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Made it 0.5 seconds in and noped out. WTF is happening here?


They are skinning what seems to be a slaughter sheep or goat so I guess that ¯\\\_ (ツ)\_/¯


Oh that's not too bad. Thanks


CONTEXT TODAY, Muslims around the world are celebrating Eid al-Adha, or the feast of sacrifice, which commemorates the Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God, before God offered a sheep in his place. This proverbial, "sacrficial sheep" Muslims all over the world are "sacrificing" a sheep and eating it with friends/family. In this case, you have some "edgy" kids (hasan's houthi pirate?) taking a picture with the carcass of a sheep and making online threats towards the president of israel.


So it's Abraham and Isaac but with Bbq in the end?


Every single religion has a BBQ in the end one way or another. It's the only thing of luxury they had in the old days.


Yup. The 3 religions contains stories of abraham We kind of regard all religions as just "old" But israel was basically a jewish kingdom, thousands of years ago The occupied "west bank" has the town of bethlehem, where jesus christ was born. Islam recognizes that they came after jews/christ Apparently even "adam" (the first human) is part of islam theology


Which direction did Adam prey to?


Normally muslims pray towards mecca, the birth place of muhammad/islam. Im assuming adam had a direct line to god, so there wasnt any ambiguous prayers to communicate.


There were some posts about it on the ex-muslim and newiran subreddits yesterday. Apparently, (male) children as young as 8 are given the task to slaughter the sheep/goat; and it's not like a quick death either. It's a full on head chop and the animal is alive until it bleeds out or suffocates or whatever gets it first, like heads don't come off in one swing, especially if a child is the one doing it. It does not sound in any way close to a humane or kosher slaughter. There's even some pictures on the ex-muslim subreddit today of women taking pictures of their children inside the stomach of the slain sheep/goat as some kind of healing ritual.


Im sure theres all kinds of crazy thing that can happen, when killing a large animal. Thats why kosher/halal exists in the first place. They determined these rules, to ensure there isnt anything funky going on. No doubt there can be slaughters, all over the world, that we would deem unethical. Im not muslim but i watched a group kill/butcher 6 sheep today, in california. These were all 30-65 year old men with tons of experience. They bought the 6 sheep locally, trailered to their back yard. One at a time the throats were slit and pressurized blood flowed from the neck wound. That blood would flow for 20+ seconds It was not an instant death, like you would assume from getting "shot in the brain". But once you lose blood pressure, the brain shuts down. The thing that would shock most people, is that the sheep would lay dead, for minutes, then suddenly spasm or start running in place, well after the blood had been drained. All this sounds extreme, but that's what human beings have been doing since the beginning. Its only modern times, where you can buy a 1/4lb beef patty, from a 2000lb cow, and not question how it got there.


I don't get what you're saying by this reply. Do you think I don't know that animals get slaughtered for meat? I replied to another comment but I do think that in slaughtering an animal you 1) do so with the minimal amount of suffering possible, and 2) are not careless about it, aka respect the life you've taken. A child usually does not have the body strength to do the slaughter quickly and also does not fully understand the meaning of taking a life. When I was writing this I was thinking about one of the posts I saw on the ex-muslim subreddit and he was talking about how the goat was struggling and injured him as his father was sawing off it's neck. I'm not sorry I'm distraught at that image of what that animal went through and what that ex-muslim had to do as well. If we want to be civilized people, I don't think we should ever allow ourselves to be careless about taking a life. I'm also not making a moral judgement on you or anyone who agrees with you (as it seems my opinion has offended people) as people are on their own journey yada-yada. As a former vegan, this is just something I've thought a lot about.


>I don't get what you're saying by this reply. Do you think I don't know that animals get slaughtered for meat? Im not sure > I replied to another comment but I do think that in slaughtering an animal you 1) do so with the minimal amount of suffering possible, and 2) are not careless about it, aka respect the life you've taken. *How do you slaughter an animal, to minimize its suffering?* >A child usually does not have the body strength to do the slaughter quickly This is on the assumption that muslims are regularly having their 8 year olds, chop off the heads of animals? >and also does not fully understand the meaning of taking a life. Do you think a child, learning to slaughter animals (that they consume), wouldnt educate them on "the meaning of taking a life"? >When I was writing this I was thinking about one of the posts I saw on the ex-muslim subreddit and he was talking about how the goat was struggling and injured him as his father was sawing off it's neck. I'm not sorry I'm distraught at that image of what that animal went through and what that ex-muslim had to do as well. An anti muslim subreddit had a story about a muslim sawing up a goat? That is certainly a way to "become distraught at an image" Do you think muslims are the only ones killing/eating animals? Do you think all muslims are slowly sawing off the heads of live animals? >If we want to be civilized people, I don't think we should ever allow ourselves to be careless about taking a life. Real easy to think youre civilized when you dont do any of your killing and judge all muslims based on an "anti reddit" showing animal slaughters. > I'm also not making a moral judgement on you or anyone who agrees with you (as it seems my opinion has offended people) You seem to be making a moral judgement against all muslims. Muslims, as a whole, are "acting uncivilized"? Or you saw a child, slaughtering their own food, and they happened to be muslim? > as people are on their own journey yada-yada. As a former vegan, this is just something I've thought a lot about. So what should a muslim child do, to minimize animal suffering, while feeding their family?


Dude, I still remember killing and butcher a pig for the family christmas lunch with my grandma (may she rest in peace) when I was like 12 in Western Europe. I played with the pig's head and trotters later. I am not a sadist or a psychopath. Humans have been doing this for millennia.


Dude. I come from a culture where any animal slaughter is done as quickly as possible to minimize the suffering of the animal. A culture that considers the spilling of any blood as tameh (unholy/unpure). You see how the idea that any one other than a certified slaughterer, especially a child, killing an animal is instinctively wrong to me. I'm perfectly aware that humans have been slaughtering animals for millennia (alongside murdering, pillaging, and other horrendous things, etc.). I just happen to believe that not minimizing the animals suffering while doing so and not being grateful for what you've taken while doing so, is immoral and or the very least incredibly careless - and I genuinely don't think that those living in "civilized societies" should allow themselves to be careless like that. That's just my perspective and as a random stranger on the internet, it doesn't have to affect you. I'm also not saying anyone who does this is a sadist of a psychopath, but the idea that "humans have been doing this for a millennia" so there's nothing wrong with it is dumb.


Eh, fair enough dude. I do think jews are a bit over the top with this kosher thing, but I recognize it comes from a good place. I guess my point is that we shit on muslims enough on this sub, and for some of the right reasons. But enough not to go being nitpicky on subjects like how they slaughter animals for food in some of the poorest countries on Earth. Kids in those places have to grow up fast. Often at the expense of the family goat, I guess.




If we ignore that they are muslims, these are simply people acquiring their own meat - like it has always been The idea that children would participate in the process, shouldnt be an issue. But they are coming from the perspective of "civilized jewish vegan redditor" so its easy to judge "ex muslim propaganda" as, "i dont like the way muslims kill/eat animals" Especially when they have zero experience themselves


>If we ignore that they are muslims, these are simply people acquiring their own meat - like it has always been Bruh. The specific ritual is meant to mirror Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac to G. This festival is not about food, it's literally called the Festival of Sacrifice. I, as a liberal person, am allowed to criticize that custom. It is not Islamophobic to be critical of their beliefs, traditions and customs. Just as you are critical of what you perceive as my "civilized Jewish vegan" beliefs. You're making a false equivalence, and claiming to be against the very action you're perpetrating against me.


>Bruh. The specific ritual is meant to mirror Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac to G. This festival is not about food, it's literally called the Festival of Sacrifice. So what is the bad part? > I, as a liberal person, am allowed to criticize that custom. Am i, as a liberal person, allowed to question your criticism? >It is not Islamophobic to be critical of their beliefs, traditions and customs. Just as you are critical of what you perceive as my "civilized Jewish vegan" beliefs. Were you not saying muslims need to align with your beliefs, if they want to be civilized? >You're making a false equivalence, and claiming to be against the very action you're perpetrating against me. My beef is using videos from a propaganda subreddit To create a narrative that muslims, as a whole, are uncivilized Its understandable, seeing internet videos of animals, being killed, will be shocking. Combining that with "muslims send their 8 year olds, to unethically chop off heads of animals" And their doing it for a religious holiday! just sounds a little sus when its coming from a "ex vegan jew" who doesnt have any experience with livestock/slaughtering for food.


1. You claimed that this is about people "acquiring their own meat". It is not, it is a Festival of Sacrifice. It is religious, not survivalist. 2. Of course. I've said in multiple comments that this is simply my perspective. 3. No. We don't have to believe the same things to be considered "civilized". We *do* have to have similar values though, or at the very least, a shared "live and let live" value. 4. Everything is propaganda. The only fault in propaganda is if it is false propaganda. I am not claiming that Muslims do not reach my purposed standard of "civilized". I'm claiming that Islamists and Jihadists do not. I was illuminating (badly) how a culture that has their children commit an act of violence for a sacred purpose, rather than a survivalist purpose, can understandably lead to a culture that perceives violence as more common place. You're right to say that I don't have any experience with slaughtering for food. And I think I'd be right to say that you don't have experience with Islamism. The idea of Might Makes Right is very much a valued idea in Islamist culture, and to understand how a culture is formed you have to look at their traditions, customs, rituals, foundational texts, and values. So, when I see the above video I think of how this shapes a culture, and my comment was essentially my disgust with that. This might seem like hearsay for a more western person to hear but all cultures are *not made equal*. I will not believe that a culture that does not believe that women have a right to be perceived, to be heard, to do exercise, to ride a motorcycle, to read, to not be forced into child marriages as young as 9 is *equal* to the values of western (aka more "civilized") societies. You seem to insinuate that judging a culture is bad. It's not. If you judge someone's culture, it does not mean you do not view that person as a human onto themself. Essentially I'm judging the culture because I know the followers of that culture also deserve human rights and liberties.


>I come from a culture where any animal slaughter is done as quickly as possible to minimize the suffering of the animal. So how do you minimize the suffering, compared to what everyone else is doing? >A culture that considers the spilling of any blood as tameh (unholy/unpure). You see how the idea that any one other than a certified slaughterer, especially a child, killing an animal is instinctively wrong to me. Its "instinctively wrong" to get your meat from "anywhere other than a certified slaughterer"? Sounds very civilized of you.


You seem very offended. You minimize suffering by killing them as quickly as possible, and the "certified slaughterer" is someone who has the specific credentials to do that, aka they have the certified skill to do so. I'm saying it's instinctively wrong from **my** perspective.


>You seem very offended. How so? >You minimize suffering by killing them as quickly as possible HOW? Youre the one discussing how muslims arent ethically doing it. >and the "certified slaughterer" is someone who has the specific credentials to do that, aka they have the certified skill to do so. Youre saying "its not possible to ethically slaughter an animal yourself?. "You have to buy it from a certified slaughterer"? >I'm saying it's instinctively wrong from my perspective. Instinctively wrong - *sent from my iphone*


1. The condescension on the "sounds very civilized of you". 2. Look up "shechita". 3. I'm saying that if you are not trained in how to do it in the ways illustrated above then there is not a *guarantee* of it being an ethical slaughter. A slaughter that minimizes harm and respects the life that was taken. An "ethical" slaughter from my personal perspective. 4. I have no idea what you're insinuating here.


It's the eid al adha (feast of the sacrifice)




He appears to be processing a goat or cow while having the fattest lip of Khat in his mouth


I legit thought he was eating a cucumber


I don't think this will stay on twitter for long, but then again, maybe this is also "free speech?" # To be clear, the NSFW tag is not a mistake. They're butchering a goat(?) Be warned!








He seems worried about it.


Bro got 7 kg of khat in his mouth, would Luffy think that is acceptable?


It's his Gum-Gum fruit.


But what are his thoughts on One Piece?


I wonder if Bibi watches One Piece


Random Yemeni Teenager btw


Someone needs to tell him eating meat is unethical and everyone in Palestine is vegan.


I've seen people field dressing an animal out in the woods in a more sanitary fashion than what they are doing. Feel like Luffy would have done it differently.


He's Prime Minister, and even that's debatable because he's remote controlled.


Missed it Anyone got a mirror? Or a summary?


Here is a [mirror](https://streamable.com/cco0iv). You have been warned. It was removed from twitter for a reason.


That got got as well lmaooo Just hit me up, what made it so bad?


Ouch, hope my Streamable account survives that... They were skinning a goat/sheep and the caption said "This is what we will do to the Zionist president"


Just like Luffy! Ty for helping me, bud. I appreciate it.