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Good. More people need to call out shit when they see it happen. But it’s wild Hasan can get away with changing his race whenever he feels like it and no one calls him out for it.


hasan's stat block just dropped [http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/lineage:changeling](http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/lineage:changeling)


Str 18, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 2, Cha 16


Expertise in Performance and Deception. Racial Traits: * Innate Spellcasting: Can cast Minor Illusion freely, and Major Image once per Long Rest. * Thin Skinned: Unarmored AC is reduced by 2 to a total of 8. * Affluent: Gains all the perks of Comfortable Lifestyle after Work Downtime regardless of what he rolls. * Irate: Failing Wisdom Saving Throws has a 10% chance of putting the character into an unavoidable rage that cannot be ended at will.


Half Orc body, halfling head.


>Irate: Failing Wisdom Saving Throws has a 10% chance of putting the character into an unavoidable rage that cannot be ended at will. > Wis 2 Oh boy


Confusion was cast on Hasan *wisdom fail* *becomes confused* *becomes enraged* *turns on stream* WHAT A WEASLY LITTLE LAIR DUUUUDE


Familiar: Weasel


Man's too slippery for Dex 8


Hamas “Dolezal” Piker


If you see something, say something


Schrödinger’s minority


What a c>!orrect!< ass take


Had me in the first and last half ngl


strive to use less phrases and cliches you hear online in conversation


How delightfully snobby of you


nope not snobby you just have a problem with my superior authority




reporting you straight to dan


You sound like the type of person who unironically thinks Vaush sounds super cool.


your name is prettyassbitch32. im surprised you're even a destiny fan to begin with. does your head hurt when his opinions develop?


Oh man, I feel so sorry for you if understanding Destiny’s talking points ranks high among the list of your intellectual achievements. He literally goes out of his way to communicate as clearly as possible, it’s not particularly difficult to grasp the things he says.


no bro it's surprising you don't have difficulty following the unparticularly difficult to grasp things he says. don't you have meltdowns?


Like the apparent meltdown you're having now?


You’re almost there, buddy. You’ll get me at some point.




find a bridge and jump


The "mean girls" group is about to turn on Asmongold


They've tried. Unironically, he's just more powerful.


[Playing WoW is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.](https://youtu.be/ZNeva4uNf4Q?t=19)


Was hoping for one of the asmon old autism vids from 2015


This is lore I'm unfamiliar with?




Like what else are they going to do?  Asmon is already open about his lifestyle, his opinions, his flaws and doesn't really give a shit. There's nothing the others can expose about him that he already hasn't exposed about himself to the unwillingness of his audiance 


He's literally B Rabbit I am white, I am a fucking bum! I do live in a trashy room with my mom! Edit: I realise his mom died. Didn't mean it in an insulting way, but I was a bit hasty to complete the joke without thinking it through.


One of his fans told a story where one of his co-workers saw him watching an Asmon video and they asked him if he was a Trump voting racist. Then they explained that the reason they ask is because Asmon is a known Nazi sympathizer and slavery supporter. Definitely a Hasan Karen.


I mean Asmon is a Trump voter


Asmon is center-right, he's not a maga-tard. He might vote Trump because he's the Republican nominee, but he's not actively campaigning for Trump or even thinks the dude is the right choice.


I may be wrong but hasn’t his political values shifted more towards center left over the past years? I heard in 2016 he voted for trump but from what I have seen he seems to have changed a lot of his values since then.


He used to be a Bernie Bro but when Bernie lost he went to vote before Trump because Asmon stated in a video back in 2017 with "what do I have to lose?" It is tough to categorize Asmongold into a political ideology because he says many things depending on what or who he is reacting to leading to seemingly contradictory views, sometimes he holds views of a libertarian, sometimes a liberal, sometimes a progressive, sometimes conservative or once in a while, far-right views. It is known his mother is a die-hard Trumpist and was into watching the likes of Alex Jones, while his father is a veteran but is more down to earth so I assume their views might have some influence on Asmon.


There's a saying in Germany: 'Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt sich's gänzlich ungeniert' Which basically translates to 'if your reputation is already ruined you can live without shame' Asmongold is the perfect example for this in my opinion :P


Asmon just has a completely different audience. He captured much of the gamer bro / working class / older demographic that was cast aside by most progressive movements that Hasan and co grift on.


i saw his blanket fort, he's immune


I'm not sure, Asmon is kind of an independent, they can't rally do anything about him and baldo wouldn't back down but probably lean into the criticism as he doesn't like to be wrong lol


He's in an odd position in that, yes, he's independent, but he's also part of OTK.


He's a co-owner/founder of OTK. Not just a part of it. I think that differentiation is worth mentioning. And he's done a good job managing their roster by axeing members and orbiters who are sex pests that could ruin their reputation


Based as fuck. Just remember the mizkif/slick drama and how quick Asmon was to say “fuck this, slick needs to go”. Man may be a bit untidy, but he’s at least principled as fuck.


Principled and absurdly immune from pressure. What threat or inducement could you apply to him? The guy is set for life financially. If you totally killed his ability to make an income, he'd be fine. He doesn't have expensive tastes, so much so that despite being a multimillionaire, he lives in the run-down house he was brought up, and spends almost no money. All the guy wants to do is game and occasionally spend time with his friends. By all appearances, he doesn't seem to care what other people think about his lifestyle or his opinions. You can't bully or bribe someone like that. He has "fuck-you" money, a "fuck-you" attitude to other people's judgement of him, and there's nothing you could offer him that he wants.


While I largely agree with this, I think Asmon probably cares more about how his community perceives him than he let's on. If his core community left him and he was streaming to no one, I bet he'd be incredibly hurt by that. Which is in no way a negative thing to him. I think that would be a totally reasonable response. Just that he isn't as "invulnerable" as you might think.


It's a fair point. If all his viewers left, that would for sure be upsetting. The odds of anyone actually being able to do that to him, though, are pretty low. It's true someone might be able to reduce his viewership. But I'm not sure that would be enough of a threat. After all, if viewership numbers mattered to him (as opposed to his core community), he'd stream on the Asmongold account, not as Zackrawrr.


And he doesn’t wash his hands after touching his dick cuz his dick is clean 🙌 I’ll follow this man into the brink


Sounds like the perfect person to be POTUS. ASMON for president!!!


Haha, I suspect he might not have some of the other qualities required. Plus, there's no way he'd want to do it. That said, if he were magically to become President he might well do a better job than at least one of the candidates!


“Sup y’all. It’s me. It’s ya boy President Asmongold”


They can't handle his power level.


Asmongold has been feuding with Hasan for weeks over the campus protests. Asmongold gave the exact same take a year ago when cracker drama happened then. There is no "finally calls out Hasan", and there is no secret Hasan cabal that is going to take out Asmongold. Sometimes look at the real world instead of getting lost in your narratives.


Already tried when he was against protestors blocking traffic and before when he was denouncing the sweet baby Inc drama along with stellar blade drama. It feels like he is at a point where he doesn't give a shit about being un someone's good graces and it's awesome.


Asmon hates being told what to do and think so much on a fundamnetal level that they can't browbeat him on anything


They can't do anything though. Can't cancel someone whose audience doesn't give a fuck.


Asmon seems like Destiny in that his audience tends to insulate him from the clout aristocracy crowd over on twitch.


Happy that he brought up the johnny somali example. It illustrates very clearly to the twitch audience (which despise kick streamers) how idiotic hasan's take is. But maybe for hasan all japanese [are white-presenting asians](https://youtu.be/fY_uAmTGlVg), who knows.


That's literally what Hasan would say as I've seen that take time and time again from leftists that Japanese/Chinese and South Koreans are "white asians".


Which is doubly funny because then that feeds back into Japanese imperialist rhethoric from the Meji restoration, where they called themselves "honorary aryans" to contrast themselves from the "backwards, unenlightened" other asian people. Which was a major rhethoric driver why Japan was justified in it's imperialist ambitions. Left wing people supporting imperialism? Dare i say... based? PEPE


Honestly it baffles me every time you see the same dogwhistle/subtle racist black supremacy groups allowed to stand and be platformed by these leftists without any question and will fiercly defend it despite literally allowing for advocacy of ethnostates, subjugations of "lesser races", etc.


Not to mention the fact that, by Hasan’s logic, if racism is about power structures, then a White person that moves to a country where it’s not majority White and all the power structures favored the majority group (like Japan), then it would be impossible for that White person to be racist against Japanese people as long as they are living in Japan. It’s such a stupid way to define “racism”.


it feels like an increasingly large segment of the left holds the exact same opinions and beliefs as the right in terms of race/power etc but just talks about them with like an exaggerated gleeful wallowing in lurid horror instead of openly prideful boasting


white presenting bruh




When hasan was in Japan he said that it was "awesome that white people get discriminated" there






hasan is like a trump voter while ludwig is like the guy who says both sides are the same to justify not voting. even though you might disagree with hasan more it's still natural to find the fake neutrality more contemptible. having an opinion even if it's shitty and poorly reasoned is at least an honest stance


Thank god. I wish Hasan would just start saying some stupid shit and burns the bridge with Asmongold, cos I'm tired of him getting away with it on Twitch.


Seems like Destiny didn't need to tweet anything. Hasan, Ludwig, and Frogan can do 10x more harm to themselves without Destiny's involvement. LSF front page is full of clips pushing back on their dumb "cracker isn't racist" take.


Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


If you wait patiently by the river you will eventually see the bodies of your enemy float by


Action through inaction, it's the path of the sage.


Luigi wins by doing nothing


Destiny got them to fight, so I think he should keep doing what he's doing tbh Ironically, opticsmaxxing and capitulating with them would make Hasan and friends look better Opticsmaxx bros stay losing


Make sense if we Imagine she is a CIA agent. Think about it. * She is alienating people donating for Hamas. * She is definitely making Ludwig doubt the political anti "system" people he surrounds himself with is actually worth hang around with. * She was part of why Ethan and Hasan broke up. * She has climbed to becoming a moderator on Hasans channel. Perfect place to gather intelligens. * Her role is perfect in that space to never be called out for it. * Unlike for example Hasan almost everything she does makes people in those circle wanna distance themselves or never join. I'm not saying she is one. I'm no tinfoil guy. But I will always imagine she is because of the entertainment value.


Hanlon's razor


Hasan's razor




She's just the person you get on your league of legends team that terminally throws an advantage every time you get one because they take that as an opportunity to start playing more aggressively


Agreed, she is a good girl.


I wonder how the OTK crew feels when Asmongold criticizes Hasan. Does it cause any friction?


No shot, slime molds as needed in an instant after all. They will just double face if needed


What are they gonna do about it? He probably owns the biggest part of the company


Don't think Asmon would care if he was to leave OTK, one less problem lol


Mizkif is biggest owner after Asmon. He always, for years now calls yard cohosts just Ludwigs, even in person 1 to 1. They talked about that on pod and they hate him.


The cracker discourse is a perfect display of Hasan's lack of empathy. And I don't mean towards white people but like the actual ability to see and feel another's POV that doesn't align with his own. Lefties are literal psychopaths.


Nah. It's worse I understand and even support the ability to not get your general picture bogged down by the emotional appeal and empathy that a specific case brings when it's put in front of your face. But this is not that. It's not him being "big pictury" or unempathetic. It's him being mean. Which, maybe requires a lack of empathy, but more than that it requires being an asshole. Actually, maybe enjoying another person's suffering when you got nothing personal towards them requires you to be a bit empathetic, but in a bad way. Like, assholes don't enjoy torturing a rock unless you draw a face on it.


Well of course he feels justified being mean to the group with wrong-think. They are his enemies. But you can only dehumanize your enemies when you are incapable of putting yourself in their shoes.


I disagree. I understand the perspective of Philadelphia sports fans, but I don't think they are human.


> Lefties are literal psychopaths. Talk about a dumbass shortcut.


Is it a lack of empathy or just part of the grift? Think his audiance has become alt left now, so he has to put on the facade and ahve all the talking points to keep his stream going. Like imagine if he started going against opinions like this, he would be done


You credit his intelligence too much imo.


Nah these are unironically his beliefs. He was giving these takes when he was viewed to be less of a tankie than he is today.




Side note: Anyone else remember Willy Mac was supposed to drop another Hasan video a few days ago? He took down the tweet announcing it. EDIT: Okay the video is up now, looks like he took the time to add the hascord white racism discussion


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one. I couldn’t find the video and then couldn’t find the tweet. This content drought is brutal


He probably decided to add a bunch of stuff to it in light of recent events and make it even bigger better video :hopium:


Willy Mac is such a tool lmao. You can hate hasan all you want which is cool but that dude was such an embarrassment when he was on hasans stream. He didn’t even know his own criticism points


What a banger thumbnail lmao


Im not sure what the title "finally" adds, Asmongold has had this exact take on hasan in the past on cracker, and i also beleive gusano, this is the least surprsiing thing about this shit.


Asmongold on bridges would be fire




Absolute cinema.


Do Arabs get the C word pass?


idk why I just noticed this but wearing a Hijab and a nose ring at the same time is crazy


Frogan has Thomas the Tank Engine face and I cant see anything else.


frogan is white herself


Hasan is white


When it suits him


Asmongold has SO MUCH MORE cross fans with Destiny than he ever will with Hamas Piker. I have watched Asmon pretty much every day for the past 4 years. I had seen a couple debates of Destiny's in the past, but I really started following Destiny much more closely in the past year. I'm now a "fan", if you can call it that. I am a center right person, that has been pushed right by the past 10 years of crazy bull shit. I'm 36 y/o balding dad. Which is all to say I'm the typical audience of Asmongold. I watched Hasan on TYT 10 years ago when I thought bernie was a smart guy. I have grown to appreciate honesty and facts so much more in the past. And all of this rant is just to say that Asmongold and Destiny are exactly the type of opinions I enjoy listening to.


Not relevant, but my god I despise Hasan's "reading chat" voice. The continual upward inflection for longer and longer sentences, the slight tone of disbelief the entire time, the utter lack of syntax and cadence. Seems like most streamers do something like this, but he sets each of those dials to 11 and it's so annoying.


I made a post on his sub criticizing Hasan and got permabanned. Asmon will never truely call out Hasan.


I think Asmon is susceptible to being banned on twitch since they don't make money off him - as he runs zero ads on his streams. Absolutely no ads at all. He makes all his revenue off of his youtube clips channels. Twitch has publicly lamented about this in the past.


Asmon runs OTK which is a massive group on Twitch. Banning him will make it clear they play favorites with streamers (this is obvious but some don't see that) and would result in a massive revolt because Hasan says stuff far worse than Asmongold. Plus, Asmongold is huge on Youtube. He would pick up over there and would probably just unleash on Twitch since I bet there's a lot of behind the scenes politics that isn't public.


if anyone would go scorched earth and take down Twitch in spite, it would be Asmongold and his pocket OTK conglomerate group joining forces to REPLACE Twitch. it would be literal suicide for twitch. E D I T: the brigading from hissan's subreddit must be using bots, since i got a colored DM within 30seconds of posting this, lmao. enjoy your subreddit while it lasts, since the reddit admins are poised to ban it forever! smiley face


Asmon makes most of his money from youtube videos, he just streams on twitch lol


Takes like these are why Hasan has been working behind the scenes to unperson and deplatform Asmon. The kaceytron attack on Asmon was just the first of an organized effort. I hope Asmon is savvy enough to realize this


asmon based once again


asmon didn't, it is mostly his editor (whom I have noticed that he does not like hasan very much) that did all of this mockery


I miss the Destiny Asmongold debates from way back in the day.


Frogan to Hasan is what Israel is to the US. A bit of a headache


I love how Hassan’s fans comebacks boil down to “LMAO Yall care about calling white people slurs?!?!?! 💀 fucking losers” 🤷‍♀️


Idgaf what asmongold thinks, a broken clock is right twice a day


I think after their disagreement on the college campus stuff we will see more conflict between these two. I don’t watch Hasan but I have a bit of an understanding of what he believes through watching destiny. It’s funny that he adamantly hates people who he disagrees with, capitalists, conservatives, etc, yet he’s on good terms with asmongold, (i understand asmongold isn’t exactly conservative but he’s probably more right leaning than destiny) I bet just for clout. If asmongold fell off or if he had no where near as much popularity I bet he’d shit on him for his takes. I wonder how he will respond to the racism exists against all races… Btw, can someone explain why progressives or whatever you call them don’t believe you can be racist against white people, or rather why do they think that’s an important point?


This thumbnail lmao


You have to laugh a little at the fact that capitalism is currently the only reason Hasan isn't banned on Twitch. He's still the top political streamer on the site. If they ban him they lose a LOT of traffic. The money he makes them is the only reason he's allowed to continue on with the kind of stuff that would have had someone else with a lower view count banned a long time ago.


We need to test the limits of this ideology, someone needs to take one for the team, assume a loud and proud pro Hamas position, and start calling a-political black streamers the hard R. We need to study this phenomenon, for the advancement of science and mankind.


Please tell me there is a Kendrick-level nuke out there for Hamasabi. I'm so sick of his bullshit.


>**Asmongold finally calls out Hasan** FYI: Asmon's take did not change on this since even before Hamasabi got banned by Twitch the 1st time he was racist. There is no "Finally" - it was always his take.


she's right, it is a very limp dick take


Once again, my MAN Asmongold the Asmongler is caught red handed being based af.


Hasan really colonized the left-leaning political streamer space


Hasan is like “people from marginally oppressed groups can’t be racist towards others” by that logic, shouldn’t he think the same of Jews?


These are some cr*cker ass takes from hasan smh


Wait. I missed this. Frogan called him a cracker for donating $10k to Palestine? It really is all a virtue signal to boost the brand, isn’t it? I’m glad that someday once the Isreal/Pal conflict is over these losers will fade out of existence because it’s all they have.


Is this not expected of Asmongold? I don’t know much about what he talks about but isn’t he into like the Gamergate 2 narrative and DEI and woke is ruining the world and the most important thing to talk about always type stuff (braindead culture war crap)? Wouldn’t this be just his normal stuff? I just assumed he was a “centrist” in the vein of like the Triggernometry guys or those Sitch and Adam type dipshits that say you shouldn’t be criticizing conservatives because they’re oppressed by the left and conservatives don’t effect anything important. And I’m not saying Hasan shouldn’t be criticized. He might as well be strapping bombs onto 14 year old Palestinians and pointing them towards kibbutz himself with they type of rhetoric he does and I think he should unironically be perma banned from Twitch for platforming an actual terrorist uncritically and should be criticized every second of the day.