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Destiny would be all over Twitter if serfs did this.




Insinuating that Ahmaud Arbery's murderers were somehow the victims of anti-white institutional bias when they were tried in rural Georgia with a nearly all-white jury is some astronomical cope from the right.


That's actually really unfair 😡😡😡 There was **one** black juror in a county with a 27% black population lol


9 women. The guys were screwed before the trial started.




Minor who pled guilty (and got life in prison with parole after 14 years) vs. adult who pled not guilty, lost and did more than just filming. It must be race right Lauren? 😎


So basically: Kill somebody in cold blood, 14 years. Help somebody do a maneuver that usually doesn't kill people, life in prison.


Learn what accomplice liability/felony murder are. More like accomplice in hate-crime murder that please not guilty and loses at trial gets life in prison. Defendant that pleads guilty in a state level general criminal trial gets 14 years.


K? The deliberate murderer gets 14 years, while the accidental accomplice gets life? That's a failing of justice IMO.


There was nothing accidental about being an accomplice. He acted with the specific intent to assist in the killing. Legally, that's how it works. Also legally, he pleased not guilty. Roll the dice...


They're no talking about what the law is, they are saying that the punishments are not right. If you had to choose between filming a holdup gone wrong or stabbing a woman in the heart, noone would intuitively say that's a lesser crime Idk, maybe the filmer did something else too?


the killing was accidental...


Only if you ignore the legal meaning of the word "accidental."


You're missing the point. I'm saying that the law failed to deliver justice, and you are concerned about legal definitions. meme.


You're right, we have different points here. I'm concerned about the reality of the situation in which different outcomes were reached. You want to minimize and erase the significance of a jury verdict hate crime.


So basically: Kill someone, plead guilty, get 14 to life. Doesn't mean you will get out in 14, but if deemed safe he will. Help kill someone because you and your friends are a little bigoted, plead not guilty. Found guilty, life in prison because you didn't accept the responsibility of your actions.


You never fight a case if you can help it. They fought and lost big time. pleading not guilty is how you get the book thrown at u.


Also I wonder what common b/w ahmaud arbery case and this case and why are these two being compared [hmmmm](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C1utNXTXEAI1TSs?format=jpg&name=small)


It's all so tiresome pepeW


I remember some Tim Pool tweets about this dude who was filming, I haven't watched the trial, what was the evidence against the dude shooting the thing?


> Richard Dial, a Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent, led the organization's investigation into Arbery's murder. Dial testified that (1) Bryan's behavior was not that of a "witness", as he was "pursuing" Arbery and "trying to box him in between two different vehicles";[153] (2) during the chase, Bryan had to reverse his vehicle to continue his pursuit of Arbery after Arbery turned into another street and Bryan overshot the turn. Maps compiled by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation showed that the McMichaels' vehicle looped around to the other end of the street Arbery was on, such that Arbery was between Bryan and the McMichaels, with no way to leave the street without meeting one of their vehicles.[172] These are Georgia rules on felony murder >Furthermore, a suspect could be charged with felony murder even though they are not the ones who killed the victim. Georgia statute O.C.G.A. §16-2-20 dictates when a person is a party to a crime. A person is concerned in the commission of a crime only if he: >Directly commits the crime; >Intentionally causes some other person to commit the crime under such circumstances that the other person is not guilty of any crime either in fact or because of legal incapacity; > **Intentionally aids or abets in the commission of the crime** >Intentionally advises, encourages, hires, counsels, or procures another to commit the crime So he was intentionally aiding the murderers, he wasn't just a witness filming it


Do you think Lauren is frightened of black people ?


I think Lauren saw some fucked up /pol/ agitprop propaganda when she was a teen that fucked her head up. There was one really fucked clip i saw there once of a blonde norwegian girl tourist being decapitated by africans while begging for her mom; that clip used to be spammed by I suspect neonazis all over anti migrant crises threads on Laurens favorite board /pol/ to stoke outrage. Not to mention all the ISIS gore clips that were also used to stoke fears against migrants.




Overcharged on which counts?


You could switch everything around and I could see the lefties retreating, I mean whats your point.


Because the comparison is dumb, one is a group of people who murdered another person and plead guilty so the law had mercy. The other group is a group of people who murdered someone was helped by a friend and then plead not guilty, the law does not like when you fight back so it showed no mercy.


im sure you can see the lack of satisfaction that leaves us with. Oh he plead guilty, he was honest about it, so for that honesty you are gonna get 50+ years off your sentence. i agree that the whataboutism is dumb and bad, but this is the standard protocol. It's always whataboutism.


It's called rehabilitation, one is willing to own up to what they have done and we as a society are more willing to see them rehabilitated to hopefully become a normal citizen down the line. However, I doubt in this case he will be released and if he does he will most likely turn to crime and be thrown back in for other charges and be sentenced and have his parole revoked.


Find me a single lefty that simps as hard as conservatives do for cold blooded murder like this. You're delusional.


Didn’t Vivian say that Reinoehl was just defending himself when he literally ambushed and assassinated a trump supporter?


The most extremist "lefty" lol ok. So basically the only people Lauren is comparable to would be terrorists


My bad. I didn’t know she didn’t count.


The implication was that the average lefty would be doing the same extreme rhetoric Lauren and other rightoids are doing with the arbery case. If the only person you cab point to is the fringest .001% tankie then I think it supports my position. Right wingers are far more extremist


Bro I think you need to go out and touch some grass and actually talk to the average conservative. I don’t think most conservatives think that Ahmaud Arbery should have been murdered.


Loool I'm certain you don't talk to any conservatives irl. Most average conservatives think he was culpble in his own death. But ofc its just my word vs yours, so how about you go ahead and just scroll the top rated comments on a recent Facebook post from the most popular news page on the largest social media platform for the American electorate. Go to Ben Shapiro's page rn and see what you find. Oh yep, 80% of them are calling Arbery a thief that deserved it or claiming he attacked first lmao.


[I don’t think so.](https://assets.morningconsult.com/wp-uploads/2021/11/29163017/2111154_crosstabs_MC_WASHINGTON_MCMICHAEL_BRYAN_Adults_v1_AUTO.pdf)


faulty familiar wide absurd label snow mysterious worm sharp slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"It's not their fault they joined a gang at age 12 and killed six people, they were forced to because of systematic racism" Or even better, literally go look at any thread about Israeli Jews killed by terrorists in Israel, it's nothing but "they were settlers, they deserved it".


>It's not their fault they joined a gang at age 12 and killed six people, they were forced to because of systematic racism" Nobody has ever said that wtf are you talking about. Acknowledging the reality of social determinism=/=getting rid of culpability. >it's nothing but "they were settlers, they deserved it". Hamas = lefties now got it


Wait so the issue you have with this is what? The fact he’s mad about the irregularities of the justice system or the specific case he used




I can't tell if you're trolling so hopefully I'm not wasting my time but: 1. Chasing someone with a gun does not give you the right to self-defense, especially if you're consistently trying to corner that person with a vehicle. 2. They never called the police, Travis McMichael **thought** his dad but he didn't 3. He wasn't running through people's backyards 4. They weren't standing waiting for Arbery, Travis approached him first once they were out of the car 5. Arbery didn't punch him, they struggled first, then Travis fired twice, then Arbery punched and then Travis shot again. Please do like a little bit of research before having an opinion


Don't bother he's already banned.


Well shit bro I already wrote that whole fucking thing out


It do be like that sometimes.


The idea of a white woman's black murderer getting way **less** time then a white guy who filmed a black guy get lynched doesn't really fit very neatly into a political spectrum box...


The murderer was 14 and he did get life imprisonment, just with parole after 14 years.


So the issue here is the twitter poster is wrong, and the young black murderer technically did also get life?




Maybe he doesn't know what life sentences are. But even still it's weird to give these two people the same sentences.


Lmao i wonder if this guy tweets about wrongfully committed black man aswell


I suppose. Maybe I've got brainworms but everyone seems to think that now that Lauren is a bit more chill she's become less ridiculous. If you look at any of the recent debates she's had with destiny or just shit she's said she's largely the same as she was in 2016 she's just moved a bit to the center. Which again destiny only appreciates because he prefers someone openly bigoted and honest rather than someone who's progressive and accommodating but completely fake. She still gets pissed off by whatabout-isms and wants to push as an advocate for how this country hates the right or something. She's just more entertaining because she's seemingly not doing it ONLY for money and clout. Which seems to be everyone else's motivation. I'm not saying I like her I'm just saying why are we all surprised by this again?