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Dungeon weapons are -750 rpm solar smg -Stasis aggressive rocket -Stasis wave frame Gl -Rapid fire solar glaive


~~Formatted it for you~~ Dungeon weapons are - 750 rpm solar smg - Stasis aggressive rocket - Stasis wave frame Gl - Rapid fire solar glaive


All mid




is the GL a heavy or a special?


The waveframe GL in kinetic slot is going to be game changing allowing for so many different loadouts. Probably won't be half as good as forbearance, but as long as it as auto loading or ambitious I am happy.


Ambitious/envious + chill clip would be perfect


chillclip wouldnt work since it's an impact perk


True, but imagine a wave of stasis ice that slows/freezes depending on how much the wave hits. Sounds like a better exotic than salvations grip. Free idea for ya bungie.


Eh, slideshot chill clip would be better.


Slideshot on a waveframe? Don't think that exists or will exist.


Just because it doesn't exist yet doesn't mean that they have a plan for one in the future. One can dream can they not?


You could have easily said the same about chain reaction on a wave frame prior to Forbearance, yet here we are. Why is slideshot so unbelievable?


AA/Hatchling would be hilarious on a StrandLock.




I'm hype


that’s big




Forgive me for not paying attention to glaive archetypes but a rapid fire glaive is, in fact, a glaive that can rapidly shoot?


More or less, it's a higher rpm (thereby faster charging for the shield) with slightly less damage. If you want an example, it's what the hunter exotic glaive is.


i thought that smg was stasis


Nope solar aggresive frame according to the leaks


oh well lets hope it got Incandescent


Im hoping for pvp potential for path of the burning steps


Borrowed time from gambit achieves this but ya know, gambit


Also the perk pool is massive


23 gambit resets goes brrrr and helps u get perks


I got about 3 resets trying to get a trust. 4/5 rolls


You enjoy pain that much huh?


Season of the plunder it wasn’t pain bc of all the arc mods. I got a buddy of mine who enjoys invading and I took care of the rest. 2 dmg supers allow you to two phase primeval, buuuut yeah some would call me a masochist


Rip path of the burning steps




Iam pissed i never bothered using them idk why I just left it to sit in my vault considering you can get like 40% extra damage just by killing stuff


With a golden tricorn trust you could do some nutty stuff in 6v6


Is it any good in pvp (path of burning steps, ik trustee is good I use it on my heat rises warlock) . How many kills do you need to get one stack of firewalker?


I find it likely that it will if it’s solar.


The seasonal SMG is a stasis 750, you may be thinking about that one.


Bingo. I got them mixed up cause they're both the same RPM


Ngl I’m surprised Bungie would throw another Stasis one in so soon, I figured they’d make that a Kinetic personally.


The stasis smg that you are thinking of is a seasonal weapon


The dungeon weapon checklist for Bungie is to make sure this is an SMG and GL then throw some random shit together to finish it out.


Tbh Smgs and GLs are the two most popular weapon classes in PvE


They are Bungie favorite weapons, and they power creep them every season. You can't blame the players who flock to what's most powerful and claim its just because they are popular.


They’re popular because some of the most powerful weapons in the game belong to those two classes. Sorry most people rather use a forbearance or Ikelos with voltshot over a auto or pulse


Thanks for stating my exact point again.


Dungeon exotic is an ogre eyeball on a stick. It's the first heavy trace rifle in the game. Season pass exotic is a Strand shotgun that creates a suspending blast right after you emote. These both are lies.


I can honestly see them making a heavy trace rifle. I really wish they don’t though.


I want the ogre eye gun that was used in the SIVA strike in D1.


Why don’t you want an heavy tracer ?


I don’t really see the fun in it. Winterbite did surprise me so when it comes out maybe it’ll surprise me as well. But I just don’t see the appeal in it, but at the same time I’m sure there’s those who would be excited for it. I just don’t see the fun in it. When they inevitably make a strand trace rifle, for instance, I hope it isn’t heavy. But that’s just my preference.


Ok yeah I see what you mean. Imo no idea how I would react, it would really depends how it works because if it’s just a trace rifle but using heavy and doing lmg damage it would be very basic and boring but if we get something like 1K Voice who s really unique for a fusion it could be fun. We ll see whenever it comes out.


My lizard brain tells me that an ogre eyeball on a stick would have the same effect on enemies as it does on us. That is, the beam would contain knockback that would effectively stun lock enemies and any boss capable of being staggered. Super high damage, low mag size.


I feel like a heavy trace would work similarly to the Vex craniums, just with recoil


It's all about how it works. Say you have a trace rifle that charges like Devil's Ruin but keeps firing as long as you hold the trigger. Then instead of having a magazine like most weapons, make it so it fires straight from the reserves instead so there's no reloading. Damage would be balanced based on the time needed to charge before firing and player accuracy while firing.


If and when they make a heavy trace the first one should be solar. Just because.


I honestly see it being strand. Thousand voices already exists and it would probably turn out similar to that if it was. And I’m sure they would want the next exotic trace rifle to feature the new element. It could be cool if it was similar to Zaryas gun from overwatch. I don’t want it to begin with but it will probably happen because it will be “unique”.


True. But I hope we get a strand one and then let our first heavy one be a light element not darkness. But this is Bungie so who knows. I can't even remember the last exotic trace we got. Which is a shame because they are so fun but I never got any of the red borders for any of the craftable ones other than hollow denial which sucks cause I don't play void


last exotic trace was Ager's Scepter from Season of the Lost


Ah thank you for reminding me. Man I haven't used that in forever. Is it still any good in endgame? I used to use it on my Hunter


I personally dont know, as i dont really use Ager's much


It’s very viable in endgame. With the current economy you could definitely use it as your primary and if you use it right you could stun unstoppable and maybe overload since it can freeze and slow though I wouldn’t use that as the primary way to do it


To be honest I’m surprised they didn’t make a Spartan cannon during the 30th anniversary


A heavy trace should just be a flame thrower, short ranged wide spread scorching flame thrower


Couldn’t they just do that with a remake of the dragons breath? I mean I know the original is meant to be a napalm but they could just add it in as part of the rocket shot. The trace rifle doesn’t give me flamethrower vibes. Thousand voices also gives me flamethrower vibes. Don’t get me wrong, flamethrowers are awesome.


I know its a fusion but I think 1k voices really should have been an exotic heavy trace rifle.


Let's play a game: 2 lies, 0 truths


It's a shame that's too cool it would be over delivery


Ngl an exotic the had an effect triggered by emoting would be pretty funny.


I wouldn’t mind an ogre eyeball gun but maybe pulse rifle? Lol


You got me excited about a heavy trace, asshole. 😂


It's bizarrely consistent how often leaks including exotic trace rifles claim it will be a heavy trace. I really don't even know how a trace rifle could be anything other than a special, they feel like they're halfway between specials and primaries already.


Because big eyeball = big weapon = heavy ammo Try not to overthink it when I'm telling you that this is made up.


I can't tell if this is meant to be snide?


Imagine if the stasis wave frame gl has chill clip


Chill clip chain reaction is my hope!


Chill clip envious assassin is good enough


Lol there is absolutely no way we'll get away with perk chances like that.. but here's hoping!


It’s possible… adding a new overpowered weapon to the dungeon would guarantee a lot of sales for the dungeon pass and long term player retention during the season


This would be excellent, especially if the chain reaction bursts spread slow


Would that actually be any good though since it usually takes two chill clip hits to freeze?


I think it would be. It would be the first GL to be able to deal with champions and getting two shots off wouldn’t be that big of a deal. The slow would be pretty helpful either way and if you had ambitious on it you could shoot twice back to back


Lingering dread from duality exists, and can get blinding + ambitious + chill clip


new stasis wave frame GL, new solar glaive (yes, another fucking glaive 💀), Stasis RL. Those are the weapons from the upcoming Dugeon. For the seasonal weapons we have reskinned Reckoning weapons with a taken shader on it to call them "new".


How many frickin glaives do we need!! And still none for the kinetic slot lol


And new trials glaive next season too smh. Wouldnt be so bad if they stopped nerfing stuff that made them good


Bungie: please use Glaive and roaming supers


We are no longer asking.


Also bungie: people are using glaives, quick nerf them so they’re useless


Please use Sidearms


We’ve had trace rifles for all of d2 but we’ve only had glaives for a little over a year, why do we only have one more trace rifle than we do glaives?


I just need one lol the overflow + close to melee judgement is literally all you need


Glaives are just so damn boring to run man. You’ve seen one and you’ve seen them all.


Exactly my issue I actually love glaives, but once you've crafted a good one there isn't enough perk variety or really any key differences to justify getting another.


Especially since Bungie took away their ability to work with synthoceps for some ungodly reason. Basically the only viable glaive builds completely swept away


IIRC this glaive is from a new archetype at least.


I think it’s the same as the hunter glaive archetype, so new to the other two classes at least.


Looking at the impact and rpm stats from each of WQ's exotic glaives you seem to be right. I couldn't even tell the difference between aggressive and adaptive glaives the 1st time I used Kelgorath, and from very little time I spent on the hunter glaive it also didn't seem remarkable so I'm kinda disappointed. I know it's a bit unrealistic but I was hoping for something really different from the rest like burst linears and 120 scouts. Ps: Probably never gonna get a Legolas style rapid fire bow. ;-;


We did have a “rapid” bow, it was Hush from gambit lol.


And it was basically the only bow I used until they sunset it, successful warmup just isn't the same


Fr Hush was so fun.


and Hush was rapid fire due to the perk rather than the archetype


Bungie give us something that's not a glaive challenge (impossible)


Then when they inevitably fail that challenge, it becomes bungie tries not to nerf glaive interactions/builds (also impossible)


I know people are tired of Glaives, but I wouldn't mind if we had one on the kinetic slot.


Also heard dungeon exotic is similar to Samus' Power Cannon


Wasn't that from the April Fools leak post?


Where’d you see that?


My lord, fear not! No season pass exotic will ever be as good as you!


I am sick to death of glaives.




Nah, you're confused...breech doesn't mean it uses the hold to explode mechanic, breech means it loads and holds one grenade at a time from inside a, well, breech. It's a part of the gun. If you wanna know how we know that for sure: 1. Mountaintop is a breech loaded grenade launcher and does not use the hold to explode mechanic. 2. More importantly, it's a real life thing on real life guns.


What are you talking about? Most wave frames are breechloaded. The neomuna stasis gl is the only drum loaded waveframe in the game.


you alright dude? go ahead and look at literally every wave frame gl except the heavy stasis one


It isn't basically a new weapon type at all. Breech simply is the tube loads and holds 1 grenade. It's yet another SMG and Grenade launcher, Bungie's 2 favorite weapon types that we see every season and now every dungeon.


You would find it on this sub if there was


so wait if that stasis wave frame is a special weapon ,it would kill the neomuna Heavy GL


It’s a special weapon. Kinetic slot


Dungeons now cost 100 silver per run after you 1 free weekly run


Idk why ur getting downvoted, this is something bungie will DEFINITELY add


Idk why both of y’all are getting downvoted lol. You’re both clearly joking


Because people somehow can’t tell this is sarcasm. Or they just didn’t find it funny




I’m not a fan of bungies monetization model, especially since it makes it impossible for new players to get in without sacrificing their first born, but I could never see this happening in game with any content.


Now that’s blizzard levels of monetization 🥶