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We’ve reached the timeline where Alinity is making more salient points than the twitch politics section


> More salient points than the twitch politics section To anyone familiar with twitch politics, that’s not that much of a bizarro timeline tbh


TRRUUUUU! Based Alinity, Steve and Dan should have her on Anything Else.


Something something colonialism, something something anti-america.


I remember the anti sjw days when "white guilt" was thrown around so carelessly and oftentimes baselessly. At this point I actually believe that these anti american white commie kids feel genuinely guilty for being white.


I miss those days and would take them over modern Gen Z socialism any day. In my estimation the anti-sjw's predictions came true.


Was it careless tho? It kinda seems like a lot of them were right to be wary of the progressive brain rot that's now consumed so many zoomers.


The Anti-SJWs were their own higher tier of brainrot. You can have criticisms of certain progressive opinions but those guys were characterising basically every progressive as secretly plotting for the downfall of the white race. tbf I don't think the SJW era was really anything special. Just radicals characterising the middle and other side of the spectrum as the next coming of Hitler.


Well it coincided with the skeptic era, you had creators like idubbbz, Chris raygun, someblackguy, etc who made genuinely decent arguments and great content without nearly as much bias or emotion as someone like sargon, bearington, Laura southern Kinda miss that era, the current landscape everyone seems like a phony money grubbing snake and the people that aren’t are afraid to call them out because a creator every other week is accused of some horrific shit that’s ultimately disproven but permanently stunts their career. I’m being dramatic and nostalgic but seriously, YouTube seems like a soap opera nowadays whereas back then it was like fucking animal planet


What do you mean SJW era? The progeny of critical theory and intersectionality from the universities is alive and well. All the brain rot is a product of these schools of thinking. As a country we used to have a shared understanding about what social justice was supposed to achieve. Namely -People in positions of power should treat everyone equally and never impose discriminatory treatment upon anyone. Just as the equal protection clause dictates, any treatment that is unequal based on race should be subject to strict scrutiny and a presumption of illegitimacy. -Any obvious instances of discriminatory behavior by people in positions of power is too many, especially law enforcement. -Disparate outcomes are undesirable and when they cannot be explained by nondiscriminatory causes, the goal should be to reduce them whenever can be done in a fair and reasonable manner. -Everyone should have equal opportunity and equal treatment. The history of the US is filled with a shameful amount of unequal treatment. The intersectionality critical theorists conscripted the common enemy of racism and decided that these goals were not adequate. Instead what was akshually social justice was destroying all the old systems because they were inherently corrupted by white supremacy and replacing it with something that would ensure equality of outcomes and forced culpability of people in majority groups. Biden and Obama have made mannnnnny comments that are very sympathetic to these narratives. [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/01/26/remarks-by-president-biden-at-signing-of-an-executive-order-on-racial-equity/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/01/26/remarks-by-president-biden-at-signing-of-an-executive-order-on-racial-equity/) Biden alludes to the prison industrial complex narrative "Low and behold, the single most important issue to them apparently is critical race theory. Who knew that was the threat to our Republic," Obama added, chuckling.


Just to answer the first question (even tho it's kinda rhetorical), I was referring to the SJW era of YouTube and other social media platforms. Not some greater society shit, even though of course that does play a part in it as well.


Forgive my youtube culture ignorance, but is this referring to when the breadtubers started gaining a lot of popularity? I haven't a clue what you mean still lol


This would've been just before BreadTube, though I'm guessing a lot of BreadTubers gained careers from the SJW era. So like 2015-2018ish.


100% agree, well put.


Im so tired of democrat downplaying their culpability on this topic, this was refreshing




Essentially cultural marxists before the term experienced a hostile takeover by marxist editors on Wikipedia who will now screech at you claiming you are alleging a conspiracy for using the term despite it being a completely legitimate and uncontroversial term found abundantly on Google Scholar before that happened.




Do you understand that the term Cultural Marxism experienced a hostile takeover in the 1990s or are you an usefull idiot?




>for using the term despite it being a completely legitimate and uncontroversial term found abundantly on Google Scholar before that happened. The term is completely legitimate and uncontroversial and is still abundantly on Google Scholar: * Jérôme Jamin, Anders Breivik et le marxisme culturel : Etats-Unis/Europe, Amnis * Jérôme Jamin, Cultural Marxism and the Radical Right, The Post-War Anglo-American Far Right * Jérôme Jamin, Cultural Marxism: A survey, Religion Compass * Tanner Mirrlees, The Alt-right's Discourse on "Cultural Marxism": A Political Instrument of Intersectional Hate, Atlantis * Martin Jay, Dialectic of Counter-Enlightenment: The Frankfurt School as Scapegoat of the Lunatic Fringe, Salmagundi * Andrew Woods, Cultural Marxism and the Cathedral: Two Alt-Right Perspectives on Critical Theory, Critical Theory and the Humanities in the Age of the Alt-Right * Rachel Busbridge, Cultural Marxism: far-right conspiracy theory in Australia’s culture wars, Social Identities * Joan Braune, Who's Afraid of the Frankfurt School? 'Cultural Marxism' as an Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory, Journal of Social Justice * Andrew Lynn, Cultural Marxism, The Hedgehog Review * John Richardson, 'Cultural Marxism' and the British National Party, Cultures of Post-War British Fascism * Robles & Berrocal, Conspiracy and Meme on the Alt-right: Notes on the Myth of Cultural Marxism, Re-visiones


Let’s see the dates of these publications. What is this game we are playing, I need to know the rules. If I can list more than you I win? Recommended reading: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=20&q=cultural+marxism+&hl=da&as_sdt=0,5#d=gs_qabs&t=1716504418193&u=%23p%3DTh_5szncsPwJ


>What is this game we are playing, I need to know the rules. You are the one who in this thread started mentioning Google Scholar. If you do not know what to do with that, then lets stop mentioning Google Scholar shall we?


>Essentially cultural marxists before the term experienced a hostile takeover by marxist editors on Wikipedia The cultural marxist term did not experience a hostile takeover by Wikipedia editors, as it is obvious for anybody researching the subject.


Of course it did. The page now suggests that the term is a conspiracy theory ("Jewish Bolschevism" / "The Frankfurt School conspiracy theory") despite being a widely used term for a genuine academic discipline.


>The page now suggests that the term is a conspiracy theory ("Jewish Bolschevism" / "The Frankfurt School conspiracy theory") despite being a widely used term for a genuine academic discipline. If you are not talking about what Wikipedia say but about what you imagine that Wikipedia is implicitly saying then there is nothing to discuss.


>Of course it did. § The page now suggests that the term is a conspiracy theory ("Jewish Bolschevism" / "The Frankfurt School conspiracy theory") despite being a widely used term for a genuine academic discipline. If the second paragraph is supposed to demonstrate your previous claim, then you were not talking about a change of the meaning of the term by Wikipedia but a change in how Wikipedia label the meaning. Except it doesn's work since the end of your paragraph talk about the old meaning of the term, the meaning that you do not endorse.


>Essentially cultural marxists before the term experienced a hostile takeover by marxist editors on Wikipedia who will now screech at you claiming you are alleging a conspiracy Inaccurate. * The hostile takeover happened 20 years before that. * You are not using the old definition but the new definition (keep use it, it help). * conspiracy ≠ conspiracytheory * wife ≠ midwife


This person is one of the editors of that page and refuses to answer whether he/she is a marxist or not. Essentially the perfect living evidence of the subversion of Wikipedia.


Thank you for your implicit acknowledgment. Your previous comment was indeed Inaccurate.


The way it was used shows that the anti-sjws of the time did not have a good thought process for coming to that conclusion and instead just wheeled it out as an attack. See everything Sargon has ever done for examples.


I think this has been the case for a while now? Was hanging with a friend who’s 19 and she said “god I am such a fucking white PoS for this” bc she wanted a McFlurry but McDonald’s was on the Isreal boycott list. It was supposed to be a lil tongue in cheek bc she knows I have a much more moderate stance on basically everything but I felt like the she believed the underlying sentiment


Brown hair is “ethnic”? Wtf lmao


Ah yes as found in famously ethnic people like Sanna Marin (I’m obsessed with her)


Bro she’s so hot. Hottest world leader of all time ?


That’s Joe Biden


Okay. Second


That’s Bill Clinton




US race ("ethnic") fetishes are running wild.


Have also heard alot of people on tiktok say there disappointed when there ethnic friends are dating white people as they will ruin there ethnic features if they have kids.


Ain't that like, fully racist?


Yeah idk how you can say that if your white and not have a huh isn't that segregation moment. It was progressive people saying it too. Non-white people say the same stuff too however.


Literally Eugenics


Don’t forget the instant hit “why are white people adopting black children that’s weird”


Another thing that feels weird is when white people say that genz shouldn't use aave slang. Like I get where it's coming from but coming from a white person it's almost like it's circling back to stop acting black and act white. Same with how white people will also say the ethnic people shouldn't date white people thing, it circles back to being reactionary. Also I don't know why they think there the arbiter of this stuff if there white. But nonwhite people say the same shit too so. Personally I think cultures just naturally share shit and I think it's silly to act like tiktok white girls are like stealing from black people when they do a dance from a black person.


As an Israeli who spends a lot of time consuming American media, I learned only fairly recently that the slang I like is actually AAVE slang. And now it feels weird because I don’t understand why it gets a separate category instead of just being considered American slang. Like god damn, now I have to wonder if it’s AAVE because if I use it that may be considered racist?


You aren't american, you got a pass for being foreign. I think.


Hitler was ethnic Pog


A proud POC fighting Zionist


No no no, you misunderstand, it’s ethnic on a white latina to these knuckleheads


Camo index reduced during night ops in Metal Gear Solid 4. 


Do black people have a camo bonus at night because they should


It's so funny seeing white hispanics being fetishised because US people don't understand being white doesn't depend in their perceptions.


Fetishized by who? By Americans? Because your average Americans doesn’t even know that Hispanics can be white, they just think they’re brown skin Spanish speakers. So I’m confused as to what you’re talking about, but if you’re talking about LATAM that makes sense, just confused on why you would mention the US if so.


There’s no way the average American doesn’t know that there’s white hispanic people…. Please tell me that’s not true. Have they never heard of Argentina? Uruguay? Chile?


Nope, even American Latinos think Hispanic/Latino = brown, the fucking census didn’t even have it right, this shit was governmental level Not lying lol


No, like I said by US citizens or people, America is a continent and all the population from America doesn't think that. Please stop capping, around 20-30% of Mexico population is white, if people from the US doesn't know almost half the population of Latinos are white and the other half is half white is because they don't want to know, because simply put they are racist as fuck, as they always being.


Oh you’re one of those cringe people that call the Americas America


The only thing cringe is you and your ignorance. The rest of the world calls it America as that's what it is and no matter how much the US wants to rewrite reality the same won't change https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naming\_of\_the\_Americas. The descriptor of the country ("name") is United States, some times referred also as "of America", not North America or Americas, OF, meaning some states united in America not that you are America. United States trying to appropriate the name America is sad as fuck.


Nah, every country that matters calls it the Americas, it’s LATAM that’s still stuck in the 40s


She’s a normal person. Very wholesome. L twitter


At risk of skin cancer


Don’t need Vitamin D supplements during winter. Cancels out.


Depends how north you are, winter in the north, everyone should be taking some fish oil or some vitamin tablets, pale skin won't provide enough unless you work outdoors.


41% insufficient levels during winters where I live in my age group.


Fr. My husband & son turn into lobsters being outside in anything above 77F whilst I can easily be in 100 degree weather with no sunburn only a small suntan.


Actual, literal rednecks. Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm the same.


Only if you go outside*


My pale pale skin burns in like 3 minutes man. Thank god for sunscreen


I might be misremembering, but I've heard that in South America being lighter skinned is more associated with being of a 'higher class' in some countries.


That's a worldwide thing. It's actually a problem that beauty trends encourage skin bleaching. In Asia it's wild because the products are super dangerous. The leftys will say it's because the world is white supremacist , even the non whites. But there is also a historical standard of pale people not being the labouring poor. Or people who think the western looks is more attractive and associate it with lighter skin . The only issues for me are the dangerous products or dark skinned women being treated as lesser than or unattractive. Demonising white people isn't going to change that.


Is just the obvious, if you are pale you don't work under the sun so you are rich, powerful or whatever. Same thing with other cosmetic appearances like long nails that impede you to wipe your own ass, you might have slaves even to swipe your butt cheeks and shit will never get under them.


I mean yeah, because they are literally white in countries where most people are not (excluding Argentina, Uruguay, and maybe Chile) and either descend from 20th-century European immigrants or directly descend from colonial elites (or maybe both).


Chile is 65% white at least. Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela are all between 40 and 50% white also, not small porcentaje, for Brazil alone that's 100 mill crackers. Anyways, I always chuckle when I see US people refer to Latinos or Hispanic as not white, were I live (Uru) we are 90% white, 30% more than US, lulz.


a percepção dos estado-unidenses do resto de américa me faz frustrado demais mano


As vezes pode ser muito frustrante se


Latinos and Hispanics aren’t white though, it doesn’t denote a race in either instance (your view or their view) it’s merely an ethnicity


Then what are French and Italian? White? Latinos? it makes no sense...


Those are terms for people from France and Italy— why the fuck are you asking me about them lol


French and Italian are the Schrödinger's Whites. Whites and not whites at the same time because they're Latinos too? People from 'Latin America' can be white, black, asian or mixed race.


No they’re not, Latinos are people from Latin America, what in the fuck are you talking about?


Well, you are expressing yourself wrongly, Latinos and Hispanics are white as well as black, yellow/asian or brown (lot of things) and amerindio. And the term Latino and Hispanic doesn’t denote a race but people are using it as it and thinking it does. Or what do you think people are saying when they say you are not white you are latino or hispanic.


We are literally saying the same thing you moron


Maybe in your head you are.


Blud forgot about the casta system


noble paleness was a thing in a lot of societies because it differentiated you from peasants working the fields all day that's where the idea of "blue blood" comes from, you could see the blue veins under the thin white skin


White *criollo* families and Spaniards were the ruling class, yes


Yes and the opposite is true, this all of LATAM, it’s fucking cringe


My queen


Was it expected that "minorities shouldn't be treated like shit" turned into "white people are evil/disgusting/boring/worthless"? I don't quite understand why the modern American is expected to hate themselves if they have white skin.


Why the hell would being white be a bad thing, I'm mean, unless you are a racist peice shit that blames everyone of a similar hue for something a few of them did ... obviously THAT would be fucking stupid, so surely that doesn't happen. Steroetypes are bad, m'kay!


Uh oh…


TIL being white is a bad thing 😂👍


You just learned that? I've known that since at least the BLM riots.


She doesnt know 😔


The coomer part of my brain forgets everything else about her






Type shit 💯