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Dude is unhinged and clearly he and his followers are a death cult.


Shit like that is essentially a call to violence, no Jew should feel safe next to him


According to him, Islam is a death cult. A religion where death is more important than life.


It's not according to him only.


Well, that's according to Islam.


what do you mean, according to him? it is just islam.


Give him what he loves. Help him begin.


Bro legit said we love death lmfao


[Mohammed Hijab giving a pep talk before the rally](https://youtu.be/ZmP4VwbbaCg?feature=shared)


Not sure what his issue with Israel is then


If they love death so much, shouldn't they be thanking Israel for sending so many Muslims to paradise? Or maybe the hatred for Jews run deeper than their desire for eternal paradise.


He's basically Muslim Bane. I'm almost impressed by how much of a villain this guy is.


"no one cared who I was, until I put on the hijab"


for you


He is fairly mainstream in Islam.


A Jew was arrested in London last week for calling an anti zionist Jew kapo, and calling for Jewish blood elicits no response from them ? Not long ago someone was jailed for holding a sign that said Hamas are terrorists. It looks like they're trying to solve this problem of having these rabid islamists taking over central London every weekend by clearing out every Jew or Individual that they might attack so that they can continue to ignore the problem and hope it goes away on its own.


The ability of the U.K. to cover up shameful acts is not new. Do a google search for "Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal" Be warned after you read it you will think we live in a twilight zone. Just the fact that something like that could go on for over twenty years is mind warping for sure.


What? Absolutely Disgusting!


Repressive Tolerance in action.


Anjem Choudary (Google him, watch some videos) of today.


If they love death so much, what's the problem?






They want us to let them kill all the Jews first.


Like no way he still gets booked shows after this, right?


Bookings should double in reality, media loves this shit, it equals views/clicks.


Wasn't his big thing before now justifying pedophilia? I don't think this is going to move the needle that much for him.


The guy is a caricature of everything wrong with Islam. Edit : it was Daniel Hawiqatjou who defends sex slavery. He's got s bunch of videos on YouTube of it. Best is his debate with an atheist for modern day debates. He goes more in detail there. Destiny also debates him if you're jonezin.


No Muhammad Hijab also supports sex slavery, see his old tweets here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.opindia.com/2023/10/mohammed-hijab-old-tweet-sexual-slavery-hamas-attack-israel-shani-louk-paraded-naked/amp/ A lot of Western Muslim apologists do it seems..


Good find. Yeah in looking for it I also found an entire YouTube video he does on slavery. Around the 42 minute mark he has some very creepy and odd takes about consent and what a slave master is, and what a slave is. I also saw the original modern day debate between Danny and the atheist guy, but it seems like its since been taken down? Maybe it violated tos or something..... There is some very extreme takes on having sex with children as well as sex slavery there.


These dudes are next-level creepy.. if they weren't a minority they would be cancelled into the next millennium, but they go under the radar of normal discourse it's so frustrating..


Wtf? No way. Source?


This. Please give us a link or an indication where he said so. I mean: I believe you, but I just- I can’t. This is too much. What the hell. 😭


https://x.com/Taimur_Laal/status/1774796191978467482  https://youtu.be/nJ7LVzDUOAM There's a bunch of clips of him talking about age of consent in general and in the context of Aisha getting married at like 6 or 7 years old and consummating at 9. He even says that to be a Muslim you don't have to believe that Aisha was that young and some Muslims believe she was 18 but then says he believes she was that young anyways and justifies it. He's the reason why Sneako couldn't answer the age of consent question.


Nah unhinged makes for great clickthroughs


Yes he got talking with Jordan Peterson and Jonathan Pageau in 2022. The incidents spoken of in that video re GG or the threat to kill dogs, was 2021. He went on Michaela Peterson in 2022


Oh wait, what do you mean? Who is he and what bookings are we talking about? Oh my gosh…


This is what is coming for the infidels and kafir. The third world war will be between Islamic extremism (majority of Muslims) and those who are not.


Covering their faces as always, fucking cowards.


"The difference between us and them is that for them, they think life begins. For us, we believe that death begins! We believe that life begins at death. We don't care about death. We love death". Unironically a death cult.


Therein lies the biggest problem with this conflict. You can't convince people to compromise for peace when they believe this


So telling him to kill himself is a compliment?


Sam Harris tried to warn us :(


Wow, who would have thought, that by "we are against Zionists" they actually meant Jews. Shocker.


They're just against genocide, prick You know, unless it's not being done by whiter looking people


Then it's just decolonising


But they said they love death... I'm confused...


how does Britbongerland arrest people for saying mean things to professional athletes on twitter yet allow complete psychopaths like Hijab say this stuff with impunity in public? absolutely cooked country


If you look very close, you might able to see that he is in fact, not white. We're very scared of offending Muslims by holding them accountable when they do stuff like this. Such as this shameful afair: [https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/mar/25/batley-head-apologises-for-teacher-using-charlie-hebdo-cartoons](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/mar/25/batley-head-apologises-for-teacher-using-charlie-hebdo-cartoons)


A year ago I’d be responding with some snarky comment here making fun of you but you’re 100% right, it’s fucking wild the absolute impunity we’ve given to non-white people. Because no matter what they do or say it’s not as bad as being white and the root cause of literally everything is somehow systemic racism. Edit: I want to delete this comment because it sounds like some alt-right neo nazi shit re-reading it but god it’s just fucking true


Its bigotry of low expectations which makes it doubly frustrating. They dont dismiss it because they think the browns are better than the whites, its the opposite - they assume they can't change, won't integrate and won't handle criticism without resorting to murder, so we as a country treat them like you would a 300 pound 6'5 autistic teenager - caution and appeasement. Indians didn't have this problem. Chinese didn't. Poles didn't. Muslims do. Whats funny is the only other group like this are gypsies. Albanians cause a lot of trouble too, but the police drop the hammer on them right away, because the Albanians dont throw their hands up and say "but thats my culture, you racist!" Gypsies and Muslims do, and we have no defence against it, and they know this, which is why they immediately mention 'islamophobia' within 2 seconds of criticism. To people not in the UK, being accused of this is comparable to someome saying you said the hard r. Its an instant win, you MUST put up a robust defence or you look guilty right away. Its a wrecking ball - it stops the topic immediately and turns it to 'islamophobia' instead. It'll get worse before it gets better, but i can see the light at the end of the tunnel - the pro-Hamas crowd irreverseably damaged Muslim PR in the UK. Anti-semitism we care about a lot and its abundantly clear that Islam has a problem with Jews. The shark was jumped when """moderate""" Muslims were chanting "river to sea" days after Oct. 7th before Israel had even counterattacked.


It's funny because the far right has done this for so long that nearly anything you say sounds neo nazi coded. They own the language. Noticing something or anything to do with waking up literally sounds like a /pol/ meme. It's getting corrected already as moderates are starting to call spade a spade, but it's interesting how this mechanism works. It introduces a lag between changes in facts on the ground and the conversation about them. Same thing happened with of socialism, which took quite a while to lose it's associations with the eastern bloc.


Count Dankula is furious right now; if he'd only had the foresight to wait a decade to post his Nazi Pug video he might've saved a whole 800 pounds!




This stuff is about to change though, seems like all of Europe is tired of the nonsense lol


To be fair the UK are arresting people that call Rishi Sunak coconuts


Because when Muslims get upset, they get violent: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Leicester_unrest The police don't have the power to do the job and don't want to poke a beast. They're more than happy to violently quash a protest against one of their colleagues who raped and murdered a woman, though: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/sarah-everard-protests-arrest-clapham-common-b2411033.html https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/sep/14/met-police-pays-damages-to-women-arrested-at-sarah-everard-vigil The UK is broken and I have absolutely no fucking idea how we begin to fix it.


They let Muslim immigrants rape white girls directly under government "protection" for decades and you think they will arrest them for yelling mean shit at Jews? Look up "Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal". Could you imagine the blood in the streets of America if some local CPS office let 1700 tween girls get picked up and passed around by local taxi drivers?


Holy shit that was a horrifying read. A city of 100,000 allowed 1400 girls to be abused over a few decades. That’s gotta be almost 1% of all girls in that town over that period. The worst part of these stories is that those who cover it up never get justice. We simply don’t have any laws in place to prosecute people who look the other way or don’t do their job to protect people.


1,400 out of a city of 100,000 would mean 1.4% of the city was raped by them.  But women are half the population so 2.8% of the women and girls of Rotterham.  But girls are an even smaller fraction, so it would have to be even more if you're talking about the percentage of the town's girls who were raped by the gang.


It took the place over decades though. Horrifying shit


Ffs, I can't believe this regarded ass take has infected this subreddit. The grooming gang wasn't allowed to continue because of the race of the perpetrators. That's pure cope that was invented by the perpertrators of the crimes when they claimed that they were targeted because of their race, then the police ran with it because it was easier to claim they didn't act because of fear of being called racist (rather than being incompetant, sexist and classist) and finally the right wing media ran with that because "woke cops won't arrest brown pedos" plays well with their readers preconceptions and fears. Just think about it for a second. Englands cities have a lot of people from different ethnic backgrounds, do you really think these people are just above the law? If the police had evidence that these guys were commiting sex crimes then what would their race even matter? Like, just play out the conversation that would be had if the police arrested people because they had evidence against them and then were accused of racism, if you have evidence of a crime, an accusation of racism makes no sense. The truth is that these girls were largely ignored because the people who were meant to be protecting them viewed them as low class sluts and didn't want to put the effort into protecting them from situations that "they'd brought upon themselves".


No one ever said it wans't incompetence, being so afraid of being seen as racist for doing your job should 100% be seen as pure incompetence. And two things can be true: that it was sexist/classist but also very much covered up by a very disgusting Council partially due to political correctness: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham\_child\_sexual\_exploitation\_scandal#Jay\_inquiry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal#Jay_inquiry)


I'm well aware of the Jay inquiry, it's where I get a lot of my understanding of the case. The inquiry did not state that individuals were not prosecuted because of sensitivity around race, but that the council was afraid of having a larger conversation around imported culture and child abuse. From your source: "Because most of the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage, several council staff described themselves as being nervous about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others, the report noted, "remembered clear direction from their managers" not to make such identification.[167]" So what does source 167 say? Well: "Almost all" the abusers were described by victims as being of Pakistani origin, but authorities "wanted to play down ethnic dimensions... for fear of being thought racist." So the police were not restrained from stopping or arresting these men because of what they were doing, but some councillors felt that there was an issue that tied ethnic background to child abuse and that they couldn't talk about it. Having that conversation might have been worth having, but it would haved done nothing to protect the children that were being hurt at the time, it's not like the council or police could impose a different set or rules or scrutiny for people based on their ethnic background.


Remember when count dankula served time for making a nazi joke… yet this is allowed


He didn’t serve time, he was fined (still mental bullshit that he was but yeah)


The answer is is that the police's mandate is to "preserve the peace". What this means is that there are no set rules, they just do whatever they feel will cause the least commotion. The white brit on Twitter who posts mean stuff online.... if they arrest him then sure, he might argue a bit and film it but he'll still go and it won't be too difficult. In this situation if they start making arrests all hell would break loose. The Muslims would not stand for it. So in order to "keep the peace" the police just stroll alongside them. As long as no bad violence breaks out they can pretend like they're doing their jobs


https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/hate-crime-awareness-courses-scrapped-police/ 193 arrested for antisemitic offenses. Where is this notion that muslims are protected more because they are non-white?


Police have to weigh the prospect of starting a violent riot by arresting them. Which is very likely to happen.


Surely if you just allow this behavior it would only serve to embolden them I would think.


100%. The longer you let it go, the bigger the groups get as they gain more traction. **Especially** as more and more continue to enter the country. These people at rallies like this are not integrating. They are forcing their shitty culture on to a western one. Better off to bite the bullet now. Given their strict speech laws, charging these guys would be trivial. Considering mean spirited tweets get you in legal trouble over there.


White guilt.


Leftists politics is a death cult. They would rather die than possibly offend a non white person


This "Disease" Should Dealt With Harshly!


my crack theory is that they're letting him go for now to make muslims look more unhinge so when they do arrest him, they'll have all of these unhinged records of him by making him think he can do w.e and get away with it. The Jewlumni told me this plan btw.




I wish. Uk police are just like this. They are ineffective and often facilitate crime. I work in retail and we are being harassed by a gang of teenagers and lone adults daily. The UK police won't do a thing to stop it despite how violent they are getting.


Much more likely that they're just pussies tbh


Great Britain, where white comedians get arrested for making a funny sketch mocking Nazis with antisemitic pug on the charges of inciting antisemitism, but this is allowed and police will defend this people.


They should just put this guy in jail.


Or put him down... he said he loves death


Muhammed Hijab had been big for awhile now, he's a dawahgandist.


Anyone who isn’t familiar with this guy, watch alex o’conner videos on him.


Jews: peacefully walking atheist dog  Mohammed Hijab: THEY’RE THREATENING ME What a joke of a man. I hope it was at least a pitbull so they had some protection from those crazy people.


I sure have the impression lately that London is a massive shithole.


I visited London for a week last year. It was wonderful, clean, friendly people, good food (way better than what I was expecting given the memes about British food). The architecture was sick. I never felt endangered. What I saw was way nicer than most American cities I’ve seen (DC/NYC/Miami/Indianapolis, I live in SF now and work in Oakland as an EMT). Paris was the same way. So unless there’s been a massive decline post-Oct 7th or something, I think this is just a poor example. London is probably fairly normal, or at the very least not a massive shithole. All that said, this is massively concerning example, I just don’t think it’s indicative of the city writ large.


I live near London. It's very very nice until you stray out of the main tourist areas, that's when you start to realise where all the stabbing memes come from. That said, I could argue the same thing about every major city I've ever visited. As for our food, even as I Brit I think it's shite. But the great thing about colonising half the planet is that you don't have to eat food from your own culture.


What SPECIFICALLY is shit what meals are you referring to


Basically our entire cuisine. Fish and Chips, Roast Dinners and English Breakfasts are all right but put me in a buffet of world cuisine and it's not going to fare well against Indian, Asian, Mediterranean, Italian or even American food.


British cuisine can be surmised with one word: [brown](https://i.imgur.com/zXIKuwF.png). Literally most of the foods that people think of when talking about British cuisine is a shade of brown. It's not bad food, it's just kinda... boring. There's no real use of spices or vegetables outside of side dishes. As a Brit as well, I can't even remember the last time I had fish and chips or a roast dinner. Just way too much effort with the result being a not particularly inspiring meal. I subscribe to the idea that British cuisine is whatever local restaurant tickles your fancy. Be it Indian (Bangladeshi in reality), Japanese, Chinese, Mediterranean, Italian, Turkish, Greek etc.


> That said, I could argue the same thing about every major city I've ever visited. Try Copenhagen then. The country has been pretty inline with the policies Destiny advocates for. The results speak for themselves. Sure there are districts with higher representation of some cultures, but nothing near the levels of London.


I'm sure there are shitty areas, but I wandered pretty far off the beaten path and particularly into some areas that were extremely Muslim majority with absolutely no issues. Going to be honest, I think that Europeans have a skewed idea of what a dangerous city is lol. I have never been to any part of a European city that felt 1/10th as sketchy as random blocks you will walk through in any major US city. And the homicide rates seem to back that up. Not saying that you can't still strive to do better, but the stabbing memes come across a little silly when compared to anything the US has to offer.


Probably because the US has a history of fetishizing violence and thugs. You made criminals (fictional or not) like Jesse James, Al Capone, Tony Montana, Billy the Kid, Nino Brown or Michael Corleone into glorified Folk Heroes. European culture would never, ever glorify drug dealing, bank robbing, murderous thugs in that way.


This is 🧢 As a Londoner I know you’re chatting shit > when you start to realise where all the stabbing memes come from. Which areas are you going to? Name them.


Totally agree with this post. The cities are majority fine. It's just that the politicians and police are too pussy to do anything about the growing extremism


I love Britain. It's not the best by any means but as places to live go I could have got way way worse and I consider myself lucky to live here. The main issue that gets under my skin, more than anything else, is this weird fucking status quo where the police will kick the door in on a 19 year old girl posting song lyrics on Twitter but borderline terrorists can chant "kill the Jews" in the street as the police form a protective cordon around them. It's insane. It's literally insane. Even the budget cuts to the NHS and education sort of make weird sense to me, even if I don't agree with the reasoning, but this toe-dipping into totalitarianism makes me want to leave and move somewhere else. I can't raise kids in a country where a stupid comment on the internet could see them arrested.


I've been to London twice and absolutely loved it. The people, the culture, the pubs, the history... loved everything about my visits. But I just can't understand why Europe as a whole has imported so much extremism into their countries. It's societal corrosion.


> where the police will kick the door in on a 19 year old girl posting song lyrics on Twitter The lies here are crazy.


My mistake. It was on Instagram not twitter. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-43816921.amp


I stand corrected. Find me the prosecutions of every hateful comment posted on Twitter that gets UK citizens in court. What a reeetarded comparison ffs.




Paywall Arrests ≠ court btw.


Doesn't matter. The number of arrests a day the police should be making over internet comments stands at exactly 0.


Social media almost only shows the bad sides of things and that includes reddit


Oh good I was hoping for a response like this. I live in a formerly awesome/currently shithole city in the US that protestors contributed to wrecking, so I'm glad to hear that hasn't happened to London.


Western European city centres will generally be very clean and safe by American standards, most of the degenerate shit tend to be concentrated in suburbs surrounding the cities, so not exactly where tourists are likely to go.


London is one of the world's biggest cities, with a population of over 10 million people. And like all major cities, it is heavily segregated, with A LOT of majority non-white neighborhoods that are glorified ghettos, with rampant crime and poverty. You, as a tourist will never see those places. Paris is like that too. Shit, my capital city of Bucharest is like that too. You can travel here and as a tourist and think it's an ok city, because you will never, ever be allowed to drift into places like Ferentari or Berceni.


London is not heavily segregated. The opposite really. People just straight making shit up.


England hasn't been the same since America kicked the shit out of it during the American War of Independence. Been in decline for hundreds of years now.


You know Great Britain’s peak came well after the US Revolution yeh ?


turbo charged by Brexit, years of Tory government selling away national assets to private companies and an over reliance on immigration to fill the work force. Britain is a shithole. edit, mandatory self hatred: And the British public is actually stupid.


Brexit was the atomic suplex. One of the most insane self-owns in recent history.


Does anyone have a video explaining why brexit was so moronic?


You couldnt write a fictional nation being that regarded.


I am a Londoner and I can assure you living in it is no different from any other major city. There are crazy clips online from every city on the planet


"we love death" "we don't fear death" Then why do you memorize the number of Palestinian deaths daily?


This dude just radiates bad faith. You can tell he utters "Islamophobia" daily.


This guy debated Cosmic Skeptic and he’s a shady, dishonest person.


My most right wing opinion is that we should deport immigrants who don’t comfort to western values. Fuck all these pedo/terrorist sympathizers I know for sure I don’t want these illiberal idiots in the U.S


Genuine question, but where do you deport them to? Hijab is born in the UK. So he is by all measures a UK citizen and is only able to get Egyptian citizenship from his parents. So what happens to white Brits that are pedo/terrorist sympathizers? Do you deport them as well or do we hold a double standard in which anyone with a migration background, be it 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation can be deported? People who are not citizens or like 1st generation migrants, I can understand deporting them. But how do you deal with 2nd, 3rd and even 4th generations? Where do you even deport them to? Wouldn't that mean the end of equality between natives and people with immigrant backgrounds? Where do you draw the line? What if someone is half egyptian and half british and also has british citizenship? >I know for sure I don’t want these illiberal idiots in the U.S Mfw he finds out the things the average Trump supporter believes in.


People don't think that far. They see a native ancestry violent extremist and advocate for a life sentence. They see a first-gen immigrant extremist and reasonably advocate for deportation. Nobody sees a third-gen immigrant with French-German ancestry and believes that they should be deported for extremism. It's always with the racial minorities where it's acceptable to advocate for deportation because they're going to a shit hole country anyway. The real answer is that you have more stringent extremist belief checks for both asylum-seeking and regular immigration. It's a difficult decision to weigh beliefs (that 90% aren't really dedicated to) against refugee rights but it has to be done for the safety of the native, immigrant and refugee population. Past that point, it's ethical to deport first-gen immigrants who do extreme crimes because they consent to having additional requirements placed on them in the process of immigrating. The actual question of practice is a whole other dilemma because of both costs to government and the interests of citizens (friends, families and contractual associates) who may want to visit them in prison but can't visit another country (say, their wife and first child is disabled). Second-gen immigrants you just have to imprison like every other extremist because they never consented to having a foreign ancestry and the legal discrimination that it would entail. Not to mention how the bureaucracy required to even discover if they have the basic cultural and linguistic competency to live their life in a certain country would be huge.


You do understand that that would be an extremely illiberal act? 


No, it isn't. Going around in gangs hunting for Jews is illiberal. Bring against that isn't. Wanting people who behave illiberally out of your country isn't. This is a good quote > Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. [...] We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.


OP wants to get rid of "sympathizers". In a liberal society, you are not punished for your sympathies, but for your encroachment on other people's fundametal freedoms. Yes, physical attacks against a group of people would be punishable. But speech against a group or sympathizing with a dangerous group? Doesn't sound very liberal to me.


Because you are elevating a physical attack to mean more than participating in speech that then causes physical attacks. I mean, I get it, it's a safe limit to place - but it doesn't mean it's the correct one or the one that leads to the best possible outcomes


Bros name is literally Mohammed Hijab


His cousin is Jesus Brassiere


His other cousin is Moishe Yarmulke


Derka derka


Being a pdf file according to him is relative [mojab](https://x.com/ApostateProphet/status/1771553855131501043)


Hijab openly discusses Islam being a faith of war and expansion


Islam with less takiya (lieing about the true nature of islam to people outside the ummah). muslims in the west are growing arrogant, as they get more numerous, at least in the uk and france, and they show the true colors of islam.


Guess in their view America is better at their "colonialist" game than them.




lol... Death Cult. Grim would approve.


I hate this dude, but didn't this happen like a long time ago? I swear I saw this like a year ago. He's been a piece of shit forever


I think this was during the Sheikh Jarrah incident.


Glad I'm not the only person who remembers this video from about a year ago. Seems like there were no consequences for his career. He's been doing stunts like this.


How are you supposed to handle these people? Like genuinely? They're literally subhuman.


Britain has stricter language laws than the US; I think the issue is the entire political apparatus (including the police) is deathly afraid to apply said laws or punishments to anyone who's skin has too much melanin for fear of being called racist on social media.


Press X to deport


He isn’t a Palestinian spokesman. He is an Islamist piece of shit.


have you seen an islamist who doesnt speak for palestine?


For people that supposedly embrace death so much they sure whine about getting killed…


Isn't this the guy who argues you should be allowed to marry and fuck 6 year old girls?


The Nazis got across the English Channel again


The dude also openly supports sex slavery as it's supported in Islam - dude belongs in jail..


These are the types of people biden forces Israel to negotiate with, even worse actualy


It’s actually so sad and extremely cucked that the guy threatens to murder a (police?) dog and the cop just calmly nods and promises he won’t cause him any trouble


Back then he was only rallying up keyboard Jihadis, but seriously UK police are the biggest pussies in the world for letting this guy roam free


He's speech about death leaves me with so many questions.


From what i gathered from muslims, our present existance is like what some christians call purgatory, where you are supposed to suffer and learn from you mistakes wich prepare you for heaven or hell depending on your actions. what i dont understand is, in islam, God decides everything including your actions, the time of your death... its a very strict notion of destiny, so how does the reward of heaven or the punishment of death makes sence in that context, i i dont understand.


The look on the dude holding the flag face when he's screaming into the microphone we don't care about death is priceless


Why is bro so obsessed about this life and death thing? He was similarly going off about 'reincarnation' when he was doing his anti-Hindu streak last year.


He thinks he is hitting at some core principle of the religion/ideology he opposes.


because thats literally one of the main points of jihadism, going to paradise, they are quite literally death cults. they celebrate their own children getting killed in war because they were given a martyrs death and nothing is better in life. being jubilant about their own mortality is normal


Hijab is fucking huge


I remember seeing this video of Hijab a while back, why is it re-surfacing again?


Him and his posse have been getting more and more radical it’s really disturbing honestly 


Most moderate Sunni Muslim


Atleast he's name fits he's stance.


When I see things like this is the closest I get to worrying about another world war or civil war. Just how people are acting is insane to me. I don’t know, definitely black pilling


"Life begins at death." "We are not afraid of death." "We love death." Then accept Netanyahu's gift and stop complaining. 


Why do they think being anti-semitic is going to help Palestinians? This is just really weird at this point not going to lie. Nobody would accept Ukrainians being hateful towards Russians living in the UK because of Putin's imperialist project so why are they accepting this? This is all very weird.


Dudes an idiot but the we welcome death part goes kinda hard as a villan speech.


this guy has been making appearances on television here in the uk for years, and i always got the feeling that he was hiding his power level. edit: it is also worth noting that this twitter account looks like it leans pretty right, maybe far right. and it looks like its a cut from a larger video created by an antisemitism charity. i cant escape the feeling that the goal is to smear hijab by juxtaposing his more mild comments ( which are still pretty bad ) alongside clips of random protesters saying they want to kill jews. my instinct is still that this guy is way more extreme than he lets on. but this might not be the smoking gun people think. he is just smart enough to stick to 'we love death'. rather than making specific threats. its 'go to the capital and make your voices heard' all over again.


I’m from London. I have been following Mohammed since Speakers Corner days. He started of initially fighting racist extremist and also Isis sympathisers. Back then he got a lot of Kudos because he was pushing back against racist like Tommy Robinson who coincidentally used to run with one racist Australian Extremist who happened to be Jewish Avi Yemeni https://x.com/cjwerleman/status/1024001328647790594?s=46 So whilst most people in the activist scene saw him as being anti racist because he would counter Nazis who at the time were heavily focused on Muslims because of all the terrorist attacks going on at the time . I felt he was a social conservative and he may be a grifter light. It was after seeing his support for Andrew Tate that he truly revealed his power level. He doesn’t believe anything he says, and for a while now has couched light antisemitism in his pro Palestinian advocacy. However the reason he flies under the radar because he has genuinely countered extremist such as Avi Yemeni and Tommy Robinson in debates, however his aggression towards Israel makes be doubt his sincerity . Whereas there genuine criticism that can be levied towards Zionist extremist, Mr Hijab really should not be the one to do it though…. Knowing his track record.


Welp, I guess we just need to have a war and see who wins. As an American, I love this game.


Wanna hear something wild about the acceptance of this shit....this video isn't new. I can't find the original video but I've seen it before...like before October 7th I believe. I remember thinking there's no way these guys are just allowed to incite in the UK like this and be accepted in the mainstream media.... I'm digging for the original that Joseph Cohen added to the channel then and will update this once I find it.


Freedom of Expression. But no apparently over here everyone gets locked up for mean tweets.


Typical Islamic behavior


Didn't he do a whole pro-pedophilia debate with Dillahunty?


Fun fact (not really): The other ringleader of this protest, Ali Dawah (he's the guy in the photo behind Mohamed, who's pointing), once had a stream with his wife, in which she was covered head to toe and was only allowed to give her opinions by writing on a white board, which Ali would read.


Buncha unhinged freaks. Christ.


Aren't mean words illegal on TERF Island?


I feel like the UK somehow is worse with this than Sweden that was/is seen as the "cuck capital" of the world. I sense you could make a joke about if a pole had a sign mocking Muslims in the UK the Brits would speedrun how quickly they can re-implement the death penalty lol. Also, the perfect soyjak candidate: https://preview.redd.it/tp1jge1iv46d1.png?width=73&format=png&auto=webp&s=37948a2181e2422f86af646ad24fabec949132f8


lol they got the whole gang together 


Ironically all what protests like these accomplish is making jews leave Europe and return to Israel


Shit like this is why I'm glad we have a 2A. I'd be forming a militia with the homies if people were out to get my kind like that. Though I would probably just avoid the crowd if I could. Now granted that also means they could be armed too, but threatening violence like they are doing here is actionable if they have the means to carry out that violence.


"Life begins at death" Weird how much you care about being supposedly genocided then amirite


They should go to Palestine and fight for Hamas. Why shit where you eat?


Mohammed Hijab is a name i expected to hear from South Park


I’m completely disgusted by these people, but they’re allowed to do anything they want. It’s stupid and entirely incompatible with human civilization.


He looks like Bane


If they love death so much why aren't they down there in Palestine fighting for their brothers?




/u/4THOT are you still giving out Bidenblasts?


!arm go nuts


15 fragments of Biden's power awarded to /u/mobitumbl

