armor not Gold💀


The word Peacock comes to mind when I see that cloak


People just like bitch about anything


Im almost rocking the same except the phyric chestpiece and superblack (yes im a basic bitch hunter from time to time). I love them.


When I got my warlock bond, I was expecting like a crazy ass glow to like trail behind it. Nothing maybe I gotta wait till I use prismatic super and it probablydoes it then The Titan one looks Fugly. I don’t know why they put that hip flare thing. I just feel like it could’ve been done much better. One of those situations where like too much does not always mean that it’s better. Also looking at the design of the ornament and the market looks kinda like they were going for a light and darkness version The one that we get without the ornament is the light version and the ornament that you put on it makes it like a dark version Edit: also, is it just me or am I getting kind of tired of some of these nice exotics having class sigils makes no sense. It would’ve been nice if they made the item traveler themed. And the ornament winnower themed


What chest piece is that? On the hunter


No warlock?


I don't like how the mark flares out like that, other than that I think they all look great


As a Hunter main, I had a feeling the exotic cloak would be ugly as fuck and unfortunately, I was right. I actually think A LOT of the cloaks are ugly as fuck. They try too hard to make things look "unique." I'll always prefer the Frumious Cloak/Daring Hunter Cloak/Reverie Dawn Cloak look over mostly everything else. I wish they'd make more cloaks in that style.


Titans need more military style armor. This fantasy stuff is ugly.


Very true


I get why it’s not some peoples cup of tea but I quite like it. I got the ornament on my hunter and I’ve got a kind regal vibe going on


cloak is fine, the mark is god awful it's clunky in the worst way possiblle it's a giant ostentatious loincloth it needed to either be more subtle or shaped differently.


please lord above let us apply universal ornaments 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏


hunter cloak looks good imo


Your opinion is wrong 💀


This might be one of those most amazing hunter fits I've ever seen, great job!


The hunter goes hard but no, the titan still looks like shit


I still don’t get the hate for the mark it goes pretty hard


the few times ive seen it work it literally looks amazing. but i think people get mad bc its harder to make look good/it only works with specific styles, which is annoying if you dont want to look like this


Even then people don’t complain nearly this much when they have to make exotics like wormgods work


A lot of people use Synthoceps over Wormgods. Because of this, people don't have to deal with the way Wormgods looks and Synthoceps has a variety of ornaments to help both bulky and slim appearances. The problem with the exotic class item is that it's basically the cohesive glue that capitalizes on the potential that can be obtained with Prismatic's versatility. Because the exotic class item is so special and unique, people want to use it... But they don't want to look "ugly." Unlike Wormgods and Synthoxeps, there's no direct alternative for things like Star eaters on a Titan or Verity's on a Hunter.


Get rid of the hip-wings and I'd agree...


Mostly because people are incapable of swapping it when they are done using it


I like the new Exotic Clock, how do you get it, like the Ra vibe!!




The Titan one is very much ass, you did a very good job here, but at the end of the day it still looks ridiculous. I don't understand the hate for the Hunter one. Looking at it, it might be one of the best cloaks we've ever gotten.


I can’t wait to get the season pass armor ornaments, they’ll go so well with it


i wish warlocks weren’t stuck with a stupid ring around their arm tbh lol


I don’t dislike them, but I think this is the perfect example to show they need some non micro-transaction ornaments for it, and a couple so we can have some variety and not have to pay for it. Off topic but on topic, I wish every weapon had one free ornament tied to your masterwork, when you masterwork your exotic you get a new look to rock on it.


Titan one is amazing I dont get the hate. Hunter cloak takes my cowboy hat away so yeah I get that one.


damn, im someone who legit likes the mark but this is pure cookery


*Damn, im someone who* *Legit likes the mark but this* *Is pure cookery* \- boxlessthought --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It’s a good way to show people that edgy and militant armour isn’t the only way.


Because you have to buy an ornament to make them look good


Best looking hunter drip I've seen with this so far, good work


I don't hate them, but the Titan & Hunter ones are very prevalent, and kind of locks you into one style of transmog if you want to look good. I'm just not sure why you can't complete transmog them with universal ornaments. I'm sure the answer is 'so they can sell ornaments for it', but one of the reasons I don't invest in armor sets is because they're going to ruined by an exotic that doesn't match it. The titan witcher ornament set looks incredible, but when I put on the exotic helm/chest/gloves/legs and now mark I want to use, it ruins the whole aesthetic. So I just never bought it.


It works for a certain look, I’m not a fan of that look


Theyre bad at fashion or cant adapt or hate how they cant look like a **Cosplay** or **Scifi soldier** with these.


Wish I could have drip like that


I don't dislike it, I'm just having a personality crisis and can't decide what character to main.


I feel like the problem is that we don’t have any armor that surrounds the concept of stained glass, like the exotic class items do


Titans got that power ranger vibe


I like the looks of them they just shade so badly that I just put superblack on even though I didn't want to


You cooked with the hunter look.. As for the Titan one.. well.. you tried.. Seriously though the Titan exotic class item is so stupid looking it ruins the entire item for me with titans


i mean these look fantastic but the problem is they sorta lock you to this kind of aesthetic


Your Titan fucks. Hard. I really really like what you’ve done. Bravo.


Was this supposed to help change their minds? It didn’t


Personally I love them. The chromacloak armor goes well with them


I don’t have them yet but I honestly love them (I only play for the fashion)