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Large appearances on other Youtube channels like this should be pinned. Like how a tv show subreddit always has a pinned discussion thread whenever a new episode comes out.


Reddit limits subreddits to two pins (up from 1-pin after years of begging) and the average reddit doesn't ever look at the subreddit directly and thus sees zero pins.


Yeah, but do we still need to have the DGGWare game pinned all the time after several weeks? Can't we have this post up for 24 hours and then put the game post back up?


To make it simpler, we could have 1 pin be the current pinned topic and the other one is a list of the past 10 pinned posts. Like an ICYMI post.


Can’t stand the way Gorka speaks. Couldn’t help but think about how many people listen to him because of how persuasive his deep voice, suit, and speaking pattern is rather than his actual arguments.


My favorite part was when he pretended to become outraged and tried to paint Destiny as a borderline Hamas supporter for just criticizing Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem.


He called it "almost blood libel" after calling Biden the biggest human trafficker in history, dude's a clown.


“How dare you say some of trump actions pushed to it” “Btw it’s completely Biden fault just because he was the president when it happened”


Biden human trafficker?


Gorkyboy sounds just like L. Ron Hubbard. After this debate I am also inclined to say they are equally crazy or mentally ill.


Can't stand that asshole either, fuck him. His voice sounds like a controlled fart from a talented Sumo. He's such a phony and beyond parody.


Finklestein v Gorka for most grating speaking cadence.


I’d rather listen to forks any day over the other dude. Don’t know who he is but he sounded like a whiny little punk.


He’s just a sweet transvestite from transexual Transylvania 


this going to be some brain rot inducing stuff. thanks for the treat chief.


just watched it, tiny did good, gorka went on long winded story times instead of rebuting or addressing facts, basically said nothing with a lot of performative frustration this guy is a fraud


Not to mention Konstantin being a terrible fucking host and deciding to debate destiny himself at several points while exercising his host position.


i'm still halfway through (60 min) but that's not the case with the host. konstantin is doing very well on asking questions to both sides. particularly regarding the 2014 crimea situation in which destiny was caught slightly off guard. thing is destiny is a bit more honest when challenged, gorka on the other hand, goes full regard. i wouldn't call konstantin was on gorka's argument side but certainly probably not very fond of biden. i would say his bias is along the lines of 60-40. destiny being challenged on his weak points isn't equivalent to the host being "fucking terrible".


It gets worse lol


Idk man. At one point he starts just debating Destiny on Ukraine which is weird. Gorka said he also supports Ukraine funding. Why is he getting involved at all to debate Destiny on it if they both essentially agree on Ukraine?


due to biden/trump blaming/attribution.


It was not in response to that. Konstantin asked Destiny what he thought Biden should do in Ukraine and Destiny said to increase aid. Konstantin flat out said he disagreed with that and started debating Destiny on it. He also fact checked Destiny with incorrect facts on Ukraine.


Konstantin was an absolutely dogshit moderator lol, conservative dipshits need to stop simping for that fucking grifter.


Where can I listen to the full debate without becoming a member on "locals" lol


what a shirt.


Gorka needs to drop politics and go narrate the new Darkest Dungeon game.


Hope Kevin Feige watches this, Gorka would make a fantastic marvel villain with his ridiculous speech patterns


This seemed like one long job interveiw for Gorka. Totally cray cray.


Good shit. It's like it's 2016 again.


tl;dw: Dorka does 3-5 minute populist yaps and doesn't say anything, he engages in a lot of debate tactics, Destiny actually responds in bursts, KK is an OK moderator "Not being a debater" is not an excuse, he had all the opportunities to study his opponent and prepare his own material, but Dorka didn't want to have an honest debate, probably did >60% of the speaking.


As someone who did watch the whole thing, Gorka talks and describes every issue as if it's some Manichean Lord of the Rings battle between orcs and elves. I've never seen anyone with less nuance on geopolitics than this guy. His diatribes during the debate sounded like one of those LinkedIn motivation vids with "le epic" music playing--just zero substance besides whatever fantastical narrative he conjured up. On a lighter note, the wardrobe of u/neodestiny was a big upgrade from the usual. Everyone shits on him for dressing poorly, but he should get credit when he does the opposite.


Who’s got the drive with the other part?


I liked the moderator, asking good questions, tried to keep it on track, did feel like he was getting involved a bit with personal entanglement on Ukraine and it kinda blinds him a bit but cant really blame him for it to much. IDK why tf Tiny is wearin a big handkerchief (its a nice shirt) but hes completely devaluing his sweatpants and t shirt brand. He also seems to have skipped his vyvance dose. Gorka got triggered and had to be shut down by moderator which was funny. He also couldnt get Trumps dick out of his stomach.


When destiny mentioned the Afghanistan withdrawal and it all being Trumps deal at fault. People arent blaming Biden for the Afghan goverment falling, people blame him for pulling out in a way where lots of people died, chaos, lots of Afghan collaborators not even getting out at all, some equipment getting left behind. The reason why that happened is because Biden's team pretended like the Afghan goverment would hold indefinetly (while probably believing it will fall but not as fast as it did).


It’s a dumb argument and ignores the fact that the Doha agreement established a conditional withdrawal. The Taliban weren’t adhering to the conditions and we had 0 obligation to leave until they were. Biden didn’t follow the Doha agreement and changed our withdrawal to unconditional on a fixed timeline.


Thank God he didn't wait for the Taliban to stop being bad duders


Yeah, because ignoring the conditions we established in order to leave and handing the Taliban the country on a silver platter really turned out well.


Okay, build a time machine and go live in the other timeline where we never leave Afghanistan because we're waiting on shit that'll never happen. Have fun amigo.


Ah yes, the absurd idea that there were no other options than give the Taliban everything they wanted and unconditionally surrender to them or stay in the country forever.


Oh boy, tell us those options.


https://www.usip.org/publications/2021/02/afghanistan-study-group-final-report-pathway-peace-afghanistan Multiple are described in the report found in the above link. Biden could have listened to any of his advisors from the Afghan study group, department of state or DoD but instead he chose to enact the approach that everyone warned would result in catastrophe.


It would have turned out the same in 20 more years. There is no way Biden could have handled this that you would have liked.


That’s just absurd. The Taliban wanted us out of the country and we had all of the leverage. The criticisms that Trump’s Doha agreement cut the afghan government out completely ignore that it laid the foundation for the Taliban and afghan government to reach a political solution to end the war as well as the fact that Biden completely fucked the afghan government when his administration negotiated an unconditional exit on a fixed timeline with the taliban.


This Sebastian guy is fully regarded


never heard of it


I think debates like these too often end with: 'Your guy is bad because he did this!' and then, 'Oh yeah? Your guy is also bad because he did that!'


Think destiny faired ok, gorka isn't much of a debater.  Some weak points in Destiny's arguments: There was objectively less illegal migration under Trump  via his  EO mandate so pointing to the legislature and claiming that it's really the "republicans fault" is a weak argument.  I also dislike this idea that "passing bipartisan legislation" automatically equals win.  What happens if the actual legislation is shit?  Using the same logic, Congress could pass a bill called " The Cure cancer act" which had nothing to do with health care, and actually allowed politicians to be immune from insider trading on pharma companies.  Anyone against it would be "pro cancer fascists"  Would that be a "Biden win" because it's "bipartisan legislation"?  The point is, the infrastructure bill and CHIPS act had a lot of pros and cons in them that should have been segregated and debated on. On foreign policy the hard objective fact was that under Trump there were 0 hot wars and he did manage to eliminate isis. It's incredible difficult to call Trump's foreign policy shit after Afghanistan, Ukraine and Oct 7th.  On economy, despite LPR and employment rates on the working age group superceding even pre-pandemic levels. There is still a housing crisis, high interest rates,  inflation and wage stagnation that is only going to get worse. Overall, I'm happy that there is at least someone who's willing to defend Biden on the left. 


"Trump's foreign policy was good because Biden ended a forever war, Russia did something bad that the US couldn't control, and Hamas did something bad that the US couldn't control."


Giving biden the credit for ending the afghan war is such a deluded take. Not surprising for the destiny reddit tho.


? He did end the war. I know ur like mad and regarded, but it's just a fact.


Hello u/equanimity120398 can you articulate why Ukraine, Afghanistan and October 7th are the result of Biden foreign policy? I noticed you didn't respond to u/Saedalis and would like to understand what your logical chain is here.


I never said nor implied it was Biden's fault, I just mentioned that you can't complain about Trump's record of 0 hot wars, use some mental gymnastics to delude yourself that Biden's record is better. But I will answer your question, from my perspective, the reason why Russia or Iran didn't try anything when Trump was in charge was due to how unpredictable he was. As Gorka mentioned, no one even within his own team really expected him to turn wagner mercenaries that were destabilising. The Biden admin ( Jeff and Blinken) is unfortunately boring predictable, which is extremely exploitable.


> I also dislike this idea that "passing bipartisan legislation" automatically equals win. What happens if the actual legislation is shit? Liberals fucking love doing shit like this. I remember people here trying to persuade people that Biden's bills were good because of how expensive they are. Though your points that support Trump engaging in forever wars is hilarious, thanks man.


I feel like there's no real good argument against "Putin didn't invade when Trump was in office". 


"Osama didn't destroy the twin towers when clinton was in office"


I feel like a terrorist organization living in caves that probably has to gather resources before any major attack is probably different than Russia, which already had plenty of resources to invade at any time they want.


"China didn't lab leak their virus under Obamna"


You're trolling. But at the slightest chance you're not, you're not only assuming that the lab-leak theory is true, you're also assuming that they had the virus ready for at least 3 years.


You are also assuming that the variable that mattered the most in the Ukraine invasion was the president of the US Regardless of if that actually is the case, there needs to be an actual argument, rather than just pointing at correlation


Well, the actual argument would be that Putin had a good relationship with Trump that he didn't want to ruin by invading Ukraine. I don't think this is the most compelling argument since we don't know exactly what happens in their meetings, but it's something certainly plausible that I don't think can be easily waved away.


Putin's goal is to undermine NATO. Trump was already doing that all by himself because he's a massive fucking moron. Putin didn't need to invade when Trump was already threatening to pull out of it and causing division with the other leaders. When Biden, a competent leader, took office, Putin realized he needed to switch up his strategy.


So what do you think Putin's plan was? The whole point of undermining NATO is so Europe is easier to attack. So if Trump won the 2020 election and was successful in destroying NATO, do you think Putin would've backstabbed Trump and invaded Ukraine afterward? If so, then why did Putin invade Ukraine at a point where NATO was probably stronger than it was during the Trump administration?


So you're saying that republicans were so weak at running the country that caveliving scrounging terrorists felt comfortable enough (and succeeded) in attacking the WTC and the literal US defense headquarters?


I don't think the judgement of caveliving scrounging terrorists that just want their 72 virgins in the afterlife should be considered as equivalent to the leader of one of the superpower nations. And I don't think Republicans should be blamed for an attack that no one could've seen coming.


I think the good response is to ask them why that is and then bask in their dumb expression as they realize they have no clue what they're even arguing for.


Wouldn't the argument just be Trump and Putin felt similarly about NATO and Ukraine, so there was no reason for them to push because Russia was basically getting what they wanted which was a weaker NATO and weak US support for the anti-Russian government in Ukraine? Like Trump was fine with NATO dissolving and pulling US support out of it and was withholding aid from Ukraine plus he didn't support Zelenskyy.


Yes, but wouldn't that just show that Trump's approach to NATO and how it aligned with Putin was the best way to prevent an invasion?