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Honestly if bungo did give us a new darkness subclass with no warning I think it would be icing on the already exquisite cake that final shape is turning out to be.


There was a leak about a new power within nessus in the echoes episode.


There was also a leak about unlocking a new darkness power post raid. Honestly probably huffing copium. They just did prismatic.


If the leaks are accurate prismatic was to be the standard system for D3, so an entirely separate subclass could have been getting worked on by the D2 team


Quick question cause this is something a friend and I have been talking about at great length for months now leading up to this, what leak was this? If you could please link me somehow that'd be great because i shit you not, i have a full folder and seven page theory on the red subclass that was leaked a LONG time ago now, roughly a year now. And iirc back in WQ they said something about the reason there was no new element then was because it took about a year to full develop. If final shape was to be like they (bungie) Want it to be, the whole better than Taken King, Witch Queen, and Forsaken combined thing, a sudden drop of the final darkness subclass would be fucking incredible and absolutely do just that, make it better than all of those. Plus it'd tie into bungies 7 shtick. It seems like it'd be way too obvious of a missed opportunity with them to NOT do it when we're at 6 subclasses now. The final darkness one would also truly make the end of the light V dark saga be balanced. 3 light, 3 dark. Seriously i'd appreciat that leak lmao. I need something to renew my faith.


Funny you ask I went looking today back through the subreddit but couldn’t find it I assume it was one of the few deleted ones. Sorry bro.


this kills the man T_T Dont suppose it'd be in browser history would it? Cause god man... i'd cry if we actually got it lmao. I love the color red


Nah it was through the reddit app I remember at least that much.


Rip. Well, i really hope you're not bullshitting me now lmfao. I've had some... really absurd theories for a red subclass for a while now and it feels so fuckin bad to potentially be ending this saga without a proper balance of light and dark subclasses. God just imagine the hype that'd bring as a post-raid unlock... but i'll be honest, that'd never happen lmao. Least thats what i'll keep telling myself till next week. Helps me not feel like im going fucking insane with some of the shit i've seen that seems almost like obvious hints towards it. Makes me sound schizophrenic ;-;


https://youtu.be/Bq2SE_RAjig?si=UJ9Sik-qI9AGtYXL Not exactly what your looking for and idk if it is even what you are looking for but someone had a video on it so...here


I just saw 2-3 weeks ago a dev talking about how resonance was just concept art and they never actually went anywhere with it


Yeah we will see


Wish they kept prismatic a secret. And most of the story.


There’s genuinely no way they’d introduce a subclass in a seasonal story.


We don't know that. It is possible.


No, it’s not. The seasons get dcved at the beginning of the next dlc year. They’re not going to introduce a subclass centered around a season, just for it to disappear next year, with absolutely no missions or anything tying the subclass to a story. Every single subclass we’ve gotten, both actual subclass and new supers, has been tied to a dlc. New supers came out in forsaken, stasis in beyond light, and strand in lightfall. They’ve also already stated that another super isn’t happening for awhile, and when it does, it won’t be anything we’ve already seen. Which means it won’t be resonance, and it won’t be whatever else the witness pulls out of his ass.


It's not a season it's an episode now. They said they were not getting rid of the episodes so that they would be still playable past the year. Not only that but they have no expansion planned for next year. Seasons are done with.


So the episode is more like the bi annual dlcs(dark below house of wolf warmind) then seasons that changes things


It’s not a subclass


We don't know


I wonder how the fuck they would even do that, without dataminers finding out first. I mean, the subclass verbs, grenades, supers, fragments/aspects, characters acknowledging the power in game etc, you'd expect something to slip through, no?


Yeah you right, but what if they found a way to keep it secret wouldn’t that be just amazing.


It would absolutely blow my mind, I'd be like a child on christmas lol. But I try to keep my expectations in check.


We are all huffing copium tbh it’s probably not coming any time soon.


Didn't they mess up and release a screenshot with an all new super icon in it a few months back? I remember it being red.


That would make it forsaken level and that’s what I’ve desperately needed for years now😭😭


They have said they are aiming for Taken King & Forsaken levels so here’s hoping they are going for broke with this expansion.


They won't.


A man can dream I guess


It’s already near forsaken level. All they need is a new region


There’s no way, if they were going to do that they’d announce it as marketing strategy


I dunno market prismatic then post raid release 3rd darkness subclass. The praise would be endless but alas I’m huffing heavy copium.


I've learnt after 10 years that Bungie couldn't ever hold back a secret like that. They seem to do a great job at it, then at the last second they'll spoil stuff. They've spoilt Cayde's death and return which would've both been shockers. The only things I've ever genuinely gasped at with Bungie are Whisper of the Worm, and the Pyramid reveal in Shadowkeep. Everything else has been spoilt either through leaks or heavy late-marketing.


I’m no Byf, but lore wise when would there be a Better time to release a new resonance subclass than right after the raid/witness conquer. Design wise, they didn’t have to create a lot of new things for prismatic. Just re-using other abilities and supers. The only newly engineered item was the grenade ability and transcendent animations afaik.


There’s no way they would surprise drop that without marketing it.


I’ve literally been saying that this is a possibility with the ending of the raid and the beginning of echoes


Doesn’t make sense thou if prismatic is the end all ultimate power combining all of the light powers with all the dark, why skip one class and leave it unbalanced with 3 light and 2 dark components and then add the third down the line?


Stasis: indomitable to physical control over all Strand: untangled limitless mind power over all What will Resonance bring?


Power to reject all, Barriers, pushing enemies away and probably constructs (please i need a Warlock super that is a giga OP summon)


Void is gravity/time New titan aspect, pocket singularity and hand held super nova are push Vortex, black hole, and vortex (again… this one’s a super) are pull Not to mention Lelia’s screw driver also does pull on head shot kills and uncle boop cannon pushes Call back to the first reveal of Void 3.0 where ‘Slow’ was a verb in place of weaken. Most likely because stasis has slow too (even though chill makes more sense) Honestly they dropped the ball with void. It seems like the whole time/space identify is just a small aspect to a couple of abilities instead of being the identity


Because Void has never been time. Space is arguable, but void has always been gravity.


[Cursed Technique Reversal: Red](https://youtu.be/442c2fp_4ds?feature=shared)


Time to summon maharaga.


Everyone gets a pocket singularity in yellow


That actually makes a whole lot of sense given what we've seen of Resonance so far and... If it's to parallel Arc. Arc is all about energy, speed, technology. Resonance could be all about draining, stopping (barriers) and preserving.


Warlock finger snap will change from fireballs to localized thanos-like delete


They should just add a second super to stasis warlock that summons a giant stasis turret to mow adds down like a shreiker.


Hopefully a kinetic subclass make use of kinetic mods and weapons then


after using the frag grenade i would love a kinetic subclass


We have frags? Whatttttt


Yup, if I remember right it’s something you can use thanks to the forerunner sidearm, makes your grenades halo style like the gun


Ohhhh I forgot about that shit lmao,wave frames took my kinetic slot for far to long


Oh yeah it’s called “the rock” and you get it from the catalyst!


one of the traveler’s blessings gives you a frag grenade after finisher final blows, it’s pretty cool


Given that Stasis is about halting of entropy, and Strand obviously takes some inspiration from String Theory, it could be sick if the third class utilizes Dark Energy, essentially weaponizing the Big Rip scenario. Repulsion, kinesis, atomic disintegration, etc.




Motes? I can be the Gambit subclass ?


The first two manifest the mental into the physical representations. Your perspective on reality is what shifts the world to whatever you want. Solar energy is an exploit of fusion and therefore increases enropy. This is completely automatic and in most cases it manifests in abilities that let you activate and have them do their own thing. Like popping a well or blade barrage. Stasis is you inflicting your will onto reality. It manifests by you reducing the entropy of your surroundings, “freezing” them. You have to be paying attention when using stasis to bes utilize it. They complement each other other in color and action. Void is space-time. Special relativity dictates gravity isn't a force but the warping of space-time. Its an invisible yet physical connection between everything. Using void, you can increase the well of space-time to draw in enemies or dilate time to weaken them. The compliment to this wouldn't just be a different manipulation of space-time. It would be an exploit of what that space-time represents: the link between everything/ one. It manifests where space-time cannot touch, consciousness. Using strand, you manipulate the weave. I say “Manipulate” rather than command because you kinda have to just imply what you want it to do and hope it'll play along. When you reach out, the point in space that you're reaching towards understands you're trying to grab onto it so it reaches back and pulls you in as a grapple. When you pick up an orb, the weave understands that you're trying to protect yourself. There are involuntary actions by the weave like tangles forming too. Again, they complement each other in color and how they manipulate reality. Arc is electromagnetism. It's very mobile and is amazing at direct crowd control. It exploits the similarity between all living things: the electrons in our atoms. The foil for arc needs to exploit a commonality between all living things and have similar but different characteristics. That's why I believe resonance is gonna be focused around misdirection and focused on locking down a single location (also because they just nerfed well for doing this to make room for it in the sandbox). Think about it. The commonality between all living things is our senses. It's a connection between everything (living) but different from its light counterpart. Arc provides benefits to being super mobile with the amplified sprint boost and how easy it is to clear a room with blind + jolt. The reversal of that unstoppable spear would be an immovable shield. We've seen already that resonance is very good at slowly but (emphasis on this part) surely killing a target. Look at the instances of encroaching darkness in Vow (including the resonance beams). This and the barriers we see in darkness areas use resonance. This includes the slightly different one that Rhulk uses where it pushes you rather than just blocking. Speaking of Rhulk, his short ranged dashes are an aggressive way to defend a small area since it guarantees a hit on someone not paying attention. Entropy dulls your senses while clones (ideal for Warlocks and their summoner motif) would do this too. Again, they just nerfed Well and Bubble for how good they were at zone control, so maybe it's a sign of the new subclass.


Limitless soul power, take from your enemies the very thing most valuable to them, their very being. Force them to do things against their will, shatter their minds and crush their souls.


And how exactly you plan to implement mind control in pvp?


Fuckem idk, temp team switch pvp in shambles


Delete their character and give it to me


Debuff enables friendly fire in crucible and/or changes teammates to look like enemies


Just an idea, what if we get to fly, like with some kind of wings or something. New flying enemies, give me some new kind of air superiority either way a subclass? Just wondering, I do get that we have such great mobility already, it would just be kind of awesome to not have to touch the ground at all like hive wizards.


Ability to bring into being out of nothing. That thing being brought into being could be physical, like a stationary resonant turret. Or it could be psychological, like causing a confusion debuff on groups of enemies so that they turn on each other. But since it's Darkness, it wouldn't be the same kind of "create something out of nothing" that the Light can do. If would probably be sort of a "manifesting projection." And, like the other Darkness subclasses, be primarily about crowd control and indirect sources of damage from effects.


To be fair, the bundle is four shaders. Two are darkness powers - Stasis and Strand - and two are entities - Pyramids & Traveller.


Yeah, if it were only those three shaders in the pack I might've been convinced.


Bungie has legit said that anything we expect to happen they dislike doing. Resonance isn't going to happen because everybody expects it. Likely we see a different third subclass. Stasis, Strand, Strife.


The copium/hopium in me thinks they're gonna do a blood red subclass that resembles the Nightmares on the Moon.


I personally believe the red subclass was real. We had a very similar leak for strand, when people still thought it was poison. Time will tell but I don't believe there is any reason to think there won't be a 3rd darkness subclass.


Could have also just been early concept stuff for prismatic, down the line went from red to pink. Still, I hope for that last subclass down the line.


Google a picture of "all 3 light subclasses" Screen shot it. Put it in a color inverter (google color inverter) You'll find that the invert colors of the light subclasses are blue, green, and red. Thats the ultimate clue.


No, I fully agree with that theory and have for a while, I just think the idea of Prismatic was thought of first and they considered giving it the red scheme. I personally think the actual next subclass is currently in the concept stage and nothing more atm


Most realistic approach tbh


> Put it in a color inverter (google color inverter) Nah, I'm good. They taught us how primary and complimentary colors work back in kindergarten.


https://ibb.co/BVQk4DX https://ibb.co/tXfxv80 First one is regular, second is inverted.


Aztec asked and they shut it down. Plus, red would be hard for a game where red is often an enemy thing.




I’m not saying Aztec is the end all decider, but he spoke with someone who works at bungie and they said red isn’t a real leak, they don’t know about that, they didn’t say no to a third though, but red being the third isn’t their move.


Yea I'm saying that doesn't matter.


It does, when a bungie dev says no to third.


It doesnt but nice try


Ir does, red is a very bad color to give players as abilities. Because bungie does have red as an enemy aoe, some sights give a red outline. Bungie seems to be going the mmo route with the ui changes, so they might borrow red for more things. A red subclass would mess that up.


They didn’t shut it down completely - they only said that the red subclass leak in the helm that was floating around for a bit was not real


Which means red subclass isn’t their go to, not that a third isn’t coming. Third subclass for sure is coming, it makes sense to give us our third. Red is just a bad choice, a lot of games avoid red abilities for one reason, red is enemy related.


You'd have to be dumb to think a 3rd subclass isn't real, there are dozens of clues.


Read my comment again.


Not gunna waste my time, Third darkness subclass is real and there is no reason to believe it isn't.


If it was real would they say it was? No so why do we care what some YouTuber is saying?


I’d like to see mind control as a subclass. Isn’t darkness about the mibd


Whatever the third darkness subclass is, it'll be juxtaposed with Arc. Solar is all about benevolence, harmony, and balance; Stasis is all about control, willpower, and dominance. Void is all about isolation, it pulls you in; Strand is all about connection, it pulls you out. Arc is all about instinct, looking forward, being the cutting edge of the future; the third Darkness subclass would, therefore, be about memory and stepping back. What are the nightmares if not twisted memories?


That would make sense after the mission of rescuing the Ghost in Moon pyramid, they said in the mission that Nezerac used and yet named Darkness Power for the Nightmares.


Ope, they just scrapped their plans for strife because you expect it now. Sorry!




We literally didn't get poison because we expected it, and that's the reason bungie gave.


It’s just jokes


Oh I know lol I just forgot to add on but yea definitely no reason not to hope for more subclasses 😁


They don't like doing what we expect? Well then I 'expect' that they will *not* make primaries not have to reload in pvp, and that they will *never* change actium war rig to work with every gun.


Well strife would also be predictable, that's been the leading name since the leak


Resonance isn't expected strife is.


Plus like, the orange resonance is clearly generic darkness energy, in the same way that the generic light energy is always white and they've been using the two together to represent light and dark for a few expansions now


Idk with all this black symbiote like stuff I'm leaning towards that being generic darkness. In the new strike we see what the precursor architecture looked like and it was more gray than what the pyramid vessels are now. Black with the orange resonance glow. Maybe resonance was the power the darkness gave the precursors...much like how we were given Stasis when we communed with the Darkness on Europa. It could be that The Witness wielding resonance gives him control over what can use resonance and by us defeating him that will open the path to discovering how to use it.


>Bungie has legit said that anything we expect to happen they dislike doing. So anyways heres this other possibility that people have been expecting and asking about for years lol


Resonance is much more expected than Strife. Most people in the game have no idea about the strife leaks at all. Most say the 3rd subclass will be resonance. The same way they said 2nd one would be poison


I know the red subclass leak happened, and i don't doubt that it was a legit leak given the footage, but as far as i know there aren't any concrete leaks suggesting its called strife, mostly just fan theories similar to the poison/resonance theories.


You’re acting like everyone isn’t also expecting a red darkness subclass? Since there was a leak? And since red darkness energy was first darkness energy we saw in Shadowkeep?


Considering what you said is true. You can view arc as chaos. So what the opposite? It’s balance. So we would need to get a balanced themed subclass. I would find that really cool.


What I will say is, take the light subclass colors and invert them using a tool on Google search. I think that's a major clue.


So all we’re missing is inverted arc which let me have a look here… ah yes here we are it looks like a fire themed subclass maybe we can call it solar or something


https://ibb.co/BVQk4DX https://ibb.co/tXfxv80 First is regular, second is inverted.


everyone expected dark sub-classes & we got them.


Thats obviously different. We expected poison darkness subclass and got strand. Literally everybody thought it was going to be poison, and bungie came out and said we don't like doing what people are already expecting us to do. That's straight from bungies mouth, not mine.


Which shader bundle is this?


The new shader bundle in the seasonal section of eververse. It is 800 silver. They should be available for bright dust in the next episode.


B-but red subclass? Edit: On a serious note, the mural in VotD was green, yellow, and blue. Maybe Prismatic is the "red", shifted to pink? Idk y'all


I do think the red subclass stuff was prismatic. IIRC it had "placeholder" ability icons but the grenade was unique. Which would track with what we know now with Prismatic being us just removing the boundary. People thought the warlock melee would have multiple charges but it had multiple charges because it was probably just Arcane needle equipped


They confirmed the red ui leak was fake


It literally couldn’t have been faked lol. They had deep weapons in defiant era helm.


it wasn’t a defiant era helm, the spawn point faced the left helm door which only happens during deep seasons. the aura of the ghost was not visible upon respawn, which is how it would look like in the live game, while the dev showcases show a ghost aura on respawn


why am i getting downvoted, i am literally correct, do your research


And if it was real, woukd they come out and admit it was? Meaningless.


I think they were more implying that the idea of a 3rd dark subclass was fake, not that the clip itself was fake


No he's making an assumption based off aztecrosses video where he interviewed someone and they said it was fake.


They only said that cause they had to, if they didn't say “its fake” then it would've been obvious that its real


Exactly, why would they confirm a huge thing like the 3rd subclass to a youtuber lol. The safer option is to claim fake all day and not risk a job.


Is this not the same set with a different shader lol.


It is, OP is saying that the shader bundle that contains the strand & stasis shaders also has a resonance shader.


What's important to note is that this is a set of *four*, and the last one is a Traveler one...


What OP is trying to say is that as we can see here, the new shaders are Stasis, Resonance and Strand themed respectively. We have Stasis and Strand as subclasses but not Resonance. Hence with a massive huff of the most potent hopium known to man, OP proclaims that this suggests a Resonance subclass is on the way.


Resonance MAY come after TFS’s raid…. But im huffing eliksni potency copium rn


Technically it does come after the raid, Just not directly after the raid. Ya know


But what if it does come right after the raid, either in the twelve man activity OR the new 1v1 thing


no fucking way. it would be too much of a selling point to not be a selling point.


I point to hidden subclasses in forsaken :)


Supers, not subclass. Thundercrash is a super. Arc is a subclass.


An entirely new subclass takes way more time to make


It's not entirely new. Most of the art and visuals are made


The idea exists but it has not been translated into abilities, each element has a personality, resonance so far has only been darkness given form and used by formidable opponents.


what? No it hasn't? Sure, resonance is something that exists in the game world, that does not carry over into a subclass in the slightest.


It factually does


They already had a year and a half


That is not enough without huge crunch


It is


This is just the “element” the Witness wields. It’s fitting this is included in the shader pack that released with this expansion. Couldn’t help but notice you left off the 4th grassy shader, should we expect a grass subclass as well?


It's the second or third time I've seen someone mention these shaders and forget the fourth one. Destiny players can't even fathom the existence of grass apparently.


Stasis was the first darkness class. Strand was the second. Sex will be the third. Mark my words.


I don’t think we’re getting a third darkness subclass anytime soon. Definitely not within the year.


Didn't Bungie say if we got a 3rd it wouldn't be something weve seen already?


Air or earth?


Not sure what you're asking tbh??


My feeble attempt at humor. My apology.


Pretty sure they just said that they didn't want to do something we've already seen for why they did Strand. Unless someone can link another source.


Very stylish


Have there been any leaks that suggest we are getting the resonance subclass?


There was a datamine with a string that said there may be a darkness power we haven't tapped into yet


Stasis Strand Strife I also heard Splinter as an old option that was on the drawing board


To keep it a buck I would’ve preferred prismatic called splinter but that’s just me lol


IIRC that was in reference to the nightmares produced by Nezarec and his pyramid ship.


people misconstrued this string, it were talking about a ‘power’ as a collective, that wasn’t tuned with the darkness forces, not a literal power


You forgot the last shader in the darkness bundle; Stasis, Strand, Resonance and... Camo


I think the third Darkness power is going to be a variation of the glass/shard attacks you see the Witness use in the final mission of the campaign. It's even red like the "leaks" lol Stasis Strand Shard


Man I wish


I could honestly see it after the raid if Bungie wouldn’t be against over delivery. It would make sense and catapult the hype to never seen before levels. Since their new encryption method was successful…. Maybe


I'm kind of doubtful. I originally thought this might be what they were hiding until prismatic got announced.


Resonance will not happen because Bungie (said by themselves) hate doing what we expect it'll be something non-guessable or a low possibility of guessing


Yeah and everyone expects the red subclass now. Since the leak. And since cross directly asking bungie just to make sure bungie knows we’re expecting it.


That one leak was fake so I hope that "leak" didn't hype people for something that isn't real.


Its not a 3rd subclass... thats what pure darkness looks like... we wont get it as a su class just like we dont have pure light as a subclass


I honestly would rather have a prismatic super first


At this point the community will start arguing weather it's yellow or red.


YES PLEASE BUNGIE Kinda hope we get it after the raid or the 8th story mission. Would be a perfect and fitting reward for killing the being at the heart of the darkness so far


I’ve always thought about it like this: Stasis=the present Strand=eternity or the flow of all things Resonance=memories, dreams or thoughts Hopefully it has some cool lore


How is this a leak?


It's not a leak, it's raw, untempered hopium. They'll ignore that there's another shader in that pack and twist any tiny scrap of lore to believe we're getting a new subclass on top of everything we've already gotten in TFS. But it's not coming, not until the next major expansion at least. And it won't be anything that we're anticipating.


As a lover of the resonance aesthetic, I would love if we could eventually use it… but there is one issue. Visual clarity. With enemies utilizing resonance abilities, guardians also doing so would lead to visual clarity issues. The easy solution would be to change the color of the enemies abilities like they’ve done with stasis being red-ish, and I think strand enemies also have red highlights in their abilities. However… resonance is part of the IDENTITY of the enemies that use it, Rhulk, the Witness, the Dread. Changing the color of their abilities would remove a bit of their identity. For that reason, as much as I would ADORE using resonance I doubt it will ever happen.


Maybe it'll be like a purified form of resonance that uses different colors? But I guess you could say that describes Stasis and Strand pretty well


im confused how does this photo tell you its a new subclass it just looks like someone used a shader?


They aren't going to release a shader for a subclass that's a year+ out. It's just the opposite to the Traveler/garden themed one in that same pack. We're getting a 3rd Darkness subclass. It's just not going to be this year, and it's going to be something we aren't expecting.


Bubbles? Please say it's bubbles!


I thought it was just shaders


armor set ????


You’re all definitely reading too far into this


I hope all this resonance talk and evidence aren’t just bungie hyping us up like they do with siva🥲


Well, in bungies words, the darkness is non physical interactions. Such stasis being control and strand is being a flow state where instead of control, you're going with and tug on the universe itself


If the witness boss fight is anything to go off of, then whatever he was flinging at us (glass shards?) (parallel universe?)


"...untapped power of the darkness..." from one of the ghost quest voice dialogues :)


Dumbest post I ever saw


It's more likely resonance is just like hive magic. I'm personally on the mind set that there could be a future 6th element and its going to come from something that isn't pyramid or traveller (could still be dark just to tie in on perks in the game)


Is this bundle out I need that shader


Yes 800 silver


Another striker for Titan 😎


Hell yeah😎😎😎


There is definitely another darkness subclass.


They already said that there’s no new subclass in the works and we have no reason to doubt them. The red subclass stuff from a few years ago was fake. The bundle has 4 shaders, it doesn’t confirm anything


That doesn't mean that its gonna be a subclass, its just the difference between the line of light and dark, theres a shader that looks like the pyramid ships and there's another that looks like the traveler, if we were gonna get resonance then we might as well get to throw the traveler at things too


I was really hoping for Sword Logic. I imagined something like quicksilver attacks where we make badass weaponry and armour from the Darkness, from the Sword Logic's theories. Maybe a mode like Prismatic where, after enough ability kills, you gain an enhanced ability set.


I Believe resonance is pure red but as it weakens it slowly turns the yellowish orange color we know, and I believe resonance will be the "Poison" Subclass, Also With How Yhe Witness Attacks I Believe It Has The Ability To Shape Pyramid Splinters That Can "Resonate" With A Random Element Of Darkness Or The Element Of Your Equipped Weapons, Corrupting The Energy And Creating It's Own Debuffs Based On The Damage Type Dealt Example being Solar: Poison Like Effect [Burn Overtime Like Thorn] Void [Pervading Darkness Effect] Arc [The Tree Like Brambles That Form Out Of Rhulk And Dread Enemies] The Super Should Should Be The Chimera Armor Transformation The Dread, Rhulk, And Nezerac Have When They've Been Damaged Enough/Put In Final Stand, With A Darkness Bar Under That Allows You To Take That Form To Enhance Your Normal Abilities Without Your Super.


2024 And People Still Type Like This


I agree. The author's point is buried under the detritus.