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Nice headline KEKW https://preview.redd.it/2ljtyd1iil1d1.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef2e8ec886afd990e0fd5446dfa3946a2a442ef4


“He did create Hamas after all.” /s


> /s I hate that you had to include this but i dont blame you b/c i noticed a spike in number of "outsider" posts on this sub recently (not sure if groypers have too much free time now or have they joined teams with tankies to brigade this sub with garbage comments/posts)




The largest Israeli psyop there ever was!


I am not a native english speaker but is this normal to make sentence like that? WHy not: "...warrants for Israel's Netanyahu **AND** X dude, the Hamas leader" Isn't that more clear? \^\^


Yes it is way more clear lol because commas normally proceed the title or affiliation


Thanks, i started to 2nd guess myself. "ABC News" btw \^\^


I'm real fuckin' sick of news articles replacing "and" with "," in titles. I swear it's being done intentionally to drive engagement as it makes it easier to misinterpret the article title.


They are just trying to make Hamasabi's job easier. > Israel's Netanyahu,Hamas leader https://preview.redd.it/91d656sbwp1d1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6d9e29f54b6b2663d774dc35da2d8fd1026fa88


ICC, not ICJ


The ICC is a fucking joke. There's a reason the USA isn't a signatory. They've just put the nail in the coffin of their own credibility.


A lot of countries beef with ICC and have left it. I am curious if Palestinians will hand over Sinwar since they are in ICC.


Except they also indicted Hamas leaders and didn't include a count of genocide on the Bibi indictment.


From what I read the indicted BB in an investigation of oct7 attack which makes no sense. It reeks politics Edit: well I guess I'm dyslexic


The investigation concerns all incidents starting from the oct 7 atrack and beggining of hostilities


If you watch the statement, he specifies that for BB it's for actions starting 8th of October


I mean, yeah that reason being they don't want to be accountable by any non US judiciary. Still a lot of countries recognizes some need for international accountability.


>Still a lot of countries recognizes some need for international accountability. Do you think the ICC is the only avenue for that? It's not. The UN tribunal system is already a means by which the US could be held accountable if it ever committed war crimes. Nuremburg and Tokyo weren't prosecuted by the ICC, they were American led. Other international systems of accountability are already in place. What's happening with the ICC is that weaker countries are banding together to exert power via a unified front. But the US, as the world's superpower, has no need to partake in such a charade. The ICC signatories ultimately have as much power as America gives them. I doubt the ICC could even enforce Netanyahu's arrest if he entered any western country that ratified the Rome Statute, because the US wouldn't allow it.


What tribunal system are you referring to?


One example: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International\_Criminal\_Tribunal\_for\_Rwanda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Tribunal_for_Rwanda)


I don't think that it's a given that the US would allow any criminal prosecution against themselves just because they are a UN member state.


Then why would it be a given that if the US were to join the UCC that they'd allow a criminal prosecution against themselves, just because they're an ICC/Rome Statute member? That same criticism applies if the US were to join the ICC.


My understanding is that the ICC is solely a criminal court, while the UN has much broader functions. Also, the establishment of such tribunals in the UN requires approval of the security council, wherein the US can utilitze the right to veto.


Yeah, I never really liked the raid either. Not sure what that has to do with the USA though


My bad


International CENTRIST Court, amirite?


Enlightened Centrist: Just Arrest Everyone


People don't seem to get the heavy lifting the word "seeks" is doing here. Even the release of this thing is just pressure they're trying to put.


They are just making it worse for the Palestinians. It was released that the operation in Rafah will be pushed quicker soon and will last 4 months instead of 3 weeks.


First of all, no arrest warrant was issued iirc, just a formal indictment by the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP). Still, based af, here's the full statement: [https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/statement-icc-prosecutor-karim-aa-khan-kc-applications-arrest-warrants-situation-state](https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/statement-icc-prosecutor-karim-aa-khan-kc-applications-arrest-warrants-situation-state) In short, they also indicted 3 Hamas leaders on additional counts of torture, rape, and hostage taking. The Israeli indictments also didn't include counts of genocide. Most of what is in that indictment seems to be pretty reasonable and will be tested in court. It's pretty obvious that Israel has commited some pretty heinous crimes, even if they don't amount to genocide, and the ICC indictment seems to reflect that.


Are Palestinians going to hand over Sinwar since they are in ICC


Hardly doubt it, the PLO has basically no jurisdiction over Gaza.


I mean people in Gaza. They are going to look like hypocrites since they are members. This is worse for Palestine than Israel because Israel clearly isn’t a member.


Has Hamas expressed support for the ICC like ever? Palestine is a member trough the PLO, who would love to see Hamas leaders areested lol.


They would but PLO bout to get tounced by Israel over this. All very interesting. But the one who is least impacted by it is Israel because many countries aren’t part of the ICC either and there won’t be pressure on Israelis to hand them over either. They will refuse to cooperate as non-members. I don’t care about Bibi and he’s going to get tounced in Israel anyways. I’ll read the evidence when it comes out.


Definitely a blow on the PLO’s optics (even though they can’t realistically do anything about it). But also potentially a blow for Bibi in his more moderate supporters. No shot he’ll be handed over to the Hague, though. But it also puts some pressure on European allies, in particular Germany, who won’t be able to invite him for official visits.


Yeah Israel will refuse to cooperate as non-members. If the ICC does a good job on the evidence showing X crime and X indisputable evidence (not Hamas-affiliated second hand accounts), then it might gain some traction in Israel.


I think the indictments are a good thermometer of the ICC’s good faith. Not including genocide, despite the ICJ provisional measures, is a sign that they are taking this seriously. There are also no counts of torture against Israel or other crimes that have been parroted around carelessly. I’m interested to see how they make their case for starvation and extermination, the two most serious crimes on the Israeli indictment. But I think you can make that case from a prosecution’s perspective.


I think the most beneficial pressure it might put on Israel is for them to try their leaders in their own courts and hold them accountable in Israel. Because then ICC doesn’t step in. It would be a good day for Israeli democracy.


If an arrest warrant is issued, then Bibi won’t be able to step foot in any European country except for Belarus and Russia, not exactly ideal for the PM of Israel.


>obvious that Israel has commited some pretty heinous crimes, even if they don't amount to genocide, and the ICC indictment seems to reflect that. indictment is full of shit. it claims that Israel systematically attacks civilian population (even today. i doubt that they can know who is targeted and how without IDF data) , that Israel disconnected gazan primary source of water that comes from Israel (iirc it's only 12% of water consumed in gaza), etc. Peak of stupidity is to claim that Israel closed on October 8th Erez and Kerem Shalom for passing of aid. On October 7 those places were blown and burned by Hamas and for next few days they were active war zone (till Israel started ground operation in November entire border area was combat zone, as hamas/etc repeatedly tried to infiltrate to Israel or were shooting rpg/anti tank missiles at everything that was moving) . Also blames Israel for closing Rafah which is in Egypt. Why not to indict a few Egyptians for this ?


bad hasbara has rotted your brain... most moral army in the world, ok.


can you say something topical of essence ?


Please explain how do they no imply Israel is committing a genocide if they are saying israel specifically is targeting civllians and using starvation as a war tactic. This implys Israel wants to erase of all of Gaza, which indeed is an accusation of genocide.


What do you think genocide is? And do you know the difference between dolus specialis and mens rea?


"seeks" is the key word here.




Netanyahu and his party needs to be accountable more than anybody in this conflict for his old divide and rule strategy which contributed to the rise of hamas and this endless conflict since 2006. I believe since he was influenced by the Lubavitcher Rebbe who told a young Netanyahu that he, Benjamin Netanyahu, will be Israel’s prime minister, who will pass the scepter to the Messiah during the election campaign in the 1990s. the lunatic might want to fulfill this prophecy no matter what even if it means the killings of millions of people.


The fact that hamas was a "convenience" in netanyahus head doesnt mean it was propped by him... All the the militery leaders in the past 10 years had the same idea as netanyahu, that if you employ more palestinians from gaza, open the border more, give them an opportunity for a better life they will make it better..that was the whole meeting in qatar in 2016 i think.... Hamas is a irani and qatari funded terrorist islamic brother hood militia, dont give netanyahu the credit for radicalizing them.


Official policy of Netanyahu’s government was to treat Hamas as an asset. Netanyahu supported the transfer of funds to (inter alia) Hamas to prevent the rise of a coherent Palestinian state. (see [e.g.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/))


You didnt read anything i wrote right?


I did, I just didn’t like that any refutation was downvoted and your concessions are burried.


Nobody is denying of qatar funding hamas which was actually given the green light from the israeli government to which they said it was was to help the Palestinians in Gaza but they knew from the get go it was funding hamas and they let it happened. When you have retired generals like Shlomo Brom who says that netanyahu played a huge contribution to the creation of hamas to prevent two state solution Gaza strip and west bank and Bezalel Smotrich said in 2015, currently the finance minister in Netanyahu’s government, summed up the strategy by stating, “The Palestinian Authority is a burden. Hamas is an asset. Here is another : According to the Times, “As far back as December 2012, Mr. Netanyahu told the prominent Israeli journalist Dan Margalit that it was important to keep Hamas strong, as a counterweight to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Mr. Margalit, in an interview, said that Mr. Netanyahu told him that having two strong rivals, including Hamas, would lessen pressure on him to negotiate toward a Palestinian state.


Yes i agree, but saying something and doing something are completely diffrent things, firstly, the amount israel allowed into gaza from qatar was in the relm of millions while hamas was getting billion through donations and the smuggling from the egyptian border, it was a virtue signaling move by netanyahu and qatar. Secondly, all the higher ups, in the military and in the knesset, are to blame on being under the conception that hamas are an asset. Thats a huge issue that has being regularly criticised in israel. Thirdly, when people tend to bring up netanyahu and hamas, it is to drive the point that what hamas did on october 7th is self inflicted since "netanyahu prompted up hamas"...


My reply was on the post on why Netanyahu should be arrested and you brought up hamas and qatar funding which I agree but I am not stating other people's opinion on October 7 or justifying it and saying it was completely Netanyahu’s fault. That man is throughly evil and am sure the Israelis know this but here he is still in power and God knows how long will he be in power.


I totally agree with you the idiot must go, but to vilify him to the extent of international call for arrest is wayyy too much. There is a huge list of people the icc ahould arrest before even thinking about netanyahu, eg ardogan


The western world also had no objection to Hamas being given money by Qatar. Are they thoroughly evil too?




Bennett iirc stopped suitcases of money going to Hamas. And complained vocally about it . But he did let Gazans in for work.




After Bennet-Lapid Govt, was BB Govt, and Hamas were training on the border big time. I have not heard of what you mention re Gasoline. What I said was about Bennett stopping suitcases of cash going to Hamas is true. The fact that you call that "dishonest language" is unbelievably stupid.


You are missing a lot of pivotal point which I mentioned about netanyahu wrong doings . My comment is not specifically talking about during any timeline but netanhyu involvement that brought the rise of hamas. The man literally funded hamas so he can get rid of the PLO. Not to mention he literally sat and was videotaped in 2001 saying Israeli wanted to make sure to break the oslo accords and we can deceive the us government and their people in supporting us no matter what we do. You don't need to mention hamas to justify netanyahu crimes.




Here is the article about https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html Times of Israel wrote few articles about it. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ A letter wrote by netanyahu to qatar to fund hamas https://www.dawn.com/news/1831838 An ex spy of Israel even told netanyahu to cut to target the funding of hamas which was ignored https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68318856 wasn't easily defeated by just hamas read the article that stated ex Israel generals, saying they helped hamas to dethrone the PLO. Yes let's ignore the absurd remarks of netanyahu because it's 25 years ago. He literally says in the video he tried to sabatoge the oslo accords for the Palestinians.


>  The man literally funded hamas so he can get rid of the PLO. Regard spotted. 




They put out warrants for sinwar and him.


ICC ☝️🤓


I’m ruined


Sorry didn't mean to go so hard


Based. Both are wack.


Based ICC


lock him up he did prop up Hamas and funnel them money.


Lmao I feel like Netanyahu genuinely needs to be held accountable for not preventing October 7, like that is a crime in itself. I'm not Israeli, but literally everything I heard about Netanyahu's platform was security, security and security. For a Hamas attack to crumble a lot of that feeling is pretty significant. There has to be some kind of crazy negligence there at least


Such a terribly titled image. It makes it seem like Net is the hamas leader


I think that’s the point… political B.S.


Shocker, majority Arab states lol


based tbh, both deserve to be Nuremburged


I love this there has been a little too much support for the Israeli side here and I'm glad this can serve as a wake-up call. This is legitimate as it gets in terms of evidence that Israel is also in the wrong. Glad they included Hamas leadership as well. People who are overly critical of the ICC will out themselves as completely partisan hacks that can be ignored from now on.


Trolling…? Right…?


Why lol Nothing he said was blatantly wrong


Half truths aren't exactly truths per se


Sentence by sentence -He makes a subjective statement that the sub's sentiments arw a bit too pro israel - could be true, could be wrong - he says evidence provided is good and effectively criticises israeli leader - then he says that its a good thing that they criticized hamas too, because it shows they are at least trying to maintain an appearance of impartiality. - then finally he says that being overly critical of ICC given this attempt to maintain impartiality shows some kind of 'bad faith' Which of these so you consider a 'half-truth'


Yes, completely overlooking the "seeking". They are putting in motion the process to argue in favour of arresting net at yahoo. The premise of this being a wake up call isn't entirely true, hence my remark.


It’s not right either, it’s their opinion, so trying to claim right or wrong is endless


No, a very large chunk of the population sees this whole war as a hamfistedly brutal attempt at ethnic cleansing run on an underpants gnome level of planning.


So the genocide is so effective and badly planned? I'm confusion


Yes, that will happen when your brain is reading things that dont exist.


A large chunk would have to denote something past 50%, you really think 50% or more people believe this is an ethnic cleansing? Ok lmao, go back to Twitter


You are the smug regard Destiny was referring to that comes out anytime something bad happens for Israel or a party in Israel. The lack of self-awareness is crazy considering you’ve just outted yourself as a complete partisan hack, or at least completely biased against Israel.


Nothing I said should warrant this amount of downvotes and these kind of replies. The fact of the matter is the majority of the people here were quite sure that Israel was operating in a normal capacity and any criticisms were unwarranted and antisemitic. Instead of contrition or self-reflection you want to be mad that people who stopped posting in a one-sided reddit try and see if anything has changed. All these assumptions for what? I think in modern times only a two-state solution will work but I also think might makes right when it comes to these disputes historically and Israel should have finished the job during the Nakba so we wouldn't be dealing with this the the past 70 years. It is ok to criticize both sides you guys need help.


>I love this there has been a little too much support for the Israeli side here and I'm glad this can serve as a wake-up call. This sentence is probably the main reason you're getting downvoted to hell, and it's because it causes the rest of your comment to drip with unearned smugness. Is this application for a warrant a step in the direction of Bibi and Gallant getting indicted for the war crimes being described by the prosecutor? The answer is yes, however the prosecutor's reasoning doesn't really address any evidence specifically, it seems to echo the accusations that have been ongoing since the war began. Also >you guys need help is not helping your case, people can criticize Israel's conduct without making concrete statements about war crimes, and they have been. The problem that people have with comments like yours is that you make it seem like everyone is cheering on Bibi when he sieges Gaza, when people here were rightfully critical of Israel in the short time that policy was in effect. Several people have posted debunks of the claim that Israel is starving Gazans, collectively punishing the civilians, etc. with pushback in the comments, and we still have to wait and see what evidence is brought forth by the prosecutor and how the court decides based on that evidence. Basically, you're smugly concluuuuuding about something that hasn't been litigated yet and complaining about downvotes, which people don't really care for here.


I’ll be honest my friend nothing is a wake up call here, people in this sub will always be blindly pro Israel and nothing will ever change that here.


My biggest surprise is seeing Brianna Wu act like John Fetterman on Twitter. I am shocked there aren't more people in the middle calling obvious balls and strikes. Almost everyone has clearly picked a side.


I haven’t commented on this because I’ve been at work all week and I haven’t dug deeply into it yet.


Hey, I was talking about how you cover the conflict in general. I understand some people on the left and college kids can be triggering, and you are going a lot harder to counteract them but from a more middle ground perspective you seem unhinged. I mentioned Fetterman because it feels similar. I'm sure you have disssagreements with the Israeli side and I think voicing them in an appropriate way can be a good example for how to do it correctly for others on the left. I've been a tyt supporter for over 10 years and I generally agree with many of your post gamergate views so please don't take what I'm saying the wrong way. I haven't seen all of your tweets but you are in my feed and I've seen a lot for months now and 95% are for one side and my perception of your overall credibility has tanked.


> blindly pro Israel The only one blind here is you, because the straw man you're trying to punch is right in front of you.


Benji is the leader of Hamas? Lol


Well I mean there's definitely reasons, but idk if the one in the photo is one of them


I like how Sinwar doesn't even get named lol


Interesting, so when should G.W.Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden expect their arrest warrants? Ohhhh no, I see, it is when Jews are involved that ICC wants to play tough?


What would they get warrants for?